Top article exchanges: why are they needed and how to choose the best one for making money? Overview of the best copywriting and rewriting exchanges Runet content exchanges and their characteristics.

» It was noted that it is better to start mastering the profession with content exchanges or copywriting. This is the best starting point. Although you need a copywriter with good writing skills everywhere on the web, you need to start in safe places where you can get help from moderators and learn how to write good copy.

Having become stronger professionally, many performers go into "pure" freelance, starting to work without intermediaries. But some remain under the wing of their favorite portal, because it is safe and familiar here. The exchange will protect in case of misunderstanding with the customer, in case of any attempt to deceive and manipulate. Working as a copywriter here is more relaxed.

Disadvantages: No high prices like independent freewriters. Freelance copywriters consider the cost of 500 rubles per thousand characters to be an insignificant price; exchange authors have orders at this price once every six months. Even high-ranking performers who write texts worth 100-200 rubles are sometimes forced to take orders at lower prices.

Copywriting exchange - easy start

Any content exchange is a place where a copywriter is always needed. Here you can find a job at any time without waiting for vacancies to appear.

Where to write articles for money?

All content services are elementary school, but eTXT is like kindergarten or nursery school in comparison. Nowhere else do they coddle newcomers like they do here. The work of a copywriter is noticeably facilitated by the help of moderators, which can be obtained literally at any time of the day. The response to each question is given almost instantly, with a detailed explanation. Moderators will teach you how to write, poking your nose at all the mistakes. These are real professionals, even journalists with experience and experience cannot get stars from them the first time. By the way, if the first time a beginner fails to improve his skills, do not be upset, take it again, learn the rules and analyze the mistakes made.

This copywriting exchange is relatively young, with just over half a million authors, but currently it is in the lead, overtaking all content veterans - services that provide such services for much longer in time. In addition to the responsiveness of the administration, fair arbitration, absolute honesty should be noted. There are practically no delays in payments, the withdrawal of money starts with a small amount of 250 rubles. A withdrawal request can be submitted at any time, it is accepted automatically, the money is sent to the wallet in three to five days.

The oldest and most respected copywriting exchange that has nurtured many talented artists. For beginners, it is convenient in that it offers many easy orders such as those offered. If someone on the Internet started his activity with this, he can continue on Advego, gradually gaining experience in writing articles and smoothly moving into copywriting. The number of performers here exceeds one million (1.2 million). The service provides free software for everyone. SEO analysis is performed on it by copywriters who are not registered here. Customers in the TOR often give tasks to check the text according to Advego for water content (the number of unnecessary words in the text) and frequency (repetition of words and keys). Work as a copywriter necessarily includes a comprehensive check of the text, according to the assignment received. Advego Exchange comes to the rescue.

A newly created project that has gained popularity with software. Allows you to check the text for uniqueness, literacy and SEO. A comprehensive online check is performed in a couple of minutes. This is the only exchange where work as a customer and a copywriter is possible from one account. Convenient, no need to register twice. If the customer earns money by creating texts or he needs a copywriter, because there is no time to write on his own, and he is ready to create an order, it is easy to do everything from the same account. Another feature: often there are no fixed prices. The customer does not indicate the cost of the work, but chooses a price from the options offered by the performers. In such a casting, the one who dumps (offers a lower price) more often wins, but this may take into account the rating of the performer, portfolio, information about the author, the text of the application.

Be sure to read the step-by-step instructions - - it will help beginners to get comfortable and understand this area.

Good day, my dear friends! I often talk about making money on articles. Beginners might have a question: “Where to show themselves and start making money?” Today I am here to answer. I want to talk about article exchanges, where thousands of people already receive a decent income from texts.

A text exchange is an intermediary site for performers and customers. There, copywriters sell their articles or write to order. Webmasters and bloggers are also not deprived. They can buy or order content if they don't have the time or skills to deal with it. In the end, everyone is happy.


One of the leaders in copywriting, rewriting - Text. Customers and performers love it for its own tools that help to check texts and make them better.

The disadvantage is a decent commission. Beginners pay 10% of income.

Everyone is assigned the status of a student. It changes with the growth of the rating. Points are awarded individually for each order. For work from a customer with PRO status, you get more than usual.

On average, 30-50 rubles are paid for 1,000 characters. With a high rating, there are orders for 100 - 300 rubles / 1,000 characters.

There is an article store. But the requirements are tougher than on Etxt. Often texts fly into the trash due to errors.

How to register on the site, take an order or sell an article, you can read in my.


You can not only write articles, but also comments, repost on social networks, reprint audio into text.

Order for the site:

  • texts,
  • reviews or comments,
  • filling groups in social networks,
  • visiting sites to increase the site in search results.

The account is kept in dollars. Money is paid to WebMoney, Qiwi or a bank card. To do this, you need to dial 5 $.

The typical price for 1,000 characters without spaces is $0.5 - $1.

- a new creation. Came to light in 2015. For 2 years, the project managed to gain several thousand users, which, compared with large exchanges, is a drop in the ocean.

There is a standard guarantee for the contractor, the customer. Did it - got it, no - they lowered the rating, the money was returned from the account.

You can earn in two ways:

  1. Submit articles for sale. The authors estimate the work at 35 - 60 rubles / 1,000 characters. Sometimes they just put a price for the whole text.
  2. Search orders. The cost per kilosign is almost the same as on other exchanges without restrictions - 40 - 60 rubles. If you are lucky, you will find generous customers who will pay 110 - 120 rubles.

Webmasters can stock up on content here. The prices are attractive.

The site has its own anti-plagiarism. True, only registered users are allowed to use it without a limit. Guests can check 1 text once a day. A little slow, a long time to wait for the result.

Notorious for low competition. It's very easy to get a job for $0.8 kilosign. The requirements for the authors are so low that among the top performers there are illiterates.

Neotext has the wildest commission - 20%. Earn $100, give back $20 of them.

It is also unpleasant that they take their commissions upon withdrawal. You immediately see how much money leaves your account, and motivation decreases.

At Copylancer and the prices are pleasant, and the administration is fluffy. The exchange has been operating since 2007 and has managed to recruit over 50,000 authors and customers.

Some orders can be taken on the fly without applications. Just fill out your application first. There is no need to pass tests, only upgrade the status along with the rating. They grow from customer ratings.

Copywriters receive from 50 rubles. for 1,000 characters, and rewriters - 30 - 70 rubles each, depending on the level.

Webmasters and bloggers also have something to profit from here. More than 15 themes, plagiarism protection help to fill the site without problems. You can buy not only an article, but also a unique photo. You will save time searching for content.

The exchange transfers money to a bank card, WebMoney and Qiwi.

I did the same in a separate post.

A lifesaver for SEOs or bloggers. The site specializes in promoting articles. You can buy a place to advertise your site, but you must specify not a link, but an entire article with a thematic anchor.

Where can I get articles for Miralinks if you don't know how or don't want to write? You create an order on one of the top copywriting exchanges, choose one worthy author among a bunch.

Positions itself as an article store. Here you can take orders, but they are few, and for beginners they are available only for a fee - $ 10.

The price for 1,000 characters starts from 20 rubles. and takes off up to 150 - 200 rubles. With a low rating, exorbitant prices will not work.

You can earn decent money. But after all, selling is such a thing ... Today I was able to sell an article, and then you wait a whole month in the hope of a buyer. Until you get good reviews in your profile, rating points - do not rush to make Textsale the main place to earn money.

Bloggers, content managers will like a rich assortment here. A site on any topic can be filled from the first to the last page.

We also have.

Top text exchanges for advanced copywriters

I believe that income should grow along with experience. You learned how to insert keys, write hypnotic texts without errors, but not get 30 rubles. for 1,000 characters.

I offer you a list of top exchanges where you can earn from 110 rubles / 1,000 symbols.

Of course, no one will just let you into the elite detachments. Get ready to take exams.

What to do if it doesn't work? Rise to a new level, increase income, prepare for exams on the exchanges will help you. You will become better than 90% of authors in Runet. No competition will be terrible.

Now let's move on to our high paying exchanges.

Performers are well paid. Professionals with a high rating even receive 150 - 300 rubles. for 1,000 characters. Beginners start at 22 rubles, but is that bad? Some exchanges offer 5 - 10 rubles. beginners.

The main catch is that you will have to pass a test and submit an essay for verification. If you get a score below 4, only micro tasks will remain available, like likes, reposts, comments.

The commission bites. The system takes 20% from the income. But the high prices make up for it.

Why is the exchange attractive for customers? Quality. All performers are selected according to strict requirements. Therefore, the risk of getting not an article, but a set of letters, is minimal.

In our article.

- a harsh exchange for real professionals. Active since 2011. Examinations for admission to orders are held in two stages. A few wrong answers and access is denied.

Even after passing the test, I do not advise you to relax. Moderators monitor the quality of articles, and if they see errors, violation of technical requirements, they can lower the rating or ban for a week.

The advantage for a copywriter is pricing. No one here will let you set a price of less than 20 rubles. per kilosign. If you want cheaper, go to another exchange - site policy.

I advise customers to pay attention to the site because of the severity of the selection of authors. You will get the job of a professional, not a schoolboy.

Copywriting, rewriting and SEO copywriting exchanges are becoming more and more popular with freelancers every day. After all, life does not stand still, and working on the Internet today is a sought-after business. People are not surprised if another acquaintance becomes a freelancer. If you want to switch to working on the Internet, you should take a closer look at several sites of copywriting exchanges - it’s easier to start with them for a person who wants to devote himself to intellectual work, and not like and repost for a penny. Copywriting on the Internet is a popular area of ​​remote work.

8 best copywriting and rewriting exchanges

Work on the copywriting exchange should be carried out on 2-3 useful resources, so you should not pounce on sites one by one. Let's look at the best copywriting exchanges for making money.

Copywriting exchangeEtxt with high pay for beginners

In 2019, the Etxt copywriting exchange is popular among copywriters. It and

It’s understandable: a lot of orders accumulate here every day, and prices are not limited in any way - write 5 rubles per thousand characters or 200 rubles. The exchange has a clear interface, so you don’t have to spend a lot of time trying to figure it out, and if something remains unclear, you are invited to contact the feedback - they promptly answer questions.

To get started on the site, it is advisable to pass a literacy test, if you answer 7 out of 10 questions correctly, tasks from 25 rubles per 1000 characters will be available. To take on expensive tasks, you need to pass qualification tests and get stars. This is also the best exchange for ordering articles.

Copywriting and rewriting exchange Advego

Once the Advego copywriting exchange headed the top copywriting exchanges, but in 2019 it is no longer so popular. This was due to the fact that the prices for tasks do not increase. You can earn here both in rubles and in dollars. You can also earn money by completing simple tasks, for example, subscribe to social networks, leave comments, and so on. Just like on Etxt, it is allowed to sell articles. Therefore, the exchange criteria are almost the same, it is impossible to single out the one on which articles are sold faster.

Exchange of rewriting and copywriting Text

Most often, people come to this site to check the text for uniqueness. In addition, this a rewriting exchange that allows you to increase earnings on copywriting and rewriting, there are many tasks, prices are not limited. To get the job, you need to prove to the customer the benefits offered. Rating plays a role - it is awarded for completing tasks and filling out a profile, passing a resource knowledge test, adding materials to a portfolio and posting articles.

Well-known article exchange TextSale

This resource differs from those listed above in that there are no tasks in the public domain.
To find customers, you need to pay the amount. The site is convenient for selling content. The Textsale exchange is suitable for those authors who prefer to write on their favorite topics, to be free-floating, and not to adapt to the requirements of the customer. You can earn a lot here if you post a lot of articles. But it is better to use this Internet resource as an additional one and complete tasks on other sites.

TurboText is a convenient exchange for copywriters

To get started here on writing articles, authors take a 15 literacy test
questions, write a test article-essay with a size of 1000 characters. After successfully passing the essay (for grade 4 or 5), orders up to 60 rubles are available. After completing several orders (on average 30), the level of the copywriter rises, the cost of orders also increases accordingly. There is also an opportunity to perform mini-tasks, these are the same comments, registrations, likes.

Freelance Exchange ContentMonster

Registration takes place in several stages: phone verification, literacy test and
writing an essay on your favorite topic. In general, it takes about 40 minutes, in addition, you need to wait for the administrator to check the essay.

Everything is the same as on previous exchanges - you submit an application, it is approved, the task must be completed, and payment must be received. There are 5 "steps of the career ladder" on the stock exchange, from beginner to master. The higher the level, the more tasks are available, the prices also increase.

CopyLancer - exchange for ordering content

Here you can both write your own articles for sale, as well as
and fulfill orders. At first, the earnings will be small, since the rating is low and some amount will be spent on checking the text by the editor. But with due diligence, the transition to a new level happens very quickly, and it will be possible to earn much more. The exchange is ideal for selling content.

Miratext is a website for buying/selling high quality content

If we consider new copywriting exchanges, Miratext should be noted. Get there the most difficult of all the sites listed above, but the fee for the tasks justifies all the difficulties. This is where the best writers are. First you need to pass a literacy test, then a test for knowledge of the rules of the exchange, and the third point is writing an article on a given topic. After being admitted to orders, a copywriter can take orders from 40 rubles per 1000 characters. At first, editors will charge 7 rubles per 1,000 characters for checking texts. There are not so many tasks on the exchange, but the pay is decent.

These resources are the best copywriting and rewriting exchanges in 2019. Each of them deserves attention.

Feedback on copywriting exchanges

As for me, I prefer Etxt and Turbotext, despite the bad reviews about the latter. The ranking of the best copywriting exchanges in 2019 also guarantees a stable income on Etxt. There is only one conclusion - this is a convenient service with a diverse set of orders, to find a task to your liking. The Turbotext exchange is interesting because there is no need to wait for the approval of the application - choose any task and complete it. There is a tender - offer a price for completing the task. Miratext did not like the fact that there are too few tasks, and if profitable orders come across, then another copywriter can quickly take him to work. If you make money by writing articles on free topics for sale, then it is better to consider two exchanges - Etxt, Textsale or Advego. Without exaggeration, these are the best article exchanges.

A comparison of exchanges showed that each of them has distinctive features, attractive and repulsive sides, and it is up to the copywriter to choose which site to work on. If you are interested in a copywriting exchange, reviews on sites will help you decide whether to work, tell you the pros and cons.
The projects described above are the best content exchanges. There are less popular article exchanges. For example, ContentMonster and CopyLancer. There are significantly fewer orders here than on Advego or Etxt, but you can do it if you wish.

Where does a novice author come with no work experience? That's right, to the copywriting exchange! No matter how they scold exchanges, they are almost the only option for beginners. No one will take you to a well-paid position if you know about network texts only by hearsay. Exchanges do not require a CV and portfolio. Can work there and a schoolboy, and a pensioner, and a housewife on maternity leave.

If you are just starting your journey in copywriting, we advise you not to rush headlong into big business, but first work on such resources. They will get off to a good start. You will find out what topics are relevant, fill your hand, learn communicate with customers and get used to deadlines. In the future, it’s up to you to decide how to build a career, but for now, it’s enough to choose a suitable exchange, register an account on it, take the text to work and enjoy the first successes.

What income can you expect?

Profit at a distance always depends only on your efforts. Exchanges are no exception. The harder you work, the higher the pay will be. Each exchange is based on a rating system: at first, the participant earns little, and then his income gradually becomes more and more. The main thing is to be active and conscientiously follow the TOR.

The problem with exchanges is that there are price ceiling. If an independent author increases the cost at his own discretion and over time can receive fabulous fees, then on an average exchange it is unrealistic to earn more than 200-300 rubles per 1000 characters. At the same time, you need to start with 20-35 rubles for the same volume and go to increase for many months. Not everyone has the patience.

Good news: it is really possible to accelerate your growth if you choose a suitable site. For experienced copywriters, it is no secret that some exchanges encourage authoring potential, while others are trying in every possible way to please customers and maintain financial stagnation. Therefore, you need to find a place that suits your level and will bring at least minimal, but benefit.

TOP 10 best copywriting exchanges

To make it easier for you to navigate, we decided to compile the TOP 10 best copywriting exchanges in descending order. Let's see which one is worth practicing your writing skills on.

10. Text Sale.

Judging by the first impression, this exchange has much more disadvantages than advantages. After reading the reviews about it, we made several conclusions.

A big problem TextSale is a supermarket system with no alternative. A novice author cannot choose an order. In return, he is invited to write an article on any topic, put it in the public domain and wait until it is bought. This is convenient for customers, but complicates the work of performers. There is no guarantee that the article will not be lost among others, of which there may be hundreds a day. It turns out that people work in vain.

Advertising their services also does not save. On TextSale, you can get a place for an ad on the main page for 50 rubles per day, but many people use it. Therefore, your sign will most likely not be noticed.

The biggest disadvantage of TextSale emerges from this - dumping. Here he just rolls over. If you have a few good articles, don't even try to sell them right off the bat for a decent price. You will have to artificially knock down the cost so that at least someone pays attention to them. And if you already find a customer who will be ready to cooperate with you bypassing the exchange commission, you may be banned.

But TextSale also has its advantages. It is popular, you can try your hand at it and it does not require special skills. For very "green" beginners - great, for more or less experienced guys - already undignified.

9. Advego.

Many started with the famous Advego, and it still causes pleasant nostalgia among most copywriters, but objectively the exchange is not ideal. It is similar to TextSale in many ways. They were created at about the same time and they have almost identical advantages and disadvantages. You can't say anything new, except that Advego has good ones, as well as great loyalty to personal work with customers. But if the client suddenly complains, you will instantly fly into the ban.


The Etxt exchange combines a content store and free orders. It seems to be more pleasant than its predecessors, but its weak link is the price. Sometimes there are suggestions. 5 rubles per 1000 characters. Another drawback is the rigid rating system, which is given a lot of attention. Customers from there will always prefer a person with a large number of “stars” under a nickname to a nameless newcomer.

But Etxt also has strengths. Copywriters who worked there say that the administration treats the performers favorably. Although the principle of "the customer is always right" applies to all cheap exchanges, moderators from Etxt will not turn a blind eye to a clear injustice. Also a clear plus is a cozy interface. It seems to be a trifle, but if you are going to work on the site every day, it is important that its design is not an eyesore.

Is it possible to earn a lot on Etxt? Hardly. Treat this resource as a launching pad and use it for experience. Over time, you will want to find a more profitable place.

7. Copylancer.

There are conflicting opinions about "Copilancer". Most of the complaints come down to modest prices and harsh requirements of the administration. The first immediately catches the eye. Order rates for low and high levels do not differ much. Relatively speaking, the cost of a text for beginners is 30 rubles per thousand characters, for old-timers - 60. Does it make sense to strive to get to the top?

A free order cannot be taken into work immediately. You need to leave a request, and the client will decide whether to transfer it to you or not. Leave applications for 10 texts - there may either be no response, or 9 out of 10. This, in fact, chains the copywriter to the chair and forces him constantly monitor the site so as not to suddenly earn a delay.

However, the "Copilancer" has serious advantages. One of them is arbitration. If for some reason the customer did not like your work, you can complain to the administration and she will judge you. They say that adequate people sit in the moderators of "Copilancer".

6. Turbotext.

Far from the worst option for beginners. One might even say optimal. You will definitely not be left out of work: there are several dozen free orders on the stock exchange. Topics are varied and interesting: law, design, cooking, construction, beauty and health, product descriptions. Thanks to TurboText, you can collect a solid portfolio and decide on the direction of further work.

To get to TurboText, you need to write a simple test task on the proposed topic. Often these topics involve philosophical questions such as: "Do you believe in life after death?". The test is evaluated on a five-point scale. If you pass it to the top five, you will open all the possibilities of the exchange. No - you will be content with cheaper orders and microtasks.

For beginners, there are orders for 60 and even 80 rubles per 1000 characters. Darkens everything 20% commission, but characters are counted with spaces. So, this flaw is slightly compensated.


But this exchange already has more pluses than minuses. And it's not just a convenient service for checking texts. supports mutually beneficial cooperation between customers and contractors. Prices per thousand characters are not extortionate. They depend on the rating, which is earned in multiple ways: well-executed orders, participation in competitions, answers to quizzes, etc. People who worked there say that you can get 20,000 rubles a month, working 3-4 hours a day. day. Not bad!

To successfully linger on, you need follow the rating. Make a mistake - 2000 points can be withdrawn from you and you will return to penny orders again.

4 Monika.

The first thing that attracts attention is tasteful interface. It does not look like "hello from zero", the options are clear, all the most important is highlighted in bright color. It can be seen that the designers did their best.

"Monica" invites the new participant to choose one topic with which he will work for the next couple of months. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. On the one hand, you can pump well in a complex topic (say, IT or medicine), on the other hand, there is no diversity. If you don't want to get hung up on one, it's better to combine Monica with another exchange or custom orders.

It is also important that "Monica" rejects negligent workers. This means that you will have few competitors. No bloody struggle for a single order and a minimum of dumping.

And now we come to the top three...

3. Miratext.

Bronze goes to the glorious Miratext exchange. If you don't have any work experience but are really good at writing, this is the place for you. They always welcome good employees and are ready to appreciate their efforts.

On Miratext you need pass the required exam consisting of a test and a written assignment. When you pass it, you will notice that the technical requirements on the exchange are mostly adequate, without a “sheet” of requirements. Customers go towards copywriters, not forcing the latter to spend several hours adjusting “nausea” or “wateriness”.

This is not to say that the exchange is perfect in every respect. If you are planning a big career, sooner or later you will become crowded within Miratext. But as first steps it is more than suitable.

2. Smart copywriting.

The second place in our TOP-10 is rightfully earned by the Smart Copywriting exchange. It justifies its name: smart people who can work effectively and sell their services are welcome there.

Smart Copywriting is not like an exchange in the traditional sense. It's more of a site that hosts jobs for copywriters. Many proposals are designed for long-term cooperation (for example, write 50 texts for an online store). Under most of them is the contract price. This is very good for independent authors who know the value of their work.

The only small minus is the rating system where seats are bought. This can influence the decision of the customer, who prefers mediocrity with a high position to a talented newcomer. But, fortunately, people often come to the exchange who look at real skills, and not at numbers.

1. TextBroker.

And the famous copywriting agency TextBroker becomes the first in our ranking. It is at least head and shoulders above all other exchanges. TextBroker is not just a temporary shelter, but a full-time job with good pay. Many authors stay there for several years, simultaneously fulfilling individual orders and working for other studios.

To get into TextBroker, you need to have a good background. At a minimum, you must have some strong lyrics. When registering, the administrator will ask you for examples of articles or the name of an account on some other exchange. There is no need to pass the test task - you will be accepted (or not accepted) immediately after the test.

When entering TextBroker, remember that this place is not for everyone. There are no need for empty accounts. Inactive users are banned, as well as those who overdue orders. Therefore, you will have to periodically appear at the bureau, even if you are busy with other orders.

However, the difficulties are worth it. Local old-timers not only earn from 300 to 700 rubles per 1000 characters, but also receive powerful support. TextBroker administrators know literally every member by sight. If a copywriter succeeds in any subject, he is helped to find other paying clients. Become a valuable asset and you will forget what unemployment is.


Each of the exchanges is good and bad in its own way. When choosing, try to focus on your own strengths, and not on other people's value judgments. Don't be discouraged if you failed to pass the test in a closed copywriting community. Perhaps you need to improve skills on an easier resource. And, of course, value yourself. If you see that you are being treated unfairly, find another place to work.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to write about the nuances and aspects of working with popular content exchanges and copywriting.

Such sites are designed to bring together those who need texts (usually webmasters or SEOs) and those who earn money on this business.

Here it is much easier to find what you need and automate the process to the maximum, practically reducing the risks of unsuccessful transactions to zero.

It is convenient for everyone, and therefore there are quite a lot of such exchanges at the moment, and the main problem is to choose the ideal option for yourself among this heap.

There are many people on the network who have enough time and who at least once thought about. For some, such aspirations pass after a few minutes, while others begin an active search for information on this topic. And this article focuses on the second category.

Meet the copywriting exchanges

I will say right away that if you do not want to make an effort or are completely unable to put thoughts into a coherent text, then the only what can you expect- This:

  1. (for example, Questionnaire or My Opinion)
  2. Writing (for example, or )
  3. Setting (for example, or )
  4. (for example, VkTarget)
  5. Other variants such as Ru-captcha, etc.

But if you need more and are really willing to put in the effort, then let's get to know the guinea pigs:

The main boom in copywriting exchanges started in 2007. It was then that knowledgeable people realized that the development of the web industry is in full swing. Significance, and original guarantors in transactions between the customer and the contractor did not yet exist. Taking part of their earnings as a commission, these online services have opened the way for hundreds of applicants start making money sitting at the computer drinking tea.

Very soon, more "tasty" orders will not bypass you. Perhaps you will be interested in some employer and he will offer you permanent cooperation. Thus, earn 3-4 thousand rubles per month won't be a problem at all.

It is worth mentioning the fact that you can withdraw earned money only if you have 250 rubles in your account. The transfer takes at least three days (within five working days). For those who do not want to wait, an express withdrawal is provided, but for this the system will charge 5% on top.

The official site is made in blue colors that do not strain the eyes. It will take about thirty minutes to fully understand it. All main elements are located on the right. Above is general information. All in all, etxt copywriting interface can be called very friendly and intuitive:

ETXT Pros:

  1. Ease of registration;
  2. Good attitude of the administration to the performers;
  3. Ease of getting the first orders;
  4. High probability of finding regular customers;
  5. An abundance of various orders for every taste and color.
  6. Unloaded interface.

Cons of the ETXT copywriting exchange:

  1. Low cost of orders;
  2. Sufficiently high competition;
  3. Lack of a decent system of free sales;

Conclusion: As you can see from the pros/cons ratio, the content factory called Etxt fairly balanced. It is ideal for beginners who want to try themselves as a copywriter or. A large number of orders will not leave you without work, and a rising rating will open the way to well-paid orders.

Advego - the oldest job and copywriting exchange

Authors are offered both work with customers and an article store for free sales. High prices for work should not be expected, they have long been occupied by old-timers. Newcomers, on the other hand, will have to survive on cheap orders, for which there is also fierce competition.

Advantages of the Advego open content exchange:

  1. Ease of registration;
  2. There is no need for a portfolio;
  3. Orders can be taken immediately, without waiting for a choice by the customer;
  4. Existing articles can be sold in the store. If you set a low price, then they will definitely be bought;
  5. There are several convenient built-in services ( , text analysis);

Cons of Advego:

  1. Very high competition;
  2. Low prices for work;
  3. Terrible management attitude.

Text.Ru can be called a top or popular exchange, because it has its own contingent. A novice author may face a lack of work, as well as difficulties in withdrawing money, but it’s still worth a try.

One of its features is the rating of performers, on which the prices of orders directly depend. And also there is an opportunity to buy a PRO-account, if you want to get privileges and bonuses.

Of all the content factories described above interface Text.Ru I liked the most. Unobtrusive tones and ergonomics adjust to the working mood. All functions are available at your fingertips and it doesn't take long to find them. It will take no more than 20-30 minutes to understand all the functionality.

Pros of

  1. High popularity;
  2. Ease of registration;
  3. Rating system, on which order prices depend;
  4. Convenient and pleasant interface;
  5. Sufficiently high order prices;
  1. You will have to pay for a quick upgrade of your account;
  2. High competition;

TextSail is another exchange open to all copywriters

Free sale cannot guarantee a high level of sales even to "star" authors, and access to orders is opened only in case of payment (the cost of the service is $10). Therefore, newcomers, having suffered the first setbacks and not selling a single article for some time, prefer to go elsewhere.

To start working on this copywriting exchange, it will not be superfluous to write a portfolio and constantly add new articles. It is advisable to add 4-5 articles per day, carefully monitoring their quality.

In fact, it is better for beginners to use Textsale, when, for example, there are no specific orders from competing services (Advego, Etxt and others), you can safely write on topics that are in demand here. The probability that they will be bought is not very high, but sooner or later they will be sold.

The low minimum withdrawal amount (200 rubles) makes this content exchange an ideal option for auxiliary earnings (bought a couple of articles - withdrew money). Withdrawal of funds is carried out within two days. After the copywriter receives the first star (or pays access for $10), public orders become available to him. The prices there are usually modest, but for stuffing the rating it will do just fine.

From the first glance at the official textsale website, it becomes clear that this service does not dispose people to the senseless contemplation of local "beauties". Strict tones and the absence of various embellishments hint that need to work here. On the right is information about the copywriter's profile, on the left is various useful information, the study of which will slightly increase the chances of selling articles.

Pros of Textsale:

  1. Ease of registration;
  2. Relatively high prices for 1000 characters;
  3. Withdrawal of amounts from 200 rubles;
  4. Work according to the system “as much as I wanted, I wrote as much”;
  5. The rating system is not tied to the amount of orders (+1 rating for a sold article, +1 for
    positive feedback)

Cons of the open copywriting exchange Textsail:

  1. In light of high competition, it is very difficult for beginners to start earning;
  2. Discreet and somewhat overloaded interface;
  3. Paid services (advertising, access to orders);
  4. The attitude of the administration towards the performers is not the best.

Conclusion: If we consider other content exchanges as a constant source of income, and text sale as a source of additional, then work on it will be fully justified. It will be difficult for beginners here, but if you are lucky, you can make very good money.

Semi-open copywriting exchanges

The main difference from open services is that to get started, a copywriter required to pass a series of tests. Usually this is a test for knowledge of the Russian language, the questions of which are taken from the tasks of the Unified State Examination (you can prepare at

The second stage is writing a copyright, or a rewrite, which is evaluated by a moderator. Based on this, a decision on admission to work is made.

Turbotext is an interesting text exchange

If you fail to pass the test task, you can stay and complete micro-tasks, the price for which is low, but slightly higher than on other resources.

If the test control is successfully passed, then you can start searching for orders. There are fewer of them here than on the old open exchanges, but, as local copywriters say, it is quite enough. In any case, it is worth trying to go through control and look at the service from the inside.

To withdraw funds, an amount of at least 200 rubles is required. Payments are made strictly on Mondays.

The interface design is not good. Burgundy tones are somewhat repulsive, but not annoying. The main buttons are ergonomically located at the top of the page. In general, it will take no more than ten minutes to get acquainted with the device of this content factory.

Pros of Turbotext:

  1. Relatively low number of competitors;
  2. Prices are higher than many other copywriting exchanges;
  3. There are micro-tasks that you can do to kill time;
  1. The complexity of registration (although this can be attributed to the pluses);
  2. Not a very good design;
  3. Small number of customers;

Conclusion: Recommend Turbotext for beginners is possible only if their knowledge of the Russian language is really at a high level. Otherwise, it will turn out to be a waste of time. It is better to get your hands on other services first and only then try your luck here.

Contentmonster is a good place for copywriters

There is a division into MR and MZ accounts. This means that payment for work can be carried out both in rubles and in dollars. Unfortunately, you cannot transfer money from one account to another. To withdraw funds, you need to have 250 rubles on R and $ 5 on Z wallet.

Jobs in this copywriting factory are plentiful. Often, customers themselves offer you a task (more precisely, their white list, you just need not to oversleep this moment). The countdown to the completion of the work begins only after you have confirmed your interest.

The site uses its own text editor, which counts characters. If their number is incorrect, then the work will not be sent to the customer. The prices for work here are acceptable and a beginner can always count on orders for 20-25 rubles. But there are no too expensive orders here either.

Periodically, the system evaluates literacy for a piece of text from a recent order. Grades are given on a 10-point scale and are often inadequate. In addition to the work itself, the authors have access to the “Copywriting School”, the purpose of which is to teach beginners the basic terms and subtleties of the profession. At the end of each training block, it is necessary to write a text task.

The design and ergonomics of this resource can be given the highest score. An excellent combination of colors peacefully coexists with harmoniously integrated functionality. Ten to fifteen minutes is enough to adapt to the exchange.

Pros of ContentMonster:

  1. Pleasant and convenient interface;
  2. Acceptable prices;
  3. The copywriting school will be interesting for beginners.
  1. Separation of the account into MR and MZ;
  2. Lack of customers
  3. Lack of highly paid orders;
  4. The administration does not listen to the performers;
  5. Terrible private messaging system.

Who at least somehow classifies himself as SEO knows about the most popular in Runet. It is believed that only it allows you to really safely place links. But there is one BUT.

Links there are placed in articles provided by the customer, and not every one of them is able to write the necessary text himself or is well acquainted with the text platforms described above. Actually, that's why the "court" exchange was created Miratext to serve these rather narrow interests.

TextBroker and CopyLancer

Many believe that closed content exchanges allow their authors to receive huge amounts of money. But it is not so. First, let's look at the principle of getting there.

What's on TextBroker what on, before you get the right to start earning, you first need to prove that you really deserve it. Applicants are required to have a well-written resume, a full set of works in the portfolio to assess the capabilities of the author, as well as an essay on the topic “Why we should choose you.”

As you can see, newbies in the field of copywriting will not shine here (unless you are a former professional journalist). Yes, and there is no special difference in the money paid. Of course, the prices per order are on average higher, but most of them leave those who registered earlier, and there are simply not enough customers for everyone.

According to the inhabitants of these services themselves, they really pay more there. But unfortunately I can't verify this information.

  1. Lower level of competition;
  2. Higher payment for orders;
  1. The difficulty of getting on such content exchanges;

Freelance and copywriting exchanges

As I said at the beginning of the publication, texts can be ordered (or, conversely, offered writing services) on more general thematic sites, which are often called freelance exchanges.

The principle of work is very similar to them, but since they are not designed to work exclusively with texts, there may not be many of the tools you are used to. This somewhat reduces the automation of work, but often on such sites you can find more profitable offers (both for the customer and the contractor) than on specialized ones (purely text-based).

Among the freelance exchanges are the following:

  1. Workzilla- suitable for novice users who are just trying their hand at copywriting. Read more at the link provided.
  2. Quark- all works here cost 500 rubles, but you can always stipulate additional conditions. read my review article.
  3. weblancer- this is probably the most convenient freelance exchange for novice users.
  4. ( is almost the largest freelance exchange in Runet. There is a rating of freelancers, which is formed on the basis of customer ratings.
  5. one of the oldest exchanges in Runet.
  6. an exchange for professionals, but suddenly you will like it.

Afterword and vote

For those who are just collecting information about making money on the Internet, I can say with confidence that content and copywriting exchanges really allow you to earn money. At first, small (in the first month I earned about 3,000 rubles), but over time, as skills and ratings grow (the appearance of regular customers, including those outside the services described above), earnings can meet all your expectations.

But do not forget about constant self-improvement. If the quality of your texts drops (too lazy to proofread / check uniqueness / write in general), then trust in you may be irretrievably lost.

Keep it up and you will definitely succeed!

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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