Fairy tale Baba Yaga and the girl. Fairy tale baba yaga and berries

AND or to himself a grandfather and a woman, the grandfather became a widow and married another wife, and from his first wife he had a girl. The evil stepmother did not love her, beat her and thought how to completely lime.

Since the father has gone somewhere, the stepmother says to the girl:

- Go to your aunt, my sister, ask her for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for you.

And this aunt was a Baba Yaga with a bone leg.

Here the girl was not stupid, but first she went to her own aunt.

- Hello, auntie!

- Hello, dear! Why did you come?

- Mother sent to her sister to ask for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for me. She teaches her:

- There, niece, a birch tree will lash you in the eyes - you tie it up with a ribbon; there the gates will creak and slam for you - you pour oil under their heels; there the dogs will tear you - you throw them some bread; there the cat will tear your eyes - you give him ham. The girl went; Here comes, goes and came. There is a hut, and in it sits a Baba Yaga with a bone leg and weaves.

- Hello, auntie!

- Hello, dear!

“Mother sent me to ask you for a needle and thread to sew a shirt for me.”

- All right: sit down to weave for a while.

Here the girl sat down at the cross, and the Baba Yaga came out and said to her worker:

- Go, heat the bath and wash your niece, but look, good; I want to have breakfast with her.

The girl sits neither alive nor dead, all frightened, and she asks the worker:

- My dear! You don’t so much set fire to firewood as fill it with water, carry water with a sieve, - and gave her a handkerchief.

Baba Yaga is waiting; she went to the window and asked:

- Weave, auntie, weave, dear!

Baba Yaga walked away, and the girl gave the cat ham and asked:

"Is there any way to get out of here?"

“Here’s a comb and a towel for you,” says the cat, “take them and run, run as quickly as possible; Baba Yaga will chase after you, you put your ear to the ground and when you hear that it is close, first throw a towel - a wide river will become; if the Baba Yaga crosses the river and starts chasing you, you again put your ear to the ground and, when you hear that she is close, throw the comb - a dense forest will become, she will no longer make her way through it!

The girl took a towel and a comb and ran; the dogs wanted to tear her up - she threw them some bread, and they let her through; the gates wanted to slam shut - she poured oil under their heels, and they let her through; the birch tree wanted to quilt her eyes - she tied it up with a ribbon, and she let her through. And the cat sat down at the cross and weaves; not so much stumbled as messed up. Baba Yaga went to the window and asked:

Are you weaving, niece, are you weaving, dear?

- Weave, aunt, weave, dear! the cat replies rudely. Baba Yaga rushed into the hut, saw that the girl had left, and let's beat the cat and scold why he hadn't scratched out the girl's eyes.

“I serve you for how long,” says the cat, “you didn’t give me bones, but she gave me ham.”

Baba Yaga pounced on the dogs, on the gate, on the birch and on the worker, let's scold and beat everyone.

The dogs say to her:

- We serve you for how long, you didn’t throw us a burnt crust, but she gave us bread.

Gate says:

- We serve you for how long, you didn’t add water under the heels to us, but she didn’t cry oil for us. Berezka says:

“I’ve been serving you for how long, you didn’t bandage me with a thread, but she tied me with a ribbon. The worker says:

“I’ve been serving you for how long, you didn’t give me a rag, but she gave me a handkerchief.

Baba Yaga, the bone leg, quickly sat on the mortar, urged her on with a pusher, swept the trail with a broom and set off in pursuit of the girl. Here the girl put her ear to the ground and heard that the Baba Yaga was chasing, and it was already close, she took it and threw the towel; the river became so wide, so wide! Baba Yaga came to the river and gritted her teeth in anger; returned home, took her bulls and drove them to the river; the bulls drank the whole river clean.

Baba Yaga started chasing again. The girl put her ear to the ground and heard that the Baba Yaga was close, threw the comb; the forest has become so dense and terrible! Baba Yaga began to gnaw it, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not gnaw it and turned back.

And the grandfather has already arrived home and asks:

- Where is my daughter?

“She went to her aunt,” the stepmother says. A little later, the girl ran home.

- Where have you been? the father asks.

— Ah, father! she says. - So and so - my mother sent me to my aunt to ask for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for me, and my aunt, Baba Yaga, wanted to eat me.

- How did you leave, daughter?

“So and so,” says the girl.

Grandfather, as he learned all this, got angry with his wife and drove her out; and he himself began to live with his daughter and live and make good, and I was there, drinking honey and beer; flowed down the mustache, did not get into the mouth.

Information for parents: Baba Yaga is Russian folk tale, which speaks of a stepmother who sent her adopted daughter into the clutches of Baba Yaga. The tale is instructive, it can be read to children from 3 to 6 years old. The fairy tale teaches kindness and caution on the example of a little girl - the main character of the fairy tale. Happy reading to you and your kids.

Read the story of Baba Yaga

Grandfather and woman lived for themselves ... Grandfather became a widow and married another wife, and from his first wife he had a girl. The evil stepmother did not love her, beat her and thought how to completely lime.

Since the father has gone somewhere, the stepmother says to the girl:

- Go to your aunt, my sister, ask her for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for you.

And this aunt was Baba Yaga, a bone leg.

The girl was not stupid, but she went first to her own aunt.

- Hello, auntie!

- Hello, dear! Why did you come?

- Mother sent to her sister to ask for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for me. She teaches her:

- There, niece, a birch will lash you in the eyes - you tie it up with a ribbon; there the gates will creak and slam for you - you pour oil under their heels; there the dogs will tear you - you throw them some bread; there the cat will tear your eyes - you give him ham. The girl went; here it goes, it goes and it came. There is a hut, and Baba Yaga sits in it and weaves.

- Hello, auntie!

- Hello, dear!

- Mother sent me to ask you for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for me.

- All right, niece, I'll give you a needle and thread, and you sit down while you work!

Here the girl sat down by the fireplace and began to weave. And Baba Yaga came out of the hut and said to her maid:

“I’m going to bed now, and you go, heat the bathhouse and wash your niece.” Yes, look, wash it well: wake up - eat it!

The girl heard these words - sits neither alive nor dead. As Baba Yaga left, she began to ask the maid:

- My dear, you do not so much set fire to firewood in the oven, but fill it with water, and carry water with a sieve! And gave her a handkerchief.

The worker is heating the bath, and Baba Yaga woke up, went to the window and asked:

Do you weave, niece, do you weave, dear?

- Weave, aunty, weave, dear!

Baba Yaga went to bed again, and the girl gave meat to the cat and asked:

“Cat-brother, teach me how to run away from here.” Cat says:

- There is a towel and a comb on the table, take them and run as soon as possible: otherwise Baba Yaga will eat it! Baba Yaga will chase after you - put your ear to the ground. When you hear that she is close, throw a comb - a dense dense forest will grow. While she is wading through the forest, you will run far away. And then again you hear the chase - throw a towel: a wide and deep river will spill.

- Thank you, cat-brother! - says the girl. She thanked the cat, took a towel and comb and ran.

Dogs rushed at her, wanted to tear her, bite her, - she gave them bread. The dogs missed her. The gates creaked, they wanted to slam shut - and the girl poured oil under their heels. They missed her.

The birch made a noise, wanted to quilt her eyes, - the girl bandaged her with a ribbon. Birch missed her. The girl ran out and ran as fast as she could. Runs and doesn't look back.

Meanwhile, the cat sat down by the window and began to weave. Not so much weaving as confusing!

Baba Yaga woke up and asked:

- Do you weave, niece, do you weave, dear?

And the cat answered her:

- Weave, aunt, weave, dear.

Baba Yaga rushed into the hut and sees - there is no girl, but the cat is sitting, weaving.

Baba Yaga began to beat and scold the cat:

“Oh, you old rascal! Oh you villain! Why did you let the girl out? Why didn't he gouge her eyes out? Why didn't you scratch your face?

And the cat answered her:

“I have been serving you for so many years, you didn’t throw a gnawed bone at me, but she gave me meat!”

Baba Yaga ran out of the hut, attacked the dogs:

“Why didn’t they tear the girl, why didn’t they bite her? .. The dogs say to her:

- We have been serving you for so many years, you didn’t throw us a burnt crust, but she gave us bread! Baba Yaga ran to the gate:

Why didn't they creak, why didn't they clap? Why did they let the girl out of the yard? ..

Gate says:

“We have been serving you for so many years, you haven’t poured water under your heels for us, but she didn’t spare us butter!”

Baba Yaga jumped to the birch:

Why didn't you gouge the girl's eyes?

The birch answers her:

“I have been serving you for so many years, you didn’t bandage me with a thread, but she gave me a ribbon!”

Baba Yaga began to scold the maid:

- Why didn’t you wake me up, didn’t call me, so-and-so? Why was she released?

The maid says:

- I have been serving you for so many years - I have never heard a kind word from you, but she gave me a handkerchief, she spoke well and kindly to me!

Baba Yaga shouted, made a noise, then sat down in a mortar and rushed off in pursuit. He drives with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom ...

And the girl ran and ran, stopped, put her ear to the ground and hears: the earth is trembling, shaking. This is Baba Yaga chasing her...

The girl took out a comb and threw it over her right shoulder. A forest has grown here, dense and tall: the roots of the trees go three fathoms underground, the tops of the clouds prop up.

Baba Yaga rushed in, began to gnaw and break the forest. She gnaws and breaks, and the girl runs further. How much, how little time has passed, the girl put her ear to the ground and hears: the earth is trembling, shaking. This is Baba Yaga chasing her, and very close.

The girl took a towel and threw it over her right shoulder. At the same moment, the river overflowed - wide - very wide, deep - very deep!

Baba Yaga jumped up to the river, gritted her teeth in anger - she couldn’t cross the river. She returned home, gathered her bulls and drove to the river:

“Drink, my bulls!” Drink the whole river to the bottom!

The bulls began to drink, but the water in the river does not decrease. Baba Yaga got angry, lay down on the shore, and began to drink water herself. She drank, she drank, she drank, she drank, she drank until she burst.

And the girl, meanwhile, knows that she is running and running. In the evening, the father returned home and asked: from his wife:

— Where is my daughter?

Baba says:

- She went to her aunt - to ask for a needle and thread, but something was delayed.

The father got worried, he wanted to go look for his daughter, but the daughter ran home, out of breath, she could not catch her breath.

Where have you been, daughter? the father asks.

— Ah, father! - the girl answers. - My stepmother sent me to her sister, and her sister is Baba Yaga, a bone leg. She wanted to eat me. I ran away from her!

When his father found out all this, he got angry at evil woman and drove her out of the house with a dirty broom. And he began to live together with his daughter, together and well.

Here the fairy tale of Baba Yaga ends, and whoever listened - well done!

Baba Yaga is a Russian folk tale that has delighted children and adults for many centuries. It tells the story of a girl left without a mother. When her father remarried, the stepmother decided to exterminate the girl and sent her to the forest to one of her relatives. Who she turned out to be, whether the girl will be able to return home, and who will help her with this, read with the children in a fairy tale. She will teach them to be attentive, cautious, courageous, to sympathize with the grief of others and to rely on their own strength in difficulties.

Once upon a time there was a husband and wife, and they had a daughter. The wife fell ill and died. The man grieved, grieved, and married another.

The evil woman took a dislike to the girl, beat her, scolded her, and only thought how to completely lime, destroy her.

Once the father left somewhere, and the stepmother said to the girl:

- Go to my sister, your aunt, ask her for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for you.

And this aunt was a Baba Yaga, a bone leg. The girl did not dare to refuse, she went, but first she went to her own aunt.

- Hello, auntie!

- Hello, dear! Why did you come?

- My stepmother sent me to her sister to ask for a needle and thread - she wants to sew a shirt for me.

“It’s good, niece, that you came to me first,” says the aunt. - Here's a ribbon, butter, bread and a piece of meat. There will be a birch in your eyes to quilt - you tie it up with a ribbon; the gates will creak and clap, hold you back - you pour oil under their heels; dogs will tear you - you throw them bread; if a cat tears your eyes - you give him meat.

The girl thanked her aunt and went.

She walked and walked and came to the forest. There is a hut on chicken legs and mutton horns in the forest behind a high tyn, and a baba yaga sits in the hut, a bone leg weaves a canvas.

- Hello, auntie! the girl says.

- Hello, niece! Baba Yaga says. — What do you need?

- My stepmother sent me to ask you for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for me.

- All right, niece, I'll give you a needle and thread, and you sit down while you work!

Here the girl sat down at the window and began to weave.

And the Baba Yaga came out of the hut and said to her worker:

“I’m going to bed now, and you go, heat the bathhouse and wash your niece.” Yes, look, wash it well: wake up - eat it!

The girl heard these words - sits neither alive nor dead. As the Baba Yaga left, she began to ask the worker:

- My dear! You do not so much set fire to firewood in the oven, but fill it with water, and carry water with a sieve! And gave her a handkerchief.

The worker is heating the bath, and the Baba Yaga woke up, went to the window and asked:

- Do you weave, niece, do you weave, dear?

- Weave, auntie, weave, dear!

Baba Yaga went to bed again, and the girl gave meat to the cat and asked:

“Cat-brother, teach me how to run away from here.”

Cat says:

- There is a towel and a comb on the table, take them and run as soon as possible: otherwise the Baba Yaga will eat it! Baba Yaga will chase after you - you put your ear to the ground. When you hear that she is close, throw a comb - a dense dense forest will grow. While she is wading through the forest, you will run far away. And again you hear the chase - throw a towel: a wide and deep river will spill.

- Thank you, cat-brother! the girl says.

She thanked the cat, took a towel and comb and ran.

Dogs rushed at her, wanted to tear her, bite her, - she gave them bread. The dogs missed her.

The gates creaked, they wanted to slam shut - and the girl poured oil under their heels. They missed her. The birch made a noise, wanted to quilt her eyes, - the girl tied it up with a ribbon. Birch missed her. The girl ran out and ran as fast as she could. Runs and doesn't look back.

Meanwhile, the cat sat down by the window and began to weave. Not so much weaving as confusing!

Baba Yaga woke up and asked:

Are you weaving, niece, are you weaving, dear?

And the cat answered her:

- Weave, aunt, weave, dear!

Baba Yaga rushed into the hut and sees that the girl is gone, and the cat is sitting, weaving.

Baba Yaga began to beat and scold the cat:

“Oh, you old rascal! Oh you villain! Why did you let the girl out? Why didn't he gouge her eyes out? Why didn't you scratch your face?

And the cat answered her:

“I have been serving you for so many years, you didn’t throw a gnawed bone at me, but she gave me meat!”

Baba Yaga ran out of the hut, attacked the dogs:

- Why didn’t they tear the girl, why didn’t they bite? ..

The dogs say to her:

- We have been serving you for so many years, you didn’t throw us a burnt crust, but she gave us bread!

Baba Yaga ran up to the gate:

Why didn't they creak, why didn't they clap? Why did they let the girl out of the yard? ..

Gate says:

“We have been serving you for so many years, you haven’t poured water under your heels for us, but she didn’t spare us butter!”

Baba Yaga jumped up to the birch:

Why didn't you gouge the girl's eyes?

Birch answers her:

“I have been serving you for so many years, you didn’t bandage me with a thread, but she gave me a ribbon!”

Baba Yaga began to scold the worker:

“Why didn’t you, such and such, wake me up, call me?” Why was she released?

The worker says:

- I have been serving you for so many years - I have never heard a kind word from you, but she gave me a handkerchief, she spoke well and kindly to me!

Baba Yaga shouted, made a noise, then sat down in a mortar and rushed off in pursuit.

He drives with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom ...

And the girl ran and ran, stopped, put her ear to the ground and hears: the earth is trembling, shaking - Baba Yaga is chasing, and already very close ...

The girl took out a comb and threw it over her right shoulder. A forest has grown here, dense and tall: the roots of the trees go three fathoms underground, the tops of the clouds prop up.

Baba Yaga rushed in, began to gnaw and break the forest. She gnaws and breaks, and the girl runs further.

How much, how little time has passed, the girl put her ear to the ground and hears: the earth is trembling, shaking - Baba Yaga is chasing, very close.

The girl took a towel and threw it over her right shoulder.

At the same moment, the river overflowed - wide, very wide, deep, very deep!

Baba Yaga jumped up to the river, gritted her teeth in anger - she could not cross the river.

She returned home, gathered her bulls and drove to the river:

“Drink, my bulls!” Drink the whole river to the bottom!

The bulls began to drink, but the water in the river does not decrease.

The Baba Yaga got angry, lay down on the shore, and began to drink water herself. She drank, she drank, she drank, she drank until she burst.

And the girl, meanwhile, knows that she is running and running.

In the evening, the father returned home and asked his wife:

— Where is my daughter?

Baba says:

- She went to her aunt - to ask for a needle and thread, but something was delayed.

The father got worried, he wanted to go look for his daughter, but the daughter ran home, out of breath, she could not catch her breath.

Where have you been, daughter? the father asks.

— Ah, father! the girl answers. - My stepmother sent me to her sister, and her sister is a baba-yaga, a bone leg. She wanted to eat me. I ran away from her!

As the father found out all this, he became angry with the evil woman and drove her out of the house with a dirty broom. And he began to live together with his daughter, together and well.

There lived a grandfather and a woman; grandfather became a widow and married another wife, and from his first wife he had a girl. The evil stepmother did not love her, beat her and thought how to completely lime.

Since the father has gone somewhere, the stepmother says to the girl:

- Go to your aunt, my sister, ask her for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for you.

And this aunt was a Baba Yaga with a bone leg.

Here the girl was not stupid, but first she went to her own aunt.

- Hello, auntie!

- Hello, dear! Why did you come?

- Mother sent to her sister to ask for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for me. She teaches her:

- There, niece, a birch tree will lash you in the eyes - you tie it up with a ribbon; there the gates will creak and slam for you - you pour oil under their heels; there the dogs will tear you - you throw them some bread; there the cat will tear your eyes - you give him ham. The girl went; Here comes, goes and came. There is a hut, and in it sits a Baba Yaga with a bone leg and weaves.

- Hello, auntie!

- Hello, dear!

“Mother sent me to ask you for a needle and thread to sew a shirt for me.”

- All right: sit down to weave for a while.

Here the girl sat down at the cross, and the Baba Yaga came out and said to her worker:

- Go, heat the bath and wash your niece, but look, good; I want to have breakfast with her.

The girl sits neither alive nor dead, all frightened, and she asks the worker:

- My dear! You don’t so much set fire to firewood as fill it with water, carry water with a sieve, - and gave her a handkerchief.

Baba Yaga is waiting; she went to the window and asked:

- Weave, auntie, weave, dear!

Baba Yaga walked away, and the girl gave the cat ham and asked:

"Is there any way to get out of here?"

“Here’s a comb and a towel for you,” says the cat, “take them and run, run as quickly as possible; Baba Yaga will chase after you, you put your ear to the ground and when you hear that it is close, first throw a towel - a wide river will become; if the Baba Yaga crosses the river and starts chasing you, you again put your ear to the ground and, when you hear that she is close, throw the comb - a dense forest will become, she will no longer make her way through it!

The girl took a towel and a comb and ran; the dogs wanted to tear her up - she threw them some bread, and they let her through; the gates wanted to slam shut - she poured oil under their heels, and they let her through; the birch tree wanted to quilt her eyes - she tied it up with a ribbon, and she let her through. And the cat sat down at the cross and weaves; not so much stumbled as messed up. Baba Yaga went to the window and asked:

Are you weaving, niece, are you weaving, dear?

- Weave, aunt, weave, dear! the cat replies rudely. Baba Yaga rushed into the hut, saw that the girl had left, and let's beat the cat and scold why he hadn't scratched out the girl's eyes.

“I serve you for how long,” says the cat, “you didn’t give me bones, but she gave me ham.”

Baba Yaga pounced on the dogs, on the gate, on the birch and on the worker, let's scold and beat everyone.

The dogs say to her:

- We serve you for how long, you didn’t throw us a burnt crust, but she gave us bread.

Gate says:

- We serve you for how long, you didn’t add water under the heels to us, but she didn’t cry oil for us. Berezka says:

“I’ve been serving you for how long, you didn’t bandage me with a thread, but she tied me with a ribbon. The worker says:

“I’ve been serving you for how long, you didn’t give me a rag, but she gave me a handkerchief.

Baba Yaga, the bone leg, quickly sat on the mortar, urged her on with a pusher, swept the trail with a broom and set off in pursuit of the girl. Here the girl put her ear to the ground and heard that the Baba Yaga was chasing, and it was already close, she took it and threw the towel; the river became so wide, so wide! Baba Yaga came to the river and gritted her teeth in anger; returned home, took her bulls and drove them to the river; the bulls drank the whole river clean.

Baba Yaga started chasing again. The girl put her ear to the ground and heard that the Baba Yaga was close, threw the comb; the forest has become so dense and terrible! Baba Yaga began to gnaw it, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not gnaw it and turned back.

And the grandfather has already arrived home and asks:

- Where is my daughter?

“She went to her aunt,” the stepmother says. A little later, the girl ran home.

- Where have you been? the father asks.

— Ah, father! she says. - So and so - my mother sent me to my aunt to ask for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for me, and my aunt, Baba Yaga, wanted to eat me.

- How did you leave, daughter?

“So and so,” says the girl.

Grandfather, as he learned all this, got angry with his wife and drove her out; and he himself began to live with his daughter and live and make good, and I was there, drinking honey and beer; flowed down the mustache, did not get into the mouth.

Once upon a time there was a husband and wife, and they had a daughter. The wife fell ill and died. The man grieved, grieved, and married another.

The evil woman took a dislike to the girl, beat her, scolded her, and only thought how to completely lime, destroy her.

Once the father left somewhere, and the stepmother said to the girl:

- Go to my sister, your aunt, ask her for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for you.

And this aunt was a Baba Yaga, a bone leg. The girl did not dare to refuse, she went, but first she went to her own aunt.

- Hello, auntie!

- Hello, dear! Why did you come?

- My stepmother sent me to her sister to ask for a needle and thread - she wants to sew a shirt for me.

“It’s good, niece, that you came to me first,” says the aunt. - Here's a ribbon, butter, bread and a piece of meat. There will be a birch in your eyes to quilt - you tie it up with a ribbon; the gates will creak and clap, hold you back - you pour oil under their heels; dogs will tear you - you throw them bread; if a cat tears your eyes - you give him meat.

The girl thanked her aunt and went.

She walked and walked and came to the forest. There is a hut on chicken legs and mutton horns in the forest behind a high tyn, and a baba yaga sits in the hut, a bone leg weaves a canvas.

- Hello, auntie! the girl says.

- Hello, niece! Baba Yaga says. — What do you need?

- My stepmother sent me to ask you for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for me.

- All right, niece, I'll give you a needle and thread, and you sit down while you work!

Here the girl sat down at the window and began to weave.

And the Baba Yaga came out of the hut and said to her worker:

“I’m going to bed now, and you go, heat the bathhouse and wash your niece.” Yes, look, wash it well: wake up - eat it!

The girl heard these words - sits neither alive nor dead. As the Baba Yaga left, she began to ask the worker:

- My dear! You do not so much set fire to firewood in the oven, but fill it with water, and carry water with a sieve! And gave her a handkerchief.

The worker is heating the bath, and the Baba Yaga woke up, went to the window and asked:

- Do you weave, niece, do you weave, dear?

- Weave, auntie, weave, dear!

Baba Yaga went to bed again, and the girl gave meat to the cat and asked:

“Cat-brother, teach me how to run away from here.”

Cat says:

- There is a towel and a comb on the table, take them and run as soon as possible: otherwise the Baba Yaga will eat it! Baba Yaga will chase after you - you put your ear to the ground. When you hear that she is close, throw a comb - a dense dense forest will grow. While she is wading through the forest, you will run far away. And again you hear the chase - throw a towel: a wide and deep river will spill.

- Thank you, cat-brother! the girl says.

She thanked the cat, took a towel and comb and ran.

Dogs rushed at her, wanted to tear her, bite her, - she gave them bread. The dogs missed her.

The gates creaked, they wanted to slam shut - and the girl poured oil under their heels. They missed her.

The birch made a noise, wanted to quilt her eyes, - the girl tied it up with a ribbon. Birch missed her. The girl ran out and ran as fast as she could. Runs and doesn't look back.

Meanwhile, the cat sat down by the window and began to weave. Not so much weaving as confusing!

Baba Yaga woke up and asked:

Are you weaving, niece, are you weaving, dear?

And the cat answered her:

- Weave, aunt, weave, dear!

Baba Yaga rushed into the hut and sees that the girl is gone, and the cat is sitting, weaving.

Baba Yaga began to beat and scold the cat:

“Oh, you old rascal! Oh you villain! Why did you let the girl out? Why didn't he gouge her eyes out? Why didn't you scratch your face?

And the cat answered her:

“I have been serving you for so many years, you didn’t throw a gnawed bone at me, but she gave me meat!”

Baba Yaga ran out of the hut, attacked the dogs:

- Why didn’t they tear the girl, why didn’t they bite? ..

The dogs say to her:

- We have been serving you for so many years, you didn’t throw us a burnt crust, but she gave us bread!

Baba Yaga ran up to the gate:

Why didn't they creak, why didn't they clap? Why did they let the girl out of the yard? ..

Gate says:

“We have been serving you for so many years, you haven’t poured water under your heels for us, but she didn’t spare us butter!”

Baba Yaga jumped up to the birch:

Why didn't you gouge the girl's eyes?

Birch answers her:

“I have been serving you for so many years, you didn’t bandage me with a thread, but she gave me a ribbon!”

Baba Yaga began to scold the worker:

“Why didn’t you, such and such, wake me up, call me?” Why was she released?

The worker says:

- I have been serving you for so many years - I have never heard a kind word from you, but she gave me a handkerchief, she spoke well and kindly to me!

Baba Yaga shouted, made a noise, then sat down in a mortar and rushed off in pursuit. He drives with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom ...

And the girl ran and ran, stopped, put her ear to the ground and hears: the earth is trembling, shaking - Baba Yaga is chasing, and it’s very close ...

The girl took out a comb and threw it over her right shoulder. A forest has grown here, dense and tall: the roots of the trees go three fathoms underground, the tops of the clouds prop up.

Baba Yaga rushed in, began to gnaw and break the forest. She gnaws and breaks, and the girl runs further.

How much, how little time has passed, the girl put her ear to the ground and hears: the earth is trembling, shaking - Baba Yaga is chasing, very close.

The girl took a towel and threw it over her right shoulder. At the same moment, the river overflowed - wide, very wide, deep, very deep!

Baba Yaga jumped up to the river, gritted her teeth in anger - she could not cross the river.

She returned home, gathered her bulls and drove to the river:

“Drink, my bulls!” Drink the whole river to the bottom!

The bulls began to drink, but the water in the river does not decrease.

The Baba Yaga got angry, lay down on the shore, and began to drink water herself. She drank, she drank, she drank, she drank until she burst.

And the girl, meanwhile, knows that she is running and running.

In the evening, the father returned home and asked his wife:

— Where is my daughter?

Baba says:

- She went to her aunt - to ask for a needle and thread, but something was delayed.

The father got worried, he wanted to go look for his daughter, but the daughter ran home, out of breath, she could not catch her breath.

Where have you been, daughter? the father asks.

— Ah, father! the girl answers. - My stepmother sent me to her sister, and her sister is a baba-yaga, a bone leg. She wanted to eat me. I ran away from her!

As the father found out all this, he became angry with the evil woman and drove her out of the house with a dirty broom. And he began to live together with his daughter, together and well.

Here the fairy tale ends.