Who does not work, he eats. How much do prisoners earn

You received a scam message on your iPhone. You smiled, deleted it and forgot.

But behind him, perhaps, was not just a “breeder”. This business operates in the Russian colonies, and its goal is to get you to send or transfer money, a bank card number, and sometimes passport data.

What types of remote deception are thriving right now? Let's figure it out so that neither you nor your family will ever buy into this.

You lost your passport, but it was "found"

Optional passport. Any more or less significant subject. Forget your favorite MacBook or a flash drive with a ready-made term paper in the store, your Pomeranian runs away into the sunset on a walk.

After this, many write ads on poles, porches and on the Internet - in the hope of returning the loss for a fee. This is often used by scammers.

How does it work: after placing the ad, a man will call and say that he is ready to return the find, but wants an advance payment - otherwise he has every right to sell the MacBook (after all, he didn’t steal it!) Or throw your passport in the trash.

They say to transfer the prepayment to a card or to an electronic wallet from the nearest terminal. In response, they promise to leave your loss somewhere.

99.9% of the time it's a scam. Prisoners monitor such announcements and simply cheat you out of money. No one has found anything and is not going to return.

You transfer money voluntarily, as if the prisoners do not have phones and cards, so it will be difficult to impose a term for fraud.

The license plate was stolen from the car. Return for money

The scheme is similar. But we need partners in the wild, who will directly twist numbers. Ringing and doing business is just being organized from behind bars.

Often the owner of a car whose license plates have disappeared does not want to bother with restoration. For a thousand or two rubles, it’s easier to find out where the scammers hid the numbers than to write statements and wait for new signs to be made.

In this scheme, the numbers usually return. But the method works as long as it is followed.

Don't pay scammers! They are highly likely again it is your numbers that will be twisted, because they know that you are “milking”.

Buy normal anti-vandal frames at the car market. They do not guarantee 100% safety, but they increase the chances that your car will not be "stripped".

Your card has been blocked. Call this number

Everything is simple here. The message "Your card is blocked" is sent, followed by the number to call.

Fraudsters force you to give card information, including CVC/CVV and PIN. Or they convince you to register in a mobile bank and provide access codes.

Then the money is withdrawn from the account. To the max.

NEVER provide card details over the phone, and do not dictate or transmit the numbers sent in SMS messages from banks.

Your relative is in trouble. Transfer money

“Mom, they tied me up!”- such a call or message at three in the morning causes an instinctive desire to help. And then figure it out.

They will ask for decent amounts, from 1000 rubles to infinity. It depends on how well you were “developed” in social programs and found out the income.

Messages can mask, for example, under police alerts. They can even use a virtual number similar to your relative's number. And their names will be peeped on social networks to inspire confidence.

If something like this came to you, call and check. Directly by the number you have saved, and not by the one from which the "news" came. 99.9% that they are trying to divorce you.

Damn, I ran out of money in my account. Replenish pliz

In this case, the amounts are much lower: 100 or 200, maximum 500 rubles. They sign either vaguely ("bro"), or use names / surnames familiar to you from the lists of friends on VKontakte or Facebook.

Since the scammer does not have money in his account, then calling him to check will not work. Better check the numbers. Don't know this one? Can't get in touch with someone else? Okay, let's delete the post.

Your account balance will be cancelled. Enter code to cancel

Prisoners call and introduce themselves as an operator. Then they report that due to a failure in the system, the amount from the mobile account may be lost. Or the SIM card is blocked.

To prevent this, it is supposedly necessary to enter certain combination.

If so, this combination - team to transfer funds to the account of scammers. Money can be withdrawn from the mobile balance or from the attached bank card (Sberbank).

Remember: never give out any codes over the phone or in messages.

You have won an iPhone or a car. Pay for shipping

Literally six months ago, this subtype of divorce was incredibly popular: people “won the iPhone” en masse.

Another option is to ask for money to increase your chances of success. Say there are several winners Whoever sends the most wins.

Even if a person understands that this is a divorce, hope dies last. The editors of the site constantly receive letters: they say, I won an iPhone here, but they don’t send it to me. Have to be frustrated.

I'm out of town, book an apartment/product. Transfer prepayment

In this case, victims are found on classified ad sites.

They choose expensive goods: apartments, cars, jewelry, etc. Then they call the number and say that want to buy goods and are ready to make an advance payment. Reasons are full.

In exchange, they demand scans of the passport, bank card details (and if you're lucky, then a one-time password that will allow you to transfer money from the card).

Everything is clear with the map. But according to the documents, the prisoners managed get a new client login and change the password, and hence the ability to manage the funds in the account.

I won the lottery, but there is no money for the tax. Buy a "ticket"

Another interesting way is when the prisoner directly calls the victim and describes: he won the lottery, but can't win.

Firstly, the state will take 75% for its maintenance, and secondly, the rest will be paid to the victim at his hands / wife / children / anyone.

It is easy for the victim to fall for the bait, because for only 5-10 thousand you can get a ticket with several times more winnings. But you do understand that there is no gain, right?

Where does the earned money go? Not always in the "common fund"

Remote scams are often controlled by someone inside or outside the colony. Simple "zeks" plow, others earn on them.

The winnings are used to support “their own” who are in the punishment cell, being treated or about to go nowhere after decades of imprisonment.

But it also happens that money is spent on an even bigger “divorce”.

Slot machines on the Internet and sports betting is a frequent place for draining fraudulent income. They rarely win, of course. But a person who is already addicted to gambling cannot break away, and gambling addiction is not treated in prison.

The former prisoner spoke about the order among thieves, men, snoops and lowered

No wonder they say: "Do not renounce the bag and the prison." It is unlikely that someone purposefully wants to get to places “not so remote”, but, unfortunately, this sometimes happens. Andrei Martynenko, a former prisoner from Chernihiv, who was released a month ago, told journalists of the Internet portal about the customs and customs behind barbed wire.

Andrew, how did you end up in jail?
A classmate came to me. He said that his stepfather offends him, who drinks heavily and makes scandals. We met with friends and offered to teach our stepfather a lesson. There were three of us. But my classmate did not agree to this option. Then I offered to steal his scooter from my stepfather in order to “annoy” him somehow. Everyone supported this idea.
He also gave the keys to the gate and the garage, and the three of us stole a motor scooter. One of his comrades took him to his garage, and then tried to sell. He didn't tell us anything about it. But he was caught by the police while trying to sell, "pressed" and he turned all the arrows on me.
When I was already at the police station, I did not deny anything. Yes, it didn't make sense. I agreed with the police that I would tell how it all happened, but on the condition that the accomplices were not touched. Well, firstly, it’s not typical for decent people to hand over their own, and secondly, he didn’t pull the “locomotive” behind him, because they would have given a longer term for a group crime.
As a result, the court announced a term of 3.5 years under Article 185 of the Criminal Code.

How did you feel when you arrived at the place of detention? Where did he serve time?
There were no special emotions. No fear, no excitement. I already talked with former inmates, so I roughly understood what was waiting for me and how I should behave.
At first I spent several months in the Chernihiv Central, then they transferred me to Sumy.
When already on the spot in the camp they were assigned to a cell, they came to me and said that the “supervisor” wanted to talk to me. The watcher asked if there were any bad deeds behind me. (In the original it sounds: “Do you have a vile or a whore behind you?”). "Blyadskoe" - betrayed someone, pawned (for example, during a joint crime, already when they caught - pawned a comrade). "Bad" - you live decent, but in fact you are not decent (for example, you kept silent that you are a homosexual).

How many people are kept in the cell?
There are many barracks with "huts" (cells) in the prison. "Huts" for 4,8,10,15 people. There are different bars. With workers, thieves, etc. If a prisoner wants to work, he is assigned to a barrack with workers. If there is no desire to work (no one forces you to work), then in some other place.
I went to the workers first. I was there for a year, glued the bottom in bags. You can work as long as you want. You can work from 9am to 12pm. But they pay very little. For one sealed bag - 2 kopecks. If you manage to earn a pack of cigarettes for 5-6 hryvnias in a day, then that's good.

Tell me about the hierarchy of prisoners in places of deprivation of will. What is the relation to each of the castes?

The highest suit is “thieves”. The most authoritative prisoners. Many people know them in prison, city, country. They solve serious cases, can resolve conflicts, keep a common fund, etc. The thieves live "according to the rules", usually they are even proud of the fact that they ended up in prison. Since you can climb the hierarchical thieves' ladder only with a term behind you. For them, prison is a familiar place.
"Guys" is a respected suit among prisoners. A man is someone who lives decently, mostly people who went to prison for the first time and by accident. For example, he killed someone in self-defense. Or committed some crime out of stupidity or while intoxicated. To be a man you just need to be a decent person. Do not perform actions that are prohibited and do not have bad deeds behind your back.
"Snoops". These are the ones with bad deeds. Somewhere someone passed, somewhere snitched, etc. They don't do business with "snoots". You can talk to them, but you can’t cheat, take a cigarette or something else from a snitch.
The "lowered" are the lowest caste in the prison. They have their own cell, they don’t go anywhere except to the “dalnyak” (toilet), and they don’t touch anything. When an ordinary prisoner walks along the length, the lowered one should stand under the wall so as not to accidentally touch the prisoner. They do the dirtiest work, flush the toilet after others, clean closets, etc. Everything that is shown in films about the rape of prisoners and the like is a long forgotten story. Now there is no such thing.

How are those who are guilty punished? For example, those who could not repay a gambling debt.
It happens that they play cards. In this case, if there is nothing to pay with, some take risks and steal from their own. When a “rat” is found, he is taken around the cells and the prisoners beat him on the fingers and hands with a stool or similar things. Naturally, such a “man” can no longer be called.
They can “put on the balls” such a debtor. This means that a person will constantly stand at the door and look through the peephole, to see if the police are coming. This is necessary in order to have time to hide all prohibited items in the event of an unscheduled inspection.
There are times when "men" were played cards. And there was no opportunity to repay the debt. So, in order not to spoil a person’s life, the thieves paid the debt of the “muzhik”. After that, he was “banned” from the game.
If it was not possible to pay off the debt within the agreed timeframe (the deadline for repaying the debt is negotiated before the game), then you can lose your status as a “man”.
30% of the game goes to the "common fund".

What is the daily routine in prison? What about food?
Rise at 6 am. Approximately 15 minutes are given to wash and clean up. Then everyone goes out, for 5-10 minutes, outside to breathe fresh air, after which everyone again goes to the barracks. Well, then everyone does what they want.
There are about 100 people in the barracks. There are several cells in which prisoners are kept. The cells are open, you can go to others, chat. You can even go outside on your own.
Feed 3 times a day. 8:30, 14:00, 18:00. Time for food - 15 minutes. They were fed with various cereals, potatoes, meat was rarely given. In general, products for the prison are brought in sufficient quantities and of normal quality, but everything is taken away by people who work in the kitchen. This food is quite realistic to buy or exchange for something. For example, a pack of cigarettes can be exchanged for a can of stew. That can of stew, which is intended for prisoners and is stirred up by administration employees.
In the common barracks there is a stove on which you can cook food. Food is prepared from products that are passed by relatives or friends.
The food that is passed is stored in refrigerators. There are such refrigerators that not every house has such.

Were there any extreme cases during the detention period?
Yes they were. The caretaker was killed. Everyone went to dinner, and when they returned, the supply manager was already dead. I do not know who did it and why, but such a case took place.

And what about the tradition of drinking chefir?
You can chifir at least every day. For this drink you need about 3 boxes of tea. 3-5 minutes brewed, strained and you can drink. It gives an invigorating effect, but it spoils the teeth very much. One tooth has already been pulled out because of the chifir. And three more need to be removed.
It is customary for “decent” people to drink chifir once a week, gathering together, talking. But it is impossible, in any case, to chifir "decent" with the lower castes.

How is it with prohibited items? Phones, alcohol, drugs?
Phones, alcohol and drugs are officially prohibited. Certain products are also prohibited. But if there is money or a “broom hanging” (sociability, the ability to communicate effectively), then you can always agree. Phones, alcohol, drugs - the prisoners had it all. The main thing is not to get caught with such items when checking. Before purchasing a mobile phone, it is imperative to ask permission from the "watcher" (the main prisoner and authority in the barracks).
And all these things fall into the zone in different ways. Starting from throwing over the fence while walking along the perimeter, and ending with an agreement with the police working in the camp. Money matters a lot.

Why do prisoners need mobile phones?

Everyone is different. Thieves to solve cases in the wild, other prisoners to call relatives and friends. Well, also to solve personal issues.

What absolutely can not be done in the zone?
You can't swear. Not a single swear word or just an insulting word should sound. Because each word will need to be substantiated. He sent a man to three letters, which means he counted him as lowered. Only omitted ones can be sent. In other cases, you need to justify the presentation. If not, then you will have to answer for your words. Although fights are forbidden, it is allowed to beat the guilty. Plus, you can easily lose your suit for this.
Everything needs to be explained in human language and communicate culturally. In prison they live in order. Therefore, you need to carefully choose your words and "follow the market."
Stealing from one's own is also heavily punished. Cooperation with the administration is not welcome.
It is undesirable to say anything, lie, invent, etc. Otherwise, you can pass for a balabol.

Have there been cases when a prisoner had to have problems because of his tattoo, the meaning of which in the zone has some interpretation?

I heard that one of the influential thieves "signed that there is no demand for suits." Now young people fill themselves with different tattoos. This is modern culture. Although, I think that if someone gets to the prisoners of the old school, they can make them responsible for the tattoo. But during my stay "behind the fence" there were no such cases.
Still depends on the mode. I served time in a maximum security prison. In prisons with a strict regime, everything is much more serious. There, people have 3-5 walkers on average. And where I served time - only first-timers, basically.

What are the features of enhanced mode?

Enhanced mode is more loyal. More order and less chaos. No one rapes or beats anyone (only in cases where a person deserves it, no one has the right to simply hit a person).
There was a case when they contacted prisoners out of will. They asked to "lower" one inmate who raped a 7-year-old girl. Or just make his life in prison unbearable. But no one agreed, since no one has the right to do so.

How does the authorities treat the prisoners?

Constant pressure. The administration wants us to live according to their rules. I got beat up a couple of times. There was a time when charging was introduced. Those who agree with the innovation can no longer be called "muzhiks". Because "go under the administration." Automatically go to "snoots".
So, those who refused to go to the gym were taken to the “duty room” and beaten with batons on their legs. And so several times. If after that the prisoner resists, then he is put "on the pit" (a special room 2 by 2 meters, where there are only bunks, which are lowered only at night). First, they put them on the "pit" for 5, 10 and 15 days.
I was not beaten for this, as I am disabled. But for other disobedience had to receive from the administration. And some were beaten so that they were ready to commit suicide.
There was a case when I spoke to the authorities on “you”. Received for it.

How many times can a prisoner be visited?

Long visits are allowed once every three months. The meeting lasts three days. You can spend three days with your mother or with your wife.
Regular visits are allowed every day for two hours. Transfers can also be received every day. Whoever has money lives well in prison. Food, mobile phone, other things, exemption from some duties, etc. All this is. There were inmates who simply allocated a decent amount for the “common fund” and lived quietly and calmly without worrying about anything.

What are the needs of the "common fund"? How is it formed?
The "common fund" is formed by prisoners. Everyone contributes what they can to the “common fund”: money, cigarettes, household items, etc. It's just that there are prisoners who do not have relatives or have, but they live very far away and they do not have the opportunity to come or make a transfer.
Where can these people get these things? They have no soap, no toothbrushes, no razors. It is from the “common fund” that all this is taken. "Obshchak" holds the "watcher".
Everyone contributes what they can. There are no mandatory contributions. Everything is possible and according to conscience. We are all human and should help each other.

How to earn authority in the zone?

First of all, you need to be decent and that there are no “jambs” for a person. You need to communicate with thieves, show interest. Help people, if possible, somehow replenish the “common fund”. It is advisable to visit the "holy places", for example, the "pit".

Can anyone be trusted while in prison?

No. You can only trust yourself.

What causes conflicts in prison and how are they resolved?
Since everyone understands that you will have to live with people for a long time and you need to somehow reconcile with everyone, conflicts rarely arise. Conflicts are solved by "thieves". They are asked to explain the situation and state their vision of who is right and who is not. And then, after hearing both sides make a decision.
I had a case when I hit one prisoner. When I drove into the “hut”, there was a prisoner who made himself a “watcher of the hut” (the main one in the cell). There were just some grandfathers there, so he took unofficial power over them. He began to say something to me, tried to dictate his orders. Well, I shot him in the jaw. Because in the "hut" - everyone is equal, such an order.
He complained to the thieves that I supposedly hit, violated the order. 5 thieves came to our “hut” and told me that this would not happen again. And then, when they left our “hut”, they laughed at this guy. Because he lives as a “man”, but runs around to knock on the thieves that someone hit him.

What contingent is in jail? What are the deadlines for people?
A variety of people are imprisoned: for theft, drugs, murder. The maximum term is 15 years. Two grandfathers sat with me in the “hut”. Both are for murder.
One grandfather's granddaughter brought a guy home, and he was drunk. Something went wrong with this guy and he began to rush at his grandfather with cries of “I will kill you”, he began to strangle him. Grandfather went to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and stabbed him once. Once was enough to kill. For this murder they gave my grandfather 7 years. They would have given more, but the case was qualified as self-defense.
For the second grandfather, the situation is slightly different. There was a resident in his entrance who constantly clung to him. Well, the grandfather once could not stand it and stabbed this neighbor with a knife. Killed. Gave 12 years.

Red and black zone, how is it?

The red zone is the zone where the administration controls everything. Where order is observed, there are no forbidden things, where everyone works and behaves obediently. The black zone is the opposite. I was in the black zone.

And in conclusion, advice to those who got to places not so remote. How to behave?
Since this happened, then you should not worry and worry. There are the same people in the zone as in the wild. You need to be a decent person in life and then there will be no problems. If a person in the wild lives with dignity, then there should be no problems. It is advisable not to lie. It's always best to tell the truth as it is. Because a lot of fellow countrymen who can know the truth about a person visit. It is important to watch your words. If you don’t know something or are not sure, then it’s better not to say. It's better not to go there though.

And in conclusion, I wish all the "muzhiks" luck and suit, and all the very best.

Alexander Skorik

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MOSCOW, March 11 - RIA Novosti, Irina Khaletskaya. Every year, convicts in the colonies produce goods worth more than 30 billion rubles. In fact, the penitentiary system is one of the largest employers in the country.

However, according to the Russian Ministry of Justice, the average salary of prisoners is only 229 rubles a day. In a month, it turns out significantly less than the minimum wage. Is it a lot or a little and how much they actually earn behind bars - in the material of RIA Novosti.

Dress and feed

Prisoners produce a wide variety of goods, both for the needs of the colony itself and for commercial enterprises that have nothing to do with the zone. Any organization or large budget department can order things made by prisoners. All prison products are combined into a catalog under the brand "Trading House of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia".

There are a lot of people who want to buy goods from the zone: last year, the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) earned more than 33.3 billion rubles from convicts, which is 5.8% higher than in 2016.

Most of all, food and agricultural goods are produced - 45%. Clothing and footwear - 21%.

The outfit is not haute couture: usually it is overalls or suits for employees, as well as army and police uniforms. The customer for clothing and footwear is the Federal Penitentiary Service itself, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense. In one colony, 5-15 thousand sets are sewn per month.

In addition, metal products are made - from flower stands, greenhouses to large equipment, machines. Wooden furniture and small souvenirs are popular. Children in many Russian kindergartens sleep on beds made by prisoners. The furniture turns out to be solid: from a distance, chests of drawers are no different from some Swedish ones. But the prices are not much inferior to the market.

Some convicts earn for themselves bypassing the FSIN brand - by piece orders for rosaries, backgammon, decor items in the style of "thieves' romance." This small stream does not get into the general statistics.

One of the businessmen who sells similar souvenirs in Moscow told a RIA Novosti correspondent that enterprising prisoners themselves decide how to fulfill the order and send it from the zone to freedom. Often, the seller explains, the leadership of the colony is not even aware of such a business. However, according to him, some bosses take their percentage.

To a factory or a backgammon party

Nevertheless, despite the high income that the FSIN brings from the work of convicts, no more than 40% of prisoners work in colonies. What are the rest doing?

First of all, pensioners, disabled people and pregnant women are exempted from work - for health reasons. While the convict gnaws at the granite of science, he is also not busy in production. There are many of them: according to the Federal Penitentiary Service, in 2017, 156,000 prisoners received a working specialty, and another 65,000 in the territory of the zone graduated from school.

Many work as servants on the territory and are not involved in the shops. They cook food, give out books in the library, help in the hairdresser, keep order, whiten, dye.

A source of RIA Novosti, connected with the sphere of control over the execution of punishment, said that in some regions even fewer convicts are involved in paid work - about 25%. The reason is simple: there is no adequate production capacity, and there is simply nowhere for prisoners to work. Such a contingent lives according to the schedule, doing what interests him.

One of the convicts, on condition of anonymity, described his lifestyle in a penal colony. Employment, he says, is optional. Those who do not want to work live in a "non-working detachment" and go about their business: go to training, read, play chess and backgammon, get an education at a school or ... sleep.

According to him, convicts often take up work just for the opportunity to get out on parole. "You write an application. You go through a probationary period, you get registered. You are transferred to a "work barrack". But what's the point of working? Anyway, 75% of the money is taken to pay for our food, clothing, housing and communal services, and so on. As a result, you get about 300 rubles," he counts. And he clarifies: often you have to spend more.

Three hundred rubles a day or a month

At the beginning of the year, the Russian Ministry of Justice published information that prisoners on average receive 229 rubles a day, that is, no more than five to six thousand rubles come out per month. However, according to the Federal Penitentiary Service, convicts who work in workshops with large and expensive equipment can receive 20-25 thousand rubles a month. Women and those who serve time in colonies-settlements earn good money - their salary is also above average. True, the press service of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia did not specify what is considered an average.

In theory, the convict should not earn below the minimum wage (9.5 thousand rubles). In fact, according to the prisoners, everything is not quite so. Ivan Fomin was serving a term in colony No. 11 of the Nizhny Novgorod region. This is a colony for the so-called "BES" (former law enforcement officers) or "Reds". Now Fomin is suing the colony: he believes that he was underpaid.

Young and thieves. How teenage killers live behind barsMurder, rape, drug trafficking, robbery - about a hundred juvenile delinquents from the central regions of Russia are serving their sentences in the Mozhaisk educational colony. Some didn't even finish school.

“I was released a little less than a year ago. The total term was nine years in prison, but I was released on parole - as a result, I served 6.2 years. Fomin says.

He himself made plastic bags in the zone by order of a private enterprise. According to him, eight thousand packages were produced per day by the prisoners. The cost of one was 9.5 rubles, of which, according to Fomin's calculations, only 50 kopecks went to his salary.

“As a result, nine rubles ended up with the administration of the colony, where they were spent, no one knows. The colony itself did not see this money. At the enterprises where they worked on machine tools, modernization was carried out at the expense of customers. .

According to his calculations, the real salary of the convicts did not exceed 150-300 rubles a month. “Moreover, there were those among us who needed to compensate for material damage on a lawsuit. With such a salary, it will never be compensated. The colony leadership did not make contact, there was no dialogue, everything was ordered. The production was round-the-clock, they worked in three shifts. on weekends, which was not paid extra," he clarifies.

After his release, Fomin sued the colony. The court in two instances refused to satisfy his claims in full. “The legal justification for not paying us the promised minimum wage is that we allegedly did not work full time and did not fulfill the production norm. The colony administration believes that we should have produced three times more,” the former prisoner throws up his hands.

Not a single minimum wage

Violations related to wages below the minimum wage are indeed not uncommon, confirms a RIA Novosti source from the sphere of control over the execution of punishment.

“For example, a person may be underpaid simply because there is no money for it. Or they don’t pay vacation pay. Often, violations are recorded when a convict allegedly works part-time - four hours, but in fact he works all day or at night, or on weekends. Additional hours not paid," the source explains.

For example, in only one Trans-Baikal Territory, in five out of 12 correctional institutions in 2017, more than ten cases were identified when convicts were involved in repairs and other work (bath attendants, confectioners) without an employment contract.

However, as a rule, the low salary is quite justified and there is no violation. Those who are serving time or have already been released from places of deprivation of liberty often file claims for the recovery of what they believe to be underpaid money, and most often they lose, lawyer Sergei Litvinenko comments.

“The article of the Penal Code of Russia spells out this point in detail: a salary not lower than the minimum wage is due if the convict has fulfilled the norm. This is far from always observed. Hence such a meager salary,” the lawyer sums up.

If at the same time no one sends you dachas with money, where can you get them?

- I can say that. Worked, for example, you are officially free or not, what was your hobby. For example, you worked for hours. Please, you will even have a sign of respect, respect. Do it at the bar. Please first point. Someone earned his bread by treating teeth. And in the area of ​​​​official dentures, there is no stopudovo. And I have met them. The kids made from stainless steel, from brass, from bronze. Everyone rolled it out and made teeth. Please, also bread. Or just a simple guy. He has nowhere to take anything. But he has a limit. Four limits are free. Those. date, parcel, parcel post, plus store. Four times a month, please. Either way, attention will be given. Another option. Here is a man, well, yes, it’s bad for him. There is nowhere to go to go, but I want to smoke, chifir too. There is a schedule where work is scheduled in sections, the surname is there. Yep, it's your turn today. Housework, please. But you don't want to go. As some say - "I'm not up to my nostrils" or "I'm not up to the mark." Ah, not according to the concept, everything, pay. The man ran and worked for your legal two hours. Everyone, you are free. Let's take the lowest example. Football today. There are those who want to see. And there are men who don't care about football or boxing. And they don't work. But they also want to smoke. They also want to chifir. And I, for example, do not chifir and do not smoke, but they come up to me and say, smoke and chifiri on you. I tell you why I need it. Give me what I need. How many do you need? Two hours. Easily. I went, I became “fawn”, that's all. Of course, if the “fawner” pierces, then they will ask him twice as much.

Here is the best one.

You don't want to work formally. You can sit down, pop some potatoes. You will also be respected. It's all important. Not only make some potatoes, you can make backgammon from bread, chips. You will have something too. You will have it in your nightstand and in your pocket.

Or, at will, you worked in a “boot”. You came to the zone and said, I won’t go to work in the “boot”. This is "red" right away. You will be in office. I won't go there. I won't work at all. All. You can sit in the barracks. To hem someone, to sew someone in, to just put someone on a block. Yes, they will carry you in their arms.

Okay, let's go the other way. For example, by will you were a nurse. They tell you right away, they say, Vasya, to the medical unit! "Sculpted". Everything is on your map. You tell them, but you never know what is written there, I will not go to work by profession. And what are you going to do? Sit in the barracks. And at the bar is also good. Someone got sick, got a fever. Let's say 48 pills and no one knows what's what. And you come up and calmly say, give him this pill or this one. And you will be honored in the barracks. And count up, it's bad for someone there at night. They can’t reach the “sculpted” there. They approached you, lifted you up: Fedya is not well there, let's go and have a look. You looked like this. Yes, then this Fedya will carry you in his arms.

There are a lot of ways in the zone, without officially working anywhere, neither in the residential zone, nor in the industrial zone, being in the barracks, you can remain a man and catch your profit.

IA SakhaNews. Pussy Riot member serving a two-year sentence in a Mordovian colony last week Nadezhda Tolokonnikova published an open letter in which she described in detail the work of prisoners: meager salaries, a sixteen-hour working day and no days off, reports the Russian Reporter. So how much do convicts really earn and where does their money go?

According to official data, Russian convicts annually produce goods worth about 30 billion rubles, while budget expenditures for the needs of prisons will amount to 215 billion this year. Independent experts believe that the real production volume of the "FSIN corporation" is much higher, since the range of products produced is very wide: from mittens for oil workers to ballot boxes. An income of 30 billion seems more than modest.

In her appeal, Tolokonnikova claims that in July 2013 her salary was only 29 rubles. Later, according to the inspection, which was carried out by members of the Public Chamber, Tolokonnikova began to accrue about 300 rubles already - and this with a minimum of days off, a working day of 16–17 hours, and a daily sewing norm of 150 police uniform sets (for a brigade).

The words of Tolokonnikova are confirmed by a trade union activist Valentin Urusov, who entered into a labor conflict with ALROSA in 2008 and spent more than four years in a penal colony in the village of Verkhniy Bestyakh in Yakutia, allegedly for "drug possession". According to Urusov, it happened that prisoners received 18 rubles a month, so that even a pack of cigarettes was not enough. In most cases “the salary was not higher than 100–200 rubles.”

“The labor code is constantly violated in various colonies. People who fulfill the norm get crumbs,- summarizes the head of the committee "For civil rights", a member of the Human Rights Council under the President Andrey Babushkin. - But below the minimum wage, which today is more than 5 thousand rubles, you can’t pay! In some cases, prisoners worked for half a year for free. Or, under the guise of compulsory free landscaping work, they were forced to work around the clock.

Abnormally low salaries are associated with corruption - contracts that the management of a particular correctional institution concludes with businessmen are opaque, if not completely fictitious. In such an agreement, for example, a multiple lower price for products can be prescribed. The real amount is unofficially and informally paid by businessmen to officers of the Federal Penitentiary Service, and the work of prisoners is paid based on the figures indicated in the documents.

The scheme can be not only "gray", but also "black" - for example, as in the Rubtsovsk colony No. 5 of the Altai Territory last year, where, without any official orders, a workshop for the manufacture of souvenirs was organized right in the residential area. Formally, the workshop did not exist, and, naturally, no payments were made to the prisoners.

In the office of the Federal Penitentiary Service itself, the existence of a problem is recognized and even announced in early 2013 the creation of a specialized "trading house" - an open platform for selling products and concluding contracts. According to the plan, all auctions should be held centrally and with the expertise of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

“The existing system will change completely, there is a decision to create a kind of “trading house” so that everything is sold openly. We will know the needs, prices,- said then the head of the financial and economic department of the Federal Penitentiary Service Oleg Korshunov. - Now in the Russian colonies a huge amount of goods is produced, more than a hundred thousand items. And all this is sold incorrectly - to some commission agents, some intermediaries at incomprehensible prices.

Korshunov promised that in six months the "trading house" would start working, and the prison economy would come out of the shadows. However, six months have passed - everything is still the same.