Entertainment scenario "March 8 - Dudes of our kindergarten! Birthday script in the style of "Stilyagi" Scenario March 8 preparatory group of dudes.

Here comes spring again
She brought a holiday again.

The holiday is joyful, bright and tender,

The holiday of all our dear women!

Vedas: Lovely women, kind, faithful!

Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!

Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,

Happiness treasured, the purest!

1 Vedas: May your life be wonderful
Healthy children and lovely husbands,
And your house will be a full bowl,
This is what I want from the bottom of my heart!

2Vedas: We start our holiday

And we meet our guys!

(To the music, the boys enter, rebuild and line up in a semicircle.)

BOYS (TOGETHER): Congratulations from the male population!

1 reb: Congratulations, congratulations to our dear women,

After all, today we all know their best holiday!

2 reb: Dear mothers! Congratulations
We send you sunny greetings,
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you:

3 children: You know, mom, an ordinary day,

We can't live without you!

The word "mother" is so familiar,

From the first days we speak!

4 children: Mom, there is no friend more expensive -

Do you believe in our every takeoff!

Who else can help like you?

Who else will understand like you?

5 children: Let our mothers today

It will be fun and light.

We want moms to know:

We love them dearly!

6 children.: (puts hand to ear) Oh, they say outside the door

The girls are making noise

They're on their way here

(points to clock) There are a few minutes left.

7 children: We used to tease them all

Hurt them many times

Triggered them

Tickled a little (shows)

They pulled their braids,

What kind of life did they have? (Spreads arms to sides)

8 children: We will be different now

And forget about pranks.

Let's protect them

We will help you everywhere.

9 children: So, let's start our festive ball,

Attention, the girls are entering our hall.


The girls enter to the music, stop in the center.

1 Girl: Oh girls, this is a miracle -

Guests are everywhere!

The sun is shining and laughing

The gentle song flows!

2 Girl: The hall smells of miracles!

And French perfume!

What kind of guests are here?

All girls: These are dear mothers!

3 Girl: We are your kind smiles,
We will collect in a huge bouquet.
For you, dear mothers,
We will sing a song today.


1r. How wonderful it is when men give us compliments to women, well, they carry us in their arms!

Too bad it doesn't happen every day.

2 p. Although all women dream of it

I wonder what else women dream of?

1 p. I think that here you can guess endlessly.

Hello, dear guests, our stylish Men and Girls! I welcome you all to our holiday party "Dandies". To be a dude today means to be different from everyone else, to stand out from the gray mass, to be a positive, dynamic person and to love life! I know that such people are gathered in this hall today. Truth? I can not hear….

I see burning eyes, wide smiles, and already I hear friendly, loud applause, in honor of the most stylish people of our party today! And the most freaky and outrageous (party organizers) gathered us today - this is ... and .... Let's greet them with loud applause.


Hai! Men and Gerla. You are just SUPER!!! Well, that's all the guests in the collection, I ask you to the table. Today we have an unusual party and not banal gatherings, this is a real party of dudes! So let's make everyone have fun until they drop! Do you agree?

Then the first toast! Drink to Alex and Nati on their three year wedding anniversary. (Guests drink)


To begin with, I suggest that you all familiarize yourself with the rules of our style party. Or maybe they are familiar to the guests?


Today is mandatory (guests help):

  • Speak toasts, drink and eat.
  • Have fun until you drop
  • Pour yourself and the neighbor on the right
  • Do not fall asleep and, at any opportunity, rush into the dance!
  • Sleep at the table.
  • Leave the party with a boring face.

You agree with me? (guest response) Great, then let's start!


The celebration opens with an explosion of confetti poppers.

Let's raise our glasses to the opening of the Stilyagi party


The guests are having a drink

Well, now I propose to get acquainted with the dudes of our party. Yes, outwardly, you are already different from the rest, but we don’t know your name. For example, what is your name? (guest answers) Ooooh..Today you wake up Irene. Now I will call your names, and you please respond, I will give you badges with new names.


Presentation of badges

Examples of the name of the guests in the style of "Stilyagi"

  1. Ira - Irene
  2. Eugene-Jackson
  3. Angela Julie
  4. Dima - Danny
  5. Tanya- Tata
  6. Maxim- Max
  7. Alena-Alli
  8. Eugene John
  9. Julia Julie
  10. Dima Damon
  11. Sasha-Alex
  12. Natasha-Nati
  13. Elena Helen
  14. Sergei-Serge 15.Sveta- Lannet
  15. Valera-Leron
  16. Natasha - Nata
  17. Anton-Antoine
  18. Olesya - Lucien
  19. Vanya - Willy
  20. Tanya - Tanya
  21. Sveta - Sati
  22. Dima - Danny
  23. Seryozha - George
  24. Alena- Ellie
  25. Snezhanna- Jeannette
  26. Michael Misha

Well, we got acquainted with the Mens and Girls of our party and now I propose to drink FOR ACQUAINTANCE!!!



We do not recognize gray

Our world plays with the whole rainbow.

Chanson, we don't sing romances,

We are attracted to jazz and boogie.

When we walk down the street

You turn around to follow us.

We are dudes, which is good

After all, we are not like everyone else.

Now I suggest you remember when the first dudes appeared? In the 50s? Right! And what was their distinguishing feature? (Guests are responsible, they receive sweets for answers) (Bright, provocative clothes, Boots on "semolina, Sunglasses, fashionable hairstyle ("kok", shock, block)


Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! You are great fellows, you know everything. But it is also important for dudes to distinguish themselves from the crowd, from the “gray mass” not only with the help of clothes or lifestyle, but also with the help of a special language, or rather jargon. I suggest that you, dudes, use gestures to guess the words from the language of dudes into Russian, and for the correct answers, all participants will receive small presents. And now whoever received sweets from me, they will help me with this. Please come in order. Your task is to show the definition of this word as accurately as possible without words.


  • Heal - walk, walk.
  • Chucha - song
  • Dynamo (dynamo machine) - taxi
  • Shoes - fashion shoes, often with high soles.
  • To ramble - to have sexual contact
  • Phaser is the father.
  • Luke - look.
  • Baton is an ordinary girl
  • Socks - stockings, socks.
  • Taek - tie
  • Trousers - trousers.
  • Trench coat - raincoat.

You are all great guys, you did a great job. For this, we must drink, and at the same time congratulate our ... and ....


Congratulations from friends. The guests are drinking.

Meanwhile, the host of the guests chooses the most artistic young man. He is invited to play the role of Zhanna Aguzarova. He is made up in the style of the singer, they put on shoes on a huge platform, baggy, multi-layered clothes and an unusual headdress, they hand him a microphone, and a guitar in his hands.

A moment of attention! We managed to arrange a performance at our rock and roll star party! And now, from Mars itself, an inimitable, unusual, mysterious star will fall here! Meet Zhanna Aguzarova!


A singer appears to the music of "Leningrad Rock-n-Roll", she performs a song with gestures while playing the guitar to the soundtrack

Zhanna, your performance is just CLASS!!!

  • Well, tell us how you live there on Mars?
  • How did the local population accept you, do they offend you?
  • Enough male attention?

As I understand it, you came to congratulate our... and...? Then you have a word.


Jeanne congratulates and flies back to Mars

And now let's find out who our guests are the most stylish, fashionable and creative. We all know perfectly well that it is a sacred occupation for dudes to walk along the main street of the city, the so-called "Broadway". This ritual consists in demonstrating oneself to "the city and the world." Here we are now with you will be Khilyat and show ourselves in all its glory. Our girls will choose the “coolest MENA”, and the Menas “the most stylish GIRL”.


To the music, take turns walking in front of the jury and showing your outfit and image as artistically as possible. Each participant is awarded a multi-colored circle, according to which the jury will choose the winner. The winners are awarded with honorary medals.

And so we have already formed two teams - Cool MEN and Stylish Girls, now we'll find out how fast, smart and savvy you are. I have a couple of questions for you regarding party orgs, so now let's check how well you know them. And for the victory the team is entitled to a prize from the hosts of the party.


The host gives out signs with letters to each team, the task of the players is to make up answers to questions as quickly as possible. Letters - O, R, G, I, P, A, T, I, PI, VO, LU, BO, Vb-8 people. in a team


  1. What are the real names of the orgs
  2. Who is an orgy
  3. Sasha's favorite alcoholic drink (beer)
  4. What feeling unites this couple (Love)

Well done guys did a great job, congratulations to the winning team!!! They receive the most expensive gift of today's party - kisses and hugs from the orgs. HURRAH!!! So let's drink just for the feeling that unites this couple FOR LOVE.


The guests are having a drink

Three participants are required to participate in the competition. The task of the participants is to dance boogie-woogie and tear the newspaper into more pieces. The winner is awarded the medal "Dandy Party"

Well, our Stilyagi party has come to an end. I hope everyone had a great time, get a lot of positive emotions and recharged good mood. For you cool, stylish, bright and cheerful, for you FRIENDS!!!


Mothers, grandmothers, and fathers gather for children's matinees in the garden on the very first and most tender spring holiday on March 8. After all, what is a holiday if there are no guests on it? The scenario for March 8 in kindergarten for a preparatory group with funny characters will help structure the morning party and make sure that both children and adults participate in the program, especially dear mothers and grandmothers, because, first of all, this holiday is for them.

Holiday "Dandies" is a great option to plunge into the atmosphere of the 50-60s, remind grandmothers of this beautiful time and meet spring brightly and with enthusiasm. After all, with the onset of spring, everything around comes to life, acquires colors, therefore March 8 should also be colorful. The scenario of the holiday "Style" is based on the film of the same name. But, this film will be filmed by children during the program. Each child is a separate character, so they must be dressed up in accordance with the theme of the holiday.

During the scenario, children will sing, dance, read poems about spring, about mothers and grandmothers, involve parents in contests and sketches, and distribute sweets. At the end of the event for mothers and grandmothers, children prepare gifts and distribute them.

This scenario is designed specifically for the preparatory group. kindergarten where children aged 6-7 go. The purpose of this holiday is to create a joyful mood, to familiarize children with the era of 50-60 years, as well as to instill in them kind and bright feelings for mothers and grandmothers.

The main objectives of the event:

1. Learn the dance movements and musical trends characteristic of the 50-60s, learn about the fashion of that time.
2. To arouse the desire of the public to actively participate in the event, to give an opportunity to feel nostalgic.
3. To develop the creative activity of children.
4. Develop expressive reading and speech actions, the art of pantomime.

How to start a script

The performance should begin with the fact that the children go on stage to the music, the guests are sitting in the hall. The teachers roll out a hanger with clothes behind them. Children talk about their intentions to make a musical film, and therefore they need help choosing outfits that match the theme. Here they should ask for help from mothers and grandmothers, who are better versed in the fashion of that time. This stage in the scenario can be conditionally designated as "Casting".

Next, the film that the children are making will consist of 5 scenes. First scene - musical - children go out and sing songs "Dandies". Next, there is a competition for the best duet, here the participants of the competition must perform songs about mothers and grandmothers paired with their fathers (or grandfathers, mothers and grandmothers). The best duet receives a mini-prize.

Second scene - dancing. Children must learn the dance in advance (you can learn one of the dances from the film "Dandies") and dance it. Then arrange a competition in tandem with parents for the best dance.

Third scene - this is a quiz, children ask questions to the audience about the Stilyagi and that era. Questions can be completely different, and you can even come up with questions on knowledge of the film itself.

Fourth scene - music and dance In this scene, the children will not only sing, but also dance, like in a musical.

Calm music sounds, a girl with a boy enters the hall by the hand, sit down on a standing bench, there are records in a pile on it and there is a player

Girl. (takes the plate in his hands, asks)

Don't know what it is?


I know they're records. My grandmother has such a player, earlier, when she was young, they listened to music, and even fairy tales and different stories, this is the ancestor of our discs.


How interesting, let's listen (they put on a record, the beautiful calm music of Elvis Presley sounds).

Is there anything else? (rearrange the plate on the other side, Rock and roll begins to sound).

(The boy gives the girl a hand, invites to dance)

Children perform a rock and roll dance.

Girl. That's lovely!

Boy. My grandmother has many more of these, let's run, listen? Girl: We run ... ( run away).

1. hello sweet spring

You are fragrant and clear

Green forest and meadow

So beautiful all around!

2. It's already warm, and March is already in the yard,

And the number 8 on the calendar.

Today is the brightest day of the year

He gives people light and kindness.

3. May your life be beautiful

And the kids are always happy.

Let your house be a full bowl!

Good luck, happiness and kindness!

4. Please accept our congratulations

On International Women's Day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like a lilac.

5 .We congratulate grandmothers and mothers,

We wish you happiness and health!

Today the sun enters every home.


We congratulate you on Women's Day!

Song "Spring"

Girls come out

1. How wonderful it is when men carry us in their arms!

Too bad it doesn't happen every day.

2. Although all women dream of it

1. I wonder what else women dream of?

2. I think that one can guess endlessly here.

I know that mothers sometimes wish they were 20 years old again.

And grandmothers dream that they were - 35 years old

one . Well, that requires a time machine.

2. And I think you can do without it.

We are just announcing...

Leading: We invite you for a short time in the 70s of the twentieth century!

Dance "Twist"


Let's congratulate our grandmothers today in a special way -

After all, they are the mothers of our mothers and fathers!

one . Grandmother! Is it just like me

Girl, when were you?

I tore unripe apples from the apple tree.

Quarreled with girlfriends because of trifles

And through the warm puddles she raced barefoot.

2. And played tag in the summer until dark.

And at the disco the best was.

Rock and roll and twist she danced there,

Was the grandmother a girl?

3. Grandma, happy holiday to you!

With one more year to go

In which you, loving the whole world,

She gave us her care.

Song "Bake Pancakes"


And now we are announcing show jumping for our mothers and grandmothers.

The contest is called:

"Find out from which movie the melody and phrase"

There are excerpts of famous phrases and songs from movies of the 70s. The audience guesses the name of the films.

(boy and girls come out

1 Now let's fast forward

On the dance floor of the 70s of the last century.

There is always noise, fun,

Laughter and good mood.

2. Of course! After all, dances always took place on Saturdays,

And we have been waiting for this day for a whole week.

And all the girls belonged to these dances

with special care.

3. (boy)

I'm standing here all fashionable, my forelock on one side.

We were not too lazy to prepare for the holiday.

And the new boots are polished and shiny.

And the girls with polka dots and babettes are standing.

Dance "Boogie Woogie» all children

Sketch"Three Moms"

(In the center of the hall or on the stage there is a table, three chairs. A doll is sitting on one of the chairs. A dish with four cheesecakes is on the table)

Our kids are so stubborn!
Everyone knows this.
Mothers often tell them
But they don't listen to their mothers.
Tanyusha in the evening
Came from a walk
And the doll asked:

Tanya enters, goes to the table and sits down on a chair, takes the doll in her arms.

How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
It's just trouble with these daughters,
Come to dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

Tanya's mother came home from work
And Tanya asked:

Mom enters, sits on a chair near Tanya.

How are you, daughter?
Played again, probably in the garden?
Managed to forget about food again?
Grandma shouted to dine more than once,
And you answered: now yes now.
It's just trouble with these daughters,
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Come on, have dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

Here grandmother - mother's mother - came
And she asked her mother:

Grandmother enters with a wand, goes to the table and sits on the third chair.

How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again, there was not a minute for food,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.
You can't sit all day without eating.
She's already become a doctor, but she's still a fidget.
These girls are just in trouble.
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Come to dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

Everyone eats cheesecakes.

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with daughters stubborn?

All three. Oh, how not easy it is to be mothers!


M You, friends, danced and joked today.

We got carried away and forgot about the main thing.

That it's time for us to go back

Moms, grandmothers and our beloved garden are waiting for us.

Electric game

(according to the principle “Playing with chairs”, only the chairs are in a row, one passenger is extra (late). Song “The last train ran away from me again)

After the game, the children become a semicircle

1 . From the southern edges along the expanse of fields

Spring is approaching us.

And it became brighter and warmer in the world

In honor of our mothers day!

2 . The expanse of the sky is clear, deep and pure.

And the azure expanse beckons.

Look at the beauty all around!

In honor of our sisters!

3 . With the beginning of spring, celebrate this day

Not in vain bequeathed

And we will always dedicate this day -

Our beloved women!

Dance with moms

1. May it be spring on this day

You are in a great mood.

May there be many flowers

Smiles of kind, gentle words!

2. May love be by your side

Life is full of happiness to the brim.

'Cause it's through your eyes

Spring itself looks at the world.

3. Mommy, dear, gentle most

Beautiful, kind and radiant.

In the palms of my hands I will give you a heart

"Thank you" for everything I tell you!

The song "Mom is an expensive word"


Let the sun shine bright today

In the shadows, leaving a heavy burden of worries,

And the whole world marvelous and beautiful

Today will be all at your feet!

A holiday in honor of March 8 in the preparatory group of the retro show "Dandies of our kindergarten"

Children enter the hall:

We are all gathered todaySemyon Osipov

To congratulate grandmothers and mothers

Great happiness and health

we sincerely wish you!

We congratulate our mothers!Arseny Voronov

Collect all the flowers in a big mountain!

And throw them all at my mother's feet!

And shout out loud:"We love you"!

Zand I just want to say thank you!Dani Kulikov
Happy holiday my grandmother
Be always healthy and beautiful
Welfare, attention and warmth!

Look at the clock, the arrows have gone backwards!Semyon Osipov

What a delight! After all, we got into the young years of our grandmothers!

The music sounds...

The children go behind the curtain.

The curtain opens, on the stage VIA « dudes » , singing a song in the background of the film "How Young We Were" (a film about grandmothers)

Song "I don't believe what the guys are saying"

1 verse :

Not so common butdude parade,

What we got 40 years ago.

Chorus :

But I don't believe what they say

And now I'm standing here

howdude in front of you

And I sing.

(on the 2nd verse, the rest of the children come in and become scattered in pairs)

All the guys are talking

That our matinee today is not like that.

That today we dance and sing

Like when grandfather and grandmother were together.

Chorus :

But we don't believe what they say

Is it possible to turn hours ago,

But now we are standing here, And for an hour we will fly away at that time!

Children do not sit on chairs!!!

Poems (Polya K.,)

We congratulate our beloved mothers! Kuznetsova Polina

Happy spring, clear women's day!

We wish you many happy days!

And we promise you!

Do not upset you very often!

And to the best of my ability to help you!

Of course, do not argue with you in vain!

And go to bed on time!

All children wish our grandmothers! Bogomolov Dima

Long happy and joyful years!

Accept from your bullies and pranksters!

Huge, hot, spring hello!

How beautiful are the mothers of Kuzmov Kolya

On this sunny day!

Let them be proud of us:

Mom, here I am, your son! (waving)

Here I am, your daughter (waving) Polina Suvorova

Look how grown up

And more recently

She was a tiny little one.

Here I am, my grandmother! (waving) Bushueva Eva

Love me!

You love me, I know

My precious!


Happy Spring Day today!

We hasten to congratulate you!

Oh yes! Forgotten kiss

"Air" send you! ("air kiss")

You listen to the style!Lisa Palilova

I'll tell you the truth!

Our life, of course, is bright, wonderful and very interesting!

All: Cinema? (Everyone throws up their hands in surprise)

And what really, really!Polina Suvorova

And we wanted to make films.

So what are we filming? Decided?

All: Hurrah! Movies are allowed! (raise hands up)

And so, the conversation is over!

Attention friends, motor!

Scene one "Who are dudes?"

Musical number - "And the hands clap-clap-clap!"

Scene two "Helpers"

It is very easy to be a mother, only from morning to night Polina Nazarova

Dad needs to say "I'm very tired!"

No, it's not difficult to be a mother: once - dinner is ready! Suetova Sonya

Well, take the dishes to wash - there are no more cases!

In the meantime - wash, sew something, Zimina Alina

If you take a broom in your hands, you can relax.

Braid my pigtail, read a book, Liza Shirkova

Take your brother to the kindergarten, knit a scarf for dad.

I decided to help her and I'll tell you straight, Palilova Liza

There is no harder job than mom's!

(Go to their seats)

So that mom smiles at us like the sun, Dmitry Malyagin

So that mom always stays young,

So that happiness shines from mother's eyes,

We will sing a song for mom now!

Scene three - "Mom dear!"

Musical number - the song "Everything for them, for dear mothers!"


From the southern edges along the expanse of fieldsBoyko Vladislav

Spring is approaching us.

And it became brighter and warmer in the world

AThonor of the holiday of our mothers!

With the beginning of spring, celebrate this dayBabaev Azim

Not in vain bequeathed

And we will always dedicate this day -

To our beloved WOMEN!

Mommy, dear, tender most Zhilina Dasha

Beautiful, kind and radiant.

In the palms of my hands I will give you a heart

"Thanks"for everything I tell you!

I sing here all fashionable and my forelock on one side!Shibalov Timofey

ToholidayWe were not too lazy to prepare!

And new shoes burn with gold!

And the beautiful girls stand side by side!

Grandmother!Tsuganova Eva

Is it like I'm a girl, when you were?

I tore unripe apples from the apple tree.

Quarreled with girlfriends because of trifles

And through the warm puddles she raced barefoot.

And played tag in the summer until dark.

And at the disco the best was.

Rock and roll and twist she danced there,

Was the grandmother a girl?

Scene 4 - "Cinema!"

"Soviet film"

You need to guess the name of the movie by the catchphrases of the movie!

We look at the screen, listen to the melody and guess the name of the movie!


Please accept our congratulations!Provorova Alexandra

On International Women's Day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like a lilac.

Once my grandfatherwas a dude, Myasnikov Valery

And wore pipe trousers

And he danced the twist and boogie woogie,

And there were no equals in his entire district.

my grandmother,Savikova Nastya

You were so good when you were young

Smile, eyes, face gentle oval...

That even our strict grandfather,

like Picasso, he painted your portrait!

I know that my grandmother has a secret thought

About winning the competition"Grandma is the universe!"

I dancedancefashionable heels are not a pity.Stopinov Zhenya

Get close! Come on, orchestra, fire up!

Grandma looks at me, grandfather winks.

Remember the happy days after many years!

Scene Five - "Orchestral!"

Musical number - "Stylish Orchestra!"

Scene six - "Playing!"

    TIE A SCARF (Rope, Balloons with muzzles (6), scarves (6), gloves (2 pairs))

A rope is attached between two chairs, balls are tied to the rope by strings. Or dads are holding a rope. You need to tie handkerchiefs on these balls. Whoever does it faster wins. You can complicate the game and give out gloves.

    Milk a cow (2 mothers, 2 pairs of gloves, 2 buckets, 2 headscarves, 2 apron)

To play, you need rubber gloves, make small ones on your fingers.


Game progress

The times are difficult now, in the village one cannot do without a cow, let's see how our mothers can milk a cow (a glove filled with water).

The child holds a glove, and the mother “milks” into a basin, bucket. Who needs more. It will be even more interesting if you involve dad.


Who will sew buttons faster and better.

(The difficulty is that the buttons are cut out of cardboard and have a large diameter)

Scene seven - "Dance!"

Musical number - "Dance battle"

After the dance, they do not sit on chairs, but go to their places.

scene seven - "Final".

We thought for a long time, decided what to give our mothers? Smirnova Masha

After all, the gift, everyone said, should be the best!

We cannot give a "jacuzzi"

And you can't buy a ticket to Cyprus

It is also difficult to give us Mercedes as a gift Palilova Lisa What to present to our mothers?

And the answer came by itself:

Our gift is not simple, you can't take it with your hand

We give hearts warmth, smiles, joy, kindness.

scene eight "Gift".

Give gifts to mothers and grandmothers first girls, then boys

presenter : Well, our retro tour has come to an end, and finally I want to say ... ..

Dear, beloved grandmothers and mothers!

Sun, smiles, clear skies,

The first flowers on the thawed snow,

Happiness, health, of course love,

We wish you all Happy Spring!

Gifts, sweets and real flowers!

Let everything in your life be brilliant!!!