Business in a small town: a sandwich shop on the street. Earnings on opening a kiosk with sandwiches and sandwiches Making sandwiches in individual packaging

According to ACNielsen estimates, last year the prepared food segment ranked second in terms of growth rates (19%) in the Russian food market. In Moscow, premium sandwich producers are playing an increasingly prominent role in the segment, launching a large-scale attack on the market positions of ready-made salads. Market participants believe that in the near future their product has every chance of becoming the main dish for residents of metropolitan offices.

The First Lord of the Admiralty, John Montagu, Earl of Sandwich (1712–1792), is especially remembered by posterity for two reasons. It was in his honor that James Cook named the Sandwich Islands, discovered in 1798. And it is he who is credited with the invention of the dish now called the sandwich. The Count was a passionate card player and preferred to snack while playing. And in order not to get his hands dirty, he asked me to serve a beef chop between two pieces of bread. The islands, however, were later renamed Hawaiian, but the “closed sandwich” is still popular all over the world under the name of the inventor. A fruitful idea is actively exploited by shops, bars, fast food restaurants.

Towards the clerks

USA: sandwiches do not take root well

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As for the Moscow market, now a real redistribution is in full swing in the ready-made food segment. A couple of years ago, the inhabitants of Moscow offices ate only salads. “Not so long ago, if you remember, even in every small store there was always a counter with ready-made salads, and it all started with Korean carrots,” recalls Sergey Grigoriev, General Director of Aster-Hip. - Now we are trying to offer consumers better, more convenient, inexpensive and aesthetic food - sandwiches. According to our estimates, in the next few years they are able to take 10-15% of the food market focused on office workers.

The goal is quite achievable if we take into account the representation of the product in retail. Today, premium sandwiches (those packaged in a clear triangular plastic box, not cellophane-wrapped) are sold in many convenience stores, sandwich bars, gas stations, movie theaters, bowling alleys, and other establishments. Moreover, manufacturers are tirelessly mastering more and more new distribution channels. It is quite difficult to estimate the true turnover of this segment due to the large number of players. Relatively large, with an extensive distribution system throughout the city, there are only a few. There are countless small companies that have staked out a certain territory or sell sandwiches through their own distribution network and individual catering establishments. But both of them are working to accustom Muscovites to civilized fast food.

We have almost the same situation as in the USA, - says Galina Piskareva, director of the Baltic Bread CJSC. - By and large, such sandwiches appeared there only a few years ago. Americans are more accustomed to buying hot fast food at eateries or on the street. Cold, or "European" (as they are called there), sandwiches are just beginning to conquer the market. Manufacturers and retailers are promoting them as an alternative to hamburgers and french fries. And the growth rate there is similar to ours: according to the consulting firm Technomic, sales of cold sandwiches in the US are growing at 15% per year.

The growth of the “sandwich” segment in Moscow, if it is ahead of the prepared food market as a whole, is not by much: experts say about an increase of about 20% per year. Nevertheless, this direction is considered by many entrepreneurs as quite attractive. Judge for yourself. Entering the market is not too difficult, the market itself is not yet saturated. The culture of office food, street food, and street fast food in general is just being formed in the metropolis, which means that there is still an opportunity to occupy your niche. For example, the Aster-hip company began selling its products through small stores in the center of Moscow and hopes to noticeably squeeze out the shawarma that the residents of the capital have fallen in love with in a few years.

Eat the shawarma market!

It has always been difficult for fast food chains to operate in Italy. The consumer has many opportunities to eat here, and among the dishes, the real king of "fast" food is "panini" - the national version of the sandwich, which is served in 75% of establishments. However, there is also a successful network "sandwich" concept - Panini Giusto. The company was founded in 1979 and offers premium sandwiches. Panini Giusto made the quality and quantity of toppings, special bread roasted separately, and the comfortable atmosphere of bistro-like cafes the face of the brand.

The best sandwich company in Italy is Tartufo. Her "calling card" is Parma ham, cheese, tomatoes, arugula and truffle oil. The average price of a sandwich is 6 euros. Other prices range from 3.7 euros for the simplest panini to 12 for complex ones. Panini accounts for up to 60% of turnover, and the average amount left by a visitor is 10 euros.

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Starting the production of ready-made sandwiches is not as difficult as it seems. “In fact, at the initial stage, the main difficulty was obtaining all kinds of permits,” recalls Sergei Grigoriev. - In order to open a shop for the production of finished products, you need to collect about fifteen different permits and approvals. It took us seven months. At the same time, to establish work and sales, it took half the time. If we talk about the recipe, then everything was quite simple. I will not dissemble and claim that we have invented something original. I collected the first sandwich recipes using the Internet in about an hour. The sandwich chef only arrived after a year and a half.” The equipment needed to make sandwiches, Grigoriev says, is simple. The basis is made up of refrigerating chambers for storing products and finished products, as well as the necessary equipment for packing sandwiches. Everything else is actually done by hand. The capacity of the workshop, which serves ten people, is from one to one and a half thousand sandwiches per day. This is the amount that can actually be sold.

Many companies do not consider making sandwiches as a core business. They are engaged in food production or catering, and sandwiches for them are just an interesting and attractive direction. “The bakery has become the basis for our business,” says Galina Piskareva (“Baltic Bread”). - There were already technologies and about seventy different products - from traditional bread to cakes. We did not order special studies, we did not have a marketing plan - just last year we launched a line for the production of ready-made sandwiches in convenient and beautiful packaging. It was already obvious that we needed to enter new markets, develop, and compete.”

Indeed, Russian companies have so far come up with little on their own. Many recipes are borrowed from the West. For example, in Europe in any supermarket you can see on the counter up to forty different types of sandwiches from different manufacturers. It remains only to choose the one you like and "build" your own - at least not worse. However, for now, the lot of this market is only modestly trying to bite off shawarma and dubious microwave-heated sandwiches.

Fast food in Moscow is a pitiful sight, - Alexander Nosikov, Alcon's marketer, says categorically. - When our company is approached by foreign firms with a request to conduct research on the food market "on the legs" in the capital, we have to make disappointing conclusions. The problem is primarily in the final price of products. A decent sandwich cannot cost less than 80-150 rubles. And it is very difficult to compete with chebureks and whites, which are sold at a price of 10 rubles. In my opinion, the main task is not so much to enter the market with a quality product, but to change the culture of food.

For example, the same salads that have already become familiar appeared at a time when it was quite difficult to find a ready-to-eat product (without heating) in the capital's stores. Western fast food culture is coming to the capital at a time when Muscovites already have a choice. “You can take a salad, order a pizza, eat something ready and hot on the street,” says Aleksey Belkanov, director of Buterbrodnaya Kompaniya LLC. - We, for example, do not believe that it is possible to radically reverse this state of affairs. Despite the fact that sandwiches and sandwiches in our company account for about 30–40% of total sales, in my opinion, this is the limit. Further we can develop only by multiplying the points where we can sell our products.” According to Alexey, the structure of consumer demand for such products is quite clear. In Moscow, 70% of buyers are employees who work in the city center or go home by car and buy sandwiches at gas stations, 15–20% are students, and another 5–10% are random people. Therefore, the entire strategy of the company is built in such a way as to make its products the most attractive and affordable for office dwellers and happy car owners. For this reason, about a year ago, the company acquired its own office lunch delivery service, which, in addition to sandwiches, brings soups and salads, as well as hot dishes to customers.

To sell or not to sell?

France: traditional, in English

Oddly enough, the French do not seek to introduce any national nuances into the concept of English sandwiches. But here their production and retail sale (in bakeries, dessert houses, at service stations, in large and grocers) is a fairly large industry. More than twenty large operators operate in this segment. The consumption of sandwiches in 2006 was estimated by French research companies at 600 million pieces, and the market turnover at 1.5 billion euros. In less than 10 years, the number of sandwiches sold has increased by 50%. According to Gira-Sic Conseil, by 2008 sales volumes will rise to 795 million units.

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As Aleksey Belkanov recalls, when the company started showing its products in stores five years ago, the outlet owners only turned their noses up, claiming that no one would buy it. The specificity of the product leaves a certain imprint on the technology of selling finished products. The age of a sandwich is not as long as we would like - a maximum of three or four days. This means that stores really need to be sure that the product is in demand.

Cinemas, slot machine halls and gas stations were the first in our distribution network,” Belkanov recalls. - In general, all those places where people need delicious food that can be eaten without ceremony and quite quickly.

Stores really turned to sandwich makers only when sales in the whole ready-to-eat food category began to rise noticeably.

Other companies that did not enter this market from scratch were able to offer a new type of product to their regular customers quite easily. Especially when you consider that a sandwich in the right packaging does not need special storage conditions. Despite the fact that some manufacturers offer retail outlets to install their own showcases, market participants see this as more of an overkill than a necessity.

Sandwich producers that do not have their own outlets compete with cafes that make their own sandwiches. However, market participants assure that they do not create any particular problems. “Still, we make food that you can take with you,” says Galina Piskareva. While cafes and eateries assume that the client will spend some time in the institution - and this does not fit well into the concept of "fast" food.

In addition, more and more various service enterprises need high-quality finished products. Let's say this includes car services and car washes, airports, railway stations and other places where people are forced to spend some time waiting. If quality food is offered to customers here, then, most likely, the demand will not be long in coming. “Now we are considering the possibility of installing special machines for the sale of sandwiches that will accept cash. Such devices can be placed anywhere, except perhaps in dentistry, ”Sergey Grigoriev laughs.

Sandwich producers, however, also have difficulties, the essence of which stems from the characteristics of the product itself. As with any perishable product, there is a risk that the product will not be sold on time. This means that the manufacturer will suffer losses. The share of unsold goods sometimes, as manufacturers admit, reaches 15-20%. This has to be offset by an increase in price. The average retail price of a product is about 100 rubles, and the cost price is only 40.

In addition, the main thing here is the appearance. After all, in fact, very few consumers pay attention to what is written on the package - usually a couple of minutes after purchase, it ends up in the trash. So, the main attention should be paid to how the finished product looks in a transparent package.

Once again, we note that in general this market is quite attractive. And, despite some difficulties present in any business, manufacturers are quite optimistic about their own situation and sincerely hope to change the tastes of Muscovites in a few years.

UK: soup sandwich

Today, the concept is the UK's largest fast food segment. A third of Britons traditionally eat sandwiches at least once a day. The rapid growth of the market, the tripling of the price of sandwiches since 1990, has led to an increase in the range and quality of ingredients, which meets the growing expectations of sophisticated consumers.

According to the TNS Sandwichtrak study, commissioned by the British Sandwich Association, the most popular meat ingredients among the British today are chicken (21%) and ham (13%). However, sandwich recipes continue to improve. Marks & Spencer, the UK's largest retailer, offers sandwiches with Indian, Chinese and Mexican fillings in its department store cafes. Unconventional sandwiches are offered with Italian and Middle Eastern breads, tartlets, bagels and American rolls.

Sandwich vendors, who initially focused on breakfast and lunch, are now trying to link their sales to coffee, fresh juices and soups. One company is even trying to sell a "soup sandwich" in which specially crafted bread plays the role of a "container".

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  • Staff
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The tradition of "fast food" in our country is only gaining momentum. Economists claim the annual growth of this market segment by more than 20%. For example, in England, according to statistics, a third of Britons consume sandwiches (in English - a sandwich) at least once a day. The rapid growth of the sandwich market in England began in 1990 and today the range of sandwiches sold there is very diverse. The competition in the Russian market for the production of sandwiches is still at a low level, but this is only a matter of time. The profitability of sandwich production is estimated at 40-50%.

What is the advantage of sandwiches over other fast food:

  • Sandwiches are sold in packaged form, so they inspire greater confidence in customers and do not get their hands dirty when consumed;
  • You can sell sandwiches in a variety of ways, from selling at the place of preparation, to selling through vending machines;
  • The price of a sandwich is lower than, for example, a shawarma or a hamburger, which means that the sandwich is available to a wider range of consumers.

What taxation system to choose for a business for the production of sandwiches

To carry out activities, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneurship, however, in some cases it is more expedient to open a legal entity. Read about the advantages of one or another organizational and legal form here.

How to start a sandwich business

For the organization of production, a room with an area of ​​​​100 m2 will be required. Renting such an area provides for monthly fixed costs from 50 thousand rubles or depending on the region (more expensive in the Moscow region). It is important to note that not every room is suitable. Since this is the production of products, regulatory authorities in the form of SES impose special requirements on such enterprises. Thus, the height of the ceilings in the production hall must be at least 3 meters, the walls must be whitewashed, exhaust ventilation and constant water supply are required.

Sandwich production technology

The technological chain for the production of sandwiches in a graphical version looks like this:


As in any food production, it is necessary to create a large staff of qualified specialists. Depending on the scale of production, it will be necessary to employ the following workers:

  • Technologist;
  • Baker;
  • Packer;
  • Cook;
  • handyman;
  • Accountant;
  • Sales manager;
  • Driver;
  • Security guard.

The total wage fund of such a team will be at least 200 thousand rubles a month. Plus, 30% of this fund must be deducted to social funds (PFR and FSS).

What equipment to choose for the production of sandwiches.

Consider the list of necessary equipment for the production of sandwiches.

1. Installation of a mini-bakery for baking bread. This equipment will not be needed if ready-made bread is purchased (by agreement with the bakery). However, the advantages of own bakery will be that it will be possible to control the entire production process, independently form the assortment and taste of products. The list of equipment for baking bread includes:

  • flour sifter;
  • water dispenser;
  • proofing chamber;
  • rotary cabinet;
  • trolleys, molds for bread.

The cost of a set of equipment for a mini-bakery starts from 300 thousand rubles. If you purchase an automatic line, then the costs can be more than 2 million rubles.

2. Equipment for cutting pieces of bread into square pieces 1-1.2 cm thick. The price of a bread slicer starts from 150 thousand rubles.

3. Worktables where operators put stuffing into sliced ​​pieces of bread and form a finished sandwich. Next, the sandwich is cut into halves of a triangular shape and a sandwich is obtained. Meat, fish, sausages, mushrooms, cheeses, vegetables, etc. are used as fillings.

4. Equipment for packaging ready-made sandwiches. This process can be carried out manually, which will significantly reduce the initial investment, but subsequently increase the fixed labor costs, or a thermoforming machine for packing sandwiches is purchased, but such lines cost from 1.5 million rubles. Therefore, the choice to automate this process or not depends on the amount of investment in the business, the planned production volume, etc.

5. Storage of finished products and other equipment. To store finished products, you need to purchase a refrigerator. Other equipment that is necessary for production includes: knives, commodity scales, racks, vegetable cutters, washing baths, cutting boards, gastronomy containers, etc.

You should also purchase at least one car to deliver products to points of sale. Ideally, the purchase of several cars is required, since the delivery of products to retail outlets must be carried out daily, because sandwiches are a perishable product. Delivery of ready-made sandwiches starts in the morning, and the maximum number of outlets per route is no more than 50.

How much money do you need to start a sandwich business.

1. An option with a full range of equipment and automation of production processes, from baking bread to packing sandwiches - an investment of 5 million rubles. Such a workshop is capable of producing more than 5000 units. products. This also includes the creation of our own fleet of vehicles for the delivery of sandwiches to points of sale. Large investments imply large production volumes and coverage of regional sales markets;

2. Option with your own mini-bakery - from 1 million rubles. It is assumed that the entire production cycle will be serviced by workers (manual labor), starting from baking bread, ending with product packaging and delivery to sales points. This option is designed for small production volumes - up to 500 sandwiches per day;

3. Option with the purchase of ready-made bread - 600 thousand rubles. This is the cheapest way to launch a project. The production process will be entirely manual without automation. Bread baking will be carried out under an agreement with a third-party organization.


The range of sandwiches may include:

— Meat sandwich (ham, sausage, chicken, bacon) with herbs;

- Cheese sandwich;

— Sandwich with fish (pink salmon, chum salmon, tuna);

— Sandwich with shrimp.

Sandwiches can be sold through:

– Own retail outlets, such as kiosks, shopping trailers, shopping carts;

– Through the conclusion of contracts for the supply of products to buffets and snack bars;

— Realization of sandwiches through vending machines installed in shopping centers, bus and railway stations, schools, universities, cinemas, gas stations, airports, etc.

How much can you earn

You can make really good money in the production of sandwiches. By itself, the growth of the market for sales of this type of semi-finished products began back in the 90s. Then the investments were large, and the profit itself was smaller due to a weak advertising campaign. Now, taking into account the establishment of production capacities, salaries to staff, rent of premises, it is necessary to invest at least 600,000 rubles. The profitability of this business is estimated at 40-50%, that is, you can earn up to a million rubles.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

When registering a business, you must specify the OKVED code 10.89.2 (“Production of perishable products, semi-finished products”).

What documents are needed to open

If you have a good business plan, you can open a business. To do this, you need to open an individual business, that is, submit the following package of documents.

A good direction in the fast food industry is the sale of ready-made sandwiches or sandwiches. This is a familiar familiar dish, the filling of which can be any. This is an important key feature of this business. If you want to open a business on sandwiches with red caviar - please! Sandwich with pickles and eggs - nothing could be easier. It is the "freedom" in the choice of toppings that makes the business of sandwiches highly competitive. While competitors from cheburechnaya think about how to further diversify their menu, you can add another 20-30 items to yours just by changing the filling. And changing the base, for example, bread is not white, but black, will generally double your menu.

To open a sandwich shop you need

- Determine what type of sandwiches and sandwiches the entrepreneur will sell. You can use different cuisines from all over the world or choose a separate one and sell this particular product.

- Register your business. Register an entrepreneurial business with the tax authorities, obtain the necessary licenses and certificates. You will also need to open an account for the future organization and come up with a unique name for the future kiosk.

Suitable OKVED 2 codes for opening fast food:

  • 56.10 Restaurant activities and food delivery services
  • 56.10.1 The operation of restaurants and cafes with a full restaurant service, cafeterias, fast food restaurants and self-service restaurants.
  • 47.2 Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores

- Research competition in the region. Before starting work, you need to conduct research and study the competition in the area. Find out exactly what competitors offer, at what prices and how the work with the client base is carried out. To do this, you can hire a marketing agency that will qualitatively do all the work for the entrepreneur.

- Determine the demand for future products. To do this, you need to determine in which place the best sales will be made. To attract more customers, it is desirable to place the future kiosk near tourist areas or educational institutions.

- Product range. For a more successful business, you should offer a different range of products. You can use different combinations of food, as well as focus on different preferences of buyers, for example, to prepare sandwiches and sandwiches from vegetables without meat or only from organic ingredients.

- Build a business plan. A well-written business plan reflects all financial costs and future income for a certain period of time. With it, you can even get a loan from a bank, since this document reflects all the activities of the future organization.

- Find a marketplace to sell. The trading platform should be located in a particularly crowded place in the settlement. City squares and amusement parks, shopping centers and hypermarkets are suitable.

- Purchase the necessary equipment and tools for cooking. To start this business, you will need: a cash register, knives, forks, a grill, pans, napkins and, most importantly, a shopping kiosk.

- Hire staff. Finding qualified staff with sandwich and sandwich maker experience is a lot harder than it sounds. You can do much easier by hiring a person and teaching him all the work. When starting this business, an entrepreneur can initially do all the work himself. And it should be remembered that employees must have good communication skills and be friendly with all customers.

- Food supply. To prepare quality meals, you need to have fresh products. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with all the suppliers in the region and find the most reliable and cost-effective. It is also necessary to agree with the future supplier on the purchase of products at wholesale prices.

— Advertising policy of the future kiosk. The very first advertisement in this business is a sign directly on the kiosk. Next, you need to distribute leaflets to passers-by and place an ad in popular newspapers and radio. Nowadays, you can also promote products via the Internet, for this you need to create accounts from the enterprise in the main social networks and offer products in the region.

— Development in the network. Over time, you can develop a large network in the region for the preparation of sandwiches and sandwiches. As far as possible financial resources, you will be able to introduce an additional service for the delivery of finished products via a phone call or the Internet.

Concept for the choice of packaging materials

General characteristics of packaging:

Packaging without sealing (shelf life of the product is up to 48 hours without the addition of preservatives - cook&chill with cooling in a blast chiller) - cardboard triangles with a window, OPS triangles, PP, PET, PS, EPS trays. Packing method - manually

Sealed packaging (shelf life up to 120 hours without adding preservatives - CapKold pasteurization) - trays and cups sealed with film and foil - PET, CPET, PP + EVOH. Packing method - semi-automatic

Packaging with sealing in MGS - flow pack (shelf life up to 168 hours) - packaging method - automatic

It is important to understand that MGS technology is needed only for storage for a period of 5-14 days. If you assume that the distribution channels for sandwiches do not require such a long shelf life, then we can significantly save on the purchase of equipment.

Eat&Go menu concept

The assortment of sandwiches, turnips and salad rolls should be divided into "winter" and "off-season". Almost all sandwiches contain a large amount of salads and fresh vegetables. Either it is necessary to organize deliveries from China year-round, or the assortment of "off-season" sandwiches will have to be significantly changed, removing the most expensive items.

Types and types of sandwich bases:

Beigale - a special form of a round bun

rap tortilla

Armenian lavash (Arabian lafa) for shawarma

French baguette

Panini chaobatta fresh

toast sandwiches

Mini Sandwiches (4 per pack)

Sandwiches have the following types of packaging:

Oriented polystyrene correx - OPS

High density polyethylene correx - LDPE

Food grade octane or butane stretch film

Cardboard box (similar to McDonald's burgers)

Attention! The type of packaging significantly affects the food cost of the product.

For production volumes of 2000-3000 sandwiches per day, it is not advisable to produce bread at the enterprise for the following reasons:

This bread is made with the addition of special improvers and preservatives for an extended shelf life;

This bread is baked in hearth ovens, which are extremely expensive (from 150,000 euros);

For the production of 2000 sandwiches, only 125 loaves of bread would be required, which is impractical to bake.

If you still decide to work on your own bread, then the assortment of bread can be as follows:



Yeast bread of the highest grade;

Layered croissants

All breads are available in Taiwan and Thailand. In addition, the "lack of good bread" in Irkutsk does not mean that there are no capacities for its production. You need to negotiate with the manufacturer for the supply of products according to your recipe. We will develop a recipe.

Fillers for sandwiches:

Vegetable bases (China):

Leaf salads

fresh tomatoes

fresh cucumbers

Canned cucumbers

Canned peppers

Canned olives and black olives


Bell pepper

Bulb onions

Sauces (own production):

Vegetable salsa (tomatoes, sweet peppers, hot peppers, spinach, onions, capers, olives)

Thousand Islands

pepper sauce

Indian curry

Demi look

Tabasco - Chile

sweet chili

Yogurt with pickles (ala tzatziki)





French mustard

Dijon mustard

Chili ketchup

Ketchup spicy

Ketchup sweet and sour

Italian tomato

Gastronomic bases and fillers:


Grilled chicken

Turkey - grill

Ham - carbonate

Cold smoked trout

Salted salmon

Canned tuna

chicken eggs

Quail eggs

Onion - fries

Cheeses, hard

Processed cheese

Cheeses with mold

Smoked sausages (similar to hunting ones)

Deli sausages (like Munich)

Dried beef (a la basturma or raw smoked)

Chopped beef steak

Terrine of 3 meats

Meatballs - meatballs

Boiled tongue

Sausages smoked and boiled natural (ala hotdog)

Breaded pork schnitzel

Breaded chicken schnitzel

Breaded king prawns

Canned squids

chicken nuggets

Fish nuggets

Pork medallions

Salami (various types)

Combinations of sandwiches are now not important for the preparation of TOR for production


Cream soups

With lentils, beans and smoked ham (served with croutons)

Creamy with salmon

Tomato with Provence herbs (ala kharcho)

With spinach and chicken

Filling soups

Chicken noodles with mushrooms

chicken noodles

Solyanka meat

Mixed fish solyanka


Snacks for Sets (3 Snacks per Tray) - Reheatable

Salsa in assortment (stewed vegetables in sauce)

Salads based on gastronomy and pasta (pasta)

Wok - al dente vegetables (all combinations: peppers, cabbage, carrots, bean pods, soy sprouts - canned Chinese-made products);

Dim sums;

Spring - rolls;

Breaded snacks (ham, cheese, crab sticks, breaded fish with sauce)

Idaho style potato wedges with spices

Kebabs in puree (Balkan grill)

Mixed vegetables (spicy, spicy, sweet like Mexican)

Vegetable and meat-and-vegetable rolls;


Pancakes with fillings sliced ​​obliquely;

Meatballs (meatballs in sauces);

Vegetable caviar, mashed;

Mixes of sausages in sauce;

Meat and fish semi-finished products in brioche (special dough breading)

Starters for sets (3 starters per tray) - chilled

All types of cuts of salads with various sauces;

Cheese and sausage gastronomy;


Gherkins, pickles and fermentations;

Jellied, jelly, jelly

Main dishes

Dumplings, dumplings, ravioli


Omelets (for breakfast)

beef stroganoff

Meat, fish, vegetables in batter

Lumpy dishes



Gas stations

The standard set consists of:

Three snacks

Main course (garnish + hot, one large dish)

Bread (homemade)

You can also order soup.

The daily menu consists of:

Three appetizers with no choice

4-5 main courses to choose from

one soup