How to open a sauna is a business for those who like it hot. Bath business - basic organizational issues Business plan financial restaurant bath

Small private baths are no longer a rarity. And in most cases, they are all sorts of closed establishments for VIP service. At the same time, there are very few family institutions of this type. Only in recent years, the situation in this service market has begun to gradually change. There are more and more private baths, and they are designed to serve visitors according to the established work schedule. The bath business plan below is designed to open an institution that will serve people who go for well-being and health, families with children, as well as those who like to relax in a relaxed atmosphere.

Project Summary

Opening a bath is not a big deal as a type of business. There is no intense competition in this market segment, and therefore, with the competent organization of the entire process of launching a project, you can end up with an institution with high profitability and great prospects. This bath business plan with calculations clearly shows that the creation of such a bath complex at low cost will quickly pay off and bring a decent profit. It is designed based on the idea to open two baths in one separate building in a city with a population of about 1 million inhabitants.

The aim of the project is to create a complex of bathing services, which includes two facilities for the provision of services, equipped in the style of "Russian bath". In accordance with the idea, the object being built will include 2 bath zones. Each of them will:

  • Wash room.
  • Steam room.
  • Restroom.

The entrance hall, wardrobe and bathroom will become common for the bath complex. The building is being built on the territory of the private household of the founder. The most important functions for ensuring the operation of the public bath are performed by members of his family. This format of a family business allows you to save significant funds on attracting staff, paying for the rent of premises and land.

The total cost of the project will amount to 3 million 454 thousand rubles. Of these, approximately 57% (1 million 954 thousand rubles) is a bank loan, and 43% (1.5 million rubles) is the investment of the business owner. It is assumed that borrowed funds are provided for 2 years at 22% per annum with a three-month delay in the first payment.

Projected financial indicators (for 3 years of complex operation):

  • Return on sales - 17.5%.
  • Net profit - 660,339 rubles.
  • Profit factor - 5.48.
  • Payback period - no later than 14 months from the date of opening of the complex, taking into account discounting - no later than 16 months.

The duration of the startup is 12 months, which is associated with the need to build a structure for a bathhouse and wait for the structure to shrink. The main construction and installation works are expected to be completed in 4 months.

The predicted term for reaching the planned volume of bathing services is 3 months from the date of the project launch.

List of rendered services:

  • Bath rental (hourly, from 2 hours).
  • Massage.
  • Wrap.
  • Peeling.
  • Steam room services (with attendant).
  • Sales of drinks and snacks.
  • Barbecue and gazebo rental.

Market analysis

To date, there has been an increase in the market for bath services in cities with a population of more than 300,000 people. As a rule, public baths are built and opened on sites at private households, as well as as part of various hotel, sports and entertainment complexes. The types of services most in demand are:

  • Russian sauna on firewood.
  • Finnish sauna.
  • Steam room.
  • Hammam (Turkish bath).

According to statistics, over 70% of baths are single objects or small bath complexes, including 2-3 service areas. In most cases, they are designed for simultaneous visits of five or six people (60-65%). Approximately 20% of the baths can serve 10 visitors at the same time, and 15% are designed to serve 10 or more people.

Bath services are popular among various categories of the population, this explains the fact that the cost of services has a significant range of breakup: from 300-500 to 2500-3000 rubles per hour of service.

Description of the object

The erected bath complex is being built on a private courtyard. It is a one-story building, which houses 2 Russian wood-fired baths, designed for simultaneous visits of six people. The building (wooden frame) has an area of ​​90 sq. m. Capital partitions are installed inside, dividing the building into 2 zones with an area of ​​36 sq. m. m and 30 m.

To ensure the operation of the facility, 2 stoves-heaters are being built in the bathhouse. When providing bath services, visitors are offered 3 methods of cooling. In addition to the services specified in this business plan above, tea ceremonies are planned.

Bathhouse opening hours: daily from 09.00 to 24.00.

An important advantage of this project is the ease of administration and business management. The general management of the enterprise is carried out by the owner-founder. He also, if necessary, performs the duties of a bath attendant. Adult family members can act as full-time administrators who receive visitors, familiarize themselves with services and pay. They are also involved in the provision of additional services. The work of all full-time employees is organized in shifts.

The organizational and legal form of business is an individual entrepreneur working under a simplified taxation system (6% of income).

Marketing plan

As economic statistics show, today in Russian cities with a population of about 1 million people there are 120-150 bath complexes. As a rule, they are quite uniform in terms of arrangement and services offered, so the provision of additional services described in this business plan will become a significant competitive advantage.

In addition, the oversaturation of the market with VIP-class facilities, where male companies are the main visitors, makes it possible to occupy a market niche associated with the provision of services to families with children and make this area a priority.

The average check for visiting the bath is 1200-1300 rubles.

It is supposed to organize a preliminary appointment for a visit to the bath by phone or on the official website of the enterprise. Website development is entrusted to a professional company. Marketing and advertising activities in the Internet segment are also carried out through social networks. The site is constantly maintained up to date due to promotion services by the developer company.

Attracting visitors is stimulated by the provision of services with discounts (25-30%).

In the future, it is possible to publish and distribute a club card.

Calculation of the cost of services

The bath complex is designed for the simultaneous provision of services to six visitors. The minimum order time is 2 hours. You can choose one of two service options:

  • Russian bath with fonts.
  • Russian bath with a pool.

Full price list of services:

Services (based on 6 people for 1 hour) Hours of operation of the complex Service price, rub.
Sauna with hot tubs/pool Monday-Friday, 09.00-18.00 1 200
Monday-Friday, 18.00-23.00 1 400
Monday-Friday, after 23.00 1 600
Saturday-Sunday, holidays, 09.00-13.00 1 400
Saturday-Sunday, holidays, 14.00-23.00 1 600
Saturday-Sunday, holidays, after 23.00 1 700
bather Monday-Sunday, 09.00-23.00 400
Massage 1 100
Peeling 500
Wrap 400
Samovar 400
Arbor and barbecue rental 350
Board games, playing cards, loto, checkers, backgammon, etc. For free
Caps For free
Broom For free
Robe For free
sheet For free
Towel For free
Karaoke For free
Slippers For free
Honey For free
Wi-Fi usage For free

This price level corresponds to the average cost segment for cities of comparable size. The indisputable advantages of the service are the homely cozy atmosphere, courtesy and responsiveness of the attendants.

The bath complex organizes the sale of non-alcoholic soft drinks and light snacks. Alcoholic drinks and beer are not sold due to the existing ban on their sale in public places.

Visitors to the bath have the opportunity to bring their own food and use it for cooking barbecue, pizza and other dishes.

The opening and operation of the bath complex is an unlicensed activity that requires obtaining appropriate permits from the SES and the State Fire Supervision Authority.

Production plan

The building of the bath complex is located on a private building site away from the most important city highways.

The total area of ​​the premises is 90 sq. m. m. The log house is being built by an involved construction company from logs. Construction costs (together with the preparation of the project) of the bathhouse and pool building - 2.5 million rubles.

To equip the premises, standard equipment is used. The total costs for its acquisition are presented in this table:

Type of equipment Quantity, pcs. Unit price Total cost
1 Stove-heater 2 70 000 rub. 140 000 rub.
2 Font 2 35 000 rub. 70 000 rub.
3 TV + DVD, karaoke 2 30 000 rub. 60 000 rub.
4 Chair 8 4 000 rub. 32 000 rub.
5 Dining table 2 15 000 rub. 30 000 rub.
6 shower cabin 2 15 000 rub. 30 000 rub.
7 Hallway furniture (mirror, benches, hangers) 1 30 000 rub. 30 000 rub.
8 Sofa 2 15 000 rub. 30 000 rub.
9 Refrigerated wardrobe (showcase) 1 28 000 rub. 28 000 rub.
10 Music Center 2 12 000 rub. 24 000 rub.
11 Cupboard for dishes 2 11 000 rub. 22 000 rub.
12 Towels 100 200 rub. 20 000 rub.
13 Shelves for the steam room 2 8 000 rub. 16 000 rub.
14 sheet 100 100 rub. 10 000 rub.
15 Sauna shower device 2 3 500 rub. 7 000 rub.
16 Bath bowl 6 1 000 rub. 6 000 rub.
17 Lamp 4 1 500 rub. 6 000 rub.
18 Toilet 1 4 000 rub. 4 000 rub.
19 Wash bench 2 1 500 rub. 3 000 rub.
20 A massage table 1 2 500 rub. 2 500 rub.
21 Wash basin 1 1 500 rub. 1 500 rub.
23 Other No more than 10% of the total cost RUB 57,000
Total RUB 629,000

Service staff

The main functions of maintaining the work of the bath complex are performed by the founder and members of his family.

The staff of the enterprise includes 2 duty administrators. With a monthly salary of 20,000 rubles, the payroll fund for the month will be 52,000 rubles (including taxes and insurance payments).

The general management of the bath complex is carried out by the owner. Its functions include determining the methods of marketing promotion, organizing interaction with suppliers, performing the duties of a bath attendant.

Reception, instruction and customer service is carried out by full-time administrators.

Auxiliary functions for cleaning the premises of the bath are performed by adult family members.

This format of organizing a family business makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of remuneration of employees and increase its profitability.

Current expenses

To ensure the normal operation of the bath, it is necessary to purchase bath attributes and consumables. Current expenses will be associated with the acquisition and payment of:

  • Firewood.
  • Utilities.
  • Laundry service.

The service sales plan is calculated subject to the influence of the seasonal factor. As a rule, starting from the end of spring, fewer and fewer customers use the services of the bathhouse. Sales of services increase from autumn and reach their peak by winter, especially during holidays.

The popularity of the bath complex and its recognition has a significant impact on the number of visitors.

Based on this, the predicted bath occupancy will be:

  • During the first year of operation: 35-40%.
  • Second: 45-50%.
  • Third: 65-70%.

Financial plan

The total costs of the investment period for the opening and operation of the bath complex include:

  • The cost of building a bath facility is 2,500,000 rubles.
  • Working capital - 300,000 rubles.
  • Expenses for the purchase of equipment - 629,000 rubles.
  • Expenses for advertising and marketing activities - 25,000 rubles.

Total: 3,454,000 rubles

During the operation of the complex, the main expenses will be related to the salaries of the bathhouse staff, utility bills, payment for the services of an accountant, laundry, firewood suppliers, and security.

Potential risks:


The given example of a bath business plan clearly demonstrates that opening a bath complex on the site of a private developer with the involvement of adult family members is the best option for organizing such an enterprise. With little investment, the project quickly pays off and begins to make a profit.

The average level of potential risks makes it possible to consider this activity as a promising, highly liquid one, which does not require complex administration and personnel training costs.

The accelerated rhythm of life in modern megacities and heavy workloads lead people to look for opportunities to maintain their health, relax and receive positive emotions. Baths are one of the best places where you can have a good rest, get emotional release and do healing procedures. Therefore, baths have been and remain a profitable type of business, despite the fact that new establishments of this kind are constantly opening in large and small cities, offering a wide range of services.

Which bath is more profitable to open in 2019

In Russia, the Russian bath, Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam and Japanese ofurro are popular today. But the first two types are more common, since the latter, especially Japanese, are relatively recent on the service market.

The most popular are baths with extended functionality - bath complexes, which include a swimming pool, a bar or cafe, a billiard room, massage parlors, etc. In recent years, a new trend has been gaining momentum - establishments with bedrooms, often located on the attic or on the second floor, combining the functions of a bathhouse and a guest house. Baths with an expanded area of ​​terraces are also in demand. But keep in mind that large bath complexes quickly pay off only in megacities. For a small town, a small bathhouse is more suitable, including a minimum range of services. This is the most profitable option for opening an institution from scratch.

Our business plan is designed to open an institution with minimal investment in 2019.

What documents are required to open a bath

When opening a bath, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur, and choose taxation for UTII, OKVED code 93.04 is needed, since this section includes activities aimed at improving health, physical condition and ensuring comfort, which includes Turkish baths and saunas, as well as steam rooms. OKUE number - 019100

After registration, a package of documents is prepared:

  • copies of constituent documents;
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate;
  • permissions from SES and State Fire Supervision;
  • passport from BTI;
  • lease agreement for premises or property documents;
  • a copy of the letter from the State Statistics Committee;
  • a copy of the registration card;
  • contracts for garbage collection, water supply, heating, electricity.

Approximately 25,000 rubles will be required for paperwork.

What should be the room for a bath

A room for a bath can either be sought in the non-residential fund, or built. The second option is preferable for two reasons:

  1. it is rather difficult to convert the existing premises to the required dimensions;
  2. during the construction of the bath, the choice of all areas and materials remains with the customer.

A small bath area of ​​​​100 square meters is suitable. m. with a swimming pool (6 sq. m.) and a steam room (12 sq. m.). The bath will also include a common room, a dressing room, a relaxation room, a SPA and massage room, and a terrace.

If the bath is built of brick, it will take about 1,700,000 rubles, but we will focus on a more economical option - a room made of timber, which will cost 700,000 rubles. When finishing, special attention should be paid to technical and aesthetic characteristics. The walls are sheathed with wood, which must be treated with special substances that protect against overheating and fire. Each owner decorates the rest room according to his taste. But, it is desirable that there are benches, a table and a TV.

After the construction is completed, it will be necessary to connect gas, water, sewerage, electricity, which will require additional funds and time. Summing up all communications can take up to six months, and the cost will be an average of 160,000 rubles.

Equipment and furniture. What do you need and how much will it cost

In recent years, a lot of special equipment for baths has appeared. In order to choose it correctly, you need to take into account not only the prices and the manufacturer, but also the fact that a modern bath should be as functional as possible. Professionals advise you to first draw up a plan for all the premises of the bath with equipment that can be located there. For the bath you will need:
  • a stove that has a heater and a tank for heating water;
  • shower cabins:
  • pool equipment;
  • ventilation equipment;
  • lighting;
  • equipment for a massage room.

In addition, lockers for clothes, tables, benches, a TV will be needed. It is also necessary to purchase brooms, mittens, slippers, bathrobes. They can be rented or sold, thereby increasing income.

Furniture, equipment and bath accessories will require 700,000 rubles /

Bath business plan: recruitment

It has a big plus in terms of recruitment, since it does not require so many specialists, and, consequently, the cost of wages will not be high. Another thing is that with low wages, staff turnover is possible. To keep employees, you can introduce incentive payments, small but regular.

To work in the bath you need:

  • Administrator - 20,000 rubles;
  • Accountant - 15,000 rubles;
  • Cleaning lady - 10,000 rubles;
  • Masseur - 15,000 rubles;
  • Bath attendant - 15,000 rubles;
  • Approximately 75,000 rubles will be spent on payment per month.

You can save if the functions of the administrator and accountant are taken over by the owner of the bathhouse or members of his family. Then only 40,000 rubles will go to wages.

Bath business: how much can you earn

How much does it cost to open a sauna in 2019? Let's try to calculate how much money it will take to open a bathhouse from scratch:

That is, to start the bath you need 1,675,000 rubles.

The payback of a business depends on a number of factors, including the range of services that your establishment will provide. Services can include pre-booking, masseur and attendant services, rental and sale of bath accessories. Prices for customers should not be too high, but you should not make them low either. On average, the price can be 200 rubles per hour per person, or when renting the entire complex, 1000-1500 rubles. On weekends, the workload should be - 80%, on ordinary days -25%. If the bath will work for 12 hours, then the monthly profit will be up to 86,000 rubles. The project should pay off within 1.5-2 years. After that, it will be possible to think about expanding the business.

Download a ready-made bath business plan

Bath in our country has been very popular since ancient times. Previously, when such benefits of civilization as a private bathroom and shower were not available to people, it served as a place to maintain cleanliness. Today, the functional purpose of this institution has changed somewhat, it serves as a place of rest, is a kind of folk hospital where you can relax, take a steam bath, recuperate, put your health in order, get rid of many ailments.

Baths as a business are interesting for their relative simplicity of organization, high demand for services and good opportunities for development. So, a classic Russian steam room, designed for family vacations, can eventually grow into a bath complex that provides a wide range of related and additional services in the field of beauty and health. How to organize a bath business and what format of activity is better to choose, read on.

How to open a bath business, choosing a direction

Advantages and disadvantages of private bath complexes

Advantages of a private bath as a business:

  • demand. This plus can be called common for all types of steam rooms, since any format of their performance has been, is and will be a favorite place for Russian people to relax and undergo medical and recreational procedures. Here it is worth noting its versatility, since among lovers of burning steam there are both women and men. For business, this feature is extremely important and always "plays into the hands" of the owners;
  • ease of execution. If large public bath structures require a vast territory (besides, preferably outside the city), then there is no such problem for private baths, so they are most often built in densely populated areas, near houses, summer cottages and cottages;
  • availability. In order to open your own business, you do not need to have a very large budget, and a well-designed business bath project will help an entrepreneur to take out a loan on favorable terms, which, as practice shows, it becomes possible to repay in an average of 5 years (see).

Among the shortcomings, they note too high costs for utility bills and a rather long payback period.

Features of public baths

Recently, the fashion for public baths has returned, but now completely different requirements are imposed on such institutions than in former times. A modern public bath is a relaxation space that includes a spacious steam room, a washing department equipped with separate shower cabins, massage and beauty rooms, swimming pools and much more. Often such establishments have their own kitchen, customers are offered a variety of dishes and drinks, including light alcohol.

Learn how to save on mandatory payments, read. Transparent schemes used by Russian businessmen in practice.

A mandatory step is to obtain confirmation of the compliance of the building you have chosen with the established hygienic and fire safety standards. You will need to contact the local authority of Rospotrebnadzor, prepare the premises in accordance with the provisions of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Placement, Arrangement of Equipment, Maintenance and Operation of Baths and Saunas (SanPiN, develop a production control program and successfully pass the test. As a result, you will be issued a positive sanitary-epidemiological conclusion.

To obtain a permit for compliance with fire safety requirements, you should contact the local department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The design standards for such premises are specified in SNiP 31-05-2003 "Public administrative buildings". Having prepared all the necessary documents, you can start the actual activity.

How profitable is doing a bath business

Considering the bathhouse as a business, let's try to find out if it is profitable: feedback from entrepreneurs and approximate calculations of economic efficiency will help us. For example, let's take a private traditional bathhouse made of logs, opened in a residential area (numbering approximately 20,000 people) of an average Russian city.

The amount of starting costs for such a project will be approximately 2,000,000 rubles. This amount will include the purchase of a land plot within the city, the purchase of a finished building made of round logs in a collapsible form and its installation on the territory of the entrepreneur, the connection of communications, the purchase and installation of equipment, etc.

The current expenses of the enterprise will amount to approximately 150,000 rubles. This will include utility bills, advertising costs, wages of the administrator and attendant, taxes.

In addition to the bath services themselves, customers will be offered various accessories for wellness procedures (robes, brooms, shaving kits, hygiene products), hookah, barbecue rental. With an average load, such an enterprise will be able to bring about 220,000 rubles. monthly revenue, of which 70,000 is net profit. Thus, the complex profitability of the bath as a business will be about 145%, which, according to experienced businessmen, is quite realistic. The return on investment will be achieved in 2-2.5 years.

Dear visitors, below is an example of a bathhouse business plan with economic calculations. The document was compiled by economists with experience and can be used as an example to draw up your project plan for submission to government agencies for subsidies (if there are no other requirements for the structure), to a bank for a loan or for an investor.

The document contains a calculation that can also be used to calculate your project by changing only the data on revenue and investment in it. All calculations will change automatically.


The goal is to open from scratch a public bath "Oasis" in the city of Perm. The institution will be intended both for family holidays on separate days, and for separate pastime. The bath will be focused on citizens with an average income. This class is the most actively using services of this type.

Depending on the days of the week, it will have its own program. The presence of two steam rooms: Russian and Turkish, will allow each client to choose the desired one, depending on preferences. The presence of a small pool will have even more relaxation. The children's area on the street will provide an opportunity to have a great rest not only for adults, but also for children.

Initiator of the project

The work of opening a bathhouse will be carried out by a person who previously worked in this area, but who previously did not have experience in opening his own company. After studying the business "from the inside", it becomes clear that this type of recreation is in great demand, and the absence of such establishments in the area in which it is planned to operate, excludes the presence of strong competition.

Investment costs

Investment costs will amount to 4,233 rubles. The investment costs include:

  • Registration of LLC - 10 thousand rubles,
  • Obtaining permits - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Acquisition of a land plot and registration of its ownership - 750 thousand rubles,
  • Construction of a bath - 1,000 thousand rubles,
  • Repair and preparation for activities, including the purchase and commissioning of specialized fire fighting and other equipment, the purchase, assembly and installation of furniture and interior items - 1,500 thousand rubles,
  • The device of the pool - 1,000 thousand rubles.

The bath is located on a separate land plot with access roads and has a separate entrance.

In addition to investment expenses, an additional 901 thousand rubles will need to be invested before reaching break-even operation,

Project financing

The project will be financed partly at its own expense, and partly at the expense of the project initiator. The organizer of the project plans to invest 2,033.7 thousand from his own funds, of which 1,132.7 thousand rubles. will go to capital investments, and 901 thousand rubles. will go to support the operation of the business until it reaches a payback. The remaining 3,100 thousand is taken on credit at 15% per annum, the collateral for the loan will initially be the entrepreneur’s apartment and cottage, after the bathhouse is put into operation, the bathhouse’s premises and land will serve as collateral, and the property of the project initiator will be withdrawn from the pledge.

Payback periods

The calculation is made for 10 years. Inflation is taken as 10%. After the calculation, the following performance indicators were obtained:

  • The calculation period is 10 years.
  • Inflation - 10%.
  • The simple payback period is 4.33 years.
  • The discounted payback period is 5.25 years.
  • NPV - 4,018.35 thousand rubles.

Suppliers and contractors

Construction, repair work, finishing, communications will be carried out by the contracting organization, which will provide a discount due to the amount of work. A work schedule will be drawn up, taking into account production breaks. Thanks to the work carried out by one contractor, all preparations for the opening will be completed as soon as possible.

Sauna equipment and furniture will be purchased from suppliers with whom the organizer has previously worked. They not only sell equipment, but also carry out its maintenance, and the furniture offered by these suppliers is made specifically for baths, which allows it to remain like new for a long time under fairly difficult operating conditions.


The main purpose of the establishment is rest in the steam rooms: Russian and Turkish. An infrared sauna cabin will be installed. This diversity is due to the different tastes of customers: someone wants something hotter, someone is interested in improving the body, someone wants to relax in a calm atmosphere. After warming up the body, it is possible to cheer up and dive into a small cool pool equipped with lighting.

The common recreation area includes a large table and a kitchenette, which allows you to bring your own products, cook them and offer them to guests. There is also a plasma TV with satellite TV and karaoke equipment.

The presence of a children's area on the street will make the rest interesting for children.

Lovers of fresh air will love the grill, gazebos and swings in the local area.

The reception sells food and alcoholic beverages, but you can bring food with you to the establishment. And although a healthy rest is welcome in the bathhouse, drinking alcoholic beverages is allowed, and alcohol is also on sale.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan


A piece of land has been purchased for the construction of a bathhouse. A draft of the bath room has been prepared, which you can see below:

The room consists of the following rooms:

  • vestibule - 3.36 sq.m.
  • corridor - 12.40 sq.m.
  • kitchen-living room - 38.73 sq.m.
  • recreation area - 10.46 sq.m.
  • Russian steam room - 6.25 sq.m.
  • Turkish steam room - 5.25 sq.m.
  • washing area - 5.25 sq.m.
  • bathroom - 5.04 sq.m.
  • furnace - 9.60 sq.m.
  • bedroom - 20.76 sq.m.

Investment work plan

After the construction of the bathhouse itself, the following work will be carried out in it:

  • arrangement of electrical works, heating of water supply and discharge,
  • finishing works - the room was insulated, windows were installed, floors and walls were installed, doors were installed,
  • installation of heating equipment from leading manufacturers,
  • pool construction works
  • arrangement of furniture and kitchen set.

The work schedule is shown in the diagram below:

Thus, all preparatory work for the construction, decoration and commissioning of the bath is carried out in 12 months.

Investment amount

The cost expression of expenses is presented in the table (thousand rubles):

Expenses will be paid both at the expense of the project initiator and at the expense of credit funds.

Marketing plan

The bath will be located in a residential area, so it was decided to take care of informing the population about it in advance. Before the opening of the bathhouse, an advertisement about the opening will be launched on the radio. For a constant reminder of yourself, Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki groups will be created, a website with photos of the interior and exterior, description of services, contacts and services provided will be made to describe services. In addition, a sign will be put up by the end of the work.

In addition, in order to attract customers at the initial stage, it was decided to provide discounts to customers who visit the institution more than once, discounts are valid from the second visit. For this purpose, plastic cards of a regular customer were made, the discount upon presentation of them is cumulative from 3 to 10 percent. There is no discount for the first visit, the card is only issued to the client. Then, with each visit, the discount grows by 1% for every thousand rubles. The discount card is nominal, upon its receipt, a questionnaire is filled out.

Additionally, colored cardboard business cards with information about the institution were made. They are distributed to large offices, shops. They are also at the reception of the bath.

An analytical comparison was made with the main competitors in the segment:

Zharov and Steam Nagorny Oasis
location not center not center not center not center
room wooden wooden wooden wooden
the presence of steam rooms Russian
Russian Russian Russian
swimming pool available absent absent available
adjacent territory available available absent available
maximum number of visitors 12 20 6 15
visit price 1 000 rub./hour 1 400 rub./hour 550 rubles/hour 1 200 rubles/hour

The presence of a good repair, a swimming pool and a well-groomed surrounding area will allow our bathhouse to set high prices for visiting customers. The pricing policy at the initial stage will attract additional customers, and the availability of services that are not provided in other establishments will also contribute to the growth of attendance. With the help of these techniques, a location not in the very center of the city will be blocked.

The presence of a children's area will make the bathhouse more attractive for families. The distribution by day makes it possible to relax in the very team that you want.

There are a lot of similar establishments in Perm. Basically, these are saunas that have several separate rooms and are intended for companies to relax, which makes it impossible for one or more people to visit the establishments, such a vacation will cost them very much. The price level in saunas and baths starts from 100 rubles per person for an hourly stay and rises to 400 rubles per person. Thus, our bathhouse has fairly affordable prices and is located closer to the lower limit of payment per person.

Production plan

The bath will include the following rooms:

  1. 2 terraces - 11.18 and 6.68 sq.m.
  2. vestibule - 3.36 sq.m.
  3. corridor - 12.40 sq.m.
  4. kitchen-living room - 38.73 sq.m.
  5. recreation area - 10.46 sq.m.
  6. Russian steam room - 6.25 sq.m.
  7. Turkish steam room - 5.25 sq.m.
  8. washing area - 5.25 sq.m.
  9. pool area - 20.76 sq.m.
  10. bathroom - 5.04 sq.m.
  11. furnace - 9.60 sq.m.
  12. bedroom - 20.76 sq.m.

The cost of visiting depends on the day of the week and time of visit:

day of the week visiting time
morning day evening night
Monday 500,00 500,00 800,00 1 000,00
Tuesday 500,00 500,00 800,00 1 000,00
Wednesday 500,00 500,00 800,00 1 000,00
Thursday 500,00 800,00 1 000,00 1 200,00
Friday 500,00 800,00 1 200,00 1 500,00
Saturday 500,00 800,00 1 200,00 1 500,00
Sunday 500,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 200,00

Due to the fact that the main flow of visitors falls on the days from Thursday to Sunday, higher prices are set on these days. The rest of the time the prices are much lower. The planned average price of visiting the institution will be 1,200 rubles per hour. Based on this figure, revenue was planned. The table below shows the planned occupancy of the premises by day of the week:

Day average % load
Monday 12,50%
Tuesday 16,67%
Wednesday 16,67%
Thursday 16,67%
Friday 41,67%
Saturday 41,67%
Sunday 33,33%
TOTAL 25,60%

Prices are per hour in the bath. In addition, there is a system of discounts, which was mentioned above.

In addition to the variability of business load by day of the week, there are quite serious seasonality factors in business, which are presented below:

So, we observe a surge in attendance in January and April-May, while a rather serious decline is observed in the summer months, when people go on vacation and to their summer cottages.

The reception sells related products, as well as food and drinks, including alcohol. The structure of revenue from renting a bathhouse and selling goods is as follows:

SWOT analysis

In order to adequately assess the opportunities in the field of activity, an analysis of the institution was carried out.


  • Variety of services provided.
  • Variety of couples.
  • Acceptable prices.
  • Orientation to the middle class (the most numerous).
  • Special additional area for children.

Weak sides:

  • The presence of competition.
  • Large initial costs.
  • The presence of a credit burden, which sharply reduces the opportunities for re-profiling the business in case of failure.


  • Increase in the number of clients.
  • Opening an additional business after the full repayment of the loan.


  • There may be similar establishments in the area.
  • The bank may fail to provide credit.
  • Greater demands from customers due to the large number of offers in the segment.

organizational plan

Organizational form

The activity will be conducted from the Limited Liability Company. In this case, the organizer will be the sole founder and director. Taxes will be paid according to the simplified taxation system - 15% of the base income - expenses.


To carry out activities, you need: a director, administrators, cleaners. The number of employees and their wages will look like this:

The work schedule of the staff is two days later. There is one administrator and one cleaning lady on shift. The administrator answers calls, talks about the bath, negotiates with clients. Upon arrival, customers give them all the necessary information, towels, slippers, etc., show the room. The cleaning lady cleans up after the departure of clients from the bathhouse, takes care of the surrounding area.

The organization has strict vertical subordination, the subordination structure is presented below:

Financial plan

The following macroeconomic indicators are assumed for the calculations:

  • Inflation - 11%,
  • Income tax - 15%,
  • personal income tax - 13%,
  • Social contributions - 34.2%,
  • VAT - 0%,
  • discount rate (WACC) - 15%.

Project financing

The total investment in the project will amount to 5,133.7 thousand rubles. of which 2,033.7 thousand are planned to be invested by the project initiator himself. RUB 1,132.7 thousand from the initiator's investments will go to capital investments (organization of a legal entity, acquisition of a land plot, furniture and equipment, advertising). The remaining part is 3,100 thousand rubles. will be spent as a bank loan, which will be received at 15% per annum, the collateral for it will be the property of the project initiator. After the construction and commissioning of the bathhouse, the pledge will be re-registered for the bathhouse and the land plot located under it.

Project costs

Expenses will be paid on a monthly basis: wages of employees, tax payments, utility bills, purchase of products, marketing activities, entertainment expenses, other expenses.

These indicators are interesting and are stimulating for starting a business. The organizer has a great chance of obtaining a loan, as the business pays off quickly enough, and the collateral guarantees the bank the return of the loan amount.

In addition, the estimated payback rates are of interest not only to the bank, but also to private investors, who are most likely to be interested in participating in the project.

Risk Analysis

The calculations made by the bath business plan prove that this business is quite profitable. But it is also worth considering situations that may adversely affect the opening or development of activities:

  1. Problems in getting a loan. The organizer has no experience in starting a business, so he will not be a very reliable client for banks. But there is a project with calculations, as well as property that is issued as a pledge. In this connection, this option is unlikely.
  2. The appearance of such an institution in the area. This will lead to a partial churn of customers. Although our bathhouse has competitive prices compared to most similar establishments. There is also a system of discounts, which makes the institution attractive. At the same time, the bathhouse has numerous services for family holidays and for company holidays. Therefore, it will be difficult for a newly-minted competitor to retain lost customers.
  3. Decrease in incomes of the population, which will lead to a decrease in funds that can be spent on recreation and leisure. However, the prices in the bathhouse are low, and the rest can be quite varied. In this regard, a significant decrease in the flow of customers is not expected.


Bathhouse business plan calculations show interesting business performance indicators and timely repayment of loans. In this regard, this project will be of interest to both credit institutions and private investors.