Promotion of country park-hotels and clubs. How to “promote a hotel” so that it would earn? Basic rules for how to promote a small hotel

How to promote a hotel on the Internet - for sure, this question worries any representative of the hospitality industry. Now everyone understands that with the help of the Internet it is possible to organize both the influx of customers and communication with them.
First of all, we can note the great convenience and accessibility of the online environment for every person. If, for example, we take the case when a person wants to book a hotel room, select all the suitable conditions, look at photos and additional services, then he will definitely look for information on the net.
It is worth noting that it is the Internet today that makes it possible to find all the necessary and interesting information in the right form.

What can you get from the hotel website?

  • Detailed information about all services;
  • See photos by which you can determine the situation of the rooms;
  • Determine how convenient the hotel is for you;
  • Choose a room that suits the price;
  • Make an order, book a hotel room.

In general, we can say that a full-fledged website allows the hotel to serve customers at a distance.

Hotel website promotion

Naturally, in order for as many people as possible to find the site, it needs to be promoted on the network. For this, the following popular methods are often used:

  1. Promotion through articles - about cities and countries;
  2. Contextual advertising for the most "fat" requests;
  3. Promotion by buying links
  4. Internal optimization of meta tags on the site;
  5. Registration of the hotel on tourist portals and catalogs;
  6. Banner advertising in online travel magazines and blogs.

The hotel business is extremely oversaturated with offers of hotels of various stripes and categories. In such a market, the most successful strategy will be the allocation of narrow niche products, for example: inexpensive hostels for young people, quiet cozy pensions for the elderly, luxury hotels with a high level of service, hotels clubs, etc.

And pay attention - the most key places for bold queries are occupied by large information projects, which will be very, very difficult to overtake. Therefore, it makes sense for the hotel to be placed in directories of similar web resources.

You can also highlight specific ways to promote the hotel website:

  • Hidden advertising on forums
  • Necessarily - reviews and increase in the ratings of the hotel on special portals
  • SMM - promotion of a group in a social network. This is a very promising direction for hospitality! Groups about beautiful places, travel, delicious food can quickly gain popularity.
  • Image articles in online magazines that your target audience reads
  • Promotion of video clips with reviews of hotel rooms, sights or events in the city
  • It is important to place the hotel on Google and Yandex maps

  • Confluence-WIKI
  • Drupal
  • Skype
  • Google Docs

A small hotel on a business trip or on vacation is chosen not only according to the location principle or based on economic considerations; Quite often a guest is attracted by privacy, “homely” comfort, an individual approach to the guest, which, as is commonly believed, are characteristic of mini-hotels. These strengths can form the basis of promotion and increase sales. How to use them? A few recommendations from Sergey Skorbenko, director of the DigitalWill agency, which specializes in hotel Internet marketing.

Sergey Skorbenko, CEO of the company DigitalWill, one of the leading Russian experts in the hotel business. The agency specializes in the promotion of hotels on the Internet and e-commerce for the hospitality industry. The company was founded in 2008, the number of clients at the moment is 104.

Make your site easier and more convenient

The acquaintance of a new client with a hotel usually begins with the website. It is important that a potential guest can quickly and easily find all the important information. Make it easier for him - simplify the main page, remove unnecessary internal pages, make contact details as visible as possible. On the main page we also leave current special offers, services, rooms.

The most easy, clear and convenient is still considered a block diagram of the location of information. It will also give the site mobility and dynamics: at any time you add or remove data, change images, bring to the fore the most relevant and “delicious”.

When structuring information, follow the trend principle - fewer words, more pictures. And for filming it is worth hiring a professional photographer: visualization is not the best article for saving.

Expand the ability to contact you quickly and "live" - ​​as practice shows, the Russian client still prefers personal communication with the manager to all modern booking methods. Therefore, make contact information end-to-end for all pages, putting them, for example, in the "header". And if you haven't connected online chat and a quick booking form yet, I highly recommend it: it's not expensive, but it leads to real sales and really works.

Develop and update the site

The key mistake that we constantly encounter is that Russian hoteliers do not consider it necessary to deal with a hotel website, or do it irregularly and reluctantly. As a result, the image of the hotel in the network can differ sharply from its image in real life, and this is categorically wrong. They must match. The site should be treated as an effective sales channel, so it should not be "abandoned". Update information, highlight interesting promotions, refresh the main page, optimize it for better indexing by search engines.

A good website is informative not only for visitors. If you regularly and competently shoot and analyze the indicators of counters, you can better understand the behavior and motivation of the audience on the site. What information the client was interested in, how much time he spent on the promotion page, how quickly he went to the booking form or the contact page... Let the clients themselves tell you what information can be discarded and what needs to be corrected. Competent analytics will also allow you to set up an advertising campaign taking into account time, location and other key indicators and save your budget.

Build Loyalty

The turnover of small hotels does not allow investing the advertising budget in full-fledged seo-traffic. In this case, such a capital-intensive topic as classic SEO promotion can be abandoned. However, in the context of improving the position of the site in the issuance of search engines, seo should not be deleted.

To attract a new audience, I recommend that you regularly conduct a well-thought-out contextual campaign, bringing potential customers to the hotel website, where you should try to keep it by all available means. By the way, it is important to keep not only on the site - for a mini-hotel, repeat sales are of key importance. Therefore, we build work on loyalty: we carefully maintain a customer base; we tactfully, but persistently and regularly remind ourselves of ourselves through mailing lists and congratulations; Based on the interests of the client, we form unique special offers and talk about it.

Develop Smart Context

The main tool that will work effectively to attract customers is the context, and it must first be set up. In order to be noticed among competitors, the hotel must have a really attractive offer for popular requests.

When building a campaign, work with geo-targeting and the most targeted queries from a narrow audience segment. For example, if the mini-hotel is located near a popular attraction (museum, theater, etc.), you can offer special conditions for those who intend to attend a certain cultural event. Another example is that you can selectively target honeymooners, which will be most effective in conjunction with special offers for lovers or honeymoon trips. In other words, you need to know your audience. Then there will be no problems with ideas for original and really attractive proposals.

Create special offers

Presence on recommendation and cartographic services is a must for a mini-hotel. Yes, these medals are worth fighting for, and yes, you need to be present on all major rating portals. So the hotel does not just get into the field of view of new customers - it increases the interest of those of them who are already one step away from making a reservation. In practice, of the total number of people who are interested in your hotel on, eighty percent will go to the hotel website. This is excellent traffic, which can be up to 90% in the total flow of website visitors. The next step is to keep the potential customer. One of the tools that works very well in this case is a special offer for guests from

It is necessary for a small hotel to develop pages in social networks, but super results can hardly be expected in this direction. Social networks are not always about sales, but it is always about reputation. Indeed, in Russian practice, cases of successful sales through social accounts are still rare (but they are already appearing). But there are many thousands of examples when active users of social networks shared their negative and positive reviews about the hotel.

Create a page for your hotel so that customers can find this platform, if they wish, where they can not only get information, but also speak out. Tell on the page about everything that happens in the hotel - show your openness, modernity and readiness for a personal dialogue with everyone. The main thing is to maintain the page regularly, as lively as possible and not to forget about the principle “inform, but do not advertise”.

Show yourself on Instagram

The mission of the hotel in social networks is to show its boundless friendliness. For this, Instagram is just perfect. Each hotel has something to demonstrate and something to captivate. Dishes from the chef, original interiors, friendly staff, etc. The focus can only be on your inherent details and trifles - unique and attractive. Promotion of a mini-hotel in this network does not require huge labor costs and budgets - in most cases, the owner or manager will perfectly cope with this task.

Adapt your website for tablets and smartphones

Try to think about the convenience of your customers. The latest statistical cuts showed that the traffic that goes to hotel websites from smartphones practically did not grow in 2015. While traffic from tablets increased by 30%. Tablets are gradually replacing laptops and desktop computers: many people outside the office prefer to look at pictures and choose hotels from a tablet. Is your website adapted to tablet screens?

Find your "chip"

And tell about it! Not to be like everyone else means to be interesting to many. Around the little things, details, "chips" you can build communication, including an advertising campaign. It can be an interesting location, a nearby attraction, a street name, or some historical significance. It can be your unique idea embodied in the interior. So, in one hotel in St. Petersburg, I noticed noiseless cork floors - a great solution! And in the rooms there were books from Russian classics - another non-standard move. It's interesting, it's memorable.


Don't be afraid to try! Use the novelties that hi-tech constantly throws up. At one time, panoramic photo tours of hotels and rooms looked original. Today there is a new possibility: 360-degree video, which allows the viewer to choose the camera angle to imagine everything even better. Be among the first to try new products to show your willingness to be useful and interesting to the client.

The issue of hostel advertising must be resolved at the stage of starting a business. Outdated methods of promotion, such as flyers and ads, have long lost their relevance. In the article, we will analyze how to promote a hostel and what promotional tools really work.

Hostel promotion: website promotion and optimization

It is not easy to make a name for yourself and stand out from your competitors in Moscow. Hostel promotion on the Internet is an effective and quick way to attract guests.

Customers search for hostels through search engines and apps. The first few positions in the search results are usually viewed. To be in the top, the hostel website needs promotion. To please the user, the site must meet a number of requirements.

How to attract people to the hostel through the site

A clear interface and simple menu navigation are signs of a well-made site. Do not spare money on page design, it will pay off if done right. Add high-quality photos, detailed descriptions, price list. Create a review section.

It is best to provide for the possibility of booking rooms directly on the site. This way you won't lose customers.

Internet advertising: seo-promotion of the hostel website

  • The first thing to do is to collect suitable search queries, focusing on the features of the hostel and its location.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to optimize the site for these requests.
  • Third, fill the pages with high-quality and unique content.

Pay special attention relevance of posted texts to queries. Don't try to weave in key phrases artificially. If the content does not match what the user is looking for, the site will quickly drop from the top.

It is best to delegate these functions to an Internet agency. Specialists can upgrade an existing site or create it from scratch. Do not save on the web resource! The Internet is the main source of attracting guests to the hostel.

Hostel promotion using contextual advertising

Contextual advertising of a hostel in Yandex and Google is another effective way of promotion. Plus contextual advertising - your ads will be visible only to those users who are looking for the information they need. You yourself determine the request pool, the desired region, the time when it is better to enable ads. With proper configuration, contextual advertising will regularly provide the hostel with new guests.

How to promote a hostel in social networks: nuances

Social networks are a good option for additional promotion of the hostel. The main thing is not to advertise the site itself, but special offers: discounts for early bookings, new promotions and other relevant information. Create a group and regularly post information about great room rates, share useful links and conduct surveys.

How to Advertise a Hostel: Booking Sites

Accommodation on such time-tested sites as or, positively affects your reputation. These projects are trusted by millions of tourists. You can add information about the hostel on such sites for free, since the portals are interested in expanding the base of hostels and hotels. You will only need to pay the commission fee for the reservations made.

Buying a hostel with customized ads: what are the benefits

A ready-made business solves the problem of hostel promotion. The object has been operating on the market for a certain period, a customer base has been formed and advertising has been set up. Buying a hostel will save time and money.

Advice from an Expert - Business Consultant

Related photo

The development of domestic tourism and business ties invariably increases the number of trips. Finding a decent hotel in an unfamiliar city is not an easy task. To promote your own hotel and receive a stable income, you should use an integrated approach.

Just follow these simple step by step tips and you will be on the right track.

Quick step by step guide

So, let's get down to action, tuning in to the result.

Step - 1
Make sure that your hotel is advertised in all city directories, electronic maps, yellow pages. Always try to highlight the name of your hotel in the general listing, using a banner, a different font or additional advertising lines. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 2
Create a quality website for your hotel. Today, more and more people, going on a trip, prefer to find and book hotels on the Internet. Place on the page the maximum amount of information, high-quality photos, develop a booking function and several types of payment. Take care of SEO-optimization of the site: when users query your city, the name of the hotel should appear at the top of the list of results. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 3
Approach thoughtfully to a choice of channels of distribution of advertising about your hotel. Think of non-standard solutions. Enter into partnerships with travel companies that organize tours and trips to your city. For a certain percentage, they will book your hotel for their guests. Inform the Chamber of Commerce and Industry about your work, as there is always a flow of visitors during major business events of a regional scale. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 4
Pay special attention to customer retention and meeting their needs. Many visitors to the city prefer to stay in the same hotel. Moreover, a satisfied client will always recommend your hotel to his relatives and colleagues. Therefore, achieve impeccable service, create a cozy and friendly atmosphere in the hotel, constantly analyze the opinions and requests of guests.

We recommend that you pay attention to the following tips:
Do not make gross mistakes in the service of the hotel, which can give it a bad reputation. Theft, lack of security, poor quality food - all this can negate all your efforts to promote the hotel.

Additional information and useful expert advice:
Order hotel-branded souvenirs for guests to take home. Pens, calendars, sets of paper, magnets: little things like that with your name and contact details on them will always remind you of your hotel.
We hope the answer to your question contains useful information for you. Good luck! To find the answer to your question, use the form -

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Promotion of hotel websites: projects of our Clients

Among our more than 3,000 Clients there are many different hotels!

Features of hotel promotion on the Internet

  • Ease of use of the site.
    The hotel website should be as user-friendly as possible. An intuitive structure, the right color scheme, the right button in the right place - these and other aspects of usability must be taken into account even at the stage of creating a site. An Internet resource that is convenient and pleasant to use is much easier to promote in search engines, and, of course, it is much easier for it to retain visitors. If the site was created without taking into account all the promotion requirements and usability criteria, this can be corrected. Demis Group's professional specialists will make a usability audit, prepare recommendations and, after approval, implement them on the site, creating all conditions for the successful and prompt promotion of the hotel in the network.
  • Perfect text content.
    A potential client draws information, first of all, on the site. Here, “crooked” texts are unacceptable, in which keywords and phrases are clumsily embedded. Strange text may help the site to rise in the search results, but it will definitely not be able to keep the visitor's attention and motivate him to book a room. It is clear that promotion for the sake of promotion does not make sense. Therefore, a professional with highly specialized knowledge in the field of hotel business should work on the texts for the site pages. The skill of a high-level copywriter lies precisely in the ability to create selling texts that are ideal for SEO promotion.
  • Photo gallery and room reservation system.
    Effective promotion of the hotel is possible if the site contains optimized texts, images, videos, etc. in the correct proportions. A beautiful photo gallery will give an idea of ​​the level of the hotel, the number of rooms, the restaurant, as well as the surrounding attractions, beautiful views from the windows and other distinctive features. A virtual tour of the hotel can also become one of the competitive advantages of your business. Another important tool is the online room reservation system. If the visitor liked the site, you should not let him go to competitors. It would be very correct to provide a potential client with the opportunity to immediately send a request for booking a room.
  • Management of representative offices and advertising in social networks.
    In addition to optimizing the site itself, you need to take care of creating a positive reputation. If there are a lot of positive reviews about the hotel, there are regularly updated representations in social networks, a potential client will be more willing to make a choice in his favor. Hotel promotion requires an integrated approach. You need to provide users with as much information as possible in order to gain their trust and, as a result, get loyal customers who will advise you to their friends and acquaintances.

Entrust the promotion of your site to professionals!