Vyborg Shipyard vsz. OJSC "Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant" (photo report)

Story Vyborg shipyard began in 1947. In the post-war period, the whole country participated in the restoration of industry: old enterprises were actively repaired and new ones were built. Two years after the start of construction, a hull shop and three stocks were already in operation in Vyborg - facilities for building a ship and launching it. In 1949, it was planned to produce two barges, but the plant produced 8, and the next year - 50.

Where are you, Odysseus?

Further more. In 1954, the lead landing ship left the stocks for the first time. In subsequent decades, the plant built rescue ships, search and research ships and many other types of floating transport. And in the late 1970s, VZZ began building floating drilling rigs for the exploration and production of oil and gas.

The beginning of the 90s was a time of great changes in the life of the plant. In 1993 it was privatized. In Vyborg, they actively engaged in the search for new customers, as the former ones were left without the necessary funds. Soon, it was possible to conclude a contract with the Norwegian company Moss Technology (now Moss Maritime) for the repair and modernization of the Odyssey floating drilling rig. A few years later, it turned into a project that has no analogues in the world - the space complex for launching Sea Launch rockets, that is, a spaceport on the water.

In 1997, a 75.6% stake in VSZ was acquired by the Norwegian shipbuilding company Kvaerner. The experience of foreign management benefited the VZZ: the planning and reporting system approached Western standards. The plant merged its divisions and got rid of unnecessary equipment. After 3 years, the Norwegians decided to sell 13 shipyards, including the Vyborg one. And in 2000, an agreement was signed on the acquisition of a stake in VZZ by the Russian shipbuilding holding Ako Barss Group.

By screws!

If the changes were reflected in the economic activity of the enterprise, then for the better. From 2000 to 2006, 7 vessels were delivered to customers to service drilling platforms, and a contract was also completed for the construction of 6 tankers for companies from Kazakhstan. The total displacement of each such tanker was 72 thousand tons - 1.3 times more than the legendary Titanic.

VZZ actively participated in various programs for the development of the shelf, for example, in the construction of the first offshore ice-resistant fixed platform in Russia, Prirazlomnaya, capable of operating in harsh Arctic conditions. In addition, a new market niche has been mastered in Vyborg - the high-speed patrol boat "Harpoon" has been launched.

In the second half of the 2000s a decision was made to finally reorient the production capacities of the plant to the construction of platforms and vessels for the gas and oil industry. In 2007, Gazprom received an order for a drilling rig to develop the Shtokman field in the Barents Sea. But the customer sent the first platform, released in 2010, to Sakhalin - the conclusion of an international agreement on Shtokman was postponed. The enterprise was counting on further contracts with Gazprom, but due to the uncertainty with the development of the shelf, it was idle. Most of the plant's 1,600 workers were sitting idle.

The situation at the enterprise began to improve in 2012, when the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) acquired an 80% stake in the plant for 1.8 billion rubles. In February, USC and the Vyborg Shipyard signed contracts for the construction of two diesel-powered icebreakers, the cost of which will be 8 billion rubles. They are to be delivered in May and October 2015. Such a ship is a two-deck ship with a displacement of about 10 thousand tons, equipped with a helipad. It will be 116 meters long and 26.5 meters wide. The icebreakers will be able to cut their way through ice up to 1.5 meters thick. A major contract will help VSZ overcome financial difficulties and ensure the loading of workshops for several years to come.













General Director of PJSC "Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant"

Born on September 15, 1974. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Law; St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, specialty "Economics and Management at a Mechanical Engineering Enterprise".

Since 2000, he headed the legal department of the Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant (VSZ). In 2005-2006, he was Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of VSY, combined his work at the plant with the management of the main shareholder of the shipyard - he held the position of General Director of CJSC AKO BARSS Group (St. Petersburg).

In 2012 - First Deputy General Director of the Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant, since June 2012 he has been the General Director of the Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant.

Voroshilov Kirill Vladimirovich
Deputy General Director for Economics and Strategic Development

Born on May 29, 1980. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University; Faculty of World Economy, majoring in international economics.

Works at the plant since 2002. In 2018, he took the position of Deputy General Director for Economics and Strategic Development.

Popov Andrey Leonidovich
Deputy General Director

Born on August 30, 1971. Graduated from St. Petersburg Marine Technical University; faculty - shipbuilding, specializing in shipbuilding engineer.

Works at the plant since 1994. Since 2012, he has held the position of Deputy General Director.

Khmelev Yury Gennadievich
Deputy General Director for Security

Born on May 23, 1965. Graduated from the Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute of Communications. N.D. Psurtseva; faculty - Radio communication, radio broadcasting and television, specializing in radio communication and broadcasting engineer.

In 2012, he began working at the Vyborg Shipyard as Deputy General Director for Security.

Voroshilov Vladimir Nikolaevich
Deputy General Director for Project Management

Born on January 31, 1957. Graduated from the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute; instrument-making faculty, majoring in instrument-making; electronics engineer.

Since 1983 he has been working at the Vyborg Shipyard. In 2014, he took the position of Deputy General Director for Project Management.

Zhdanova Natalia Yurievna
Deputy General Director for Human Resources and Administration

She was born on August 21, 1970. She graduated from the Russian State Pedagogical University named after V.I. A. I. Herzen; faculty - Pedagogy and psychology, specialty Pedagogy and psychology; St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics; faculty - management by specialty manager.

In 2002, she began working at the Vyborg Shipyard. In 2018, she took the position of Deputy General Director for Human Resources and Administrative Affairs.

Belozerov Valery Mikhailovich
Production Director

Born on 09/06/1955. Graduated from the Kursk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering.

In 2018, he took up the duties of Production Director.

Ermakov Alexander Evgenievich
And about. technical director

Born on 11/14/1967. Graduated from St. Petersburg Marine Technical University; faculty - shipbuilding.

In 1994, he began work at the Vyborg Shipyard. Since 2018, he has assumed the duties of technical director.

Isakov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Director of Logistics and MTO

Born on September 30, 1977. Graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; faculty - jurisprudence by specialty lawyer; International Banking Institute St. Petersburg; faculty - finance and credit, majoring in banking manager.

He began working at the Vyborg Shipyard in 2002. In 2018, he took the position of director for logistics and logistics.

Born on 06/06/1951. Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Water Transport; faculty - "Ship machines and mechanisms", specialty - mechanical engineer. He began his career at the Vyborg plant in 1975. Since 2012, he has held the position of Advisor to the General Director.

Awarded the honorary title "Honored Machine Builder of the Russian Federation" on September 25, 1998;

Kimstach Evgeny Yurievich
And about. financial director

Born on November 28, 1983. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics; faculty - economics and management at the enterprise, specializing in economist-manager.

Since 2008 he has been working at the Vyborg Shipyard. In 2018, he assumed the duties of Financial Director.

Efimov Vasily Valerievich
Production System Development Director

Born on September 25, 1977. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Water Communications with a degree in ship mechanics.

Since 2017, he has been working at the Vyborg Shipyard. In 2018, he took the position of director for the development of the production system.

The workers and specialists of the "" located in the Leningrad region told FlotProm about the working conditions at the enterprise, the quality of food and the problems they have to face in the difficult business of building ships.

Previously, FlotProm conducted with the leading heads of ship repair and shipbuilding enterprises in Russia, as well as the financial statements of shipbuilders. But plant managers, as well as documents for shareholders, can tell about the work of the plant only from the point of view of top management, which does not always receive signals about the problems of the “lower classes”. Therefore, FlotProm is launching a series of materials based on interviews with ordinary workers and junior managers. At the moment, the publication has already held conversations with employees of nine enterprises (Zvezdochka, Sevmash, the 35th shipyard, the 33rd shipyard, the Yantar Shipyard, the Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant, Dalzavod, Severnaya shipyard", "Admiralty shipyards"). A series of articles under the heading "View from the lower decks" opens with the story of the workers of the "Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant".

The way to the factory

Everyone gets to the plant in completely different ways, someone can be said by chance, not finding another job after serving in the army, someone comes here for a stable salary after receiving a negative experience in a private company, and someone because of romantic feelings for shipbuilding.

In the latter case, this is just the story of the adjuster of the welding production Artem Petrov (his name has been changed). He came to the plant because of his passion for shipbuilding, which was stimulated by the prospect of a stable income and the availability of a social package at the enterprise.

Other thoughts are expressed by another employee of the enterprise, Viktor Frolov (name changed). “There are not so many enterprises with stable work in our city, so I went as an apprentice welder to the factory,” he said.

"I have a higher education in the specialty "computers and complexes." In addition to production in Vyborg, there is nowhere else to go to work. But when I was looking for a job, I sent out my resume to all enterprises in the city, and VZZ was the first to answer. So, one can say , accidentally got here, "says another employee of the plant, engineer Dmitry Isaev (name changed).

Working conditions

According to the shipbuilders, the modernization of technical equipment at the plant is "about fifty percent." “Cranes are being replaced, a new paint shop has been built, primary metal processing has been completely modernized, there is also a new plasma machine and cutting, as well as welding equipment,” Artem Petrov lists. According to him, shower rooms have been repaired at the enterprise, new saunas have been put in place, and locker rooms have been put in order.

Viktor Frolov expresses a similar opinion. He said that the situation with new equipment and machine tools at VZZ is quite good, when compared with shipbuilding enterprises in other cities. "Welding equipment is being steadily updated. Not as fast as we would like, but still. A new spray booth has been built, the harvesting line is being updated, again," the source explained.

At the same time, Frolov noted that the fleet of turning equipment is being slowly updated. According to him, there are still Soviet machine tools for this part at the plant. Old samples are also available among pipe bending machines. "But such equipment constantly breaks down and as this happens, it is replaced with new ones," he stressed.

Among other "old" equipment, Dmitry Isaev noted a telephone exchange made about 20 years ago. “There are also old machines, but they are in good condition. And in reserve, for example, there is a machine tool taken from post-war Germany,” Isaev said.

Also, the company always regularly provides personal hygiene and protection products - respirators, goggles, gloves, welding filters, soap and detergents. But with the receipt of overalls, if it becomes unusable ahead of time, sometimes there are problems. “We received a new one only six months later, and then through swearing with the authorities,” said Artem Petrov.


According to FlotProm's interlocutors, the company provides its employees with the opportunity for professional growth. So, at the expense of the plant, you can get a higher education at a shipbuilding university, but then you will have to work at the plant for several years without the possibility of quitting (or you will need to reimburse the company for the money spent on employee training).

In addition to higher education, the plant also creates short-term training programs. Thus, VZZ, together with the United Shipbuilding Corporation, is developing a concept for advanced training of welders and specialists directly involved in shipbuilding. But this process is complicated by the economic situation and at present all the forces of the plant are focused on delivering orders on time. Thus, the training of young specialists continues, but information about vacancies has been removed from the main site of the plant. New employees periodically appear, but these are isolated cases, said Dmitry Isaev.

According to the interlocutor, the engineer has no chance to take a high position without additional education in the field of management. "They can make a foreman, the salary is the same as that of an engineer, but the responsibility is two or three times more. And the head of a department is the ceiling for an engineer,"


According to the workers, delays in the payment of wages and money for processing at the enterprise have not been noted for a long time. All payments were transferred to the employees' bank cards even at the time when the plant was declared idle.

At the same time, for a certain category of workers, for example, engineers, instead of financial compensation for overtime, three days are added to the vacation. But most often, engineers process only 5-6 hours a year, so specialists are even happy with this rule.

At the same time, the plant does not practice the payment of incentives, even if the employee has not missed a single working day for the whole year. "Only standard bonuses of 10-20% of salary per month, which is very good. At some other enterprises, bonuses have long been cut," one of the employees shared.

There are no fines at the enterprise either. For being late, they usually warn verbally, and if repeated, already in writing, in the future, the worker may be reprimanded. "Up to and including dismissal," Artem Petrov emphasized.

Confirms the absence of fines at the plant and Viktor Frolov. According to him, for the missed time, workers for unexcused reasons work time, factory workers simply do not get paid.


According to engineer Dmitry Isaev, the trade union is in working condition and fulfills its functions. The same opinion is shared by other employees of the plant. They said that they regularly receive material assistance with the help of the trade union. According to the employees of the enterprise, often people join the trade union of the enterprise because of the imminent appearance of a child.


Leisure at the plant is organized properly. Various sports events, trips are constantly held, amateur groups operate, which anyone can join, the workers said.

In particular, football, volleyball, shot throwing and other sports competitions are held both between workshops at the plant and at the city level. There is also a team in KVN. "In general, the youth organization" VZZ "works perfectly," one of the factory workers concluded.

At the same time, FlotProm's interlocutors could not tell whether the plant cooperates with any rest houses or tourist camps, to which workers can go at a reduced price.

“I haven’t heard about rest houses. Previously, there seemed to be some kind of in Zimino (Leningrad region - ed.), But now I don’t know,” Artem Petrov explained.

Does not know about the existence of recreation centers and Dmitry Isaev. “I have not heard of such places where an average engineer can rest. But leaflets with information about this flashed on the bulletin boards,” the specialist notes. A few more workers of the plant interviewed by the publication also found it difficult to talk about such establishments of the enterprise.


As the shipbuilders said, relatively calm relations with the security service are maintained at the plant. With phones or tablets that have a camera, they are allowed into the enterprise without any problems. Workers are not forbidden to take pictures in the workshops of the enterprise. But it is far from always possible to evade the inspection of a bag or a car.


During their break, workers can eat at once in several establishments located on the territory of the plant - this is a canteen, a cafe and a stall. According to the interlocutors, the choice in the dining room is large, and lunch with the first, second, salad and compote costs around 200 rubles.

The stall sells homemade cakes, the product range provides a choice of eight types of pies and sausages in dough at a price of 25 rubles. However, many of the factory workers that FlotProm managed to talk to said that due to the small size of the city, many workers go home for lunch.

"However, not everyone is satisfied with the quality of food in the dining room. "I don't go there anymore, terrible heartburn after eating there. Yes, and recently there was a case of poisoning in the dining room, but they did not prove anything. My wife is preparing a home-cooked lunch with her,” one of the shipbuilders explained. At the same time, he noted that the dining room is private and the plant has nothing to do with it.

The future of the plant

The shipbuilders also shared how they see the future of the plant and themselves in it. “I will continue to work at the plant, I don’t plan to leave anywhere yet. Our salary is small, about 30 thousand, but thanks to the latest contracts and a competent general director, the next two or three years will be stable,” engineer Isaev explained.

"Everything that is being done now (updating tools, machine tools, infrastructure) is already changing our plant. After joining USC, everything got better and went the right way," one of the workers succinctly explained.


According to shipbuilders, proximity to Finland and St. Petersburg make Vyborg a good place to live and work, but there are few jobs in the city itself, and in most cases these are small private enterprises or vacancies for a salesman, taxi driver, and so on.

According to Dmitry Isaev, some areas of the city are on the verge of destruction. "The Vyborg castle and the famous Mon Repos park are losing their significance, the roads are in a terrible state, although millions are buried in them every year," the Vyborgian concluded.


After talking with the plant's employees, FlotProm turned to the VZZ press service with questions about plans to upgrade turning and pipe bending equipment, as well as problems with the provision of workwear.
"Telephone station, lathes are ancillary equipment that does not belong to the main production equipment in shipbuilding. Since VZZ is a completely civilian shipyard and operates in a competitive civil shipbuilding market, the modernization program (ongoing continuously since 2007) provides for priority updating those capacities and equipment that allow minimizing costs and increasing labor productivity, and therefore strengthening the position of the shipyard when submitting commercial offers that are at the level of normal world prices for civil ships of various types.

Turning and pipe bending equipment, as well as a telephone exchange, for all their importance and necessity, do not give the maximum effect of increasing the efficiency of the shipyard, therefore, its modernization is planned in the future, in the medium term.

The number of workwear issued, the frequency of its replacement and other rules are prescribed in the Collective Agreement and are strictly observed by the plant," the press service of the enterprise explained.

FlotProm Help

"" specializes in the construction of civilian icebreaking ships with a diesel-electric power plant with a capacity of 10 to 22 MW. On the lead icebreaker of project 21900M "Vladivostok", in September 2015, the flag-raising ceremony. The second ship of this project, Novorossiysk, was launched on October 29, 2015.

Since its founding in 1948, the shipyard has built 210 vessels for various purposes, 9 offshore drilling platforms and 105 platform topsides modules for the development of oil and gas fields. "Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant" is part of the "United Shipbuilding Corporation".

Alexey Bogatishchev