How to find, make and clear VKontakte bookmarks. Visual bookmarks in Yandex browser on Android phone

Knowing your device and its system settings will always be useful for any user. There come such moments when you can use them for your own benefit and even save the device's performance.

An android-based smartphone has many hidden folders that store all data, including about the browser (history, bookmarks, passwords). So save the bookmark to Google chrome- means to save a link to it in the system directory.

This is useful for the following reasons and the folder in Android where Chrome files with saved links are stored can be used for the following purposes:

  • Cleaning files so as not to delete the necessary information (just select from a large sorted list that is stored and delete unnecessary files);
  • Sorting or grouping (you can do this in three clicks through your computer or through the android file manager);
  • View the date when the bookmark was added and its address, so as not to click on the link.

This all means that when a "mess" appears in your list of saved sites, or an accidentally added link, it will be easier to find it and then either sort everything, or delete unnecessary data by multi-selection.

The location where Google Chrome files are stored on your smartphone

Before specifying the path to the folder, it should be mentioned that it is hidden by the system and the developers do not recommend that you get free access to such folders. If used incorrectly, you can disrupt the performance of not only the Google Chrome application, but also the Android firmware itself.

But if this does not stop, then you can get the "open" path only on a rooted device.

The folder itself complete list all bookmarks that have been added via mobile app Google Chrome is located in the following path: "/data/data/".

But you will most likely stop at the second "Data" and then there will be emptiness. It is the receipt of root rights that will allow you to see hidden files.

We get root rights in a working way

To get root rights, you need the phone itself, a computer and the installation of the "Kingo Android ROOT" program, which is available for free on the Internet. First, download it to your computer or laptop and then - step by step:

After finishing the installation of drivers and system files, we restart the phone and we are already a full-fledged user of our smartphone.

Bookmarks are a convenient function provided by browser developers to help you find information in your favorite Internet resources.

Some neglect it, excuse that "they have no time to add to bookmarks" and so on. But in reality, everything is much simpler and faster.

Bookmarks will help you spend less time searching and more time on your work. Therefore, you need to understand their functions well.

It was provided to users of Yandex Browser in order to save as much time as possible on searching for information and easily get to the Internet site they like. For detailed concept consider the situation:

The girl loves to cook a variety of dishes, so she searches for recipes on the net almost every day. On some sites, she comes across successful recipes, and on some sites that are completely unsuitable.

In order not to end up on such “inappropriate” sites and receive normal recipes all the time, she needs to bookmark the site with successful recipes. Next time, she won't need to type in a search phrase several times and go to many pages.

There are many similar situations, so adding to bookmarks is very important, it is:

  • helps to save time;
  • makes searching easier;
  • allows you to get to the site you like in a few seconds.

How to create a bookmark on Android?

How do I get to the bookmark list?

You need to click on the five icon, taken under the two horizontal lines, so you will go to the window navigation mode. There you will need to press a star.

This is done quite simply, literally in a few clicks. In addition, you can add bookmarks in Yandex Browser 3 different ways... Also below there is an instruction on how to save pages in mobile Yandex Browser (on Android phones and tablets). And which of these methods to use is up to you.

The first way is the easiest.

  1. Go to any website.
  2. Click on the gray star on the right side of the URL bar.
  3. Click Finish.

Check: the added page will appear on the bookmarks bar.

By the way, it is not displayed by default. To make it visible, go to "Settings" and opposite the line "Show panel" select "Always". Additionally, you can also check the "Show icon" checkbox. So prettier.

If you did everything correctly, the star will turn orange. If you need to edit something, click on it again. Here you can:

  • change the name;
  • select a different folder;
  • delete the page.

And one more small nuance: after clicking on the asterisk, you do not need to add websites to the quick panel.

How to create multiple bookmarks in one go

Another way to add new pages to the Yandex Browser bookmarks bar is a group one.

Right-click on any tab and select the second from the bottom item "Add all tabs". Or just click Ctrl + Shift + D. Specify a folder and click Save.

In this way, absolutely all open tabs are saved. Consider this. That is, either close unnecessary pages, or add them one at a time.

How to quickly enable a bookmark on the Scoreboard in Yandex

  1. Copy the website address.
  2. Open a new tab.
  3. The Scoreboard will be displayed in front of you. Click the Add button.
  4. Copy the link to the site here. If you wish, you can click "Add Signature" and make a small note.
  5. Ready. Now visual bookmarks have been replenished with one more new button.

It's so easy to add a bookmark to the Scoreboard in Yandex. This way, you can quickly save as many sites as you want.

And if you need to edit or delete a tab, hover over it and click on the gear icon ("Change") or the cross ("Delete").

How to create a bookmark in Yandex on Android

And finally, let's look at how to bookmark Yandex on your phone or tablet. In principle, there is nothing complicated here either.

Hello everyone. In today's article, we will analyze the questions regarding bookmarks in the Yandex browser, or, to be more precise, I will show: how to add, open, where they are, and how to delete bookmarks in the Yandex browser on your Android phone or tablet.

How to bookmark in Yandex browser on Android phone tablet

1. Launch Yandex browser on the phone, then open the site that needs to be added to bookmarks, I opened it for example.

2. Click on the menu icon (three dots).

3. In the menu we find the item "Add to bookmarks", and go to it.

4. Edit the name of the bookmark, if necessary, check the address, then click on the "Save" button.

How to open my bookmarks in Yandex browser on Android phone tablet

While preparing to write this article, I met a lot of questions from users regarding finding bookmarks in the Yandex browser, on an android phone, namely: where bookmarks are stored in the Yandex browser, open my bookmarks on Yandex, how to view bookmarks in Yandex, etc. ...

The answer is simple, in order to open saved bookmarks, you need to do the following.

1. Open Yandex browser on your phone or tablet, then click on the "Tabs" icon.

2. On the tabbed page, click on the Bookmarks icon (star).

3. A page with bookmarks has opened in front of us, select the required one.

How to delete bookmarks in Yandex browser on Android phone tablet

1. Go to the page with bookmarks, as I described above.

2. Find the bookmark you want to delete, then click on it until the task window appears.

3. In the window with tasks, click on the "Delete" item.

Now you know how to remove bookmarks in Yandex. That's all for me, I wish you success.

Timely tabs not closed on smartphones, tablets and other gadgets with installed operating system Android can overload the system. This is especially evident on devices with not very large RAM. You will notice that the battery is draining faster. What to do? In fact, the algorithm of work is extremely simple, and there are several not at all complicated ways to fix the problem.

Beginner errors

At the beginning of your acquaintance with smartphones running on Android, did you have to stop working with the application, just returning to the “desktop”? Many people do this, but later on they begin to be greatly discouraged by the fact that the gadget “slows down” more and more.

Inexperienced users may not even suspect that even if they see a clean "desktop" on the screen, in fact, the applications with which the person worked this week (and perhaps even several months ago!) Often continue work in the background. This negatively affects the performance of the device, especially if you do not reboot it for a long time. Therefore, today we will tell you in detail how to free up the memory of your device.

The easiest way is to select “Exit” or “Close” when the application ends. However, this is not always possible (the inscription is absent, the application remains in pause mode, etc.).

The traditional way to close tabs

Android Ice Cream Sahdwich (that's Android 4.0) lets you do this without any problems. After activating the screen of the gadget, you need to click on the bottom of the icon in the form of two rectangles. On some models, you need to hold down the Home button for a long time. All the tabs that you forgot to close (or intentionally left, hoping to return to them) will appear in front of you in the form of a list. Each image can be removed from the list by simply pulling it to the side or down with your finger.

On some phones (for example, HTC, Samsung) this list may look slightly different, but the principle will remain the same.

If you press the icon and hold your finger on the screen for a while, the message will appear: "Remove from the list". This is another one possible way exit the application (not applicable to all models).

Please be aware that some applications will continue to run in the background (even if you have already removed the icon). You can interrupt background processes as follows: first, follow the same steps as described in the paragraph above, then select the "About Application" item and "Stop".

Working with the list on Android is very convenient if you want to leave some tabs "close at hand" (for example, you are going to use them today, but it takes a long time to search for them in the menu).

Using the application manager

You can also open Settings (the gear icon), then Applications and select Running. If you want to close the application, select the "Stop" item. Pay attention to the system warning nearby!

Programmatic way to close tabs on Android

If you are too lazy to close all the tabs sequentially, and they appear in large numbers and regularly, you can install a program on your phone that will help you do this at the same time. For example, Advanced Task Killer.

After downloading the program, launch it and check the boxes of those applications that need to be closed, or select "Stop all".