Themed week on birds in winter. Planning the week in the senior group: Winter, wintering birds

Anna Savchenko
Plan of the thematic week "Birds" for senior preschool children

Target weeks: creating conditions for environmental, moral, aesthetic education and development children.

Tasks weeks: continue to acquaint with the peculiarities of existence, appearance, habits of representatives of the animal world - birds; foster a sense of compassion for the fauna; create at children positive emotional attitude during events; to increase the creative activity of pupils.


Didactic game "Find where what the bird lives. Target: fix the title birds, teach children classify birds.


N.O.D 1. IZO (Painting)

View presentation "For children about flying birds» .Target: expand views children about the life of birds.


1. Monitoring birds. Target: develop observation skills; cultivate love and caring attitude towards birds.

2. P / N "Flight birds» . Target: learn to run, exercise in jumping, be able to move from one movement to another.

3. Individual work "Along the path on one leg".

4. Labor activity: Cleaning the site from small branches, teach children

Preparing for lunch. Dinner: KGN "My palms

Preparing for sleep, sleep

Reading a story "Jackdaw" B. Zhitkova

Exercise after sleep "Birds"

Role-playing game "Walk in the spring forest". Target: develop zest for life birds

An evening walk:

1. Watching sparrows. Target: keep getting to know the habits birds.

2. Ind. Work: to consolidate the proverb “Any bird proud of his pen "

3. P / N "Sparrows and the car". Target: develop the ability to run without bumping into each other.

4. Conversation about safe behavior on the street.

Conversation about wintering and migratory birds. Target: to form a generalized idea of ​​wintering and migratory birds, learn to distinguish birds on an essential basis. Deepen understanding of the reasons for departure birds.

Morning gymnastics complex "Birds"

Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast.

N.O.D. 1. Development of speech


1. Watching the crow. Target: to expand knowledge about the raven.

2. P / N "Birds and a cat" .Target

3. Individual work "Do like me!" Target: develop motor skills, promote emotional uplift.

4. Cognitive and research activity: "Stones" .Target: develop curiosity, attention, maintain interest in learning about the surrounding reality by posing problematic questions.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

- CGN: be mutually polite, speak "please", "Thank you", "Bon appetit".

Getting ready for bed, sleep.

Reading the fairy tale by G. Andersen "Ugly duck".

Exercise after sleep "Small birds".

Afternoon snack: KGN "Porridge is our strength!"

"Who will remember more?". Target: fix titles birds.

Examination of illustrations for the book by G. Andersen "Ugly duck"

N.O.D. Acquaintance with nature

An evening walk:

1. Observing behavior birds on the site. Target: induce children to independent conclusions - what is the spring revival in life birds.

2. P / N "Flight birds» . Target: to fix movements with children in the same direction, to run away after the signal.


Articulation gymnastics "The bird bites the grains" .Target: develop art. apparatus.

View illustrations "Home birds» . Target: fix the name of the home birds.

Morning gymnastics complex "Birds".

N.O.D. 1. Fine art


1. Observation of the grass. The goal is to form an understanding of the needs of plants (heat, moisture, earth)... Grass is the best food for pets birds.

2. Individual work: "Roll the ball into the goal". Target: to consolidate the skills to hit the sword into the gate.

3. P / N "Mother hen and chickens". Target: develop coordination of movements.

4. Labor activity: cleaning the area from small branches - learn children independently carry out the relevant labor operations.

Preparing for lunch, lunch.

CGN "Whose table is the tidiest"

Preparing for sleep, sleep

Reading a fairy tale "Cockerel and a bean seed"

Exercise after sleep. "Small birds"

Afternoon snack: KGN "The benefits of milk"

Board game "Make no mistake". Target: to form knowledge children about poultry.

Exercise ducks. Target: fix anti-aliasing, flattening techniques.

An evening walk:

1. Observation of spring phenomena in nature. Target: Anchor the blooming spring for signs of spring.

2. P / N "Swan geese". Target: teach children run across from one side of the site to the other. Develop the ability to act on a signal, dexterity and speed.

3. Ind. Work: "Hit the target" Target: to secure the throwing of the sword into the ring.

Target: develop independent games.

Conversation "Of what birds build nests» . Target: to identify some of the features of the lifestyle birds in spring.

Working with templates and stencils by topic « Birds» . Target: develop an eye, a sense of composition.

Morning gymnastics complex "Birds".

Preparing for breakfast, breakfast.

N.O.D. 1. FEMP


1. Observation: "Rook - spring bird» .Target: pay attention to seasonal changes in nature, expand ideas children about birds - heralds of spring.

2. P / N "Bees and Swallows". Target: to develop dexterity, quickness of reaction.

3. Ind. Work.: "Catch and throw". Target: learn to catch the ball without pressing it to the chest.

4. Labor activity: “Building a nest for birds» . Target: develop creativity, the ability to lay out a nest from branches collected on the site.

Preparing for lunch, lunch

CGN: "Kingdom of cutlery" N. Litvinova.

Getting ready for bed, sleep.

Reading a story by V. Bianchi "Whose nose is better?".

Exercise after sleep "Small birds"

Didactic game "Who is shouting how?". Target: teach children listen, develop phonemic perception.

Hatching « bird» Target: development of fine motor skills.

An evening walk:

1. Observing the clouds. Invite children to find a cloud similar to bird. Target: develop at children observation, imagination, develop narrative writing skills.

2. P / N "Birds and a cat" .Target: develop observation, speed of movement, dexterity.

3. Ind. Work: "Catch the mosquito"... Purpose to exercise children jumping on two legs.

4. Games with portable material. Target: develop independent games.

Word-didactic game "Wonderful birds» . Target: fix the title birds and come up with each bird appropriate qualities according to the knowledge gained for week(hard work-woodpecker, cheerful disposition-sparrow, kindness-swallow).

The game "Bird's dining room". Target: come up with recipes for different dishes for birds.

Morning gymnastics complex "Birds"

Preparing for breakfast, breakfast.

N.O.D. 1. Quiz "Feathered Friends"


1. Monitoring birds at the feeder... Feed birds. Target: instill a good attitude and care for birds.

2. P / N "Owl"... Target: develop at children observation, the ability to perform movements on a signal.

3. Ind. Work: "Like herons". Target: Exercise in walking with high knees.

4. Cognitive and research activities "Why birds are flying. Target: find features of appearance birds allowing them to adapt to life in the environment; to foster interest in cognition of the surrounding reality by raising problematic questions, discussions and experimentation.

Preparing for lunch, lunch

CGN: "Culture of behavior while eating"

Getting ready for bed, sleep.

Reading a poem "Where did the sparrow eat?"

Exercise after sleep "Small birds"

Word play "What the bird. Target: teach children describe by characteristic features and recognize them by description.

Role-playing game "In the veterinary clinic". Target: to show children the importance of veterinary medicine for animals and birds, teach to take care of your pets.

An evening walk:

1. Observation listen to chanting birds. Target: create a cheerful, joyful mood.

2. P / N "Birds and Rain". Target: learn to navigate on the site and run in different directions.

3. Games with portable material. Target: develop independent games.

Date ___________

Topic of the week: "Feed the birds in winter"

Final event: Exhibition of children's creativity: "It is difficult for birds to winter - you need to help the birds!».


Consolidation of children's ideas about wintering birds of the region (their way of life and its connection with seasonal changes in nature, the role of man in the life of birds), respect for them.



to expand children's ideas about birds, their diversity; to expand children's ideas about the life of birds in winter; to acquaint children with the habits and peculiarities of bird life in winter.


develop an idea of ​​the world around, develop memory, coherent speech, enrich vocabulary.


foster a careful and caring attitude towards birds, the desire to provide all possible help to birds in winter.


Social and communicative development.

Organization of ML based on

knowledge in integration with musical activity.

1.Artistic and aesthetic development (according to the plan of the musical leaders.)

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (application).

Topic:New Year greeting card».

Purpose: To teach children to make greeting cards, selecting and creating an image corresponding to the holiday. Continue to learn how to cut identical parts from accordion-folded paper, and symmetrical ones from paper folded in half.

3. Speech development (reading


Topic:Comparison of fairy tales: "Fear has big eyes" and "Splash, came"

Target:to teach to find similarities and differences in the construction of plots, the ideas of two fairy tales and to argue their answers; ("Fear has big eyes", "Splash has come").

Reception of children. Carrying out UG (complex No. 10).

Conversation: "What wintering birds do you know?"

A game-dramatization based on a poem

S. Marshak "Where did the sparrow dine?"

Bird watching on a walk.

P / and "Two Frosts"," The Hunter and the Hares ".

Reading "Proverbs and Sayings about Wintering Birds" (small folklore forms).

Purpose: To develop an interest in reading, thinking.

D / and "The fourth extra" - Develop interest in the game.

With Andryusha T., fix the names of the birds;

With Danil T. to develop the accuracy of the eye - the game "Hit the target".

Add illustrations "Wintering Birds".

Advise parents to play with their children at home in the d / and "Describe the bird in appearance."

OD of children and adults


Speech development.

Organization of ML based on the perception of fiction in integration with communicative activities.

1. Cognitive development (speech development).

Topic: “Teaching storytelling. Didactic exercise "What is this?"

Purpose: To exercise children in creative storytelling; the ability to use generalizing words.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing).

Topic: "Gorodets painting»

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with Gorodets painting .. To develop artistic taste. To teach the techniques of Gorodets painting, to consolidate the ability to draw with a brush and paints.

3. Physical development (physical education).

Topic:"Tossing the ball to each other, walking and running between objects»

Objective: To repeat walking and running between objects; exercise in throwing the ball to each other; repeat tasks in balance.

Conversation on the topic "Birds of our site" - remember the birds that arrive at the site of the d / s, consider illustrations, compose stories from observations.

On a walkobserving the changes that have occurred in nature.

P \ And "Merry Sled", "Sparrows - Crows"

Exercise After Sleep: Confusion.

Role-playing game: "City trip".

An outdoor game: "Whose link will assemble faster?"

Purpose: Development of endurance, speed of reactions, attention.

Individual work with Nastya B., Artem V., Pasha G., in compiling a story based on the picture "At our feeding trough".

Pictures of wintering birds;

D / game "The fourth extra";

Material for independent productive activities of children.

Priority activities for children

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in regime moments for the implementation of an educational topic based on the integration of various types of activities

Individual ML of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)


Physical development.

OA organization based on motor activity in integration with cognitive activity.

1. Cognitive development (familiarization with the environment).

Topic: “School. (Phenomena of public
life) "

Purpose: To acquaint children with the teaching profession, with the school. Show the social significance of the work of a school teacher. To acquaint with the business and personal qualities of the teacher (smart, kind, fair, attentive, loves children, knows a lot and transfers his knowledge

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (construction)

Topic: "Wagon"

Purpose: To teach how to make carriages from boxes of toothpaste or cream.

Develop visual skills in the process of making crafts from a variety of materials.

3. Physical culture.

Topic: "Tossing the ball to each other, walking and running between objects».

Purpose: To consolidate walking and running between objects; exercise in throwing the ball to each other; repeat tasks in balance.

Reception of children. Carrying out UG (complex No. 10)

Conversation: "The wintering bird-crossbill". Expand and clarify the knowledge of children about the features and habits of the crossbill bird.

    D / exercise: "Five fingers".

    Observation on a walkbehind freight transport.

    Labor activity - sanding paths.

    P / and "Mousetrap", "Owl"

    Gymnastics after sleep "Confusion".

D / game: "Wintering birds"

Purpose: To develop auditory attention, observation.

Reading fiction: V. Berestova "What are the sparrows singing about?"

Purpose: to promote the development of interest in fiction.

Individual work with Alina N., Masha M., Tanya R .: Game exercise: "Connect the dots". Develop logical thinking.

Priority activities for children

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in regime moments for the implementation of an educational topic based on the integration of various types of activities

Individual ML of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)

Designing a subject-spatial environment as part of the implementation of an educational topic


Cognitive development.

Organization of ML

on the basis of cognitive-research activity in integration with motor activity.

1.Cognitive development (FEPM)

Topic: Number 8. Geometric Shapes.

Purpose: To acquaint with the quantitative composition of the number 3 from units. Introduce number 8. To improve the ability to see the shape of familiar geometric shapes in the surrounding objects, continue to learn how to navigate on a sheet of paper, identify and name the sides and corners of the sheet.

2. Physical culture.

Topic: "Ski turns. Play exercises with running and jumping».

Objective: To learn ski turns; repeat game exercises with running and jumping.

Reception of children.

Conversation: "Why Birds Have a Difficulty in Winter"

Learning finger gymnastics "Birds".

Purpose: To develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Observing the sky and clouds while walking.

P / and "Hit the target", "Day and night".

Gymnastics after sleep "Confusion".

Game - experimenting "What ships sail next"

Objective: To develop knowledge about the properties of materials.

Reading of Sokolov-Mikits "Bullfinches".

Purpose: To continue to involve children in reading works of fiction.

Individual work with Vika K., Artem V., Diana O .: game exercise: "Who is faster to the snowman." Purpose: Exercise in jumping on two legs to a snowman.

Center "Construction" - Construction from cubes "Machine"; playing out the situation according to the child's intention.

Games for the development of hand motor skills "Buttons".

Priority activities for children

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in regime moments for the implementation of an educational topic based on the integration of various types of activities

Individual ML of children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)

Designing a subject-spatial environment as part of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents / social partners


Artistic and aesthetic development.

Organization of OA on the basis of musical activity in integration with visual activity.

1. Artistic and aesthetic development. (Painting).

Topic: "Cars of our city ".

Purpose: Teach children to portray different cars, agricultural vehicles. Develop creativity. To consolidate the ability to draw objects and their parts in a rectilinear shape, to convey the proportions of parts, the characteristic features of machines, their details. Exercise in drawing and painting over drawings with pencils.2. Artistic and aesthetic development (music).

According to the music director's plan.

Reception of children.

Carrying out UG (complex No. 10)

Viewing slides "Birds in winter."

D / and "I'll start - you finish"

On a walk, observe how people are dressed.

Purpose: To develop observation skills.

Experiments with snow, ice - Continue to introduce children to the physical properties of snow and ice.

P / and "Two Frosts", "Sly Fox".

Gymnastics after sleep "Confusion".

Together with the children, organizing an exhibition of children's art: "It's hard for birds to winter - we need to help the birds!"

Walking along a narrow snow path with stepping over various objects - Andrey T., Danil T., Nastya L, Alina N.

Center "Game" - "Mosaic".

Purpose: to encourage children to follow patterns, select mosaic details in shape and color; develop imagination, visual perception.

Game tasks "Follow the model", "Bird house".

Memo for parents: "On the rules of the road in winter."

Galina Khabarova
Thematic planning, theme of the week "Wintering Birds"

In accordance with the theme of the week, I replenish all centers with relevant material.


Formation of a holistic picture of the world + modeling "Wintering birds"

Software content.

To consolidate, expand and generalize knowledge about wintering birds. To form a respectful attitude towards birds, a desire to help in difficult times for them. Sculpt the bird in a constructive way, observing the location in the ratio of body parts, connect the parts, pressing them together. Use a stack. To cultivate independence, perseverance, accuracy. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Development environment

Slide presentation "Wintering birds"

Examining images of birds in illustrations in books and magazines.

Figurines of birds

Bird Singing Recording

Conversation "Wintering Birds"

D / and "Guess which bird flew away?"

D / and "Collect the picture"

Books: M. Gorky: "Sparrow"; T. Evdoshenko "Take care of the birds."

Working with parents

Consultations in the parent's corner:

"How and from what you can make a bird feeder."

"Read to the Children"


Development of speech

Topic of the lesson: "Wintering birds"

Software content.

Clarify children's ideas about wintering birds (characteristic external signs, features of life in winter conditions); to consolidate the generalizing concept of "Wintering birds"; the ability of children to answer questions with a full sentence, independently compose short stories about wintering birds. To activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic.

Develop attention, thinking.

Development environment

Conversation "Bird Menu"

Examining the photographs "Wintering Birds"

D / and "Birds at the feeders"

D / and "Whose tracks?"

Reading by Yuri Nikonov "Winter Guests"

Reading by VL Voronko "Bird Feeders".

P / games: "Flight of birds", "Birds in their nests"

Working with parents(joint parent-child activity)

Making feeders


Mathematical representations ("Such different birds")

Software content.

Show the children the quantitative composition of the number 7 (from individual units). Exercise in a count to 7 (counting bird objects). Consolidate knowledge of numbers from 1 to 7, develop attention. Divide the circle, square and triangle into two equal parts. Exercise in distinguishing the shapes of surrounding objects.

Equipment .

D / material: seven toys-birds, numbers from 1 to 7, cards with the image of geometric figures (there is one figure on the card, each card contains 2 pieces).

Handout: sets of cards from 1 to 7 with the image of birds, math sets, paper circle (d-7 cm, square (with a side of 9-10 cm and a triangle (with sides 8 cm, scissors.

Development environment

Conversation "Who cares about the birds"

V. Zvyagina's reading "Sparrow"

Musical d / game "Birds and Birds", music. And words by E. Tilicheeva

D / game "What birds you will not see in winter"

Working with parents

Making caps-masks with the image of birds

Consultation in the parent's corner "Let's count"


Drawing "Fairy birds"

(technique: print-on-board)

Software content.

To systematize knowledge about wintering birds. Learn to draw a bird in an unconventional way with a print-palm, position the image in the center of a sheet of paper. Develop logical thinking, creative imagination, fantasy, sense of color.

Development environment

Conversation "Birds are good or bad"

Materials for children's creativity

Making the album "Wintering Birds"

Crosswords on the topic.

Reading by Ya. Yashin "Feed the Birds in Winter"

Working with parents

Ask parents to help in the collection of unformed (waste) Material (cardboard boxes and other packages of different sizes and shapes, etc.)

Consultation "Feed the birds in winter"

In the health and fitness center:

P / n: "Owl-owl", "Flock".


Construction (from unformed (waste) material) "Miraculous transformations of the box"

Software content.

Strengthen the ability of children to transform simple objects into interesting crafts and toys by completing or removing unnecessary things. To develop imagination, creativity, the ability to foresee the result, to put your ideas into practice.

Material, tools, equipment: cardboard boxes of different sizes and shapes, two or three for each child.

The Egg Submarine Experiment

Target: To form the foundations of natural science and ecological concepts through the experimental activities of children.

Material: 3 cans: two half-liter and one liter., Table salt (solution - 2 tablespoons. Spoons for 0.5 liters of water).

Development environment

Conversation "What do we know about birds?"

Guessing riddles about wintering birds

Quiz "Clever and clever" (on the topic)

D / and "What a bird"

Reading V. Sukhomlinsky "How a titmouse wakes me up"

Working with parents

Decoration of the exhibition in the framework of the "Wintering Birds" group (from children's and children's-parental works).

Related publications:

Calendar-thematic planning in a group of young children (from 1 to 2 years old). Theme of the week "Spring drops" March 2nd week "Spring drops" Social and communicative development 1. Socialization (about yourself, about the family, etiquette, society) "Why does the snow melt."

Calendar-thematic planning in the preparatory group for school. Theme of the week "Defenders of the Fatherland" Purpose: To form preschool in children.

Calendar-thematic planning in the middle group. Theme of the week "Active rest" Topic of the week: "Active rest" Goals and objectives: To contribute to the development of all components of children's play (enrichment of topics and types of games, games.

Tasks To continue to enrich the ideas about the object world available to the child and the purpose of objects. To acquaint with the elementary rules.

TIME OF IMPLEMENTATION 07-11 December 2015 FINAL EVENT "Design of the album" Signs of safe behavior with household appliances "SCHEDULE OF LESSONS.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the foundations of ecological culture and environmental awareness should be formed. Working under the "From Birth to School" program within the framework of the "Feed the Birds in Winter" campaign, it is advisable to plan a week dedicated to wintering birds. At the end of January, with the onset of frost, they need the care of people, and by observing and feeding feathered friends, preschoolers learn more about the habits and features of the structure, ways of adapting birds to different living conditions. The content of conversations about wintering birds of the city and forests, riddles, elements, speech exercises on the topic can be found in the appendix "Thematic week" Wintering birds ".

Social and communicative development

Working with the mood screen, conversations about dining etiquette, game situations with the "Traffic" layout contribute to the social and communicative development of children. The teacher plans the exercise "Braggart Competition", the conversation "What I want to become when I grow up", as well as the role-playing game "Scientists - Biologists".

Cognitive development

During the excursion along the ecological trail, preschoolers observe wintering birds, compare them with each other, and examine bird feathers through a magnifying glass. For cognitive development, the teacher organizes games "When it happens", acquaints children with methods of solving logical problems.

Speech development

In the field of speech development, it is planned to compose riddles about birds, read fiction on the topic and games to consolidate the ways of designating sentences. An adult acquaints children with the game training "Feeder", discuss the fairy tale "How she judged forty crossbills."

Artistic and aesthetic development

Solving the tasks of artistic and aesthetic development, the educator organizes the conditions for the creative activity of children. Older preschoolers stage the fairy tale "Icicle Resort", make a bird on a branch using the technique of plasticineography, and construct feeders from waste material.

Physical development

Gymnastics for the eyes "Magpie", outdoor games "Migratory and wintering birds", relay races on the theme of the week contribute to the physical development of future schoolchildren.

Check out a snippet of the thematic week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Morning greetings, work with the screen of moods. Purpose: to create a positive attitude.Homemade preparations "Report on the birds" (magpie and pigeon). Purpose: to introduce children to the topic of the week.Game "Necessary signs". Purpose: to develop the vocal apparatus of children, to practice diction, to consolidate the ways of marking sentences.Examination of the paintings: "At the feeding trough", "Bullfinches" by N. Ulyanov. Purpose: to continue teaching to carefully consider the picture, to give characteristics to the characters.Self-massage "Magpie". Purpose: to learn words and movements.
S.r. a game of choice for children. Purpose: to develop communication skills.Working with the birdwatching calendar. Purpose: to find out which birds fly to the feeders more often.Di. "Whose tail." Purpose: to develop observation and word formation skills.Coloring pages on the theme of the week. Purpose: to develop color perception, improve the ability to mix paints.P. and. "The Wolf in the Moat." Purpose: to teach children to jump over a ditch, 70-100 cm wide, with a running start, trying not to be bitten by a wolf.
2 p.d.Continuation of the conversation “Table etiquette. You came to a cafe. " Purpose: to form the ability to eat with a closed mouth, chew food silently.Cognitive and research activity "Candle in the bank". Purpose: to show by experience how the composition of air changes during combustion.Conversation “How our feathered friends live in winter”. Purpose: to teach the use of different types of sentences in speech.Musical and didactic game "Magic Top". Purpose: to teach children to recognize familiar songs by the melody played on a metallophone, to be able to name a composer.Relaxation "Sounds of birds". Purpose: to help children relax.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Games on the "Traffic" model. Purpose: to remember the rules of the road, to consolidate the ability to negotiate in the game.Acquaintance with logical tasks. Purpose: to continue preparing for school.Di. Count to five. Purpose: to train children in the ability to use a noun with a number and an adjective, coordinating them in gender, number and case.Listening to audio recordings of the voices of birds (tit, sparrow, crow, magpie) from the series. P. and. Tchaikovsky's "The Seasons". Purpose: to teach children to distinguish the voices of birds through a piece of music.Folk game "What kind of bird is this?" Purpose: to introduce the game.
Socially useful work. Purpose: to form responsibility for the execution of orders, the ability to analyze the result of work.Titmouse observation. Purpose: to teach to distinguish between titmouses by size, external features, to expand ideas about the feeding habits of these birds in winter, to acquaint them with their habits.Compilation of descriptive stories about birds. Purpose: to develop coherent speech, to activate epithets in speech.Consideration of the album "Footprints of Birds". Purpose: to expand knowledge about the structural features of birds.P. and. "Don't get caught." Purpose: to strengthen the arch of the foot. P. and. Throw it over the bar. Purpose: to remember the rules of the game. Relay "Feed the birds", "Who is faster to the trough." Purpose: to consolidate the rules of conduct during the relay.

Topic of the week: "Winter. Wintering birds "

Tasks: to consolidate the knowledge of children about wintering birds, about the role of humans in the life of wintering birds, to replenish the subject-developing environment on the topic of the project, to promote the development of the creative and intellectual abilities of pupils, to attract pupils and parents to help birds in difficult winter conditions.

Final event: exhibition of creative works.

Team work


Individual work

Morning muses. gymnastics number 6

Conversation with children "What interesting things did you notice on the way to the d / s?" Purpose: to teach to encourage children to share their impressions, to monitor the construction of sentences.

Examination of illustrations and photos of wintering birds.

D / And "When does this happen?" Purpose: to consolidate the signs of the seasons, to determine the signs of the beginning of winter.

Situational conversation "If there were no birds, then ..." Purpose: to teach children to draw conclusions in the course of reasoning, to cultivate a respect for birds.

Exercise after sleep.

Reading the story of M. Gorky "Sparrow"

D / And "One - many" Purpose: to exercise plural in education. names noun (crow - crows)

S / R game "Poultry yard" Purpose: to develop the plot of the game by design, to teach children to transform into birds, imitating their habits.

Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world ... "Wintering birds" Purpose: to acquaint children with wintering birds. Study their features. Foster a love of nature. Develop an interest in bird watching. Dictionary: wintering, migratory birds, feeder.

Communication. Development of speech


Bird watching in the kindergarten area near the feeder. Most of all there are large birds: noisy magpies, crows. All these are raven relatives. Note that in the city they are much bolder; they behave noisily at the feeding trough.

P / A "Flight of the Birds"

The work on the site is to hang out bird feeders, add food. Purpose: to foster a desire to help birds during the cold season. Independent play activities on the site.

D / And "Count the birds" Purpose: to exercise in the coordination of numerals with noun. (one sparrow, two sparrows, etc.) (Polina, Masha)

D / And "Come up with a riddle" Purpose: to train children in coming up with riddles about birds, using elements of describing birds (Ksyusha, Angelica)

To learn finger gymnastics "Counting for crows" Purpose: to teach to coordinate movements with the text, to develop hand motor skills (Artem U., Veronika)

Morning muses. gymnastics number 6

Conversation with children “How our feathered friends live in winter” Purpose: to arouse a desire to help our feathered friends in the winter lack of food.

Board-print game “Cut pictures. Bird ”goal: to continue to practice puzzle-solving skills.

To involve children in the design of the volumetric panel "Wintering Birds" Purpose: to exercise in the ability to cut out silhouettes, to consolidate knowledge about wintering birds

Exercise after sleep.

Learning breathing exercise "Warm the bird with breathing"

S / R game "Visiting Lesovichk" Purpose: to consolidate the rules of behavior in the forest through play activities.

Free creativity in the isocenter "Learning to sculpt birds" Purpose: to teach how to sculpt birds from a whole piece based on a folk clay toy.

Cognition. FEMP . Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​the mutual arrangement of objects in a row, to learn to use adverbs in speech denoting spatio-temporal relations (before, behind, between, next, first, then, before, after, earlier), to determine the sequence of all days of the week.

Construction ... "Birdie" (Origami) Purpose: to teach to divide the square into two and four parts, to fold the square in different directions according to the scheme, connecting corners and sides, to bring up accuracy in work, respect for birds.

Physical culture (to music) Purpose: to train children in walking with a task on a signal, in running with overcoming obstacles, in throwing the ball into the basket with both hands from the chest, in walking on a gymnastic bench with squatting alternately on the right and left legs, with a swing of the other legs on the bottom side of the bench

While feeding the birds, observe their habits. Ask questions. What birds fly to the feeder? What do birds eat? What kind of birds do they like what food? Cultivate observation.

P / A "Kite and hen"

Labor on the site - sweep the paths. Purpose: to foster a desire to bring the work started to the end.

Work in notebooks "Continue the pattern" Purpose: to exercise orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage (Lisa A., Dima P.)

Exercise in the ability to say your last name and first name; surname, name and patronymic of parents, home address and telephone number. Kirill F., Maxim P.

Repeat the seasons, parts of the day, days of the week with Denis, Nastya K., Nastya A.

Morning muses. gymnastics number 6

Conversation with children "Who cares about the birds" Purpose: to draw the attention of children to the fact that in winter the bird cannot find food for itself, they need to be taken care of and fed.

D / And "Bird's Dining Room" Purpose: to train children in memorizing a poem using a mnemonic table.

Exercise after sleep.

Theatricalization "Where did the sparrow dine?" Purpose: to exercise the ability to imitate the habits of animals, coordinating movements with the text.

D / And "Build a bird" Purpose: to exercise in the ability to build an image of a bird using geometric shapes.

Communication. Development of speech ... Drawing up a story story based on a series of pictures "Bird's canteen" Purpose: to teach to participate in the collective storytelling based on a series of plot pictures and basic questions, to develop speech skills in the selection of definitions, to consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables, to develop phonemic hearing when drawing up a scheme for sound analysis of a word.

Reading fiction ... E. Nosov “Like a crow on the roof got lost” Purpose: to continue teaching to distinguish genre peculiarities of prose, to form an evaluative attitude towards heroes, to teach to comprehend the content of what was read, to convey the content coherently by means of the game.

Artistic creativity "Titmouse" Purpose: to develop interest and a positive attitude towards unconventional drawing techniques - with palms, to teach to supplement the image with details, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards wintering birds.

Determine with the children the weather for today. Remember what the weather was like yesterday. To teach to compare, to notice changes, to teach to plan what they will do on the site depending on the weather.

P / A "Third extra"

Pour in bird food. Purpose: to foster a desire to help birds in winter.

Independent physical activity of children on the site.

D / And "I will begin, and you continue" Purpose: to exercise in the ability to describe the bird on the mnemonic table. (Kostya, Dima L)

D / And “Whose tail? Whose beak? " Purpose: to exercise in the ability to name birds by external signs. (Katya, Yana)

D / I "Fantastic bird" Purpose: develop imagination, teach to come up with fantastic birds. (Maxim K., Timofey)

Morning muses. gymnastics number 6

Conversation with children "Zimushka-winter" Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the winter phenomena that affect the life and behavior of birds.

D / And "How many birds are there in the feeder?" Purpose: to learn how to compose and solve simple problems on a visual basis.

Exercise after sleep.

Situational conversation with children "Frost and Metal" Purpose: to educate the rules of safe behavior during a walk

Viewing the cartoon "High Hill" Purpose: to form a personal assessment of the actions of the characters.

Constructive activity: "Houses for birds" Purpose: to develop constructive skills, imagination of children.

Cognition. FEMP. Purpose: to form the ability to name the next and previous number for each number of the natural series within 10, to exercise in establishing a correspondence between the number of objects and a number within 10.

Artistic creativity. Application. "Bullfinches on a branch" Purpose: to teach to convey the structural features of a bullfinch, coloring a bird by the technique of silhouette cutting with additional stickers, to exercise the compositionally correct position of the image on the sheet.

Music (according to the plan of the music director)

Tit watching. They flew in from the forest in search of food. Consider their coloration. To tell that they got their name because of their singing: "Xin - Xin".

D / And "Birds, animals, fish"

Labor: clean the feeders, add feed. Purpose: to develop a desire to help the birds.

Independent physical activity on the site.

Д / And "Counting sticks" Purpose: to exercise in the ability to make birds from counting sticks.

(Nastya A., Vova)

D / I "The fourth extra" Purpose: to develop the attention and observation of children. (Kirill Sh., Artem U.)

D / And "Say the opposite" Purpose: to train children in the selection of words-antonyms (Vova, Dima P)

Morning muses. gymnastics number 6

D / I "What's your mood?" Purpose: to exercise in the ability to evaluate your emotions.

Conversation with children "I have a best friend" Purpose: to educate children to be friendly to other children.

D / And "What the proverb tells us" Purpose: to develop the ability of children to understand the meaning of folk proverbs and sayings.

Learn finger gymnastics "Feeding trough"

Exercise after sleep.

Situational conversation "Do birds benefit or harm?"

Guessing riddles about birds.

Board-printed game "Birds" (loto) Purpose: to teach to play by the rules.

Artistic creativity. Painting "Birds in winter" Purpose: to develop children's imagination, creativity, to teach how to draw figures of birds, using geometric shapes and a sequential drawing scheme.

Physical Education ... Purpose: to train children in jumping on the right and left legs through the cords, throwing the ball to each other with two hands from behind the head, standing in ranks, in hitting a small ball while walking. P / N "Flies - does not fly", "Change the subject"

Observing the sun. Continue to mark with the children the path of the sun, its height at noon. Continue to acquaint children with some patterns in nature.

P / And "Day-Night"

The work on the site is to collect large debris. Purpose: to foster a desire to maintain order on the site.

Independent physical activity of children on the site.

D / I "Name affectionately" Purpose: to train children in word formation, to form diminutive forms of nouns (Kirill F., Maxim P.)

D / and "Which figure is superfluous?" - on the basis of visual analysis, comparison, it is necessary to find an object that should not be placed on the table, and justify your choice. Maxim K., Angelica, Katya