Car service income: how much profit the business brings and how to raise it. How much do car services earn Average check in a car service

It can be said quite definitely that investing in a car repair shop is one of the most reliable investments and will remain so until someone comes up with an absolutely unbreakable car.


Approximately such a result can count on a small car service for 3 posts, subject to a monthly load of each of 250 hours (in total - 750 hours). With an increase in the number of posts (bandwidth), the profit, respectively, increases proportionally.

According to the Moscow Association of Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Enterprises (MAPTO), there are now almost 2,500 legal car services in the Russian capital alone, not counting the thousands of lone craftsmen scattered among garage cooperatives. In addition, in Moscow since the late 1980s, a whole network of illegal and semi-legal garage car services began to take shape, traditionally engaged in "tin" and painting - operations that do not require expensive equipment. Their number, as MAPTO experts assure, is also no less than the number of legal ones. According to the most rough estimates, the annual turnover of the car service market in Moscow is $500 million, with almost a hundred new centers opening every year.

Fluid market

- 90% of the market is occupied by small technical centers for two or three positions, - says Dmitry Buyanov, director of the Barclay Holding company, which supplies equipment for services, in the past he was a co-owner of a small service. – This market is very fluid, and every year a quarter of services change their location and list of services provided. In many ways, the success of an auto service business depends on location. So first you need to find a free room, and preferably, near a busy highway.
Most owners of large car services once started from the smallest. For example, the director of Alfa Motor Group, Alexander Voronkov, started his business seven years ago with two rented garages of several tens of square meters, a pair of lifts and three workers - it then cost him $ 25,000. Three years later, he expanded the area to 500 square meters. . m, added a new building, installed several posts, a spray booth and bought a diagnostic stand for $ 20 thousand. Now Alexander has opened another branch of his service, already under 1000 sq. m.
In Moscow (as in any large city), finding a square (inexpensive, in a good location, with convenient entrances and away from residential buildings) is always problematic. But, as experts note, it is not necessary to look for a room in the center - the outskirts can be no less effective - the main thing is that the future service should have a convenient entrance and a busy highway at hand.
- For each operation, a separate place is required, and this is at least 20 square meters. m, - says Viktor Taranenko, head of the sales department of the Scorpion company, which supplies equipment for services, - to ensure the freedom of movement of mechanics. It is also necessary to provide an area for an auto parts warehouse, locker rooms, counters for receiving customers and placing an order, a waiting room with easy chairs, etc. If at the very minimum, then for a small service less than 100 square meters. m will not be able to meet. If there is no room, then a warm metal hangar is quite suitable for a car service - its construction will cost about the same as the annual rent in the center.
“But the main thing in our business is reputation,” says Vyacheslav Smykalov, technical director of Avtopassage, “regular customers make up to 70% of the total mass. A reputation needs to be earned.

– Clients must see your work, evaluate its quality, and then they will follow you anywhere. I know all my regular customers personally, many of them have become my friends.

Costs and their minimization

According to many owners of services, regular and gratuitous repairs of cars of all kinds of inspectors (from SES to firefighters) are an inevitable expense item. Fortunately, since February 8 last year, one barrier has been reduced - the licensing of car services has been canceled. But for legal work, each service must obtain a certificate of conformity for the performance of auto repair work. This is done by Gosstandart, NAMI, Rostest, MADI-TES - more than a dozen organizations in Moscow in total; The certificate is valid for three years. In order to receive this cherished piece of paper, it is necessary not only that all equipment meet certain technical requirements (a representative of the certification body goes to the site for verification), but also that there is an appropriate qualification (at least a specialized secondary technical education) of engineering and technical personnel. Plus, all control and diagnostic equipment must undergo metrological verification (this is done by Rostest and Avtoprogress). So the larger the service and the more equipment it contains, the more expensive this procedure will cost. For example, according to Vyacheslav Smykalov, it cost Avtopassage more than 100 thousand rubles.
It is also necessary to conclude an agreement with one of the organizations involved in the removal of garbage and liquid toxic waste. The main waste is used oil. For example, the cost of removing one container of garbage is now 250 rubles. And for the export and disposal of 1 cubic meter of water-oil suspension, you will have to pay from 5 to 8 thousand rubles. Interestingly, you can save money on this - some enterprises are ready to take used oil (without impurities) even for free. In brick factories, it is used to fire furnaces, and in concrete factories they lubricate molds for casting blocks.

Working technologies

Despite the fact that domestic cars break down an order of magnitude more often than imported ones, it is much more profitable for a car service to service the latter. Simply because the standard hour of servicing a "foreigner" costs two or even three times more (on average - $ 25, Russian - $ 10-15).
Most car services, if it is not possible to purchase the entire range of equipment, start with specialization in one or more types of work, gradually, as they develop, buying new positions.
“Most start-up services cannot afford to buy all the necessary equipment,” says Dmitry Buyanov, “and therefore, at first, you can specialize in some specific work (for example, tin, diagnostics or engine overhaul), while constantly maintaining high quality. True, the circle of clients will still be very limited, therefore, if possible, you need to be “equipped” to the maximum.
In addition, serious services usually specialize in some specific brands of cars - modern Western-made cars are so complex that "doing everything" is "trying to grasp the immensity."
Alexander Voronkov agrees with him:
- I have a dozen specialists who know Toyota cars inside and out, no worse than in authorized services. It is not serious to deal with all brands in a row, because each model has a lot of its own features, and if the service claims that it does everything regardless of the brand, then there is reason to doubt the quality of its services.

We buy equipment

The work of an auto repairman can be compared with the work of a surgeon - the health, and often the life of the patient (car) depends on the correct diagnosis.
Therefore, one of the most important parts of any car service is a stand for troubleshooting. Almost all modern cars are equipped with computers, so it is enough to connect the stand to a special connector in the hood of the car, and the diagnosis becomes clear, which greatly simplifies and shortens the task of the master. A good diagnostic stand costs from $10,000, and branded ones recommended for authorized dealers can cost even more.
“Once a year, for every motorist, the maintenance service (TO) becomes the most relevant, and for services it becomes one of the most profitable,” says Alexey Kulikov, service manager of Ford Avtopassazh. - With a small time investment (from 1.5 to 3.5 hours) for a car enthusiast, it will cost us $ 60 and is constantly in demand (it is required every 10-20 thousand kilometers for gasoline cars and 7-25 thousand for diesel ones).
For each post, a lift is also required (from $1.5 thousand for Russian-made equipment and from $3 thousand for imported equipment).
In those ancient times, when there was no or “killed” equipment at public services, and only Zhiguli traveled along the roads, our self-taught people always found a way out of any situation. For example, they pulled out the "iron", tying the back of the car with a cable to a tree and pressing the gas. Now technology has come a long way. On average, you will have to pay from $5.5 thousand to $50 thousand for an imported stand for straightening emergency bodies (domestic ones can be found for $4 thousand).
One of the most complex services is an engine overhaul; every Russian car needs it after 90-150 thousand km of run, a foreign car - after 200-400 thousand km. For a small service, such a repair is a complex and time-consuming task that requires special equipment (milling, grinding and honing machines for precision machining), and often unprofitable. In this case, it makes sense, when accepting orders, to delegate engine repairs to specialized ones - there are several of them in Moscow (“Mechanic”, “Inna-motor”, etc.). Moreover, a third of the amount for repairs will go to you in the form of commissions, and the range of services will only expand.

Cars and tires

Perhaps one of the most popular and sought-after services in the car service market is tire fitting, because at least twice a year, in autumn and spring, every motorist cannot do without it. Unlike complex tin, painting and other works, investments in the equipment of a tire post are minimal: a complete set can be purchased for $ 2.5-5 thousand. Some services (such as MVO and Koleso) have chosen it as the main or as an addition to the sale of tires.
All equipment is compact, occupies several square meters, it can be placed in a hangar or even right on a busy street (many auto parts stores do this by installing a tire changer directly under their windows).
If it takes no more than 5 seconds to replace all the wheels in a Formula 1 racing car, then 10-15 minutes for each wheel should be enough for a simple tire fitter. But since they usually work in pairs, it will take no more than half an hour to replace the wheels of the entire car. Thus, for 10 hours of work, 20 cars can be serviced if there is a constant influx of customers, and it happens only 3-4 months a year. And if you take 150 rubles for each wheel. (the average price for domestic cars), then all the equipment you can pay off in just one or two months, taking into account the cost of the salary of two workers and other irregular payments. Plus, the sale of tires, motor oils and other small things will bring in a good income - about the same as the services themselves.

Major League of Automotive Service

The highest auto repair caste is an authorized service specializing in a particular Western brand. A standard hour costs twice as much as in a normal, but good service, annual millions of turnovers, inaccessible to small and "gray" services, warranty service for cars. It is necessary to invest at least $1 million in such a center, since it is often necessary to comply with very strict conditions of car manufacturers (according to experts, it is most difficult to satisfy the requests of Japanese companies, more simply, American companies actively entering the Russian market).
True, even most high-quality services cannot become authorized - for this it is necessary to maintain close contacts with official dealers and representative offices of the manufacturer for a certain time. But the main thing is that modern machines are extremely complex, their "stuffing" is regularly updated.
Nevertheless, if one of the medium-sized, long-standing and stable service stations manages to become an authorized service, it will be guaranteed to be provided with a constant stream of wealthy owners of new foreign cars, and the cost of a standard hour of work at it will start from $30.
- There is a certain norm, the so-called. throughput (loading) of one post per month, - says Alexey Kulikov, - when it is performed, the service can be called quite cost-effective. For us, this is 256 hours per month, for other services the figure is about the same.
Thus, investments in a good car service can start from $20,000 and go up to several hundred thousand or even millions. Of course, now it is much more difficult to recoup even small funds than in the early 90s - then a quite decent service could begin to bring net profit after six months of stable operation, but now the average return period, according to the owners, is at least two to three years. But on the other hand, profit, if the flow of regular customers is ensured and the loading of each post, is guaranteed.

Doing business is a serious alternative to hired employment, the possibility of independent earnings and independence financially and morally. Of course, along with this, you have to bear the burden of worries and risks associated with doing business, and the burden is rather big. But freedom from someone else's instructions and the full right to manage your time and decide on your own what and how to do is too big a plus, which more than compensates for all the difficulties.

Before opening a car service from scratch, let's designate the relevance

Transportation of people, goods, mobility and the ability to travel long distances in a relatively short amount of time is the main sign of the development and civilization of society.

Of all modes of transport, the car is the most common and versatile. The number of cars on the roads is constantly growing, the role of vehicles in the economic system and in everyday life is increasing. Therefore, any business related to cars has high prospects and opportunities.

The most demanded direction in this area is the repair and maintenance of vehicles, due to the need.

Any car service that performs work at a decent level has a constant flow of customers and is provided with work.

Increasing numbers of women behind the wheel to some extent increase the demand for auto repair services and increase the profitability and employment of workshops.

What documents are needed to open a car service?

So, what does it take to open a car service? Documentation. For official registration and launch of a car service, you will need license. To get it you will need:

  • statement;
  • list of types of services;
  • certificate and bank details;
  • lease agreement for a land plot for a workshop;
  • company charter;
  • certificates of SES, fire supervision, from the State Tax Inspectorate on registration;
  • orders for the appointment of persons responsible for TB, for the security point;
  • order on the appointment of a person responsible for carrying out repairs and maintenance;
  • a copy of a document certifying professional suitability and training;
  • a certificate of compliance with GOST standards (it is not mandatory for individual entrepreneurs, but the presence of a certificate gives more weight in the eyes of customers).

A list of only the most necessary documents is given, in each case it may be necessary to provide additional papers.

For entrepreneurs, or summer as the most profitable season.

How can recycling of unwanted car tires become a successful business? our business plan.

How to start opening a car service? Of course, with the choice of premises


The most common option for placing a car service at the initial stage of work is an ordinary garage. If it is owned by the owner of the service, then maintenance costs are minimal, there is no rent, there is no risk of losing the premises at the will of the landlord - this is undoubtedly pros.

In addition, often garages are combined into cooperatives, which automatically advertises the opened workshop and provides clients.

cons become limited workspace and, as a result, the impossibility of expanding the business. The lack of necessary communications - sewerage, water supply - also seriously complicates the work, which can cause criticism from the SES. Working conditions in winter are also not favorable.

Or rent a room for a car service?

Another option may be to rent space from third parties. Pluses such a choice should be considered the opportunity to get at the disposal of a spacious room, suitable for performing several types of work at once, with communications and convenient access roads. A significant advantage will be the location near major roads, which makes it easier to find a workshop and makes it possible to place effective advertising.

disadvantage is a high rent and a short lease term, threatening the success of the business.

What to choose?

From the point of view of the large volume and long-term use, the most preferable option is to rent a plot of land and build a workshop on it according to an individual project. In this case, you can get the perfect service station according to your needs, taking into account all the ideas and projects.

The disadvantage of the option is the need for time for construction, supply of communications and all related administrative and permitting actions. In addition, this option requires a large one-time financial investment.

What you need to open a car service: equipment and tools

The choice of equipment is largely determined by the possibilities of the premises. If there is an ordinary garage, then it will not work to use the lift in it - they get by with a viewing hole. Also, limited space can create problems in paint work.

If the occupied area is sufficient, then you should buy equipment of the highest quality and most reliable - you can’t save money on it. Basically, they recommend imported mechanisms and devices as the most accurate, reliable and practical. Be very careful with used equipment.- it is better to avoid buying such an instrument.

If you have decided which tool is needed for a car service, then you need to make a list of accessories needed for the planned work, select a manufacturer, decide on models and brands of tools. After that, you need to buy everything you need. This approach to some extent guarantees the completeness of the equipment and eliminates the need to subsequently purchase something urgently.

It must be remembered that the quality of work and, as a result, the income of a car service depends on the quality of the equipment used, so the issue must be considered extremely seriously and responsibly.

Required personnel for car service

Finding a good specialist has always been a difficult task. All experienced craftsmen are usually in business, they are known, appreciated and tried to keep. In no case should you hire random people who do not have proper training and qualifications, since the specifics of the business are such that instead of income, you can get losses, and quite serious ones. In addition to damage to equipment, there is a risk of damaging an expensive car, the compensation for which will fall on the shoulders of the workshop.

Ideally, it is necessary to attract professionals with specialized education, experience and seniority. In practice, this is not always possible, but it is necessary to strive for this in any case.

Most often, small teams are used - one master and one or two assistants. With a high level of training of the master, his assistants gradually gain experience and skills, becoming masters themselves.

A wide profile service may include the positions of a mechanic, bodybuilder, electrician, painter, minder. You will need a receptionist to contact customers when placing an order.

Organization of car service

The organization of the work process is carried out according to the usual rules for production teams, with slight amendments to the specifics of a particular direction.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of the process is use of time. The quality and profitability of a car service depends on what it is spent on. It is necessary to constantly monitor the loss of time for paper work, for forced downtime for various reasons, for the search for spare parts, for smoke breaks, etc. At the same time, one should not go to the other extreme - haste and haste are unacceptable, since they do nothing but harm.

Constant process optimization helps to reduce waste and identifies the most inefficient operations, which increases productivity and disciplines the team.

How much money do you need to open a car service? Is it profitable?

With the right organization of work and high-quality equipment, which is used by competent and qualified people, the success of a car service is undeniable. If all the necessary conditions are met, the process is sure to bring profit. However, the situation is constantly changing and requires periodic intervention.

The economic situation in the country, exchange rates and seasonal factors - everything can have one or another impact and require responses. Therefore, it should be remembered that only the business that is engaged in is successful. By itself, no process works.

Consider an approximate expenses workshop. How much does it cost to open a car service from scratch, and what is needed for this?

  • Get documents - 20.000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - 2.000.000 rubles.
  • Advertising — 30.000 r (all available methods).

The cost also includes:

  • rental of premises - 140-160 thousand rubles;
  • salary - 200.000 rubles;
  • purchase of consumables - 100.000 rubles.

Profit at such costs, it will approximately be from 50,000 rubles per month.

The profitability of a car service as a business is quite high and ranges from 20% to 50%.

Thus, payback SRT can fit within a period of 1 to 3 years.

It should be borne in mind that these figures are rather arbitrary and reflect only approximate costs and incomes, but the order of financial movement is reflected correctly. Also, we must not forget that profitability at equal costs can differ significantly under different operating conditions of the workshop.

Do not forget to draw up a business plan for opening a car service

A detailed “How to open a car service from scratch” should include specific numbers using the example of your region, market analysis and possible risks that you will have to face. In addition, do not forget to pay enough attention to the activities responsible for how to increase the profit of a car service.

Thus, a car service station is a promising and profitable type of business, which, given the current trends in the development of the economy, will constantly strengthen its position. The growing number of cars and car owners allows us to look confidently into the future and plan work for years to come.

Business profit is the main indicator of its demand. The profitability of a new car service is on average 25%, then the figure can be increased to 40 - 60%. How to achieve this? We will advise.

From the article you will learn how to ensure high profitability of a car service. We have collected the best advice from practitioners. Their experience is in your hands.

STO Income: Preliminary Remarks

We will discuss several specific conditions for the work of service stations that affect the earnings of a car service.

First, seasonality. The seasonality indicator largely forms the offer of car services. In autumn and spring, the number of orders doubles. The focus is on suspension repairs, oil and antifreeze changes. Tire fitting is relevant only during this period. In winter, demand for body work is high.

Secondly, the analysis of the target audience. Owners of used cars and cars with an expired warranty turn to private car services. To calculate which brand owners will contact the service more often, analyze the sales results of two or three years ago in Moscow. Find out the most popular models. Find “weak spots” in them, that is, parts that break most often. This will allow you to navigate the formation of the current range of services and spare parts.

The share of cars in the capital is growing all the time. At the same time, in the face of a drop in demand for new cars by almost 30%, motorists prefer to buy used cars. This provides high traffic to car services.

We form the main income of a car service

It is no secret that the profit of a business is related to the quality of the services provided and their range. This simple rule is not always observed in practice. Despite the number of car services, most offer low-quality services without a guarantee. Therefore, although the market is saturated, there is virtually no quality supply.

The basic profitability of a car service consists of locksmith work, body repair, tire fitting and diagnostics. Small services start their activities from a locksmith shop. Over time, the business expands by reinvesting profits.

Profit from the system

The list of services may vary depending on the season. However, the wider the possibilities of a car service, the larger the client base will be. It is not enough to provide various services, an integrated approach to their implementation is important. It would seem that this is also an obvious truth.

The systematic offer of services will increase the profit of the service station. The client will return to the car service where they can perform all car repair work.

How it works? For example, if the customer has problems with the electrics, in addition to repairing it, it is advisable to offer computer diagnostics. Body work involves both straightening and painting.

Car service specialization also affects profits

Experienced entrepreneurs are advised to choose any specialization for a car service. This will make your business stand out from the rest. An analysis of the supply market will help you choose a profile that is poorly represented in the selected area.

For example, a car service can provide urgent electrical repairs, or repair of running gear on high-precision equipment. For selected services, reduce the cost, or create a unique offer. Due to this, the income of the service station will increase.

Car service: additional income

The organization of additional income is an important point in the formation of the profit of the service station. We will look at some of the most popular methods. Over time, the extra income can grow into a standalone business.

Sale of spare parts and components

Opening a parts store is easy. Thanks to the dropshipping system, it is not necessary to keep all the parts in your warehouse. There should always be hot goods and accessories in stock. Under the order, you can arrange the supply of rare or expensive parts.

It is relevant to create an online store with a pickup point on the territory of a car service. The organization of discounts for regular customers of the car service will increase its popularity.

Waiting area for customers

On a free area or plot of land, a comfortable waiting area for visitors is often organized. Here you can install vending machines or organize a small cafe. Or rent out space for a cafeteria. In the high season, this will significantly increase the average income of a car service.

Tire storage

Tire storage for apartment building residents is a real headache. Seasonal storage services on the territory of a car service solve this problem. In addition, it is highly likely that in the event of a repair, the car owner will be “pulled” to where his goods are located.

Personnel policy

Qualified specialists in car services are worth their weight in gold. This is known to both motorists and entrepreneurs. An experienced specialist has his own permanent client base. Therefore, the selection of personnel directly affects the income of service stations.

Before hiring inexperienced young employees who can be paid less, it is worth thinking carefully. Most likely, such savings will negatively affect profits. The best combination is an experienced master and a student. Wages traditionally consist of a minimum wage and a percentage, so earnings in a car service will be proportional to the work performed.

Obvious unobvious truths

It would seem that everyone knows the listed truths. At the same time, professional car services in Moscow can be counted on the fingers.

As an advertisement. We remind you that our catalog sells car services from owners in Moscow and other cities of Russia. Many offers are characterized by high profitability. Information about profitability and other important characteristics - in the cards of the finished business.

To make a business successful, it is necessary to organize a wide range of services:

  • Create comprehensive and exclusive offers
  • focus on some type of work, this will make the car service recognizable
  • Select masters, motivate and control them

Additional sources of profit can be developed into a separate business. Based on the foregoing, it remains only to notice: how much profit a car service will bring depends on how much effort you put into it.

Cars are your passion. You think that you could realize yourself and make good money by opening a car service. How much today and how much income you can expect.

“If you don’t understand cars, it’s better not to open a car service. To be a leader for employees and a guarantor of quality for customers, you need to know automotive equipment thoroughly,” says Vyacheslav Nam, owner of a workshop at SlavAvto in the South-East of Moscow. He received a specialized education at the Moscow Road Institute (MADI), worked in the automotive industry for many years and opened his own business a year ago, investing 1.8 million rubles in it.

“Passion and desire are needed in the first place,” Dmitry Sirotinin, deputy general director of L-auto, a large Moscow car service, is less categorical. “Knowledge of cars and the automotive market is also necessary, but it comes with experience.” If you are firm in your intentions, move on to the second step: identify the future service sector and customers.

Brand or no brand?

What kind of cars will be more convenient for you to work with - “Germans”, “Koreans”, “Americans”? The choice of a spare parts supplier, the selection of key specialists and even tools depends on the brand of the machine that you plan to service. The exotic wrenches that are needed to loosen a nut on some parts of American cars will not work for the same parts of German cars.

Trying to please everyone and opening a multi-brand service is not worth it, Vyacheslav Nam is sure. You need to specialize in one brand, maximum - in a family of cars. “Firstly, it is impossible to know all the brands well. Secondly, you need to have a certain amount of branded spare parts and consumables on hand. If you don’t have a branded filter or oil, the client will go where it is - to your competitor,” says our expert.

“We started a multi-brand not from a good life,” says Dmitry Sirotinin. - Our service specialized in Mersedes and Volkswagen, but over time, our regular customers moved from used German cars to new Japanese ones. I had to deal with them."

Friend or foe.

Equip your premises for a car service or rent it? Even if you are a happy owner of a technical room within the city, a package of permits from Rostekhnadzor, SES and the fire service will cost 200,000-500,000 rubles. If the premises are located in the sanitary protection zone, that is, at a distance closer than 300 m from residential buildings, then its legal registration may be even more expensive.

If you are looking to rent a space, please note the following:
- parking area. You can’t do without places for cars still awaiting repair or already waiting for the owner,
— configuration of the repair room. For example, if it is very elongated, then most of it will “eat” like a corridor for fitting cars,
- Reinforced, concreted floor. When the machine is hung on the service hoist, hundreds of kilograms of load are placed on the sections of the floor below it,
- 380 volt wiring. Lifts and most machine tools operate from a current of this voltage.

Indoors, a separate waiting room should be equipped with a TV, a sofa and a pack of magazines so that customers do not wander around the repair area, distracting mechanics with conversations and instructions on how to fix their car.

The range of rental prices in Moscow is 300-600 rubles per month per square meter and depends heavily on the location of the service. Try to find a place next to other workshops, recommends Vyacheslav Nam. This will give you a stream of random customers. People don't know your specific service yet, but they remember that you can get your car fixed in the area. In the new car service on the outskirts of "stray" customers are few.

Equipment: all at once.

At the time of the start, your workshop should have all the necessary equipment. “Don't expect to open with a small set of tools and then gradually buy the rest. If you do not have the required key, you will have to refuse service to the client,” Vyacheslav Nam warns. The tool is stolen, Dmitry Sirotinin shares his experience. Only control, reporting and increased attention to new employees after hiring helps to fight this.

A reliable tool is expensive. A good, but not the most expensive locksmith set - a cart of keys and screwdrivers for one service post - costs 40,000-45,000 rubles.

It is also necessary to equip staff workplaces: buy lockers for clothes and things, tables, workbenches, etc. From the heaviest and most expensive equipment, you will need lifts and a diagnostic stand. Turning and milling machines expand the possibilities of your service, because it is not always possible to get by with only factory parts. This is especially true for the repair of cars after accidents or already tuned.

Personnel: not stokers or carpenters.

Surveys of the labor market regularly show that a competent car repair specialist is one of the most scarce professions today.

“The staff is difficult. Searching for a person by an ad means getting a pig in a poke, and there are few candidates by acquaintance, ”says Vyacheslav Nam. From his point of view, the main feature of a good specialist is the ability to think systematically. “You need to tighten the screw wisely,” Vyacheslav believes. - A robot can also work mechanically. Let the first time a good master go in a difficult and roundabout way, he will still figure out how to repair a car or assembly unfamiliar to him. A completely inexperienced or unthinking person will not cope with such work.

Typically, a car mechanic receives 30% of the cost of the volume of work performed. Today in "SlavAvto" this amount is 60,000-70,000 rubles per month.

An experienced electrician, minder or box specialist expects 100-120,000 rubles a month. In the firm of Dmitry Sirotinin, these are Russians. It was in Russia in the early 1990s that the main wave of imported cars hit, so we have the most qualified specialists, the L-auto practice shows. Workers from other Soviet republics have proven themselves well in the body shop, says Sirotinin.

Before the start: advertising.


A profitable car service should give 10,000 rubles of net profit from one lift per day, regardless of the number of lifts, Vyacheslav Nam is sure. To make life easier for yourself and your clients, it makes sense to introduce a fixed price list for different types of work and not be tied to the standard hours used on some services. The time required to repair a car depends on many factors: first of all, on the diligence of the master and the malfunction itself. Sometimes a breakdown is “on the surface”, and sometimes it is necessary to disassemble half a car in order to get to the bottom of it. At the beginning of a business, prices for basic procedures can be peeped from competitors.

When planning income, keep in mind the seasonality of demand for car repairs. June-July and December are the "off season", says our expert: at this time people spend money on vacations. After the holidays, demand levels off.

Finally: "Take care of honor from a young age."

Honesty in dealing with customers is a trump card that will help you after the start. “90% of services do not admit and do not correct their mistakes. But if you made a mistake, you should not avoid responsibility, but honestly admit and correct the “jamb”, advises Vyacheslav Nam. - And then the client will come to you next time. He will remember not your miscalculation, but your serious attitude to his problem. So build yourself a decent reputation from the very beginning. Good luck!


(car service for 3 posts, rub.)
Tools: 40,000?3 = 120,000
Diagnostic stand: 300,000
Service lifts: 3?120,000+ installation 30,000= 390,000
Premises preparation: 400,000
Other inventory: 210,000
Starting ad spend: 80,000
Total: 1,500,000 rubles.
Monthly expenses and income (rub.)
Rent (60 sq. m. at the rate of 400 rubles / sq. m. per month) - 24,000
Utilities: 10,000
Consumables (oils, lubricants, etc.): 30,000
Senior foreman - 100,000
Car mechanics - (2?60,000) 120,000

Administrator-owner of a car service - 60,000
Total: 344,000 rubles.
3 serviced lifts for 7,500 rubles per day (based on 22 working days per month) = 495,000
Monthly profit:
(income minus expenses)
151 000
Income taxes - 22,000
Profit after taxes: RUB 129,000
Payback period (1,844,000 rubles initially + one-time expenses for the first month / profit after taxes per month) - 14 months

Barno Tursunova spoke about this at the main conference for independent car services, which took place on November 24, 2016.

FOT - customer flow - average check

“I really want to convey to all car service owners that an increase in the number of customers does not mean an increase in profits.

A car service will become really profitable only if you influence all 3 indicators: the wage fund, the number of customers and the average check.

If one of the blocks sags, then the profit will decrease. Effective advertising can increase the flow of customers, and they will line up. But if the average check remains low, the company’s turnover will not grow much, and additional income will go to salaries, and the service will remain unprofitable,” Barno said and showed on real cases how shortcomings in at least one indicator significantly reduce profits.

Payroll and motivation system

“We were joined by a franchise service that partially applied the Wilgud business model. The owner of the service station was afraid to introduce our motivation system and work algorithms for employees. He asked just to "catch up" with clients, which we did. Indeed, there were more customers, the turnover increased, but the profit did not grow, since large expenses were spent on the salaries of employees. A large number of service employees could hardly cope with the current tasks. As in most service stations, the work of the staff was built inefficiently. A lot of time was spent on unnecessary movements. As a result, the fund of payment there (FOT) in their service amounted to 83% of the work. This is a standard situation for car services. This is their pain.

The Vidgud motivation system allows you to keep the payroll at the level of 50% of the work. It is in this situation that new car services reach the break-even point in 2-3 months.

When you open a car service, there are no customers yet, but all the staff receive money (foreman, administrator, workshop foreman, spare parts selection manager). All these people serve only 5 clients a day, but they need to be paid a full salary - it's not their fault that there are no clients yet.

For example, we paid salaries to employees for 18 months, although there were practically no clients. Then we decided to calculate how much time employees spend on their work.

We canceled positions and prescribed the functions that should be performed in a car service. These functions were distributed among employees.

It turned out that they can be performed not by 5 employees, but by 2. For example, the foreman could perform the work of an administrator and a workshop foreman. The working time of the master was loaded, he did not stick around for hours in the smoking room, but performed the functions of 3 roles. At the same time, he received a salary above the market by about 30%. As a result, we have 2 people left at the acceptance, not 5, and the payroll has decreased to 50% of the work,” said Barno Tursunova.


“In the scheme, the presence of customers is no less important than the established processes. When we set up all the processes within the first car service, we decided that we had learned everything and we could move on. We have opened 2 more car service centers. Then we saw that we did not have enough customers and the services were idle again. Another weak link appeared - marketing. The number of customers turned out to be insufficient to provide work for 3 car services. We "failed" into good losses on all three sites at once.

We began to study how to attract customers via the Internet, went to various courses and trainings on Internet marketing. The acquired knowledge was immediately put into practice.

We set up a customer acquisition system, lead generation, automated, connected with our CRM system.

Now customers are attracted to the car service from the first day of its opening and gradually their turnover is growing. For example, the car service “Vilgud-Semenovskaya” received 86 cars in March 2015 in the first month of work, the next month - 230, and in the third there were already 423 arrivals, ”Barno said.

A well-established system at the service station allows you to serve a different number of customers and increase profits.

Average check

“If the owner of a car service knows how to work with clients and controls his employees well, he keeps the average check at a high level. As soon as he leaves the service station, to do other things, the check falls, because the owner is interested in him, but the employees are not. They just get paid.

When a car service switches to the Wilgud system, its average check grows from 3 to 10 thousand.