How to open your own business. auto insurance

Business in Russia. Guidelines for starting a business in the regions.
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* Calculations use average data for Russia

400 000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

1.5 years


13 %


About 30% of the corporate segment of the market is occupied by small companies, and no more than 45 of them have a turnover of more than two million dollars a year. Thus, even under the condition of fairly high competition and the existence of large players in the market, newcomers have every chance to take their place in the market (even if initially small, but with the prospect of further development and expansion).

The assortment of most stationery stores includes products of both foreign and domestic production. The quality of imported goods often turns out to be higher than Russian ones, but the situation is gradually changing. Manufacturers (first of all, white paper products) are switching to modern equipment, developing new designs, and using high-quality raw materials.

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In the structure of imported stationery, the share of products from Southeast Asian countries is increasing, the design of which is often not inferior to European stationery, and prices are often lower. Additional advantages include a wide range and frequent change of the model range.

For this reason, in some product groups, the share of Asian products can reach up to 50%. However, from the point of view of Russian consumers, a product of Asian origin should be “cheap”, even if it is not inferior in quality to European or domestic products. For this reason, many large and medium-sized wholesale companies that sell stationery often order products in Asian countries under their own brands.

Profitability of opening a stationery store

The annual capacity of the Russian office goods market is up to 2.5 billion dollars. This segment is considered the most promising, along with the office for schoolchildren. The growth of the stationery industry, which is up to 45% per year, is mainly due to an increase in the supply of stationery for the office.

The following companies are represented in the stationery market: manufacturers, distributors or importers of certain brands, wholesalers or companies that resell branded products, companies specializing in corporate customer service, retail stores and large chain stores. The market leaders in terms of working capital are Komus, Regent, Ekort, Office Premier, ProBureau, Pharm, Bureaucrat, Chancellor.

So, your stationery store can be focused on a wide target audience (parents of preschoolers and schoolchildren, schoolchildren themselves, students and other buyers) or have a narrower specialization (products for creativity, for school, for the office, etc.). As mentioned above, office supplies account for more than 60% of total office supplies sales.

Profit in this segment is much higher than in the school segment, which attracts the attention of start-up entrepreneurs. However, it should be borne in mind that when working with office products, the format of an online store with a service for delivering goods to the office is more suitable. We are considering the option of opening a regular stationery store, where products for schoolchildren, preschool children, students and the widest audience will prevail. The bulk of purchases falls on the first two groups of buyers.

Stationery is classified as a general consumer goods. The demand for such products does not depend much on the season, as well as on the economic situation in the country, because even despite various economic crises, children continue to go to educational institutions and they need pens, notebooks, textbook covers, art supplies, etc. Although completely However, it is not worth excluding the influence of the seasonality factor on sales. Thus, the greatest demand is observed in the period from July to September, when parents begin to buy office supplies for the school. From October to July, stationery store income is relatively stable (with some decline between May and July).

How to register a stationery store correctly

To open a stationery store, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur, which will be easier and cheaper than registering a limited liability company. However, if you plan to do business with a partner or several partners, and also intend to engage in wholesale trade, it is recommended to register an LLC.

The type of activity of your company according to OKVED refers to "Retail trade in stationery and stationery" (52.47.3). No special documents are required to open a stationery store. The standard list of required documentation that you will need to obtain includes a Sanitary and Epidemiological Conclusion (issued by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision) and a Fire Safety Certificate (issued by the Fire Inspectorate). Also, if you have a cash register, you will need to register it at the regional office of the Tax Inspectorate. In addition, from January 1, 2012, it is necessary that each of your employees have a medical examination certificate.

Decide on the location of the stationery store

Your stationery store should be located in a high traffic area. Many entrepreneurs are sure that the optimal location for such a store is the city center. In fact, this option is just the least preferable, because, most likely, the competition here will be much higher, as well as the cost of rent. But a busy bedroom community is more suitable, especially if you open your store near the mall, grocery stores, hardware stores, children's toys, etc.

You can also rent an area in the shopping and entertainment center itself, but there are a number of nuances here. Stationery is a small item, but its layout requires a considerable area (you need to lay out everything that is in your assortment, and so that buyers can see it). On the other hand, the smaller the item, the higher the likelihood of theft. If an ordinary store can be equipped with anti-theft systems, then it will be more difficult and expensive to do it in a small area. The best place to open a stationery store is on the ground floor of a multi-storey building on one of the busy streets. A prominent sign in itself will serve as an excellent advertisement.

The minimum area for opening a stationery store is about 6 square meters. meters. Keep in mind that the smaller the area, the more difficult it is for your store visitors to navigate the assortment due to too dense display of goods in the windows. In addition, on the territory of your store there should be a room for a warehouse where stocks of goods will be stored. It can be quite small, as stationery products are mostly compact in storage. As a last resort, it is possible to separate part of the retail space for a utility room, but this option is the least preferable. Keep humidity levels low in your back office and on the sales floor, otherwise your paper products will deteriorate quickly.

What is included in the assortment of a profitable stationery store

The range of a standard stationery store includes writing instruments, PP and PVC products (folders), cardboard folders, paper and cardboard products, glue and proofreaders, plastic folders, corners, horizontal trays, bookends, ring binders , adhesive notes, stationery items (paper clips, buttons, etc.), staplers, notepads, notebooks, desk sets and other accessories, staplers, folders, adhesive tapes, scissors, etc. Value-added products are in the greatest demand. As such, quality, attractive design and functionality can act.

Consumers prefer multi-purpose products (such as pencils with rubber bands, staplers with anti-staplers, marker pens, corrector pens, etc.). They are willing to buy them even if the price of a functional item is not much different from the price of the same items sold separately. Of great importance are the color and design of stationery.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Children of preschool and school age, as well as students, prefer stationery in bright colors with eye-catching pictures. The adult audience is more restrained in their preferences, but modern design is of great importance for them. You should not buy exclusively cheap goods, hoping to attract as many buyers as possible. Modern consumers are becoming more and more picky and demanding about the quality of goods. However, expensive products also run the risk of stale on your shelves.

It is best to bet on goods of an average price category - high-quality and beautiful. For example, when choosing between cheap 12-sheet notebooks with green covers and more expensive notebooks with colored thin cardboard covers, give preference to the latter.

It will still be more profitable to buy cheap notebooks in various super- and hypermarkets, which can afford, thanks to a diverse assortment, to put a lower margin on some products and / or buy them from manufacturers at better wholesale prices. You don’t have such an opportunity yet, so it’s better to offer a wider selection of goods of the middle price category (3-4 varieties of the same type). You may not be able to compete with the big chain stores, but it is imperative that your prices do not differ significantly from those of direct competitors.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Even with a difference of 5-10 rubles per item, potential buyers may prefer another store. In addition, keep in mind that on the eve of school, parents buy the necessary stationery in large quantities, and saving five rubles on one item can eventually turn into a significant amount.

Stationery store sales and marketing

Experts advise constantly changing the display of goods. This will create a sense of greater choice and make it easier for you to find what you're looking for. Seasonal items that are most in demand in a particular season (usually school items) are laid out in the most conspicuous place. At the end of the season, part of the unsold goods is returned to the warehouse, and part is sold almost at the purchase price. Do not be greedy and hide it until the next season. Some products will simply lose their relevance (for example, calendars, diaries for a certain year, notebooks with this year's idols on the covers, etc.), and some after a long storage will no longer look like a new product.

If possible, try to expand the range of your store. You can include, in addition to stationery, educational and children's books, souvenirs and gift products, small toys, stickers, calendars, bookmarks, etc. All this will help increase profits (although you will have to invest a little more).

Smaller stationery stores tend to purchase products from wholesalers. Choose 2-3 suppliers who offer goods at the lowest prices and with working conditions that suit you. Find out the terms of delivery in advance, even if the company is located in your city. In most cases, it will be more convenient if you do not drive for the goods, but the supplier brings them to you. Of course, it is much more profitable to purchase goods directly from the manufacturer, but most likely the minimum lot size will be too high, and the cost of delivery from another region may even "eat" all the benefits of purchasing directly.

To place the goods, you will need special trade equipment, which includes showcases, racks, stands with hinged elements (shelves, nets, hangers, etc.). Some of the equipment can be made independently. You can also buy used equipment to save money. Separate racks will also be required for the warehouse, otherwise neither you nor your sellers will find the right product there.

It is also quite possible to make these racks with your own hands or purchase ready-made ones, including in non-specialized stores (for example, such as Ikea). Do not forget about a sign with the name of your store, posters or window stickers, if it is not possible to make a beautiful showcase, pillar, where you will post ads about the store's assortment, ongoing promotions and discounts.

Stationery store financial calculations

To work in a small store, two salespeople are enough to work every other day. However, if the sale is not supposed to be in the “behind the counter” format, then a cashier and 1-2 sales assistants will be required to keep order, answer customer questions, replenish stocks of goods on the shelves, and arrange them. Also, more support staff will be needed before the school year starts, otherwise your two salespeople may not be able to keep up with the increased number of buyers.

To open a small stationery store, you will need from 400-450 thousand rubles. This amount includes rent, the purchase of the first batch of office supplies, and minimum shop equipment. However, there will be additional expense items - ordering and installation of signs, advertising, wages to sellers at least for the first three months of work. The margin on stationery reaches 200% for cheap products and 50-70% for more expensive products. Payback periods are from 1.5 years.

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A person can have many incentives to start his own business.

This is a desire to become independent and financially self-sufficient, to reveal one's professional and creative potential, etc. With such a high level of competition as in Moscow, not every novice entrepreneur can succeed in business and develop his company to the level of a solid company. Those wishing to open their own small business first need to decide on the choice of direction of activity. To do this, you can make a list of two items. In the first write, what would you like and would be interesting to do. In the second - what can be done well. Then you should cross out all the less promising options. In this case, you must also take into account your financial capabilities.

After only one item remains on the list after screening out weak options, you will need to write down your advantages in this area over competitors. We need something special that others, if they can do, then not massively. The main competitive advantages include a low price, an interesting image or, for example, a novelty of an idea, etc. If you manage to find at least a couple of options, then the chosen idea can be quite successful and start bringing good income if the business is properly organized.

Those wishing to open their own small business should think about how it will be organized. You need to have a clear idea of ​​what the company will do, what duties will be performed by employees and administration, what will be needed to open an office and uninterrupted and productive work, etc. Answers to these points will need to be backed up with numbers and a detailed business plan. It is needed in order not to ignore any of the nuances when opening a business, to avoid all kinds of mistakes and to find out the amount of investment required to open a company, subsequent expenses and income from activities.

Suppose an entrepreneur has always been interested in different countries, speaks foreign languages ​​well and can easily find a common language with absolutely any interlocutor. He decided to start his own business in the tourism industry. Starting a travel company is easy. Plus, this type of activity does not require the cost of purchasing goods, for example, as when opening a store.

Let's consider step by step how to bring this idea to life and draw up a general business plan

  1. If the entrepreneur does not have experience in the tourism sector, then it will be useful to complete the courses of tourism managers before. They last from two weeks to a month and cost little. A general idea of ​​​​tourism, how and what works in this field of activity, the subtleties and features of the tourism market in the courses will be told.
  2. To open any type of activity, you first need to register. Registration of a travel agency is most often carried out as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or an Individual Entrepreneur (IP). Registration is made in the Tax Authority.
  3. Find a suitable premises for a travel company and rent it. The agency does not need too much space. For the work of two managers, 15-20 sq. m. The location of the office is already half the success. It should be located in a passable place, not far from the metro station. The ideal option is to rent a room in some shopping center.
  4. The next steps will be the purchase of everything necessary for opening an office and its arrangement. When buying everything you need, you need to proceed from how many people will work in the office. It is important not to miss anything here. Be sure to remember to purchase a sign, otherwise potential customers may simply not find the office, and customers from the street will never come in, because they will not know about the existence of a travel agency.
  5. After equipping the office, you need to take care of connecting the telephone line and the Internet, as they are one of the main tools in the work of a travel company.
  6. Acquisition and registration of a cash register with the tax authority.
  7. You should think about advertising. For a successful start of a travel agency, advertising is very important. This may be the distribution of leaflets with information about the agency near the metro station, advertising in the media or joint advertising with tour operators, etc. There are a lot of advertising options.
  8. This travel agency may have its own characteristics. You can open the sale of wedding tours or start organizing some non-standard trips, etc.

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The costs of opening a company can be divided into one-time and monthly

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One-time expenses

  • state duty for registration of IP - 800 rubles;
  • opening a personal account in a bank - 2200 rubles (the exact amount depends on the tariff of the selected bank);
  • equipment of the manager's workplace (table, rack, 3 chairs, computer, MFP) - 44 thousand rubles;
  • telephone line connection - 500 rubles;
  • cash register - 23 thousand rubles;
  • signboard - 7 thousand rubles.

Total: 77500 rubles

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Monthly expenses

  • office rent - 14 thousand rubles (the exact amount depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises and its location);
  • salary of an employee - 15 thousand rubles;
  • payment for the Internet and telephone - 2600 rubles;
  • stationery - 1 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 5 thousand rubles.

Auto insurance. How to start an insurance business

The insurance business in Russia is one of the few areas that, even today, during a protracted economic downturn, does not lose its relevance. Therefore, in this publication we would like to consider the question of interest to many how to become an auto insurance agent.

Let's try to figure it out

Before talking about the steps that you need to take in order to start this business, you need to decide how exactly you want to implement it. To do this, you need to answer the following questions:
Do you want to be a company agent or represent the interests of several?
Do you have enough resources to implement this venture?
What kind of car insurance services do you want to provide?
And only after you determine all these nuances, you can begin to draw up a business plan, and calculate your potential profit.
Well, now, the actual plan itself is how to become an auto insurance agent.
1. Analyze the market and determine the range of potential companies with which you would like to cooperate;
2. Organize contacts with selected companies, get a list of required documents. Study it and prepare the complete package;
3. Make up your resume, try to describe in detail your experience and personal qualities that allow you to work in this field;
4. Attend an interview and try to make the best impression;
After all the stages are completed, you can start your activity. You can start your activity! In order for your business to be successful, attend sales trainings, study all the information that will help you master the technologies of attracting new customers. It is necessary to do this, even if you consider yourself the owner of such an experience.

Auto insurance as a business

After the initial stage in the career of an insurance broker has been completed, it's time to think about how to reach the next stage and open an insurance contract sales office. According to many experts, auto insurance has the greatest potential in the range of insurance products.
In theoretical terms, the insurance process is a kind of relationship between the insured and the insurer, who are interested in protecting their property interests and liability from any unpleasant consequences. For this, an insurance contract is concluded between the parties, which specifies the amount of the contribution, the amount of payments and the procedure for their implementation.
On the other hand, it is the responsibility of the insurer to form a certain insurance fund, from which, in the event of an insured event, the insured pays compensation within the framework specified in the contract.
When thinking about how to open auto insurance, whether it is an office representative office or a newly created company, it is important to understand that the goal of the insurer, like any entrepreneur, is profit. In this case, its volume will completely depend on the number of transactions concluded, namely, on the volume of sales of CASCO and OSAGO policies. In turn, profit, as well as the size of the insurance fund, is a guarantee of the stability of the company.
Based on the practice of Russian companies, in order to succeed, it is necessary to conduct business in several directions at once. This is due to the fact that, firstly, sales of OSAGO are strictly regulated by the current legislation. And since in this case the insurer cannot influence the final price of the insurance product in any way, then, according to the majority of experts and analysts, the business only on the sale of OSAGO policies is initially not profitable. Secondly, such a multi-purpose project has a better chance of success from a commercial point of view.
On the other hand, the implementation of CASCO policies has a deeper potential than just the implementation of insurance contracts. So, in this case, the entrepreneur has more freedom in the formation of tariffs and coefficients.
But even in this case, it is impossible to say for sure which car insurance is better from a business point of view. Both programs have their own nuances. So OAGO practically does not make a profit, but CASCO has a low level of popularity associated with its high cost.
The combination of these two forms is considered the most rational way of doing business. In addition, as an alternative income, you can consider the provision of additional services, such as:
Services of an expert and appraiser;
Advisory assistance after an accident;
Technical assistance;
Other insurance products
The listed services can be added as additional options to the CASCO insurance policy.
It was a general concept about auto insurance products. Now let's talk more specifically.

How to open auto insurance (office)

In order to open a point for the sale of CASCO and OSAGO policies, you must first choose the right premises. In order for your costs to justify themselves, your office should be located just in a good place, and where a large number of your potential customers are possible.
According to most businessmen, before reaching a new level and wondering how to open a car insurance office, you need to carefully calculate everything. Otherwise, the organized enterprise may not pay back the investment, and the novice businessman will fail.
A good place to open an auto insurance office today can be various shopping centers, business centers and other similar places.

What documents are needed for car insurance

Like any other, auto insurance as a business is, first of all, a registered company, the form of ownership of which is selected depending on the goals and scale of the project being implemented.
If we are talking about the creation of an insurance company, in this case, in addition to registering a legal entity, an appropriate license will be required, which can only be obtained if the authorized capital of the company is paid in full in the amount of at least 120 million rubles.
In the event that an entrepreneur is going to operate as an insurance agency, which, in fact, involves the conduct of an intermediary business, the following will be necessary:
Register LLC or sole proprietorship;
Conclude agency agreements with partner insurance companies;
rent an office;
What documents are needed for auto insurance, it seems to us, is quite clear.

How to Become a Home Based Auto Insurance Agent

Modern technical capabilities, combined with changes in insurance legislation and the introduction of electronic certificates, have led to the fact that today you can conduct an insurance business without leaving your home.
If you are thinking about how to become an auto insurance agent at home, then the answer is obvious. You need to create a thematic portal through which you can invite all its visitors to offer your insurance offers.
However, one should not think that such a business concept will automatically generate income. Working through the Internet is a labor that takes not only time, but also requires a constant investment of other resources, such as money and a constantly updated knowledge base of the owner of such a business.
At the end of the publication, I would like to dwell on one more important point. When choosing auto insurance as a field of activity, which companies are better to choose as a partner.
In fact, when answering this question, it is very difficult to give specific recommendations, but we want to highlight a certain group of criteria that can be used when choosing a business partner.
The insurance company whose insurance products you are going to sell must have:
reliable reputation;
stable history;
comfortable conditions for cooperation;
an extensive branch network.
This is not the whole list of aspects to which you should pay attention. Nevertheless, even this is enough to understand in which direction it is necessary to move on.