Is it possible to give your shoes to another person. The influence of the energy of old and other people's things on our lives

What do we do with old clothes when we don't need them anymore? Surely we throw it away or give it to other people: relatives, friends or those in need. We do the same with shoes and other things. We believe that by giving things to others, we are doing a good deed. But doesn't that pose a problem for us?


In ancient times, people believed that personal items are closely related to the owner in terms of energy. Hair, particles of a person’s skin remain on his clothes, shoes, watches, jewelry ... Many superstitions are built on this, in which energy of things is brought to the fore.


Vital energy

It is believed that about 80 energy channels pass through the feet. So, shoes are a thing that passes through maximum vitality person. When someone else wears your shoes, their energy channels contact the information that was stored in the shoes, changing it.

All this affects both the old owner and the new one. Wearing shoes after a person, you run the risk of succumbing to the bad influence of his energy.


Consider what things are dangerous in terms of energy.

dangerous things

  • Hats, caps and other headgear, as well as devices that have had regular contact with the hair and head.
  • T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts and other items of underwear and underwear.
  • Backpacks, bags, wallets. The transfer of these things can be bad for financial solvency.


  • Pillowcases, duvet covers, mattresses. These things are considered a symbol of family well-being and peace.
  • Interior and pocket mirrors. By transferring them to other hands, you can lose a piece of your own attractiveness.
  • We are talking about things that have been used for their intended purpose more than once. If the thing is new, then you can give or give it away without fear. You can also freely donate outerwear. If you are still worried about your energy, then you can wash the thing by adding salt to the powder, which erases energy traces.


    If you send used clothes, shoes or other personal items to a landfill, first cut them into several pieces to completely eliminate the possibility of their further use for their intended purpose.

    Among the people, there have also long been many signs that relate to the energy of our personal belongings.

    Folk omens

  • By giving clothes to beggars or low-income relatives, a person loses some of his energy and may become poorer.
  • Buying clothes or shoes with the last money, a person incurs problems with money.
  • Putting on new clothes for big holidays, a person attracts good luck.
  • believe in omens or not is a personal matter for everyone. But if our ancestors believed in these patterns for centuries, then it probably makes sense.


    Pay attention to spoiled, damaged, as well as those things that have not been used for the last year and do not plan to use in the future. You can combine this ritual with general cleaning.

    Earlier we talked about what habitual things spoil the energy in the house. Look, perhaps they interfere with creating a cozy atmosphere in your home.

    And how often do you get wear someone else's things? How do you deal with the energy of the previous owner? Tell me in the comments.

    So, you have accumulated a sufficient number of things. Clothing has become small / large, or tastes have changed. You found an unnecessary set of dishes or wanted to get rid of an old kettle. The question arises: is it possible to give your things to other people? Is this good or bad, and how does this affect the old and new owners?

    Some are afraid to do this because of various signs associated with the loss of energy and the evil thoughts of people. A little later, you will see that giving is not only safe, but also gives you the opportunity to make the other person a little happier. And how to make your worries about frightening beliefs subside, I will tell at the end of the article.

    We give things through the bulletin boards

    When placing ads on certain Internet services, you often have to deal with different people. But they all need help. Some cannot afford outerwear, shoes, household items. Others are happy to buy inexpensive children's transport, an old TV, pieces of furniture. And for someone it doesn’t matter at all whether he has new gins or bought them on an ad.

    Many people do not think that buying things from their hands, they can somehow harm themselves. They are happy with absolutely everything that can be purchased inexpensively or for free. And if you manage to bargain a little - doubly pleasant.

    You know what I've noticed lately? People give away unwanted or extra clothes for a grocery bag! Many do not even ask for money in return, as long as there is something to eat. At the same time, they do not think about adverse energy effects and other signs. Therefore, there is nothing wrong if you entrust your things to strangers.

    close people

    Now let's talk about whether it is possible to give your things to loved ones. Certainly you can! There is nothing reprehensible if you give something that you do not use to friends, relatives, people you know. To give permanently or only for a while - it's up to you. But offering your help to another is not so difficult, is it?

    For example, I'm not having the best of times right now. Sitting on maternity leave with a child, I am glad for absolutely any help. Friends give us to wear children's things from which their children have grown. And last year I bought an inexpensive winter down jacket from an ad. I still wear it and am delighted with how warm and comfortable I am in it.

    Be attentive to loved ones, because they may not be in the best position.

    In church

    It is also a good place to attach unnecessary clothes. Among the parishioners of the church there are low-income, needy people who have nothing to wear. But not every church has a collection of clothes. Therefore, check with the priest first.

    In general, you can contact the social security authorities or volunteers who provide assistance to those in need. There are even special groups on social networks created to help low-income or large families.

    Before you bring things, carefully sort them into categories: winter, children, shoes, toys.

    To the orphanage

    Once I needed to urgently get rid of old armchairs and a sofa. I posted an ad that I want to give away furniture for free. Among those who responded were employees of the orphanage. They really needed this furniture, despite its worn out appearance and many years of service.

    In general, various things are required in orphanages: clothes, shoes, books, toys, appliances, personal hygiene products. Many institutions refused to accept used clothes, as they began to bring almost rags. You need to treat this in good faith, because no one is pleased to wear shabby cast-offs.

    Clothes should not be worn to holes, well washed, ironed and smell good! Read the article to avoid unpleasant situations.

    The same goes for other things. Equipment must be in good working order, books must not be painted, cosmetics must be sealed (expiration dates are normal).

    When collecting unnecessary things for children, remember that they would be happy to receive something new, unused. Present a new suit that your child has not had time to wear since he grew up. Or a new children's book that you were given, but you already have enough of them.

    In second hand

    Is it possible to donate your old things in a second-hand shop for other people who need it more? Of course yes, and the new owner will not even know whose thing was. That's just the amount received from the sale will be small.

    But most second-hand stores have stopped accepting clothes from individuals, so it's best to go to thrift stores. There are certain work schemes according to which you can receive part of the amount immediately or after the sale.

    What are people afraid of?

    Many people wonder: is it worth giving personal belongings to strangers or wearing someone else's clothes? After all, there are signs that together with the thing you give away a piece of energy. And by accepting someone else's, you run the risk of taking negative energy or becoming the same poor person.

    So, from an esoteric point of view, get rid of old things . By doing so, you make room for something new. At the same time, you need to give from a pure heart, without regret.

    Years of accumulated things that you find it difficult to part with can lead to stagnation in business. Here I advise you to read the article to easily remove the binding.

    In case you still want to help the poor or people in a difficult situation, but are afraid, you can do something.

    Exercises for your own peace of mind

    1. Meditate a little. Light a candle next to the things, close your eyes and imagine that there is smoke on the things. Gather it into a ball and bring it to you with your hands, if your things are yours. In the case of other people's things, push the ball out of the room.
    2. Mentally say goodbye to things, convincing yourself that they have served their purpose. Cut the connection.
    3. Rinse your/others' clothes in salt. So it will be right according to the ancient method of Feng Shui. Wipe appliances or other things with a rag soaked in salt.


    To tell the truth, you should not think about the bad! After all, even our great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers shared everything in difficult times, including clothes. They accepted things from other people, they could trust a stranger. Old clothes were torn into choppers. No one thought that it was wrong and could somehow hurt.

    Many generations have grown up like this and nothing bad has happened. Even now, most people constantly give away their old clothes and live perfectly. Indeed, thanks to this, a little less resources are spent on the production of new clothes. Those in need are dressed. You can save money for something more useful thanks to second-hand stores and message boards.

    I think we figured out whether it is possible to give or sell your things to other people. Let's not worry about trifles and make the world a better place! I wish you more good people on your life path)

    Don't miss other helpful articles. There are many more interesting things ahead of you)

    Previous post

    How many unnecessary things - clothes, shoes, bags accumulate in the closet over the years of life. Someone parted with them easily, and someone is seriously considering whether it is possible to give them to someone?

    And if not, why not?

    1. Prejudice. They are very strong and although for the most part they have no real background, they nest in the minds and hearts, making it difficult to make room for new things and impressions:
      with things, part of the energy passes to the gifted person;
      regretting the given thing will greatly complicate life.
    2. Feng Shui. The foreign interpretation of modern life sets its own rules, which appeal to many. Feng Shui recommends "cleansing" your belongings of residual energy and then easily part with them.

    Folk methods of parting with things

    • convince yourself that the thing has already served its purpose;
    • find a replacement for her in your favorite store;
    • mentally "cut" the connection;
    • do not feel sorry for the one to whom the gift is made;
    • give without address - to the church, to collection points for the poor.

    Folk methods of cleansing things from energy

    • light a candle in front of the thing;
    • close your eyes and mentally imagine the energy in the form of a ball;
    • throw this ball out of reach.

    According to Feng Shui

    • wash the thing in salted water (2 tablespoons per 3 liters of water);
    • take out three moonlit nights in a row.

    Other rules

    But for the people not taking prejudices so close to heart, there are other rules:

    1. If you want to give something away, give it away! But you have to do it from the heart.
    2. Donate items that are in good condition and that you will enjoy wearing. Do not humiliate a person by giving him trash.
    3. Old clothes can be used as rags in the household, it's just rags.
    4. If it’s a pity to part with a thing, let it hang further, and its time will come.

    Viewed: 157

    Many people give their belongings to strangers without thinking about whether this promises them problems. Often, with age, a person's tastes change, old clothes wear out, or a person gains extra pounds and can no longer wear his favorite dresses and jeans. Then a decision is made to throw away old clothes, shoes, jewelry, pieces of furniture or give them to other people. Some are afraid to give their things to strangers, as they are afraid of losing energy and making trouble. However, it is quite safe, especially if you know some rules for transferring things.

    How to hand over your belongings to strangers

    You should remember an important rule - you can not give and give away something that is a pity. If a thing is beloved and has served its owner for a long time, there is a risk of losing some of its power along with it. The regret that the thing is in the wrong hands will take away the energy of a person. If, after all, your favorite thing has already been given to strangers, you should simply forget about it, “cut it off” from yourself.

    Before you give your things to strangers, you need to fold them in front of you and mentally say that these are just things that have served and nothing more. They do not have the accumulated energy of the owner. Then you should close your eyes and imagine scissors that "cut" the person's connection with these things.

    You need to convince yourself that obsolete things are just a pile of rubbish that has served its purpose and is no longer useful. It is necessary to give a package or a box of things to another person with the idea that these things are someone else's. But the most beloved things are better to burn.

    Important rules for transferring old things to another person

    One of the important rules when handing over old things to strangers is not to expect gratitude from them. Thus, a person shows that at the energy level he “let go” of his things. Also, do not feel sorry for those who gave things. Pity will take power from the one who received the things and will give it to the one who gave the things. But no one knows how high-quality it will be. Perhaps a person will take away some of the bad karma. It is best to give and give away things anonymously.

    Giving your old things to strangers, you should not encourage a “good person” in yourself. It is better to say to yourself that the new, necessary, beautiful will come in place of the old. Let this be some kind of motivation.

    Why you need to give away old things

    Esotericists recommend parting with old things, giving them away or simply throwing them away. This will allow new things to take their place. You should give away old unnecessary things without regret, with joy and in a good mood. A pile of things accumulated over decades can cause stagnation in business, failures, and the inability to start a new life.

    According to Feng Shui, before giving your things to strangers, they should be washed in a salt solution. Two tablespoons are enough for several liters of water. Furniture, decorations or other items can be wiped with a cloth soaked in saline solution. So a person removes his energy from old things.

    There are things that are better not to give to strangers: linen, shoes, hats, mirrors, blankets, sheets, wallets, combs, mattresses, pillows. These things come into contact with the energy points of a person very closely.

    Complete collection and description: throwing away old things prayer for the spiritual life of a believer.

    To the person to whom you give this thing,

    To his role as a "good person".

    Note: we tend to give things to people who are in a slightly worse financial situation than ourselves. And I believe that each of us would not want to “mix” with these people energetically, that is, give them a thing, and in return take from them what led them to such a result. Therefore, let's talk about safety rules when transferring things.

    It's just a thing, not a part of me. When you have put away what you intend to give away, just close your eyes and cut the umbilical cord with this mountain of things. It's just matter, just things. You have already taken what you need from them, and now they are neutral. Pass a neutrally charged package to another person as if it were someone else's, as if you were simply asked to do so. If among the things there are loved ones that are a pity (and, by the way, which we sometimes “wear up” to a non-gifting state), then they cannot be given! It is on such things that a lot of "us" remains. They need to be burned. And in general, what is a pity cannot be given! With this, part of your strength will immediately go away, and if after a while you regret your gift, you continue to “merge” your energy into nowhere.

    I don't care who this thing goes to. There are two important points here: do not expect gratitude in any form for things from the one to whom you decided to give them or have already given them, and in no case feel sorry for this person. Remember: if we are waiting for gratitude, even unconsciously, then in fact we are buying it - for a thing. In this case, almost always in your relationship with this person there is some tension and dissatisfaction. What to do? To create relationships before giving gifts, to see the gratitude and love of this person in everyday actions, to work with yourself - to realize your value to other people. Until you feel that it is in the relationship, refrain from "gifts" of this kind or give anonymously, but remember the first and third rules. If you pity a person, then you should know that pity takes away the strength of the one who is pity. We will receive this power, the only question is, what quality? After all, poverty is also karma, and we can take a part of it, and, moreover, a “strong” part! Think! When you give something away - see this person successful and strong, imagine that he got what he wants, and let go of the thing (see the first and third rules).

    A “good person” is not a profession or a fortune. This rule is one of the most difficult to master. After all, it is not so easy for us to let go of thoughts about the sweet role of a “good person”. After all, if I gave away my things that I earned with sweat and blood, then I am a good person. For this reason, some people take things to the church, because there is immediately a triple good person here ... But remember that since you are a good person, it means that you are almost a saint and you don’t need anything anymore - you don’t need health, success, travel, money, love and etc. And the longer you are a good person, the longer you stand still in development and development of something new. How to get rid of this role? There are two ways - easy and not very. The easy way is to change the motivation, shift the focus of attention from “a good person” to “a new, desirable one will come to me”. In this case, when you give things away, say to yourself: “Let a new one come to this place.” Not a very easy way is to keep track of yourself, to “register” without evaluation those situations where there is a desire to feel like a “good person”.

    Put things in front of you, you can in a bag or a pile, in a delineated space and shape. Light a candle nearby, let it burn (if it is an aroma candle or aroma stick, even better). Close your eyes, tune in to these things.

    Feel and feel them in front of you (observe your feelings). Imagine that there is a haze or a veil on things. Mentally gather it with your hands into a ball. If your things are yours, take the ball for yourself, inhale it or put it inside yourself.

    If things are alien - mentally throw / move it outside your premises with the intention that the ball reaches the owner, or with the thought "come back to your owner (your owners)". Repeat this several times until you feel like things are completely free of your (or the other person's) energy. If you wore clothes for a short time - the desired state occurs after the first time, if for a long time - you need to “clean” several times (at least three times). At the end, read any prayer 3, 7 or 9 times.

    Cleaning can be done with sea salt. Pour sea salt into a clean dish, put the decoration and sprinkle salt on top and leave for three days. After 3 days, wash the thing with cold water, dry it in the sun, discard the salt.

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    Author Topic: How to get rid of old things the right way (Read 4422 times)

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    Energy of old things: getting rid of them correctly

    Many people agree that old things carry negative energy, which must be disposed of. Experts in the field of bioenergy advise doing it right so as not to doom yourself to failure.

    Energy of old things - the opinion of psychics

    Psychics, magicians and seers believe that old, unnecessary things are a source of bad dark energy. But the energy of old things is not always sharply negative. Sometimes they can be used to create talismans - these are, for example, rings and coins.

    Experts in the field of esotericism believe that the energy of an old thing is formed by our attitude towards it. Those old things that are abandoned and forgotten have the most negative energy. They attract evil spirits and bring bad luck.

    Old things - the opinion of the masters of feng shui

    As for the opinion of Chinese sages and followers of Feng Shui, it is multifaceted. There is a clear description of the negative energy of old things - they attract it, and very strongly. This energy programs the life of the one who stores unnecessary things into poverty.

    The philosophy of Feng Shui has one well-known rule: everything new is a replacement for the old. Old things interfere with renewal not only materially: negative energy also causes poor health and ailments. Lack of Qi energy or its stagnation does not allow to achieve success in business and at work, taking away good luck.

    Proper disposal of old things

    Feng Shui teachings and esoteric practice strongly recommend not only not to keep old useless things at home, but also to get rid of some of them in the right way.

    Broken things - broken glasses, dishes - necessary change as soon as possible to shield yourself from negative energy. The Feng Shui teaching also focuses on broken electrical appliances, which, like vampires, suck energy without leaving a single drop of positive. Try to get rid of them as soon as possible.

    The most terrible negative energy is in old furniture, which you do not know anything about. These items can be tried cleanse with incense as well as simple restoration. Breathe new life into it. You should be especially wary of old furniture that did not belong to you - it can harbor forces much more terrible than just ordinary negative energy.

    Psychics offer burn old things, and those that do not burn - break into small pieces. Broken crockery and glass can be thrown away intact. Expensive and serviceable, but unnecessary things can be given away, which will bring good luck to your home. If you do not want to give a thing away, it is better to clear it with conspiracies for good luck. Psychics advise you to put a positive program on furniture or clothes that did not belong to you. This will help avoid the evil eye or curse that may have been on the previous owner.

    Everything old has the right to life, but you should be as careful as possible in using things that carry their own history. You can not lose your luck and rid yourself of negative energy by properly disposing of unnecessary interior items, household appliances or clothes. Surround yourself with only the things you need and don't forget to push the buttons and

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    How to give away personal belongings without harm to yourself?

    on Fri Jan 03 2014, 07:36

    Moderators - this thread seemed the most correct for the question. If not, sorry, move it where it should be.

    thank you all in advance for your reply.

    on Fri Jan 03 2014, 08:12

    Save, Save and Protect

    Key, lock under my doorstep.

    Amen. Amen. Amen."

    on Fri Jan 03 2014, 08:27

    “When giving away your old things, just in case, you need to read a special amulet. This conspiracy must always be read, even if you give things to close relatives, because what the hell is not joking. So, as soon as people leave with your things, immediately say:

    My guardian angel, deliverer from evil,

    Save, Save and Protect

    From the obvious and the hidden, hidden by thoughts,

    From language and lesson from my doorstep.

    Key, lock under my doorstep.

    Amen. Amen. Amen."

    ” On my own behalf, I want to add that you definitely need to wash them first, wash off your energy.

    on Fri Jan 03 2014, 08:34

    on Fri Jan 03 2014, 08:44

    “When giving away your old things, just in case, you need to read a special amulet. This conspiracy must always be read, even if you give things to close relatives, because what the hell is not joking. So, as soon as people leave with your things, immediately say:

    My guardian angel, deliverer from evil,

    Save, Save and Protect

    From the obvious and the hidden, hidden by thoughts,

    From language and lesson from my doorstep.

    Key, lock under my doorstep.

    Amen. Amen. Amen."

    ”Thanks, in my case I won't see when and who leaves with things, can I read the plot while leaving them?

    on Fri Jan 03 2014, 10:47

    on Fri Jan 03 2014, 17:09

    “When giving away your old things, just in case, you need to read a special amulet. This conspiracy must always be read, even if you give things to close relatives, because what the hell is not joking. So, as soon as people leave with your things, immediately say:

    My guardian angel, deliverer from evil,

    Save, Save and Protect

    From the obvious and the hidden, hidden by thoughts,

    From language and lesson from my doorstep.

    Key, lock under my doorstep.

    Amen. Amen. Amen."

    ”Thanks, in my case I won't see when and who leaves with things, can I read the plot while leaving them? ” First read into the water and rinse them in this water, what cannot be rinsed - sprinkle. The second time - when you leave. And the third, when you see that the place is already empty, light a candle at home and read, and let the candle burn out.

    It would never occur to anyone to give others their dirty things; any normal woman will wash them for hygiene and upbringing reasons. But the energy of things is determined not only and not so much by the presence of particles of skin and sweat (mummy) on them, but by the amount of energy spent on acquiring the thing and by this fact itself. And in this sense, the thing will always remain yours, no matter how much it may lie unworn. Therefore, if you wish, yes, you can take both wealth and health. Moreover, a person who wears someone else's thing even changes his own karma. This can also be done on purpose.

    on Fri Jan 03 2014, 18:41

    on Fri Jan 03 2014, 22:23

    on Fri Jan 03 2014, 22:50

    on Sat Jan 04 2014, 06:44

    I always burn my old things in the forest park zone when they burn, read the prayer “Our Father”, and then list in my own words what you want to get rid of. It would be nice to do this in the Old New Year.

    on Sat Jan 04 2014, 07:32

    on Sat Jan 04 2014, 22:44

    on Sat Jan 04 2014, 22:53

    on Sun Jan 05 2014, 22:09

    on Mon Jan 06 2014, 17:22

    on Mon Jan 06 2014, 18:03

    on Mon Jan 06 2014, 22:39

    on Tue Jan 07 2014, 11:55

    on Tue Jan 07 2014, 16:08

    Even on new just bought can be charged such that then it will take a long time to be cleaned! I was given this gift for my wedding! Neutralized only by burning. Take care of yourself!

    Conspiracy if you give away your old things,

    one's own or someone else's. After they leave with your things, say

    “My Guardian Angel, deliverer from evil, save, save and defend from the obvious and the hidden, hidden by thoughts, from the language and the lesson from my doorstep The key, the castle under my doorstep. Amen, Amen, Amen"