How to open a fitness club from scratch and what is needed for this? How to open a fitness studio in Queen What do you need to open a fitness center.

With the growing interest in sports and a healthy lifestyle in particular, many people are spending more and more time and money on getting in shape and maintaining good health and physical condition. Therefore, recently there are more and more entrepreneurs who want to make money on people's desire to be beautiful.

One of the attractive ideas for starting your own business is opening a gym.

Going to the fitness center for many people is inextricably associated with the observance of the correct regimen. At the same time, it is this type of establishments that allow you to play sports that has the widest target audience - from young people and girls to people of age.

The relevance of the discovery is due to the fact that often only there people can get advice from a qualified trainer, not only on building their workouts, but also on nutrition, etc.

Among the shortcomings can be identified:

  • Relatively large amount of investment to open.
  • High competition from other gyms (usually there are several even in a small town), fitness clubs, dance studios, swimming pools, etc.

However, there are a lot of advantages:

  • High level of profit.
  • Relatively low operating costs.
  • No seasonality.
  • High demand for services, regardless of the economic situation.
  • Few space requirements.
  • Simple organization of work.
  • Customers who buy subscriptions most often buy them for a long time to save money and become regular visitors.
  • Ability to sell related products and expand the range of services.
  • Relatively low payback period.
  • A fairly high level of profitability.

Required documentation for registration

For the legal implementation of business, it is necessary to register an enterprise. Either or is allowed. It is best to choose. When registering, you will also need to select.

LLC is suitable for those entrepreneurs who plan to expand the list of services provided. In addition to registration with the tax authorities, you will need to complete a number of documents:

  • Rospotrebnadzor permission.
  • Contract for the maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Contract for the maintenance of housing office.
  • Passport of a sports institution.
  • Lamp recycling agreement.
  • PKK is a document that establishes the procedure for production control.
  • Medical books for all employees.
  • Fire department permit.
  • Permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • Permission from the territorial property management service.

All these documents can be issued in 2-3 months. A huge plus is the absence of the need to issue a license.

Types of establishments and their pricing policy

Most often, there are three main types of gym clubs - these are male, female and universal. So, the first type is characterized by the presence of a large number of power simulators of various directions. The second type is characterized by a functional division of space into a cardio zone, a strength training zone, as well as a space for group classes (yoga, Pilates, stretching, etc.).

As for the universal halls, there is a division into 2 categories. Firstly, men's and women's classes can be separated by time of day or by day of the week. However, this option is not very convenient for customers and for this reason is not profitable. Secondly, the hall can be divided into different zones so that clients can study without interfering with each other. Finally, the third option is the presence of two halls: male and female. However, it will require a much larger investment.

In addition to dividing the halls according to customer affiliation, they provide various pricing policy. So, there are three main groups of such establishments in terms of cost:

  • Economy class.
  • Middle price segment.
  • Elite business class lounges.

Most often, the pricing policy differs due to the location and the list of services offered. The average price segment is characterized by the cost of an annual subscription in the amount of 20-30 thousand rubles. At the same time, there are usually various options for subscriptions: day, evening, night or one that allows you to visit the hall at any time of the day.

Premises selection, renovation and decoration

To organize work, it is desirable to find a room with an area from 150 square meters. Of this area, part of the space should be allocated for the following zones:

  • 2 locker rooms - men's and women's.
  • Administrative premises.
  • Business premises.
  • Toilets.
  • Showers.
  • Reception desk and small waiting area.

The selected premises should have the possibility for further expansion. At the same time, the location should be well accessible from the point of view of the entrance. Other factors are not so important and depend on the price category chosen for the work.

Before purchasing and placing equipment, it is necessary to repair the premises, make zoning and choose an interior design. Most often, it should be chosen based on the chosen club symbols, the colors used in the design of the logo, as well as personal preferences.

For a hall operating in the middle price segment, it is welcome to have its own style in design: this factor becomes especially important if there are plans to open a whole chain of clubs.

When designing, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Directly in the gym, it is best to cover the floor with carpet. A lint-free carpet is the perfect floor covering.
  • For other rooms, tiles with a special anti-slip coating should be used.
  • The hall should have air conditioners and air purifiers. It is possible to control both from the general remote control and manually.
  • Walls can be covered with standard relief plaster. It looks nice and is inexpensive.
  • In the locker room, you should purchase sectional cabinets that are locked.
  • Showers and toilets should be located in the locker rooms. It is desirable that an additional bathroom is located directly next to the hall.

Required equipment and inventory

In order to organize the work of the institution, it is necessary to have a large amount of equipment. Since the universal version of the gym (which can be visited by both men and women) is the most profitable, it will require not only the availability of various strength and cardio equipment, but also equipment.

Among the necessary equipment are:

  • Mats for yoga and Pilates.
  • Bodybars.
  • Dumbbell row (from 0.5 to 40-50 kg).
  • Fitballs.
  • Ropes.
  • Weighting agents.
  • Pancakes for the barbell (weight from 0.25 to 50 kg).
  • Various vultures.
  • Step platforms.
  • Balls for functional training.
  • Sandbags.
  • Training ropes.
  • Elastic bands.
  • Blocks for yoga.
  • TRX loops.

In addition, you will need to purchase a number of simulators:

  • Several treadmills.
  • Exercise bikes.
  • Ellipsoids.
  • Benches for working out all the muscles.
  • Power frames.
  • Benches for bench press (horizontal and inclined).
  • Crossovers.
  • Multistations.
  • Butterfly.
  • Biceps machines.
  • Triceps machines.
  • Top pull.
  • Various hummers for the back.
  • Leg trainers, etc.

In the future, the most successful option is to develop the gym to the level by adding group training services (and, as a result, the appearance of a separate room), children's programs or martial arts (there should also be a separate room for them) and a pool (if the room allows). In this case, the institution will have a large number of new customers, which will seriously increase profitability.

At the same time, it often makes sense (especially when creating a gym operating in the low price segment) to buy used exercise equipment - this will reduce the initial investment by several times.

You can watch the following video on how to properly equip your institution:

Search and employment of personnel

The gym club will not be able to function normally without qualified personnel:

  • First of all, you will need managers and administrators who will deal with registration of subscriptions, communication with potential customers, consultation of visitors on any issues and control over the work of the hall.
  • Secondly, a duty officer should always work in the gym. trainer. A separate advantage of having this position is that he can conduct personal training (usually in his spare time), which in the middle price segment are paid in the amount of 700-1000 rubles per session per person. This will allow the hall to receive additional profit. Trainers should include both men and women, and depending on the work schedule, it is desirable to hire at least 3-4 specialists in order to ensure that clients choose an instructor.

Staff must be communicative and be able to competently sell services. It is desirable that each coach has a sporty and attractive appearance, as well as the presence of various certificates of advanced training.

As the institution develops, it is advisable to think about the availability marketing specialist. Finally, it will take cleaning woman, website development specialist(he can be hired one-time) and accountant(who may work part-time).

Finding Clients

In order to attract customers, managers will have to make cold calls. For example, a hall can focus on attracting corporate clients by giving them a certain discount when buying several subscriptions at a time.

It is advisable to promote the institution in social networks and by creating your own website. In this case, it will be possible to attract the main target audience is young people aged 16 to 30. If the first customers are satisfied with the work of the hall, they will advise it to their friends and acquaintances.

It is important to make a beautiful and attractive sign and signs showing the route to the hall.

This will allow potential customers to know about its existence and get a reason to call and find out more information. At the same time, such signs should attract attention: be unexpected, bright and memorable.

Finally, the entrepreneur should think about the need for various kinds of promotions. It is advisable to initially, when drawing up a business plan, set a minimum cost threshold for annual, semi-annual, three-monthly and monthly subscriptions, and then launch various promotions (one after another) that will stimulate customers. The best option is to spur people on by letting them know that the special offer is about to expire.

Other attractive offers include:

  • Giving a month of work with a personal trainer for free with the purchase of a ready-made subscription: in the long run, this option is the most successful, since in this case the client is more likely to continue paying for personal training services.
  • Giving a few months as a gift.
  • Provision of a free freezing service or re-registration to another person, etc.

Costs, profitability and payback of the project

As for the costs, they seriously depend on the size of the institution, specialization and equipment. So, the entrepreneur is waiting for the following expenses:

  • Purchase of furniture and equipment - about 400 thousand rubles in the case of the purchase of used equipment and from a million rubles for the purchase of new equipment.
  • Payment of rent for several months - from 60 thousand per month.
  • Buying a computer, installing the Internet and a telephone line - about 50 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of an MFP - about 5 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment for locker rooms, showers and toilets - about 150 thousand.
  • Repair and decoration of the premises - from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Buying an audio system and a TV - about 20 thousand rubles.

Among the expenses during the functioning of the hall, one can distinguish salaries for employees, taxes, rent, utility bills and advertising. The profitability of such a business is very high and is about 60-70%. Therefore, the payback period (even when purchasing new equipment) is quite low and amounts to 6 to 12 months. Annual profit after a year of existence of the institution can reach 1.8-2 million rubles.

Thus, opening a gym is fraught with certain difficulties, but this business will always be in demand, as well as bring a stable income. It is important to correctly calculate the loading of the hall and not to chase profit due to the growth in the number of customers: in this case, there is a high risk of their leaving for competitors. To increase profits, the list of services provided by the institution should gradually expand.

People always strive to look better, younger and more attractive. Fashion for a healthy lifestyle returned to our country a few years ago and continues to spread in all cities. Young people are increasingly refusing to use tobacco and alcohol, fatty foods and fast food, preferring proper nutrition, sports and outdoor activities. There has been a positive trend in the development of physical culture. All these circumstances become favorable prerequisites for opening and developing our own gyms, swimming pools, dance studios, and yoga courses. In this article, we will talk about what is needed to open a fitness club that can combine all the most popular types of sports and fitness services.

Preparatory stage

It takes an average of 4-5 months of active work to open your own fitness club. Such a project will require the entrepreneur to prepare and draw up a detailed business plan. Read how to write .

An ordinary gym today does not surprise anyone, therefore, if you want the enterprise to become successful, you should pay due attention to the development of the business concept of your club. Before you open a fitness studio, do some local market research: find out what sports and health clubs are already in your city, what services they offer, how satisfied customers are with the quality and price of these services.

Tip: if possible, visit several of these establishments in person, then analyze all the pros and cons of your potential competitors. This way you can paint a picture of the ideal fitness club from the client's point of view.

A great way to attract the attention of the target audience from the first days and stand out from the competition is to offer a new service that is not yet available in other clubs. Follow the latest equipment and fashion trends in the fitness industry. For example, in 2016, some fitness centers began to offer their customers an interesting exercise using fitballs and drumsticks. By the end of last year, the Nia dance (one of the variations of the Brazilian capoeira dance) came into fashion, which is a kind of dance therapy.

After carrying out the necessary preparatory measures, you can begin to implement the project.

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What should be a fitness club

Before you open your fitness club from scratch, you need to decide on the scale of activity and, based on this, draw up a budget, select a room and build all further work.

A budget option is the opening of a small club for 30-50 people. For this format, a room with a size of about 150 square meters is suitable. m, where you can place sports and dance halls, locker rooms and bathrooms.

To open a fitness center, you will need a spacious room of at least 400 square meters. m. Please note that the rent for such a quadrature will "eat up" a significant share of your revenue, so it is advisable to buy the necessary space. This will increase the amount of start-up costs, but will allow you to save on current expenses in the future and free you from dependence and pressure on the business from landlords.

When choosing a room, you should be guided by the requirements of the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", as well as industry standards, norms and rules for organizing fire safety, natural and artificial lighting, etc. A complete list of regulatory documents for opening a fitness club can be requested from Rospotrebnadzor, and the current versions of such documents should be sought on the websites of information and legal portals, such as Garant ( or Consultant Plus (

On the territory of the fitness club must be:

  • Gym;
  • dance hall (aerobics hall);
  • yoga room;
  • changing rooms;
  • shower rooms and toilets;
  • administrative premises.

Additionally, you can open a sports nutrition store, a swimming pool, an infrared sauna, a solarium, a massage room (see), a martial arts room, an office for SPA treatments, a children's room (find out). Clients will appreciate such a variety of services.

A fitness club should be attractive both outside and inside. Make sure that your customers feel comfortable, make repairs in the room, invite a designer. The more favorable conditions you manage to create for customers, the better your club's reputation will be.

How to set up a business

Simultaneously with the preparation of the premises, you can also deal with paperwork. The activities of fitness clubs are not subject to licensing. An exception is the case when the list of services includes medical massage, which, like any other medical activity, requires a license.

In other cases, all you need to work is a document from the tax service, indicating the state registration of your enterprise. A fitness club can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. When filling out an application for registration, it is necessary to use code 93.13 “Activity of fitness centers” as the code for the type of main economic activity according to the OKVED classifier valid for 2017.

Correctly draw up all the necessary documents for opening an individual enterprise will help you. Everything about how to go through the registration procedure on your own, and what you need to do after that.

In addition to the certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur (or legal entity), you will need to collect a standard set of documents confirming the safety of your premises for both clients and staff. These documents include:

  • FEZ (sanitary and epidemiological conclusion) - issued by Rospotrebnadzor based on the results of the audit;
  • conclusion on compliance with fire safety requirements - issued by the state fire supervision following the results of the audit.

This concludes the list of documents for opening a fitness club. When everything is ready for work and your institution opens for customers, do not forget to notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of business activities. Next, let's talk about what equipment you need for work.

Furniture and equipment

Gradually approaching the question of how much it costs to open a fitness club from scratch, we draw your attention to the fact that the lion's share of the start-up capital will go to equipment, inventory and furniture in the aggregate.

What you need to purchase:

  • cardio equipment - treadmills, exercise bikes, steppers, etc.;
  • power simulators - weight-block and loaded with disks, as well as benches;
  • functional simulators - rope, loop, rowing, etc.;
  • accessories for group and individual fitness classes - gymnastic balls, springboards, mats, expanders, racks, platforms, rings, dumbbells, etc.;
  • yoga accessories - mats, balls, belts, cylinders and semi-cylinders, etc.;
  • aerobics kits;
  • sports furniture - benches and lockers for locker rooms, benches for a sports hall; racks for equipment and accessories;
  • office furniture and office equipment for the reception area;
  • several coolers;
  • air conditioners;
  • mirrors;
  • musical equipment.

If your fitness club will have a swimming pool, sauna or massage room, you will need to purchase additional equipment. It is better to buy everything you need directly from manufacturers or through authorized dealers.

The number of sets of equipment will depend on the capacity of the halls. It should be calculated based on the following data:

  • for one power simulator you need from 5 to 7 square meters. m;
  • The treadmill will take at least 8 sq. m;
  • for a small cardio machine, for example, a stepper, you will have to allocate about 4 square meters. m, etc.

Before purchasing everything you need, it is recommended to make a virtual equipment layout map in several versions in order to choose the most suitable one. It is desirable to divide the gym into several zones: a cardio zone, a zone for strength training and a stretching zone.

Advertising activity

Proper advertising for a new fitness center is the key to success. Pay maximum attention to the name of your institution. It should be bright, original, memorable. It is not recommended to use the word "fitness" in the title. Come up with your own logo that will be associated with the name of the club. Order a large bright sign, you can also connect outdoor advertising on the streets of the city and on transport.

Don't forget display ads. You can draw attention to a new fitness club by announcing an open day or offering to participate in a promotion in honor of the opening, on local radio and television. Be sure to create your site. A landing page will suffice. Place on it high-quality pictures of gyms and equipment, information about the programs offered, trainers.

Take care of the organization of feedback - the page should contain an application / registration form for training, a consultation request, etc. A good one-page site, combined with properly configured contextual advertising, will bring you a lot of customers.

How much does it cost to open a fitness club

The cost of opening a fitness club from scratch will consist of several components:

  • the amount of rent for the first three months (most often, landlords require an advance payment for several months to make sure). If you buy the premises for the club or build it yourself, the start-up costs will increase significantly;
  • the amount that will have to be directed to the repair of the premises;
  • the total cost of equipment, furniture, inventory, plumbing and installation;
  • the cost of paperwork;
  • salary fund;
  • installation costs for video surveillance and alarm systems;
  • expenses for advertising and promotion of the club, as well as other expenses.

You can withdraw the exact amount needed to open it yourself, guided by the parameters and main characteristics of the selected premises, the number of pieces of equipment required, the presence or absence of additional services, etc. On average, it takes from 5 million rubles to launch a large fitness center . and more, while when opening a small fitness center with a gym and dance halls, you can meet 2 million rubles. The return on initial investment is usually achieved after 1.5-2 years of the club's operation. Shorter payback periods are offered today by franchisors selling fitness club franchises. Read in detail about what it is, what are its pros and cons.

Franchise fitness club

I must say that there are more than enough offers to open a fitness club franchise today. You can choose a suitable option for both a metropolis and a very small town.

For example, the Brosko Fitness company offers to open a women's fitness club under a franchise, the cost of which is 300,000 rubles. The amount is indicated without starting investments (the recommended amount of starting capital is 2.5 million rubles). This package includes:

  • brand book;
  • financial and marketing plan;
  • website and mobile application;
  • partner support, etc.

In addition to the lump-sum contribution, a royalty of 15,000 rubles is provided. per month. The average payback period of investments, according to the proposal, is 18 months.

A more expensive franchise from the Fitcurves. The company sets the initial investment at $43,000, including a lump-sum fee of $33,000 - $37,000. The promised average monthly profit of a businessman is from $4,000 to $10,000. The amount of royalties is 650-750 dollars. The company promises its potential franchisees training and support at the stage of starting a business and further work, regular trainings, meetings and round tables, personnel certification, etc.

Recently, various fitness clubs have become popular. And this is not surprising. This area is developing at a rapid pace. In addition, a fitness center is a good option for business. What should you start with? How to open a fitness center for the disabled, pregnant women and those who take care of their bodies? Read about it in our review.

Since you can open your fitness center from scratch within a month, you should start by collecting documents and choosing a room. It is worth considering that there is little competition in this industry. You can enter this business without much difficulty. For a fitness center to make a profit, you need to choose the right place for it and correctly draw up a business plan.

Business features

What is a modern fitness center? How to open it and where to start? First of all, you should understand the features of this type of activity. A modern fitness center is not quite an ordinary rocking chair. All amenities for visitors should be provided here. If this is not the case, then the institution will not be visited. After all, many people want to practice their favorite sport in more comfortable conditions. Agree, no one will pay money for visiting a regular gym with exercise equipment, where there is no shower and air conditioning. A modern fitness center should be equipped with innovative technology.

In order to visit the institution, it is not at all necessary to rent large premises where there is a pool. A gym located in such a fitness center will be more often visited. It is enough to find a room with a total area of ​​​​100 square meters. The main thing is to find professional trainers and purchase exercise equipment.

How much money do you need for a fitness center? How to open an institution and not spend too much? The cost depends on the location where the fitness center is located. It should be borne in mind that a room rented in the city center will cost more. Such an institution will pay off within a few years, and you will not receive profit during this time. It is for this reason that you should look for a hall in the rental price here is much lower.

Choosing the right room

How to open and simply for athletes and how to get a quick profit? As already mentioned, a lot depends on the room and its location. When choosing a suitable room, the following points should be considered:

  1. The fitness center should be located in a convenient location for visitors.
  2. The premises should be located away from competitors.
  3. It is worth choosing densely populated areas, where there are a lot of multi-storey buildings with residential apartments.
  4. Transport links are also very important.
  5. The room should be provided with a high-quality ventilation system, as well as bathrooms and showers.

A property purchased as a property is a better option than a rental property. How to make the fitness center more visited? How to open an institution and not burn out? Additional services, such as a sauna, will help here. Such additions have become very popular in recent years. Thanks to this service, the institution will become popular. As a result, attendance and profits will increase.

Also, when drawing up a business plan, it is worth considering that wealthier clients will only visit the fitness center where additional services are provided, such as a bar, solarium, beauty massage, and so on. In addition, this will increase profits by another 30%.

How to choose equipment

Since opening a fitness center is a costly task, you should choose not only the premises, but also the equipment. In this case, it all depends on the specialization of the institution. If you are planning to open a regular fitness center, then you will need the following equipment:

  1. The cost is from 24 thousand rubles and more.
  2. Running track, costing from 16 thousand rubles.
  3. The cost is about 19 thousand rubles.
  4. Equipment for the development of chest muscles. The approximate cost is 22 thousand rubles.
  5. Equipment for the press - from 5.5 thousand rubles.
  6. A barbell rack and a bench with a leg machine - from 4 thousand rubles.
  7. The bench is horizontal. The cost of such equipment is no more than 2.5 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will need to purchase more discs, dumbbells, barbells and so on. If there is not enough money for equipment, then you can lease it.

Additional expenses

Before you open a fitness center from scratch, you need to foresee all the costs and evaluate your capabilities. Don't forget about monthly payments. The list of costs includes:

  1. Advertising.
  2. Taxes.
  3. Public utilities.
  4. Maintenance staff wages.
  5. Equipment depreciation.

To open a fitness center from scratch, you should carefully consider the choice of staff. Coaches must be experienced and highly qualified. Many visitors refuse to visit their favorite fitness center only because of disagreements with a personal mentor. This should be taken into account.

The profitability of such a business

If you invested about 10 thousand dollars when opening a fitness center, and the cost of one visit is 50 rubles, then the business will pay off in 1.5 years. If the institution is of an elite level, then more investments will be required to begin with. But, as a rule, the cost of one visit to such a fitness center is much higher.

According to statistics, the profitability of such an institution is about 30%.

Is it possible to save

So, how to open a fitness center and what can you save on? When starting a new activity, many people worry about how not to spend a lot of money. There are several ways that you can save on opening a fitness center:

  1. Interior decoration. Often, visitors to fitness centers do not pay attention to what the walls and ceiling of the institution are covered with. When finishing these surfaces, you can refuse expensive and elite materials. It is enough to cover the walls and ceiling with ordinary paint. This will save you a decent amount.
  2. Equipment can be purchased cheaper and not from well-known manufacturers. In addition, customers do not pay attention to the origin of the simulators. However, the equipment must be of high quality and durable.
  3. Advertising. If you open an inexpensive fitness center, then you do not need advertising on the radio or on television. It is enough to stick ads around the area, as well as make an attractive and bright sign. In addition, you can distribute leaflets, as well as advertise on the Internet, social networks, and so on.

What is not worth saving?

To open a good fitness center, you should not save on everything. Otherwise, only a few customers will visit such an institution, and you will not receive any profit. What not to save on:

What documents are needed

So, how to open a fitness center? Where to start and how to draw up documents? First of all, it is necessary to clarify all the nuances. Paperwork is a very important process. Since 2009, physical culture and health-improving activities have not been subject to licensing. This may be required to provide medical services.

To open a fitness center, you must register as an individual entrepreneur. This is required to pay the single tax. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that many customers are in no hurry to visit fitness centers opened by individual entrepreneurs. As a rule, they issue subscriptions only to legal entities. In order not to pay huge amounts in taxes, you can register an LLC.

As a result, all coaches are registered as individual entrepreneurs and must pay a single tax. The premises are being sub-leased to them. It is worth noting that start-up entrepreneurs may not pay income tax for several years.

Where to get start-up capital?

You have decided to open a fitness center. How to open an institution of such a plan if there is no start-up capital? To enter the market of sports and recreation services, considerable financial costs will be required. Many aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have free cash tend to open their own business without money. But not everyone knows how to do this. In any case, you will need initial capital. Where to get it? You can go to the bank and get a loan.

It is worth remembering that a fitness center opened from scratch pays off within a few years. In addition, an individual entrepreneur can attract private investors to his business who seek to raise their image.

What is the result?

Since opening a fitness center in the basement is not the best option, you will have to look for a more comfortable room. It is worth noting that for an establishment of such a plan, a well-ventilated and lit room is required, equipped not only with exercise equipment, but also with a sauna, showers and, preferably, a massage room. To open such a fitness center will require about 40 thousand dollars. Such establishments pay off within a year. After that, the profitability of the fitness center depends on the number of regular customers, the availability of additional services, as well as the pricing policy. Of course, not everyone is able to open a good club. The income of a small year is from 1 to 10 thousand dollars.

In conclusion

It should be noted that a fitness center is a popular and quite promising service for residents of not only large cities, but also small towns. Among the advantages of this type of activity, one should highlight the wide opportunities for the development of such a business, high and stable demand, low level of competition, and so on. The only drawback is the large initial capital required to open a fitness center and purchase equipment.

With a properly and competently drawn up business plan, profits will begin to flow in a few years. After some time, you can create a whole network of fitness centers. This will bring even more profit. In addition, you can expand an existing establishment. To do this, you can increase the list of additional services. Ideally, a fitness center should have a bar, an aerobics room, massage, manicure and pedicure, shaping, fitness, a solarium, a room for pregnant women and the disabled.

Today, the popularity of dance groups, fitness clubs, gyms and other sports sections is gaining momentum in light of the fashion for a healthy lifestyle. It's time to take advantage of a profitable idea and create a business in this industry. A ready-made example with calculations will help you organize this profitable business.

The main points of the business plan

To try yourself as a successful businessman and evaluate how your idea pays off, you can open a small fitness center with an area of ​​​​no more than 150 "squares". Such a hall can be located in a residential area, and in the marketing system you will have to focus on people with an average income level.

To realize the idea, you need to start with a long-term lease of the premises, which should definitely be renovated and filled with all the necessary sports equipment. To open a full-fledged fitness club, yours should also have the following items:

  • Registration of your project;
  • Rent (purchase) and repair of premises;
  • Purchase of equipment and shells;
  • Recruitment;
  • Advertising campaign costs.

Project registration

Any business is subject to registration with the relevant government agencies. You can register as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or as an LLC. The first option is much simpler, and for individual entrepreneurs, the submission of accounting to the Pension Fund and the tax service takes place according to a simplified scheme. But if your plans are to go from a minimum level to a maximum level, expand your small club to a large center, then registration as an LLC is more suitable.

Among the necessary documentation, you can not do without permission from the fire department. You need to notify about the start of your activity and obtain permits from the Sanitary Supervision. Of course, the execution of all papers will take you a lot of time, so you can use the services of special legal agents who will help you complete everything quickly and without hassle, and most importantly - legally.

As for a suitable room, you have several options:

  • Rent for a long time.
  • Buy.
  • Build.

In order to decide which option will be the best for you, be sure to include all the calculations for all options in your future business plan in order to realistically assess both your financial capabilities and the projected percentage of profit.

The best option of all is to rent the premises, but with the possibility of a subsequent purchase.

This will allow you to make a good repair, re-plan the building at your own discretion, focusing on the list of services that you are going to provide.

If you are not going to go further than standard services, then you only need to provide a gym and a room for aerobics, yoga, shaping, etc. And if you want to get even more profit, you can think about other fitness services:

  • Massage.
  • Manicure and pedicure.
  • Pool.
  • Sports bar.
  • Solarium.
  • Sale of sports nutrition and accessories for sports.
  • Children's fitness.
  • Dance studio.
  • Wrestling, judo, boxing, etc.

When resolving issues of redevelopment, be sure to take a place for a shower, toilets, locker rooms, coaching rooms and, of course, your club's business card - reception (reception).

Equipment: what to buy first?

With equipment, there are two options: buying used shells and buying new equipment. In the first case, everything will cost you much cheaper, and in the second case, you can negotiate with suppliers on the installation and maintenance of simulators and equipment.

Even if you are planning to open a modest fitness club, which will not have additional services, at a minimum you need to buy:

  • Barbells and necks to them. Disks and dumbbells.
  • Cardio simulators, block and load simulators.
  • Mirrors (they should be in all rooms, in the locker room and in the lobby of the room).
  • Changing rooms.
  • Shower cabins, minimum - 2 pcs. The shower can still be arranged in one large room by breaking it with curtains. Suitable for large fitness centers.

To save on sports equipment, you can profitably buy treadmills and exercise bikes. Browse classifieds sites - as a rule, there are private sellers selling these things in perfect condition. The fact is that many girls buy exercise equipment for homework, and after a few months or years they sell dusty and unused exercise equipment. Why not take advantage of this simple trick?

Staff: every frame is gold

The key to the success of any fitness room is in carefully selected frames. You can't do without trainers and other staff.

The minimum required even for a small club:

  • Two administrators.
  • Two trainers.
  • One cleaner.
  • One supply manager (equipment adjuster).

Of course, the selection of fitness instructors is the most responsible task. You can do it in two ways:

  1. Hire specialists.
  2. Take newbies and teach them how to work on their own.

Be that as it may, the coach must know perfectly all the subtleties of the human body, the structure of the body and be in perfect physical shape, look exemplary.

Advertising campaign

A bright and attractive sign is a must have for your club. The name on the sign should be simple, clear and easy to read. People also welcome posters with slender and slightly beefy young people - these images can be placed on the facades of the building. At the nearest houses and stops, you can post ads or distribute leaflets in the area.

As a publicity stunt, many establishments use a feint with the first free workout. This is especially true in the summer, when it is unrealistically difficult to lure people to the gym - everyone is on vacation, at sea, in the country. And at the beginning of spring, before the summer season, promotions are not needed - there will already be a lot of customers within the framework of the traditional unofficial movement among the masses: “Lose weight by summer” and “Pump up by summer”.

So, we have considered all the main points of the business plan. Now let's evaluate the prospects and financial attractiveness of the project.

Fitness club business plan: calculations

The main items of initial expenses will be as follows:

  • Redevelopment of the building or repair - 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Registration of the organization, obtaining permits from the SES and the Fire Department 50,000 rubles (in case of using notary services).
  • Purchase of the necessary sports equipment and equipment - 1 million RUB.
  • Furniture, reception desk, showers, locker rooms - 400,000 RUB.

In total, the initial costs will amount to about 2.5 million rubles.

Calculate your monthly expenses:

  • The salary of the minimum staff is about 140,000 RUB.
  • The rent for the premises is in the region of 300,000 rubles.
  • Payments on utility bills - within 20,000 rubles.
  • 20 thousand rubles - advertising costs.
  • 100,000 rubles for other expenses - unscheduled additional purchases of equipment, repair of a broken shower, etc.

In total, per month you need to provide for an expense item for almost 0.6 million rubles.

Is it profitable to operate a franchise?

Those who plan to open a franchise business should understand that an entrepreneur can use an already well-known brand that has been developing for a long time before him. A franchise is not only a big name, but also customer loyalty, recognition and respect from competitors and, of course, comprehensive assistance from the franchisor. The magic of the brand works wonders: when purchasing equipment for a business, you will receive a significant discount, and the franchisor undertakes to assist you in developing your business at all its stages.

"Chips" is a corporate identity already developed by talented designers. The company under whose franchise you will work is obliged to help the newly minted partner in the embodiment of the traditional style, in the design of the premises and not only. You will have to follow the color scheme and take into account all the smallest nuances, up to the style of the clothes of the staff, but this will play into your hands and will only reinforce brand awareness.

Many franchisors help with education by offering a wide range of programs and manuals that cover all the ins and outs of developing a fitness club.

As for marketing, access to all necessary materials is not ruled out - leaflets, business cards, brochures, Internet resources. All this will help not to waste time on promotion, but to engage directly in business.

How to open a fitness club in a small town?

If your skeptical friends are already bending their fingers by listing several fitness centers in your small town, we will repeat to you that this market has just entered the development stage and is very attractive in terms of capital investment.

There is a slight correction in all this - only serious clubs are promising, which began to displace the previously popular "underground rocking chairs", in which there are neither amenities nor normal equipment. So, if you decide to turn your old garage into a GIM room and have prepared a shovel for money, then stop in time. An institution, an example of which is described in this business plan, will work and make a profit - with professional trainers, high-quality equipment, good repairs and amenities.

Therefore, it is so important at the very start to think about the quality of services. And this does not mean that you have to have thousands of square meters of space and a marble pool. A small room of 100 square meters is enough. with good equipment and a good location, the right set of simulators and a couple of smart instructors who will not be "watchmen" of dumbbells and barbells, but will really help their clients.

This is the key to the success of a fitness club, even for a small and seemingly unpromising town. Business can be done anywhere, the main thing is to do it wisely.

Aspects of opening a fitness center in a small town

The location of the room. It is important that it meets one main requirement - there should not be a single competitor within a 15-minute walk from it. But the area must also be densely populated. It is best to choose a sleeping area, in which there are an abundance of 9-storey houses - there the population density is several times higher than in the private sector. It would not hurt to have public transport stops nearby, and it was easy to get to the club without maps and a GPS navigator. For the rest, it is worth acting in accordance with the above business plan.

Maybe at first you will not have so many customers, so the payback may be delayed, but it will still be compensated in full if you act competently and according to the plan.

Video: open a fitness club from scratch

In this video, you will be told about 3 ways to open a fitness club from scratch - believe me, everything is not as difficult as it seems, and this video is proof of that.

Fitness is a very profitable and useful business. Imagine that you will always have the opportunity to play sports, and also make a profit on it. It is important to draw up a good business plan. We hope that the above example will definitely help you.