Sugar and lamb products. Classification of lamb and rusk products Classification, range of lamb products

A special group of bakery products, differing in composition, properties, production technology and storage conditions, are lamb and rusk products. Lamb (except bagels) and rusks are characterized by low humidity (8-14%), so they are called "canned bread".

Classification and features of the production of lamb products

Depending on the diameter and thickness of the ring, bagel products are divided into the following types: drying (ring diameter - 4-6 cm, bundle thickness - 1-17 cm); bagels (ring diameter - 7-9 cm, bundle thickness - up to 2 cm); bagels (ring diameter - 7-10 cm, bundle thickness - up to 3.3 cm), bread sticks (length - 28-30 cm, diameter - up to 0.8 cm) and straws (length - 28-30 cm, diameter up to 0.5 cm). Bread sticks are similar in properties to bagels, and straws are close to dryers, so they are included in this group. They also produce dietary lamb products (chloride drying).

Varieties of lamb products are distinguished by the grade of flour - the highest and the 1st.

Depending on the characteristics of the recipe, there are varieties of lamb products. Drying, for example, can be

Chapter 1 vanilla, mustard, poppy, lemon, plain, etc.; bagels - vanilla, sugar, Cherkizovsky, lemon, etc.; bagels - milk, mustard, rich, with cumin, poppy seeds, etc.; bread sticks do not have varieties, and straws can be sweet, salty and vanilla.

The peculiarities of the production of lamb products in comparison with bakery products are that the dough is prepared very steep (32-35 liters of water are taken per 100 kg of flour, i.e. almost half as much as for bread). To impart plasticity and a bound structure, the dough is rubbed, i.e. skipping it between the shaft and the tape of the rubbing machine (prominka). To provide a shiny, glossy surface, the dough pieces are scalded in water or scalded with steam, as a result of which the starch in the surface layer gelatinizes and the proteins denature. And, finally, another feature is that the baking of products is carried out with the removal of the resulting steam (and not with the supply or moistening of the baking chamber, as in baking bread) from the baking chamber.

Rusks, depending on the characteristics of the recipe and production technology, rusks are divided into the following types: simple rusks, rich rusks, croutons, breadcrumbs, briquettes and crispbread, dietary rusks.

Depending on the type of flour, there are varieties of crackers. Simple crackers are made from rye, wheat wholemeal flour and their mixture, as well as from wheat flour of the 1st and 2nd grades, fancy and croutons-croutons from wheat flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades, breadcrumbs - from wheat of different varieties, cracker briquettes - from rye wallpaper and wheat flour of the 1st and 2nd grades, crispbread - from rye and rye-wheat flour, dietary crackers - mainly from wheat flour of the 1st grade.

Depending on the shape, size, purpose and recipe, there are varieties of crackers. Simple crackers, for example, produce rye wallpaper, wheat wallpaper, etc.; rich crackers - "Children's", "Vanilla", "Dairy", "School", with raisins, mustard, etc.; crackers-croutons and cracker briquettes have no varieties; breadcrumbs - wheat, corn, "Amateur", etc.; crispbread - plain, salty, peeled, "Dessert", "For tea", with cinnamon, etc.; dietary - protein-wheat, protein-bran, chloride, with low acidity, etc.

Chemical composition and energy value of bakery, bagel and cracker products made from wheat flour

Table 1.9

Product name

Chemical composition, g/100 g

Energy value, kcal/100 g




Mono- and disaccharides



Other substances

Sliced ​​loaf of flour of the highest grade

Saika simple from flour of the first grade

Muffin ordinary from flour of the first grade

Butter bun from premium flour

- "Dairy" from flour of the first grade

Plain from flour of the first grade

- "Egg" from premium flour

Drying "mustard" from flour of the highest grade

- "Army" from flour of the first grade

- "Ukrainian" from premium flour

The process of production of crackers includes the following operations: preparation of raw materials for production and their dosing, preparation and baking of bread, aging of bread after baking, cutting into slices, stacking in cassettes or sheets, drying, cooling of crackers, grading, packaging, storage or dispensing in trading network.


They are made from flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades. Depending on the recipe, they are divided into simple, rich and sugar. Simple bagels have a round shape and are made from flour of the 1st grade with the addition of 1 - 2% sugar. Butter bagels are somewhat thicker and larger than simple ones.

The recipe for rich bagels includes premium flour, 8% sugar and 8% fat. When they are boiled, molasses is added to the water, due to which they have a glossy ruddy surface. Mustard bagels, made from flour of the 1st grade, also belong to the rich ones. 6% sugar and 12% mustard oil are placed in the dough for these bagels, which gives them a pleasant yellow color and a specific taste and smell. Sugar bagels are made from flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades. The recipe for sugar bagels from flour of the 2nd grade includes 7% sugar, from flour of the highest and 1st grades - 15% sugar and 2 - 4% butter.

Sugar bagels with the addition of vanillin are called vanilla, with the addition of lemon oil - lemon, with the addition of poppy seeds - Kiev, with the addition of saffron - saffron, with the addition of geranium oil and red carmine paint - pink. Lamb products with the additions mentioned above are oval in shape.


These products differ from bagels in their lower moisture content and smaller size. Drying is made from flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades, water, salt with the addition of 1% sugar. The exception is vanilla drying, the recipe of which includes 20% sugar and 6% fat. The recipe of some varieties includes lemon oil (lime dryers), geranium oil and carmine paint (pink dryers). Drying sprinkled with poppy seeds, cumin and made without sprinkling. Depending on the recipe and the type of sprinkling, drying is called: simple (without sprinkling), with poppy seeds, cumin, salted, etc.


They differ from bagels and dryers not only in appearance, but also in taste. The taste is reminiscent of bakery products; unlike bagels and dryers, they are not fragile, but elastic to the touch. Bagels have a relatively large thickness and a smaller clearance in the ring. Prepared from flour of the 1st grade with the addition of 3% sugar. Bagels go on sale by weight and piece (weighing 50 and 100 g). The surface of the bagels is sprinkled with poppy seeds, caraway seeds, sesame seeds. A special type of bagels are Ukrainian ones, the recipe of which includes 12% sugar and 8% fat.

Army crackers They are made from special bread baked from wholemeal rye, wheat and rye-wheat flour, wheat of the 1st and 2nd grades. From ordinary bread baked from these types of flour for sale to the population, rusk bread is less moist. After baking, the bread is allowed to harden and cut into slices 20-25 mm thick. Sliced ​​slices are placed in low ...

The food industry produces special types of bread intended for the sick. Such types of bread are called dietary. These include different types of diabetic bread, salt-free bread, etc. Bread for diabetics is made for patients with diabetes - diabetes. It contains little starch and sugar, which are not absorbed by a sick body. The main raw material for the preparation of these products is gluten, obtained ...

Lamb products of the highest and 1st grades are produced simple and rich. Sweet products contain sugar (7-18%), fat (1.5-10.5%), in addition, aromatic additives (vanillin, lemon essence, cinnamon, etc.) can be added. The surface of products can be processed and without it.

Drying produced from flour of the highest and 1st grade. From flour of the highest grade, simple - simple drying, including achloride, lemon, with poppy seeds, etc .; from flour of the 1st grade - simple, salty, achloride.

Butter cakes are baked from premium flour - vanilla, with cinnamon, milk, new, shuttle, Minsk; from flour of the 1st grade - baby, rich, children's, tea, etc.

Bagels from flour of the highest grade they produce simple, as well as rich (lemon, vanilla, Cherkizovsky, egg, etc.); from flour of the 1st grade - simple And rich (mustard, children's, dairy, sugar).

Bagels baked from flour of only the 1st grade, piece, weighing 0.1 and 0.05 kg. Easy-to-make bagels can have up to 3% sugar added to the dough, and they can also vary in surface finish. Assortment of simple bagels: simple, with poppy seeds, with cumin, with sesame, etc. Assortment of rich bagels: vanilla, mustard, lemon, Ukrainian, etc. Their recipe includes 7-11.5% sugar and 2-7.5% fat .

Features of production and assortment of straws and bread sticks. For straws the dough is kneaded from flour of the highest or 1st grade with a high gluten content, in a non-dough way With enhanced mechanical processing. After a short fermentation, the dough is pressed through the molding machine matrix, from where it comes out in the form of bundles. To obtain a golden hue of the surface of the straw, the tows are passed through a bath with a 1% solution of sodium bicarbonate. At the same time, dough pieces are boiled, since the solution temperature reaches 70-90 ° C. In the manufacture of salted straws, the workpiece is sprinkled with salt before baking, Kyiv straws - with poppy seeds. Bake at a temperature of 180-230 ° C for 9-15 minutes. The finished straw is cut into sticks of a certain length.

Products are sticks with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 10 to 28 mm. From flour of the highest grade, Kyiv straws are made, from flour of the 1st grade - sweet, salty, vanilla. A new kind - straws Salet from premium flour, white malt, starch, fat, sprinkled with salt.

bread sticks - dry products in the form of sticks, made from yeast dough with the addition of sugar, margarine, vegetable oil. The dough is rolled out into a thin ribbon, cut her into strips of a certain length and width, laid on sheets and baked. The length of the sticks is 15-30 cm (shortened - 5-8.5 cm), thickness - 0.8-1.6 cm. ; from flour of the 1st grade - fragrant, Yaroslavl simple, Yaroslavl salty. The surface of the sticks should be smooth, sometimes rough or corrugated, salted ones should be sprinkled with salt, sticks with cumin - with visible inclusions of cumin. Sticks are brittle and break easily.

Chemical composition of lamb products depends on the recipe and type of flour used. They are characterized by high calorie content due to the high content of carbohydrates.

Features of the production of lamb products. Lamb products are made from wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade with a high gluten content. The technological process of production includes dough preparation, rubbing, shaping, proofing, scalding or welding of dough rings, baking, packaging and packaging.

Test preparation. The dough for lamb products is prepared steep, on a dough or a special sourdough - a porch (for bagels - only on a dough). The most common way to prepare lamb dough is on a dough. It is technically simpler (dough is prepared in one phase, and the porch is prepared in two). At the same time, the porch contains more aromatic substances and acids than the sponge, it causes a slow, uniform fermentation, which improves the quality of simple bagels and dryers.

Rubbing. To give the dough a uniform consistency, rubbing is carried out, i.e. enhanced mechanical processing by repeated passing through the rollers. After rubbing, the dough is rolled up and left alone to carry out the fermentation process. The duration of the dough resting depends on the type of product, the quality of the gluten, the temperature of the dough, as well as the accepted technological regime. In the warm season, as well as with relatively weak flour, the resting of the dough is reduced or canceled, and for dryers they are often prepared without resting.

Molding. The ripened dough is formed in special dividing and seaming machines and sent for proofing.

Proofing of test pieces. Formed blanks are placed on special boards or sheets and sent to special cabinets for proofing. Bagel blanks have low humidity and a dense texture, the dough is significantly compacted during molding. Therefore, the proofing of blanks is long and it is carried out at high humidity (80-90%) and high temperature (35-40 0 C). Blanks for bagels are left for 90-120 minutes, bagels - 40-90 minutes, dryers - 45-60 minutes. During proofing, the blanks increase in volume and acquire a rounded shape.

Scalding of test pieces. To fix the shape and obtain products with a smooth shiny surface, test pieces are scalded (in the absence of a scalding chamber, this operation is replaced by scalding with water at a temperature of 92-95 0 C). The processes that occur in the dough contribute to fixing the shape of the products - protein denaturation and starch gelatinization, which provide (during subsequent baking) a shiny, even and intensely colored surface.

Baking products. Products are baked at a temperature of 165 to 290 0 C, depending on the type of ovens. Duration of baking (in minutes): for dryers - 12-18, bagels - 11-17, bagels - 9-18. Lamb products are baked without steam and with sufficient ventilation of the baking chamber, since the blanks have already received the necessary moisture during the scalding process. The presence of steam in the oven deprives products of gloss.

Examination of the quality of lamb products. Examination of lamb products is carried out according to organoleptic indicators- shape (in the form of a ring), surface condition, color, internal state, fragility. The size of products is controlled by the number of pieces in 1 kg. The number of dryers in 1 kg should be 90-130 (Baby - 220-240), bagels - 20-65. Bagels are produced only by the piece, weighing 0.05 and 0.1 kg.

From physical and chemical indicators control humidity (in%): dryers - 7.5-12; bagel - 9-18; bagels - 23-25; acidity (deg., no more): drying - 2.5-3.0; bagel - 3.0; bagels - 3.0-3.5. In products with added sugar and fat, their content is established and controlled. The coefficient of swelling of dryers and bagels is determined, which should be at least 2.5-3.0. Carry out safety checks.

Defects of lamb products: blisters and spots on the surface (with intensive fermentation or uneven distribution of sugar in the dough), lack of gloss on the surface (insufficient or excessive scalding of dough pieces), slips (unfinished bundles), pritis (with close fit in the oven).

Storage of lamb products. Lamb products are stored in dry, clean, well-ventilated areas, not contaminated by pests of grain stocks, at a temperature not exceeding 25 0 C and relative humidity of 65-75%. It is not allowed to store together with products with a specific smell.

Shelf life of bagels - 25 days, dryers - 45 days, packaged products in plastic and plastic bags - 15 days; bagel sales period - 16 hours, in the package - 72 hours.

Sugar products

Classification of rusk products. Crackers include simple and rich crackers, bread crumbs, cracker briquettes. They are united by the fact that these are products of low humidity, and therefore a long shelf life, which is often referred to as canned bread. Their low humidity sharply slows down the staleness, protects against mold, which allows them to retain their original properties for a long time.

Rusks, simple made from bread or crackers. They include army crackers , which are slices of bread or rusk slabs, dried to give them stability during storage, and, depending on the types of flour used, are divided into the following types: rye crackers from wholemeal flour; rye-wheat crackers from wholemeal flour; wheat crackers from wholemeal flour, 1st and 2nd grades.

Classification of crackers

The dough for rusk bread is prepared in the usual way, but with low humidity (by 2-3%). Bread is baked in molds weighing 1.5-2.0 kg in baking ovens or by electrocontact method. The cooled bread is cut into slices 15-25 mm thick, placed in special cassettes, on sheets or in ovens and dried to a moisture content of crackers of 10% at a temperature of up to 130 0 C for 4-12 minutes, depending on the type of drying chambers and the type of crackers. Ready crackers are quickly cooled, low-quality ones are rejected (cracked, burnt, contaminated, undercooked). Rusks are placed in cardboard boxes and plywood boxes in neat rows so that they do not crumble.

Butter rusks are fragile products of low humidity with a pleasant taste and aroma. They are produced from wheat flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades with the addition of sugar, fat and other additives.

Vanilla, cream, lemon, walnut, Kiev, mustard and other crackers are prepared from premium flour. The recipe for these crackers includes sugar (14-21%), margarine or butter (3-10.5%), eggs (up to 4% ) and other raw materials according to the recipe.

Pioneer, coffee, Moscow, tourist, Ryazan crackers, etc. are produced from flour of the 1st grade. Their recipe includes less sugar (up to 12.5%), fat (up to 11%), eggs (2%).

City crackers are prepared from flour of the 2nd grade with a sugar content of 12.5% ​​and fat of 4.0%.

Butter crackers are obtained by drying slices of rich bread baked in the form of plates of different sizes and shapes. The technological process consists of a number of successive operations: dough preparation, cutting and shaping the dough into rusk slabs, proofing, holding the rusk slabs, cutting them into slices, drying and cooling the rusks.

The dough is prepared on a thick or liquid dough, in a non-dough way, etc. When making rich crackers with a high content of sugar and fat, they are added to the dough at the last punch. When molding, first dough pieces are made that are close in shape and mass to future crackers, and are laid on sheets tightly to each other so that a cracker plate is obtained. After proofing, the surface of the plate is smeared with egg mash (to obtain gloss), baked at a temperature of 200-260 0 C for 15-20 minutes.

After cooling (6-16 hours), the rusk plates are suitable for cutting into slices. Cutting is carried out in places of slips, laid in one layer flat on sheets and dried at a temperature of 115-230 0 C. Products, the surface of which must be treated, are lubricated with egg mash before drying and the necessary additive is applied. Ready crackers are cooled, rejected and packaged.

Examination of the quality of crackers. The quality of crackers is evaluated by appearance, shape, surface condition, color, fragility, smell and taste. The shape of crackers is rectangular, semi-oval, square, semi-cylindrical. The color of crackers is from light brown to brown. The standard normalizes humidity (no more than 8-12%); acidity (no more than 3.5-4 degrees - for rich crackers; no more than 7.5-21 degrees - for simple crackers); mass fraction of sugar and fat per dry matter (depending on the recipe); wetting (time of complete and uniform wetting) - rich crackers: 1-2 minutes in water with a temperature of 60 0 C, simple crackers: 4-8 minutes in water with a temperature of 15-20 0 C.

Rusks with foreign inclusions, signs of mold, with an unusual taste and smell are not allowed for sale.

Defects in baked goods. Defects in crackers are formed mainly when the production technology is violated.

wrong shape occurs when there is insufficient or excessive proofing of blanks on plates at high humidity, as a result of which crackers are elongated.

Uneven porosity, voids occur during the preparation of dough, the use of youthful dough or insufficient proofing of dough pieces.

Insufficient fragility and wetting of crackers associated with a violation of the technological regime of dough preparation, drying and roasting, the use of excessively stale plates, insufficient porosity of the plates.

Burntness or pallor occur when the general temperature regime of drying is violated.

Uneven coloring of the side surfaces of crackers caused by insufficient or excessive heat supply from below or above the baking chamber.

High humidity crackers can be caused by using a low temperature in the baking chamber or high relative humidity in the storage room.

The presence of foreign tastes and odors occurs when using low-quality raw materials, non-compliance with storage conditions and commodity neighborhood.

Storage of dry goods. Rusk products are stored in dry, clean, well-ventilated premises, not infected with pests of grain stocks, rich crackers - at a temperature of 20-22 0 C and relative humidity of 65-75%; army crackers - at a temperature of not more than 25 0 С and relative humidity of air not more than 70%. It is not allowed to store together with products with a specific smell.

Shelf life of rich crackers from the date of manufacture (in days), packed in boxes, cardboard boxes or packaged in packs: 15 - special crackers, 45 - mustard, with poppy, tourist, dairy, creamy, anniversary, nut; 60 - crackers of all other items; 30 - crackers, packaged in plastic bags, of all kinds.

The shelf life of simple rye crackers, rye-wheat wallpaper - 24 months, wheat from flour of the 1st, 2nd grades and wallpaper - 12 months. When the temperature drops to 8 0 C and below, the shelf life is extended to 36 and 24 months, respectively.

Questions for self-examination

1. What bakery products are rich?

2. What biologically active substances are contained in bread made from wheat and rye flour? Do a comparative analysis.

3. What is the degree of satisfaction of a person's need for certain minerals and vitamins when consuming a daily norm of bakery products?

4. Specify the defects in the taste of bread and explain the possible causes of increased acidity.

5. What color defects in the crust and crumb of bread can occur when using flour with low baking properties?

6. Name the defects in the appearance of bread and the reasons for their occurrence.

7. Name the defects in the structure of the bread crumb and the reasons for their occurrence.

8. What is the cause of crumbly bread crumbs?

9. Explain why the crust and crumb of rye and rye-wheat bread are darker than bread made from wheat flour.

10. Make a comparative analysis of the methods for making dough from wheat flour.

11. What are the differences in the preparation of rye dough?

12. What types of fermentation occur during maturation of the dough?

13. What are the conditions and terms of storage of bakery products?

14. Explain the processes occurring in bread during storage.

15. What are the diseases of bread and name the causes of their occurrence.

16. What is the difference between bagels, bagels and dryers?

17. What are the features of making lamb dough?

18. By what indicators is the quality of crackers evaluated?


1. Auerman L.Ya. Technology of bakery production: a textbook for universities / L.Ya. Auerman; under total ed. L.I. Puchkova. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2009. - 415 p.

2. Ivanova T.N. Commodity science and examination of grain and flour products: Textbook / T.N. Ivanova. – M.: Academy, 2004. – 288 p.

3. Mikulovich L.S. Commodity research and examination of grain flour products / L.S. Mikulovich, D.P. Lisovskaya. - Minsk: Higher School, 2009. - 480 p.

4. Nilova L.P. Commodity research and examination of grain and flour products: Textbook / L.P. Nilova. - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2005. - 416 p.

5. Chizhikova O.G. Commodity science and examination of grain-and-flour products: Study guide in schemes / O.G. Chizhikova, L.O. Korshenko. - Vladivostok: Ed. house of the Far Eastern Federal University, 2012. - 136 p.

6. research_and_examination_of_grain_products. Nilova L.P. Commodity research and examination of grain flour products: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2005. - 416 p.: ill.

TO the group of lamb products includes dryers, bagels and bagels produced from wheat baking flour of the highest, first and second grades. In addition, this group includes straws and bread sticks.

Differ from each other in size, weight, humidity.

Bagels on average, they have a diameter of 7-9 cm, a bundle thickness of up to 2 cm, the most popular names are: Vanilla, Lemon, Mustard, Dairy, Poppy. The number of products per 1 kg is from 25 to 65 pieces, depending on the name.

Drying have a diameter of 4-6 cm, thickness - 1.5-1.7 cm, dryers "Vanilla", "With poppy", simple, "Lemon", "Children", "Shuttle", "Baby", etc. are produced. The number of products in 1 kg - 90-240 pieces.

Bagels- products with a diameter of 9-12 cm, in their properties are close to rich bakery products.

Straw is produced from wheat flour of the highest and first grades of the following types: sweet, salty, "Kyiv", vanilla.

Straws are produced by weight and packaged in cardboard or paper boxes or packs with a net weight of 0.4 and 0.5 kg.

bread sticks are produced from wheat flour of the highest and first grades of the following name: bread with cumin, "Fragrant", rich, etc.

Sticks are produced by weight and packaged with a net weight of 0.25; 0.3; 0.4; and 0.5 kg.

Drying, bagels, straws and bread sticks have low humidity, can be stored for a long time and are a kind of "canned bread", as a result of which they have a high energy value. The energy value of bagels is somewhat lower, as they have a higher moisture content. The nutritional value of lamb products is determined by the recipe and varies significantly.

The dough is being prepared or on a special continuously renewable sourdough - a porch, or on a sponge using pressed yeast. Methods for preparing lamb dough at KMKZ, liquid dough have been developed.

The porch is being prepared from flour, water, yeast and part of the previous preparation. To prepare the dough, use from ¾ to 5/6 parts of the fermented porch. The humidity of the porch is 38-39%, the final acidity is 3-7 degrees.

The moisture content of the dough for lamb products depends on the type of product:

  • for dryers - 28-38%;
  • for bagels - 31-33%;
  • for bagels - 31-36%.

The technological process for the production of bagel products includes the following operations:

  • dough kneading;
  • rubbing;
  • resting of the test;
  • formation;
  • proofing test pieces;
  • scalding (scalding) of dough pieces;
  • pastries.

Dough kneading for lamb products is carried out in a machine designed for kneading hard dough. kneaded dough is subjected to additional mechanical processing - rubbing. After rubbing, the dough is rested. for this, the dough is folded into a layer - butts, covered with a damp cold towel and left alone for 30-60 minutes.

Then dough enters to form into a dividing machine. Formed dough pieces are melted for 30-90 minutes and served for scalding or scalding. Oshpark is carried out by steam in special chambers, scalding - in a bath of boiling water. The duration of welding is 0.5-3 minutes. During scalding (boiling), a layer of gelatinized starch and denatured protein is formed on the surface of the products, which provides a glossy surface and a fixed shape of the products.

During welding, the temperature of the inner layers increases rapidly. When the temperature reaches 60 degrees C, the activity of the fermentative microflora stops. Due to the intensive evaporation of moisture in the inner layers of the workpiece, its volume increases sharply, and the workpiece floats to the surface of the welding bath.

The purpose of welding (scalding):

  • giving gloss to the surface of products;
  • fixing the shape of products;
  • increase in the volume of products.

After welding (scalding), the blanks are blown with hot air to dry the surface.

The process of baking lamb products is different from baking bread.

Lamb products quickly warm up, which leads to intensive evaporation of moisture from the inner layers of products. Therefore, the actual baking process is accompanied by drying processes. Dehydration of products during baking drying occurs quite intensively, which leads to significant shrinkage of products, makes them brittle and well wetted. Lamb products become brittle when a moisture content of 12% is reached.

To obtain high quality products at the first stage of baking, roasting is carried out for 1-2 minutes at a temperature of 300-350 degrees or "flare" - irradiation of the surface of the blanks with a flame of burning fuel in special furnaces.

The technological process of straw production includes the following operations:

  • dough preparation;
  • welding of test pieces;
  • baking dough pieces;
  • packaging of finished products.

For straws, the dough is prepared in a bezopare way. The initial temperature of the dough should be at least 29 degrees, at a higher temperature the dough becomes less elastic and breaks during processing.

The finished dough goes to the formation in the form of endless bundles. The test tows are fed into the bathroom by a conveyor, filled with a one-percent solution of sodium bicarbonate at a temperature of 70-90 degrees C, to obtain a golden hue of the surface of the straw. The welding of test ropes takes place during the movement of the conveyor and lasts approximately 26-50 seconds, after which they enter the oven under the conveyor.

In the production of salted straws, it is sprinkled with salt before baking. The duration of baking straws is 9-15 minutes at a temperature of 180-230 degrees. When leaving the oven, the straw breaks into pieces of the required size.

The technological process of making bread sticks is similar to the process of making bagels and dryers and includes:

  • dough preparation;
  • resting (or fermentation) of the dough;
  • rubbing;
  • formation of test pieces;
  • proofing test pieces;
  • baking;
  • packaging.

Dough for bread sticks, bread sticks with cumin and salty it is recommended to cook in a non-dough way with pressed yeast or yeast milk. For sticks, it is recommended to prepare the dough in a non-dough way with pre-activated pressed yeast.

The kneaded dough is sent to rest, then passed through a rubbing machine.

The duration of the proofing of the molded dough pieces at a temperature of 30-40 C and a relative humidity of 80-90% is 30-60 minutes.

Sticks are baked with preliminary scalding of dough pieces for 2-3 minutes and without scalding. The duration of baking at a temperature of 200-240 degrees for 8-13 minutes.

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