On what Ostap Bender wanted to get money. Millions out of thin air

Ostap Bender, in his own words, knew "four hundred relatively honest ways to take money." Some of these methods he used in pursuit of wealth. We list them, as well as those tricks and scams, with the help of which the resourceful great schemer achieved his goals.

1. In a few minutes, Ostap found a common language with the janitor and got a place to sleep.

- So I'll spend the night with you?
- For me, at least live all your life, since you are a good person.

2. With the help of skillful blackmail, Ostap forced Vorobyaninov to take him as a partner.

... I have just as much reason, as Andy Tucker said, to believe that I alone can handle your case.

3. Pretending to be a fire inspector, Ostap made his way to the nursing home and, finding out where the chair had gone, had lunch and took a bribe from Alchen.

... This is the one hundred and fourteenth article of the Criminal Code, - said Ostap, - giving a bribe to an official in the line of duty. But he took the money...

4. Posing as the son of the leader of the nobility, Ostap, without paying a penny, obtained information about Vorobyaninov's chairs from old man Korobeinikov.

- What money? - said Ostap, opening the door. - You seem to have asked about some money?

5. To provide the business with working capital, Bender organized an underground organization and was able to get 500 rubles from opponents of Soviet power.

- This, - said Ostap, - a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy, a person close to the emperor.

6. For the sake of business, Bender married Madame Gritsatsuyeva and, having opened a chair, fled, taking with him a golden strainer.

- What can not be done for the good of the concession!

7. Ostap was able to persuade Ellochka to give him a chair by giving her the golden strainer of Madame Gritsatsuyeva. To do this, he took advantage of Ellochka's craving for the latest fashion achievements.

- You know, now in Europe and in the best houses of Philadelphia they have resumed the old fashion - to pour tea through a strainer.

8. In order to get on the ship, Bender pretended to be an artist (when the truth came out, he was landed in disgrace in the town of Vasyuki).

... Instead of a sower scattering bonds, Ostap's mischievous hand depicted a kind of stump with a sugar head and thin lashes instead of hands...

9. To get money to continue searching for the coveted chair, Bender, calling himself a grandmaster, held a simultaneous game session and collected money from naive Vasyukin chess lovers.

...Farewell, lovers of strong chess sensations! Long live the Four Horses Club!

10. In the city of Pyatigorsk, Bender sold tickets to Proval to tourists (among whom were policemen) (entrance was free).

- It's amazing, - thought Ostap, - how the city hasn't guessed until now to take kopecks for entering the Proval. This seems to be the only place where the Pyatigorsk residents let tourists without money. I will destroy this shameful stain on the reputation of the city, I will correct the unfortunate omission...

11. Ostapa twice took away money from a member of the "Union of the Sword and Plowshare" Kislyarsky, who, on his own head, went to rest in Tiflis, and then to the Crimea.

"Tell me," Kislyarsky asked plaintively, "can't two hundred rubles save a giant of thought?"
- I think, - said Ippolit Matveyevich, - that bargaining is inappropriate here!

12. Having found himself without money in Arbatov, Bender pretended to be and, having earned a few rubles, was able to save the situation by recognizing his brother in Balaganov.

"It's all about the kind of father," the visitor remarked sadly. - I am the son of Lieutenant Schmidt.

13. To get to Chernomorsk, Ostap passed off Kozlevich's car as the lead car of the rally, which helped to "skim cream" from the gullible inhabitants of the towns and villages that they passed.

...Ah, children, dear children of Lieutenant Schmidt, why don't you read newspapers? They need to be read. They quite often sow reasonable, good, eternal...

14. Bender sold the recipe for moonshine and the technology for creating a moonshine still to the Americans. Although, by and large, this is not a scam, but quite an honest mutually beneficial deal.

- How! So they need a new village! They need village moonshine, not a village! ..

15. To cover up his activities in Chernomorsk, Bender organized a fictitious one (although he did not manage to deceive the state for a long time).

...In my heart I'm a bureaucrat and a bungler. We'll be stocking up on something really funny, like teaspoons, dog numbers, or shmookler stuff. Or horns and hooves...

16. Ostap was able to collect "compromising evidence" on and, through blackmail, get the coveted million rubles from him.

...The folder sells for a million. If you don't buy it, I'll take it to another place right away. They won't give me anything for it, not a penny. But you will die. I am telling you this as a legal entity to a legal entity...

17. For the sake of obtaining information about the hiding Koreiko, Ostap was able to seduce Zosya and find out where he had gone. True, apparently, he actually began to have tender feelings for her.

- Gentle and amazing! he muttered. Ostap turned back, following his beloved. For two minutes he rushed under the black trees. Then he stopped again, took off his captain's cap and stomped on the spot. - No, this is not Rio de Janeiro! he finally said...

18. Bender, having got on a train with journalists, was able to impersonate one of them and even help Ukhudshansky by selling him a manual for writing articles (a set of standard phrases).

- The Eternal Jew will never wander again! - suddenly said the great strategist, looking around the audience with a cheerful look ...

19. Bender was able to write and sell the script for the film "The Neck" to the Black Sea film studio.

... Leaving the accounting department, Ostap put the money in his pocket and said: - Nebuchadnezzar is right. There is only one business man here - and that Spouses ....

Money, according to Karl Marx, is a receipt that gives the right to exploit the labor of others. It is possible to get them in different ways. Most of the people on the planet do this by creating new treasures, in other words by working.

In this case, they simply exchange their own labor for someone else's. But there are individuals who are not satisfied with this method. From world literature, we know many characters who raised funds in other ways, for example, by redistributing the product with selfishness for themselves. One of them is Ostap Bender.

The methods of taking money from those who accumulated it in excess, used by the Grand Schemer, became good. At least we have.

From the very first pages of The Golden Calf, it becomes clear to the reader that the son of Lieutenant Schmidt, who came to the reception of the provincial head, is an ordinary rogue, a small swindler. The monologue that followed after the end of the meeting with “brother Kolya” makes it clear that this is not entirely true, in fact, it is not necessary to confuse the “gentleman in search of ten” with any punks who have no idea of ​​​​the real scale.

About how many ways of taking money Ostap Bender knew, the reader becomes aware of his own words. The brave man says that there are four hundred of them, but it is clear that this figure is arbitrary. In reality, there may be fewer, and more, and by and large an unlimited number.

In support of this, the character in one of the episodes immediately, on the spot, invents the four hundred and first method. Along with this, Ostap-Suleiman emphasizes that he respects the criminal code, and does not violate its articles. Which is not fully true, at least in the modern understanding of the offense.

Did Bender sit in a colony?

But the point is not only how many ways Ostap Bender knew about taking money. All of them are fraudulent, but the Grand Schemer still calls them honest, despite the fact that with the amendment “enough”. The reader, thinking about this discrepancy, may conclude that in the 20s of the last century, the deception of certain categories of citizens of the USSR was not considered an offense.

And he will be completely right.

"Honest" scam

Returning to the equipment of the main brave man, it is possible to conclude that he was in the colony, but not for very long. Socks, needless to say, he managed to take down, but boots were not out of fashion yet. This is explained by the fact that in 1922-1926 some criminal articles were decriminalized, in other words, the acts indicated in them were no longer taken into account as an offense.

In particular, in extortion and blackmail in relation to the exploiters (which included the NEPmen), the proletarian state treated them condescendingly, considering them something like a little hooliganism. Of course, the methods of Ostap Bender, thanks to which he replenished cash

the reserves of the “concession” fell (in a bad case for him) under administrative responsibility, and in past episodes he was amnestied.

What threatened the "Sword and Plowshare"

There is, however, in the great novel "12 Chairs" and an episode that speaks of the extraordinary courage of the main character, reaching recklessness. It is precisely to them that it is possible to explain the creation of the pseudo-counterrevolutionary organization "The Alliance of the Sword and Plowshare", if you do not take into account the likely ignorance or stupidity of the Grand Schemer. Titanic life experience, a huge supply of aphorisms and other indirect indicators allow us to completely dismiss the assumption that he was a fool.

The reader is already aware of how many ways Ostap Bender knew about taking money, as well as about his respectful attitude to the Criminal Code, based on this, it is also not necessary to think that some articles of this fascinating little book are unknown to him. There is only one thing left - insane courage.

It was enough to be at some kind of conversation on this topic in order to appear among the repressed. And now Bender starts a conversation about the "Alliance" in a circle of intimidated NEPmen, passing off Kisa as a democratic favorite who returned from exile. There was no guarantee that the same Kislyarsky, the owner of the artel "Capital bagels", would not run to repent in the OGPU in a race with the rest of the participants in the underground meeting. And in this case, the concessionaires were threatened with something worse than public censure and an administrative fine.

The reader is rightly surprised at how many ways of taking money Ostap Bender knew, his impunity, resourcefulness and determination, but he is unaware that most of them at that time really did not fall under the articles of the Criminal Code, unlike the "Sword and Plowshare", for which freely threatened "tower".

Bender prototype

Osip Shor - this is how they called the person from whom Ilf and Petrov wrote off many of the features characteristic of the Great strategist. Habits, appearance, manner of dressing up, the richest and most versatile life experience, tremendous resourcefulness and vocabulary in any critical situation were, of course, characteristic of this friend of Odessa writers. how many ways Ostap Bender knew to answer urgent problems, he had so many methods, if not more.

Shor had a criminal past, was engaged in a variety of cases, he served in the Cheka, and, as a result, became disillusioned with the perfections of socialism. Many events of his life contributed to this, as well as the death of his brother, the poet. Bender's phrase about the unwillingness to build socialism belonged, most likely, just to him.

Ostap Bender knew 400 relatively honest ways to take money from the population

We will only talk about one thing - lotteries

Someone always wins the lottery, but it's always someone else.

In translation from Italian, the word "lotto" (lotto) means "fate"

The Great Wall of China was built with lottery money. In 213 BC. e. they played like this: those who wished to throw off their money, and the pigeon chose the winner - whose house he landed on, that one got the win

History knows only one case when the same person won a large cash prize in the lottery twice. A 26-year-old resident of Turin once won a million dollars in the lottery, and four years later, having bought a lucky ticket, she won 1 million euros

The average chance of winning a big lottery jackpot is 1 chance in 120 million (nevertheless, it is the theory of probability that proves to us that this is possible at any moment)

With the money collected from the lottery in America, Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia universities were built. And in Australia - the famous Opera House in Sydney. By the way, in Australia, lotteries annually bring in $3 billion to the budget.

In order to force passengers to pay their fares properly, a lottery competition for travel tickets was held in one Russian city. Naturally, many wanted to be winners, rather than arrange verbal battles with the controller. Transport workers did not fail - within three weeks their incomes tripled.

The most popular lottery! In Greece, in three days they manage to sell 100 million lottery tickets with a population of 10 million.

60% of Europeans play the lottery. The average German spends "for good luck" about 800 dollars a year, the Englishman - 150. And the Russian only - 0.7 dollars.

In Russian folk tales, the hero's success is often viewed solely as luck, and not as a reward for his own labors. According to psychologists, this is why Russians have a genetic craving for lotteries.

Interestingly, television lotteries have their own traditions: for example, each lottery ball must weigh exactly 78 grams. You must pull the ball with your right hand.

When Americans win the lottery, they are offered: to take the money right away or to receive it in installments over 30 years. Most Americans prefer to take money outright. In this case, the amount is reduced by almost 2 times. And after paying taxes, a little more than a third of the amount remains from the winnings

According to some astrologers, winning the jackpot is a unique event that is "written" in the birth chart. Looking at the horoscopes of millionaires, you can see that the winners were not just born on a good day - they were at the right time in the right place.

What to do if you suddenly win the jackpot in the lottery?! Psychologists advise: take a vacation for 2-3 weeks and think about a new circumstance of your own life. Particular care must be taken with young players, who usually squander money in a short time that could be invested in a decent education.

Below we have a large selection of types of fraud that you should be wary of when traveling.

Alas, tourists at all times, even when the very concept of “tourism” had not yet been invented, were in danger of being deceived, cheated and robbed in a foreign land. And we are not talking about outright robbery, no, we mean all kinds of fraud. And even in the most seemingly "civilized" countries, you run the risk of being the center of attention of dishonest people. Of course, somewhere this probability is higher, somewhere lower, but scammers are everywhere. And in this post, we would like to tell you about 40 popular ways of cheating tourists that you can encounter in different countries.

Friendship Bracelet

Someone approaches you and offers you a friendship bracelet. Regardless of your answer, they will try to take you by the wrist and try to put on a bracelet, asking for payment. It can also serve as a distraction while an accomplice is rummaging through your pockets.
Common: in Paris, Rome, Barcelona, ​​Cairo.

Rose for your woman

The moment you are with your girlfriend/wife/mistress, a man comes up to you and offers her a rose. Then he will ask for an exorbitant amount, and if you refuse, he will make a mockery of you as greedy and poor.
Common: in Paris, Rome, Barcelona.

Found ring

Right in front of you, a woman will "find" the ring and ask if you lost it. When you say no, she will examine it and report that it is pure gold. And after that he will offer you to buy it. And rest assured, the price will be much, much higher than the real cost.
Common: in Paris.

A baby thrown into your arms

A woman comes up to you and throws her baby (usually a doll) into your arms. When you pick it up in shock and try to figure out what's going on, accomplices rummage through your pockets or bag.
Common: in Rome.

street games

Eternal classic. The game "thimble" is usually used. Three or more glasses are used, which the “leader” quickly moves around the table, seemingly in a chaotic sequence. You need to guess which of them is the ball. Usually this performance is used to divert your attention while your pockets or bag are being cleaned.
Common: in Paris, London.

Lost wallet

You see a wallet on the ground/floor, as if stolen and thrown away. As you walk by, you instinctively check to see if your own wallet is still there. By doing so, you show the observer where your money is in order to later try to steal it.
Common: in Rome, Ukraine.

A stain on your jacket

Someone quietly spills some liquid (anything from ketchup to fake bird droppings) on your jacket or jacket. Then they point you to the stain and offer to help clean it up. When you pass them clothes in their hands, the pockets are imperceptibly cleaned.
Common: in Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro.

Shoe shiner

A man drops his shoe brush right in front of you. When you pick it up for him, he offers to thank you with a shoe shine. At first it looks like a gesture of goodwill in gratitude, but at the end of the work they will demand money from you.
Common: in the Stambul.

Rosemary Vendor

An elderly woman offers you a sprig of rosemary, which is a symbol of friendship. She will grab your hand and probably tell you to tell fortunes. Then he will demand money for services. And if you do not pay, he will start cursing you and your family, and very loudly and convincingly.
Common: in Madrid, New Delhi.


When you take pictures, especially when you take portraits of each other, a friendly looking local offers to take pictures of you together. At best, he will then ask for money for help, at worst, he will run away with your gadget.
Common: throughout Europe.


A friendly and energetic person grabs your attention as you walk by and asks you to rate his music by handing you a supposedly free CD. He will tell you that you would do him a huge favor if you let your friends and acquaintances at home listen to his music. When you take the disc, he will ask for payment, and if you refuse, he and his accomplices will start to intimidate you until you pay.
Common: in NYC.

drug dealer

A taxi driver or auto rickshaw offers you some kind of drug if you are going to a party or an evening stroll. When you make a deal, a fake cop appears, grabs you, and starts extorting a bribe to get you out of jail.
Common: Koh Phangan, Thailand.

Expensive taxi

Some taxi drivers will try to take advantage of your ignorance of the city or area. They will choose a longer route, stand in traffic jams so that a larger amount is accumulated on the counter.
Common: Worldwide.

Night bus

You will be offered an incredibly cheap intercity trip by night bus. As a result, you will pay more than you expected, because you will be charged for baggage, and even steal something.
Common: in Bangkok.

Dropped and changed

Taxi drivers, waiters, vendors, etc. “accidentally” drop your change and raise what looks like the same amount. But at the same time, they replace coins and banknotes with others of lesser denomination.
Common: in Asia.

broken wheel

Rented cars often catch the eye of the locals. They puncture your tires one way or another and then offer to help you change the wheel. While your attention is distracted, an accomplice steals your things from the salon.
Common: in San Jose.

Railway Pickpockets

Full trains are one of the most popular "work" places for pickpockets.
Common: in Europe.

Runaway Taxi Driver

When you arrive from the airport to the hotel, the taxi driver kindly takes out your luggage from the trunk. He hurries, quickly gets into the car and leaves. And all because he did not take out one of your smallest and most inconspicuous bags or suitcases.
Common: in Las Vegas.

Cashier with phone

A cashier in a store pretends to be on the phone while serving you. But in fact, it discreetly photographs your bank card in order to make a copy of it later.
Common: in Barcelona.

slow count

The cashier counts your change very slowly and often pauses, in the hope that you will lose patience and either leave, or finally take the change with relief, which will be counted out to you much less than necessary.
Common: in Europe.

Incredibly profitable jewelry

A friendly taxi or auto rickshaw driver says that the place you are going to is already closed and recommends you go somewhere else. When you arrive, you “accidentally” meet another kind person who tells how he buys diamonds or other precious stones at a local jewelry store, and then sells them for much more at home. His job is to convince you to buy jewelry, ornaments, or even carpets, promising that you will sell them for a good profit at home.
Common: in Bangkok, New Delhi.

sly doctor

A "doctor" after hours offers you to buy a fake doctor's license, assuring you that with their help you can save good money on travel insurance. That's just all the insurance companies know about it and are not conducted.
Common: in New Delhi.

fake cop

A “cop” comes up to you and tells you that there is a lot of counterfeit money now, so he needs to check your wallet. When he returns it, some of the money is stolen. Also, the “policeman” may ask for your passport or visa and pretend that there is some problem with your documents, asking for a reward for solving it.
Common: in Mexico City, Bogotá, Bucharest, Bangkok.

fake ticket

While you are standing in line at the ticket office, one of the staff members (fake) approaches you and offers more expensive tickets, but without a queue. The tickets turn out to be fake as well.
Common: in Paris, London.

Local resident eager to help

A nice person who speaks Russian comes up to you and offers to help you with an incomprehensible ATM or ticket machine. It looks like selfless help, but in fact, he remembers your pin code so that he can later steal your wallet with a bank card. Maybe run away with the cash.
Common: in Europe.

Card Seller

They approach you and offer to buy a card. It is unfolded in front of your face to show the product in front of you, but this is done as a distraction while it is being stolen from your pockets.
Common: in Europe.


Usually this is an old man / old woman or a pregnant woman asking you for change at a store, shop or other establishment. Usually it looks harmless, but often their accomplices watch where you put your wallet. For the future.
Common: Worldwide.

Free massage

As you lie relaxed on the beach, a man comes up to you and offers to give you a massage. Even if you refuse, he will try to give you a small massage as a "probe" for free. But once he starts, he will try to do it for as long as possible, so that later he will require you to pay for a full session.
Common: Barbados, Bahamas.


An attractive woman approaches a lone male traveler and flirts. She will offer to go to a bar or club with her, and at the end they will bring you an outrageous bill.
Common: in Athens.

Pickpocket warning

Pickpockets pretend to be friendly locals and tell you they just saw someone steal your wallet or phone and advise you to be careful. They keep a close eye on where you check your lying phone and wallet. Later they try to steal them.
Common: in Europe.

broken camera

Someone asks for a photo of him or a group of his friends. The camera given to you does not work, and when you return it, it is thrown to shatter. After that, they begin to demand compensation from you, and they can also rob you during a dispute.
Common: Worldwide.

female students learning english

Innocent looking girls hear you speak English and ask you to help them practice the language. Their story soon turns into a tearful story, and you are asked for money. The same approach is used to invite you to a cafe and thereby thank you. The deranged will bring the bill, and the girls will disappear somewhere.
Common: in Shanghai, Beijing, Xi'an.

free peanuts

When you are sitting at a table in a cafe, a man comes up and offers peanuts, placing a vase with them. As soon as you touch them, he will ask for payment.
Common: in Rio de Janeiro.


A poor-looking child hands you a pen and a card and asks you to help write a letter home. He talks about his poverty and provokes a feeling of pity in you in order to play on this and shake your money off.
Common: in Rome.

Request for charity

A group of children, often pretending to be deaf, are asking you to sign a petition for charity and make a donation. While you are reading the petition, their hands, hidden in folders, climb into your pockets.
Common: in Paris.


A large group of gypsy children and adolescents surround you on the street and loudly and chaotically ask you for money or other handouts. They can sell newspapers by opening in front of you and showing you while others reach into your pockets and bags.
Common: in Rome, Milan, Florence.

closed hotel

The taxi driver (in collusion with the scammers) says that your hotel is closed for renovations, but he knows another place where you can stay. This hotel happens to be in a disgusting area and much more expensive. These places are often named very similarly to popular hotels, to confuse tourists when they arrive, so that they decide that the hotel is correct, but the photos of the rooms on the website were wrong.
Common: in Europe.

Fake call from reception

Identity thieves call your hotel room and pretend it's from reception. They ask you to confirm your bank card details. They might call in the middle of the night to make you too lazy to go downstairs and find out everything.
Common: Worldwide.

number check

Two "employees", dressed in hotel uniforms, knock on your room for a routine check of the premises. One distracts you with a conversation, the second steals what is in plain sight.
Common: in Barcelona, ​​Madrid.

Fake Menu

A fake menu is slipped under the door of the room, in the hope that you will call the phone in it and order something. They will not bring you anything, instead they will make a duplicate of your bank card.
Common: in USA.

We hope this compilation will help some of you avoid trouble in the future. Happy travels and have a great holiday!

As you know, Ostap Bender knew 400 relatively honest ways of taking money, by which he earned his living.

Nowadays, some citizens go much further, inventing new ways, and individual servants of Themis help them in this, contriving to fix them legally.

Imagine a situation: someone gave a loan to a good friend, but he does not repay the debt under all sorts of pretexts. At the same time, the lender has a debt document in the form of a notarized loan agreement. The debtor, in addition to the debt itself, has a couple of reliable people who can testify about anything.

It would seem that the creditor has every chance in court to recover his money from the negligent borrower, since all the norms of both substantive and procedural law are on the side of the creditor. However, it turns out that not all servants of the law are guided by the norms of the law, and it is precisely such servants that the debtor finds. And then everything gets upside down.

Judge for yourself: Iskakova D., having a friendly relationship with her friend Akhmetova E., repeatedly borrowed money from her. The borrower, as it turned out later, purchased real estate at a reasonable price in houses under construction, and then resold it at market value. Having felt the taste of money, the borrower at some point decides not to return the debts anymore, but to invest them in other profitable projects.

Turning to the court, Iskakova D. faced such violations of the law, which she could not even imagine in her worst dreams. First, the debtor filed a challenge to the judge, which was considered by another judge and rejected due to groundlessness. Despite this, the chairman of the Almaly district court of Almaty, N. Seitov, seized the civil case from one judge and transferred it to another. That does not fit into any framework of the procedural law. After all, in accordance with its norms, after the rejection of the application for the removal of a judge, the case is subject to further consideration by the same judge.

The new judge Nusupbekova B., when considering the case, clearly took the side of the debtor, as evidenced by the following circumstances.

So the debtor, trying in every possible way to evade responsibility, began to accuse the creditor of the fact that the latter allegedly provided a loan at interest, and the amount indicated in the agreement significantly exceeded the one that Akhmetova received. At the same time, Akhmetova, in an attempt to at least somehow justify the chosen position, twice during the process changes the amount taken and the interest, indicating either 150% or 60% for 3 months. The difference, as you can see, is significant, and most importantly, what is surprising, each time Akhmetova emotionally and even with theatrical pathos defended one or the other amount. True, this evidence was limited only by her own explanations. But, as it turned out, in some "exceptional" cases, this is enough. Judge Nusupbekova B., violating all conceivable norms of civil law, without any written evidence, takes the words of the debtor as evidence and recognizes the loan agreement as invalid due to the fact that it was allegedly concluded by Iskakova at interest as an entrepreneur. In the decision, the judge explains to the shocked creditor that raising money as a business activity is prohibited. Why shocked, but because, lending money and thereby helping out a friend, Iskakova D. did not even talk about any interest, as evidenced by the contract itself and the notary who certified it. But neither the contract, nor the explanations of the notary and the creditor interested the judge and, for some unknown reason, were ignored.

In general, throughout the entire trial, the judge was only interested in the versions of the debtor for non-recognition of the debt, despite all their absurdity and illegality. For example, the court declared the loan agreement invalid also because the consent of the debtor's spouse was not obtained for its conclusion. Until now, it remains a mystery to the creditor why, in order to manage her own money, she needed to obtain the consent of her husband E. Akhmetova, why she might need such consent in a transaction that does not require mandatory notarization and certified by a notary only out of a desire to insure ? The answers to these questions cannot be found in the codes and can only be found out from the debtor who made such absurd demands, and from the judge who gave them the form of a decision contrary to the norms of family and civil law. Otherwise, such evasions are clearly illegal and fraudulent.

Without stopping simply on recognizing the loan agreement as invalid, the court refuses to recover the amount of the debt to the creditor, motivating its refusal by the fact that this debt has already been returned. This is where the aforementioned witnesses come into play. One of them is E. KALDYBEKOV, a close friend and part-time driver of the debtor, the other is Z. TURABAYEVA, a former subordinate of the creditor, dismissed, by the way, for violations of labor discipline. The interest of these persons is obvious, but not for the court. The judge even in his decision refers to the testimony of these so-called witnesses. And it is really difficult to call them witnesses. After all, they explained to the court that they were hearing about the loan agreement for the first time, they saw that the debtor and the creditor were counting the money, but they did not know what kind of money it was. A friend and part-time driver in his testimony went further, he allegedly, at the request of the debtor, he himself repeatedly took money to the creditor, but he could not explain anything either in terms of the amount, or the time of travel, or the purpose of the money. But such boring details were not needed for the court. And despite the fact that all the testimonies of witnesses are contradictory and were refuted even by the debtor herself, who proved that she personally repaid the debt to the creditor at one time, it was they that served as the basis for the court to refuse to satisfy the creditor's claims.

So, relatively honestly, and most importantly - by means of a court decision, you can be deprived of your property, and no receipts and even notarized contracts will save you. After all, the temptation of easy money is so strong that it pushes some citizens to adventures that the Grand Combinator did not even dream of: he, as you know, honored the Criminal Code.

In this situation, our creditor intends to go to the end, defending her rights, especially now, when the country is conducting a systematic, purposeful fight against any violations of the law, including corruption.

And it remains for us to follow further developments.

Guldana Isaeva

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