The best photo stocks or how to make really good money selling photos. Selling your photos

Hello dear readers. About a year ago I bought myself a camera in order to be able to capture important moments in life, but also, of course, for fun. Basically, just like other people.

Over time, I began to improve my photography skills and seriously thought about making an income from photos. I immediately threw away weddings and similar events, since I am lazy and do not like fuss, so I went looking for other options on the World Wide Web.

The solution for me was photo stocks for making money, which carry passive income. This type of income is becoming more and more popular, so I decided to compile a small rating of photo stocks for my readers. But let's start from afar.

What are photostocks (microstocks, photobanks) in simple words?

Photo stocks, in fact, act as intermediaries between photographers and buyers. More specifically, photo stock is a platform that contains a huge number of photos presented for sale at a small price. Regardless of the price, it is quite possible for a photographer to earn a decent amount. The fact is that the photo has no restrictions on the number of purchases (downloads), that is, the same photo can be sold to tens, hundreds or thousands of buyers, thereby providing yourself with passive income.

As you can see, absolutely all sides are in the black: the photographer has the opportunity to earn money doing what he loves, the buyer quickly and for a relatively small amount finds the photo he needs for his business.

Pros and cons of making money on photo stocks

Let's start with the benefits:

  • Free work schedule. You decide when and how much to work, you do not have to report to anyone.
  • passive income. Photos are sold 24/7 without your participation, even when you sleep.
  • Income is unlimited. Everything will depend only on you, on the effort expended, time spent and originality. The ceiling for you could be $50 or maybe $1,000. Persevere!
  • Not tied to a specific location. As with almost any, you are not tied to any particular place, you can work from almost anywhere where there is access to the Internet.
  • Job satisfaction. Probably, one of the most important points, however, is worth remembering that any business eventually becomes boring and turns into a routine.

Now about the shortcomings, because no one and nothing in the world is without flaws.

  • Need start-up capital. A good camera or smartphone is not cheap, at least for me it's quite a lot of money.
  • Absence of a boss. Yes, this is a double-edged sword, no one will yell at you, but they will also force you to work. You will have to fight your own laziness, and this is not as easy as it might seem at first.
  • Lack of money at the beginning. You need to increase the number of photos in your portfolio. Any photos will not work, you need high-quality ones, and this will take quite a lot of time. Therefore, if you think that you can make money quickly, then I hasten to disappoint you - there will be no easy money!
  • Gradual loss of motivation. As I said, at first the money will not work, and when the results are not visible, it is quite difficult, especially in psychological terms, so people abandon the case. We must not give up!

Photo stocks for earnings: for beginners

In the top lines of the list, I put those photo stocks that are most loyal to beginners, and more popular ones go further, but with high requirements for photographers.

  1. DreamsTime (English).
  2. Depositphotos (Russian-speaking).
  3. Fotolia (Russian-speaking).
  4. BigStockPhoto (Russian language).
  5. Stockxpert (English).
  6. Lori (Russian speaking).
  7. Crestock (English).
  8. Shutterstock (English).
  9. Istockphoto (English).
  10. 123rf (Russian language).

Instead of total

I will not sum up the article, but just give a couple of practical tips on working on photo stocks.

  1. Don't get carried away trying to upload photos to a large number of stocks, it's better to choose 1-3 and focus on them.
  2. It is easier to start working on Russian-language platforms, but it is foreign ones that will bring more profit.
  3. Always read the rules, this will help you avoid situations that will nullify all your efforts.
  4. The search for works takes place mainly by keywords, so pay enough attention to them, it’s not enough just to upload a photo.
  5. For the holidays, try to prepare good thematic photos, because these days there is a very high demand for them.
  6. Simple things like the actions of people, individual items are in demand. After all, the main buyers are the designer and other people who are looking for a piece of the puzzle for their work.
  7. Do market analysis, look at pictures of what topics are in demand, what is their price, etc. So, you can understand what the buyer is interested in.

Work on photo stocks consists in adding new photos every day, you need to systematically approach the matter. Not everyone can do it, think twice before you start selling photos.

I have it all. If you liked the article, then share it with your friends on social networks. Good luck!

Sincerely, Stein David.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about photobanks for making money. Such services allow users to sell photos over the Internet. At this point in time, you can find a large number of photobanks on the Web, but not all of them are profitable: some have long lost their leading positions, buyers have stopped visiting them, while others simply do not pay what they earn.

In this regard, I decided to make for you a small selection of top projects that you should definitely pay attention to. I do not recommend you to spend your precious time on publishing works on ten or more services - it is better to focus your attention only on the best photobanks, and there are only five or six of them.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that all photobanks are divided into two types: microstocks And macro stocks. The first are projects where you can sell your graphic works for a low cost. The bulk of the buyers on these services are news publications and websites. Photos on microstocks can be sold to different buyers any number of times.

The main audience of buyers on macro stocks are publishers and magazines, that is, those organizations that have considerable amounts of money and who need only unique and high-quality content. On these projects, images are much more expensive than on microstocks, but at the conclusion of the transaction, the buyer receives not only the photo, but also all the rights to the bliss.

The best photo stocks for making money

Before proceeding directly to the consideration of projects, I would also like to inform you about who photo banks allow you to earn money also on video, flash animations, vector images, etc. The most purchased is raster graphics - these are photographs, 3D images or illustrations.

Now I will present you a list of photo stocks where you should register, pass the exam (if necessary) and start earning money.

This project is considered the most popular and most profitable among all existing ones. In this regard, the Shutterstock administrators decided to introduce some restriction when registering new sellers, namely, newcomers need to pass a specialized exam: after registering on the project, you need to upload 10 of your photos, 7 of which must be approved by the “commission”.

In case of failure of the exam, retake is possible only once a month. That is, you will be allowed to upload new 10 works again after thirty days.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that when registering an account, you must send a scan of the first page of your passport to Shutterstock. Data verification is carried out within two days.

For one photo download on this photobank you will receive 25 cents. If your total income reaches $ 500, then you will be paid 33 cents per photo download.

Withdrawing earned money from Shutterstock is best done to PayPal wallets. The minimum amount to order a payout is $75.

By the way, what is remarkable, Shutterstock users are allowed to earn money not only on photos or videos, but also on audio works. That is, by uploading your music track to this project, and passing the exam, you will be able to receive money for downloading your audio works. is not implemented on every site, which is why Shutterstock is one of the best services for creative people on the Internet.

This project takes an honorable second place in the list of "most profitable". Both Shutterstock and iStockphoto have support for the Russian-language interface, which is very convenient. To register on iStockPhoto, you will need to send a scan of your international passport (citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to send copies of the "state" passport) or a driver's license.

After the system identifies you, the next step is to pass the exam, which consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The practice is much simpler than on Shutterstock - instead of ten photos, you only need to upload three works.

In terms of remuneration: iStockphoto pays 20% of the cost of downloading your photo. Prices for raster graphics range from $1 to $40. Accordingly, if your image was purchased for $ 5, then the system will take $ 4 for itself, and you will get only $ 1.

Exclusive photographers of the iStockphoto project receive not 20%, but 40% of the cost of the downloaded photo. Only those who place their works only on this project and on no other can become such a user.

As in the case of Shutterstock, it is best to withdraw earned money from iStockPhoto to the PayPal electronic payment system. The minimum amount to order a payout is $100.

Another photo stock that deserves your attention. Before earning money on this project, you will need to upload 5 photos and if the administration approves them, the exam is passed.

Unlike other projects, Stockxpert is good because it pays 50% of the price for the downloaded photo by the buyer. Payments are made via PayPal.

On this site, you will need to take a theory test in English, but since you will have access to hints, this will not be a big deal. I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that BigstockPhoto is one of the few projects where, upon registration, you do not need to send a scan of your passport or any other documents proving your identity.

This service pays quite well - up to 38 cents per downloaded image. Withdrawals of earnings are carried out, as usual, on PayPal.

Russian photostock for beginners. There are not very many buyers on this service, but the payment is very decent: from 40 to 6000 rubles (the price of images depends on the purpose of use and their circulation). This site is very convenient in that you can withdraw what you earn to wallets of the electronic payment system Yandex.Money or WebMoney.

This is one of the few projects where you do not need to pass any exams, and registration is done without a passport. Prices for images here range from one to three hundred dollars, while the payment to the author is from 50% to 80%.

The minimum withdrawal amount from Dreamstime is $100. Money can be received on PayPal.

Photobank Fotolia

Another photo stock, where there are no theoretical and practical exams during registration, and there is no need to send scans of documents proving your identity. In my opinion, this project is ideal for beginner photographers, since the Fotolia administration is not too demanding on the quality of the works of the authors offered for sale.

The cost of photos on this site is from 1 to 2000 dollars, the authors of the work are paid from 33% to 80%. By the way, Fotolia has a very interesting system, according to which deductions increase with the growth of the user's number of sales and the status of the photographer.

You must have at least $50 in your balance to be able to request a payout. As usual, you can transfer money to your wallet in the PayPal electronic payment system.

In addition to all the above services, I would also like to recommend you such projects as Depositphotos(one of the most famous photo banks in the world, which pays beginners 34% for each file sold, or 0.3 cents if the photo was sold by subscription), 123RF(newcomers can receive 0.216 cents for subscription downloads or 30% of the amount of the image sold) and cutcaster(exclusive authors on this photostock earn 55% of the cost of the purchased drawing, and non-exclusive - 40%).

Working with microstocks is beneficial in that by uploading your work to one of the projects (or several), you can earn money selling it for the rest of your life. On such services, buyers acquire the rights to non-exclusive use of photos: your photo can be sold an unlimited number of times, while the copyright remains with you. At the same time, the cost of such images is not very high, and even the services will take a certain percentage of transactions.

Hello friends.

Today I want to talk about how to make good money on your hobby. If you are fond of photography, then I advise you to sit comfortably. In this article, you will learn a lot of useful information about what photostocks are for making money for beginners, how to get good profit from them and where, in fact, to start making money.

How do photo stocks work?

They are also called photobanks. These are paid resources, whose subscribers have access to more unique, author's photos. Such resources are very popular nowadays. A lot of online publications buy a subscription from them, who want to illustrate their content with interesting, unique pictures, and not with what everyone can download for free on Google.

The subscriber pays a certain amount monthly or annually. You, as the author of pictures or illustrations, receive payment for each download of your work. As a rule, it is a few cents. On one of the most popular and you can get 25 cents for each upload of your picture. And if you consider how many buyers there are, then photographers have good chances to start making excellent money. But I will tell you a little further about what kind of resource it is, as well as about the features of working on it.

What do you need to start selling your pictures?

Experts say that in order to make money on photo stocks, you need to take high-quality pictures. And for this at least you need a good camera + talent. So if you, inspired by the idea, decide to upload all the photos of nature that you managed to take with your friends on barbecue on your phone, then stop. Just kidding, of course, but you get the idea.

Of course, now there is a lot. For example, I have heard about the flagships from Apple or Samsung. A high-quality camera on them allows you to take good photos.

So if you see that your pictures on the phone camera are not only beautiful and organic in terms of composition, but also differ in quality (good expansion, no noise), then you can try uploading them to the photo bank as well.

The next step is to scan documents. There are many photo stocks in Russian and English that do not require such complex verification. But if we talk about large-scale resources on which you can earn good money, then there you will have to confirm your identity by attaching a scanned copy of your passport. International photobanks need a scan of a passport with data in English. Don't be afraid, it's nothing like that. Sites with a good reputation will never use your document for fraudulent purposes.

This is the minimum you can start working with.

On what resources to place a photo?

Here is a selection of the most popular and well-established photo stocks:

- a good resource, they have a very simple and convenient Russian-language interface. Registration is also easy. For each accepted image, they pay 20 cents, but this applies, however, to the first 500 images. Then you get a percentage for each download of the photo you upload.

Pond5 is a German photo bank that allows photographers to set their own prices for their work. There are no additional exams, photo quality requirements are very loyal.

Fotolia is the base from which experts advise beginners to start. A simple interface in Russian, you can easily learn the rules and start uploading photos.

Shutterstock is the very profitable photo stock that I mentioned at the beginning of the article. They pay 25 cents per photo upload. The competition is big. Due to the authority of the resource, it is difficult to get there. You need to fill in a scan of the passport, and then pass an exam for the uniqueness and quality of the photo - fill in 10 materials, 7 of which the administration must approve. The exam can be retaken an unlimited number of times, though with a certain regularity - no more than once a month.

How much can you earn in photobanks?

How much you will earn depends on your activity. Many beginners have never been able to cross the threshold of several tens of dollars, because their fuse was gone. The portfolio needs to be constantly replenished with good photographs in order for the income to be good. If you uploaded from 100 to 300 photos, then according to experts, you can receive about $50-100 on them per month.

If you increase the volume of images to 1000, you can receive from 300 to 1000 dollars per month. There are pros who earn tens of thousands of dollars every month, but they are few and they make enormous efforts. High-quality equipment, studios, even staged shooting.

The highest paid photographer on photo stocks - Yuri Arkurs from Denmark - has an income of several million dollars annually.

I analyzed the tips shared by photographers who post their work on photo stocks. And I can highlight a few relevant recommendations that will help you navigate and start working more efficiently.

Follow the trends. If you post your work specifically for the purpose of making money, then you need to adapt to the requirements of the market. So, some photo stocks regularly make materials about the most popular trends, tell what topics are currently in demand. Track such publications to understand which photos you can now receive the maximum number of downloads.

Upload photos regularly. Your earnings directly depend on this. Many beginners do not make a good income, because they quickly throw their uploads to photo stocks. About how much you can earn, I will tell you very soon. But remember that everything is in your hands

Consider competition. You can be a professional who takes great pictures, but trust me, there are a lot of them on photo stocks. Every day thousands of photographers from different parts of the world pour hundreds of thousands of photos into banks. And you either have to stand out very strongly among them, or work with trending topics. For example, there is a useful resource that helps you determine in which direction you should move, which keys to select for more image viewing.

It's called Picniche - I advise you to bookmark it or save the name in your notes. If you enter some keyword on it, by which the customer will search for pictures, you will see how many pictures there are with this key, how many times they were requested and how many times they were bought. Based on this, a certain rating is formulated for each topic. The service will also offer you several other synonymous queries that have received higher rankings. Convenient and practical.

How to withdraw earned money

In order to withdraw money from photo stocks (and not only - this is true for all freelancers who work with international exchanges), I advise you to register in the system. They have a simple registration in several stages. It is important to fill in your address and index correctly - in a couple of weeks you will receive a personal bank card.

You will be able to receive payment for it, pay with it on the Internet, cash out money or withdraw it to your hryvnia card in Privatbank, if you have one. In general, very convenient. And most importantly, all popular international freelance exchanges, photo banks and other resources work with it. So you can combine several types of earnings or work with different sources in the same area, and not have any headaches with receiving payments.

Moreover, the resource is constantly expanding the geography of work and its functions.

On this I will complete my material, friends. I really hope that it will inspire you and become the very first step towards a new kind of activity. I would be very happy if you appreciate my efforts and share the publication with your friends on social networks. Well, in order not to miss news about new ways to make money on the Internet, as well as effective ways to increase your income, subscribe to my blog updates.

When people have financial problems, they consider any options that allow them to earn additional income. If you are interested in photography, you can make good money on the Internet. For this, there are special services on the network - Photobanks how to make money on pictures, we will figure it out in this article.

Features of earnings

Photobanks are special resources where photographers can sell their work. Users who need high-quality images buy photos, and the author receives a certain amount from each sale. It should be noted that business on photobanks can bring good profit.

Where to begin?

  • Find a suitable photobank, register and upload your best works;
  • Choose titles and suitable keywords for them;
  • Agency employees check the pictures for several days;
  • If the images pass the test, they are put up for sale.

The most popular photobanks offer to pass an exam. If they pass the test, the author will be able to earn decent money. With a competent approach, such work can become your main source of income.

How much can you earn?

To get a decent income on photobanks, at first, you need to devote a lot of time to this. The most important thing for beginners is to fill out a portfolio. It should contain many high-quality interesting works. It is advisable to upload fresh pictures every day. Before putting up a photo for sale, you need to process them in a graphic editor. And this also takes a lot of time.

At first, earnings will be ridiculous, but over time, everything will work out. Beginners are often interested in how much you can earn on photobanks? From one image, you get a commission of 20-30%. At first glance it may seem that this is very small. But after all, each picture is sold many times, thanks to which you can get about $ 20 daily. It is easy to calculate how much they earn on photobanks per month. It's at least $400.

To earn $100 a day, you need to upload at least 1,000 photos to your portfolio. Professional photographers who have several tens of thousands of works in their portfolio receive more than $20,000 per month.

In addition to making money on photobanks, you can start making custom photobooks. This type of activity will bring a good additional income.

If you want to make good money, you need to take high resolution pictures. You should not upload photos from your phone to popular Russian photo banks to earn money. To work, you need to buy a camera with a good resolution.

Most requested topics:

  • Cars;
  • Business;
  • Sport;
  • Items;
  • People;
  • Tourism.

Before starting work, you must first decide on the subject, as well as carefully analyze the demand in this segment.

How to choose a photobank?

It is advisable to work with foreign photobanks, since our people are not used to paying money for images yet. Of course, there are such clients, but they are very few. But in Europe and America, photographs are bought daily in huge quantities.

In addition, foreign users pay good money for pictures. For one jump, you can be paid 3-5 dollars. But they can be downloaded an unlimited number of times.

The most popular photobanks

  1. Shutterstock. He is the leader in terms of profitability and the number of images sold. To get access to the job, you need to pass an entrance exam. If you fail it, you can only be allowed to retake it after a month. But at the same time, you can retake as many times as you see fit. Such photobanks for beginners will become a reliable foundation in future professional activities;
  2. Istockphoto. This is a service with an entrance exam, which imposes too high requirements on the work. If you want to work with this photo bank, you should not upload low-quality pictures there;
  3. Fotolia. This is a less popular resource. There are no exams on it, but here you will not be able to get a good income. Information about downloads is sent to your email, so a small stable income will be provided;

When you upload your artwork, don't forget to include keyword phrases as these are what buyers are searching for relevant images.

What do you need to work?

First of all, in order to make money on photobanks, you need a good camera. Another important tool is a PC, as well as a certain set of programs. You need to provide constant access to the Internet in order to upload photos at any time. In addition, you will have to work with an image editor. You also need to learn how to make vector drawings.

Persons who have reached the age of 18 can participate in photo selling systems. This is especially true for foreign resources. To register, you will need a scan of your passport or driver's license. If you want to work with foreign resources, you need to know English, you can use a dictionary.

Who buys copyrighted works?

For example, you have your own Internet project and you need unique images for it. Hiring a photographer for these purposes is too expensive, so the owners of web resources prefer to buy photos in a photo bank. Thanks to this, the number of sold images is constantly growing. Liked photos are bought not only by web designers. Some users decorate their homes with them.

Snapshot Requirements

Any photobank of pictures puts forward certain requirements for photographs. Basically, they are almost all the same:

  1. The image must be copyrighted;
  2. The size must be at least 4 MP;
  3. Photo format JPG only;
  4. Photographs should not contain recognizable logos, persons or objects;
  5. Don't forget to fill out the information form - description, keywords, etc.

You should also talk separately about the quality of photos. They are bought for the design of websites, printing of advertising posters, the production of souvenirs and other things. The higher the quality, the more often your work will be downloaded. Remove all unnecessary noise, and fine-tune the colors and sharpness. Images with distorted colors, double outline and other defects are not allowed to be sold.

Do not forget also that the photo should be interesting. Therefore, this process should be approached creatively. Try to beat each image and it will definitely bring you a good profit.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog! Not so long ago we discussed such a topic as work remotely at home (freelance). In particular, they talked about such freelance areas as photography and computer graphics. The places where freelance photographers and illustrators can find clients (employers) have been mentioned freelance exchanges, bulletin boards, social networks, thematic Internet communities.

And the most advanced "free artists" can master building a website yourself or order a site in a web studio and use it in the future as a platform for promoting your services. But there is another type of service that allows this category of freelancers to earn money on the Internet - photobanks and photostocks.

What is a photo bank?

A photo bank is a specialized Internet resource that acts as an intermediary between the authors of photographs or vector images and their buyers. All content is stored in photobanks in a systematic way, which makes it easier for potential buyers to find suitable images. Today it is the most common mechanism for buying and selling photographic material on the Internet. Even staff photographers for news agencies, as well as artists and illustrators of design studios who have an employment relationship with a particular employer, often additionally use photobanks for earnings.

Macrostocks are photobanks that work with high-level professional photographers and illustrators. The history of many of them goes back to the days of film photography. Prices for images on these services can reach up to several hundred dollars. But their sales volumes are not high, and it is unrealistic for a novice freelance photographer to break into macro stock. Therefore, speaking today about photostocks, I will mean microstocks.

Microstock photobanks selling images on a non-exclusive basis for a low price (from $0.20 to $5 per photo) have become very widespread. The approach they cultivated turned out to be beneficial not only to buyers, but also to authors. It would seem - how can you make good money by selling your photos for next to nothing? However, the non-exclusivity of the type of Royalty-Free license (RF, royalty free) used when working with photo stocks allows you to sell the same image dozens, hundreds and even thousands of times! Agree, regularly receiving deductions of half a dollar from several buyers is a much more attractive picture for a novice freelancer than waiting for months for an exclusive photo to be bought from you once for $100. Moreover, the Royalty Free license allows the author to post the same image for sale on several photobanks at once. The amount of proceeds is divided between the author and the photo stock. As a rule, the author gets 30-50% of the sales. Commonly used for billing virtual money- credits or points (usually in the equivalent of a US dollar), which, after accumulating a certain amount, the author can exchange for one of the electronic currencies or withdraw to his bank card.

Most stock photo sites provide newcomers with a kind of "exam" regarding the quality of uploaded photos, but some Russian photobanks such a check is omitted. But this does not mean that they accept images of frankly poor quality - do not flatter yourself, screenshot, shot while watching National Geographic, no one will buy. Poor composition or focus, noise, artifacts can cause images to be rejected from the photo bank. To motivate and expand the user network, many photo stocks use various partnership programs .

Photobank Lori

Photobank Lori is the leader in the Russian photo sales market. This resource quickly gained popularity among the creators and buyers of media content due to several factors. Firstly, it is a pioneer in this area and takes into account all the peculiarities of Russian legislation, and secondly, it covers the maximum possible range of payment methods for Russian users. Since recently, Lori photo bank also performs intermediary services for sale of video clips. Prices for images start at 40 rubles, for videos - from 400 rubles. To work with Lori's photobank, a written agency agreement is required.

Shooterstock photo bank

Photobank Shutterstock (Shutterstock) is one of the largest microstocks in the world. The headquarters of this service is located in New York, but there is also a technical support department in Russia. The site has a partially Russified version. Payments for photo and video materials are made in US dollars or in the currency of the client's home country. To receive payment for sold through photobank Shutterstock The author must have a Visa or Mastercard bank card.

Photolia photo bank

In 2014, the photobank Fotolia (Fotolia) celebrates its 10th anniversary. During this time, his library has grown to several million photographs, vector images and videos. This American photo stock has a fully Russified version of the site and a technical support office in Moscow. Due to the low demands on image quality, it is perfect for those photographers who are looking for photo banks for beginners. And also to me personally Fotolia photo bank I like the ease of registration - you can use your Facebook account as an account on this photo stock.

Dreamtime photo bank

This photobank is notable for the fact that it created a six-level (from 0 to 5) gradation system for photographers, depending on the effectiveness of their work. The more often the author's photos are bought, the higher the percentage of deductions from sales (from 25% to 50%) becomes for him. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100. Work with PayPa payment systems l, MoneyBookers and Payoneer.

123 photo bank

123 Photobank ( is one of the leading providers of multimedia content. Works with photo materials, vector images, as well as video and audio content under a royalty-free license. The service website is almost completely Russified, there is 24/7 technical support in Moscow. Author commissions are up to 60% of subscription downloads and up to $0.43 for one-time downloads.


One of the youngest (founded in 2009), but at the same time the most actively developing photo banks. Works with photos, vector images and videos. Convenient Russian-language interface of the site, five-level author ranking system. Royalties - from 44% to 52% of the cost of each file sold. The minimum balance for withdrawal is $50. Available withdrawal systems are PayPal, MoneyBookers and Payoneer.


One of the very first photo stocks (founded in 2000). Rates of royalties for non-exclusive authors - 15-20%, for exclusive - up to 45%. In addition to photos, he works with vector images, video, audio and flash content. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100. For withdrawal, PayPal, MoneyBookers and Payoneer payment systems, as well as checks are used. There is a Russified interface of the site.


Since 2009, this platform for selling stock images has been the property of the Shutterstock agency, but it is developing as an independent photo bank. Has a partially Russified site. Works with photos and vector images. Payments of royalties to authors - once a week on Mondays via Skrill and PayPal payment systems. The minimum withdrawal amount is $30.

As you can see, there are not so few services where even a novice photographer can earn money. Moreover, the same images can be sold on several of them at once.

I wish you all good luck and see you again on the pages of the blog.