Make money on an article without selling. Can you make money by reselling articles? Small business - reselling texts

Earnings on articles Today it is more relevant than ever, several thousand newbie copywriters who work for a penny surf the Internet every day. Then they quit their job and just leave copywriting. But it's not for us. We will stay afloat to earn decent money.

Basic knowledge

How to get started as a copywriter? Of course with the acquisition of the necessary knowledge!

How to make money on articles?

In order to work as a copywriter, you must first of all love to write, read and dream. If you just decided to make money, then you won’t be enough for a long time, and in a couple of days you will abandon everything. You have two paths to develop in the field of copyright.

  • The first way is to register on the article exchanges and start fulfilling orders. It’s worth saying right away that you don’t expect gold bars at the beginning of your career! Orders will be small, and the price for them is negligible. But after you gain experience, then forward to large and expensive orders.
  • The second way is selling articles. You write the text, and then post it on the exchanges for free sale. It's the same here: at first the prices are low, but then you will row money with a shovel. If someone did not like your article, then talk to the buyer and correct the mistakes, otherwise you will receive negative feedback and return the article, which subsequently guarantees a downgrade.

If you don’t understand anything at all, then I advise you to find textbooks on the Internet called “Earning on writing articles“, read it and everything will become clear to you.

To get started, write a couple of articles for free sale to fill your hand and get comfortable on the stock exchange.

There is such a section in your profile as a portfolio, so you should add a couple of your coolest articles there. This is done so that the customer sees how much you own the word.

Write every day, then earnings on articles will grow!

Do not be afraid to communicate with the customer - he does not bite.

Bring your texts to perfection.

Check grammar and spelling!

If you have received comments, then react calmly ...

Earnings on the sale of articles can reach the mark of 60,000 rubles. At Textsale, top copywriters get even more. As you can see, there is room for growth, the main thing is to move forward, constantly develop and gain experience. Now you know that making money on articles will allow you to receive a stable income and mental pleasure.

Making money writing articles, is currently one of the most popular ways to get not only additional, but even the main income. A lot of people, especially young mothers, earn in this way. Easy job, no schedules, decent pay.

But still, many who want to earn money are deterred by this method of earning income. They argue that they do not know how to write competent articles, because they do not have the education necessary for this, or at least the skill of a writer. This is the biggest misconception. Anyone who has completed at least elementary school can work. All you need is desire.

In order to make money on writing texts, you need to know a few basic rules:

  1. Choose the right resources for the job. Some have very harsh moderators who do not let newcomers in, some have very weak purchasing power. It is better for beginners to start with ETXT, more experienced workers can try their hand at COPYLANCER. Below we present best article exchanges and tell you where it is better to work for a beginner and an experienced copywriter.
  2. Beginners should start with rewriting. This is a simple rewriting of an article in your own words. At the same time, uniqueness must be preserved. It can be checked on the same exchanges where you will work, or with the help of special programs. There is no need to invent anything beyond the natural. We all wrote retellings in our own words as children and got marks for it. Now everything is the same, only now you will receive money for it. More experienced professionals can write copyright. This is the direct writing of the article, so to speak from the head. This kind of work is much more expensive. Here it is for people who have experience writing articles.
  3. Try to write articles competently and on topics of interest to people.. Even if you want to talk about the properties of the synchaphasotron, you do not need to constantly write about it. Write about what is currently popular or will be needed by readers in a month or two. Properly selected topics significantly increase the likelihood that your articles will be popular.
  4. Here are the most best sites to make money on articles with a detailed description of the rules, opportunities and ways of earning. Making money writing and selling articles very similar to earnings on writing comments and reviews. You can learn from it and choose which way suits you!

    The best article exchange. The resource is famous for its very large purchasing power. There are always a lot of both customers and performers on the site. This exchange is the best place to start your writing career.

    Although moderation has become a little tougher here recently, it is still much more loyal than on other well-known exchanges.

    You can earn on this resource in two ways:

  • Take orders and fulfill them (fortunately there are a lot of them here)
  • Write articles and sell them by putting them up for sale.

The first one is more suitable for beginners, since ETXT has a rating system. You will not buy articles at a high price with a low rating. Therefore, you can first work on orders in order to raise your status.

The second method is more suitable for those who have a rating starting from 50. Write articles and put them up for sale (in the "add an article" section, fill in all the cells and click "Post for sale"). When working in this way, it is best to stick to this tactic. Write first articles for 13 - 14 rubles. for 1000 characters. With every second or third article sold, increase the price by a ruble or two. So in a month you will be able, having a good rating, to sell articles at a price of 35-50 rubles. The disadvantage of this method is that moderators check the articles of newcomers very carefully. Therefore, at first, try to send the article for moderation by double-checking it for errors and always for uniqueness. As a rule, the first 10 articles are checked, after which the articles will be automatically moderated in 10-20 minutes.

If you decide to become a copywriter, then this exchange is for you.

An exchange with great opportunities for earning as a copywriter. It is by right the main competitor of ETXT. Some believe that this is the exchange number 1. Settlements here are in dollars, although recently it has become possible to earn in rubles. There is a lot to work on this resource. First of all, it concerns orders. Here you can earn both on articles and by writing various reviews or comments, earning up to 300 dollars. per month (in the "earn" section, you can pick up an order for every taste and price, select it and work).

The advantage of this exchange is that it does not have a rating system like ETXT does. Therefore, beginners can not only take orders, but also write articles and sell them immediately at a price of 1.5 - 2 dollars. It is also a plus that when counting with a sign, this resource also takes into account spaces. So the cost of articles here is a little more expensive than on other resources.

The downside is that each article put up for sale (for those who work on orders, this does not threaten) is manually moderated. Therefore, you need to carefully check them for errors. If you have returned an article from moderation, do not lose heart, you can safely ask the reason for the return. As a rule, moderators always respond and specify what does not suit them. But those who know spelling have nothing to fear. The supernatural is not required on this exchange. is a content exchange that occupies a leading position in many respects. On this content exchange, both beginners and professionals can earn money by selling articles. Earnings here will depend on the rating on the exchange. The higher you are in the rating, the more jobs will be offered to you!!! The rating is calculated for filling in personal data after registration, as well as for selling an article or completing an order.

The average price for 1000 characters is 35 rubles. But this is not the limit. With a high rating, you can receive orders with a significantly higher price.

Articles for sale should be written carefully and without errors. Here moderators check each article. Articles with errors are not allowed for sale!!!

Earned money on the sale of articles can be withdrawn to your Qiwi or WebMoney wallet. For legal entities of the Russian Federation, it is also possible to receive money to a current account.

Copylancer is a fairly young article exchange. But among experienced copywriters it is very popular. First of all, because of the high prices for work. The average price for 1000 characters here exceeds 50 rubles.

Not everyone manages to gain a foothold on this resource, but those who succeeded earn very good money.

The site has a career system. Beginners can simply sell articles in the store. The prices are quite high. But since the articles go through manual, very strict moderation, almost perfect articles go up for sale.

There are a lot of orders on the stock exchange. In order to get highly paid jobs, you need to get the status of "copywriter". To do this, you need to send a request to increase the level. After that, you will be asked to take a test task to confirm the level. If you pass it, then you will have access to expensive orders. There are a lot of them on this resource.

Experienced and confident copywriters here)

Here you can earn money by writing texts in both Russian and Ukrainian. This Ukrainian content exchange has been operating since 2013. During this time, a large number of good authors have gathered on the exchange, which allows you to order high-quality and unique texts. Another plus for customers the ability to buy texts in Ukrainian.

Ukrainian content exchange UAtxt pay hryvnia. You can withdraw earned money to a Privat Bank card, WebMoney and interkassa. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 200 UAH. At first glance, the amount is large for the minimum wage, on the other hand, it is only 2 sold articles.

Well: "Freelance exchange from A to Z + Earnings on the sale of articles" . Cool author's material from the warehouse. Pooling was held several times over the course of two years and this course has always received excellent reviews! If you decide to do freelancing and make money selling articles, this material is definitely worth studying! Material sent Deniswith comment: « Good course. Studied to the end. I'm already using it and the results are amazing. Good luck to you!» Material can be removed at the request of the copyright holder! Evaluate

Course Description:

How can a beginner create the image of a serious freelancer and immediately charge for their services from 100 rubles / 1000 signs. A novice freelancer shouldn't write cheaply! Even if he doesn't have much experience. Having studied the set of these materials, you will be convinced in practice that worthy projects go to those who correctly present their services to the customer. And your experience (or lack thereof) is not the most important argument. In my training there is no theory and "water" - only practice and useful chips. Everyone who has ever read my materials knows this. And there are already more than 540 such people. The training is built without technical difficulties and anyone can learn it. You seem to the customer a worthy performer by going through just 3 steps.

Where did the numbers “from 100 rubles / 1000 zn” come from?

These are real numbers of students who have already been trained. Of course, the results are not the same for everyone. But those who did at least half of what needed to be done got them. Customers regard beginners as full-fledged specialists and offer a normal rate. And this is the main task of the training!

Possible questions:

I have never written articles, but I want to start. Is there anything I need to study before the training?

Not necessary. I give a base for writing informational articles and texts for commercial sites. These are the simplest and most popular orders. But, if you wish, you can search for something on the topic for beginners on the Internet. In any case, if you have any difficulties, you can always ask me a question.

I'm not ready to take on articles right away. Is it possible to make money on freelancing on something easier?

Yes. Writing reviews, transcription (transcribing audio-video into text), filling out product cards, etc. The exchange publishes projects that do not require special knowledge. They are paid cheaper, but with their help you can quickly earn reviews.

I am shy and do not want to talk to customers by phone or Skype. Is it possible?

Yes, it's possible. Most customers do not require voice communication.

What if I get scammed and don't get paid? I have heard many such stories.

My first experience on the stock exchange ended in a scam. There is a chance that one day it will happen to you too. There is a saying among remote workers: “If you have never been scammed for money, then you are not a real freelancer yet.” The training contains the main points that will save you from deception by dishonest customers.

I do not have the talent of a writer, and I do not own a literary and artistic style.

You don't have to be a writer. Copywriting is a craft, a skill that only comes with experience. Yes, perhaps your first articles will not be masterpieces. But, every day you will write better and better.

It seems to me that customers in "expensive" projects are evil and self-satisfied types, I am already afraid of them in absentia.

This is a common myth. Angry and self-satisfied types are just "low-budget" customers. They are looking not for partners, but for slaves. A customer who is able to pay an average or high rate most often appreciates the work and time of other people.

How much can I earn?

It will depend on 2 things - on the time you can devote to work, and on your perseverance in finding clients. A lot of people lack persistence! I know for sure that if you purposefully devote 5-10 days to finding clients, then the next 2-3 weeks you can not worry about work.

Let's be honest! No fake wordplay. If you choose freelancing as a job - for 1000 rubles. per day you can count in a month and a half. If this is a hobby for you after the main work, then it is not a problem to have 300-400 additional rubles daily. How to compose texts of responses to projects in order to stand out from the crowd of competitors - I tell in the training. You can search for clients not only on the stock exchange. Let's talk about it in private, if you want.

What exactly is included in this kit?

  • Book - [Copywriting Exchanges] "Earnings on articles from A to Z - 2". This is beginner material. Work on the exchange with and without a tender, quick sale of articles in stock exchange stores, search for customers on forums, work with transcription and master classes (a very interesting topic), resale and mediation.
  • Training materials - [Mini-training] "Freelance exchange from A to Z" before the first orders. Material for more experienced writers who want to quickly and powerfully start on the largest freelance platform
  • Bonus 1. A video where I talk about how to get portfolio texts relatively quickly and without much time. This is especially true for beginners.
  • Bonus 2. Cool, bright ready-made photoshop templates for portfolio design. This is to make you stand out from your competitors. Video on working with them is attached. Even a beginner will understand.
  • Bonus 3. My file, in which it is very cool to manage client and project accounting. Video on working with it. Nothing special, just makes life easier and collects all the most important in one place.

Articles are a sought-after commodity on the modern Internet. Thousands of sites daily post texts of varying quality and content. This is done in order to attract visitors and raise the position of the web resource in the search results. The main requirement for such articles is their uniqueness. The text should not be placed on other pages of the World Wide Web. That is why making money on writing and selling unique articles has a chance of life.

More profitable than self-creation of texts is their resale. The essence of this business is the acquisition of author's works at low prices, and their subsequent sale with added value. Where can I get articles for resale? How to get high quality texts? How to issue and where to sell the existing goods? All of this is discussed below!

Where to get articles for resale

There are many sites on the Web that provide intermediary services for copywriters and their clients. Thousands of authors gather here, whose work differs significantly both in quality and in prices. The formation of prices for the work of a copywriter, among other factors, also occurs under the influence of his rating on the stock exchange. The fewer articles sold or written to order by the author, the lower the prices for his texts.

Among the mass of novice copywriters, there are often real professionals in their field. Representatives of this group may be specialists in the field of literature, philology, journalism, advertising and marketing. Such people have excellent professional skills, but at first they write for mere pennies. The second group of interest to an entrepreneur starting a business on the resale of articles are narrow specialists. The latter have specific skills, although they do not always write well. Their texts often require correction in terms of style and grammar, but are extremely useful for the reader.

Articles for resale can be ordered from both the first and second categories of authors. At the same time, texts that require correction should be put in order on their own. This will avoid additional costs for proofreader services. The cost of articles ordered from novice authors usually does not exceed 15-20 rubles per 1,000 characters. Of course, you should thoroughly check the received work for actual accuracy, uniqueness, and literacy. However, one should not expect something special from an article written at the lowest price. It will be an ordinary text, carrying some benefit for the reader, but nothing more. For resale with a low margin, such articles are suitable.

In the text of the order, you must clearly indicate your requirements for articles. Most often, texts of 3-4 thousand characters are ordered for resale, without keywords, structured, with a high degree of uniqueness. The average time for completing a task by a copywriter on the stock exchange is 2-3 days. The human factor should also be taken into account. Some of the copywriters who take the task will not complete it. Some articles will be of poor quality. You can refuse them. Authors who complete tasks with high quality and on time should be added to the white list and continue to work with them further.

Choosing a topic for articles

The choice of topics for articles is an extremely important stage of work. Even a great article that belongs to a category that is not in demand can be sold for a very long time or not be sold at all. The choice of topic is carried out on the basis of data from search engines (Yandex statistics). In addition, some article exchanges provide detailed information about buyer requests and the most popular topics.

You should pay attention to the number of texts sold in the selected section. Sometimes it is better to choose not the most popular, but the least developed topic. Thus, the chances of selling an article on the topic “philosophy” (not very popular) may be higher than the chances of selling the text in the “business” section, where several thousand works have already been posted.

Where to sell and how to design articles

Articles should be sold on several exchanges at the same time. This will significantly speed up the process of making a profit. However, sales notifications must be configured so that you immediately learn about sold texts and remove them from other marketplaces. The sale of one article to two different buyers will be the reason for blocking the reseller on the copywriting exchange.

The article must be completed in full, with all available fields filled in. It is necessary to come up with an original title, define a category and indicate the type of text. Better if it is copywriting. Write a short description for the article and select keywords. These words do not have to be present in the text, but should be relevant to the topic of the article. The text itself should be corrected, all stylistic and grammatical errors corrected.

The price of an article is set in accordance with its purchase price. At the same time, the markup at the initial stage of the business should not exceed 10% -15%. After the seller's rating rises, prices can be raised, but not too much. Earnings on the resale of articles are mainly carried out due to the volume of articles sold, and not due to high margins. To get an adequate profit in the sale, you must have a hundred or more articles.

Practice how to start an article reselling business

Resale of articles on the Internet can go in two ways. The first, as already described in the article, is work on several exchanges. The disadvantage of this method is that users of exchanges may be aware of the existence of another exchange. However, this is an insignificant minus.

Resale between exchanges

For work, we will choose 2 exchanges - Kwork and Advego. The key feature of the first is ease of operation and a fixed cost. The key feature of the second is a huge number of authors and flexibility of settings.

On the first exchange in the section “Texts and translations”, we place a work (quark according to the slang of the exchange) with approximately the following content:

  • Title: 5 Unique High Quality Articles for Website SEO
  • Content: I will write 5 unique (100% according to SEO articles to promote your site. The volume of one article is from 1500 to 2000 characters. Organic use of up to 3 key phrases in one article. Taking into account the wishes of the customer.
  • What the seller needs: topics of articles, keywords for articles, wishes for articles (advertising, informational, on whose behalf the article will be written, additional information, etc.)
  • Scope of service when ordering one kwork: 5 seo-articles, with a total volume of 7500 to 10000 characters.

The cost of such a kwork will be fixed - 500 rubles (450 rubles, taking into account the commission of the system).

Upon receipt of an order from Kwork, we switch to Advego, and create an order for writing 5 seo-articles with the specified keywords and the wishes of the customer, the volume of the article is 1500-2000 characters, the cost of 1000 characters is 15-20 rubles. As a result, 5 articles will cost a maximum of 200 rubles. To improve the quality and attract the best authors, you can increase the cost of 1000 characters to 35 rubles.

Now it remains to resell the received articles on the first exchange and make a profit of 250 rubles. Repeat endlessly.

Creation of a site for the sale of content

This type of business will be based on ignorance and general laziness of the customer. You will need to create a site and advertise it with the following content - writing SEO articles for your site at a fixed price. That is, about the same as kwork, only on a separate site. The next steps are the same as the first point. The price for the customer can be any. Form of payment - any electronic money. Expenses - for the creation and advertising of the site. Additional services, with a separate payment - posting articles.

As you can see, mediation between clients and performers on the Internet is a very profitable business.

Articles are a commodity in great demand these days. Tens of thousands of new sites and blogs appear daily on the Internet that need to be filled with content. And the more new resources, the higher the demand for texts.
Despite this, such a type of business as the resale of articles is not common. Most likely, “potential businessmen” are scared away by the risk that the business will not pay off. Or this trend - the purchase and sale of articles - is too young and has not yet had time to develop. In any case, the competition is quite low, which means that reselling articles is profitable.

1. Speed ​​of selling articles

This earnings on the Internet implies an initial investment, without money you will not be able to earn. But investment is a condition of any business based on speculation. On average, one article with a size of 4000 characters costs 50-60 rubles.

Now let's get acquainted with a person who has been selling texts for more than 2 years on various article exchanges, with the nickname Bertus. According to his profile statistics, you can evaluate data such as the speed of selling articles (at a fixed price, size of articles, number of articles on sale, etc.). Bertus does not resell articles, he writes the texts himself, but this does not affect the results of the sale.

Here is a screen shot of several Bertus profiles on popular article exchanges:

Only three profiles are shown, in fact, bertus sells articles on several other article exchanges - textexchange, neotext, etc.

Analyzing profiles:
  • On average, Bertus sells about 300 articles, he places each of them on several exchanges of articles- so the number of sales increases. Selling the same article in several stores is not prohibited, the main thing is to delete sold articles on other exchanges in a timely manner.
  • The minimum size of articles is 4000 characters without spaces, the average is 5 thousand characters.
  • Bertus chooses the most popular topics for articles: construction and repair, recreation and tourism, home and life, medicine and health.
  • Bertus has the same price for all articles - $ 1.5 + exchange commission / 1000 characters without spaces. Those. bertus makes a net profit of $1.50 for every thousand symbols sold.

We figured out the constant data, now let's evaluate the article sales speed:

  • 338 articles sold on texttrader in 2.5 years (1 article in 2-3 days)
  • 613 articles sold on etxt in 2 years (an article per day)
  • About 500 articles sold per year (1-2 articles per day)
  • Other exchanges perform significantly lower

The data obtained is slightly underestimated due to the fact that when bertus first started working, he had very few articles for sale, and only after a while there were more than three hundred of them. This should be taken into account when calculating.

As a result, Bertus sells about 4-5 articles per day! In other words, having 300 articles for sale, you can earn good money.

I will share my success: having about 100 articles, I sell an average of 1 article per day. Sometimes there is a lull - articles are not sold for 2-3 weeks. But sometimes different buyers buy 5-10 articles a day.

2. Where to buy articles

In order to sell articles, you must first buy them. But it is best not to buy ready-made articles, but order them from a copywriter- this increases the time costs, but significantly reduces the risks. After all, when buying a finished article, you can run into a hack, a text that cannot be altered. Or the subject of the text, style of presentation and anything else will be unsuitable for resale. And when ordering a text from a copywriter, you can discuss all the nuances and protect yourself from wasting money. Alas, it is precisely this nuance that those who begin to resell miss, which is why they quickly burn out.

It is most convenient to order articles for reselling articles on exchange, this is facilitated by the low commission of the system - 5% per participant. You can read the review of this exchange by clicking on this link -. Another plus of ordering an article: when buying a finished article, you cannot place it for sale on this exchange (system rules), but when ordering, you can.

Decide on the topics of your articles, they should be popular. I highly recommend working with these: tourism, promotion and promotion, internet, finance, medicine. You should not work with the following (despite the fact that they are considered popular): construction, repair- the topics are too specific, it is difficult to find a good performer who understands all the subtleties, while the competition is huge; beauty and health, children, cooking - it is difficult to sell articles with such topics for more than $1/1000 characters. The ideal solution is to work with one topic.

Now you need to choose a suitable copywriter who is ready to work at a low price (I recommend paying performers 10-12 rubles / 1000 sims). Most often, these are newcomers who have not yet earned a rating on the exchange. So, having registered as a customer on the exchange, you will need to create an order to search for suitable copywriters. This will be a test order that will identify suitable performers.

Order Description could be something like this:

Hello dear performers! I am looking for rewriters who are ready to work at a price of 12 rubles / 1000 sim. without spaces. Rewriting should be done from 2-3 sources. There will be a lot of work. WARNING: Articles written by you will be resold on other article exchanges. This order is a test one, during which I will choose suitable performers. The topic of the articles is tourism. This order does not need to be fulfilled, give links to a couple of your articles, I will check your style and if it suits, we will cooperate.

Next, you will need to check the candidates and select suitable ones from them. To do this, you will have to assess the level of literacy and quality of presentation of the material by copywriters. If you can’t do it yourself, then hire a proofreader (this will be written below). Among the newcomers there will be philologists of the Russian language, it is better to choose them, because. these performers will write competently. After selecting suitable rewriters, place them a test order for one article. If they do well, keep working with them.

3. Choice of corrector

If you are fluent in Russian, you can check the texts yourself. Otherwise, it is better to hire a proofreader. He must be a philologist of the Russian language! Payment for the work of a proofreader depends on how competently your copywriters write articles. I recommend paying 3-4 rubles per 1000 characters so that the cost per article does not exceed 15 rubles / 1000 characters. Again, it is better to work with the corrector through the Etxt exchange.

Finding a corrector is easy. To do this, you can use the service of the exchange "post an announcement". You can do this by selecting the item "My ads" on the left, in your account.

In the body of the ad, write that you are looking for a proofreader and indicate the payment.

When the moderator checks the ad, it will need to be paid (the payment costs 10 rubles), then the users of the exchange will see it. When another user of the system pays for his ad, yours will move one point down. In total, 4 ads are broadcast on the screen for non-logged-in users, three for logged-in users. If necessary, the ad can be raised again (payment is always 10 rubles), and it will get to the first place.

4. Making an article for resale

This point may vary slightly for different topics of the article. I will describe the case for texts about tourism.

Before putting an article up for sale, you need to prepare it in advance: come up with a description, give a title, choose keywords, decide on a price, etc.

Description. Should always be present, it increases the number of sales. Many customers do not even consider articles without a description. The description should be concise, as informative as possible, without errors. The size of the description is 2-3 sentences (no more than 200 characters with spaces). You need to indicate the features of the article, you can praise the text a little. Here is an example description:

An interesting, informative article describing the benefits of a holiday in Russia. The text does not contain errors, the uniqueness is high. The article is written in the 3rd person.

Title. Should be catchy, interesting and unique. The usual, boring headlines are of no interest to anyone. Here you can also add the serial number of the article (when you have more than 100 articles on sale on various exchanges, it will be very difficult to track them without a unique number). Examples of good headlines:

Discreet charm of Sweden (100)

Secrets of Italy (101)

Paradise holidays in Tenerife (102)

Keywords. They will find your article, so you need to choose them very carefully. Here is an example of keywords for an article about tourism:

recreation, tourism, trip, tour, europe, asia, island, mountains, skiing, vacation

Price. The speed of sales largely depends on this parameter. The optimal resale price is $1-2/1000 characters. To set the price higher means to sell the article for a very long time, lower - to work for a penny.

5. Where to resell articles

Below are the exchanges where it makes sense to sell texts. Other article stores are of no interest, because. the number of sales on them is too low.

Etxt. You can register using this link - Etxt. The demand for articles is one of the highest among exchanges. The cost of the article must be indicated in rubles.

Copylancer. Registration link . In terms of the number of sales, the exchange is commensurate with Еtxt. Calculations are carried out both in dollars and in rubles - at the user's choice.

Advego. You can register on the exchange. You can also read my review on . There are a lot of buyers on this exchange of articles, so the demand for articles is high. A feature of the article store is that the length of the text is calculated taking into account spaces, so the price can be set a little lower.

text sale. Registration on the exchange . Review . Demand for articles is average. More than 150 thousand articles are sold on the exchange, the competition is very strong, so articles are not sold as often as in other article stores.

It makes sense to add articles to these four exchanges. But another store of articles is being prepared - on the ContentMonster article exchange, registration link , . The exchange is very promising, so it makes sense to wait for the moment when an article store appears on it.

6. Income from the resale of articles

It's time to evaluate the profitability of this business, is there any point in doing this business at all?

We will assume that, taking into account the work of the performer and proofreader, a thousand characters of an article costs 15 rubles. The average length of an article is 4,000 characters, so one article will cost 60 rubles. This means that 100 articles will cost 6,000 rubles. Initial investment - about 6 thousand rubles.

With 100 articles listed on the 4 article exchanges (listed above), you can expect to sell 1 article per day. The average resale price is 50 rubles/1000 characters. This means that the sale of articles will bring revenue 50 * 4 = 200 rubles. And the net profit will be equal to 200 rubles - 60 rubles = 140 rubles. Average profit - 140 rubles per day with hundreds of articles on sale.

Time costs. It takes 2-3 minutes for a copywriter and proofreader to place an order. It is better to place an order not for one article, but for several - 5-10, this will save time. We will assume that it takes 3 minutes to place an order for 10 articles. It takes about 3 minutes to prepare an article for sale (half an hour to prepare 10 articles). It takes 2 minutes to place an article for sale on all four exchanges (20 minutes for 10 articles). As a result, about an hour is spent on 10 articles. You will spend 10 hours on 100 articles.

7. Important points

It is worth mentioning the most important points that will help you with resale:

  • The article must not contain errors!
  • The article must be well-formed, the description is required!
  • The resale price must be within $1-2/1000 sim.
  • The optimal length of the article is 2-5 thousand characters.
  • The best topics are home and life, tourism, medicine, the Internet, promotion and promotion, website development.
  • The more articles, the more sales.
  • The longer you are engaged in reselling, the more sales will be (regular customers appear).
  • To increase sales, you can use advertising on the Etxt and Textsale exchanges.
  • You will only receive a normal resale income if you have hundreds (or more) of articles.

When you have more than 300 articles in free sale, you will be able, like the hero of this article bertus, to sell about 5 articles per day. At the same time, you will earn 140 * 5 = 700 rubles per day. But your investment in this case will be 18 thousand rubles. That's enough. It is better to start small and gradually increase the number of articles. Take your time, suddenly the resale of articles is not yours.

This strategy of making money on the Internet is very young. Use it or not - decide for yourself. But if you decide, I hope that the materials in this article will help you in this difficult task.