Where to look for a copywriter. How to find yourself a copywriter (rewriter)

Inferno Solutions — 7 years of successful, productive work and more than 7,000 satisfied customers!

It's no secret that the success of any Internet resource directly depends on the quality of the content published on it. And the more often the content on the site is updated, the more traffic will be (business card sites, which consist of several pages, will not be taken into account).

Recently, I have decided to spend most of the money not on buying links for my projects, but on buying more articles. Such a strategy not only allows you to keep the site “in good shape”, fill it with up-to-date information, but also is a “white, fluffy” type of search engine optimization, for which your site will not be 100% punished by search engines (unless, of course, you are too carried away re-optimization of the text).

Since I do not have the time and desire to write dozens of articles on a wide variety of topics every week, I decided to find a few good copywriters from whom I could consistently place orders.

First of all, I went to the seo forums, to the copywriting sections. I compared all the possible offers, read the reviews, and decided to order SEO copywriting from one guy who had good reviews. For the test, he had to write 1 text: if I like it, we will work on an ongoing basis, if not - #goodbye!

You know, for the umpteenth time I was convinced (the first time was when, who would make me a template for the new design of this blog), that the reviews on the forums are very often not entirely objective. Why? Yes, because this copywriter completed the order at the wrong time, made such mistakes in it that my hair on my head stood on end. Oh yes, and he also initially wanted the billing to be carried out for 1000 characters WITH SPACES!

Therefore, I would not advise you to look for copywriters on the forums. I'm not saying that there are no adequate performers who will do their job with high quality. No, there are enough quality performers. But for the work they will charge you at least 2-3 bucks for 1000 simv.b.p. I think that the ideal amount for a normal quality rewrite is $1 per 1000 bp characters. Especially if I plan to work with this person for a long time, and there will be a lot of orders.

After that, I decided to talk with my friends - they should know trusted copywriters who write competent texts. Not everyone, of course, will agree to give such information, but I still found 2 copywriters (with whom I still work). Rewriting cost: $1 per 1000 characters.

By the way, I don’t order articles for placing links in copywriters, but simply buy ready-made cheap texts in article stores and (the latter’s usability, to put it mildly, is “lame”). I try to find thematic articles for each order. For a job well done, advertisers will likely add you to their whitelist and buy links in the future. Yes, and the speed of order fulfillment in GGL will be higher for you, since you won’t have to wait for copywriters to write the desired text.

Well, now it's time to move on to the final part of this post. In it, I would like to tell you about the most ideal content exchange that I have worked with. Its name is ContentMonster . For the first time I registered in it 9 months ago. Registered and forgot. And the first order was made only last month :). And in such a short time has already managed to appreciate all the benefits of the service.

The first, indisputable advantage is the simplicity and convenience of the service (Note Textsale!).

  • Strict selection of copywriters. With the help of a system of tests that copywriters must pass when registering in the system, and the moderator, 75% of candidates are eliminated! So you can be sure that you will not order from some illiterate schoolboy.
  • Automatic check by the system of the uniqueness of articles written by copywriters. There is a similar system in other exchanges, but I often had cases when I bought a 100% unique article in another exchange, checked it, and it turned out that it was 100% non-unique! In ContentMonster you will definitely not find this!
  • 0% commission for customers!

Also, ContentMonster guarantees that if you don’t like the text for any reason, then the exchange will refund you 120% of its value!

And that is not all :). For every 100WMR spent in the system, you get 1 bonus point (1 point = 1 WMR). These points can be spent to order new texts in the system.

As you can see, ContentMonster has a lot of advantages for the customer.

Copywriters incontentMonster will also not remain in the red:

  • Relatively little competition (due to moderation during registration) and a huge number of customers will not leave you without work!
  • Low commission compared to other exchanges.

It turns out that in a month in ContentMonster you can earn 815$ !

I wrote about the main advantages of the service. Let's now look at the main functionality.

Most often, in the order settings, I specify the following information:

You can also create a scheduled or multi-order order.

As you can see, there are more than enough settings and this greatly facilitates the work of both the customer and the contractor. Order settings can be duplicated for further orders, all you have to do is change the keywords, title and subject of the article.

Why didn't I choose not copywriting in the settings, but rewriting? Yes, because as a result of rewriting 2-3 articles, the output is an excellent, 100% unique article that is in no way inferior in quality to copywriting. And I don’t really believe that if I order copywriting on the topic “how to repair an airplane”, then someone will write a full-fledged copyright.

I also really liked the opportunity to choose a copywriter according to the specified search conditions:

When you create an order, you will have the opportunity not only to send it to selected artists (or a group of artists), but also to see possible offers from other copywriters.

When choosing the right artist, I first of all look at his reviews, examples of work and personal page (there have been cases when a person writes that he knows how to write a selling text, and on the page with personal information in the text he has a lot of errors :), what can we say about selling texts).

Speaking of reviews. Lots of reviews are good. But if a person has about 1000 reviews, then I understand that he must have a lot of orders, and, accordingly, my task may not have a completely individual approach. But if a person has 20-100 positive reviews, this indicates that he is just starting his copywriting career at ContentMonster and will take my order more seriously. Well, this is purely my IMHO :).

I almost forgot, all new users can get 100 rubles to their balance for a test drive of the exchange. Hurry up to register!

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This article is intended to systematize all the active ways of finding customers that I know. Each method has been personally tested by me. Some of them I haven't talked about yet. If you do not have customers, then after reading this article, you can easily secure yourself a job for 2016.

I do not think that finding customers through FL or exchanges are bad methods. However, if you want to find a profession, not a set, then I recommend that you forever get away from penny earnings and stingy customers. From this article, you will learn how a copywriter can find customers without intermediaries.

Here is the most complete article on how to find clients for a copywriter. Not just clients, but dear clients. If you are not confident in yourself as an author, then go to the "" section. There you can get practical knowledge on writing articles, selling and advertising texts.

Well, if the main problem for you is a search for expensive jobs and those who are willing to pay good money for copywriting, then welcome to the next chapter.

Copywriting and customer search

You can search for customers active and passive ways. At the same time, the passive method looks more attractive. But it requires serious preparation and investment. Most beginner copywriters are not ready to spend money on their development.

Lack of investment in your knowledge is the main problem for all newbies. Most of us came to the network for easy money and this is our mistake. Easy money and earnings do not exist. The easiest way to earn money is to get a job in a private company or go to government service. There is no need to invest money, it is enough to invest the time of your life.

This must be of no interest to you. So let's get down to business and consider the active search for clients for a copywriter.

Each method of actively searching for customers in copywriting has its pros and cons. Meet 7 active ways to help a copywriter find his client.

Direct offers for webmasters, SEO specialists and various copywriting studios

This method is effective if your prices do not exceed 150r / 1000 characters. It is with these prices that most private webmasters work. And now about the main thing: how and where to find the contacts of these people?

Contacts can be found on SEO forums and webmaster forums . Here are some of them:

SEO forums (webmaster forums)

a) searchengines.guru

b) webmasters.ru

d) copywriterforum.ru

And dozens of other resources.

Your task is to identify specialists who need good copywriters and webwriters. I also refer to this method as an appeal to various studios.


  • an easy way to find a customer (the larger the portfolio and the lower the price, the easier it is);
  • minimum entry threshold for beginners;
  • the ability to quickly put together a portfolio;
  • a quick opportunity to forget the stock exchange, like a bad dream;
  • no need to invest;
  • you can get good royalties if your style is liked by top SEO specialists or webmasters with profitable projects.


  • work for little money (100 rubles for 1000 characters);
  • there is a possibility of fraud (not all webmasters are ready to work on a prepaid basis);
  • lack of professional growth or it is insignificant;
  • hard and constant work, which will allow you to earn 10-30 thousand.

Those who make a living from their sites need constant new good content, otherwise sites can slowly die due to the lack of new information. There are a lot of people who would like to write texts for decent pay. One has only to go to the search forum or to the freelance exchange. But how to choose from this heap of proposals the most optimal? This is what I will talk about below.

There are several options for finding a responsible executor. Let's consider each of them.

1. Search for a copywriter on the content exchange

I advise you to look for a copywriter on the largest content and copywriting exchanges

For starters, you should look for people who have been writing articles for a long time and who have a fairly high rating. Usually such copywriters have a portfolio that is worth paying special attention to.

Try to find grammatical or spelling errors in this text (see how to check spelling online). If they are not there, then it is already pleasing. Then look at the consistency of the entire text, perhaps the copywriter uses the same word many times.

Now after that I advise you to agree with him on a test task. Ask him to write on the topic with which he will work in the future. If everything suits you, then hire.

The downside of this method is that rated copywriters usually charge above average money for 1000 characters. Therefore, it is worth thinking many more times: is it worth overpaying.

2. Search for a copywriter on the forum

You can find offers on the forums, but there will not be as many of them as in content exchanges. Nevertheless, if a person wrote on an seo forum, then we can assume that he knows what exactly is required of him.

Read reviews about him, look at his BL in Webmoney, if everything is more or less normal, then chat with him. If he also writes politely, then most likely he is a good copywriter.

Personally, I found a very successful rewriter who writes excellent texts for 20 rubles 1000 characters. After its rewriting, the meaning is the same, but when comparing articles, nothing will say that this is just a rewrite.

3. Search on freelance exchanges

Here, almost everything is the same as in the first version. We find a person with a reputation, look at his portfolio, contact him and give him a test task.

There is also an option to write an announcement that a copywriter (rewriter) is needed. In this case, tell us how much you are willing to pay for 1000 characters. Write that there is a lot of work, bonuses are possible for good texts. The flow of applications will rush to you with great force.

You should not immediately send newcomers to all four sides. Sometimes it happens that a newcomer is a talented person who simply does not have a review, but this is rare. There is a chance to hire a very good copywriter cheaply, who will most likely demand a lot of money after a while, as he will realize that he is doing his job well. To agree or not with his new requirements is up to you.

Instead of a conclusion
When choosing an artist, pay attention to many details. Encourage him to write better. Say that if he writes excellent texts, then you will pay him some percentage of the order as a bonus. Create an incentive for him to perform better.

The ideal copywriter is not a philologist with five honors. The ideal copywriter is the one you need: an expert on the subject of your sites, who writes in an accessible language for your target audience and at your price.

How and where to find a freelance copywriter?

The eTXT Content Exchange offers five key guidelines to help you select a copywriter for a fruitful collaboration.

First landmark. Do you know exactly who you need?

Copywriters are selected according to the theme and needs of the site. It depends on the characteristics of your resource who you need: an expert or an erudite, a fast-writing author or analyst, a permanent employee or a performer for one-time cooperation.

Order perfect copywriting from the best authors of the exchange

295 / 0

317 / 1

284 / 1

147 / 0

1. If you have a niche platform, then you definitely need an expert. Author's articles will help you become an authority in the field and win customers. Cooperation should be long, only with permanent copywriters you can give the site a unique style.

According to the results of the Exchange polls, 83% of customers prefer permanent cooperation. Even if they work with dozens of artists at the same time, several copywriters are permanent.

2. If you have a multi-page information portal (article or news), then one expert is not enough. Inevitably, there will be a need for copywriters who write on various topics quickly and interestingly.

In order not to create the same type of orders, place a multi-order once - this is a task that hundreds of authors can take on at the same time and hand over unique materials to you. You can also save an order template in the eTXT system and use it for new tasks regularly.

3. For serious resources who prefer to independently search for and test authors, there is an opportunity to their site. The API will help simplify the transaction process between the copywriter and the customer, and all workflows will take place on your site.

Orientation second. How much to pay an ideal copywriter?

Copywriters are ordinary people who want fair pay for their work. If you pay too little, then there is a risk of losing your "own" expert, who simply will not apply for your order, because the price will not attract him.

What determines the prices for orders?

1. Topic: the narrower and more complex the niche, the more expensive copywriting is. Average prices on the eTXT Exchange for 1000 characters depending on the topics:

2. Style: the price for 1000 characters in different genres can also vary greatly:

At the intersection of style and theme, the price per 1000 characters is formed. You need to understand that the average rate of an experienced author is at least 100 rubles per 1000 characters of text. Beginners take much less. However, this dependence is not always direct and unconditional. For example, an experienced Contractor can make discounts on his services to attract new Customers.

Landmark third. Where to look when choosing?

Having received applications for the execution of the task, experienced Customers first of all evaluate the profiles. The author's profile is his personal page with detailed statistics of works and a description of his experience. What to look for before approving an application:

1. Reviews. The number of positive and negative reviews about the work of the author, their content. We should not forget that people leave negative reviews willingly, and sometimes they are too lazy to write positive ones.

2. Rating. The rating reflects not the total professional experience, but the length of service and intensity of the Contractor's work on the Exchange. Therefore, you should not immediately dismiss a copywriter with insufficiently high numbers in statistics. Take a closer look, because the author could start working with the service relatively recently, while having extensive experience in other places.

3. White and black lists to which the author has been added. Adding to the white list means that the Contractor liked the Customer, and the latter wants to cooperate with him on a regular basis. At the same time, the presence of blacklists is also skeptical. If the author did not have a relationship with a particular employer, this does not mean that you will not like his work.

4. Literacy. On the eTXT Exchange, all Performers can take a literacy test to prove their professionalism. Please note that the results of passing the test are displayed in the author's profile. A result of 80-90% is acceptable.

5. Qualification. Each author performs test work on the ability to write in a particular genre (copywriting, rewriting, SEO copywriting). When choosing an application, pay attention to the number of "stars" (skill) in the corresponding writing technique.

Life hacks from experienced customers:

Landmark four. Portfolio

When applying for a job, as a rule, always pay attention to the resume, work experience and portfolio. But on the Exchange, this is often forgotten. Nevertheless, each author has the opportunity to add articles to his portfolio, but not everyone uses this - this can already become an indicator when choosing.

Portfolios are presentation works that were performed for previous customers, they are presented as an example of the author's skill.

The “Portfolio” tab is in the profiles of all authors, pay attention to it:

As a rule, these are the best articles, so the likelihood that a copywriter will write 100 times better for you is small.

A competent copywriter adds texts on different topics and in different styles to the portfolio. This allows you to show skill from all sides and find more customers.

Fifth landmark. Application and communication in private

Pay attention to the comment with which the author applies for the order.

For example, an order for the topic “Ceiling Soundproofing”:

Who do you think is the best place to order?

Professional copywriter in person:

  • does not abuse quality (good, fast, inexpensive) adjectives and introductory words unnecessarily,
  • adheres to business ethics,
  • makes it clear that he carefully read the task, and not just “threw an application”,
  • indicates the areas of work in which he is most competent.

The contractor can write that he has copywriting experience in the field of interest to you. If such works are not presented in the profile, ask the author to show them via private (private messages on the eTXT Exchange).

Choose the right copywriters. Tens of thousands of performers are actively working on the eTXT Exchange. This gives you the opportunity to choose the most suitable copywriter whose work matches your goals, objectives, line of business, target audience and budget.

And remember - in the 21st century there is not much content. Good luck!

There are thousands of copywriters on the net, but finding smart specialists is not easy. They hold on to them with all hands and feet, blow off dust particles and try to keep their names secret so that they are not lured to more profitable projects.

If you need to find a good copywriter, then, first of all, exchanges like Etxt, Advego, Turbotext will advise you, because on them:

  • Large selection of specialists. There are about 1 million registered artists on ETXT.
  • It is clear how to evaluate the level of the author. Rating, reviews, portfolio - to help.
  • Low labor cost. A worthy payment for an article is considered to be the level of 30-50 rubles. for 1000 characters. A line of authors with a high rating will line up for such an order.
  • Safely. The system of fines motivates authors not to give up work and not disappear.

Do not rely on these virtues. They seem significant, but what will be the result? Working for a penny, a stock exchange copywriter has two ways to eat not only Doshirak:

  • Take a lot of orders and do everything yourself. Writing 20-30 thousand characters a day is not a question for them. Is it possible to create bright, memorable texts with such a volume? Hardly.
  • Be the go-between. Such an unfortunate entrepreneur sells his orders to novice specialists and earns on the difference between your cost and the money that he will pay the “galley slave”. As a result, you will get low-level texts at an above-average cost (for the level of exchanges).

Believe me, you should not start looking for specialists from such exchanges. You will not find a copywriter there for a long time. Professionals rarely enter the exchanges, except perhaps to be horrified and cross themselves. Ratings may turn out to be "inflated", and reviews - written by friends. Just waste your time and money.

What is a good copywriter?

To find a good copywriter, let's define the qualities that he must possess, and there are many of them:

  • , professionalism. Well if texts about medicine written by a physician. And SEO articles are a person who understands Internet promotion and has many successful cases behind him.
  • Punctuality, responsibility, discipline. I took the order - be kind to do it on time.
  • Honesty. It doesn’t work, you don’t have time - say, don’t hide behind “dying grandmothers”.
  • Politeness, tact. No one wants to collaborate with rude people, even if they write something incredible.
  • performance. If there is a specific TOR, it is necessary to follow it.
  • Initiative. It's nice when a copywriter not only does what they order, but also gives valuable advice and offers options on how to improve the project.
  • Literacy. Alas, articles with errors that “crack the screen on a laptop” in the vastness of the network are not uncommon.

How to find a good copywriter

Don't forget one important thing. There are very few universal fighters. You need to decide for what purposes you need a specialist. In their original meaning, copywriters are masters of selling texts. Such specialists know the psychology of the buyer, the basics of marketing and are able to sell snow with an Eskimo using letters on a computer.

Such a copywriter is unlikely to take up routine descriptions of door handles for an online store, or the cost of his services will put you on both shoulder blades.

Other specialists are hiding under the proud title of "copywriter" today:

  • Authors of informative articles(web writers). They write engagingly and knowledgeably on a variety of topics: finance, parenting, legal issues, etc. It is good if such an author has an appropriate education (accountant, teacher, lawyer).
  • . These experts can write "cheap plastic windows Moscow" ten times in the text so that the reader won't even feel it.
  • Rewriters. They rewrite the text in their own words, which is sometimes also necessary when there is a need for hundreds of unique texts with the same content.

If you have an understanding of who and why you need, it will be much easier to find an intelligent specialist.

We leave directly

In a network full of specialists whose name is a guarantee of high quality texts. They have their own websites, blogs, communities in social networks. Many own their own creative and marketing agencies. Their texts will be expensive, but the likelihood that they will "shoot" is extremely high. Because in the process of work, specialists of this level:

  • collect maximum information about your company, website, product, competitors;
  • conduct marketing research (if you need a selling text or texts on the main page);
  • turn to experts;
  • spare no time and effort to write a really catchy text.

If, for example, you need a landing page to sell a batch of Italian purses, such specialists will greatly facilitate your task. In addition, TOP-level copywriters most often work officially - through the conclusion of an agreement, a current account, acts of work performed. So you can easily report to the tax for your expenses.


Most likely, you will avoid delays, stupid mistakes, poor-quality rewriting, non-compliance with deadlines - everything that can “fly in” from a copywriter chosen in a different way. Seasoned specialists value their reputation and give 100% of their work on the project.


The main disadvantage is the cost. Do not give your last savings to work with TOP copywriters. Maybe it's better to hire an average specialist and spend more on or promotion in social networks.

Also, you may have to wait. Specialists of this level have no shortage of orders and will start your task as soon as the previous ones are completed. And this may take more than one day, but it happens that everything is scheduled for six months in advance.

Not everyone willingly shares the contacts of in-demand specialists for fear that they will be taken away, lured away, or loaded with a more expensive project. There is also a reverse situation. The site owner, for example, wants to keep a copywriter, but cannot provide him with the necessary amount of work. Then he will be happy to give you recommendations.


You will get a proven copywriter who is loyal to you in advance (everyone is pleased when they turn to you on the recommendation) and ready for quality work (so as not to let the recommender down).


Specifically for your business, website, task, this copywriter may not be suitable. Or, purely subjectively, you will not like the style of his work.

Searching in social networks

  • advertise for a copywriter in remote work communities (“Overheard. Copywriting”, “Distance. Freelance, remote work”, etc.),
  • go out to copywriter blogs in social networks through a search query,
  • find through the search query "copywriter" the pages of people who are related to this area.


Ads with an adequate cost of services attract interested professionals within a few minutes. Looking at the page of a copywriter, you can evaluate his writing style (many blogs), the level of his communication and horizons. If a copywriter has been actively maintaining his page for a long time, then he is unlikely to disappear. After all, deleting a “fine” account, and then starting and promoting a new account is troublesome. It is much easier to be always in touch and complete the work on time.


The social media specialist has almost nothing to do with anything. He can delay the execution of the order, refuse at the most unexpected moment (especially if there was no advance payment), pull the cat by the tail (at the same time looking for more profitable projects).

Freelance sites

Such sites help to find remote specialists in different directions. If you need not only a copywriter, but also a programmer, designer, group administrator, you can find them all in one place. The most popular are:

  • freelance.com
  • fl.ru
  • weblancer.com

Each specialist can see portfolio, reviews, ratings. So that the copywriter does not “throw” you after prepayment, use the “secure transaction” service. You can also create both a separate project and a vacancy, and even a competition, if, for example, you are looking for a bright name for your project.


Hundreds of worthy specialists in one place who come to the site in search of work. These are "free spearmen" who either have a rich "office" experience, or have already managed to "cook" on the stock exchanges. Usually they are in the subject, easily find a common language with the customer, are disciplined and interested in gaining a good reputation and a rich portfolio.


You can miss a cool copywriter just because he is new to the site and he has no reviews and ratings. And a specialist with a high rating will do a bad job, because before that he received points for buying paid services, and admiring reviews were written to him for free or penny texts.

job search websites

Few people know that hundreds of freelancers look through vacancies for remote copywriters on hh.ru and similar sites every day. You can place your ad if you need a specialist who is ready to cooperate on your terms for a long time. For example, to fill the site with informative articles. Selection by resume will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with the candidate's previous work experience, education, skills and competencies.


Those who are looking for a job, and not a one-time part-time job, will respond to your vacancy. Who is ready to seriously work on the project, and not hack for a couple of days. Such candidates will be more responsible for the tasks. A long-term project will give them the opportunity to delve deeper into the features of your site or business. At the same time, you can pay in the same way as a freelancer - to an electronic wallet or bank card, without official registration.


For one sensible resume, ten sent at random will arrive. You will have to work hard to find a good specialist.

How to test a copywriter

Neither recommendations, nor ratings, nor reviews should play a decisive role in choosing a specialist. You need to choose a copywriter for your task. And, therefore, he should have a similar experience, successful cases, examples of work, real achievements in your field of activity.

Ask for a portfolio

Experienced copywriters have an impressive portfolio that can “sell” a specialist even before he says something about himself. A portfolio can be presented on a copywriter's website, links on his blog, links or screenshots of work on a freelance exchange, or in any other way.

If a copywriter has something to be proud of, he is unlikely to hide it.

It's good when the portfolio presents the best work in different directions. After all, today you may need a text for the main page, and tomorrow an article for a group on a social network.

Ask for examples of work on your topic

If there are no texts on your topic in the portfolio, ask the copywriter to provide them. The sought-after copywriter often simply has no time to update the portfolio. Or he might find it unnecessary to post previous work if it was routine and didn't play a big role in his professional growth.

Ask for a test task

For reward. Because the copywriter will spend his working time on this. And he could invest it in real projects. In addition, paying for a test task is a sign of the seriousness of your intentions.

The test should be the same for all candidates so that you can compare the style and quality.

Ask for a scan of your diploma

The web is full of illiterate articles. People write about medicine who have never worn a white coat. Yesterday's housewives are trying to dedicate us to accounting issues. And on legal issues, we are looking for answers in the articles that the geography teacher wrote at night.

If you need quality content on a highly specialized topic, feel free to ask for a diploma. If the copywriter claims to have gone through a lot of training programs, ask for certifications. Do not just believe the words if you do not want to get into a mess.

What else will help in finding a copywriter

  • Write bright ads. After all, you yourself do not like it when they respond to your vacancy with the general phrases “I will do it,” “Ready,” “100 rubles.” Be creative to attract creative professionals.
  • Write specifically. Indicate terms, volumes, topics, tasks, approximate terms of reference. So the copywriter will be able to adequately assess their strengths and not waste your and their time in vain.
  • Don't hide the cost. Full of specialists ready to write divinely for 5000 rubles. But there is also someone who is still working on the image and reviews, and is ready to write no worse than 50 rubles. for the treasured line in the resume.
  • Don't try to skimp on content. Miser pays twice. If you want to promote a site, low-grade articles for a penny will not help you. Sites with interesting quality articles are much more likely to reach the TOP. And such content cannot be cheap.

Finding a good copywriter is difficult, but possible. He can work behind the wall in the office next door, or maybe on the other side of the globe. To “catch” it, arrange the nets correctly. Start by placing an ad on your site. Accept it as a fact that finding someone to work with you is also a job. Use the recommendations of our article, and then everything will work out.