Line for the production of fruit bars. A billion for a snack: how to make money on healthy snacks Mini muesli bar production line

Modern people, every year, more and more prefer a healthy lifestyle. They try to play sports, eat healthy food, etc. Hence the increased popularity of cereals from various cereals with the addition of crushed fruits, nuts, honey and even chocolate. There are two types of muesli: raw and baked. Today I will tell you about baked muesli bars.

1. During our big press tour around the Gomel region, we also visited the Gomel confectionery factory "Spartak". At the gates of the factory, General Director Oleg Zhidkov met us and briefly told about the history of production. The factory was established on June 4, 1924 and was originally called "Prosvet". By the end of 1924, the production of caramel, chocolates, toffee and marmalade was launched. The name "Spartak" was given to the confectionery plant on November 8, 1931 and has survived to this day.

2. The main products manufactured by the factory are: caramel, sweets, chocolate and chocolate products, biscuits, wafer products, cakes and pastries. At the factory today there are 4 main workshops: biscuit, caramel, waffle, candy-chocolate.

3. And now let's go directly to the production of muesli. Warehouse of ingredients.

4. For the production of chocolate, the factory buys unroasted cocoa beans at auction and the entire preparation and roasting process is carried out directly at the factory. But for the production of muesli bars, natural cocoa powder is used from one of the largest manufacturers of cocoa products in the Asian region.

5. Well, let's go, START!

6. Preparing chocolate for icing and mixing cereals, dried fruits and syrup. The mixing process takes place in closed containers.

7. Mass for muesli evenly distributed over the conveyor. It's almost like a bar, the only thing left is not cut.

8. Cutting along.

9. And now across.

10. Bars are almost ready on the tape.

11. This machine partially covers them with chocolate icing.

12. That's it. It remains only to pack.

13. Most of the operations are done automatically, so no more than 10 people work on the whole line.

15. I have already shown this unit in one of my reports. It marks the product with an expiration date or date of manufacture.

16. This is how it looks on the bar.

17. Done. Now the bars are packed in boxes.

18. The procedure is also automatic, the operator only adds consumables.

20. But in large boxes, products have to be stacked manually. That's all. Next, the warehouse, the store and the end consumer.

21. We also visited the line of chocolate bars with filling, but everything is 99% automated there and the whole process is done behind closed doors. Nothing to see and nothing to show you :(.

22. But I’ll show you a few photos from the chocolate candy packing shop.

24. Everything is done by hand. There is not yet a machine for packing sweets into gift sets.

Thanks to the organizers of the press tour:

Standing Committee of the Union State

The line is designed for the production of confectionery bars, muesli bars. The line from China for the production of chocolate bars consists of molding equipment (layer forming machine, roller conveyor, slitting machine and guillotine), a layer cooling refrigerator, a chocolate coating cooling refrigerator, an enrobing machine, a 180 0 rotary table.

The production line of equipment is available with three shaft widths: 400, 600 and 800 mm. All functions in the forming lines are controlled by one or two PLC control cabinets. The option includes a cooling tunnel for accelerated cooling of the product layers. High quality rollers designed to ensure precise shaping and optimum cold transfer to the product through the solution tank. Various cutting lengths and widths are available to produce a variety of confectionery bar sizes.

Contact our company for a detailed price offer with technical and economic parameters. We will provide you with information on the equipment you are interested in.

Turning to us, you can buy high-quality equipment for the production of confectionery bars at a reasonable price. Our technological lines are designed taking into account the needs of the target audience and satisfy even the most demanding customer requests.

Technical parameters of chocolate and protein bar production lines from China





Width of a pair of shafts (mm)

Width of two pairs of shafts (mm)

Press Roll Width (mm)

Conveyor width (mm)

Optimum cooling tunnel width (mm)

Longitudinal cutter

1 set

1 set

1 set

Cross cutter width (mm)

Conveyor speed (m/min)

Technological process of production of confectionery bars

The process of bar production includes the following stages:


Designed for preparing and boiling syrup, nougat mass (caramel mass) with nuts/raisins, etc. and supplying the mixture to the feed hopper of the unit for formation formation.

formation formation

The mixture (sticky, viscous, dense consistency) from the feed hopper passes through an automatic forming complex, which form and feed the primary continuous layer of the product onto the conveyor belt. The formation machine is made of stainless steel with a loading, removable hopper. Forming rolls are cooled with the ability to adjust the rotation speed and temperature of the rolls.

The rollers are made of SUS304 stainless steel. Frame and valve made of SUS202 stainless steel

Reservoir thickness calibration

The molded layer is pressed and calibrated by a system of rolling rolls to the required dimensions. The rolling rollers are cooled, with the possibility of adjusting the rotation speed. The formed layer is transported to the cooling chamber.

Manufactured material: frame and valve are made of SUS202 stainless steel, other parts are made of SUS304 stainless steel.

Formation cooling

The cooling tunnel is intended for cooling the formed layer, namely, bringing it to the required temperature, at which its further cutting will be possible. Maintaining the desired temperature occurs automatically. Conveyor belts are made of oil and grease resistant materials with adjustable speed.

Manufactured material: frame and valve are made of SUS202 stainless steel, other parts are made of SUS304 stainless steel. Tape material - silicone.

Seam slitting

The slitting complex is designed to cut the seam into strips with a width corresponding to the width of the finished product. The design of this knot excludes sticking of a product on knives. The spreading conveyor spreads the cut strips of mass to the distance necessary for their further cross-cutting and the possibility of glazing. The design of the conveyor does not allow sticking of the strips after they are cut. Belt speed: 0-3 m/min.

Manufacture material: SUS202 stainless steel frame and valve, SUS304 stainless steel other parts, silicone tape.

Cross cutting of bundles for products

The guillotine is a set of knives mounted on a common movable frame. Carries out cross cutting of the parted strips, their rupture from each other and transportation to the glazing machine. Belt speed: 0-3 m/min.

Manufacture material: SUS202 stainless steel frame and valve, SUS304 stainless steel other parts, silicone tape.

Chocolate glazing section

Glazing machine from China is designed for melting chocolate icing and coating confectionery products with it. The entire production process is fully automated and controlled by a modern PLC controller, information about the progress of the processes is displayed on a liquid crystal touch display. The machine can be used both for glazing whole products, and for applying glazing only on the back side of confectionery products (glazing bottoms). Stable glazing at both low and high speeds. Glaze circulating inside the enrobing machine is not likely to detemper, because the machine is equipped with a device that automatically maintains the set temperature, both inside the receiving bath and in the internal working space of the machine. Glazing machine allows you to apply glaze of various coating thicknesses.

Glazing machine TYJ900

  • Speed: 0-5 m/min
  • Belt width: 850mm, conveyor belt width 900mm
  • Cooler: 5HP×3pcs
  • Total length 18.5 m, incl. 16 m cooling tunnel
  • Power: 18.5 kW
  • Size: 18500×1550×1800mm
  • Material: Frame, SUS202 valve, SUS304 other parts, PU tape

Packing of confectionery bars

Fully automatic feeding automatic packaging machine from China is a servo-controlled horizontal flow-pack packaging machine that performs automatic bag forming, wrapping, capping and cutting. The machine is suitable for packing bars, candies, biscuits, snacks, etc. The equipment is equipped with a simple drive system, a phototag sensor, separate temperature control, a self-diagnosis system, a large touch screen of the Touch Screen control panel. The machine has the following features: high speed, easy operation, stable and accurate feeding of material, accurate conveying, beautiful and smooth horizontal and vertical welding, high quality capping, stable operation, low noise, automatic control, etc.

QNXB330 Servo Automatic Feeding High Capacity Automatic Packing Machine

  • Packing speed: 90-240pcs/min
  • Packing: length: 70-400mm, width: 20-120mm, height: 5-35mm
  • Platform: 3200×1250×1750 mm
  • Power: 6.5 kW
  • Net weight: 850 kg
  • Bobbin size (standard): internal - 75mm, external - 350mm.
  • Maximum film width - 118 mm, minimum - 100 mm
  • Maximum product size: length - 160 mm, width - 30 mm, height - 13 mm,
  • Minimum product size: length - 60 mm, width - 20 mm, height - 11 mm.
  • Auto feed length - 1800 mm
  • Equipment height: 900mm

Today, food quality criteria are changing significantly in favor of their naturalness. Highly valued are those products that do not contain synthetic additives, or, in extreme cases, have a small amount of them. Particularly popular are those products that were made exclusively from fruits or vegetables. Among them is a novelty - fruit bars, which are gradually replacing the more familiar, but less useful to us refined chocolate bars.

Manufacture of muesli fruit bars

Today, food quality criteria are changing significantly in favor of their naturalness. Highly valued are those products that do not contain synthetic additives, or, in extreme cases, have a small amount of them. Particularly popular are those products that were made exclusively from fruits or vegetables. Among them is a novelty - fruit bars, which are gradually replacing the more familiar, but less useful refined chocolate bars.

There are two main new popular technologies that allow you to make a fruit bar: "wet" and "dry". It is on which of them was used in production that the final taste of the product will largely depend.

Features of the production of "dry" fruit bars

Very promising is the production of tasty and nutritious fruit bars using the “dry” technology, which is the following sequence of steps:

1. Thorough washing of raw materials, represented mainly by prunes and dried apricots.

2. Removal of large inedible inclusions - seeds and all kinds of debris that got into the fruit during assembly, storage, drying, transportation.

3. Additional drying of raw materials.

4. Grinding to a homogeneous mass in an industrial-type meat grinder.

5. Simultaneous cooking and mixing of the crushed mass with sugar, apple pieces, coconut flakes, berries and other additional ingredients. This stage is performed at a temperature of 110-120 degrees, and the final moisture content of the product is 12-14%.

6. Cooling of raw materials up to 40-60 degrees. After lowering the temperature, the mixture is placed in a molding machine of the "Former" type, due to which the "gentle" molding of fruit bars into sheets 500 mm wide takes place.

7. After molding (pressing out), the bars are cooled to room temperature in air, and also dried by fans.

8. Cutting bars of the required size is carried out on a special guillotine.

9. Each product is individually packed on a special machine.

10. Well-packed products are placed in cardboard boxes.

This modern technology, if necessary, can be upgraded in several directions:

Mechanization of the washing stage by installing a washing device;

Replacing small plates by continuously placing the strips on a spiral conveyor and then cooling them;

Automatic cutting of bars on the conveyor.

To date, the described innovative technology has already been successfully used by some manufacturers, who note a quick payback on the cost of purchasing and installing equipment.

How to organize your own production?

In order to organize a line of “dry” production of fruit bars, a certain amount of cash investments will be required, consisting of the following categories (the calculation was made for May 2016, the dollar exchange rate is 66 rubles):

30-50 thousand rubles - an industrial-type meat grinder with a capacity of 200-300 kg / h;

150-270 thousand rubles - a 100-liter digester equipped with an oil jacket, as well as a reinforced agitator;

RUB 1,550,000 – Formovatel machine for molding bars using a “dry” technology;

1400-1700 thousand rubles - horizontal packaging machine;

50-100 thousand rubles - additional equipment (fans, sinks, sheets, carts).

The total cost of such a list of devices will be 3180-3670 thousand rubles.

Fruit bars - the main nuances of "wet" technology

The “wet” production technology is somewhat different. It includes the following steps.

1. Washing the fruit mixture (prunes and dried apricots, as well as a small amount of other ingredients).

2. Removal of large inclusions - bones and various debris.

3. Grinding the finished mixture.

4. Mixing fruits with each other with the additional addition of various ingredients, such as apples, berries, flavors, preservatives, etc.

5. The wet mixture of fruits is sent to the molding machine, where it is laid on mesh sheets in long strips of the desired width and height.

6. Placement of sheets on trolleys, and then in a vacuum oven, where drying takes place at a temperature of 50-70 degrees.

7. Cutting fruit strips into pieces of a certain size.

8. Glazing of fruit bars, if it is provided for by the technological process.

9. Packing in a special machine for finished products.

10. Packing products into cardboard boxes.

With a certain degree of conventionality, production lines can be divided into automated and automatic.

Automatic type has a clear performance framework. Such a line is able to perform its work with minimal operator participation. The equipment independently weighs the raw materials, mixes it in the right proportions, etc. You can buy a similar set of devices from a very limited number of manufacturers. For example, in Germany it will cost at least 3-4 million euros.

are separate devices that are placed in the desired order. In this case, the employee will require much more effort and time. Such systems can be significantly improved, bringing to the desired degree of automation.

Calculation of cash costs for the launch of the line

1. The total price of a complete set of equipment for launching a novelty - "wet" production of fruit bars, depends on a number of factors:

2. Desired productivity of the line and the possibility of its increase in the future. For example, if the plans include a doubling of productivity, then it would be rational to immediately buy a filling machine of the appropriate capacity, since its price will be almost the same.

3. Product range. So, for example, the presence of an enrobing machine will increase the overall cost of the line.

4. Equipment manufacturer country: For China, Russia and Italy, the price of, say, a filling machine will differ several times.

The lowest productivity of the line is 50 kg/h, which is determined by the capabilities of one vacuum furnace. Increasing the number of furnaces will increase the speed of production.

You can also save on washing and sorting raw materials. If manual labor is used for this stage of production, then the cost of the line will be 7-10 million rubles. If you create a line with a capacity of 200-250 kg / h, then the equipment will cost 20-25 million rubles (prices are presented taking into account the dollar exchange rate of 32 rubles).

If you decide to create your own production for the production of fruit bars, then contact us and we will help you in the following steps:

Development of technical specifications for the production line;

Preparation of a production plan;

Providing devices for purchase;

Installation and start-up of equipment, its verification;

Development of the production process with a technologist.

Do you want to establish your profitable business with the help of innovative technologies? The production of fruit bars is a very promising area with a fairly low level of competition so far, which allows you to achieve quick positive results. Such production of environmentally friendly products is especially relevant in the Krasnodar Territory, where it is not difficult to obtain raw materials, because it is here that the issue of processing the harvested fruits and berries is always acute.


Raw material selection

for the muesli bar

I.Yu. Reznichenko, V.M. Poznyakovsky, I.A. Dragunov

Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry

In the early 90s, a little-known product for Russians appeared on the shelves - muesli. The lack of own production has made the Russian muesli market an object of attention for almost all leading manufacturers of this product. Swiss Nestle, German H&J Brüggen, Dr. Oetker, Kellogg's, Hahne, Danish AXA, Polish, Czech and many other companies began to fight for the Russian consumer. The assortment of muesli of these companies is wide and varied. Each of them represents seven to eight types The price for them varies depending on the weight of the packaging and the manufacturer.

Muesli is a new type of dry breakfast. At the same time, muesli is not included in the general classification of breakfast cereals, but at present they have a wide range and are in great demand. Muesli is traditionally produced in the form of mixtures, but more recently they have also been produced in the form of bars.

Given the above, we have made an attempt to define a new product - muesli, proposed a variant of their classification.

Recipes and technology for the production of muesli in the form of bars, which have the shape of a chocolate bar, have been developed.

candy bar, soft texture, do not require additional culinary or other processing, are packaged in foil and can serve as an affordable breakfast component for schoolchildren and other population groups.

The factors that form the quality of the finished product include raw materials, production technology, transportation and storage conditions. When developing a new product, it is important to consider what raw materials it will be produced from, since it is the raw materials that affect the quality, consumer advantages and cost of the product. The following requirements for raw materials are defined: availability on the market, safety, nutritional value, manufacturability, the possibility of combining with other types of raw materials, pricing policy.

The main raw material component of muesli, which makes up 80% of their composition, is cereals, which serve as a source of dietary fiber, the so-called ballast substances, which are represented by fiber.

Dietary fibers cause a person to quickly feel full, stimulate the intestines, and are able to remove harmful substances (radionuclides, lead, cadmium, cholesterol) from the body. For this reason, muesli

Table 1

The chemical composition of the components

Substances Rye flakes Barley flakes Wheat flakes Sunflower kernels Pea flakes

Proteins 10.6 9.5 13.0 20.2 23.0

Carbohydrates 59.2 63.0 62.5 10.5 50.0

Dietary fibers 16.4 14.5 10.8 5.0 1.1

Fats 2.0 1.1 2.0 51.7 1.6

table 2

Amino acid composition of the components

Amino Acid Flakes Flakes Flakes Kernels Flakes

rye barley wheat sunflower pea

Valine 0.480 0.370 0.520 1.071 1.010

Isoleucine 0.400 0.330 0.470 0.694 1.090

Leucine 0.620 0.490 0.813 1.343 1.650

Lysine 0.310 0.400 0.360 0.710 1.550

Methionine + cystine 0.250 0.360 0.180 0.390 0.205

Threonine 0.270 0.330 0.390 0.885 0.840

Tryptophan 0.310 0.130 0.150 0.337 0.260

Phenylalanine + tyrosine 0.450 0.630 0.500 1.049 1.010

can be recommended to people with intestinal diseases, impaired cholesterol metabolism, obesity. For obese people, a combination with raisins or dried fruits (except bananas) is more suitable, and even better - muesli, consisting only of various types of grains and cereals. At the same time, due to the high fiber content, muesli is not recommended for people with serious diseases of the stomach, liver and pancreas. Healthy children can be given muesli from the age of four.

JSC "Melkorm" (Kemerovo) produces several varieties of micronized cereals (wheat, oat, rye, pea, barley), which can be used for the production of muesli. The technology of micronized cereals makes it possible to use them without additional processing in the preparation of dry mixes of muesli and muesli in the form of bars.

In order to justify the choice of the main prescription components of muesli - micronized cereals - the method of a systematic approach was used. As an object, a dry mixture of the main recipe components of muesli was chosen, which serves as the basis for creating a muesli bar.

When creating a healthy food product with a therapeutic and prophylactic orientation, the main evaluation criterion is its targeted nutritional and, mainly, biological usefulness with an optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and other nutrients.

One of the provisions of the system approach is that the elements of the system should complement and mutually support each other.

The positions of the systematic approach to the development of multicomponent mixtures include a number of stages: selection of the main raw materials, modeling of the recipe composition, taking into account the nutritional value of the finished product, determination of organoleptic and physico-chemical quality indicators.

At the first stage, raw materials were selected, their functional and technological properties were studied, and safety was determined. The ratio of different types of components in the mixture was established, i.e., their maximum and minimum amounts, which served as limiting factors in modeling the composition of the mixture.

At the second stage, the composition of the mixtures was modeled according to the selected criteria characterizing the nutritional value, and the optimized composition of the mixtures was determined. As optimization criteria, it is proposed


design mixtures according to the ratio of basic nutrients and energy value, according to the content of the main micronutrients, taking into account the amino acid composition.

The introduced raw materials have an impact on the consumer advantages of finished products, therefore, organoleptic and physico-chemical quality indicators are determined. In organoleptic evaluation, special attention is paid to the taste compatibility of the components.

At the final stage, an economic evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of prescription components was carried out and the nutritional value of finished products was established.

In table. 1 shows the chemical composition of various types of sunflower flakes and kernels that were used in the development of muesli recipes; in table. 2- amino acid composition of the components; in table. 3 - vitamin and mineral composition of the components.

The presented micronized flakes can be used as the main raw material for the production of muesli, as they contain all the essential amino acids, the main

Table 3

Vitamin, mineral composition of the components

Composition element Content

Rye flakes Barley flakes Wheat flakes Sunflower kernels Pea flakes

Mineral composition, mg %

K 424 453 337 647 731

Ca 59 93 54 367 89

Md 120 150 108 317 88

R 366 353 370 530 226

Fe 5.4 7.4 5.4 6.1 7.0

Vitamins, mg %

B1 0.44 0.12 0.44 1.84 0.9

c2 0.2 0.06 0.20 0.18 0.18

c6 0.41 0.36 0.41 - 0.27

E 2.60 3.70 5.34 34.6 9.1

RR 1.3 2.0 1.3 10.1 2.4

Fatty acids (total) 1.46 1.74 1.56 50.1 1.64

saturated 0.24 0.4 0.29 5.7 0.25

monounsaturated 0.23 0.3 0.28 12.5 0.36

polyunsaturated 0.99 1.04 0.99 31.9 1.03

nye vitamins and minerals, which is very important in the production of functional foods. Micronized cereals dos-

are stupid in price, do not require additional technological costs in production and can take their rightful place in the market.

Organizers: ^ EXPOCENTER

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Under the patronage of: ™prf d.

State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences State Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences of the Executive Committee of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia TU of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow