Advego entrance to your personal account. Advego - exchange of articles with the possibility of earning

15 minutes. reading


Advego (Advego) is a content exchange that allows anyone who wants to earn money on the Internet without leaving home. Here you can earn in the following ways:

  • Writing articles to order;
  • Translations from other languages;

Advego is the place where Customers and Contractors meet. The customer offers work, and the Contractor performs this work and receives money for it. Unlike classic freelance exchanges, Advego is geared towards creating content in the form of any text.

That is, if on a classic freelance exchange, for example, you can find absolutely any job, most often related to website development, design, audio and video editing, searching for any information on the Internet, conducting advertising campaigns, etc., then Advego sharpened for a narrow specialization - the creation of texts.

If you have never written articles, then do not rush to close this page. Many people associate the word “article” with journalism. Therefore, people believe that they need to get higher education in this specialty or complete some specialized courses.

In fact, this is not so, everything is much simpler. It is enough to be able to correctly express your thoughts and transfer them to the text. At first, it may be difficult or unusual, but after a couple of months of practice, the presentation of your thoughts in the form of text becomes simple and familiar.

This is being told to you by a person who has no higher education at all. The person who has been running this blog since 2009 has already written several hundred different articles and notes, having mastered this craft from scratch.

Study this tutorial to the end, spend at least a couple of days writing a few reviews and articles, after which it will finally become clear to you whether you like this activity or not. If not, then look for some other craft, such as website building, video editing, advertising campaigns.

I myself have been cooperating with this exchange, as a Customer, for many years. I have ordered more than 100 articles there. That's not a lot. As an Executor, I do not conduct activities on this exchange, there is enough work without it.

In general, I can safely recommend this place as reliable. I will not say that you can provide for yourself here. Even vice versa. Despite the abundance of work, it is poorly paid. To earn 15,000 - 30,000 rubles. per month, you will have to work, as in a regular job, 8-9 hours a day, at least 5 days a week.

For someone, an income of 15,000 - 30,000 rubles. per month may seem small, but do not forget about other positive aspects that may not be noticeable at first glance, but at the same time be much more significant than income for a larger amount.

Speaking of the pros, first of all I mean the remoteness of work. If you have Internet access, then you can work here from anywhere. It can be an ordinary, but extremely cozy cottage somewhere in the Moscow region or a paradise on the sea, somewhere in Thailand.

Also, do not forget about getting new knowledge. When you write an article, especially on some previously unknown topic, you study various sources, articles by other authors, perhaps some books. Thus, you pass new knowledge through yourself, expand your horizons, which, in the end, will undoubtedly affect your financial situation.

Above, I wrote about the fact that you need to work 8-9 hours a day in order to earn decent money. But do not forget that you are not tied to a hard regime like in the office. You can sleep until 10-11 o'clock in the afternoon, then take your time to have breakfast, after which you sit down to work. In this regard, you will be your own boss. Work when you want and how much you want.

You have no idea how much happier and more comfortable your life can become because of just this one little thing - I'm talking about life without an alarm clock.

I have been self employed since 2009. I have an average income, I do not earn millions, but if I were now offered some managerial position with an income several times higher than my current income, then I would not agree for the following reasons:

  1. I don't want to get up early in the morning and then go to the office for work;
  2. I don't want to be stuck in traffic or crowded in public transport, sniffing other people's sweaty armpits;
  3. I do not want to dress in formal suits that are uncomfortable for me and generally adhere to the dress code.

I could give many more reasons, but I think this is enough for an example. I recommend that you make your own list of reasons why you would like to work remotely. Do it right now, take a break for a few minutes. And do not forget to tell about your reasons below in the comments, it will be extremely interesting for me to read.

Who works for Advego?

The main contingent that works on the Advego exchange is female. There are a lot of young mothers who are on maternity leave, housewives or just women who have free time from their main activities.

Most often, these women have husbands who are the main breadwinners in the family. And women earn an additional 15,000 - 30,000 rubles on Advego. for the family budget, which is very cool for them.

Well, before we move on to the video instructions, where I will show you:

  • how to register on this exchange,
  • how to prepare for work
  • how to find and take an order to work,
  • how to place an order
  • how to withdraw and withdraw money,
  • etc.

Let me give you some more motivation, which will be especially needed for those for whom writing articles seems like a dark forest and something very difficult.

What is an article?

Most often, this is the answer to a question. For example:

  • How to get a cash loan at Sberbank?
  • How to choose the right used car?
  • What are plastic windows and what to look for before ordering their installation?

One way or another, each of us has faced similar issues in life, right? Now imagine that one of your friends asked you this question. Could you answer one of the above questions and clearly explain what needs to be done?

In general, most likely yes. Now imagine that before talking with your friend on one of the above questions, you climbed into the Internet and studied similar information on 2-5 sites.

Will your answer become more detailed and professional after that? Of course!

Well, now it remains for you to put the knowledge gained (your life experience + the studied experience of other people) into text, structure and eliminate errors. Even if you had a two or three in Russian at school, today there are a lot of tools that will help you eliminate errors from your article for free.

The more life experience you have, the easier this job will be for you. When I started this blog, all my first articles dealt with the family budget, finances, passive income. This is something that was extremely interesting for me at the time.

So it was very easy for me to write. By that time, I had studied a lot of books on the topic of finance, investing, and implemented many of the tips learned in books into my life. I just talked about my life experience and continue to do so until now.

As for literacy, I will also say that I have never been literate. And even in the text of this article, an experienced proofreader will find a lot of punctuation and stylistic errors. However, these are all trifles. Only correctors respond to these errors. Most people themselves do not know how to write correctly in certain moments, and for them meaning is much more important than mistakes.

Someone may object: “Well, you write for yourself, for your own blog? Do you need to write on Advego for strangers, for customers?”. A pertinent question, but the fact is that most of the customers on Advego (90% percent) are bloggers like me who order articles for a bunch of their other projects (websites, blogs, online stores).

These bloggers, like me, don't pick on small mistakes like misplaced commas. For them, the main thing is that the text is unique, not copied from another site and a more or less intelligible presentation of thoughts.

To make it even clearer, I will give as an example one of my online stores At one time, I regularly ordered articles on the topic of housing and communal services there. I myself was too lazy to write on this topic, so I ordered articles on this topic from other authors.

Moreover, the author did not need to be an expert in the field of housing and communal services. I found an article on the Internet that was interesting to me and gave the task to rewrite this article in other words, but so that the meaning remains the same. Thus, I received, as it were, a new article (unique, more on this concept below), but with content that was interesting for me and my clients.

With the advent of the Internet in our lives, a content creation specialist (writing articles) has become, perhaps, the most sought-after employee in remote work.

Look at any site. What does it consist of? That's right, from the text, from various articles, instructions, reports, correspondence, communication on forums. The text will always be needed on the Internet, therefore, by mastering the specialty of the author of articles, or such people are also called, you get a profession that will provide you with bread for the rest of your life.

Study this guide to the end and you will master the basic knowledge and skills that will allow you to earn your first money on the Internet by the end of today!

So, let's start by registering with the Advego service.

Registration in service

To get started, go to the Advego website by clicking on this link. Then follow the instructions from the video below. I recommend that you first study this video, as well as the next video, in which we will edit our profile, in order to avoid elementary mistakes at the initial stage and not to register again later.

After you have registered, you need to do the preparatory work. First of all, you need to edit your profile, insert a presentable photo, indicate information about yourself.

This process is similar to before sending it to a potential employer. Any customer can view information about you before entrusting you with any work. And this information should present you in a favorable light.

Watch the following video to learn how and where to edit a profile.

Profile editing

Editing an avatar

I also prepared a video for you in which I show how you can edit a photo for an avatar to get a beautiful high-quality picture with which we will stand out from our fellow competitors:

The next step is to prepare the tools for work. Basically there are two tools:

In Word, we will write our articles, reviews, and testimonials. In the same place we will check spelling and the number of characters. Check that this program is installed on your computer.

And in Advego Plagiatus we will check the text prepared by us for uniqueness.

First, let's understand what Uniqueness is and why it is needed. Wikipedia interprets the term "Uniqueness" as follows - one of a kind, inimitable, existing in one copy.

The Advego Plagiatus program allows you to identify duplicate texts on the Internet. This is a kind of protection against scammers. Let's say you were given the task to write an article on the topic: "How to choose the right metal door for an apartment."

A dishonest person can simply put the title of an article on the Internet, find hundreds of similar articles on other sites, take a paragraph from each article and send it to the customer as completed. As you understand, the uniqueness of such an article is zero. You did not come up with anything new, but simply took ready-made materials.

Most customers, when placing a task on Advego, require that the uniqueness of the text be at least 90%. And he will then check this very uniqueness through the Advego Plagiatus program. If the uniqueness of the article is below 90%, then they will simply return it to you for revision, or they may even refuse and find another artist. As a result, you will simply waste precious time.

Well, now is the time to ask yourself: “Why do customers need unique articles? Why can't you just copy articles from other sites and post them on your own?”

The fact is that Yandex and Google search engines carefully analyze each site. And if they see that one of the sites is "freeloading" and stealing someone else's content, then such sites are banned. And if the site got into the ban of Yandex or Google, then on such a site you can safely put an end to it.

People simply won't visit such a site. They won't know about this site. After all, almost all the sites you visit were previously found in one of the search engines, right?

Of course, you get to some sites from social systems. Or you can go to the site via a link from some blog and so on. But the total percentage of such visits is extremely small compared to the percentage that Yandex or Google cites. Any site owner will confirm this to you.

As an example, I will give statistics for one month from my blog:

As can be seen from the table, the lion's share of visitors to my site are people who came to me from different search engines. And this is all due to the fact that on my site there is not a single article copied from other sites. Only unique content.

Of course, there are articles on my site that I wrote based on other people's materials. They are a prime example. It is difficult to come up with something of your own, because we are talking about the life of another person. And when I was preparing these articles, I read notes about these people on other sites, as well as books.

But then he tried to retell what he had learned in his own words, replacing words from the original with similar meanings or synonyms. We will touch on this topic in more detail below, when we study such concepts as rewriting and copyright. In the meantime, let's install Advego Plagiatus on your computer and see how it works:

Install Advego Plagiatus

After Advego Plagiarism is installed, the preliminary preparation process can be considered complete. Now you can proceed to the selection of tasks and applying for their implementation.

Let's take another look at how you can make money on Advego:

  • Writing articles to order;
  • Commenting on articles, forums;
  • Writing reviews for websites, online stores, etc.;
  • Likes, reposts, voting in social networks and websites;
  • Invitation and entry into groups in social networks;
  • Sale of finished articles and photographs;
  • Transcription of audio and video into text;
  • Translations from other languages;
  • Search for any information to order;
  • Text proofreading, error correction.

The biggest money can be earned by writing articles. But I recommend starting with something simpler, like writing comments or reviews. As a rule, these are small texts of 200-700 characters.

Completing such tasks will allow you to “fill your hand”, learn to think creatively, come up with what is extremely necessary in the work of the author.

Also, with the help of such small tasks, you will be able to complete 50 tasks faster in order to open up the opportunity for you to fill in the sections “Education” and “Professional skills” in your profile.

Let's get started on this challenge...

Earnings on writing reviews and comments, posting on blogs and forums

If you have written comments at least once on any blogs and forums, then you should not have any difficulties doing this work.

Let's briefly describe the essence of this work. It often happens that the owner of a blog or forum needs to “revive” his brainchild or create the appearance that a blog or forum is popular and a lot of people hang out on it.

For these purposes, he hires posters, people who leave comments and create communication on the site for money. Posters leave paid comments, but ordinary people who came to this site, for example, from search engines, do not know about it. They are involved in communication and correspondence.

In turn, search engines, analyzing this site, see that blog articles or forum topics are constantly commented on by various people and conclude for themselves that people like this resource, which means it can be raised in the search results list.

Thus, more people begin to come to the site and it begins to bring more profit to the owner.

Now for writing reviews. Here, I think, and so everything is clear. Often, the owners of various online stores order reviews, so that later other people who intend to buy this or that thing, seeing the reviews of other people, think that this online store is reliable and the product is cool.

Well, now let's do some simple work related to commenting or writing a review:

So, friends, as you can see, there is nothing complicated. I earned $0.14 or about 9 rubles to write such a review and spent about 7 minutes on it. You can earn about 80 rubles per hour. This means that with an 8-hour working day, you can earn about 640 rubles.

If you work a 5-day work week or 22 days a month, then about 14,000 rubles will come out. A little, but still.

  • Here, earnings range from 0.5 USD to 1 USD. for 1000 signs for beginners with a low rating.
  • From 1 c.u. up to 2 c.u. for 1000 characters for experienced authors.
  • Well, professionals earn an average of 2 USD. up to 10 c.u. for 1000 characters of text.

1000 characters is about 1/2 of a standard A4 page. You can always check the number of characters in the same Word. I showed you how to do it in the video above.

Before we move on to the video instructions, let's figure out what types of work related to writing articles are on Advego.

  1. Copywriting
  2. Rewriting
  3. Translation

What is copywriting?

Copywriting– (English copywriting from copy - manuscript, text material + write - to write) is a completely unique text based on the experience of its author. I want to draw your attention to the fact that this wording is suitable only for the Advego exchange and the like.

In the world, it is customary to understand copywriting as a professional activity in writing advertising and presentation texts.

Copywriting is paid more than rewriting, so it’s more profitable to work with such tasks.

Copywriting in the Advego system is divided into 3 types:

  • Regular copywriting
  • SEO copywriting
  • Advertising copywriting

Under regular copywriting imply writing an author's text on a given topic. The topic can be anything:

  • How to cut utility bills
  • Where is it profitable to invest money
  • What is the stock market
  • How to write a resume

What is SEO copywriting?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which translates as search engine optimization. The meaning of these three words is This website optimization to promote the site in search engine rankings. Search engines are Yandex, Google (the most popular with us),, Yahoo, Bing and others.

SEO is a separate, vast topic that we won't cover in detail here, as huge, heavy books have been written about it. Within the framework of one article, it will not fit here.

What is rewriting?

Rewriting is the process of creating a unique text based on existing material. A striking example of rewriting are various news items.

For example, some event happened in the world. This event is one. It is unique in itself. But each news site describes this event in their own words while maintaining the main message of the event.

Above, I gave an example that I publish on my blog. Now I will show you a vivid example of how rewriting differs from copywriting in this case.

We take some personality for the topic. Next, we find various sources that have already described the biography of this person. We can find articles on other sites. We can find books about these people. Next, from the found material, we need to prepare a unique article.

You cannot copy existing content. Therefore, we rewrite it in other words.

Thus, rewriting is a thorough rewriting of the text with paraphrasing and changing the structure of sentences, but preserving their meaning.

Exists Rewriting from one source. It is executed without changing the structure and style of the text itself.

Also exists Rewriting from multiple sources. Here it allows the formation of a unique text structure by compilation.

Attention! When rewriting, it is not allowed to add author's thoughts and conclusions - such work belongs to copywriting.

To consolidate the material, I will give an example of a rewrite based on a small sentence:

  • Original offer:“Golden autumn painted trees and bushes in different colors.”.
  • Modified offer:“As a result of the autumn that replaced the summer, the leaves on the trees and bushes turned yellow and reddened.”

So, we figured out what is Copywriting and Rewriting. What is the translation of the text will not explain. Now, let's try to perform some task related to rewriting or copywriting.

Before you start making money on the Advego content exchange, you need to go through a simple registration procedure with Advego. Let's consider this process step by step.

Let's go to the site. What do we see here? For non-registered users, the opportunity to check content for uniqueness, spell check and conduct SEO - text analysis is offered, and note that all this is absolutely free! We will return to checking the uniqueness of the text a little later.

Press the button " registration»

Advego registration form opens in front of you. In this form, everything is very simple. You need to enter your email address (twice) and create a password. Note that the password must meet several security requirements, in particular: "Latin letters, there must be uppercase letters in the password and small letters, numbers, and the password length must not be less than 8 characters." The pseudonym under which you register with Advego is also a required field.

After filling in all the fields and agreeing to the user agreement, click the button " Register". In response, you will be sent a registration letter containing a link that you need to follow to confirm your registration with Advego.

The next step of registration in Advego is the form of filling in personal data. Everything is simple here. You can specify gender, date of birth. Tab « Avatar' is not very important in my opinion.

In the tab " Access settings» you can change the password to a new one. In this form, the main tab is the " Payment details". It is in this tab that you specify your payment details. The withdrawal of earned money from Advego is made only to the WebMoney EPS with a formal passport.

Important! During registration, when you first enter the details of your WebMoney wallets, you need to be very attentive. Because the subsequent change of wallets by the Advego system not provided, so be careful not to hurt hurt in the future.

The registration procedure on the Advego content exchange has been completed. As you can see, registering with Advego is very simple.

Greetings dear readers of my blog site! With this article, I am opening a new section on the site on how to make money on article exchanges, and today I will clearly demonstrate how to register in one of the most popular projects that specializes in working with articles. Let's start!

A few words about Advego (Advego):

The Advego project is a unique system for making money on the Russian-speaking Internet. There is a lot of work and tasks here, and they are completely different: you can write articles or edit them, leave comments on forums and blogs, participate in voting, like and repost on social networks, and much more.

The most important thing here will be to pay real money for your work! For beginners, this is a great platform with which you can earn good money.

Advego has been working and paying since 2008!

Now the number of active users exceeds 2 million people. The amount of payments for the entire period of work, according to various sources, is over 700 million rubles.

Proof that Advego pays - a screenshot of my payout:

How to register on Advego?

Registration on the site is completely free and takes no more than 1-2 minutes! Perhaps in the near future, registration will require the input of passport data and other documents. While this is not required, hurry up to register:

If there are any difficulties with registration, then this instruction is for you:

Step-by-step instruction: "How to register in Advego?"

Step 1) Registration Process

Having entered the site, click on the orange button “Registration”, after which a window will pop up where you need to enter:

  1. "Nickname" - the name that will be visible to other users.
  2. "E-mail" - Your current @mail address.
  3. Check the box to agree to the user agreement and click "Register".

After that, an activation letter will be sent to your e-mail. We follow the activation link in the letter and get to the Advego website, where you will see a congratulation that your account has been activated, just below the form with a password, enter it and click "Save":

Important! It is forbidden to register several accounts for yourself, all of them will be banned and deleted along with your money!

Step 2) Profile Setup

We go to the menu: "Settings". Personal data, Avatar, Social profiles - set up as you wish (if you are serious about working, it is better to fill it out). The "Access settings" item is used if there is a need to change the current password.

After entering the wallet numbers, enter the current password and click "Save".

Important! Be sure to specify both wallets and WMZ and WMR. Thus, if your account is hacked by fraudsters, they will not be able to transfer money to their account, because wallet numbers are set only once. And if you leave an empty field, an attacker can enter his wallet number and steal money. Be careful!

That's all, we have finished registering and setting up a profile, now we need to!

If you are looking for a place where you can start making money on the Internet, then the Advego article exchange is definitely what you need! Any user, even a beginner, who does not have any experience will be able to work as a copywriter in this exchange.

For customers, the Advego article exchange offers a large number of copywriters who are ready to fulfill any order. More than a million artists earn on Advego! There is also a store with ready-made, high-quality articles that you can immediately buy without wasting time waiting for the order to be completed.

To go through registration in the Advego article exchange, go to their official website: Advego.

On the main page in the upper right corner you will see the "Register" button, click on it. After clicking on this button, a window will appear in which you need to specify your name and E-Mail. Then click on the "Register" button.

next step registration in Advego you need to confirm your E-Mail address. Go to your email box, open the letter sent to you by the Advego exchange. The email will contain a link, click on it. After that, your account will be activated and to complete the registration in Advego, all you have to do is come up with and enter a password consisting of uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, numbers, and must contain at least 8 characters. Next, click on the "save" button.

This completes the registration in Advego. Now you can start earning!

Earnings on the Advego article exchange

To get started earnings on Advego, go to the "Job" tab in the main menu, and then "Job Search". In this section you will see all available orders for earnings. There is a convenient menu for sorting all orders by type, price, and so on.

Orders in the Advego article exchange are very diverse! The simplest are orders that relate to social networks. Like a Vkontakte post or YouTube video, join a group, invite friends to the group, repost the post to your page, and so on. Many users do a lot of such actions every day for free. The Advego article exchange offers to receive money for this.

Payment for completed orders in the Advego exchange, which relate to likes, reposts, joining groups in social networks, is paid on average about 8 - 20 cents.

No more difficult can be called orders in which they ask to open a topic on the forum, leave a review or comment on any site. There is only one conclusion to be drawn here, there are a lot of work for beginners in the Advego article exchange!

Main earnings on the Advego exchange is writing articles to order or selling them in a store. On average, the price for 1000 characters ranges from 50 cents to 3 dollars. At the beginning of your career as a copywriter, you will not be able to take expensive orders. But over time, having gained experience, having created a good portfolio with your work, having positive statistics on the project, you will not end up with customers. The main thing here is patience and work, and after a little time your earnings on Advego will grow!

In addition to working with orders, you can put up for sale your articles in the store. But in order to be able to sell articles through the Advego store, you need to complete 10 any orders. As stated earlier, some orders are very simple, so this limitation is not a problem!

Buying articles on the Advego exchange

In order to place an order or buy a finished article in the Advego store, you just need to register and replenish your account with the required amount. one of the best for buying content on your site. It has over a million registered artists! Your order will be fulfilled as soon as possible.

Also in the Advego exchange there is a store with ready-made articles. You can choose the material that suits you and buy it immediately. There are more than 36 thousand ready-made articles in the store! You can find material for any subject of the site.

Earnings on the affiliate program of the Advego exchange

In addition to earning money by fulfilling orders and selling articles in the store, there is an affiliate program on the Advego exchange. The project pays 25% of its commission from the turnover of the clients you attracted.

To attract new participants to the project, a link will be available to you, by clicking and registering, users will become your lifelong partners. Even if, by clicking on the link, the user registers after some time, he will still become your partner. Data on referrals to affiliate links is stored for a whole year.

Advantages of the Advego exchange

The Advego exchange has features that will help you in your work. You can check the text for uniqueness using Advego Plagiatus. This program looks for matches in the text with previously published material on the Internet. It will be very useful for all copywriters. You can read more about text uniqueness in this article: What is text uniqueness?

After writing a large text, you can easily make and not notice a spelling mistake. Advego has online spell checking tools that can help you solve this problem.

Feedback on the Advego article exchange

In the Advego article exchange, even the most novice users will be able to work as copywriters and earn money. To do this, there are a lot of simple orders that are completed in a few minutes.

The exchange has a very simple and clear menu, pleasing to the eye. It will not be difficult to understand it from the first minutes of work. You don't need any investment to earn money, you just need to register with Advego. I recommend Advego to you as one of the best article exchanges for making money.

Advego copywriting exchange is one of the pioneers among content services that has been operating in Runet since 2008. The largest portal combines the interests of customers and performers in creating content. Thanks to the job exchange, hundreds of thousands of freelancers receive a stable income, and webmasters receive texts for filling and promoting sites. In just a few years, the exchange has gained more than a million users. In this article, I will try to objectively tell you about how to work on, about all the main nuances and pitfalls of copywriting, indispensable tools and services for work, and how to make money on Advego for a beginner and survive in a highly competitive marketplace. content. It is very important for novice rewriters to choose in order to reduce any risks to zero and not be disappointed in the chosen field of activity.

Feedback from copywriters and customers on the Advego copywriting exchange

Reviews about the Advego copywriting exchange are mostly positive, but there are also unflattering statements from disappointed users. Customers most often complain about the poor quality of content. This fact is not surprising, because the prices on the exchange are not so high and comparable to the earnings of copywriters on. Copywriters, in order to earn something, have to do more work, which affects the quality of the text. Rewriters are mostly dissatisfied with the low pay for their work. However, due to the low rates on the exchange, there are always a lot of customers and a lot of work.

Pros and cons of Advego content exchange

  1. Detailed instructions for working with the service, revealing the features of the functionality and capabilities of Advego.
  2. Feedback. Any user can ask a question, express an opinion and claim by contacting the support service. Not a single appeal will be ignored.
  3. A large number of orders. Due to the high popularity and rich experience in the copywriting market, there are always a lot of orders on the stock exchange in different price categories. High speed of execution of tasks is very profitable and convenient for customers.
  4. The lack of a rating allows novice copywriters to compete freely with experienced users. For performers, only the number of completed tasks, efficiency, the number of refusals, delays, and refusals to pay are taken into account.
  5. Useful services developed by the exchange make the work of both performers and webmasters more convenient and productive. Programs help to analyze seo-parameters, the uniqueness of the text, check articles for errors.
  6. Communication on the forum. The forum allows direct communication between performers and customers in their free time.
  7. The store of ready-made articles allows you to select content without waiting for the copywriter to complete the task, and earn for the performers. Particularly smart users manage to make money on the resale of articles by buying texts at a low cost on other exchanges and selling them at a higher cost.
  8. A simple interface with intuitive navigation makes it easy to work with and helps beginners navigate easily.
  9. The minimum payout is $5.


Despite the large list of advantages, the Advego copywriting exchange also has disadvantages, as indicated by negative user reviews.
1. Low rates - (about $ 1 per 1000 characters). This affects the quality of content for customers and lower earnings for copywriters.
2. Clumsy and not always fair support service, for which the customer is always right. This is where most of the negative reviews come from.
3. Due to the presence of the "refuse to pay" button, copywriters can be left "with a nose" and not receive money for the work performed. Although this is more the exception than the rule. Such situations happen extremely rarely and for objective reasons, if the content is really low-grade.

How much do they earn on Advego?

Tasks for Advego are paid in accordance with their complexity and time costs that will be required to complete them. Rewriting here costs from 15 rubles for 1000 characters, copyright from 25 rubles, translations - from 25 rubles.

With such rates, beginners earn from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles a month.

I will share my experience with you - I completed my first order as a copywriter for 10 rubles / 1K characters, then I began to raise prices. For the first month, my earnings on the Internet amounted to about 5,000 rubles (this is part-time). In the second month, the income was already about 15,000 rubles. And from the third month I began to earn from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles.

How to register on Advego?

If you don’t know how to start working on the Advego copywriting exchange, then first of all you should register by entering your pseudonym and email on the official website at the link.
After that, you need to follow the link that will be sent to you by e-mail to confirm registration. If you do not yet have experience in writing texts, then the article will be useful for you.

After registration, you must specify an electronic wallet for withdrawing funds and fill out a profile. To do this, go to the tab "Service" - "Personal data".

How to work for Advego for a beginner: types of tasks and their cost

In total, there are 4 types of tasks on the Advego copywriting exchange.

  • Copywriting - writing unique texts. Payment for work from 25 rubles per 1K sign.
  • Rewriting is the reformulation of the text for the purpose of uniqueness without changing the meaning. The cost of this type of work is about 15 rubles per 1000 sim.
  • Copy-paste - searching for information on the Internet for a given request and providing it to the customer. The minimum payment is $0.2 per 1000 sims.
  • Posting - comments, reviews, posts for blogs, forums. Payment - $ 0.6 / 1000 sim.
  • Translations - from 25 rubles. for 1000 characters
  • Completing tasks in social networks (likes, reposts, invitations)
  • Text proofreading
  • Creating new topics and comments on the forum
  • SEO services, work with behavioral factors in search engines;
  • Audio and video transcription;
  • Search for information;
  • Photo and video (for example, record a video review, take a photo of a receipt, etc.)

How much you can earn on Advego - it is with this question that beginners begin their acquaintance with the service. The minimum payment for rewriting is 20 cents per 1K characters. For likes, reposts, joining groups in social networks here you can get from 3 rubles.

To select a task, go in the left corner to the "Job" - "Job Search" tab. In the central part of the screen, you can select the type of work - copywriting, communication, social networks, miscellaneous. And on the right side there is a filter system that allows you to select the types of tasks down to the details by cost, type, time to complete.

Sale of articles on Advego: ready-made content store

On the Internet you can find a lot of laudatory reviews about the Advego article store. Its advantage lies in a large number of texts for sale, strict moderation, which guarantees the high quality of texts in terms of literacy and uniqueness. All articles are manually checked. If errors are found, the texts are sent to the author for revision.
How to sell on Advego to make good money? To solve this problem, it is important to understand which topics are most in demand. For these purposes, you can study the statistics of the Yandex. Wordstat to select the hottest queries. If you do not know how to write an article that will be bought on Advego, then it is important to remember that the content must be written in a relevant topic and have an attractive title. In order for customers to find your article faster, it is important to correctly compose a description and enter keywords.

To place a work for sale, you must write at least 10 articles on the stock exchange (or buy the same number of texts).

To place an article or buy, you need to go to the "Article Store" section and select the "Buy an article" or "Sell an article" tab.

Advego how to start working?

How to start working on the Advego copywriting exchange is the most pressing issue that worries beginners. The simple structure of the site allows novice copywriters to quickly get used to it. After you have registered and filled out your profile, in order to proceed to orders, you need to select the “Job” section in the top panel, then click on the “Job Search” link.

With the help of filters, you can filter tasks according to different criteria (type of work, amount of payment, etc.). Orders on the Advego exchange are placed on the basis of a tender and with automatic acceptance of applications. In the first case, the performers submit applications, and the customer selects the best author. In the second option, the order automatically goes to the copywriter who meets the specified criteria, who was the first to apply. It is very important for a copywriter to complete the work on time, otherwise the order will be overdue. This threatens with a lack of payment and a decrease in rating and trust in the eyes of customers. The following parameters are usually indicated in the order:

  • title or topic;
  • the cost of the entire order;
  • the required amount of text;
  • deadlines;
  • type and category of work.

How to perform work on Advego?

Before taking an order to work, read the customer's dossier, this will warn you against unscrupulous users and the adverse consequences of such cooperation. At the bottom of the order are the requirements for the article. Before submitting an application, be sure to read the terms of reference, make sure that the task is within your power. In the Order Discussion section, you can ask questions to the customer.
To get started, click on the green button “Join”, “Apply for participation”, “Suggest a topic”.

How to withdraw money from Advego?

You can withdraw the earned money to a dollar or ruble Webmoney, Qiwi wallet or a Visa, mastercard bank card. The minimum payout amount is 5 c.u. The dollar exchange rate corresponds to the banking one. The content exchange commission is 10 percent. Payment terms - 3 days. To select the withdrawal option, go to the "Service" - "Personal data" - "Payment data" tab. Here you need to enter the number of wallets or cards to which you plan to withdraw money. In the "Units of Account" tab, you can select the currency option - rubles (it will be much more convenient this way).

Affiliate program

If you want to increase your earnings and receive passive income, then you can participate in the affiliate program by inviting your acquaintances, friends, relatives to the system. For each attracted referral, the exchange will transfer you 2.5% of the amount of his earnings or expenses (in the event that you brought a customer).

Advego plagiarism: how to use

The Advego exchange has developed its own services for checking content, which facilitates the work of copywriters and webmasters. "Advego Plagiatus" is a service for checking the uniqueness of text as an application for Windows. To use the program, you need to download it and install it on your computer. The service provides for the possibility of a quick and deep check for uniqueness with the specified shling and the size of the search phrase.