How to start streaming on YouTube and earn money. Can you make money streaming? Public posts

Hi all! The current conversation will be of interest to those who spend hours playing computer games. If you are an avid gamer, then you probably want to combine a pleasant pastime with income generation. Knowing how to make money on Twitch, you can reach a profit of $100-300 in a short time. But how do you get down to business? Read the article and I will give you detailed instructions.

What are streams

Earnings on games are associated with such a concept as streams - live broadcasts on the network through special services. Twitch is one of the popular platforms: here users share their walkthroughs or watch others.

What is streaming in games? The process is reminiscent of webinars, because in the main window you can watch the gameplay, and in the chat you can write questions or wishes, discuss the game, communicate. At the same time, the owner of the channel makes sure that the audience does not get bored: he accompanies what is happening with funny comments or teaches how to complete difficult missions. But don't think the process is effortless, because a top Twitch streamer needs knowledge and training comparable to that of a sportscaster.

The competition is great, so newcomers doubt whether it is possible to succeed in the field. The task is feasible if you meet the requirements:

  • can't imagine life without computer games;
  • have charisma and a sense of humor;
  • You know how to communicate with people and attract attention.

Most of the skills needed to make money streaming video can be developed. Be ready to go to the goal and do not lose heart at the first setbacks!

How to create a channel: step by step tips

To create a channel on Twitch, start by registering. At this stage, it is important to indicate that you are over 21 years old. After you receive a confirmation email and activate your account, install a dedicated streaming software:

  • XSplit is convenient, but you will have to pay to work without restrictions;
  • OBS is suitable for those who want to save money and are ready to understand complex functions.

Once you've downloaded and launched the program, link your Twitch account. To do this, find the item Broadcaster, click on Add channel. Select the name of the desired site, and the service will redirect you to a new page. Enter your Twitch account username and password, click Log in and Authorize. The program will be ready to go.

Before you start broadcasting, select an area of ​​the screen that viewers will see:

  • at the top of the monitor, find File;
  • select Add screen region from the drop-down menu.

Now you will set the desired area and start broadcasting: in the Broadcaster section, find your Twitch nickname. Click on the inscriptions and get to work.

Where does the money come from in streams

When thinking about whether you can make money on Twitch, you will ask the question, where does the money come from streams. Viewers make them: they subscribe or make donations, also called donations. Advertising placement remains another important source of income for the site. When the broadcasts gather a sufficient audience, the owners of the service will share the profits

All ways to make money on Twitch

The site provides an opportunity to earn no less than the average office employee receives. Started as a simple streaming site, Twitch has become a source of income for thousands of users. The owners offered different options for making a profit: some are only for partners, but other users will receive money. What are the methods at your disposal?

affiliate program

Participation in the affiliate program does not bring direct profit, but gives access to different types of earnings. To start an official partnership with Twitch, you need to broadcast at least 3 times a week. The number of viewers has also been agreed - from 500 people during each broadcast. When your application is approved, you will have access to paid advertising and other earning services.

Subscribers and how they differ from followers on Twitch

Unlike YouTube, on Twitch there is a difference between paid subscribers (subscribers) and followers. After all, the audience gets the opportunity to encourage the streamer they like by making contributions.

Each channel has a paid subscription for a month, which will cost the viewer $4.99. Since 2017, $9.99 and $24.99 options have also been added. The amount is divided in half between the streamer and the owners of the service. Subscribers, unlike followers, receive a number of advantages:

  1. They have access to additional sets of icons that they use in chats.
  2. A special icon will appear next to the donator's nickname in the chat. Initially, it looks like a star, but channel owners modify the design. They also change icons depending on how much funds the subscriber transferred.
  3. Paid subscribers have access to an exclusive chat.
  4. Gamers also arrange contests or sweepstakes for subscribers to encourage them to renew their subscription.

If you decide to go streaming, connect all the promotion tools. Motivate viewers to pay, thank those who subscribed, but do not fawn. Maintain your self-respect so as not to lose the respect of your admirers.

A video streaming channel will generate more revenue as the audience grows.

Donations from viewers

Knowing how to earn donations on Twitch will give you an additional source of finance. Often, viewers prefer this option to transfer the amount one-time. To receive funds, indicate your details: when you gather an audience, donations will not keep you waiting. In exchange, viewers are asked to say hello, to thank them online, to show a heart with their hands during video broadcasts.

There is no secret tactic by which you can increase donation receipts. Success is determined by the quality of the streams, the charisma of the host, the usefulness of the tips. But some tricks are worth adopting:

  1. Set sound notifications for donations. Come up with more funny phrases with which you will thank for different amounts.
  2. Fans love to be singled out from the crowd, so include nicknames of donors who have made large donations. Come up with funny titles for them.

To receive funds, the PayPal system is suitable, which allows you to accept payments even from foreign audiences. But the donation has a downside: you can become a victim of scammers.

If you have charisma and good looks, gather an audience, bathe in the admiration of weavers (as the audience is also called), you will have envious people. They can transfer money to the wallet of the electronic system and open a dispute, stating that they did not receive the product or service. The funds will be returned to them, so streamers are asked not to withdraw money until 180 days have passed from the date of their receipt.

Embedded advertising

There is an additional problem, because users remove ads using AdBlock. Feel free to make appeals to turn off the block, saying that the audience will thank you for your work in this way.

The frequency of impressions can be adjusted manually, but do not abuse the function. Run ads when you leave your computer or take a short break. The maximum frequency of demonstrations is 3 times per hour.

Direct advertisers

It will be possible to increase income by cooperating with direct advertisers. You can promote websites, advertise beauty products, drinks, computer accessories. The owners of popular channels are given money even for sitting in a chair of a certain brand!

Payment depends on the number of viewers and the type of advertising: if you just wear a company logo T-shirt during the broadcast, the price will be lower than direct calls to make a purchase.

Sale of goods

Beginning streamers will also promote products by offering viewers to make purchases on Amazon or other sites. You can sell your own things or cooperate with an online store. Gadgets and software are in demand on the site, so post recommendations with links to products in the chat. But you can’t spam them, otherwise you will lose the trust of the viewers.

To plan your budget, consider seasonal recessions. Sales increase before the New Year holidays, at the beginning of summer, on the eve of autumn. Research conducted by Twitch revealed the following trends:

  • in January, February, April and July, incomes are low;
  • in March, May, August and September the indicator increases;
  • in June, October, November and December you will extract the maximum profit.

Consider the subtleties, and in a few months you will reach a stable income. If you still have questions about how to quickly make money on Twitch, watch the video with a detailed analysis:

Secrets of making money on Twitch

How much can you earn from streaming? The answer depends on perseverance and the ability to interact with the audience. Despite the competition in the field, some channel owners are making fortunes. Follow their example, and over time, streaming income will become the main one.

How to choose a game to stream

When thinking about how to make money on Twitch from scratch, you can get confused at the stage of choosing a game. The main rule is not to focus on what is “cool” and “popular”, but stick to your preferences. Niche video streaming focused on a narrow circle of weavers collects more views than the next stream of Overwatch. After all, viewers will not scroll through a list of 1,000 channels to get to yours! Choose a lesser known game, but not too rare.

The following tips will help you:

  1. Remember that top streamers combine charisma with quality gameplay. If you do not understand the topic, it will be noticeable.
  2. Don't limit yourself to a single game, but don't change themes too often. When you switch to a new game, some of the viewers naturally stop following the channel. To keep the weavers, avoid drastic changes. For example, if you preferred strategy but quickly switched to racing, the audience loss could be total.
  3. Niche games will attract viewers if you combine good comments with an interesting walkthrough. Keep an eye on the websites of indie game developers, don't miss alpha and beta test dates, and respond quickly to official releases.
  4. Old Sega games are also popular, which will be appreciated by viewers of 30-35 years old. This category is distinguished by solvency, so the benefit may be greater than when targeting teenagers.
  5. Use available tools: on the site you will see the top competitors offering streaming video on a specific topic.

Tracking statistics on Twitch is not always convenient, as it reflects the most viewed games. Use the TwitchStrike service, which takes into account the ratio of the number of channels dedicated to the topic and the number of viewers.

You will also find hints that you should not choose: for example, novice streamers of The Witcher 3 will be disappointed, since 98% of weavers will collect top channels. Only 2% of viewers watch rookie broadcasts, so don't waste your energy on a hopeless option.

To decide on a theme, keep an eye on your competitors: you have the opportunity to assess whether the game is gathering an audience.

What conditions lead to popularity

How to make money on Twitch from scratch? You will need hints:

  1. A beginner should remember that the approach to the usual gameplay is different from streaming. If you want to fully immerse yourself in the passage, do it in your free time. When you're streaming video, don't forget about your viewers: their interests come first. Do not skip the comments, carried away by the game, otherwise you will not receive donations.
  2. Promote your channel on social networks: on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Communicate with other streamers: you will diversify the streams if you go to raids together. Also, you will create a name for yourself in the environment, which will attract direct advertisers.
  3. Watch your colleagues' broadcasts to note their tricks, but do not slip into blind copying. Communicate in chat rooms: if you are a bright and witty person, it will not be difficult to attract the attention of interlocutors. They will decide to get acquainted with your channel, and you will get new followers or subscribers. But keep a sense of relevance by avoiding pushing aggressively.
  4. Work on your image to stand out from the crowd. Viewers will change the channel if you seem boring! Streaming is like an actor performing on stage, so create a memorable image.
  5. Don't skimp on equipment, you'll need a good camera and microphone.
  6. Use services to broadcast streaming video to different sites. You will attract a new audience and then offer to follow the channel on Twitch.
  7. An indispensable condition will be the presence of a stable connection. You don't necessarily need super-fast internet, but streaming 720p video shouldn't be a problem. Frequent disconnects will nullify efforts.
  8. Work on the design so that the channel pleases with the visual design.

Streamers who were at the top of the ranking did not immediately take the top positions. They worked to achieve a result, changed tactics, considered actions a few steps ahead. The path to success is individual, but thanks to the tips you will save yourself from unnecessary obstacles.

How to work on content

More than one novice channel owner was disappointed at the initial stage. After hearing stories about how much you can earn on Twitch, beginners hope for easy money. But you won’t be able to cope with the passage of games and follow the chat without training. The art of improvisation is also not available to everyone, so you have to spend time preparing for streaming: the hosts come up with funny jokes that entertain the audience in advance.

Do not try to increase the popularity of the channel with the help of bots: the cheat will be noticed, and the account will be banned for violating the rules.

Before starting the game, put a glass of water on the table (you have to talk a lot), turn on the music and start broadcasting. Ideally, you should use 2 monitors: for the game and for monitoring the chat. The rest of the environment should be calm and create a relaxing environment. The main thing is that you feel relaxed and at ease!

It is difficult to accompany actions with comments if you do not have experience in the field. To get started, practice offline, make video and audio recordings. Then think about how clearly you explain your actions to the audience. Will a person superficially familiar with the game understand you? Take up streaming online only when the monologue is coherent and engaging.

Think about the image you are going to create. The good thing about Twitch is that your real-life behavior doesn't necessarily dictate how you carry yourself on stream. You can be yourself or come up with the person you want to become. The makings of an actor will help the streamer achieve popularity, so indulge in experiments. Try being funny, pushy, a little crazy and see what style the audience likes. Feel free to exaggerate your best qualities and downplay your worst in order to win the sympathy of the audience.

How to choose a time to stream

There is no universal answer to the question of when it is better to stream. Prime time falls in the evening: from 17.00 to 22.00 people finish work and relax at the monitors. But you should not stick to a strict framework, because in the evenings the competition among streamers is high. Experiment with the timing of the releases, break it up into intervals of 2-4 hours and broadcast 2 times during the day. After tracking the results, you will develop a schedule.

When choosing, it also plays a role whether you can be regularly online at the hour familiar to users.

Whether you opt for prime-time streaming or wait until the competition is off, viewers need to know what days and times to expect new episodes.

Jeffrey Shih, known as "Trump", shares his secrets. Thanks to the site, the young man earned $ 0.3 million, but he is not going to stop there. In his opinion, the sphere is now at an early stage of development, and in the future the income it brings will increase by an order of magnitude. And to help beginners, Jeffrey shared what it takes to be successful:

  1. Be on the air regularly, at a certain time. Jeffrey keeps a strict schedule: every day from 11 am to 5 pm he shares his knowledge with the audience.
  2. Stream only if you are genuinely passionate about the hobby. Shih admits that the love of games was the original factor. But, since Twitch helps even shy introverts make money, Jeffrey did not miss the chance.
  3. Pay attention to the content of the video. A random person will not captivate gamers, so choose a field that you understand. Geoffrey chose Hearthstone and his channel has become the most educational channel on Twitch.
  4. Interaction with users and developers will become a necessary component. Shih never forgets about the audience and answers each of the questions received. Keeping up with the challenge is difficult as its broadcasts are garnered by 25,000 weavers watching the release online. Shih also communicates with the developers: he tells the designers of Hearthstone what wishes and comments arise from users.
  5. To stay in the top, Jeffrey interacts with other streamers and follows the news in the field. He spends a lot of time looking for sponsors who want to advertise.

Jeffrey Shih says that with a deliberate and systematic approach, most people can make money from streaming. But do not flatter yourself, expecting easy earnings and cosmic incomes. If you're planning to make it to the top, you'll have to build your career as deliberately as a footballer aiming to play in the Premier League. Only hard work, experience and knowledge of how to make money on Twitch from scratch will lead you to success.

How to make a channel an additional source of income without games

If gamers quickly navigate the site and choose a topic for streaming, then the rest will have a question: is it possible to get money on the site without playing computer games? Yes! According to the rules, it is allowed to host video conferences, business meetings, trainings.

There is also a function for downloading ready-made videos, and the subject is not limited (adjusted for the rules of the site). Channel owners combine content, and even gamers talk on Twitch about their views on life or everyday life. This opportunity was provided relatively recently, because top streamers, having held another meeting with the audience, posted their interviews on YouTube. To prevent viewers from leaving for another site, the administration changed the rules.

The site also has a Creative section where you can demonstrate your creative skills. Whether you love to draw or perform magic tricks, with a systematic approach you will find an audience.

How much do top streamers in Russia earn

The question, how much do streamers earn on Twitch, is asked by every newcomer. Many are inspired by the example of Karina Kozyreva, who at the age of 18 received more than 800,000 rubles. for 3 months Pasha Biceps also boasts of the result: one of his fans transferred the guy a total of $ 30,000.

For a Russian streamer who has reached the top, the amount of 150,000 rubles. becomes a reality every month. Domestic celebrity under the nickname VeRsuta achieves even better results, reaching 250,000 rubles. But to achieve the bar, you will have to purchase a gaming computer and professional audio equipment, install studio lighting, make an impeccable speech, and think over the plots in advance. Streamers start working in the morning and finish after midnight.

Additional ways to monetize streams

Upload your live streams to YouTube for extra income. Do not forget to leave links to the main channel to attract the audience. But fans who will watch records on YouTube will also help increase profits: at the same time, you will promote your account on this site and receive money for advertising.

Another additional way would be to post referral links: online stores will give you a percentage of sales. The amounts may be modest, but by combining different types of income, you will get results.

Twitch: Should You Start?

Newly arrived users dream of making an immediate income, so they are quickly disappointed in the results. The first broadcasts may not gather viewers at all, and the unlucky presenter asks himself the question: is it worth starting a serious career as a streamer?

The main condition is a clear understanding that you have to do a lot of work. To earn income, you need to stream daily, for 8 or more hours. This means that you sit still, trying not to leave: when you return, 99% of the audience will have time to switch to another channel.

Of course, this does not mean that you should refuse to earn money! Just be patient and find a balance between relaxing and streaming. You have not a sprint, but a marathon race, so calculate your strength.

In addition to the factors listed above, the following also affect:

  1. It is easier for young girls with an attractive appearance to gather an audience than for guys.
  2. Users already known in social networks go to the top. Future actors, video game developers or professional gamers who are famous in eSports are also achieving success.

But do not rush to be upset if you do not fit into these categories! The most important indicator is the originality of the content and your artistry. These qualities can be developed, so go to the goal systematically.


If you cannot imagine life without computer games, your hobby can turn into a source of income. The option is especially beneficial for those who are fluent in English, because if you wish, you will gather a foreign audience. With conscious channel promotion and systematic work on content, you will earn more income than an office employee!

If the content is located on a remote server and does not require installation and download, then streaming is used to transfer data from the provider to the user, in other words, this is the download of game data, which is used in modern games. It is used for the desktop of a collection of photos, videos and more, it is used by various providers, such as music, video, game and various software providers.

Also, streaming is a new type of income for gamers. It allows you to broadcast a video game on various resources, including third-party ones. This allows you to simultaneously broadcast and play, accompanying your actions with comments.

10 ways to make money streaming

This is a very popular trend among gamers on the Internet and this tool is very popular. Let's see if we can make money on this?

Here are ten ways to make money streaming:

  1. The most popular profitable option is to broadcast ads during the video. It is allowed to configure it at your discretion and turn it on at the right moments of the game. This also includes the sale of advertising spaces on your content.
  2. No less popular and profitable is the registration of a paid subscription to the channel.
  3. Find a sponsor among popular manufacturers of computer equipment, various devices and accessories.
  4. At the same time, run a blog, which only remains to be promoted through streaming or, conversely, and trade places for advertising banners there.
  5. Collecting donations or asking for help, which is allowed to be hung in the corner of the screen and sooner or later someone will respond to it. This is not a very profitable form of making money on streams, but it also has a place to be.
  6. Make permanent entries for the YouTube channel, thus collecting subscribers and monetizing it.
  7. Donat, which in principle is similar to a donation, only the collection is automated using a special service. Here you need to specify the minimum amount from which viewers can start and hope for luck.
  8. Become a professional gamer, go to the game as if it were a job, and then you will be able to receive a percentage of winnings in tournaments. Here, income will depend on professional results.
  9. Invite viewers to place bets in tournament competitions.1
  10. Offer gaming services, for example, leveling up a character, passing through various difficult stages, and the like.

How much do they earn from streaming?

Of course, if you get down to business quickly and confidently, then everything will work out. But let's see how much you can earn and what income such a business brings:

  • the average price for showing commercials is 200 - 250 rubles. for 1 thousand impressions;
  • from sponsors and displaying their banners on their resource will receive from 3 to 10 thousand rubles. per month.

There is a chance to earn and it is worth more just to find them.

  • for a paid subscription, on average, you can get 1.5–2 thousand rubles;
  • anything can be expected from donations and donations, and on average this income ranges from 1 thousand rubles. per month;
  • do not forget that parallel blogs can also bring income.

It is not possible to accurately determine the future profit from streaming, since everyone is individual, but according to the latest data, the average player earns from 10 to 25 thousand rubles. with daily 4-hour broadcasts. From this we conclude that the risks in this business are very high and much depends on luck.

How to become a successful streamer?

If you are a decent gamer, then the income can reach a fabulous amount, and in order to make a good profit, you need to become a successful streamer. Consider what factors affect the successful development of this business:

The streamer must be an excellent gamer, know all the nuances of the game, bypass options and have a lot of experience. It is necessary to possess the art of oratory to perfection and to be an excellent interlocutor.

Streamers should always have a good mood and a couple of funny stories from life to keep the viewers interested. It is necessary to communicate with the viewers who are watching you - this is a very important factor, since the stream viewer loves to communicate with streamers and you should not ignore them, for example, by sending a video to YouTube to watch.

Good audio is very important for a quality video presentation, the voice should be clear and intelligible, as well as have a pleasant intonation and not be too loud. Even if there are no communication skills or you are shy, then it is possible to hire a separate commentator to conduct the broadcast. The equipment must be powerful and, accordingly, the speed of the Internet should be high.

Shows should be done often - at least three times a week. Leave videos on YouTube and blog. In addition, create different communities and attract more audience.

And also be balanced and not pay attention to negative comments. It is worth considering that sharp comments should not be left completely unattended. It is best to translate them into a joke by answering competently and sharply.

How to increase views? Experience of professionals

After reading the advice of experienced gamers, we can conclude that successful streamers most often make a whole show out of their broadcast. For example, putting on extravagant outfits, they surprise with game novelties, interact closely with the audience, and also go on the air very often. Many novice streamers make a number of mistakes in their broadcasts, viewers really don’t like this, and if you stream incorrectly, then there is a high probability of losing dozens, or even all of your viewers. Here are some tips collected on the Internet from professionals for beginners what not to do while streaming.

So, streamers are prohibited from:

  • Spread false information on air.
  • Talk about your personal life.
  • Ban viewers;
  • Screaming and using foul language.
  • Carry on a discussion of other streamers and no matter in what context, good or bad.
  • Don't walk away from the screen.
  • Be silent.
  • Give any information about your earnings.
  • Be sad.
  • Shriek piercingly.
  • Talk on the phone.

It is really possible to cheat viewers with the help of good advertising and high ratings. It is worth constantly fighting for them, since the competition is very high and the number of streamers is only increasing. It is quite acceptable to attract through social. networks, as well as allowed to use paid programs. Don't miss any opportunity.

Important components of streaming, instructions for dummies

Many gamers have already made streaming their main profession, but in Russia it is not yet developed on such a large scale as in other countries and therefore you should not rely on a high income from this activity. To begin with, you need to devote a couple of hours two to three times a week and build on the results already obtained.

Step-by-step instruction for a beginner streamer:

  • Buy a powerful computer, microphone and camera.
  • Download the desired XSplit software (paid) or Broadcaster Software (free). The second is less powerful, but more popular, and to configure it, you need to use pictures with instructions, it will not cause difficulties. Customization:
  • Select a server and enter a password.
  • Select X264 encoder.
  • Adjust the bitrate so that the video loads quickly for viewers. Recommended parameters are from 1-2.5 thousand.
  • Format 16:9.
  • Set up the scene and source in the panel on the left. Here you need to capture the image in any suggested way and if one does not work, then use the next one.

The design of the channel is a very important point, it must be made in an original and attractive way, and it is necessary to approach this stage seriously. Some streamers order high-quality pictures from professionals, but most use pictures from the Internet with excellent resolution.

Conduct an advertising campaign, for example, among friends. Those who have the funds can order paid advertising on third-party resources. It is noted that the team game is gaining the largest number of views, so it is advisable to recruit a reliable team from proven gamers before starting the broadcast.

The most important thing in a stream is the ability to talk and hear your viewer, you need to constantly communicate with them, be polite. This applies to members of the entire team. The task of the whole team or a single streamer is to constantly keep the viewer in suspense, to interest him, this is the main rule for keeping the audience.

It is important to remember that if the viewer leaves, then he most likely will not return to you again, since the choice of streamers is very large. So treat your audience with special respect. Before starting the next streaming, do not forget to make a clear script, according to which the broadcast will take place. This will facilitate the task, improve the quality of the video and insure against making mistakes.

In contact with

With the development of Internet technologies, new ways of making money on the World Wide Web are emerging. If earlier it seemed unthinkable to receive money for the passage of computer games, then today you will not surprise anyone with this. Many enterprising young men and women look at publications and videos every day in order to learn how to make money on the stream. After all, receiving money for doing what you love is doubly pleasant. But is it really that simple?

What is a stream?

In simple terms, a stream is a video broadcast of the gameplay on the Internet. That is, the passage of a computer game. But desire alone is not enough here to succeed, you need not only to be able to play, but to speak competently. The streamer must be able to think well, have an excellent sense of humor and delivered a speech so that a potential viewer simply does not fall asleep while watching the game. How to make money on streams? is the largest site in existence to make this dream come true. To get started, you need to register.

How to make money on Twitch? Streams, advertising, affiliate program

In order to start accumulating capital in this way, you need to get an affiliate program. The requirements provided by the site, judging by the reviews, can hardly be called simple:

  • The streamer must ensure that the average number of viewers watching the broadcast at the same time exceeds five hundred thousand people. If he tries to submit an application, having achieved this indicator once, then it will be rejected.
  • A streamer must stream their game regularly, at least three times a week.
  • Content broadcast on the channel must not violate the rules. You can learn more about them on the official website.

User feedback says that all applications are reviewed by people, with no exceptions. This means that if a streamer falls slightly short of the required results, an exception may be made for him. Naturally, taking into account the peculiarity of the content they offer. How to make money on streaming games after receiving an affiliate program? There are several ways to do this.

Embedded advertising

After receiving an affiliate program, the streamer has a special button that allows you to run ads. As soon as he clicks on it, a commercial appears. For every thousand views, the streamer will receive $3.5. Streamers note that it is possible to set the automatic inclusion of advertising after a manually set period of time. Players who know how to make money on the stream, despite this, strive to get it.


  • A large percentage of Internet users install ad-blocking extensions in their browser. The streamer gets a smaller amount of money from this.


  • The streamer is not limited by the number of ad impressions, he can run it at least every minute.

Paid subscriptions

If you delve into the topic of how to make money on streams, you can learn about the second method: subscribing to a channel for money. A paid subscription is available to those who have connected an affiliate program. It is issued for a month and gives the viewer a number of benefits, such as disabling ads, as well as new emoticons for chat. The streamer himself sets the cost of the subscription, but he must take into account that half of the money received will go to Twitch.

Not every viewer will be ready to give honestly earned or accumulated money to a streamer, especially if he has not yet risen to the level of famous players. You can’t force anyone, but experienced streamers say that you can stimulate a subscriber in several simple ways. First, an interesting notification that the user has subscribed to the channel. It can be funny, beautiful, frightening, the main thing is to hook the viewer with its unusual shape, make you want to see the message. Secondly, the promise to hold a giveaway or contest after a certain number of subscribers appear on the channel. Thirdly, the usual gratitude, which is not forgotten by any person who knows how to make money on the stream.


Donat is a voluntary donation to a streamer to one of the electronic wallets. Previously, this method was not popular in Russia, but now more and more people want to thank a person for broadcasting in such a simple way. Links to wallets are left by every player who knows how to make money. On streams, you can often see how a text message suddenly pops up on the broadcast screen, which is subsequently read aloud by a robot or a player, which is a good way to motivate viewers to donate. Some people enjoy having their message heard by thousands of viewers.

Why should a person spend money when one can just watch and enjoy the spectacle? Most people think this way, but there are kind people who do not mind fifty rubles just to say “thank you” to the streamer. History also knows cases when people donated several thousand at once on major broadcasts.

sponsorship program

The idea behind this method is simple. Under the window through which the broadcast is conducted, there is an empty space filled by streamers with information about themselves, links to wallets and various advertisements. Not only the player, but also many entrepreneurs know how to make money on the stream, because advertising on a page that is viewed by thousands of people every day is the best way to draw attention to your products. This method is also available to those who, for a number of reasons, still cannot receive an affiliate program. The disadvantage is that the customer is unlikely to want to pay a little-known streamer.

How much do famous players earn from streaming?

To find out, just look at a few streamers that occupy the TOP of the most viewed. There is no maximum reliable information, since the players themselves keep the size of their earnings secret, however, there is a formula that allows you to calculate how much you can earn on streams. When applied to the individuals in question, one learns that:

  • Manyrin earns an average of about twenty-five thousand rubles;
  • VJlink - from thirty to fifty thousand rubles;
  • Versuta - his earnings reach two hundred thousand rubles.

The calculation formula itself is quite simple.

Conditional data:

  • One and a half thousand subscribers, one hundred of which bought a subscription for $3.
  • On average, a streamer gains a thousand viewers per broadcast.
  • The stream continues for six hours.
  • The viewer sees two advertisements per hour.
  • Eighty percent of people will have an ad blocker installed.
  • The streamer does not have a donation or sponsorship program.

First you need to calculate the number of ads viewed per day. For six hours of streaming (assuming that the player runs two ads per hour), one viewer will see twelve videos. In total, two hundred people will watch 2,400 videos during the broadcast, that is, the streamer will earn $ 8.4. $252 per month.

One hundred people have purchased a paid subscription, that is, the streamer will receive $ 150 for them, since half of the money will go to Twitch under the affiliate program agreement. Without a donation and purchase of advertising by enterprises, the player will earn $ 402 per month, which at the current dollar rate (62 rubles) turns into twenty-six thousand rubles.

Is it worth it to start?

Many people, after reading the material on how to make money on the stream, are eager to open their own channel and start playing. That is why the competition here is already reaching enormous proportions. To achieve success in this difficult business, you need not only to be able to speak well, but also to be ready to invest a certain amount of money in promoting the channel. If you are ready to treat streaming like a job, if you are sure that you are resourceful and witty enough, and the failures and mistakes inherent in beginners do not scare you, then this type of income may appeal to you.

Hi all! Today I will tell you how to make money on streams. If someone does not know, a stream is a live broadcast of something. In principle, you can broadcast anything. But in this article we will talk exactly about how to make money on game streams.

So, to stream games you need a special service. To do this, in 2011 created the website Initially, the purpose of this service was to broadcast live tournaments for various games, but then users began to broadcast games at regular times.

Then everyone who broadcast the games thought, is it possible to make money on twitch?

1. How to make money on twitch?

This service has good monetization, so of course you can earn. But how? There are several ways: basic and additional. First I will list them, and then I will talk about each in more detail.

1.1. Embedded advertising

Such earnings on Twitch are available only to those who have access to the affiliate program. Its essence lies in the fact that you have a special advertising button. When pressed during the stream, an ad block appears. For 1000 views you will receive $3.5.

The disadvantages of this method:

  • Available only with a partner;
  • More than half of the viewers will probably have an adblock that will not miss ads, which means you will receive less money.


  • During the stream, you can turn on ads as many times as you like, at least every 5 minutes.

The first drawback is very significant. How to get access to the affiliate program? What is needed for this?

This is all. Let's move on to the next method.

1.2. Paid subscriptions

With this method, as you already understood, streamers receive money from paid subscriptions. There is only one trouble - only those who have been taken into the affiliate program can connect paid subscriptions. This, of course, is a drawback.

What's with the subscription? It is issued for more than 30 days and costs from 2.5 to 5 dollars, it already depends on the streamer. There is one more trouble - the affiliate program takes half the cost of the subscription. That is, if you put a paid subscription of $ 3 and 10 people subscribed to you, then the total amount will be $ 30, and 15, and the remaining 15 will go along with the affiliate program.

But why would people subscribe for a fee? For little money, the subscriber receives a number of privileges, for example: disabling ads, adding an avatar, all sorts of emoticons, and so on.

You can also do something like this. If someone signs up for a paid subscription during the stream, that person's nickname appears on the screen with some text. And you thank him, they say, cool, thank you, brother, for signing up, handsome and the like. This can serve as an incentive for paid subscriptions.

1.3. Earnings on streams with the help of donations

This method is now not very developed in Russia and the CIS, it is much more popular in the USA. Maybe because people have more money there, or maybe because there are more intelligent streamers.

In general, why are people just giving away their money? Let's list a few reasons:

  • The simplest thing is the kindness of the soul. Well, the streamer liked the person, why not throw him 50 rubles?
  • A more reasonable reason is that some streamers (most) have such a thing, when someone donates, his nickname, amount and message is displayed on the screen.

Donater can write a short text that all viewers will see. How to spur the desire to throw money? Well, you can, for example, read aloud all donations that are more than a certain amount.

You can connect a bot that will automatically read all donations, but this is not so profitable anymore. Although there are such tricksters who insert some kind of advertisement into the donation message and throw it several times for a small amount.

To counter such “advertisers” and other spammers, you can set a minimum donation amount. For example, you set a minimum wage of 500 rubles. Spammers will feel sorry for inserting their ads. But keep in mind that other users will also stop sending money. So you have to be careful with this.

  • Another way, which is closely related to the previous one. All sorts of "trolls" and haters can attach offensive messages with donations. Especially if there is a bot on the stream that reads absolutely everything. You can deal with them in a way we already know.

If it seems to you that this method will not work, and people will not give away their money just like that, then go to YouTube and search for “donations on twitch”. There will probably be a lot of videos on the list like “Top donations on twitch” or “5 biggest donations” and so on.

By the way, one streamer named Karina Sycheva is now very popular (unless, of course, this is her real name). Don't know who she is? Go to YouTube again and type in "streamer Karina". Find a lot of videos.

The bottom line is that she has a lot of donations, mostly of the third type, that is, with insults. So, they are all small, 20-30 rubles each, but they are repeated almost every 2 minutes and do not end even after the stream, that is, then there is still a queue for an hour and a half. How much do you think Karina earns per stream?

It's time to talk about additional ways to earn money.

2. How to make money on twitch - additional ways

In fact, there are a lot of ways, and you can come up with your own. I will only list a few already known, well, I will add my thoughts.

  • Sponsored advertising.
  • Broadcast recordings.
  • Partnership programs.

2.1. How to make money streaming with sponsored ads

The idea here is simple. There is a place below your broadcast window where you can place a banner or link. You just need to find someone who wants to advertise something on your channel. Just agree and insert an advertising link or banner.

The advantage is that you do not need to access the twitch affiliate program. But there are also disadvantages. Firstly, in order to have advertising customers, you need to have a promoted channel with a large number of stream viewers. Secondly, you need to look for customers yourself.

You can also do "cunning" advertising. That is, throughout the entire stream, you mention something that needs to be advertised several times, as it were, “by chance”. And the audience will pay attention to it, but they will take it not for advertising, but for advice. Although this method has not yet been fully “studied”, so you should not completely rely on it.

2.2. Broadcast recordings

This method is associated with YouTube. It consists in that. That you record your streams and then post them on YouTube. And monetization is already working there, if it is connected.

The only question is whether the recordings of your streams will be watched. In order for the records to have a lot of views, you need to make interesting streams. Nobody will watch boring recordings of “playing” and games.

2.3. Partnership programs

The same as sponsored advertising, but instead of sponsor links you insert your own refs. But here, too, there are nuances. For example, if you insert referral links to game key stores, then people will go. And if on any copywriting exchanges, then few people will switch. Therefore, take into account the desires of the target audience.

Here we have considered all known ways of earning. Now let's talk about how much you can earn on twitch.

3. How much do top streamers earn on twitch?

Consider a few top Russian-speaking streamers.

I warn you that the information is taken from unofficial sources, so believe it or not. But later we will learn how to independently determine earnings, so you can check for yourself. So:

  • Manyrin - from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.
  • VJlink - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.
  • Versuta - from 100 to 200 thousand rubles.

So, and now we ourselves will learn how to find out how much you can earn on streams .

Initial data:

  • 1500 subscribers, 100 of them paid for 3 bucks;
  • The average number of spectators is 1000 people;
  • We stream 6 hours a day;
  • We run 2 ads per hour;
  • 80%, i.e. 800 people installed the adblock and do not see ads.
  • Donat and additional ways of earning will not be considered.

Let's calculate the number of views per day (it is clear that we were taken to the Twitch affiliate program): 6 hours of 2 ads per hour - 12 ads of 200 views (because 800 of the rest have adblock). It turns out 2400 views per day is 8.4 dollars per day. And per month - 252.

Recently, the question is gaining popularity - how to make money on twitch from scratch? And the reason is the streamers who earn half a million a month!

Twitch is a platform for recording and viewing live streaming of video games. Where there is an opportunity to correspond with the author and donate money.

That is, streamers record videos of how they play for the sake of making money. Well, the audience is interested in watching the passage and professional battles, for which they are willing to pay.

Secrets of high earnings on twitch

The most important thing is to gather an audience on Twitch around you, and for this you need to be charismatic, play a popular game well and make only high-quality content!

There are 3 points that will help you become successful on the gaming platform. Read below, maybe something will be new to you.

1. Choosing a game to stream

When we go to the tab " View» on twitch, we see a list of games that are sorted by the number of viewers. So you can understand which game is now popular, and which should not be entered.

If you go to League of Legends, then there will again be sorting by the number of views. This is the most important indicator on the platform, which determines your further earnings.

Best games to start streaming:

  • League of Legends;
  • Dota 2;
  • Counterstrike;
  • Starcraft 2;
  • Heartstone.

You can also start streaming new games that are just gaining popularity, then there will be more chances to get a decent number of people.

2. Necessary conditions for gaining popularity

Even now, there are new players on Twitch who gather an audience of 5 thousand people around them in a month, but how do they manage it?

There are 5 main rules that help to quickly unwind:

  1. Powerful computer- dota 2, CS:GO or HeartStone do not require much power, but other games require a strong computer.
  2. fast internet- this determines the quality of the picture that the viewer receives.
  3. Number of streams per day— the more hours you broadcast, the more people will learn about you and new subscribers may come.
  4. Number of viewers- now many people are winding up 200-300 free bots so that the broadcast comes out on top.
  5. Beautiful packaging— come up with intriguing titles for videos, make a beautiful cover and channel icon.

3. Work on content

Be sure to hone your playing skills to the highest level, also train your diction and prepare phrases that will fill the air.

If possible, follow the comments, answer questions from the audience. Well, if someone signed up or donated money, then you need to thank this person individually.

To make the content seem better, you need to practice the ability to play and be distracted by the chat, and this is quite a hard task. When more than 1,000 spectators appear, you can proceed to the drawing of contests.

How to make money on Twitch - 5 ways

Twitch is developing so fast that a few years ago, 50 thousand per month was considered an excellent income, and now this figure has grown several times! I believe that the future lies behind this platform.

To receive money, you need to register a special wallet on or, each of them has its own advantages.

Let's look at all 5 possible ways that a channel can make money.

1. Donat

Donat translated into Russian - donation. This type of income is popular in America, but in the CIS, few people are able to donate.

Why should anyone give their money to a streamer at all? In fact, I counted as many as 4 reasons:

  • Become famous on the stream - when donating, a nickname and a message are displayed that thousands of people will see (if this is a popular player);
  • Help to achieve the goal - on Twitch you can set goals, for example, “donation to the webcam” and earned money from the stream bring the player closer to the goal.
  • Insult (jokes) - in the CIS, money is most often sacrificed in order to play a joke or insult a person.
  • Advertising - well, some manage to advertise a product, website, application or game to thousands of viewers for only 50-200 rubles.

The main thing is to connect a robot that displays and reads the text of the donator. I also recommend setting up a minimum donation of 50 rubles (it helps against spam).

If you often donate money, then be sure to increase the minimum amount for donation. After all, this is not the only way to earn money on which it is worth working.

2. Paid subscriptions

You must be accepted into the Twitch Partner Program for this feature to be available. The subscription is issued for 30 days, and the cost is determined by the creator of the channel from 2.5 to 5 dollars.

At the same time, Twitch takes half of the income from each subscriber. That is, if you earned $ 100 using this method, then 50 of them will go to the affiliate program.

Why should viewers buy a channel subscription? They get the following privileges: disabling contextual advertising, adding emoticons, showing the subscriber's avatar and other delights.

And as a bonus, the streamer can thank his new subscriber who just joined the army. It's quite a pleasant feeling when your idol thanks you!

3. Embedded advertising

If more than 500 people are recruited online on your stream on Twitch, then you will have a button when you click on which you can launch contextual advertising, where they pay $ 3.5 per 1000 views.

The truth is that half of the users have AdBlock installed, which blocks ads and does not allow you to earn. And you also need to connect an affiliate program, where only popular ones are taken.

But if your stream lasts 4 hours and you run ads for 1000 people every 10 minutes, then during this time you can earn about 3000 rubles.

4. Sponsored advertising

In broadcasts on Twitch, you can set a picture with a link in any part of the screen. The main thing is to find a sponsor who is willing to pay for a place on the stream.

5. Affiliate programs

It is enough to find the service you like, which will really be useful to your viewers and can make a profit through an affiliate program.

After that, we create a beautiful picture, take a special link on the service and insert it into the broadcast. You can mention your partner service several times during the stream.

Remember that earning on twitch depends only on the number of viewers online. And for this you need to agitate people to subscribe and first use the bots to cheat.

If you are wondering how much popular streamers earn on Twitch, then write about it in the comments, a detailed article about this will appear soon.