Automation with Poster is an effective solution for small and medium businesses. Overview of the automation system for a cafe, restaurant and shop Poster POS How the randomizer works

Poster helps to control and optimize the work of catering establishments.

All automation systems can be divided into two types:


They mean the installation of programs with a rigid binding to specific equipment and self-configuring the server. Before the advent of the first cloud systems, there was no alternative to stationary solutions, so most large networks settled on this type of automation system. The most popular among them is, which appeared back in the 90s and occupied the market of large chain restaurants and fast foods.

At the moment, most novice restaurateurs are no longer looking towards stationary solutions.


They store data not on a server computer in the next room, but on hundreds of remote servers located in different countries. At the same time, such systems are in no way inferior to stationary solutions in terms of functionality.

Due to the fact that the system creates duplicates of all information in the cloud, the client does not lose data even if one or more servers fail. In addition, all financial transactions, statistics and warehouse movements within the institution can be easily viewed in real time from anywhere in the world.

Poster Benefits

Advantages of Poster in comparison with stationary automation systems:

  • affordable price (warehouse accounting, 50 products, statistics - 1120 rubles / month);
  • for full-fledged work, it is enough to have a printer and a tablet;
  • remote access;
  • free updates;
  • backup option by default.

In the case of working with stationary systems, the server requires a separate administrator and uninterruptible power supply. In turn, Poster facilitates the work for its clients as much as possible, taking care of the server and the technical part. Giving establishment owners the opportunity to do business, and not waste time setting up a server.

Poster continues to work even during interruptions in the Internet connection. All data is temporarily stored on the device and after the Internet connection is restored, the system synchronizes and sends all information to the cloud.

Most of Poster's clients are owners of cafes, pubs, fast food, food trucks and franchise establishments. For which one of the main criteria is the reliability and availability of the program. They do not want to overpay for unnecessary functionality, special equipment and the purchase of new updates.

Advantages of Poster compared to other cloud-based automation systems:

  • multiplatform, software installation on any tablet or laptop;
  • intuitive interface;
  • Plug-ins Poster Shop, Poster Boss and integration with other services through the Poster Marketplace;
  • ongoing support and adding new functionality at the request of customers.

To work with Poster, you do not need to select a specific tablet model or install special firmware, the program is installed on Android, Windows tablet or iPad, and is available for download in the AppStore and Google Play.

By connecting Poster POS, the user also gets access to the platform with various integrated services - Poster Marketplace, which is replenished with both Poster products and offers from other developers.

Poster Shop is an online showcase of the institution, with the help of which customers can take online orders. Synchronized with the Poster account.

The free Poster Boss app for restaurant owners allows you to control costs and track sales from your smartphone.

Among third-party services: Mailchimp and eSpuntnik - Internet and SMS mailing services; Smartomato - delivery automation.

The number of connected services within the Poster Marketplace platform is constantly increasing, which allows Poster customers to work with all processes in one ecosystem, from ordering goods to the warehouse to delivery and informing the buyer via SMS.

Another advantage of Poster POS is the ease of implementation of the system. Required no more than 15 minutes to install and start working. And no multi-day training courses, as is the case with stationary systems. The Poster website has a special section with a detailed description of all the functionality of the program and a special training youtube channel, which is updated with videos with new features of the program.

Siphon for sparkling water - a necessary device for any bar. You can learn more about the principle of its work.

Poster PRO 2.0 is a program for automating work with Vkontakte. The Poster PRO 2.0 program helps to easily automatically find thematic communities and discussions and automatically place posts with images and videos in them, automatically place images in group albums, and has advanced functions in relation to Poster Free. The full list of features is below.

The price of access for a month costs 20 rubles.

Application Features

  • Anonymity
    • Anonymous use of the program through a proxy server
    • Ability to assign an IP address to individual accounts
  • 20 messaging modes
    • post only on walls (groups/public/meetings)
    • post only in comments (groups/public/meetings)
    • post on the wall and in the comments (groups/public/meetings)
    • post on the wall, if not, then in the comments (groups/public/meetings)
    • mailing mode on administered walls (groups/public/meetings)
    • mode of distribution on the walls of their accounts
    • friends wall posting mode
    • sending mode to private messages to friends
    • mailing mode to private messages according to the id list
    • discussion mailing list
    • distribution mode to community administrators
    • mailing on the walls of users
    • sending comments to users' walls
    • mailing to the walls of users and in the comments
    • mailing in comments to new posts in groups
    • mailing likes to user avatars
    • sending likes to user comments in groups
    • automatic promotion of friends on accounts
    • automatic cheating of friends on accounts 2(beta)
    • message (comment) under the avatar
  • Mailing Options
    • Manual setting of the delay between posts (both fixed intervals and random ones)
    • Automatic entry into closed groups (for the purpose of possible posting in the future, for the first 4 mailing modes)
    • Mode of automatic entry into all groups for publication (for the purpose of possible posting in the future, for the first 4 mailing modes)
    • Randomization (synonymization) of the text
    • Attaching links to messages
    • Attaching images to messages
    • Attaching audio files to messages
    • Attaching Documents to Messages
    • Attaching notes to messages
    • Attaching polls to messages
    • Attachment to messages albums
    • 3 modes of attaching files to messages
    • Cyclic publishing mode - after the completion of the distribution, it starts over
    • Deleting posts posted on the wall by timer (groups / public / meetings)
    • Black list of groups - a list of groups that can be excluded from the mailing list
    • Newsletter on behalf of your application (setting in your account on the site)
    • 2 modes of sending images to albums of groups (for the first 4 modes of sending)
    • Description randomization when sending images to group albums (for the first 4 distribution modes)
    • Image randomization when sending images to group albums (for the first 4 distribution modes)
    • The ability to add a description to the image when sending images to group albums (for the first 4 distribution modes)
  • 4 captcha recognition modes
    • Manual captcha recognition
    • Automatic captcha recognition with Antigate
    • Automatic captcha recognition with Rucaptcha
    • Automatic captcha solving (5 rubles for 1000 captchas, 4000 captchas included in monthly subscription fee)
  • Working with accounts
    • multi-account - unlimited number of accounts for use in the program
    • loading accounts from a file (possible with attached proxies)
    • uploading all accounts to a file
    • uploading all accounts with attached proxies to a file
    • uploading valid accounts to a file
    • uploading all account IDs to a file
    • uploading all account tokens to a file
    • uploading all links to account pages to a file
    • manual setting of limits for accounts when sending to group walls
    • 3 account authorization options - 1 automatic and 2 manual
    • Getting information about accounts:
      • the number of groups in which the account is a member and links to them
      • number of administered groups and links to them
      • number of friends and their IDs
      • number of subscribers
    • Account functions
      • removing dogs from administered groups
      • login to Vkontakte through the built-in browser under the account (without entering a password)
      • Approval of friend requests with the click of a button
      • manual change of proxy server on the account
      • approval of friend requests with the click of a button on all accounts
      • reject friend requests with a single click on all accounts
      • remove all dogs from friends with the click of a button on all accounts
      • remove all permanently banned from friends with the click of a button on all accounts
      • deleting all deleted permanently from friends with the click of a button on all accounts
      • removal of all dogs from subscribers by pressing one button on all accounts
      • mark all messages as read with one click on all accounts
      • decline all group invitations with a single click on all accounts
      • exit from all communities by pressing one button on all accounts
      • exit from all blocked communities by pressing one button on all accounts
  • Group Parser
    • Search for groups by key phrases or a list of key phrases
    • use of "negative keywords" when searching for groups by key phrases
    • Filter by wall type:
      • look for any walls
      • only look for open walls
      • search restricted walls (with open comments)
      • look for bounded and open walls
    • filter by community type when searching for communities (group/public/meeting)
    • Filter by the number of community users when searching for communities
    • Filter to search for communities with messages enabled for admins
    • Exclusion filter for private groups search
    • Filter by city ID
    • Ability to save the found groups to a file (both in a separate file and appending an existing group file)
    • Tool to remove duplicate groups from a file (can be used to remove duplicates of any lines)
    • Translating group links into group IDs
  • User Parser
    • Community members parser
    • User friends parser
    • Parser of identifiers of avatars of community members
    • Parser of IDs of participants' avatars according to the list of user ids
    • Filter by:
      • age
      • date of birth
      • city
      • country
      • open wall
      • open private messages
      • online
  • Discussion Parser
    • 3 discussion parsing modes
      • search for topics containing all keywords
      • search for topics containing at least one given keyword
      • search for all open group topics
  • Active Audience Parser
    • parser for post IDs from given groups
    • collection of users who liked posts by given post IDs
    • collection of users who commented on posts by given post IDs
    • collection of users who reposted posts by given post IDs
  • Additional tools for processing parsing results
    • group ID list converter to group link list
    • converter list of user IDs to list of links to user pages
    • removing duplicate lines from 2 given files
    • shuffling a list of lines or lines in a file in random order
  • invite
    • into groups
      • invite friends to a group (browser / API)
      • active accounts joining a group (browser / API)
      • entry by active accounts into the list of groups
    • to meetings
    • to friends (with sending a message)
  • Exchange of activity between users of the program (automated version of the free program LikeMe)
    • photo like exchange
    • exchanging likes for posts
    • sharing video likes
    • friend exchange
    • sharing group memberships
    • repost exchange
  • Saving all settings to projects for later quick settings


Full description of the program interface

Authorization of Vkontakte accounts

  • Manual authorization
  • Auto login

Manual authorization via Internet Explorer

Manual authorization

Manual authorization - authorization made according to all the rules using the browser built into the program. This is the most secure authentication method. This method provides for the use of an http / https proxy with authorization or socks without authorization. Cookies are also stored to use the features of the built-in browser.

Auto login

This authorization method emulates the work of a person in a browser, is fast and can automatically bypass captcha if the corresponding mode is enabled. Of the features: it supports work via http / https, ask with and without authorization, Socks servers - only without authorization (in practice, tied to your IP). Cookies are stored for use in the functions of the built-in browser.


For those who have to work not with one, but with lists of accounts, it is possible to add several Vkontakte accounts as a list (can be from a file) in the "login:password" format or in the "login:password#proxy" format, or vice versa save logins and passwords to file. Proxies, in turn, must have the format "ip:port" or "ip:port@login:password" or "ip:port@login:password:protocol"

When sending posts to the walls from several accounts, entries are made in turn from each account, the account on which the message limit has been exceeded is automatically excluded from the current mailing, and the message: "The account has exceeded the message limit" is displayed. There is also a mode in which the account performs tasks up to the limit set by the user in the program.

Group Search

Enter words in the field to search for groups separated by a space, for example: "moskva real estate", "novosibirsk ads" or "irkutsk auto", no commas are needed. Pay attention to the "search depth" setting, this value indicates the number of groups that the search should return. For example, if you set the depth to 100, then the search will request 100 groups matching the keywords, if the "search only open walls" box is not checked, then the search will return exactly 100 groups, provided that there are such a number of publics matching the entered keywords , if there are fewer such groups, then, accordingly, there are fewer of them. If the checkbox "search only open walls" is checked, then only groups with open walls will be selected from the number of publics found, and they will be the search result. Some groups with open walls are closed groups, which means that the wall is only open to members of the group, approval to join the group is given by the group administrator. To automatically send requests to join groups during posting, you must check the box "Join private groups" on the main tab of the program.

Adding groups via the "Enter links to groups" field



Text randomization

Randomizer is a program for industrial creation of pseudo-unique content. Used, for example, when registering a site in multiple directories. So that in each directory the site is described by text that is unique from the point of view of search engines. Unlike similar tools (synonymizers, dorgens), it allows you to maximize the readability of the resulting texts.

How does the randomizer work?

We take some source text. For example: There is an opinion that both copywriting (writing texts) and rewriting (processing ready-made texts) can be successfully entrusted to a text randomizer - a special program. We process it in a special way:

  • If "text 1" can be replaced by "text 2" or "text 3", then instead of "text 1" we insert the instruction (text 1|text 2|text 3).
  • If "text" can be omitted, then instead of "text" we insert the instruction (|text).
  • Nested constructs are also supported (text 1|text 2|(text 3|text 4)).
Instructions can have unlimited nesting. The purpose of the randomizer is to complicate the work of spam filters. Poster PRO does not require any settings for the randomizer to work.

Saving groups to a file and loading groups from a file

When saving groups to a file, a file is created in which the group ID is written on each new line:
When loading groups from a file, you must use the appropriate file format: on each new line, one group ID.

Black list

If you want the program to ignore any groups when sending out their id should be added to the black list text field and check the "consider when posting" checkbox. Links to groups must be entered in the format:
where xxxxxxx - group id

Links in comments

Proxy usage

To work through a proxy you need high-quality proxy servers, public free proxies will not work, since Vkontakte bans them all at once and, as a rule, they are already blocked. To use proxies, add them through the appropriate fields to the proxy table, if the server is without a login and password, then leave the fields empty, be sure to specify the correct type of proxy when adding, otherwise the program will not be able to work with the server, check the "use proxy" box, then during A proxy server will be used to authorize accounts, the same proxy will be linked to the account, and all actions of this account will be performed only through the linked proxy server. To unbind a proxy from an account, you need to delete the account or on the ACCOUNTS tab, opposite the desired account, click the PROXY button and without selecting a proxy from the list, click the APPLY button.

If several proxies are specified in the program, then when authorizing accounts, they are selected in turn starting from the top one indicated in the table and ending at the bottom one, then the top one is selected again and so on until the accounts for authorization run out.

Send all complaints about the work of the program through a proxy to those who sold them to you, I repeat once again, do not try to work through public free servers, otherwise you will suffer severe disappointment and even, possibly, a nervous breakdown. And do not think that when using proxy servers, you can ignore Vkontakte filters, server owners get very upset when their servers begin to block and begin to block their clients. Remember that proxies help bypass filters, but do not allow you to ignore them.

To download a proxy from the list on the PROXY tab, you need to click the "load proxy from the list" button and in the window that opens, one of 2 download options:

  • It is necessary to insert a list of proxies in the ip:port format into the text field, it is necessary that only one proxy be specified in each line. Be sure to specify the correct proxy type, otherwise the proxy will not work. If you have access to the proxy by ip and do not need a login and password to access the proxy, then the login and password fields must be left empty, if you have access to the proxy package by login and password, then the corresponding fields must be filled in. Adding proxies in this way is designed to add proxy packages of the same type with the same logins and passwords or access via ip.
  • You can simply insert a proxy list in the text field in the format ip:port@login:password or ip:port@login:password:type, where type is the HTTP, SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxy type, if type is not specified, then HTTP by default .

Newsletter on topics (discussions), instructions

  • Add groups for mailing on topics on the "Groups Parser" tab, you can add using search, load from a file or list
  • Go to the "Discussions" tab, select the topic search mode you need
  • Enter keywords to search for topics, if the mode you have chosen suggests this
  • Press the "Search" button - the program will start the search, it may take a long time depending on the number of groups and settings, and the program does not respond during the search
  • After the discussions are found, enter a message for the mailing list, you can randomly
  • Click the "Start Newsletter" button
If you need the discussions in which you publish posts for subsequent publications, you can save them to a file and in the future do not look for discussions, but load them from a file. Pay attention to the format of the discussions in the file, do not try to load discussions in a format other than this, the program will only be able to process the internal format of the file.

Newsletter on public pages in "Offer news"

Distribution on public pages in the "Offer news" is carried out in the same modes as distribution on the walls of groups, if the news is successfully proposed, the program will display a message in the message window that the post has been posted - this means that the news has been offered.


The program has the functions of inviter to friends and inviter of friends to groups. In order to invite other users as friends, you must either parse the list of users from the group on the Parser->Users tab, or on the same tab specify the file with the IDs of the users you want to invite as friends to the program. To invite friends, the program takes active accounts and sends invitations to friends with each account until the limit is reached. Invite to friends is launched by the button "50 people to friends on accounts from a file". You can express all your suggestions on the functions of the invite on the support forum in the thread where they suggest improvements.

Getting started with the program made a good impression: responsive technical support, active participation of the manager, the terminal is ready to work in a matter of hours. Interesting functionality, but only at first sight. Technical support performs many tasks on its own using remote access to a computer.


Round-the-clock technical support - at night it is extremely difficult to get through and get an urgent consultation;

technical support staff often ignore requests related to EGAIS;

a very "raw" system, full of bugs (mostly numbers in statistics and finance are added incorrectly);

the interface in some places is very unfriendly, it was developed by people who are not familiar with the specifics of working in catering: not suitable for cafes and bars with open bar counters and fast service;

it is impossible to merge split checks;

the bank terminal is not synchronized with the Poster terminal;

so that the dishes in the sliders to the kitchen are not duplicated - you need to update the slider yourself and make sure that there are only new dishes, etc.

often there is a shutdown of the fiscal registrar, which makes it impossible to print checks;

absolutely all open tables disappeared and orders had to be reproduced from scratch;

I really regret that I was led by the first impression and paid immediately for a year of use. I'm looking for another system. I categorically do not want to continue working with the poster system.

I want to note that I use the most expensive custom package, but, alas, I get an absolutely primitive and full of errors product for my use. Which, by the way, gives me a headache: I constantly have to call the technical support service and find out why something does not work or does not work properly.

As it turned out, the promised 24-hour technical support turned out to be untrue - alas, there were often situations when at night (2:00 - 3:00) it was not possible to get through and get advice on a very serious issue.

But serious questions arise all the time: quite often the fiscal registrar is turned off, which makes it impossible to print checks; several times there was a situation when absolutely all open tables disappeared in the terminal and orders had to be reproduced from scratch.

And even the fact that you got through is not a guarantee of a solution to the problem. Often, employees accepted applications, promised to clarify the information and call back .. But they never called back. Especially often the story happened if the problems concerned the EGAIS and the absence of some TTN in the Poster system.

If you turn to the admin panel, then things are clearly not better: the statistics make mistakes every now and then, simply incorrectly adding up the amounts for cash and cards. Of course, if you call technical support, the guys will definitely fix everything. But the problem is that you need to track such errors yourself and constantly in order to be sure that the statistics are displayed correctly. And this is not what this program is bought for - I would like to make my life and work easier, and not shake over the screen 24 hours a day looking for "small problems in the calculation."

Among other things, after some time of use, it becomes obvious that the product was developed by people who had absolutely no experience in catering. The interface in some places is categorically inconvenient and does not correspond to the sphere at all. I won't say anything about the fact that the system facilitates the work of service personnel.

You cannot merge split checks; the bank terminal is not synchronized with the Poster terminal; so that the dishes in the sliders to the kitchen are not duplicated - you need to update the slider yourself and make sure that there are only new dishes, etc.

Getting started with the program made a good impression: responsive technical support, active participation of the manager, the terminal is ready to work in a matter of hours. Interesting functionality, but only at first sight. Technical support performs many tasks on its own using remote access to a computer.


Round-the-clock technical support - at night it is extremely difficult to get through and get an urgent consultation;

technical support staff often ignore requests related to EGAIS;

a very "raw" system, full of bugs (mostly numbers in statistics and finance are added incorrectly);

the interface in some places is very unfriendly, it was developed by people who are not familiar with the specifics of working in catering: not suitable for cafes and bars with open bar counters and fast service;

it is impossible to merge split checks;

the bank terminal is not synchronized with the Poster terminal;

so that the dishes in the sliders to the kitchen are not duplicated - you need to update the slider yourself and make sure that there are only new dishes, etc.

often there is a shutdown of the fiscal registrar, which makes it impossible to print checks;

absolutely all open tables disappeared and orders had to be reproduced from scratch;

I really regret that I was led by the first impression and paid immediately for a year of use. I'm looking for another system. I categorically do not want to continue working with the poster system.

I want to note that I use the most expensive custom package, but, alas, I get an absolutely primitive and full of errors product for my use. Which, by the way, gives me a headache: I constantly have to call the technical support service and find out why something does not work or does not work properly.

As it turned out, the promised 24-hour technical support turned out to be untrue - alas, there were often situations when at night (2:00 - 3:00) it was not possible to get through and get advice on a very serious issue.

But serious questions arise all the time: quite often the fiscal registrar is turned off, which makes it impossible to print checks; several times there was a situation when absolutely all open tables disappeared in the terminal and orders had to be reproduced from scratch.

And even the fact that you got through is not a guarantee of a solution to the problem. Often, employees accepted applications, promised to clarify the information and call back .. But they never called back. Especially often the story happened if the problems concerned the EGAIS and the absence of some TTN in the Poster system.

If you turn to the admin panel, then things are clearly not better: the statistics make mistakes every now and then, simply incorrectly adding up the amounts for cash and cards. Of course, if you call technical support, the guys will definitely fix everything. But the problem is that you need to track such errors yourself and constantly in order to be sure that the statistics are displayed correctly. And this is not what this program is bought for - I would like to make my life and work easier, and not shake over the screen 24 hours a day looking for "small problems in the calculation."

Among other things, after some time of use, it becomes obvious that the product was developed by people who had absolutely no experience in catering. The interface in some places is categorically inconvenient and does not correspond to the sphere at all. I won't say anything about the fact that the system facilitates the work of service personnel.

You cannot merge split checks; the bank terminal is not synchronized with the Poster terminal; so that the dishes in the sliders to the kitchen are not duplicated - you need to update the slider yourself and make sure that there are only new dishes, etc.