Mini equipment for the production of ice cream. Mini ice cream making equipment price

Gysina Alisa

Project Manager:

Vostrugina Elena Alexandrovna


MADOU Kindergarten No. 27 "Bell" of the combined type Kumertau Republic of Bashkortostan

Author project in the preschool educational institution on the topic "Ice cream at home" the goal was to study the variety of types of ice cream, its composition, on the basis of what was studied, to find out whether it is possible to make ice cream at home.

More about work:

In the presented short-term project "Ice cream at home" a reference description of information about the history of ice cream is proposed, a variety of types of ice cream and methods of its preparation are considered, simple ice cream recipes for self-fulfillment are proposed.

The result of the project activity in the form of a short-term project in the senior group of the preschool educational institution "Ice cream at home" was the practical work of pupils in finding and choosing an ice cream recipe and making it at home. In the appendix to the research work, a step-by-step photo report of the practical activities of children is presented.

This work (project) will be useful for preschool teachers in organizing project activities with pupils of the kindergarten preparatory group, as well as for parents of children of preschool and primary school age.

1. The history of the origin of ice cream.
2. Types of ice cream and methods of its preparation.
3. Making ice cream at home.
4. Interesting facts about ice cream.
List of used literature


Ice cream- this is the most famous dessert in the whole world, the most favorite delicacy for any child. I don't know about you, but it makes me feel good all day long! That is why I decided to learn everything about ice cream and try to make it at home.

The relevance of research . The composition of classic ice cream includes, first of all, milk, which means that ice cream contains about a hundred substances valuable for the body.

The question arises: Is ice cream good or bad? What is the exact composition of it? What types of ice cream are known?

Object of study

Subject of study : making ice cream at home.

Purpose of my research : to study the variety of types of ice cream, its composition, on the basis of what has been studied, find out whether it is possible to make ice cream at home.

Research objectives.

  1. Learn the history of ice cream.
  2. Find out what types of ice cream exist.
  3. Make ice cream at home.
  4. Find out interesting facts about ice cream.

Research hypothesis A: I guess I can make ice cream at home.

Research methods Keywords: study of literature, analysis, experiment, comparison.

1. The history of the origin of ice cream

For the first time, ice cream began to be prepared in those countries where hot and cold areas adjoin. These are the southern, mountainous regions. The first ice cream was made in China over five thousand years ago. The delicacy of rich nobles consisted of a mixture of snow and ice with pieces of fruit.

The first mention of ice cream in Russia refers to Kievan Rus. The hostesses served finely planed frozen milk. In the villages on Maslenitsa, they were treated to a mixture of frozen cottage cheese, sugar and raisins. The first ice cream machine appeared in Russia only in the nineteenth century.

The mixtures mentioned above (then with sugar, when it became more accessible) our distant ancestors prepared themselves or bought and served on " cake to the great joy of the children. In many villages, cottage cheese was mixed with sour cream, raisins and honey for Shrovetide.

Then figurines of animals and birds were molded from the mixture. Products were exhibited on the porch in the cold - here's homemade ice cream for you.

In this article:

Ice cream is loved by everyone: both adults and children. And so it was at all times, and its history goes back more than 5000 years. The ice cream business is characterized by seasonal profits. Large factories consider this business to be very profitable, like any properly organized production.

The organization of the production of ice cream includes the investment of capital and variable costs.

For a potential owner of this type of business, it is important to purchase an inexpensive, and at the same time high-quality production line. Depending on the method of production, ice cream is divided into hardened (creamy), soft and homemade.

The ice cream production process on an industrial scale consists of the following steps:

  • preparation and mixing of the raw mass;
  • filtration;
  • pasteurization;
  • homogenization;
  • cooling;
  • storage and final maturation;
  • freezing;
  • packing;
  • hardening;
  • package.

The technological scheme for the production of ice cream is as follows:

Also, if desired, you can buy a line for the production of sticks (Fig. 3), or purchase them from suppliers.

Rice. 3. Line for the production of ice cream sticks

Required raw material base

Milk is the main raw material(whole, fat-free, dry whole and fat-free, condensed with sugar) and dairy products (cream, whey and butter).

It is also necessary to add sugar, vegetable fats, aromatic fillers, stabilizers and emulsifiers. The latter are responsible for the lush structure of the product even in the process of melting.

Today, many large manufacturers use a more modern and convenient component: a stabilizer-emulsifier. It increases viscosity, evenly distributes fine air bubbles throughout the mixture and imparts a creamy feel to the finished product.

Another important ingredient is the frosting. It comes in chocolate, white or fruit. For its manufacture, cocoa butter, vegetable fat, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, emulsifiers, milk powder and a variety of flavors are used.

Cream ice cream production technology

All the necessary ingredients (according to the recipe) should be mixed using a blender, dispersant or turbo mixer. It is first necessary to heat the water component to a temperature of 40 - 45 ° C (milk or ice cream). This can be done using a variety of capacitive equipment: long-term pasteurization baths, cheese-making baths, tanks for heat treatment of milk. Such jacketed containers can subsequently be used for pasteurization and cooling of mixtures. Now the prepared mixture should filter out- there is a removal of undissolved particles or clots of stabilizers.

IN pasteurization process enzymes are destroyed and pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, which can worsen the taste and aroma of the future ice cream. It is produced on a pasteurized cooling machine at a temperature of 80°C with a holding time of 50 seconds (or at a temperature of 95°C without holding).

Now has come homogenization step– large particles of fat are crushed, and accordingly the homogeneity of the mixture increases. At a temperature of 85°C, this process takes place in two stages. The first stage is characterized by pressure from 7 to 12.5 MPa, and the second - from 4.5 to 5.0 MPa.

The resulting mixture is then cool down to a temperature of 3°C using a cooling unit. You can also use containers for ripening, and cool down first with cold and then with ice water.

Now the mixture should send to tanks, and in the process of slow stirring, the future ice cream will ripen at a temperature not higher than 6 ° C from 3 to 24 hours (or no more than 48 hours at a temperature of 0 - 4 ° C). The fat globules will harden, the stabilizer will swell, and the mixture will become viscous and air-binding during the freezing process.

It is important to note that the higher the concentration of solids and the rate of freezing, the smaller the crystals and the more delicate the structure of the ice cream produced.

The next step in the ice cream production process is freezing. Here the mixture is frozen and whipped with air, subject to continuous stirring. Small bubbles saturate the resulting mass and an ice cream structure is formed, which is finally formed during the subsequent freezing of the product. The mixture that comes out of the freezer should have a thick (creamy) consistency.

Now you can start packing– it can be produced on automatic or semi-automatic lines. Dosing into cups or waffle cones takes place on universal conveyors, and subsequent freezing takes place in hardening chambers (from -25°С to -37°С). This is a short-term process, otherwise the ice crystals will noticeably increase in size. Sometimes, in order to save time, packaging is combined with hardening due to universal equipment, which combines a conveyor, an extrusion line and an eskimogenerator. After hardening, the ice cream temperature should not exceed -10°C.

Finished products are packed in cardboard boxes or corrugated boxes. Then they should be stored in refrigerators at a temperature of -20°C. All kinds of conveyors or transport systems are used to move ice cream to the warehouse.

Hardened ice cream is distinguished by its appearance, filling and type of packaging. Depending on the type and filler, there are basic and amateur types. The first include dairy, creamy, ice cream, aromatic and fruit and berry. Amateur species are distinguished by a smaller volume of production and a variety of species (about 50 options).

Here is an example of some of them:

  • citrus(due to chicken eggs in its composition, it has an increased biological value);
  • honey - with the addition of natural honey;
  • penguin- fruit and berry base in chocolate glaze and much more.

Technological process of soft ice cream production

Soft ice cream differs from hardened ice cream in that it is made under different conditions. This variety is already ready after leaving the freezer and is not subjected to further freezing. Often it is prepared immediately before use and in the presence of the buyer - in freezers. The raw materials are special dry mixes, water and juice.

The temperature of soft ice cream is not as low as hardened ice cream (4-6°). And even with the naked eye, you can see a delicate and creamy texture.

Due to the small amount of frozen moisture content, the presence of air in the form of bubbles, soft ice cream has a specific taste and aroma. An interesting feature is that the raw material is practically no different from the ingredients of hardened ice cream. And thanks to the technological features of cooking, it is much better absorbed by the body.

Making homemade ice cream

With insufficient financial resources, it will be preferable to create a small ice cream factory right in your kitchen. The absence of rent is the main advantage of this way of doing business.

To do this, you will need a roomy refrigerator, a food processor, plastic utensils and the raw materials themselves. And according to the recipe, you can proceed to the manufacture of the first batch of the product. Of course, nowadays there are a huge number of recipes. Let's give an example of one of them - milk ice cream with vanillin.

Required components: 1 liter of milk, 300 grams of sugar, 2 vanilla powder, 6 eggs.

Milk should be boiled with sugar. Add hot milk to beaten eggs, stir, and pour in a thin stream into boiling milk, stirring the mixture continuously. We make a weak fire and beat until weak bubbles. Cool, stir and add vanilla. Pour into molds and put in the freezer for 3-4 hours.

Ice cream production business plan

Equipment and premises

To accommodate production facilities, a room with a total area of ​​150 m 2 or more is required, where lines for the production of ice cream and packaging, refrigeration equipment will be located.

This room should be electrified, and water supply and sewerage should be carried out in it. For transport - a convenient entrance.

We will purchase a production line with a capacity of 250 kilograms per shift, which consists of:

  • component mixer - 350,000 rubles;
  • filter - 25,000 rubles;
  • oil melter (butter and coconut) - 195,000 rubles;
  • homogenizer - 80,000 rubles;
  • pasteurizer - 400,000 rubles;
  • containers for ripening the final product - 400,000 rubles.
  • shutoff valves - 200,000 rubles;
  • pumps 3 pieces - 200,000 rubles;
  • freezer - 900,000 rubles.

The total cost of such a line will cost 2,750,000 rubles.

In addition, it is necessary to purchase equipment for packaging the produced ice cream - 600,000 rubles.

And for storage - 1 refrigerator for 110,000 rubles.

The total amount of capital costs is 3,460,000 rubles.

Working capital (costs of raw materials and their delivery) - 450,000 monthly.

The average monthly rent will be 30,000 rubles (360,000 rubles per year).

Utility bills - 10,000 rubles each month (for a year - 120,000 rubles).

Issue a package of documents (for registration of entrepreneurial activity or organization of an enterprise) - 50,000 rubles.

Total - 200,000 rubles.

Recruiting staff

Minimum number of staff 6 people:

  • technologist - 30,000 rubles;
  • production manager - 25,000 rubles;
  • head of the sales department - 25,000 rubles;
  • 2 workers - 15,000 rubles each;
  • loader - 10,000 rubles.

The annual wage fund will be 1,440,000 rubles.

Let's calculate the annual profit

The average cost of 1 kilogram of ice cream is 250 rubles/kg.

Released products - 250 kg. x 22 working days = 5500 kg. x 250 rubles / kg = 1,375,000 rubles, and for the year, respectively - 16,500,000 rubles.

Gross annual profit (revenue-cost) - 11,100,000 rubles.

General expenses (capital + operating costs) - 1,920,000 rubles.

Profit before tax (gross profit - total expenses) = 9,180,000 rubles.

Profit after payment of a single tax (15%) - 7,803,000 rubles. This will be the net profit.

Profitability (net profit/revenue) will be 47.3%.

Sales of finished products

It is important not only to make ice cream, but also to be able to sell it. Due to the low cost, the trade margin is sometimes more than 50%. Therefore, the ability to create a commodity-selling network practically guarantees impressive profits.

The most important thing is to choose the right point for implementation. Appetizing appearance is also important.

You can supply finished products through wholesalers or supermarket chains. Also, a good option is to sell finished products through your own sales representative, who will personally cooperate not only with large stores, but also with small ones.

For students of universities and food-oriented technical schools, excursions can be arranged with a detailed visual demonstration of the entire hardware circuit.

To sell soft ice cream, you can put a point of sale in the most crowded place - a park, supermarket, market, etc. The main advantage of such a product is wastelessness. After the end of the working day, the remaining ice cream can simply be drained into a bowl and put in the refrigerator. And in the morning - re-fill the mixture into the freezer, and in a few minutes start trading with renewed vigor.

Homemade ice cream can be supplied in bulk to cafes and restaurants. First you need to make a small trial batch and dilute it for testing at potential places of sale. Surely there will be more than one institution that wishes to conclude a supply contract with you.

Advertising will also help increase sales. In the absence of the required amount to create an advertising video, you can limit yourself to an ad in a local newspaper. Promotions and discounts at the very beginning of business activities will help the business quickly pay off and bring only positive results.

Elmira Bikbaeva
Parent-child project "We make ice cream ourselves"


I. Chapter I:

1. The history of ice cream

2. Composition and types of ice cream

3. Myths about ice cream

II. Chapter II:

1. How I made ice cream

2. Summary of work




Do you want me to show you a trick?

I keep snow on a stick!

I ate the snow, what a pity

Only the wand remained.

I ate snow, cheered up

And he didn't get sick at all.

Ice cream is one of the most beloved and popular products of the population of our country. Because it is very tasty. Children especially love ice cream. When adults eat ice cream, they turn back into children for a few minutes. That's why everyone loves ice cream. True, some try to limit themselves in their favorite treat, believing that ice cream does more harm than good. But is it? Let's try to figure it out.

First, I interviewed my peers. According to the results of the survey, I found out that all the guys in my group love ice cream, but most of them consider it harmful, because it is cold, sweet and does not contain vitamins.

I decided to ask adults (parents of kindergarten children). The results were as follows: parents also like ice cream, but not all. Some consider it harmful because it is fatty, sweet and cold, while others believe it is healthy because it is made from milk.

The purpose of the research work: find out if ice cream is healthy and how to make it at home.


1. Collect information about the dangers and benefits of ice cream.

2. Find out what types of ice cream exist.

3. Make your own ice cream.


All people love ice cream. If you make ice cream at home, it will turn out tastier and healthier.

Chapter I

1. The history of ice cream.

We are all used to eating ice cream and, while enjoying it, we probably never think about where this cold delicacy actually came from? Meanwhile, this delicacy appeared a very long time ago. Ice cream first appeared in China. The Chinese have been preparing a delicious refreshing dessert from fruits with ice, already in the third millennium BC. The recipe for ice cream was kept in the strictest confidence.

In Europe, the recipe for popsicles appeared in Italy in the 13th century, after the famous traveler Marco Polo brought his recipe from China.

This delicacy has become one of the most popular all over the world.

In Russia, ice cream had its own history. European secrets did not get here, but there was no special need for them. In Russia, finely chopped frozen milk was served as a treat. Under Emperor Paul I, ice cream seriously settled in Russia. Since then, we have been eating ice cream in any weather, and this strangeness of ours is known to the whole world.

2. Composition and types of ice cream.

Ice cream is a sweet refreshing product obtained by whipping and freezing milk or fruit and berry mixtures with sugar and stabilizers, and for some types with the addition of flavoring and aromatic fillers.

There are various types of ice cream, such as popsicle, ice cream, cone, waffle cups, fruit ice, as well as with various additives (raisins, nuts, chocolate, condensed milk, vanilla and much more).

3. Myths about ice cream.

Myth 1. Ice cream makes you fat.

The main myth is the fact that ice cream makes you fat, but there is no benefit from it. It's like watching! In general, they get fat not so much from food, no matter how varied it is, but from the volume of food eaten - it's all about quantity.

Myth 2. It hurts my throat.

On the contrary, if you lick ice cream slowly, you get a kind of hardening. And over time, the mucous membrane of the throat will become invulnerable to pathogenic microbes. The only condition is not to bite off the ice cream in large chunks.

Myth 3. There are no vitamins in ice cream.

Everyone knows that ice cream is made from milk. And in it you will find all the useful substances. And these are B vitamins (they fight bad mood, improve sleep, skin and hair), vitamin A (needed for good vision, vitamin D (helps the body absorb calcium), vitamin E (protects against early wrinkles and cardiovascular diseases). And also a glass of ice cream supply the body with calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.

Myth 4. Ice cream should be sweet.

Not necessary. Cooks have long broken this stereotype. If desired, in restaurants you can find ice cream with the taste of fried potatoes, onions, anchovies and even dandelions. Why this is necessary is a mystery! In some countries, ice cream is served as a side dish to the main course.

Chapter II.

1. How I made ice cream.

After learning a lot about ice cream, I wanted to make it myself. I asked my mother to find a recipe for making ice cream. She found 2 recipes. The first contains milk, cream, egg yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar, the second contains cream, condensed milk. I decided to try to cook according to two recipes and find out which one cooks faster and tastes better.

1. Cooking creamy ice cream.

I poured the milk into a small saucepan and brought it to a boil. Removed from fire and cooled. I added sugar, vanilla to the yolks and beat well with a mixer. Continuously stirring the mass with a whisk, poured milk into the yolks. Put the milk-egg mixture on low heat and heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the mixture thickens a little. The finished cream must be cooled, and then cooled slightly by putting it in the refrigerator.

Pour the cream into a bowl and beat until soft ridges form. Whipped cream was added to the chilled cream and mixed. I transferred the resulting mixture to a plastic container, covered it with a lid and put it in the freezer.

2. Cooking ice cream with condensed milk.

Whip the chilled cream to soft peaks. Whisking continuously, pour in the condensed milk.

The resulting mass was transferred to a container, covered with a lid and frozen.

Table results:

Ice cream

Types of ice cream What you liked What you didn't like

Creamy Not greasy Long cooking

A lot of work

With condensed milk Quick cook

It turns out tastier

2. The result of the work.

Ice cream made with cream and condensed milk tastes better and cooks faster.


My hypothesis was confirmed in ice cream more good than harm. Ice cream is a very healthy product and you just need to eat it. Ice cream helps fight stress. The substances that make up its composition affect the production of serotonin - the "happiness hormone". This hormone raises vitality, improves mood.

Ice cream helps to compensate for the lack of calcium in the body. This trace element is essential for normal development and growth.

And the ice cream that I made myself turned out to be even tastier and healthier, since I made it only from healthy products.


1. Klady A. G., Shamanov A. V. Ice cream is a noble and grateful business, eternal and faithful, global and peaceful. M. : Parus, 2000.

2. Krus T. N., Khramtsov A. G., Volokitina Z. V. Technology of milk and dairy products. M. : KolosS, 2004.

3. Olenev Yu. A. Handbook for the production of ice cream. M. : DeLi, 2004.

4. Olenev Yu. A. Technology and equipment for the production of ice cream. M. : DeLi, 1999.

5. "All about ice cream"

6. "Ice cream - 130 recipes"

7. "Ice cream of the USSR 50-60s"

Ice cream production equipment: production technology + 3 types of ice cream business + necessary equipment for organizing activities + calculation of profit from the business.

Ice cream is one of those products that will always be in demand. It is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Almost every store always has this product in stock in a large assortment. It is not surprising that the production of this delicacy will bring considerable profit.

Do you want to try your hand at this field? It remains only to buy ice cream production equipment and start earning.

Due to the variety of manufacturing processes, the many options for raw materials, opening such a business is possible even at home. This will keep costs to a minimum.

Starting a homemade ice cream business

Before starting an ice cream business, you need to carefully analyze the segment of this market in your city. All factors should be taken into account: the presence of competition, demand, sales market, etc. If the conditions are favorable for the start of such activities, then feel free to get down to business and start production.

For starters, in order not to spend large sums of money on equipment, you can try making ice cream at home. The simplicity of the process allows you to start small. Moreover, the ingredients will need a minimum amount.

It should be understood that home-made ice cream production is a “trial” option. Such a business is able to cover the needs of family, friends, neighbors. A frozen dessert is not something you can sell online and deliver to customers (although there are exceptions to this rule).

Standard recipe for ice cream production:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 300-350 g of sugar;
  • 2 servings of vanilla;
  • 5-6 pcs. eggs.

Your first customers will be your friends and family. Gradually, improving the taste and production technology, you can think about reaching a wider audience. Thus, you will get regular customers, because at home ice cream is made from natural products, and this is a significant plus for your business.

To begin with, you can cook in small portions, for example, for children's parties, parties, etc. It also does not hurt to place an ad on the Internet.

All that is required from the equipment for the production of ice cream is a mixer, a couple of bowls, a spacious refrigerator and molds for solidification. With a minimum of equipment available, you can cook up to 5 kg of a delicious product in a few hours.

In addition, by improving your professional skills, you will be able to set up the production of ice cream cakes.

summer ice cream business

The organization of a seasonal business has always been considered a good way to earn money, an investment in which quickly pays off in a short time. This type of activity includes the production and sale soft ice cream. The main advantage of such a project is good demand and the minimum amount of equipment required.

The main ingredients for making soft ice cream are milk and a variety of additives. From the equipment you will need only one apparatus that produces a delicious dessert.

This is a fairly new type of activity in our country, so the competition is not so high, which contributes to a good income. The summer period is especially favorable for such a business. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the purchase of equipment and the right choice of a place for sale.

1) Where is the best place to sell soft ice cream?

The essence of the production of such a product lies in its instant sale, since soft ice cream is not intended for packaging. The most passable places are the best place to sell. It can be supermarkets, cinemas, shopping centers, embankments. In addition, sanitary requirements and rental fees are not so high.

It will be sufficient to purchase a health book for the seller and a small tent with equipment for organizing a business.

2) Soft ice cream production technology.

The preparation of such a dessert takes a minimum of effort and time. The whole process is to pour the mixture into the equipment and immediately get the finished ice cream. You just need to mix the milk mixture with water, after which the product instantly freezes. It remains only to pour ice cream into a waffle cup from a special valve in the machine.

From the raw materials for the preparation of soft ice cream, it is necessary to purchase special dry mixes. A variety of flavorings in the form of syrup will also be useful. This will not only increase the range of products, but also attract more customers. Due to this, by the way, you can increase the cost of some varieties of ice cream.

3) Equipment for the production of ice cream.

Since the human factor is practically not involved in building this business, it is worth paying special attention to the purchase of high-quality equipment (freezer) for the production of soft ice cream.

There are no problems with the acquisition of such a device. On the Internet, they are presented in a large assortment. The main difference between different freezers is the volume of products produced per hour.

Of course, it is impossible to accurately calculate how much ice cream you will sell per day. Therefore, the best solution would be to purchase a device that can produce about 20 kg / h. Such equipment belongs to medium power freezers.

Apparatus for the production of soft ice cream also differ in the set of functions, equipment and dimensions. At the initial stage, a standard freezer with minimal functionality is also suitable. But don't buy the cheapest one.

Such equipment is mainly intended for cafes and restaurants where ice cream is not the main product. The minimum price for a machine that is designed to organize a summer business is from 100,000 rubles and more.

If there is not enough money to buy such a device, then you can consider purchasing used equipment or renting it, which is also not bad.

The following brands are considered the most popular manufacturers of freezers for the production of ice cream:

  • star food,
  • Taylor,
  • Carpigiani and others.

To increase the range of products, you can think about preparing milkshakes. To do this, you need to additionally purchase a mixer and a shaker. The purchase of such equipment will cost 40,000 - 50,000 rubles.

4) Profit calculation.

In time, perhaps the most important point is profit forecasting.

Let's start with the most important! To purchase raw materials and equipment for the production of ice cream, it will take about 170 - 180 thousand rubles. This price includes a medium power freezer. Add to this amount the payment of rent and the salary of the seller. The total will be 200,000 rubles.

Now let's calculate the profit from sales of ice cream of our production:

  • Using one package of milk mixture worth 300 - 500 rubles makes it possible to prepare 60 portions of soft ice cream, 100 g each.
  • Let's say one serving will cost 25 rubles.
  • Based on this, our revenue will be 1000 - 1200 rubles.

If you sell ice cream with fillings, then the price per serving will be 2 times higher, which significantly increases earnings.

We can say with confidence that in the first 1.5 - 2 months we will be able to fully recoup the money spent on equipment. The remaining summer time you will receive a net profit.

But that is not all! You can sell a sweet dessert in autumn and spring. A good option would be to rent an ice cream machine to some cafe at the end of the season, because. there, the demand for this dessert, although at a low level, but lasts a whole year.

Creation of your own mini-workshop for the production of ice cream

At first glance, it may seem that the production of ice cream is a very difficult task in terms of the technological process. But this is not so, because the main work is performed by special devices. However, it is necessary to understand all the subtleties and the sequence of preparation of the product.

1. The process of ice cream production itself.

In short and simple, ice cream is a sweet frozen product, which is made by mixing and whipping all the ingredients.

Consider in turn all the stages of ice cream production:

But the biggest difficulty is not in the technological process.

Every ice cream tastes different. For a business to be successful, you need to make really tasty ice cream that customers will like. To do this, you should invite a qualified specialist to the team, because no company will reveal to you the secret recipe of its product.

The main ingredients that are used in the production of ice cream are as follows:

  • milk;
  • sugar;
  • butter or cream;
  • flavorings (chocolate, vanilla, jelly, jam).

In order to reduce the cost of the final product, many entrepreneurs use substitutes for natural products, namely, ice cream mixes. The taste of such a product, of course, is reduced. But the price of ice cream is also becoming much lower, which attracts many consumers.

2. Necessary equipment for the production of ice cream.

The bulk of the cost of opening most enterprises goes to the purchase of equipment. To make ice cream, you need to create a whole production line of several machines. Let's make a rough estimate of the cost of equipment for the production of ice cream.

The main devices and their cost:

NameImageCost, rub.)
Total: 3,995,000 rubles
Containers for mixing ingredients 520 000
Butter melting furnaces 290 000
Various filters 35 000
Equipment for homogenization 300 000
Pasteurizer 600 000
freezer 1 350 000
Finished product containers 600 000
Shut-off valves 300 000

Consequently, the total cost of all equipment will be almost 4 million rubles. Add to this the costs of freezers, packaging machines, rent of premises, salaries of employees, etc.

As a result, the minimum amount will be almost 6 million rubles.

The following video will help you decide on the choice of equipment.

Experts conducted a comparative test among freezers for ice cream.

We look and choose!

3. Where to sell finished products?

Even before you have established production and are ready to sell a product, you need to find distribution options. It is difficult for a young business to compete with well-known brands, but it is quite realistic.

The best selling points for your products are supermarkets. The fact is that for large shopping centers it is very important to have an extensive range of goods. Especially if it is a local manufacturer with a lower price for products. Do not forget about small shops, which also do not refuse a new product.

To enhance the development of your brand, hire a promoter on staff who will travel to stores and offer your product.

As for the home production of ice cream, it is unlikely that such results will be achieved in terms of sales and the sales market, since your products will not have a license and quality certificates.

If we talk about the profitability of such a business, then it is purely individual for each entrepreneur. It all depends what kind of ice cream making equipment are you willing to purchase, what range of products and in what volumes you are going to produce, and on many other factors.

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, it is better to try with the production of ice cream at home. This is much less cost and a small share of risk. So you can build up a clientele, learn in more detail about all the intricacies of the production of a sweet dessert.

In addition, you can come up with a new recipe for delicious ice cream that will help you further expand your business.

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