Eggs in Pokemon GO. How to raise a Pokemon from an egg in Pokemon Go Where and how can you find Pokemon eggs

Pokemon GO provides the ability to hatch creatures from eggs in addition to capturing them. More precisely, to nurse, since you will have to walk a lot in order to sit. You can find them in PokeStops. In order for a Pokemon to hatch from an egg, you need to walk a lot. The distance that will need to be covered depends on the Pokemon. Next, we will publish a table showing the required distance for hatching Pokemon.


All existing Pokemon in the Pokemon GO game are divided into three groups. For each of them you will have to walk a certain distance.

  1. The simplest ones - to hatch them, the player must cover a distance of 2 kilometers.
  2. Average ones are already stronger creatures. To get them you need to walk 5 kilometers.
  3. Elite - for these Pokemon, the distance is 10 kilometers.
  4. For example, in order to get the coveted Pikachu, you only need to walk two kilometers. But to sit out a slowpoke or a psyduck - five.

Hatching time table for eggs in an incubator

The required distance must be covered on foot or using slow-moving vehicles. The game does not count movement at a speed of 25 - 30 km/h. But, if walking is quite difficult, then you can use a scooter or bicycle. But you shouldn’t rely on the car, as it goes quite fast and the game won’t take that into account.

Egg Incubator is needed to hatch eggs. When you walk, mileage is counted only if your speed does not exceed 20 km/h (your movement speed should not exceed the speed at which the avatar starts running)

Types of incubators, where to get them

Orange incubator - has an unlimited number of uses, is given to each trainer one, cannot be bought in the store, and also cannot be destroyed

Blue incubator - has the ability to be used 3 times. You can buy 150 coins in the store for game currency or get them when you level up 6,10,15, 20x2, 25, 30x3, 35, 40

How to use:

Select the "Pokemon" tab then go to Egg at the top. Choose the egg you want to put in the incubator and go!

  • Always use an orange incubator and never leave it empty. Place mostly 2km eggs in it
  • Use blue incubators only mainly for 5km and 10km
  • Since the egg inventory is limited to 9 pieces, do not think about which eggs to “nurse”; do not use only 5-10 km eggs, because you will not be able to get rid of 2 km eggs later
  • You can use up to 9 incubators at once, one for each egg
  • It makes no difference at what level you open eggs, at level 10 or 20. You will open a 10km egg - the characteristics and Pokemon are already registered. Even if you count the number of your Pokemon, you won't have enough eggs. Therefore, there is no point in storing a 10 km egg “for later”.

Every player of the most popular smartphone game Pokemon Go has one goal in mind - to hunt down and catch as many Pokemon as possible. However, there is not always a need to catch these animals, since there is another option to get them for yourself and get many additional bonuses. And this option consists of searching for and hatching Pokemon eggs, from which even the rarest animals can be born, which is especially desirable for every player. So how do you look for and hatch these eggs? We will talk about all this further.

How to give birth to your own Pokemon: about eggs and incubators in Pokemon Go

From time to time, each player has a chance to get one or several Pokemon eggs, which must be hatched in incubators. As for the incubator itself, each participant receives one copy of this device immediately the moment they start playing Pokemon Go. But this does not mean that you will use only one incubator throughout the entire game. In the future, you will be able to purchase an almost unlimited number of similar devices for the money that you can earn while playing. Another way to get an incubator is to achieve a level up for your player.

But there is one very important feature in these incubators: the very first incubator received when entering the game will allow you to hatch an unlimited number of eggs, while all those purchased for currency are designed only for 3 eggs in a row, after which the incubator will become “unusable”. In any case, if you are a very active player, it is better for you to have several incubators at once, because you may come across eggs very often, and more than one.

Features of Pokemon eggs

There are three categories of eggs in the game, but they differ from each other not at all in size or color, but in the period during which they need to be hatched. But the period here is not perceived in a time period, but is calculated in kilometers that the player has overcome.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember that If you walk around the city and turn off the game, the mileage you have traveled will not be counted. It's not always possible to outsmart the game by sitting down with your phone and the car game activated. Do not forget that the game works in conjunction with special anti-cheat programs, so it can easily calculate where, how and what you are moving on. You won't be able to hatch eggs while riding a bicycle.

The length of distance that must be traveled to hatch an egg is directly related to which Pokémon will hatch from the egg. If the distance is only 2 kilometers, then, most likely, you will become the owner of a Pokémon of the lowest order, which, in principle, is not so difficult to catch. If you had to run all 10 kilometers with an egg, there is a high probability of getting a rare and legendary animal.

Where and how can you find Pokemon eggs?

While racing for Pokemon, you probably also noticed such marks on the terrain as PokeStops. They are very important to players because this is where Pokemon eggs can be found.

In reality, Pokestop locations are associated with some landmarks or places important for a particular city.
The player’s task when he sees a PokeStop is to activate it, thanks to which he will have the opportunity to obtain the tools and equipment necessary in the game (until the player reaches level 5, these will mainly be Pokeballs of different powers), and, of course , eggs. The higher the level, the more varied the items that you can pick up at PokéStops will become:

  • potions;
  • berries that Pokemon love so much;
  • means that will help the character restore health;
  • the happiest eggs;
  • more powerful pokeballs.
However, it’s worth knowing that you won’t be able to “shape” inventory and eggs from every PokeStop you come across. The fact is that a Pokestop can have different colors depending on how long you are in its vicinity. If a PokéStop is blue, it means it is available to you. This also means that if you're heading in a direction very quickly and encounter a PokeStop along the way, you won't be able to get anything from it. But if you constantly live near a PokeStop, then you can receive some things from it several times a day, which should be taken as great luck.

Another feature of PokeStops is that if it has just been used, it will turn pink and stay that color for about 5 minutes.

How to look for PokéStops, and what other benefits can they bring to you?

Very active players make it easier for beginners to find PokeStops, since they have already created and are constantly updating a map with information about the location of PokeStops. Therefore, all you have to do is open it and drive to the desired place. If possible, you can also add your own marks to it.

According to the rules and capabilities of the game, Pokestops are also a place where you can leave bait for Pokemon. True, you will also have to pay a certain amount of game currency to place the bait, and at the same time all those players who are nearby can easily find out about your bait. For this reason, it is logical to use baits only in places of low gaming activity (if there are Pokemon there, of course) or during group play. It is also worth mentioning that the bait is only valid for 30 minutes.

IMPORTANT! If you come to a PokeStop, spin it, and no tools or eggs fall out, don’t despair. Try either restarting the game or approaching the PokéStop after 5 minutes.

What to do if there are no or very few Pokestops in your city?

If there are no PokeStops in the city, but, of course, you want to get eggs, then you can place your own PokeStop there yourself. What is needed for this? Everything is relatively simple:

  1. Visit the game developer's website and find the section where you can request permission to open another PokéStop.
  2. Fill in all the required information in the fields provided, trying to describe the PokeStop location as convincingly as possible, including why it is so important in your city.
  3. Just wait for the moderators to respond and another PokeStop will appear on the map. Often such requests are approved.

How does the type of Pokemon depend on the mileage traveled by the player?

In the game Pokemon Go, almost simultaneously there are about 150 very different Pokemon, which differ from each other in their status. Simply put, there are the simplest Pokemon, of which there are a lot and which very easily fall into players’ pokeballs. And there are also very rare representatives of these animals, which are much less common, and it’s not so easy to catch them. But the eggs are your chance to get a rare Pokemon very quickly and easily.

As soon as you receive an egg at a PokéStop, immediately place it in the incubator and hit the road, while leaving the game activated. As we mentioned above, each egg requires a different distance to hatch a Pokemon, and it can be 2, 5 or 10 kilometers.

Who will hatch after walking 2 kilometers?

If a small Pokemon is “born” from your egg after 2 kilometers, it means that this is a very simple animal. It could be Bulbasaur, Zubasta or Pidgey. Yes, there are a lot of such Pokemon in the game, and it’s very easy to catch them even for a beginner, but they also bring certain benefits to players.

In particular, after hatching just one such Pokemon, you receive 500 bonuses. And if this animal is included in the Pokédex, the amount of bonuses will double and amount to 1000. Often you will also come across Lucky Eggs, which will also bring you many benefits.

That is, even if such eggs do not hatch into rare Pokemon, at the first levels of the game they will give you the opportunity to move up the levels as efficiently as possible, and get the opportunity to “shake out” more items from PokeStops.

In addition to the three Pokemon mentioned above, after 2 kilometers you can also get: Geodude, Weedle, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Squirtle, Magikarp, Caterpie, Rattata, Spearow, Clefairy.

Who will emerge from the egg after traveling 5 kilometers?

If the egg remains intact after traveling 2 kilometers, then a more pleasant surprise awaits you, since from this egg, in addition to all the simple Pokemon mentioned above, Diglett, Goldin, Mister can also be born

Mime, Tauros, Grimer, Gastly, Drowzee, Voltorb, Krabby, Dodo, Vulpix, Growlithe, Venonat, Abra, Bellsprout, Nidorina, Sandshru, Seal, Shellder, Cubone, Rhyhorn, Porygon, Staryu, Lickitang, Koffing, Monkey, Magnemite, Exeggut, Farfech"d, Psidak, Tentacul.

What “happiness” can await you after walking 10 kilometers?

Unfortunately, sometimes even after 10 kilometers a very simple and common Pokémon can be born from an egg. But this happens quite rarely. If you have already been running around with such an egg for all 10 kilometers, there is a high probability that it will give birth to a rare and very powerful Pokemon, for which it was worth so much suffering.

In particular, from such an egg you can get Lapras, Kabuto, Scyther, Onyx, Eevee, Pinsir, Omanite, Hitmonchan, Chansey, Hitmonlee, Aerodactyl, Jinxy, Magmar, Electabuzz, Dratini

Is it worth bothering with bearing eggs?

Many people think that eggs are a waste of time, since it is much easier to just chase Pokemon, track them down and catch them in a pokeball. However, as practice shows, this method of getting animals is not always effective in relation to rare Pokemon, which, firstly, are not so easy to meet, and secondly, you still need to have the skill to catch them.

For this reason In parallel with the main race for Pokemon, it is also very practical to collect eggs and place them in incubators. You'll still be walking quite a distance to find Pokemon, so why not use that time and effort to get one of the rare Pokemon?

If you don’t yet know what to do with Pokemon eggs, don’t know where to get them, or are looking for a table “Which Pokemon can hatch from eggs,” then this article is a must-read for you. But even if you think that you are aware of the topic, then read it anyway, because we have collected all the subtleties and secrets about Pokemon eggs in Pokemon GO. This is the most complete article yet, and some of the information is very rare indeed.

How to get a Pokemon egg and what it gives

Getting Pokemon eggs is very simple: they randomly drop out of PokeStops if you have not yet reached the maximum number of eggs. In total, you can only have nine eggs in your inventory, including those in incubators. If there is no space, then Pokestops simply do not give you new eggs. Due to the limited space for them, advanced players have developed a whole strategy, but more about it later, when we talk about incubation and types of eggs in Pokemon GO. Why are eggs in Pokemon: they hatch into pocket monsters, and their rarity directly depends on how much effort was spent on hatching.

Once we have something to hatch, we must place the egg in the incubator. Where can I get an incubator in Pokemon GO? It's simple! Each player is given a free endless red incubator from the beginning of the game. Only one monster can hatch in it at a time. For 150 Pokecoins you can buy an additional blue incubator, which can be launched in parallel and hatch another egg. This way you can run several processes at the same time. But the blue incubator only lasts three times, then it disappears. If you don’t want to throw yourself into the game, then you can wait for the free incubators that are given as a gift at levels 6, 10, 15 and 20. Now that we have figured out how incubators in Pokemon Go differ, let’s move on to the types of eggs themselves, and then to the strategy of how to hatch them correctly at minimal cost.

There are three types of eggs in Pokemon GO that hatch into monsters. (Lucky Egg is not included here; it simply doubles the experience within half an hour.) They differ in mileage, i.e. hatching time and the coolness of the resulting Pokemon. In total there are Egg 10km, 5km 2km. To hatch a monster, we must put the egg in the incubator and walk 10, 5 or 2 kilometers with it, respectively. The more walking it takes for a Pokémon to hatch, the cooler it will be. The maximum possible level of a hatched Pokemon is 20, which means that at character level 40 (currently the maximum), you will hatch a monster with a maximum of half the possible CP.

Pokemon GO incubators and types of eggs

Here is a list of everyone who hatches from eggs in Pokemon GO, divided into three groups and below it is the same, but in the form of a cool and convenient picture

  1. Pokemon from eggs 10 km: Onyx, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Chansey, Mister Mime, Skitcher, Jinx, Electabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir, Lapras, Eevee, Omanite, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Snordax and Dratini;
  2. Pokemon from eggs 5 km: Ekans, Sandshrew, Nidoran, Vulpix, Oddish, Paras, Venonat, Diglett, Meowth, Psyduck, Monkey, Growlithe, Poliwag, Abra, Machop, Tentacool, Bellsprout, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Magnemite, Farfetchd, Doduo, Syl, Grimer, Shellder, Gastly, Drowzee, Krabby, Voltorb, Ixycut, Cubone, Lickitung, Koffing, Rihorn, Tangela, Kangaskhan, Horsey, Goldin, Staryu, Tauros and Porygon;
  3. Pokemon from eggs 2 km: Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Geodad, Magikarp and everyone's favorite Pikachu.

Players note that the monsters obtained in this way are geographically referenced, i.e. in Russia you cannot hatch Pokemon that are found only in Australia or North America.

What Pokemon are in Pokemon GO eggs?

How to hatch an egg in Pokemon? First, we put it in the incubator. Open Menu / Pokemon / EGGS tab. Now it makes no difference, either you select the egg that needs to be hatched, then the incubator, or vice versa, you start by selecting the incubator by clicking on its icon in the lower right corner. When this simple operation is over, just start walking for as long as possible. If you have a weak Internet or little RAM, sometimes you get an unnerving glitch: for example, after selecting an egg, the choice of incubator appears, when you click on it, the choice of egg appears again, and so on ad infinitum. Don't be nervous, just do this link once and close the window. In half a minute you will see that the kilometer report has started. Now it may be that you are moving, but the process is not progressing. Why doesn't the incubator work in Pokemon GO? There may be several reasons for this:

  • The game has a limit on movement speed, and if you drive something faster than 10 km/h, then nothing will count. A sign will also pop up warning you not to play while driving.
  • Mileage is not counted when the phone is in standby mode. Those. The screen and game must be turned on at all times. This leads to huge battery consumption, even if you have the economy mode selected. It is advisable, of course, to buy a power bank. But in principle, if you put your smartphone into standby mode and turn it on every hundred meters for a few seconds, then your character will quickly run from one point to another, and the mileage will be counted.
  • Sometimes the geodata detection system simply adjusts and if you ran a hundred meters along a curve, then only the distance in a straight line can be counted. But this doesn’t happen once in a while.

How to profitably hatch Pokemon - strategy

Now let's talk about a profitable strategy. As mentioned above, there is only room for 9 eggs in the inventory. We also remind you that there are three types of them, and free gift incubators break after 3 times, and are given very rarely. According to statistics, Pokemon eggs appear most often at 5 km, at 2 km - less often, and at 10 km even less often. Basically my inventory is full of five-kilometer ones. So, we use gift and paid blue incubators only for Pokemon Go 10km eggs, but endless red ones for 2km ones, in order to free up space faster, in the hope of getting a 10km one from a PokeStop.

The article was written specifically for the portal, so any copying of information must only be done with a link to the source. Stay tuned, we will have the most detailed Pokemon GO guides.