How to open a hardware store? Instructions for businessmen on how to open a household goods store from scratch.

The concept of household goods covers a huge range of products. Therefore, if you want to open a hardware store from scratch, you first need to decide what type of goods and what assortment you will trade. From this it is already worth deciding on the required area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises and the initial investment.

For example, if you want to open a general store, you will need at least 100 sq. m. The fewer product groups you cover, the smaller the required area, the smaller the investment.

Business registration

The business should start with the registration of an enterprise, the choice of a taxation system. For a household goods store, you can register an individual entrepreneur with a patent or simplified system. When registering OKVED, it makes sense to enter all the codes provided for this type of trade. Even if you do not trade these goods now, later, when you expand the business, save yourself from the subsequent paperwork.

While all the necessary paperwork is being processed, draw up a business plan for the hardware store. It should cover the following steps in developing your business strategy:

  • Analysis of competitors in the area where you plan to expand your trade (number of stores, assortment, offers).
  • Definition of own assortment of goods (a couple of main, additional directions, suppliers).
  • Determination of investments for the purchase of goods (from 500 thousand rubles).
  • Expenses for premises and retail equipment (rent and repair of premises - from 70 thousand rubles, equipment from 100 thousand rubles).
  • Calculation of monthly expenses (rent and utility bills - from 35 thousand rubles, staff salaries - from 30 thousand rubles, taxes and additional expenses - from 15 thousand rubles)
  • Calculation of the payback of the project.

For example, if you plan to open a store from scratch on an area of ​​100 sq.m, your monthly revenue should be at least 200 thousand rubles. Then you can trade not at a loss and reach payback in about two years. In this case, the margin on goods should be approximately 60%.

Preparation for work

The main decision in the question of how to open a hardware store is its correct location. It is advisable to locate the point in a residential or densely populated area. Household goods are commonly used by locals and may be needed at any moment. If it is not possible to take a separate room, a point in a shopping center may well be suitable.

The area of ​​the store should be zoned for the trading floor, warehouse, utility rooms. It is best to equip the hall in the form of an open form of trade, as is customary in supermarkets. This is not only a convenient format for self-selection of products. It has been observed that when walking with a basket for goods between the shelves, customers buy more things than they originally planned. To reduce the risk of theft, you can install video surveillance. If this is an unbearable expense item, dummy cameras are suitable, which also play a deterrent role.

In the trading floor, the goods are located on special racks. Dimensional can be placed directly on the floor. Separately, it is necessary to equip an area for the cashier, as a rule, at the exit from the hall. In a small store, one person can work, performing the duties of a cashier and a sales assistant. You can stimulate his work by piecework wages: the more profits, the higher the salary.

Selection of assortment

When choosing an assortment, be guided by the fact that your main target audience is women from middle age and above. As a rule, they are interested in all the necessary goods for the home. Therefore, it makes sense to diversify the assortment with small goods focused on this category of customers.

It is better to present materials and tools for repairs in limited quantities, since they are bought mainly by men, and they like to go to “male” establishments: specialized stores and markets.

At a minimum, the store must have:

  • kitchenware;
  • various utensils;
  • household goods (rubber and textile gloves, buckets, bath accessories, garbage bags, toiletries, etc.);
  • tools in sets and pieces, adhesives, adapters, extension cords, light bulbs, batteries, etc.

It is advisable to expand the range of household chemicals, since they are bought much more often than other household goods. As well as hygiene products. But for their trade it is necessary to issue a permit from the SES, the fire inspectorate.

A separate rack should be allocated for stationery, especially aimed at children. Here you can also lay out inexpensive, but constantly in demand toys: soap bubbles, sandbox sets, balls.

Also, if possible, it is necessary to diversify the offers with textile, hosiery products. Tights, socks, towels, bed linen - all this can significantly increase the turnover of products. But in this case, the supplier should always require a quality certificate.

It is worth paying attention to seasonal products. For example, goods for a summer residence: tools, fertilizers, seeds. Or various gifts and souvenirs for the holidays.

If it is difficult to figure out on your own the correct selection of the assortment, you can hire a merchandiser.

Supplier selection

Suppliers today can be easily found on the Internet. These can be online stores or direct manufacturers. You also need to remember about the various wholesale bases, where you can also buy in small bulk. Often such bases also work via the Internet, delivering directly to the store.

Store opening

Before opening, it is important that as many potential buyers as possible learn about this event. In addition to a beautiful, attractive sign, it is worth distributing leaflets around the area in advance. They must indicate the name, location, opening time of the store, its work schedule. Be sure to list the range of products and prices that set you apart from your competitors.

Prepare in advance for the first buyers. Prepare gifts, special offers, discount cards for them.

Having studied all the nuances of the topic of how to open a hardware store, you can become the owner of a profitable startup. Our article will help you with this.

♦ Capital investments – 300,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 1–1.5 years

Today, in the field of sales, such a situation has arisen that complex stores of household goods have practically disappeared.

There are, of course, huge supermarkets that sell everything from clothes to dishes.

There are also small shops with a narrow specialization, where you can buy either household chemicals, or garden tools, or some household goods.

But there are few complex hardware stores of relatively small sizes today.

That is why, having studied all the nuances of the topic, how to open a hardware store from scratch, you can become the owner of a profitable startup.

What is a hardware store and how to open one?

The older generation remembers that in the Soviet Union there were shops called "1000 little things" - the prototypes of modern hardware stores.

With the collapse of the USSR, they began to close and entrepreneurs were in no hurry to open something like this, preferring a more profitable business: food products, clothing.

And even now, when this niche has become free and promising, few are interested in the question of how to open a hardware store.

How to open a hardware store: competitive advantages

"Business is an exciting game in which maximum excitement is combined with a minimum of rules."
Bill Gates

Yes, there is little competition in your sector, there are not so many specialized stores for household goods, but there are supermarkets and markets, and they will become your main competitors.

The competitive advantages of your market can be:

  1. Seasonal sales.
    For example, in late winter or early spring, you can arrange a sale of garden tools, in November - winter fishing tackle, etc.
  2. Form a reasonable pricing policy so that your prices are at least on par with competitors, ideally lower.
  3. Make the widest possible range of goods so that the client, having come to your store, can buy everything he needs.
  4. It is convenient to locate your shop, so that you do not have to look for it for a long time.
  5. Work seven days a week and according to a schedule convenient for customers, for example, from 8.00–20.00.
  6. Hire qualified sellers who would be well versed in the product they sell and, at the same time, be extremely polite and friendly.
  7. Encourage people to shop at your hardware store by giving out discount cards to loyal customers and giving discounts to those who buy in bulk.

How to open a hardware store: calendar plan

The time frame for launching a startup depends on many factors: what form of registration you choose, how big a store you want to open, whether the premises you have chosen need a major overhaul or just need to be equipped, whether you have the necessary amount of capital investment, and many others.

The minimum time required to open a hardware store is 4 months, although starting a business may well take six months or more.

Registration and more
Rent and repair
Equipment installation
First purchase

How to open a hardware store: step by step implementation

It’s not enough just to have an idea how to open a hardware store.

We need to start gradually implementing the launch of a startup.

The main stages of the formation of this business are: registration, premises and repair work in it, the formation of an assortment of goods and their purchase, recruitment.

Naturally, for all this you will need money and - quite a lot.


The first thing you need to start implementing a business plan is by registering your outlet.

You can choose two registration forms: sole proprietorship or LLC.

It is better for novice businessmen to limit themselves to individual entrepreneurs, since the registration procedure for this form is simple, and taxes can be paid as UTII or under the patent system.

When registering, choose OKVED codes that correspond to the profile of your hardware store.

In order not to reissue papers later, choose the maximum number of codes:

  • 44.2 (dishes, household utensils, glassware, ceramics, porcelain, etc.);
  • 47.3 (stationery and paper);
  • 46.6. (garden and construction tools);
  • 48.31 (household chemicals, detergents, etc.);
  • 48.39 - other groups of household goods.

In parallel with the registration procedure, start bringing the selected premises in line with the requirements of the Fire Service and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, because you still have to receive permission from them to operate it.


The ideal place to open a hardware store is sleeping quarters that are far from the markets.

Look for a place near which there would be no large supermarkets - your direct competitors.

You need to locate the store either on the ground floor of a multi-storey building, or in a separate room.

It is better to choose a premises in good condition, otherwise the overhaul of the future hardware store can significantly increase the amount of initial investment required to open it.

If you want to form the widest assortment range, then you should look for a room with an area of ​​​​at least 50 squares.


Specialized trading equipment is not required in order to open a household goods store.

You can limit yourself to a standard set: open and closed shelves, racks, showcases.

The cost of purchasing equipment for a hardware store with a total area of ​​50 sq. m. will be something like this:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:150 000 rub.
Glass showcase-counter
20 000
open shelving
10 000
shelf opening
10 000
Warehouse shelving and cabinets
20 000
Cash machine
10 000
Laptop + printer
30 000
Other50 000


If you want to open a hardware store that works seven days a week, then hire two shifts of sales assistants.

If the area of ​​the trading floor is from 30 square meters or more, then there should be two sellers on one shift, because it will be impossible for one to cope with a large number of customers.

It is better to hire men as sellers in a household goods store.

Firstly, the assortment of the market is such that a man will learn to understand it faster, and secondly, he will not have to hire additional movers to unload the next batch of products.

In addition to salespeople, you need to hire a cleaner (or better yet, 2, one per shift) and a part-time accountant (an alternative would be an agreement with an outsourcing company).

Leave administrative functions, control of the work of employees, purchases, advertising, and so on.

How much does it cost to open a hardware store?

The amount of the initial investment, as well as the required monthly expenses, depends on the city in which you are going to open your hardware store and on the size of the future market.

The larger the project and the larger the city, the more money you will need.

For example, to open a business in a small town, it is enough to have 700,000 rubles.

In the metropolitan area, this amount increases significantly.

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:700 000 rub.
Registration20 000
Repair work in the room150 000
Equipment150 000
Purchase of the first batch of goods300 000
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses70 000

To maintain the work of such a hardware store at the proper level, you need to spend at least 200,000 rubles a month.

How rich can be the assortment of goods in a hardware store,

see in the video:

How much income can a hardware store generate?

Possible profit is the first thing that interests businessmen who decide to open a household goods store.

The owners of such startups should remember that their profit directly depends on the number of buyers.

If you make a mistake with the choice of a place for the market, start overpricing too much or form a product line incorrectly, then do not expect a large number of customers, and, accordingly, large revenues.

In order for a household goods store not only to cover the mandatory monthly expenses of 220,000 rubles, but also to give its owner a good profit, it is necessary that the daily revenue at the box office average about 10,000 rubles.

Then, with the daily operation of the market, your monthly income will be from 300,000 rubles, net - 50 - 80,000 rubles.

Such indicators can be reached after 3–6 months of work, that is, the return on capital investment will be 1–1.5 years.

If you can improve these indicators and earn more than 10,000 rubles per day, or if you reduce your monthly expenses, then your household goods store will become self-sustaining in a shorter time.

For some entrepreneurs, an income of 50-80,000 rubles is enough to start studying the topic in more detail, how to open a hardware store.

If you are not one of them, then you can look for a more attractive startup.

Fortunately, today the choice of business projects is huge.

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Household goods are things that may be needed at any moment, so buyers usually go to the store that is “at hand” for them. For example, in the nearest grocery supermarket or in the pavilion next to the bus stop. The household assortment is very wide: these are household chemicals, kitchen utensils, various tools, garden tools and so on. If you are thinking about how to open a hardware store, first decide what assortment groups you want to deal with. It depends on the size of the premises that you will need to find, and the amount of initial capital.

To create a general hardware store, you will need a fairly spacious room - from 100 sq.m. If you focus on two to three product groups, the store area can be 50 square meters. m or less. As for the investments required to open a business, their amount directly depends on the size of the retail space: the larger the premises, the more expensive the rent and the more money you will have to spend to fill all the shelves of your store with goods.

IP registration

Before choosing a room, The IP form with. You can start work on the "imputation" if it is provided in your region for the trade in household goods.

When choosing activities according to OKVED, immediately include all possible codes suitable for trading in household goods. This will give you the flexibility of the assortment without having to go to the tax office to enter additional codes.

In the next step, draw up a business plan for a hardware store:

  • Analyze the competitive environment in the location of the proposed location (supermarkets with housekeeping departments, individual retail outlets, their range and prices).
  • Determine the approximate range of products (2-3 main areas, additional, seasonal offers, suppliers).
  • Calculate the cost of the premises (rent, repairs - from 70,000 rubles), equipment (from 100,000 rubles).
  • Pledge the amount for the initial purchase of goods (from 500,000 rubles).
  • Consider fixed monthly expenses (staff - from 30,000 rubles, rent and utility bills - from 35,000 rubles, taxes and other expenses - from 15,000 rubles)
  • Based on these data, calculate the target revenue required to break even, the payback period of the project.

In our example, a store with an area of ​​100 square meters should sell for 200,000 rubles. per month, so as not to go at a loss. For the payback of the store in 1.5 years, the revenue must exceed 300,000 rubles. monthly with an average markup on products of about 60%.

Premises, equipment, vendors

When all the formalities are completed and the preparatory work is done, you can proceed directly to the opening of the store.

As mentioned above, it is better to choose a densely populated residential neighborhood as a location for a hardware store. Of the 100 square meters, about half of the area will go to the warehouse and utility rooms, the rest - to the trading floor.

For a hardware store, an open form of trade is best suited. People are already accustomed to the self-service format, it is much more convenient for them. You can safely walk around, choose a product, hold it in your hands, read the information. In addition, in such markets, buyers add more goods to the basket than they originally wanted to buy, therefore, the level of sales will be higher. When selling over the counter, the customer usually takes only what he came for and quickly leaves.

To place the goods, you will need racks installed along the walls and in the center of the trading floor. Part of the goods can be placed on the floor (household and garden equipment), hung on special hooks.

For the seller - cashier, equip a small cash area (table and cash register). For a self-service store, one salesperson per shift is sufficient. It is desirable to make the earnings of sellers dependent on the proceeds: employees should be financially interested in active sales.

Range and suppliers

The assortment of the hardware store is designed primarily for the female audience. Women are engaged in housekeeping and purchase crockery and kitchen utensils, bathroom accessories, inventory and consumables for cleaning, packaging materials and various small items such as batteries and light bulbs. Customers often take related products at the same time: socks, handkerchiefs, stationery. That is why it is worth expanding the household assortment and offering them textiles for the kitchen and bedroom, bath towels, hosiery, inexpensive goods for children.

Tools, electrics, and repair materials intended for male buyers should be presented in small quantities, since men prefer to buy such goods in specialized stores or in construction markets.

Be sure to buy seasonal goods: for summer residents (seeds, fertilizers, tools), for tourists (rugs, skewers, camping equipment), for children's recreation (inflatable circles, balls, mattresses). Sets for the holidays (by March 8, February 23), New Year decorations (toys, garlands, candles) will also be relevant. Your assortment should be flexible and adapt to customer demand.

For constant replenishment of stocks, enter into agreements with several suppliers: wholesale bases and sales representatives of large companies. Agree that they take over the supply of products, this will allow you to save on freight.

Beginning of work

So, you are all set to open a hardware store. Inform the residents of your neighborhood about this important event. Distribute flyers with product listings, discounts and special offers. Prepare discount cards as a gift for the first buyers. Do not forget to periodically hold various stimulating promotions - in our time there is no way without it.

Make the opening hours of your store convenient for customers: they must be able to stop by on their way home from work or on weekends, otherwise they will buy everything they need in the nearest supermarket.

Housekeeping is the daily chores of the rural population, but you can turn it into a stable income. This is not as simple a matter as it might seem, therefore, in order to make money on your farm, you need to decide on the direction and draw up a detailed business plan.

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Business Description

Not only rural residents, but also people who have a small plot of land or a utility room are thinking about how to make money on their farm.

Economic business can be called:

  • breeding of domestic animals;
  • growing vegetables, fruits;
  • beekeeping;
  • fodder preparation.

Which one to choose depends on your capabilities and desires. If there is a suitable room for keeping livestock and a place to store feed, take up animal husbandry. If you have a plot of land, grow a garden, garden crops or create a flower garden.

Goods and services

From the choice of the range of activities depends on the product received, which will bring money. When considering the idea of ​​​​a home business, pay attention to all possible sources of income from it. It can be the business object itself, products from it or services provided with its help.

Breeding animals will bring the entrepreneur products such as:

  • meat;
  • leather;
  • feathers;
  • eggs;
  • milk.

From the listed raw materials it is possible to produce leather, fur and down products, as well as sour cream, butter and other food products. Both offspring and adult animals bring income. Growing vegetables and fruits, you can sell the crop, planting material and products from them. Beekeeping provides honey, wax, propolis, which are highly valued in the market.


More and more people begin to appreciate the right way of life, in particular, a healthy diet. Therefore, the relevance of housekeeping as a way of earning is increasing more and more.

Not everyone has the opportunity to have a household to eat healthy food. Some do not want to do this, but at the same time appreciate homemade products. Therefore, there is always a demand for farm products, but it is different everywhere.

Activity Options

Choosing the type of activity, rely not only on the existing conditions and opportunities, but also on your knowledge and experience. After all, in every case there are features that you need to know.

The most famous areas that you can do in the village:

  • animal husbandry;
  • agriculture;
  • beekeeping.

Other types of entrepreneurship are less common:

  • growing mushrooms;
  • breeding of fish, crayfish, worms;
  • production of feed or fertilizer.

About different options for activities from personal experience on the video of the channel “We live well. Village life and self-sufficiency.

animal husbandry

The choice of livestock for breeding determines the availability of a sales market, conditions of detention and the cost of the down payment.

The simplest type of animal husbandry is raising chickens or quails. What you have to spend money on is cages, food, veterinary drugs and the purchase of young animals. Chickens begin to lay eggs in six months, quails - in a month. You can sell broiler meat after 3 months of cultivation.

Even easier is to buy an incubator and sell chickens, ducklings, goslings. But this activity is seasonal.

Larger animals - rabbits, pigs, goats - are already in need of hay for the winter. To do this, you need a hayloft or other room for its storage.

The most expensive and difficult to grow is a cow. But at the same time, milk and dairy products will find their buyer in any city or village.


This is a very popular and promising way to earn money. Many enterprises buy honey from private beekeepers. The net profit of the beekeeper is about 50% of the initial costs for the year.

But here you can not do without an experienced specialist, since the beekeeper's craft is not taught anywhere. Such knowledge comes only with experience.

Growing vegetables and fruits

The main direction of growing a vegetable garden is the use of greenhouses. Since they bring the most profit out of season.

In greenhouses, you can grow seedlings for sale, and then vegetables a couple of times a year. Thus, you can significantly increase your income.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the cultivation of strawberries. This berry is well appreciated by buyers and can be harvested several times a year.

Bird farm Raising cattle Growing strawberries in a greenhouse

Description and analysis of the sales market

The success of business development largely depends on the sales market and consumers. Not everywhere will buy the same chicken meat or milk. In addition, it is necessary to gain the trust of customers and cope with competitors. Therefore, before starting your own business, analyze the market and potential customers.

The target audience

The ideal option for starting a business is to have a regular customer: a store, a food processing plant, etc. In this case, you only need to set up work in such a way that the consumer's needs coincide with the manufacturer's capabilities.

If you plan to independently engage in the marketing of products, but keep in mind that the needs of different segments of the population differ from each other. If chicken eggs are in great demand in the city, then in rural areas there are chickens in almost every yard. Therefore, it is better to do such a thing in the suburbs, not far from large settlements. But chickens are in demand more in the village.

Competitive advantages

To stand out from the competition, pay great attention to product quality and variety. It is more profitable for people to contact the manufacturer for young animals and immediately purchase good food for growing them. If you grow vegetables, fruits or mushrooms, freeze or pickle them for the winter.

This will not only help you outperform your competitors, but also increase your customer base and revenue.

Promotion and advertising

Advertising and promotion of your farm should be done even before it opens. Communicate with wholesalers and processors. Ordinary ads in shops, markets and other crowded places will also be useful.

How to open and what is needed for this?

Those who have already decided on the choice of the type of economic activity often do not know how to open a personal business and what needs to be done to make good money. The answer is different for each individual case.

There are several general aspects that all businessmen face:

  • issuance of permits and certificates;
  • search for premises;
  • purchase of equipment and tools;
  • selection of suitable personnel.

In addition, you need to find and purchase planting material or young stock, fertilizers or feed, and much more.

Required documents

To work at a high level, have good clients and make big profits, you need to formalize the farm.

This will require:

  • business registration;
  • obtaining information about the condition of animals and vaccinations;
  • obtaining a certificate from the SES;
  • obtaining permission from the fire safety authorities.

In some cases, this list may be supplemented or reduced.

Room search

The size and type of premises depends on the type and scope of activities. You can grow livestock in a small area, and for greenhouses you will have to allocate a large plot of land.

To save on rent, small animals can be placed in longline cages. The location of the premises also affects the cost of rent: the farther from large settlements and junction stations, the lower the rent.

Requirements for the premises

The main requirement for the premises is the required area. It depends on the amount of work and total earnings.

Keep in mind that some animal species do not develop fully in cramped quarters, while others, on the contrary, must grow in small cages. On average, livestock farming needs an area of ​​​​10 acres, for greenhouses - about 100.

Procurement and installation of equipment

The list and quantity of equipment and tools in each case is different. The cheapest thing will be the purchase of tools for farming. Although in the presence of large areas, one cannot do without vehicles for cultivating the land and harvesting.

In the case of animal husbandry, equipment will be required to facilitate working conditions or to automate it, for example:

  • bulldozer equipment;
  • installations of cable-scraper type;
  • scraper conveyors;
  • milking machines.

Separate refrigerators or freezers are needed to store food.


It is impossible to do economic business alone, for this you need workers with experience in this industry.

Each specialist should be engaged in a certain type of work. One person is responsible for growing, the second is for harvesting and processing products, the third is responsible for marketing finished products and finding customers. Due to this, labor productivity increases.

Step-by-step instruction

Before starting a business, a farmer needs to draw up an accurate business plan that will provide for all initial expenses, monthly investments, and calculate possible earnings and the payback period of the event. Such planning will allow you to correctly allocate funds and time for opening a business.

Action Guide:

  1. Analysis of the sales market, your preferences and opportunities.
  2. Choice of direction of activity.
  3. Preparation and execution of documents.
  4. Selection and equipment of the premises.
  5. Land preparation.
  6. Purchase of fertilizers, equipment, feed.
  7. Team set.
  8. Development of advertising and promotion.

Financial plan

  • initial costs, including paperwork, rental of premises, purchase of equipment, raw materials, etc.;
  • monthly expenses;
  • Estimated profit for a period of time based on the calculation of the cost and quantity of goods.

Recurring expenses

In the process of developing the economy, there is always a certain list of costs that must be met monthly:

  • rent;
  • purchase of feed, fertilizers and other consumables;
  • staff salary.

When calculating a business plan, these costs affect the profitability and payback period of the enterprise.

Approximate investments, profits and payback periods

Opening dates

Calculate the opening dates along with the business plan. Consider possible unforeseen situations with the supply of equipment or the arrangement of the premises. The collection of all permits also takes some time.

Risks and payback

The main risks are animal diseases and adverse weather conditions. A businessman practically cannot influence them, but he can try to foresee them and take them into account in the development plan. Many branches of agriculture do not require large expenses, and their payback comes in a year. The prospects of the business also lie in the fact that the demand for high-quality agricultural products is only growing every year.

Sale of household goods ranks second in the retail segment after food demand. Indeed, in homes and enterprises, something is constantly being washed, cleaned, washed with the help of household chemicals and related items. Therefore, a store with such an assortment will be quite profitable. How to open a new hardware store It's the right way to organize things. You will also need initial capital.

Of course, aspiring entrepreneurs will have questions about where to start. Let's take a closer look practical advice, which will be needed by everyone who plans open a hardware store.

Every business enterprise must have its own individual business plan. It will be the main document for planning the activities of any business that is aimed at making a profit.

This also applies to the business plan for trading household goods. It must include a list of all costs incurred when opening a store. Then outline the prospects for making a profit at the initial stage after opening and ways to generate income at subsequent stages.


Of course, for store opening from scratch, it is necessary to register as in the tax authorities. Here you will need to write an application in a standard form, fill out the required forms, pay a fixed state fee, after which you will receive registration documents for an individual entrepreneur within five days.

After that, further collection of documents will be required for the offices of civil servants in supervisory authorities:

  • sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • fire department.

How to open a hardware store from scratch - a novice entrepreneur often has little idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis. You need to know what documents are required to start a household goods store from scratch. Therefore, qualified assistance from professionals may be needed to obtain them in a short time and in full.

The list of documents for opening a household goods store is quite extensive and may have individual characteristics, but the main ones will be:

  1. Permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  2. Basic document from Rospotrebnadzor;
  3. Permission from the fire inspectorate;
  4. An agreement with the relevant organizations on the disposal of mercury-containing lamps, since trade in household goods involves the sale of lighting fixtures;
  5. Agreement with enterprises that deal with waste disposal;
  6. Agreement with institutions that carry out disinfection, disinfestation and deratization of premises;
  7. Contract with electricity suppliers;

As well as with enterprises supplying heat and water, if this is provided for during the operation of the store.

Start-up capital

A well-designed business plan opening a retail outlet for the sale of household goods will show that investments for a good start of the store, according to experts, can be about 120 thousand $.

There are many reasons for this, for example - the cost of renting land and construction of a store with all communications; how much financial investment has been made in the purchase of equipment; how expensive is the cost of renting a commercial space.

According to the reviews of the owners of household goods stores, it will take about six months for the store to give profit up to 6 thousand $ monthly.

Then the progress of making a profit should increase, since the experience gained in organizing trade at the initial stage will be used, the range of products will increase and improve, advertising will do its job - it is simply necessary.


When choosing a territory for a future store of household goods, be sure to give preference to places with high traffic of potential buyers- this will determine the size of your future profits. Aspiring retail entrepreneurs should know that the best places are located in the “sleeping” areas of the city. It would be nice to rent a retail space in some shopping complex.

As a rule, most of the shops, cafe bars and other crowded places are located in the center of the "sleeping" areas of the city. There are always good transport interchanges, public transport stops and taxis are equipped. The flow of people in such an area is very significant and constant with slight fluctuations in time from 6 am to 10 pm.

While there are probably already retail outlets selling household goods in the "bedroom" areas, competition will not significantly affect the trade, since the choice of household chemicals and kitchen utensils is incredibly wide and constantly updated with new products.

Consistent quality advertising in mass media, household products, whether toothpaste, laundry detergent or soap, make them "self-selling". From the point of view of retail experts, this is an excellent factor for starting an entrepreneurial business in this business.

The main trump card of the new trade point of sale of household goods- a wide range of household products and a competitive price for it.

In addition to the main product, it is desirable to have an accompanying assortment that the buyer needs periodically. These are light bulbs and lighting fixtures, hardware, household goods made of plastic, glass and metal. Because home improvement companies are constantly improving and innovating their products, it is not difficult to make a good product range, as there are many analogues of already existing products in competing outlets.

According to experts, a store selling household goods should have a trading floor with an area of 45 - 50 m2. When such a business begins to bring a steady good profit, it will be necessary to evaluate the possibilities of increasing the sales area to accommodate an even larger range of goods.


Stores selling a household assortment of goods use counters and showcases with closed and open access to the goods. Self-service customers allow for the possible theft of goods from open windows. But a good profit can make up for this disadvantage.

To reduce the possibility of unauthorized leakage of goods from the trading floor or warehouse will help. You can add dummy surveillance devices to real surveillance devices, the more of them, the better. Be sure to put up a sign Video surveillance is underway» at the entrance to the store and exit from it.

In a trading floor that has significant dimensions, it is necessary to equip the room with real video surveillance cameras, as well as install button to call security in emergency cases.

Aspiring retail entrepreneurs who have a sales floor with self-service customers should be aware that retail racking and display equipment should be placed around the perimeter of the premises. The mirror equipment of the trading sections will allow the sellers themselves to control the situation in the trading premises.

In the center of the trading floor, specialists in marketing it is recommended to place showcases in the form of an island, and goods with small dimensions can be placed on special mesh trays.

Usually, much of the commercial equipment is provided by branded goods suppliers. Colorful and stylish, they are a good advertisement for popular brands.

It is rational to place the cash desk at the exit from the shopping area. This will allow the cashier to control the situation at the entrance and exit of the trading floor, in addition, it is convenient for the store's customers.

Product range selection

How to open home goods store from scratch– for this, the assortment of items for everyday life and the home must be diversified, including hygiene products, perfumes and household goods. The number of units and items of goods is determined by the store owner himself or with the help of the store manager, based on the demand for each item.

The Russian market has long been saturated with world-famous manufacturers supplying high-quality products - these are Henkel, Procter & Gambl, Nivea, etc. Their assortment must be had, since these brands are popular among the broad mass of the consumer.

Contracts for the supply of household goods for the home, it is better to conclude directly with representatives of manufacturers. They will confirm the quality of products with certificates, as well as provide advertising products for brands.

If the assortment of the store provides for the purchase of assortment on wholesalers, then you need to deal with the arrangement of the trading floor on your own or with the involvement of specialists in this field.

A small store cannot make a comparable turnover with large chain supermarkets, in addition, they often run promotions that reduce the price. But if your margin does not exceed 15% off wholesale purchase prices these difficulties can be overcome.

The most popular among buyers are laundry detergents, shampoos and balms for hair and body, perfumes and cosmetics, razors. Of these products, almost the entire range is sold.

Store attendants

The owner of a store of any product, including household goods, must keep in mind that the correct organization of a trading business without qualified and experienced employees, which form the basis of the team - is impossible.

After all, they will be the main experts in the selection of the assortment, keep records of the receipt and consumption of goods in each department, and they will also be the staff who communicate directly with the buyer.

Choosing a store name

Choosing the right name for the store is not an easy task, but it can be solved. It should reflect the scope of the store or who it is intended for.

For a store of household goods, the catchy, sonorous names “Home Goods” or “Hostess” are suitable, as well as more original ones - “Cleaner” or “Clever Hostess”.

If, nevertheless, there are difficulties in choosing the name of the store - name the name of a close woman with the obligatory indication in the interlinear text for which trade the store is intended.

Business promotion

To increase the turnover and profitability of the trading business, constant advertising is necessary. This will require some expenses, but these costs pay off with interest.

Television and radio, magazines and newspapers will help attract customers to your store. Do not forget about advertising banners at the entrance to the trading floor, as well as distributors of leaflets advertising your store in the nearest district.

Costs and profits

  • Commercial premises for rent in 40-50 m2 will cost up to 200 thousand rubles annually.
  • About one million rubles annually should be enough to purchase a range of goods.
  • To pay the staff of the store will require up to 250 thousand rubles in year.
  • Advertising costs up to 50 thousand rubles. for the same period.

Summing up, we get the amount of starting capital for opening a store of household goods in the amount of 1.5 million rubles (approximately).

The average profit from the sale of the main product should be about 200 thousand rubles a month. From the sale of related products (household brushes, washcloths, solvents, small household and electrical appliances, etc.), the income will be up to 100 thousand rubles per month.

The result will be a profit in the amount 3.6 million rubles per year.

According to professional experts in the field of retail trade, a store of household goods will pay off in a period of six months to ten months, which is a good indicator of profitability.