Children's football school franchise. How to open a football school franchise

The network of children's football schools "Junior" is the largest in Russia and the CIS in terms of the number of open schools, the width of the occupied territory and the number of children involved.

Our mission is to instill in children a hobby that contributes to their normal physical and psychological development, as well as to strengthen the popularization of football around the world as one of the most socially significant sports.

At the beginning of 2019, the Junior network schools have 457 open enterprises in 250 cities of Russia, the CIS, and other countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, the USA, Spain, Egypt, Nigeria, Brunei. The total number of involved children is 67,000 people.

The main guarantee of such success in such a short time is the favorable working conditions for our franchisees and the ease of opening a school. A transparent and understandable business plan for your enterprise will provide you with a return on investment in a timely manner and will allow you to reach your desired level of income. The profitability of one working school is up to 500,000 rubles.

More than half of our partners already have 2 or more schools, and according to the latest surveys, 70% of the newly joined franchisees are planning to acquire additional territories in the near future.

What could be more valuable than helping children grow up healthy and happy?

Franchise offer of the network of children's football schools "JUNIOR"

Lump sum on January 1, 2019
350,000 Russian rubles in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Uzbekistan and Ukraine (depending on the population of the city).
350,000 - 500,000 Russian rubles in Russia, including the territories of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions.

Royalty- from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles, starting from the third month after the conclusion of the contract.

We also have special conditions for a lump-sum contribution with exclusive rights to cities with a population of less than 200 thousand people, as well as to the first partners in new countries.

Training and support

Training and development of the knowledge of our trainers is a priority direction for the development of the Junior network.
We constantly monitor the observance of the high quality of teaching. The coaching staff development system is divided into 18 educational levels, each of which requires careful preparation and certification by the coach.
The development and implementation of the Junior training methodology is carried out by practicing coaches of the highest category and employees of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after. Lesgaft, the methodology is also constantly being refined, leading Russian and foreign coaches, teachers and child psychologists take part in this.

Gerasimets Sergey Grigorievich
PRO category trainer, Associate Professor of the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P. F. Lesgaft.

Michael Onning
PhD in Education in Physical Culture and Sports from the Wilhelm University of Westphalia, holder of UEFA PRO coaching license. Worked with youth and junior teams in Germany. As head coach, he led the German Bundesliga teams FC Nuremberg and Hamburg.

Thiago Capaz
For 15 years he worked at the Sporting Lisbon Academy, coaching children of various ages. Among his pupils are the players of the national team of Portugal and England - Nani, Cedric Soares, Joao Mario, Eric Dier.

Ryukhina Irina Sergeevna
Sports psychologist at the Zenith Academy, founder and head of the Sports Psychology Agency (St. Petersburg). Russian basketball player Repeated winner of many international competitions as part of the Russian youth basketball teams, bronze medalist of the Russian championship. Master of sports of international class.

Alentiev Oleg Nikolaevich
Children's coach of the London Arsenal Academy. During his professional career, he played for the clubs Druzhba (Maikop), Sakhalin, Zhemchuzhina (Sochi).

Klochkov Sergey Alexandrovich
Coach of the football school of the Moscow Lomotiv. Among his pupils are the players of the Russian national team - Alexander Kokorin, Dmitry Poloz, Alan Gatagov.

Grechishkin Vladimir Petrovich
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Master of Sports of the USSR. Honored Coach of Russia.

Ryumina Galiya Sabitovna
Certified Gestalt therapist, systemic family therapist, specialist in psychosomatic disorders, business coach, psychologist of the highest category, more than 20 years of consulting experience.

Tikhvinskaya Evgenia Olegovna
Sports psychologist at the Sports Psychology Agency (St. Petersburg), lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology. Experience in practical work as a psychologist in sports since 2000. Own sports experience: master of sports in rock climbing, sports experience of 17 years.

Investments required to open a children's football school under the JUNIOR franchise

Submit an application

Business model of the football school for children "JUNIOR"

3% of the total population are boys aged 3-7. For example, if your city has 500,000 people, then there are 15,000 boys of this age. To reach payback, you need to recruit only 12 children. It's easy to calculate:

Profit \u003d (subscription price * number of children) - (rent of the hall + salary of trainers + taxes + royalties).

On average, the price of a subscription is 4,000 rubles per month. It turns out that you earn 48,000 rubles a month from 12 children. Renting the hall on average 2,000 rubles. There are 9 training sessions per month - 18,000 rubles for renting a room. For 12 children you need 2 trainers. The salary of a coach is about 800 (average figure from the salary of a coach and an assistant coach) rubles per training session. That is, another minus 14,400. 48,000 minus the rent of the hall and the salary of coaches - 15,600 remains. You give away 10,000 rubles in royalties, 5,600 remain for taxes and other expenses. Usually, more than 25 children register for the opening of the school, of which 50-80% * buy a subscription. That is, they pay off immediately after opening. In a standard mini-football hall, 30-40 children can play at the same time. If 60 children are enrolled, there will be about 30-40 people walking, as children aged 3-6 often miss classes. But payment is made a month in advance, so with the optimal load of the hall, 60 parents will pay.

*According to our statistics, at the beginning of the school, after a trial lesson, 50-80% of customers buy subscriptions. When the school is already running, the conversion improves: subscriptions are already purchased by 70-95% of those who attended the trial lesson.

While the rest create only the appearance of a successful business, we are working, attracting new partners and today we have created the largest children's football school in Russia and one of the largest in the world. Today, we are more than 5 times ahead of competitors in the market in terms of the number of children studying in our schools, more than 4 times in terms of the number of operating franchisees, and almost 4 times in terms of geographic coverage of the territory.

(data taken from open sources - offsite, social media accounts)

Profit making process

  1. Sale of subscriptions to classes.
  2. Sale of branded equipment and sports equipment.
  3. Sale of tours (children's camps)

The maximum payback period is 3 months. Minimum 1 month. Schools in Tula, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladivostok and several other cities paid off in 1-2 training sessions.

Requirements for buyers of the franchise "junior"

  • Availability of the necessary working capital for the purchase of a starter package and the launch of the school.
  • A city with a population of over 200,000 people. With a smaller population, they are ready to discuss preferential terms for a lump sum and royalties.
  • Willingness to comply with the standards and technologies adopted in FS Junior.

Private children's sports clubs are not a common phenomenon for our country, although they have been practiced in the West for a long time. For example, American companies educate more than 120,000 children a year.

As we have already said, there are not so many players in the children's sports segment. For comparison, under what conditions companies offer franchises for children's sports schools, we have chosen 3 actively developing brands - Junior, Champion and Legend.

Junior champion Legend
Year of foundation 2013 2013 2012
Franchising 2014 2014 2013
Number of clubs 397 190 9
Investments 175,000 - 475,000 rubles 220,000 - 1,500,000 rubles RUB 329,000 (preferential price - 230 00 rubles)
What is the investment spent on? Lump sum, purchase of inventory. Lump sum, *room rent, *repair, advertising, furniture and equipment, equipment, kit for a child.
Lump sum 100,000 - 500,000 rubles 140,000-300,000 rubles * Moscow 450,000 rubles. 200 000 rub.
Royalty 10 000 rub. the first 6 months from the moment the school was opened, then 15,000 rubles. *In Moscow and the Moscow region, individual conditions are discussed. 15,000 - 1 year, 20,000 - 2 years, 25,000 - 3 years. 10 000 rub. monthly
Other payments Purchase of inventory and printing (75,000 rubles at the conclusion of the contract, further if necessary) No No
Support Yes Yes Yes
Opening time up to 1 month up to 1 month
Average check ");