Production of security printed products of the level c. Production of security printing products

Technical requirements and conditions
production of security printing products

The purpose of these requirements is to establish a uniform manufacturing procedure applicable to all types of security printing products, including the choice of document format and print detail.

Technical requirements and conditions for the manufacture of security printing products are established taking into account the purpose, term of circulation, conditions of use, the level of damage in case of falsification and the attractiveness of counterfeiting security printing products of this type.

1. General technical requirements and conditions for the manufacture of security printing products

To ensure reliable protection against counterfeiting of protected printing products, paper and printed image, as well as paints, must carry security elements. Each type of protected printing product must be printed with at least two types of printing. The number and series are done in letterpress printing.

The composition of security printed products should be based on guilloche patterns, which are understood as a combination of thin and intertwining lines with complex geometry and a characteristic pitch of 1 - 2 mm. Guilloche drawings can be positive (contour) and negative (direct). The thickness of guilloche lines should not exceed 40 - 70 microns in contour elements (positively), and 50 - 90 microns in direct (negatively).

Guilloche drawings should be composed of a large number of identical elements. The structure of graphic elements should be irregular.

Multi-color guilloche designs must be made by applying two or more complementary guilloche elements in different colors one on top of the other when the designs are coordinated and complement each other. It should be easy to identify. Overlapping randomly selected elements is not allowed.

The composition of security printed products must have at least three guilloche images different in shape and pattern, some of which have a positive, and others - a negative execution of the lines. The composition of security printed products must include microtext. In the positive version, it should have a font height of 150 - 200 microns, and in the negative - 200 - 250 microns.

The front side of the security printing products must consist of at least 70% of multi-color guilloche patterns of an irregular structure.

When preparing forms of securities on paper with a watermark, the reverse side must also be sealed. In this case, in addition to the above, one-color, multi-matte guilloche patterns can be used.

Compositions are divided into original and neutral (typical).

The original composition is created only for a specific customer and is unique in terms of frame, background and other design elements. With a neutral composition, the individualization of security printing products is achieved through the use of several individual complex guilloche elements with fine graphics and high quality.

The print must be clear, of the same tone, without gaps filled up or clogged with ink. The tone of paint, the size of the margins in all copies belonging to the same circulation must be the same. The production of security printing products with visible differences in the above parameters is not allowed. Crosshairs of lines of guilloche elements and background grids should not have thickenings (nodes). Printing of superimposed multi-color guilloche elements must be done with accurate registration, allowing the user to identify the combination of elements.

In multi-color guilloche drawings, printing must be done with printing inks, the coloristic features of which make it difficult to reproduce them by known photographic and copying methods. In addition, special inks with visible luminescence (other than blue light) in ultraviolet radiation and inks with visual protective effects and/or special machine-readable features should be used.

When using holograms as security elements for security printed products, holograms must be made in the form of hot stamping foil or cold lamination, have an exclusive design and microtext from 20 to 100 microns. It is recommended to use images with kinegram effects and hidden images (for security printed products of level "B").

The size of the hologram should be sufficient to identify it by signs of authenticity. The hologram must be protected from the possibility of its repetition by electroforming methods.

In the case of using holographic security elements in the manufacture of security printed products of level "B", it is allowed to use holographic images made on a self-adhesive destructible base.

When using in the process of manufacturing security printed products of levels "A", "B" and "C" security elements made using holographic, informational and microprocessor security methods, the security class of such elements is confirmed by a certificate of compliance with the requirements of the governing documents of the State Technical Commission of Russia.

2. Technical requirements and conditions for the manufacture of security printed products of level "A"

2.1. Level "A" security printing products include:

forms of securities to bearer;

protected printing products, the requirements for the manufacture of which, established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, regulatory acts of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, or by the customer, contain an indication of the need to protect this products against counterfeiting at the level of bearer securities or provide for one or more requirements for the protection of these printing products from counterfeiting, similar (or comparable) to the technical requirements established by this order, used to protect against counterfeiting printing products of level "A".

2.2. Security printing products of level "A" must be produced on paper weighing 70 - 120 g / sq. M, containing at least 50% cotton or linen fibers, with an exclusive watermark (either by the licensee or the issuer), which is translucent shaded, with a pronounced contrast, providing its reliable visual control. The paper must not have a glow (visible luminescence) under the action of ultraviolet radiation, must contain at least two types of fibers controlled in the visible or other regions of the spectrum. It is acceptable to replace one of the types of fiber with other types of inclusions - confetti, polymer threads, encapsulated phosphor. It is not allowed to use special fibers that have a visible blue luminescence under the action of ultraviolet radiation.

Forms of securities (with the exception of bearer checks) must have a format of at least A5 (148 x 210 mm). Bearer checks must have a format of at least A-P6 (135 x 72 mm).

In the manufacture of security printing products of level "A", only the original composition should be used.

In the manufacture of security printing products of level "A", in addition to traditional printing methods, special types of printing (metallography and / or Oryol printing) or other highly secure printing methods that provide a comparable level of security of printing products should be used.

3. Technical requirements and conditions for the manufacture of security printed products of level "B"

3.1. Level "B" security printing products include:

forms of registered and order securities and other documents that are classified as securities by securities laws or in the manner prescribed by them (with the exception of bearer securities and other protected printed products classified in accordance with this order as protected printing products of levels " A" and "B");

protected printing products, the requirements for the manufacture of which, established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, regulatory acts of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, or by the customer, contain an indication of the need to use when the production of the said products of anti-counterfeiting technologies (methods), with the exception of security printing products classified in accordance with this order as security printing products of levels "A" and "B" (for example, lottery tickets, regional special stamps, license forms, etc.). d.).

3.2. Security printing products of level "B" must be produced on paper weighing 70 - 120 g / sq. M, containing at least 25% cotton or linen fibers, with an exclusive watermark (either by the licensee or the issuer) contrast, providing its reliable visual control. The paper must not have a glow (visible luminescence) under the action of ultraviolet radiation, must contain at least two types of fibers controlled in the visible or other regions of the spectrum. It is acceptable to replace one of the types of fiber with other types of inclusions - confetti, polymer threads, encapsulated phosphor. It is not allowed to use special fibers that have a visible blue luminescence under the action of ultraviolet radiation.

In the manufacture of the following types of security printing products: checks, instant lotteries with an erasable coating, regional special stamps and other products that by their design do not allow control of the watermark, deviations from the requirements established by the first paragraph of subparagraph 3.2 are allowed. these technical requirements.

Forms of securities must have a format of at least A5 (148x210 mm). Checks must have a format of at least A-P6 (135x72 mm). The format of lottery tickets and other security printing products is determined by the customer.

In the manufacture of security printed products of level "B", only the original composition should be used.

In the manufacture of security printing products of level "B", traditional and / or non-traditional printing methods are used. It is obligatory to have an overlay of two background grids with variable pitch and with iris peals. The use of iris roll with a double transition is recommended.

4. Technical requirements and conditions for the manufacture of security printed products of level "B"

4.1. Security printed products of level "B" include: security printed products, the requirements for the manufacture of which, established by regulatory legal acts, or by the customer, contain an indication of the need to use anti-counterfeiting technologies (methods) in the production of these products, classified in accordance with this order to security printing products of level "B" (for example, travel tickets (except for roll-up tickets), forms of hygiene certificates and certificates of conformity, prescription forms for hard drugs, subsidized prescriptions, etc.).

4.2. Security printing products classified in accordance with this order as security printing products of level "B" must be made on paper weighing 70 - 120 g / sq.m, with a watermark of limited distribution, which has a pronounced contrast, ensuring its reliable visual control. The paper must not have a glow (visible luminescence) under the action of ultraviolet radiation, must contain at least two types of fibers controlled in the visible or other regions of the spectrum. It is acceptable to replace one of the types of fiber with other types of inclusions - confetti, polymer threads, encapsulated phosphor. It is not allowed to use special fibers that have a visible blue luminescence under the action of ultraviolet radiation.

The format of security printed products of level "B" is not regulated.

Level "B" security print products must be produced on paper with an exclusive watermark or a limited distribution watermark. It is allowed to use special paper without a watermark.

In the manufacture of security printing products of level "B" traditional printing methods are used. It is obligatory to have an overlay of two background grids with a variable step, at least one of which should be with an iris peal.

Every day we all come across anti-counterfeit printing products and regularly use them without even thinking about it, and sometimes not even suspecting that this or that “paper” in our hands is a counterfeit-proof printing product. First of all, these are identity documents. From the moment of birth and throughout our lives, we are accompanied by a birth certificate, passports, certificates. Cash tickets are also classic examples of security printed products. Protected printing products include documents on education - certificates of basic general and secondary general education, diplomas of higher education, documents on advanced training and professional training; travel documents - railway tickets and boarding passes, reduced-price subscription tickets for urban public transport; medical documents - certificates of incapacity for work (the so-called "sick leave"), some types of medical certificates; forms of licenses and certificates confirming the right to a particular type of activity; documents of a number of state organizations - certificates of employees, passes; some types of documents of commercial organizations - forms of securities: bills of exchange, deposit and savings certificates, savings books; in trade organizations - certificates, labels, labels, stickers and stamps confirming the authenticity of a product and product, as well as the legality of its manufacture (excise stamps for alcoholic products, tobacco products, medicines, cosmetics, building materials, software).

Thus, counterfeit-proof printing products- printing products containing at least two security elements, made using printing, holographic, information, microprocessor and other methods of protecting printed products that prevent counterfeiting of these products. Protective elements are structural elements of products that have special characteristics, controlled visually or instrumentally, included in the protective complex, allowing you to establish the authenticity of products and make it impossible, difficult or economically unprofitable to reproduce it unauthorized.

In accordance with the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, the production of counterfeit-proof printing products can only be carried out by enterprises that have the appropriate license.

Why do you need to protect printed products?

It is necessary to protect the above printing products in order to prevent material damage to citizens or to the state, as well as to prevent various kinds of illegal actions.

Everyone is well aware of how dangerous the counterfeiting of banknotes is. This is, first of all, financial losses for citizens, and on the other hand, counterfeit money can undermine the public's confidence in the financial systems of the state and can lead to inflation and all sorts of social upheavals, up to riots and various kinds of revolutions, which in History there are many examples. One can only imagine what the actions of so-called "specialists" with fake diplomas, for example, in the field of medicine, can lead to.

Counterfeit medicines and alcoholic beverages, the legality of which can be verified by a security sticker or excise stamp, in the case of a fake, in most cases inevitably lead to serious consequences for health or even life. Unfortunately, such sad facts have recently become more and more common.

Forgery of documents such as official IDs of employees of regulatory, law enforcement agencies, licenses or passes for potentially dangerous or protected objects, although very difficult, is potentially possible. The consequences of such unlawful actions on the part of intruders can lead to unpredictable grave consequences.

In some cases, falsification of documents or forms of some organizations can lead to a number of serious consequences and illegal actions that can lead, including to financial losses.

There are many such examples.

What printing products need to be protected?

The need and level of protection for a particular printed product are established by regulatory legal acts of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, representative bodies of local self-government, which, in addition, establish a list of mandatory protective and technical characteristics of the RFP. In the absence of such regulations, the need for protection, the level of protection and the list of mandatory protective and technical characteristics of the RFP are established by the customer's decision. Both state and commercial enterprises and organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs and individuals can act as a customer.

How should printed products be protected?

A more precise formulation of the question is how to produce counterfeit-proof printing products?

Once again, it should be repeated that, in accordance with the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, the production of counterfeit-proof printing products can only be carried out by enterprises that have the appropriate license. The production and sale of security printing products is a state-regulated type of activity. Not every printing company, even with extensive experience in printing, can start producing security printed products. To do this, you must obtain a license for this type of activity. This type of activity is licensed by the Federal Tax Service.

Licensing requirements for license applicants are very serious and far from formal. They include a range of requirements. These are the requirements for the education and experience of the enterprise’s specialists, the requirements for the equipment used in the technological process, the requirements for the availability of security technology, the requirements for the layout, fortification and security of premises used for the production and sale of security printing products, and a number of requirements for organizing and maintaining accounting and storage of materials, semi-finished products bearing the protective features of future products, and finished products at all stages.

Among other things, the enterprise must organize a complete cycle of printing works, including the development of the original layout, the production of photo forms and printing plates, printing, numbering, personalization and finishing of products.

In addition, certain employees of the enterprise should have an understanding of the principles of manufacturing security printing products, for which it is recommended to undergo appropriate training.

If an organization has a need to produce secure printing products (for example, certificates for employees, passes to the territory of the enterprise, forms for official documents, various kinds of certificates and certificates that are not subject to state regulations), then you should not immediately come up with “home-grown defenses” and use the first suggestions on the Internet such as “we will make forms with security elements”, as well as use all kinds of dubious advice from so-called “specialists”.

In this case, it is necessary to formulate what and for what purpose it is necessary to protect. Employees of the "National Public Center for Expertise" will offer a comprehensive security solution and several enterprises, to choose from, that have licenses for the production of security printing products.

A specific kind of printed matter is securities. Banknotes, tax stamps, identity cards require identification to prove their authenticity. To exclude the possibility of forgery, they produce secure printing products.

Who needs multi-level protection of printed products?

Security printing is necessary for everyone who deals with documents of strict accountability:

  • public services (Ministry of Internal Affairs, traffic police, Federal Tax Service) for issuing passports, driver's licenses, individual tax numbers (TIN);
  • financial institutions for printing bills of exchange, plastic cards, bank checks;
  • certifying organizations;
  • educational institutions issuing diplomas and certificates;
  • large manufacturers of excise products (alcohol, tobacco, motor oils);
  • medical institutions, transport companies, cinemas.
All enterprises produce forms according to a single standard, so the level of performance will be the same. Competition exists only in terms of service.

Strict reporting forms are used in various industries, most of all in medicine

Who is authorized to print the RFP?

In Soviet times, only Goznak was engaged in the printing of securities. Since 1992, the production of security printing products has been allowed for commercial organizations that have passed state licensing. Goznak left the issue of banknotes, passports and other identification cards, excise and postage stamps (Level A).

To obtain this permission, the applicant submits a package of documents to the Federal Tax Service. Along with registration certificates, it is necessary to attach certificates confirming the qualifications of employees, as well as documents for the premises.

The decision on licensing an enterprise is made by a commission, which includes representatives from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Tax Service, and the FSTEC.

Regional subdivision of Goznak in Penza

Ways to protect printing

Protection at the design stage

It involves the application of images that cannot be repeated using copy technology:

  • "Defects" (unusual font, "jumping" letters, variable line thickness) are used to protect bank documents, certificates, forms that are in limited access.
  • Guilloche patterns - background images consisting of thin (40-70 microns) curved lines. Due to the constantly changing curvature, it is almost impossible to reproduce such a pattern on a color printer. The method is used when printing banknotes, diplomas, certificates, lottery tickets.
  • Hidden images - visible only under special lighting or a certain angle of inclination of the protected printing products. Used in the design of banknotes, letterheads.
  • Microtext - decorative strips, which are an inscription in a tiny font. Mandatory when issuing securities.
  • Linear screens - non-standard points are used to create a picture (for example, in the form of concentric circles). Such an image cannot be counterfeited on a photo printer.

Technological methods of protection

The production of security printing products is carried out on special expensive equipment. The degree of protection is such that the cost of a fake may be higher than the original. Here are some technologies:

  • Oryol print - images in which colors pass one into another. The drawing cannot be repeated even on the same machine where it was printed, if you do not have the original forms. Used to print money, diplomas, licenses.
  • Iris printing - offset in several colors with the roller roll off. In this way, you can print a small print run of security printing products with a smooth gradient of color transition.
  • Dry offset - allows you to get identical lines with a thickness of 10 microns. Used to print branded labels.

Oryol seal was known in the time of Alexander III

Warp processing

Substances that change its structure are added to the composition of paper for security printing products. The most popular ways:

  • Watermarks are images obtained at the stage of paper casting. The pattern is obtained due to the difference in the density of the base.
  • Colored fibers are added to the raw paper stock. Real fibers are separated with tweezers, while on fakes they are drawn or printed. This is one of the traditional ways to protect money, passports, securities.
  • Metallized strips can carry encoded digital information. They can be seen on labels and excise stamps.
  • Films of the VOID type are used for printing protective stickers for household appliances. Peeling off the film, you can read the word void, which means "invalid".

This is what VOID films look like

Use of special paints

The method enhances the protection of the original and significantly increases the cost of a fake. Apply:

  • Smeared and non-drying paints are easy to diagnose for authenticity. It is enough to wet the document and run it over the paper - in case of a fake, a colorful trace will remain. Dollars are printed with such paints.
  • Compositions that change color from external influences (temperature, radiation). In the ultraviolet spectrum or when heated, dyes change color. Such inks are used for printing banknotes, passports.


A protective barrier can also be placed at the post-press FGD stage. One of the following technologies is suitable for this:

  • Hot stamping (blint or foiling) - obtaining a relief image on the covers of diplomas, certificates.
  • Holograms are three-dimensional images on foil that cannot be made by yourself. Used for printing excise stamps, licenses, certificates.
  • Numbering - assigning each form its own number. It is used when printing banknotes, diplomas, certificates.
  • Carving - giving an object a curly shape. Demanded for label printing.

Holograms are made in the form of stickers

Technical requirements for security printing

The increased importance of security printing products requires the standardization of technologies in the production of various categories of documents. Therefore, GOST R 54109-2010 was developed, which spelled out the general technical requirements: the size of the forms, the parameters of the graphic composition, the print quality, the security complex. Also in this GOST, the requirements for the premises and the protection of sensitive facilities that print the RFP are spelled out.

ZNAK Limited Liability Company manufactures and sells counterfeit-proof printing products on the basis of a perpetual license of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 19, 2003 No. 05-05-09 / 018 ().

Only legal entities that have passed the registration procedure on the site can order products through the site. The order of products by a legal entity must be accompanied by confirmation of the authority to receive the ordered products (number of license, accreditation, indicate the number of the state registration certificate (issued by, number, date, license for educational activities.))

1. Making an online application

  • Register on the site, or log in (for already registered users)
  • Go to the "Printing products" section.
  • In the left part of the screen, select the section containing the ordered products, find the order form and click on the link at the bottom of the form.
  • Select the quantity of purchased products (pieces) and click on the “Add to cart” icon.
  • Repeat the previous paragraph with all purchased forms.
  • Go to the shopping cart at the top of the site, and enter the delivery details (full postal address with zip code).
  • In case of making changes to the quantity of ordered products, it is necessary to recalculate the order by pressing the "Recalculate" button.
  • Click the "Submit Order" button, then follow the link "Order History" in the information window you will see your orders.
  • In the “Documents” column you will see links: cancellation, contract (download), specification, invoice.
    Cancel - a link to cancel the order, if you do not want to cancel the order, then you need to follow the links in order:
    Agreement - click "Download" and print the downloaded agreement in 2 copies.
    Specification - click "Download" and print the downloaded specification and attach to the contract in 2 copies
    Invoice - click "Download" and downloaded invoice to print and pay.
  • When paying the invoice, in the column “Purpose of payment”, indicate the order number in the form: (XX). This information should be at the very beginning of the column “Purpose of payment”. (see sample).

2. Signing the contract and paying the invoice

  • Payment of the invoice must be made ONLY by the customer (legal entity) that submitted the application, by transferring funds to the settlement account of ZNAK LLC, specified in the contract. Payment by third parties is not allowed.
  • When paying an invoice, a reference to the invoice number is required.
  • Payment of the invoice is possible within 30 calendar days from the date of order.
  • If the invoice is paid after 30 days, the money will be returned only after receiving the original letter with a request for the return of the transferred funds. During the period of intensive receipt of applications, due to the large document flow, there may be delays in the consideration of such letters, please carefully monitor the validity of your account.
  • The contract number and the corresponding invoice number are an identifier that allows you to determine the status of a particular application, that is, the status of the order.

3. Terms of production of products

  • The term for manufacturing the ordered products is up to 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the prepayment to the account of ZNAK LLC

4. Product delivery time

  • The delivery time of products depends on the distance from Moscow, from the administrative center of the subject of the Russian Federation and from the regional center.
    Estimated delivery times for the Central regions of Russia
    for the Central Federal District, the Northwestern Federal District, the Southern Federal District, partially the Northwestern Federal District and the Volga Federal District) are up to 10 working days;
    for the North Caucasus Federal District, Volga Federal District, Ural Federal District (part), Siberian Federal District (part) - up to 15 business days;
    for the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District and the northern regions of the Ural Federal District and the Siberian Federal District - up to 20-25 working days.

5. Order status

  • The status of the order at the current time can be tracked in your personal account.
  • To check the status of the order, you must follow the link “Order History” in the information window you will see the “Status” column where you can see at what stage the order is.
  • The “Accepted” status means that a specific application is being processed by the system and an advance payment is expected to be received on the settlement account of ZNAK LLC.
  • The status "Ready" means that the prepayment received shipment will be carried out in accordance with the terms of the contract.

Estimated cost of producing forms of documents on education and (or) qualifications, documents on training:

  • Documents on qualifications, on postgraduate, additional to higher and secondary vocational education.
  • Documents on higher education.
  • Document on general education.
  • Contract for review

In contact with


From this article you will learn

Many residents of our country are well aware of such a phenomenon as counterfeit goods. Moreover, the risk of acquiring a fake exists in relation to a wide variety of products. Unscrupulous manufacturers use the image of a promoted brand to sell their products, which can be significantly lower in quality. Therefore, organizations are trying to prevent counterfeiting of their goods, and secure printing helps them in this.

What is security printing

Security printing differs from conventional printing in that it is produced using various methods that prevent full or partial copying of such products. In particular, it can be paper for security forms, special dyes, as well as other holographic, information and microprocessor methods for protecting printing.

There are two types of secure printing products (SPP):

    Forms that must be protected from forgery in accordance with laws or other regulations issued by the authorities. Such documents include bills, shares, checks and much more.

    Forms, the decision to protect which for certain purposes is made by a legal entity. For example, the director of an enterprise may issue an order that passes to the territory of the plant must be equipped with special protective elements.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are rules governing the release of security printing. A legal entity has the right to publish it only with a special license. The Federal Tax Service is responsible for issuing such permits.

Why do businesses need security printing?

Business documentation requirements are getting more and more stringent these days. In many areas, security printing has long been commonplace. The law obliges self-regulating organizations, educational institutions, centers of additional education and other institutions to draw up their documents in accordance with GOST. The forms of such organizations are watermarked, background patterns, hidden symbols, etc.

However, not always the reason for the release of security printing is legislative norms. Often, firms seek not so much to stop copying of their products as to stand out from other manufacturers. A hologram in the form of a company logo on a document immediately creates a certain impression for the client, creates the image of a serious organization that cares about the quality of its products.

Printing is usually counterfeited by companies that produce counterfeit products. They make products similar to those of a well-known brand, but often in violation of certain standards. However, due to the availability of all necessary licenses and certificates, such goods enter the market. If the buyer finds flaws in the product, the store returns the money to him, but the attitude towards the brand still changes.

It is especially important to avoid such situations when the company is only reaching a wide audience and has not had time to establish itself. A poor-quality fake can bring serious problems: first it will hit the reputation, and then reduce sales and profits. That is why security printing is becoming so popular among young firms.

What levels of protection can secure printing have?

Security printing has three levels of security: "A", "B" and "C". Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 14n dated February 7, 2003 establishes which methods of protecting documents and the quality of their execution should be characteristic of each of these levels.

  • Printing products of the highest protection category(level "A").

This group includes forms of bearer securities such as bills of exchange or bank cheques. This may also include other security printing, if the regulations require its production with protection at the level of such securities.

  • Printing products of medium protection category(level "B").

This category of security printing includes forms of registered and order securities, namely shares, registered bills, certificates, etc. This also includes other documents for which the law defines a similar level of protection, for example, lottery tickets, license forms, regional special stamps.

  • Printing products of the lowest protection category(level "B").

What technologies are used to produce security printing

There are different technical and technological ways to create security printing. In total, five types of protection are distinguished:

Protection using design techniques (non-standard layout and special graphic editors)

  • Intentional "defects".

The production of security printing can be started at the stage of design development. To do this, small errors are specifically allowed in the text of the document. This can be a font change, a change in the height or width of characters, the use of lines of different thicknesses. When a document contains a sufficient amount of text, it is highly likely that these nuances will be missed when copying security printing, and it will be easy to distinguish a real document from a fake one.

  • Control and bar codes.

It is understood that security printing may contain control images consisting of lines, shapes or bitmaps. An example is the design of the old-style one hundred dollar bill. If you fold it in half, the fold line will pass exactly through the pupil of the president's eye, which is depicted on the bill.

Behind this name are background patterns familiar to many, which are formed from thin lines applied to the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet and intersecting with each other. According to the regulations, security printing is covered by such images by at least 70%, and for the most part they must be multi-colored.

  • Microtext.

This is the name of the text in one or several lines, which is printed in very small print. As a result, only a thin line can be seen with the naked eye, and characters are recognized only with a magnifying glass. The height of microtext characters is about 250 µm.

  • Special line rasters.

Some organizations that have permission to print security printing, along with other security methods, use special screens. Their peculiarity is that the image is compiled on the basis of a grid consisting of straight and curved lines, as well as circles. The pattern is created by changing the thickness of these elements.

  • Volumetric effect.

Security printing can be made with the effect of a three-dimensional pattern. This technique is based on the features of human vision. With the help of special programs, the images on the document are lined up in a certain way, and then printed in strict accordance with the scheme. As a result, printing will have special properties: if you look at the image for a long time, a hidden drawing will be visible. Perhaps in the future this method of protecting documents will become one of the most popular.

  • Hidden images or combined drawings.

In this case, the hidden drawing or text appears when looking at the sheet from a certain angle.

Technological methods of printing

  • Oryol seal.

Security printing printed on an Oryol machine cannot be exactly copied on other equipment. It will not be possible to repeat the document on the same machine if the original forms are missing. And even to understand which original was used, looking at the final result, is quite difficult. Oryol printing uses compositions of the most complex guilloche elements, consisting of many continuous lines that change shades and brightness levels.

It is possible to make such an image using offset printing. To do this, you need to put several colors into the inking machine and turn off the rolling of the rollers.

  • Metallography.

A variation of intaglio printing is the so-called intaglio printing. High pressure and special dyes allow you to create unusual halftones and relief, which will help distinguish protected printing from fakes.

  • Dry offset.

To produce this type of security printing, the printing house must comply with a strictly defined temperature level in the room and in the nodes of the printing machine. It is possible to set up offset equipment for printing in this way. The disadvantage of its use is the increase in the cost of products.

Protected by special treatment of paper or other print base

  • Water marks.

These elements are applied to paper at the manufacturing stage. For this, calendering cylinders are used. The essence of the method is that in some places the thickness of the paper changes, which outwardly looks like a latent image.

  • Protective inclusions.

They are used in the production of this type of security printing, such as banknotes. Colored fibers, polymer or metal threads and other inclusions are introduced into the fabric during the manufacturing process. Special electronic devices react to these inclusions, which allows you to quickly check products for authenticity.

A variety of protective inclusions can be considered metallized strips. They differ only in that they contain additionally encoded digital information.

Security printing as an inclusion may contain even a small amount of chemical elements with radiation. It is safe for people, but it is instantly recognized by devices.

If you have ever purchased foreign-made household appliances, you are most likely familiar with security printing in the form of stickers. It looks like a self-adhesive film like VOID. It is a multilayer material in which the bond between the inner layers is very weak, but it adheres well to the product. The point is that such a sticker can be torn off only once, after which the word VOID will become visible, which means “invalid” in translation. It is not possible to glue such a film back unnoticed.

Protection with dyes or other printed media

Paints may contain in their composition the protective elements mentioned above. There are dyes with a modified composition: with metallized, magnetic, fluorescent and other inclusions.

Paints that do not dry, but are well absorbed, not only retain the colorfulness of the pattern for a long time, but also allow you to distinguish a fake.

Security printing is sometimes printed using tamper-resistant inks. These can be substances that change color when exposed to temperature or under radiation. If the product is covered with such paint, to establish authenticity, it is enough to hold it in your hands and look at the color change.

It is easy to detect counterfeit documents printed with inks that can change color under different lighting conditions. These products are tested under ultraviolet or infrared lamp light or under bright daylight.

Using additional security features after printing

We are talking about the fact that elements of secure printing are introduced not only in the manufacturing process, but also in the processing of finished products. Among the popular methods of protection during finishing are:

Typically, holograms are made from foil and then attached to the printed product using hot stamping or lamination. You cannot copy this element yourself. Images on holographic foil are bought or ordered in large quantities.

  • Cut to original shape.

Die-cutting inside or along the contour of a sheet is an expensive way to protect printing when it comes to making a small print run. However, this method is actively used for security labels and calierettes: a simple rectangular shape is practically not found here.

  • Notches that reduce strength.

Security printing may also be designed to prevent reuse of packaging. In addition to the VOID film, a deliberate reduction in the strength of the packaging material is used for this purpose. Notches are applied to the paper, which exclude the possibility of opening the package without damaging it.

  • Hot stamping (blint or foil).

Security embossing requires special equipment. There are two main types of embossing: blind or foil. Varieties are also distinguished depending on the relief: flat and embossed (with a clearly defined change in relief). The embossing technology is relatively simple, but its use requires expensive materials. And since the performance of inexpensive equipment leaves much to be desired, it is very unprofitable to produce security printing with embossing in artisanal conditions.

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