Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region officially introduced. Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region He refused Rosneftegaz

The governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region told Realnoe Vremya about his attitude to the division of the country into macroregions and the prospects for the Moscow-Kazan high-speed line

The other day Sochi hosted the finals of the Leaders of Russia competition, one of the guests-“mentors” of which was Gleb Nikitin, Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. The correspondent of Realnoe Vremya met with him at one of the competition venues and asked him her questions about the high-speed railway, the division of Russia into macroregions and the investment potential of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

“I don’t want the projects of the competition to be “disposable”

Gleb Sergeevich, how many hours do you plan to work as a mentor? And how will you find time for this in your schedule?

It is difficult to give an exact answer to this question, because working as a mentor depends not only on my schedule, but also on the schedule of the competition winners with whom I will work. All of them have already taken place in their professional fields, people who at the same time know how to learn something new. I have no doubt that I can learn something.

I will try to involve them in solving specific problems of the region. This applies to participation in workshops or field events, various discussions on the most important issues. During the mentor day at the competition, I saw how effectively the participants can work in a team, and now this momentum cannot be lost. An outside view is always useful, especially if such opinions come from people who are interested in making life better both in their native regions and in the country as a whole.

Which participants and projects (social, business or public administration) are you interested in mentoring?

All projects submitted for the competition are interesting. Each of them, one way or another, affects the social sphere. One of the Nizhny Novgorod winners was even awarded for the best social project as part of the Leader's Heart task. This is an all-Russian tournament for small towns for children and teenagers, which made it possible to draw attention to an interesting game with a rich history. In fact, in one project it was possible to combine both cultural and sports components.

I talked a lot with this year's finalists, they have a lot of ideas in various fields that relate to both universal management technologies and solving industry problems. I do not want the projects implemented within the framework of the competition to be “one-time”. These initiatives need to be supported at the system level. Once again I would like to note the success of the Nizhny Novgorod participants this year, there were nine finalists, six of them became winners. This is simply an amazing result, considering that last year only one Nizhny Novgorod resident entered the top 100!

“During the mentor day at the competition, I was convinced of how effectively the participants can work in a team, and now this momentum cannot be lost. An outside perspective is always useful, especially if such opinions come from people who are interested in making life better.” Photo leaders of russia.rf

Education is indeed only one of the components of leadership success, although now there are many educational programs aimed specifically at developing managerial qualities. Very important today is the ability to organize people to solve specific problems and implement interesting projects, as well as actively participate in this yourself. This ability was tested as part of the "Heart of the Leader" quest.

A true leader must understand the responsibility to his team, and if it comes to work in the state and municipal service, then to the residents. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the holding of such contests “the maturation of the state apparatus”. This is absolutely correct, since a sense of responsibility comes precisely with growing up for each of us. The ability to communicate, listen and understand what is important to people is becoming more and more valuable in the list of leadership qualities.

“Thanks to the High Speed ​​Line, the increase in the flow of tourists to the Nizhny Novgorod Region will be at least 10 percent”

Gleb Sergeevich, the "Spatial Development Strategy", proposed by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, provides for the division of the country into so-called "macro-regions". The Nizhny Novgorod region should become part of the Volga-Kama macroregion. What do you think about it?

The Strategy defines promising economic specializations. This will make it possible to make state support measures more targeted and eliminate their duplication, in order, for example, not to build identical enterprises in two neighboring regions, thereby creating artificial competition.

The creation of macro-regions will help remove state-administrative barriers associated with the implementation of major inter-regional projects, such as the construction of a high-speed railway, as well as improve the efficiency of federal budget investments in the regions.

There is still a lot of work to be done to implement the provisions of the Spatial Development Strategy. This will require the development of strategies for macro-regions, as well as plans for their implementation in the form of analytical programs for territorial development. We are fully prepared to participate in this process.

“It is in Nizhny Novgorod that a project is being implemented to organize the first high-speed train training center in Russia. It will make it possible to create a head training center at Russian Railways, and also involves the development of an end-to-end training system for HSR employees.” Photo

You mentioned the Moscow-Kazan high-speed line, the project of which is being approved today for the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod section. Does it matter to you that the project be implemented in full, that is, that the road reaches Kazan, and then Yekaterinburg? And what are the benefits for your region from the construction of high-speed lines?

The VSR is a very important project for the Nizhny Novgorod region, which will significantly improve the transport accessibility of the region. These are passenger time savings, environmental effects, improved safety, tourism development, job creation, reduced need for investment in transport infrastructure, agglomeration effects, and growth in regional employment.

According to preliminary estimates, a possible increase in tourist flow to the Nizhny Novgorod region will be at least 10 percent. In addition, it is in Nizhny Novgorod that a project is being implemented to organize the first high-speed rail training center in Russia. It will make it possible to create a head training center at Russian Railways, and also involves the development of an end-to-end training system for HSR employees. Therefore, for our region, the implementation of the project in any of its volumes is important.

Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk and Irkutsk regions will be included in the created interregional aviation cluster. What opportunities does this create for your region?

All three regions historically actively developed the aviation industry. The regional structure of the cluster is determined based on the concentration of supplier enterprises involved in the development and production of the innovative MS-21 medium-haul airliner.

From the Nizhny Novgorod region, the participants included LLC Rost-Avia, NOAO Gidromash, JSC PKO Teploobmennik. Participation in the interregional cluster implies the possibility for our enterprises to receive subsidies from the federal budget in the amount of 50 percent of the investment costs carried out within the framework of joint projects for the production of industrial products. This is a good measure of support, which can give results in practice.

I hope that the cooperation of enterprises from different regions will contribute to the creation of new types of products of aircraft manufacturing organizations.

“Sarov became a pioneer in the Smart City project”

Your region has entered the pilot project of the Ministry of Construction "Smart City". How will this program be implemented? What first steps have already been taken in this direction?

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the implementation of activities included in the Smart City project has been going on for several years. Thus, the Safe City hardware and software complex is being developed, which includes a system for photo and video recording of traffic violations, weight and size control, and forest fire monitoring. In total, 15 external information systems are integrated into the agro-industrial complex. This, for example, makes it possible to quickly predict the development of emergency situations and develop a single comprehensive response plan for all services and departments. This experience also helps in making cities more livable.

“In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the implementation of activities included in the Smart City project has been going on for several years. Thus, the Safe City hardware and software complex is being developed, which includes a system for photo and video recording of traffic violations, weight and size control, and forest fire monitoring. Photo

- The "Smart City" included three Nizhny Novgorod cities at once: Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod and Dzerzhinsk ...

Sarov became a pioneer in this work. Together with Rosatom State Corporation, the integrated software platform "Smart City Rosatom" has been introduced and is being developed - a multi-layer map of the city with georeferencing. The platform provides two types of functionality - for residents and for official purposes. It provides monitoring, control and management of urban infrastructure systems.

In pilot cities, in 2019, the implementation of an intelligent transport system will begin, which will provide an analysis of the routes of public and private transport and will allow to regulate the congestion of sections of the transport network. “Smart traffic lights” will be installed on the roadways. Also in 2019, the region plans to introduce a digital platform solution to involve citizens in solving issues of urban development and city resource management. The system will allow interacting with executive authorities without filling out paper documents and solving specific problems in various categories, as well as monitoring the work of public utilities.

All this is only a small part of what we have planned for implementation. Roadmaps include projects to ensure the safety and comfort of residents and guests of cities, environmental monitoring, tourism development, modernization of public administration systems and housing and communal services.

The Nizhny Novgorod region has secured its leading position in the rating of the investment climate of Russian regions. Is this just the beginning?

I would like to dwell on two investment ratings, which are assessed by all 85 subjects of the federation and where the Nizhny Novgorod region consistently occupies a high position. These are the Investment Rating of Russian Regions, which is conducted by the Expert RA Rating Agency, and the Investment Attractiveness Rating of the Russian Federation Regions of the National Rating Agency. According to the rating conducted by Expert RA, the Nizhny Novgorod region is consistently in group 2A (medium potential - minimal risk) along with the Belgorod, Rostov, Samara regions, the republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan. Considering that only the Moscow Region, Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Krasnodar Territory are in Group 1A (maximum potential - minimal risk), we believe that the Nizhny Novgorod Region occupies a high position in this rating.

In the 2018 ranking, the highest rating was assigned to Moscow and St. Petersburg. The Nizhny Novgorod region has confirmed its rating in third position along with 15 other regions (among them are Kaluga, Samara, Lipetsk, Sverdlovsk, Kaliningrad regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan and others).

"Volodarsk and Reshetikha are promising sites for the implementation of investment projects"

- Has the World Cup spurred interest in investing in the region?

The World Cup certainly helped draw attention to the Nizhny Novgorod region, but working with investors requires constant involvement. In the summer we did a lot of work on the preparation of the “Strategy for the Development of the Region”. The main decisions to improve the investment climate were developed during strategic sessions and working meetings with representatives of the business community, and then reflected in the final version of the Strategy.

Such communication with business circles has become permanent. Together with members of the government of the region, an expanded meeting with entrepreneurs was held. It was decided to hold such meetings on a regular basis: at the level of heads of local self-government and deputy governors once a quarter, at the level of the governor - once every six months.

"The World Cup certainly helped draw attention to the Nizhny Novgorod region, but working with investors requires constant involvement." Photo

- What other mechanisms do you plan to use to maintain a favorable investment climate?

Recently, the Nizhny Novgorod region managed to get approval for the creation of two territories of advanced socio-economic development. The status of TASED will be assigned to Volodarsk and Reshetikha. These are very promising sites for the implementation of investment projects. Residents can count on preferences in the form of exemption from taxes on land and property, as well as a reduction in the income tax rate. For them, the rate will be 5 percent in the first 5 years and 12-13 percent in the next 5 years. In addition, the rate on insurance premiums will be reduced to 7.6 percent. It is planned to attract about 30 investors to the PSEDA sites. We will always be glad to see new residents!

What, in your opinion, is especially attractive for investors: convenient services, special partnership conditions, something else?

We have created a single window for investors - a specialized organization for attracting investments and working with investors - the Corporation for the Development of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Also, the Development Corporation deals with the development of investment infrastructure to create favorable conditions for investors. Currently, the issue of creating a special economic zone of an industrial production type, which will consist of several sites, is being worked out.

In 2019, the institution of investment commissioners was established. This is a mechanism for monitoring the observance by municipal bodies and officials of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs and investors. To date, all 52 municipalities of the region have appointed their representatives to this position.

The investment portal of the Nizhny Novgorod region was modernized, new modern services became available. Anyone can offer an investment platform, post information about their project, the implementation of which requires additional funding, users can take part in online conferences, a forum, submit a proposal to be included in the agenda of the Development Strategy and Investment Council, and much more.

What is the impact of the region's participation in field events, in particular, in the recent Sochi investment forum?

We are actively working with potential investors and partners outside the region. Thus, 10 agreements on cooperation in various fields were signed within the framework of the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi. In particular, a special investment contract with OOO Snabpolimer Medicine Nizhny Novgorod. The company is implementing an investment project to create and master the production of safe disposable syringes with engineering protection against reuse, which have no analogues made in the Russian Federation. We will certainly continue to work to improve the investment climate in the region.

“We are actively working with potential investors and partners outside the region. Thus, 10 agreements on cooperation in various fields were signed within the framework of the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi.” Photo

- How is the public-private partnership developing, what are the interesting projects in this area?

The implementation of PPP and concession projects is an effective tool for the development of social infrastructure and the real sector of the economy. At the moment, on the basis of agreements concluded by the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region, four PPP projects and seven concession projects are being implemented in the region. With the use of these mechanisms, eight sports and recreation complexes, two ice palaces, etc. were created. The total amount of investments provided for by the concluded agreements exceeded 7.5 billion rubles.

Now, in order to modernize the infrastructure for children's recreation, the government of the region, together with VEB, is preparing projects for the reconstruction of a network of children's health and educational summer camps on the basis of concession agreements. The Nizhny Novgorod region will become a pilot region in this direction.

Ilgiza Nasibullina

As Kommersant expected, Valery Shantsev left the post of governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region. He wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will. A message about this was published on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation. Gleb Nikitin, now the former First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, has been appointed interim governor of the region. In turn, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak said yesterday (quoted by RIA Novosti) that the activities of the executive authorities of the regions are now being checked and several personnel decisions can be made.

Today, at a meeting of the legislative assembly, in response to a request from Kommersant to comment on rumors about the possible arrival of a new interim governor in the region, Valery Shantsev briefly said that "the decision is made by the president": "When he accepts, then we will find out everything." A few hours later, a message appeared on Valery Shantsev's page in LiveJournal under the heading "See you again!". “It seems to change jobs - naturally. But how? If you have become attached to the region, if you treat many projects like children, you put your soul into it, put it on the wing. And in agriculture, and in industry, and in medicine, and in education, and in road construction, and in other areas. And then you realize that the children, perhaps, have already grown up and can do a lot. And it's time to turn the page. The day is exciting, even very. After all, we've been together for 12 years. I will, as before, worry about my beloved Nizhny Novgorod region. But already in a new quality. Thank you! Always yours, Valery Shantsev,” the message says.

This morning it became known that on September 25, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on awarding Valery Shantsev with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. The award was given "for a great contribution to the socio-economic development of the region and many years of conscientious work."

Valery Shantsev, who turned 70 this year, has been on the team of former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov since the early 1990s. In 2005, he was sent from the post of vice-mayor of the capital to the Nizhny Novgorod region on the proposal of Vladimir Putin. In 2010, Yuri Luzhkov, at the initiative of President Dmitry Medvedev, was dismissed, but Valery Shantsev was re-nominated for governor the same year and retained his post in the Nizhny Novgorod region. In 2014, Valery Shantsev received 86.93% of voters in direct elections. The second term of Valery Shantsev was marked by numerous conflicts between the regional and city authorities.

Gleb Nikitin in 1999-2004 worked in various positions in the management of the disposal of state property of the Committee for the Management of City Property of St. Petersburg. In 2012, he was appointed Deputy and in 2013 First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade. Mr. Nikitin became the third native of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, who recently took the governor's chair. Recall that the current head of Sevastopol Dmitry Ovsyannikov was also a deputy minister (2015-2016), and the head of the Kaliningrad region Anton Alikhanov from 2013 to 2016 worked in the Ministry of Industry and Trade as a deputy director, and then director of the department for state regulation of foreign trade activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

In the survival rating of the governors of the Petersburg Politics Foundation, Mr. Shantsev received a score of 2 (see Kommersant of September 7), then experts predicted his imminent resignation. According to the head of the fund, Mikhail Vinogradov, Valery Shantsev had a successful first term, but in the second, noticeable problems appeared related to intra-elite conflicts. “Shantsev, as a person among the ten most recognizable governors, was a convenient target for rotation in order to demonstrate renewal and respond to the political crisis,” Mr. Vinogradov told Kommersant. the day before.- "b"), because then the federal resignation agenda can simply get bored. According to the expert, resignations of the heads of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Igor Koshin) and the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Viktor Tolokonsky) should be expected in the near future. Mr. Vinogradov connected the appointment of Gleb Nikitin with the interests of Rostec, taking into account the enterprises of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Alexandra Vikulova, Nizhny Novgorod; Ekaterina Grobman

Gleb Nikitin, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, will act as Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region in connection with the resignation of Valery Shantsev. This was reported on the Kremlin website.

The resignation of Nizhny Novgorod Governor Valery Shantsev has become the main news of the day for Nizhny Novgorod residents. Recall that the decree on the dismissal of the head of the Nizhny Novgorod region was signed by Vladimir Putin on September 26, 2017. At the same time, the president has chosen a successor who will head the Nizhny Novgorod region.

To appoint Gleb Sergeevich Nikitin as the acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region until the person elected as the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region takes office, the text of the presidential decree says.

Help "KP"

Gleb Nikitin was born on August 24, 1977 in Leningrad. He has several higher educations: economic, legal and civil service. He is a candidate of economic sciences.

In 1999 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, in 2004 - St. Petersburg State University with a degree in jurisprudence. In 2007, he completed postgraduate studies at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, and also studied at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Gleb Nikitin's career began in 1999: then he joined the State Property Management Department of the Committee for City Property Management of St. Petersburg, where in five years he moved up the career ladder from a leading specialist to the head of the Department.

In 2004, Nikitin was appointed head of the Department of Property of Organizations in the Commercial Sector of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management, and three years later he became deputy head of this department.

In 2008, he took up the post of deputy head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management, and two years later became the acting head of the department.

In 2012, Gleb Nikitin was appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, in 2013 - First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Gleb Nikitin is included in the reserve of managerial personnel under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation. He is an active state adviser of the Russian Federation, 1st class. In 2009 he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

Knows foreign languages. Married, has two children.

There is now a new head in the Nizhny Novgorod region, and there is no first deputy in the Ministry of Industry and Trade yet. The president accepted Valery Shantsev's resignation and appointed Gleb Nikitin as acting governor.

The head of state held a working meeting with Nikitin in the Kremlin, where he announced his decision. This is the second resignation of a regional leader this week: on Monday, Vladimir Putin decreed the early termination of the powers of Nikolai Merkushkin as governor of the Samara region. Acting head of the region was the ex-mayor of Samara, Senator Dmitry Azarov.

"Accept the resignation of the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Valery Pavlinovich Shantsev, at his own request," the decree posted on the Kremlin's website reads. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak suggested that the resignations could continue. “First of all, the heads of the constituent entities make decisions whether to continue their work or terminate their powers. And the appointment of acting heads of regions is exclusively the prerogative of the president. regional leaders can come to such conclusions. I think there will be several of them," he told reporters.

Gleb Nikitin was born in 1977 in Leningrad. In 1999 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, in 2004 - St. Petersburg State University with a degree in jurisprudence, in 2007 - postgraduate studies at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, in 2008 - the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President. Candidate of Economic Sciences. In 1999-2004 he worked in the St. Petersburg City Property Management Committee. In 2004, he became the head of the Department of Property of Organizations in the Commercial Sector, and in 2007 - Deputy Head of the Federal Property Management Agency. In 2011, he was appointed Acting Head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management, and in 2012 he became Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade. Since 2013 - First Deputy Minister. Nikitin is included in the reserve of managerial personnel under the patronage of the president.

The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov, called Nikitin a command specialist and wished "that he, just like in the ministry, but in a specific allotted area, implement that experience, that knowledge and his positive qualities." Nizhny Novgorod residents, he is sure, "will very quickly feel his coming to the region, because he is very creative, competent. He corrosively brings everything from beginning to end." "Very commanding, comfortable and competent specialist," the minister said. So far, Manturov has not found a successor to his first deputy.

Denis Manturov about Gleb Nikitin: Very team-oriented, comfortable and competent specialist

Valery Shantsev has been in charge of the region since 2005. He turned 70 in June. “It seems to be natural to change jobs. But how? If you have become attached to the region, if you treat many projects like children, you put your soul into it, put it on the wing. And in agriculture, and in industry, and in medicine, and in education, and in road construction, and in other areas. And then you realize that children, perhaps, have already grown up and can do a lot. And it's time to turn the page. An exciting day, even very much. Still, 12 years together. I will, as before, worry for the beloved Nizhny Novgorod Region, but in a new capacity," Shantsev wrote in his blog on LiveJournal. Yesterday it became known that the president awarded Shantsev with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, "for his great contribution to the socio-economic development of the region and many years of conscientious work."

Vladimir Putin, by his decree of September 26, 2017, dismissed the head of Rossotrudnichestvo, Lyubov Glebova, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Saratov Region, Police Lieutenant General Sergei Arenin, the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces Viktor Bondarev, and the Deputy Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Vice Admiral Valery Kulikov. Bondarev and Kulikov were also dismissed from military service. All of the above are transferred to a new place of work - to the Federation Council.

Russian political and statesman. Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region since September 26, 2017. First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (from June 2013 to September 26, 2017)



In 1999 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance with a degree in Finance and Credit.


The wife of the acting governor of Nizhny Novgorod earned 2.5 times more than her husband

Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Gleb Nikitin earned 15.7 million rubles in 2017, his wife - 38.7 million rubles. This is evidenced by the data of the declaration published on the website of the regional government.

The new head of the Nizhny Novgorod region promised to leave the Shantsev team

The new interim governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Gleb Nikitin, did not see the need to change the team of the regional government. In an interview with RBC, he spoke about Vladimir Putin's instruction to hold the presidential election "legitimately"

Gleb Nikitin Appointed Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

Vladimir Putin signed the Decree "On the early termination of the powers of the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region."

Text of the Decree:

“In connection with the statement of the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Shantsev V.P. on early termination of powers and in accordance with subparagraph "c" of paragraph 1 and subparagraph "a" of paragraph 9 of Article 19 of the Federal Law of October 6, 1999 No. 184-FZ "On the general principles of organizing legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of subjects Russian Federation, I decide:

Gleb Nikitin, who was appointed acting governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region today, told RBC about his plans for the new post, the president's instructions and his intention to consult with his predecessor Valery Shantsev

Gleb Nikitin spoke about the first steps as head of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the early termination of the powers of the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Shantsev. In the same document, his successor is named.

Gleb Nikitin, a native of St. Petersburg, now the First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, has become the acting governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Gleb Nikitin appointed Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

Gleb Nikitin has been appointed Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. On September 26, Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted the early resignation of Valery Shantsev. Putin held a working meeting with Nikitin, during which he informed about the appointment.

The head of state signed the Decree "On the early termination of the powers of the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region." Shantsev wrote a statement of his own free will.

Gleb Nikitin has been appointed Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region until the person elected Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region takes office, the press service of the President of the Russian Federation reported.

Putin dismissed the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region

The head of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Valery Shantsev, who led the region for 12 years, resigned of his own free will. His place will be taken by Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Gleb Nikitin, as RBC sources previously reported.

Gleb Nikitin became the main candidate for the post of head of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Gleb Nikitin, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, may become the new governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. This is the most likely candidate to replace Valery Shantsev, sources told RBC

D. Rogozin announced the illegal privatization of Tupolev and Yakovlev

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin handed over to law enforcement agencies the materials of the inspection of the Federal Property Management Agency, according to which the real and movable property of the Yakovlev and Tupolev aircraft building holdings was illegally privatized.
Read in full: 28/05/2012/652361.shtml

The future council will hold on to power for the last year
link: ID=434231

Member of the Board of Directors of Rosneft Gleb Nikitin Appointed Deputy Head of the Federal Property Management Agency

Both companies and the state need independent directors