Is it possible to make money from stories? Selling a story for real money - is this possible in the modern Internet? Is it possible to make money by writing stories?

For any creative person - an artist, a musician, or a poet - the recognition and attention of others is important. At first these are performances and screenings of works in front of friends and family, but then the circle of spectators inevitably needs to be expanded. What resources allow poets to publish their works?


Open yours using the “Account” link. Among the links on the right, find the address “Management” - “Works” - “Add”. Insert the text of a previously written work from the file, enter the title. Add an illustration in the box below the text of the piece if you wish. Click the "Publish Artwork" button.

Less popular is the Art World resource. After registering there, find a link under your nickname with the word “Poems” and follow it. At the top of the new page, click the “Add Artwork” button.

Enter the name of the cycle if the work is not single. Enter its name, insert text. Leave a comment if you like. Check the box next to the option “I agree with the terms of the agreement.” Click on the “Publish” button.

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Poetic creativity is one of the most accessible forms of art, so there are a lot of poets in the Internet environment, especially among young users. To post modern poetry for free, a whole galaxy of literary sites have been developed, which not only publish and popularize authors for free, but also often protect their copyrights to their works.


The most popular site for posting poetry is .ru. To publish, register there, indicating your real name and . Then open your page and in the "Manage Page" menu, click the "Add" command. Enter the title of the work and text in the appropriate fields.

Another site about poetry is “The World of Your Creativity.” On the main page of the resource, titles and names of authors of newly added works, reviews, as well as other information are published. Literary competitions with prizes are regularly held. After registration, click on the “Poems” button in the menu on the right. Then click the "Add Artwork" button. Enter the title and text of the work in the appropriate fields, and you can optionally briefly describe its history.

Another option for posting poetry is creating a personal blog. Many authors publish their poems on free blogging platforms and gain great popularity as online authors.


  • Art world

Poems differ from prose works by the presence of frequent line breaks. When posting poems on the site, you should leave a single space between lines and a double space between stanzas, for example, quatrains.


Make sure that the poem you are going to post on the site was created by you personally or that you have the right to make it available to the public (under a contract, a free license, or because it has entered the public domain).

When posting poems on a website, it is convenient to use the HTML tag

Place it before a piece of text, and after it place a closing tag
. The poem will be displayed in a monospace font (if there is one in the site visitor’s OS), while multiple spaces and line breaks will be displayed on the screen without any modification, for example:

I wrote poetry yesterday 
I want to show them to the world.
Instead of a quill pen
I decided to take the keyboard.

I am happy about the success for a reason.
I sit and look and I can’t tear myself away
Eye from the screen. Beauty!
Now I’ll invite all my friends.

If you are happy with the need to edit the text of the poem itself in order to place tags on each line, format it like this:

And then my friends came to me.

And they say: “What!

Aren't you, poet, ashamed?

Looking at the monitor?

Then I pressed F5 -

Take a look at the comments

And I read with surprise

Short comment: “TERRIBLE!”

Tag here

Placed before the line immediately following double spacing, and the tag
- before the line immediately following the single. The font in a poem laid out in this way, unlike the previous case, does not change in any way. Closing both tags is desirable, but not required.

If your site uses the content management system (CMS) MediaWiki or similar, use the tag to post poems Closing it is mandatory. It works the same way as a tag

In HTML, but does not affect the appearance of the font.  For example:

I then sat for two hours,
Despondently lowering his eyes,
And I looked at my poems,
And a tear flowed down my cheek.

The reader booed the poems,
The poems were not accepted by friends.
And I was sad and thought:
Am I really mediocre?

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  • post your poem


Publishers are quite reluctant to work with short literary works (essays, novellas, short stories), so be prepared for the fact that at first your work will not be in demand. Don't despair if you receive several refusals in a row. Fiction and short stories can be published in specialized literature magazines, so try to contact their editors and submit your creation.

Before going to the editorial office of a specialized magazine, be sure to make sure that your work in its genre corresponds to the topic of the publication. In Russia, there are several literary magazines that publish genre and everyday prose, for example, Neva. If you are interested in creating historical or contemporary prose, be sure to pay attention to the editors of this magazine.

If your specialty is fantasy or science fiction, consider visiting the publishing houses of popular science magazines, such as Science and Life or Ural Pathfinder. When mixing the fantasy genre with cyber-punk, it makes sense to pay attention to computer magazines that are happy to publish such stories.

You can contact the publisher via email or telephone. If it has its own website, find on it the manuscript selection department or the contact details of the executive secretary. You can go the other way and present your own story in person, but before that you definitely need to print it out and put an electronic copy of it on a flash drive. In the printout and in the electronic file, you must indicate your contacts: last name, first name, patronymic, address, contact phone number and email.

When you give your manuscript to the editor, ask how much time he plans to spend reading it. Try to get his contact number and ask when you can inquire about the fate of your story. If you decide to send your work by email, contact the editor the next day to find out if he received it. On average, the reading period for stories is 3-4 months, then, if the editor likes your creation, he will contact you.

To publish your works on the website, go to the “Groups” section. Enter the word “Poetry” into the search bar. Now you see a huge list of thematic groups, by joining which you can publish your work.

To publish your works on VKontakte, log in to your page. In the "My Groups" section, which is located to the left of your main photo, you can see a search bar. Enter the key phrase: “Poems.” You will see a list of groups that match your request. By logging into any public page, you can add your work there by attaching a picture, signature, audio and even video. However, this action is only possible if the group wall is open. If only its administrators can post posts in a community, in the upper left corner of the wall you may notice the inscription “Suggest news”. Click on it and publish your poem in the window that opens. If the administration of the group considers it worthy, it will definitely appear on the wall.

The social network Vkontakte has many public pages dedicated specifically to the publication of poems. These include groups such as “Fall Up”, “Tea with the Taste of a Communal Apartment”, “”, “Nefrit Poems” and many others.

Publishing poems on other resources

If you do not want to limit yourself to publishing your poems on social networks, you can visit other Internet portals that are relevant to the topics that interest you. You can post your poems on the websites “”, “Fanfiction”, etc.

In addition, many popular print publications now publish works written by their readers. In order to be among them, use any search engine. In the search bar you need to write the name of the newspaper or magazine. You will see the official website of this publishing house. This is where you can find an email address to which you can send your poems and wait for them to be published. However, this method does not always bring results, since the editors of a magazine or newspaper may ignore your work or find it boring.

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Is it possible to become a writer?

Let's start with a small portion of pure writing motivation. This paragraph will be short, these words are written simply to somehow occupy your time, and at the same time make you understand how you can manage words. Arrange words in a sentence, make a creative departure from the main topic, and ultimately give your brain food for thought.

And most importantly, every generation has its classics, and who knows, maybe you are one of them.

How to become a good writer.

1. Ask questions to those around you: how to become a good writer? What does this require? Most people will immediately answer, literary talent. But what is literary talent? Maybe some data given to us at birth? Partly, yes. At the same time, let's take musicians. Having only one absolute pitch does not make a person a musician. What does he do? That's right, practice, the ability to get out into people, in the right place at the right time, sometimes, and ultimately sell your talent.

2. In addition, simply expressing thoughts in writing is not the only skill that a writer should have. As a rule, each reader has his own favorite author. And as a rule, he is loved for a reason. The reader likes to read and reread the works he likes. But there’s a reason why you like reading certain people. I like how your eyes run along the lines, how the words are arranged in a sentence, and the text is presented, I like the point of view from which the author looks at the situation. And all these things can be called in one word - experience.

3. Perhaps each of the great writers at least once in his life, like you, wondered how to write a good book. And like you, he too was looking for suitable literature. It is known that many writers loved the works of their colleagues so much that they sometimes rewrote them completely. It is believed that in this way you will not learn to write like the great classics, but in the process of copying words and writing other people's thoughts with your own hand, you will acquire your own writing style.

Why you can become the most popular writer of our time.

One of the modern classics said that only losers write articles for magazines, and those who really love to write write books. There is truth in these words. And despite the development of the Internet, despite the fact that millions of sites require writing articles and materials, good books have not yet been canceled. There is always a demand for them.

How to publish a book online and make money with Lulu.

You don't really need much to write books. Ask yourself the question: “How to become a writer?” That's right - first, write a story! Enough in electronic form. But to become a successful writer, persistence alone is not enough; you need a good, catchy plot - and this is the most important thing in a writer, his signature zest.

How to publish a book on the Internet for free? Today on the Internet, many online publishers offer to create a book for free and start selling it. The most popular and offering similar services are the Amazon online store, as well as the online publishing house

Lulu's terms of publication.

Lulu will only require a couple of things from you: have the story in electronic form (a Microsoft Word document will do) and only in English, and also edit it in a form that can be downloaded from the Lulu website. If you don't want to edit, they can do it for you.

After choosing book templates: black and white or color pages, a book up to 75 or more than 200 pages, and the like. The publisher prepares your work for publication. Subsequently, for each book sold you can receive from 8-20 dollars. Not bad, right?

What are the benefits for the publisher?

It is only domestic publishers who offer to pay huge amounts of money for publication. Just for publication and we are not talking about distribution or further sales. Lulu will help you make money by writing and immediately shows how much money the book itself will cost, how much money will be spent on creating the book (in electronic and paper forms), what percentage the publishing house will keep for each copy sold, and what royalties the author will ultimately receive.

This fee is called - royalties. Publishing houses work according to the following scheme:
1) The author writes a book and sends it to the publishing house.
2) If the publishing house likes the text, they agree on the terms of the contract with the author. In it, the publisher offers conditions under which both parties will work.
3) Next comes text editing and layout of the book (if it is in paper form).
4) When the book hits store shelves (this also applies to online stores), the editors and the author can only divide the profit according to the contract.

In conclusion…

In our material today, we touched on the following topics: how to become a writer, and looked at one of the ways of modern publishing. If you have any questions, write in the comments.

And so you wrote something that you called a “story” and you had a completely crazy idea to sell your story. And sell, as we all understand, for money. What can Runet offer you to implement your idea?

1. One hundred websites of one hundred idiots who also know how to dream. And they dream of dragging you onto some content exchange as their referral. These comrades will convince you that thousands of webmasters are just waiting for you to put your story up for sale so that they can immediately buy it.

The reasoning of such referral hunters is quite understandable: you post a story, another, a third, you see that it’s not selling, try to write an article, a second, another... and you’ll see, you’ll turn out to be an excellent copywriter, who will bring you money every month. who brought him to the content exchange received substantial commissions.

There is no need to believe the promises of those who “share secrets” about where to sell the story and to whom to sell the story. Even though they almost showed you the right path. But more on that later.

3. But you still say, “I want to sell a story!!!” and... you find yourself on the sites and blogs of idiots and romantics from literature, who themselves have not sold a single story, have never published a single manuscript of their own, have tried all the free methods that supposedly allow you to become a modern Internet literary star, and now willingly share with you richest experience.

So, let’s end here, or let’s try to figure it out, is there at least a small opportunity to realize what was planned for those who admit it only to their closest friends, and what’s possible only to themselves - I dream of selling a story? Let's try to figure it out.

Early 90s. During the book boom, only those who could not write did not become a writer. I just couldn’t do it, I didn’t know the letters. The rest were asked not to write. And as soon as you wrote a story that really deserved attention, it was immediately taken away by some publishing house, of which there were several hundred in Moscow alone in those days. If the story was sensible, it was “hammered” into some thematic collection and sold, giving you 12 copyright copies of the book stipulated by the contract and a small royalty. If the story (as they said then) felt potential, then five or six literary slaves expanded it into a novel within a week, and it was published as a separate book under paperback or hard cover. Your royalties were again small. And instead of you, the book was signed with the name of some author invented by the publishing house itself.

But those days are gone...

And they were replaced by “Samizdat”...

I can’t even imagine if this literary dump exists today; I haven’t been there for 5, if not 8 years.

But if I already remembered it, then I’ll remind you that after the end of the literary boom, “Samizdat” declared itself as a site that representatives of various publishing houses surf in search of interesting manuscripts and original authors. There was even a list of a dozen authors who were allegedly found in samizdat.

It all ended in nothing:

I have not met anyone who could sell a story through the Samizdat website;

Today (the day this article was written) the site was visited by 8,000 fans and literature lovers.

Hey ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry, but you're lost in time!!!

And about Samizdat. I always had a question for those who published there: I don’t understand, isn’t it easier to immediately send the manuscript to all publishing houses? Why instead take a roundabout route, posting the story in an unknown place (and for many, this was the answer to “where to sell the story?”). And then wait for no one knows what or who (and here is the question “Who should I sell the story to?” You can just as easily stick the sheets of the manuscript on the nearest fence. What if some publisher, passing by, starts reading, and then...

Earnings for a writer are a complex and opaque indicator. Earnings can vary from 30,000 rubles per year to tens of millions of dollars per month. The scatter is quite large and it is far from being measured by the talent of the writer. It used to be simpler in the USSR - write a book, get access to a feeding trough and live the rest of your life. Now everything is much more complicated. Today we will find out how much modern writers earn.

For the third year in a row, he is in the lead in the list compiled by the influential Forbes magazine. James Patterson. An American pensioner earned $94 million in a year. He has 14 new books published. His bestsellers about psychologist Alex Cross, novels about detective Michael Bennett and a dozen books from the “Women’s Murder Investigation Club” series are widely known.

Horror legend Stephen King, of course, lagged behind my colleague, but also made decent money. Agree, 39 million greens per year is a very decent amount. On such an income you can live long and well, even during periods of creative stagnation.

Another American literary star Janet Ivanovich earned $33 million over the past year. Working field for Janet are detective novels about former lingerie saleswoman Stephanie Plum, who changed her destiny and became a bounty hunter.

You tell me this is abroad, what to compare? But let's admit that their expenses are not the same as ours, not to mention their requests. Ours, however, are far behind their Western colleagues, but this does not prevent them from earning decent amounts of money from their creativity.

Example, Daria Dontsova Everyone is already tired of it, but I will repeat it. In 2011 alone, Dontsova, according to the Russian Book Chamber, published books with a circulation of over two million copies. It is not known for certain how much she receives from the sale of each book, but even the minimum option of 1 dollar is already more than 2 million dollars a year. If the author is prolific, the amount of earnings is decent.

Boris Akunin According to some data, he lags behind his colleague in the shop. His circulation in 2011 was about 500,000 copies, but according to others he is the richest Russian writer. Even Forbes rated it. After all, do not forget that selling books is only the tip of the financial iceberg of a real professional writer.

What about our science fiction writers? Now one of the most popular genres of literature brings decent money to its masters.

Sergei Lukyanenko launches circulation easily and naturally from 200 thousand pieces. By analogy, you can estimate how much it turns out in monetary terms. Life is quite possible and even good.

I would also like to point out that selling books is not everything. There are sales of rights to film adaptations of books, writing scripts, advertising in books and in life, passive income from publicity. Any professional writer will find a way to make money to their liking.

These are masters and professionals. How much do newbies earn? If a novice author manages to persuade a publishing house to put his work into circulation, and it will be published in the amount of 3,000 - 5,000 books, then this will bring him an average of 30 thousand rubles. Agree, mere pennies compared to labor costs. This is where the question arises: why all this? We need to throw everything to hell and go to the job we hate!

And then you need to think, why are you writing? If it's a hobby, then that's one thing. An income of 30 thousand rubles a year from a hobby is also not bad. Well, if you decide to take up writing, then to hell with everything! Take it and do it! Write every day, a lot and for a long time. This is the only way you will get better at it and create enough books to make yourself known.

This is good, if you have no family and obligations, then the whole world is at your feet. It would be a sin not to try to become a writer and make yourself known to the whole world, but what should a family office plankton do with a set of decent devices, issued on credit? In this case, you should prepare for the transition.

The transition to a writing career must begin early. First you need to write your first book. Tips can be read on our website. Next, we close all debts. The transition must occur on a sound financial basis. After this, we find an additional, preferably the most passive source of income, you can read about it here. Then, when your passive income begins to bear fruit and you learn to meet your minimum needs, quit. Now is your time to become a professional writer. Get busy with this. Write every day and sell. Sell ​​yourself, creativity, experience - this is what will help you get the real life of a writer.

Today we learned that a writer’s earnings are directly dependent on desire and experience. Mind your own business, and your business will always make you RICH.

What do you think about writers' income? Please leave comments below.