How to take beautiful nature photos. Ideas for a summer photo shoot in nature and in the city for children and adults

Bright summer days have come, the sun is hot, there is green grass, bushes and trees around, the weather is simply magnificent. What to do? Stay home? Work? Well, I do not! We go to the doctor, ask for a sick leave and go on vacation :) If you have time and want to sculpt something creative, I suggest holding a photo session in the summer. Judge for yourself, everything around is so fabulously beautiful, the daylight is very large, it is so warm outside that you can take pictures at night and in general all day long, until you exhaust yourself and fall asleep, standing with a camera in your hands. And with all this, the shooting process itself is a very exciting and interesting activity.
I hope I convinced you of the relevance of a photo shoot in the summer? Perhaps you do not know where to start, then I will try to help.

Think over the image for a photo shoot in the summer. It can be any of your fantasies that you can realize.
Choose a location for the photo session. It can be a flower field, a park, a sandy wasteland, a lake or sea shore, a forest, a historical place with interesting architectural structures, or any place that will emphasize your image.
Choose an outfit for your look. It can be a specially designed and tailored suit worth hundreds of thousands of euros or something from an old wardrobe, you decide. Looks great in the photo and the lack of outfit :) but this is a different genre - nude, we'll talk about this another time, if there is a desire :)
Makeup is also very important. Make it so that it matches the character and color scheme with the outfit or props and enhances and complements the image you have come up with.
Image props. What it is? Anything, but again, working on the image. Flower, antique clock, a sword, a cage, an umbrella, a book, a steering wheel from a moped, a kettle, a button accordion, a goat ... If it’s not yet clear what the button accordion is for a goat, don’t worry, everything will be described further with examples.
After all, I have been looking for all sorts of ideas for a photo shoot in the summer. Now I have grouped them and present them to your attention. I also tried to analyze and determine what exactly gives the photo originality and elegance and left my modest comments under each photo.

Wood nymphs can sleep in trees. For a photo shoot in the summer, you can take ideas and images from folk tales Let's exploit the image of a mermaid Mermaid Variations
An interesting idea for a photo shoot in the summer Dramatic pose in a girl Interesting photo in the city near the river. No strangers, photographed at sunset, against the sun, it looks like with a reflector
This dress trick can be easily repeated with the help of an assistant who lifts the hem of the dress and disappears from the frame on the count of three. The task of the photographer is to capture the moment. The piquancy adds a hint of nudity Can use furniture as props Petals as props. Notice how the coloring of the dress goes well with the petals on the bridge.
Beautiful airy dress, sunset, good angle and The girl is located according to the rule. Outfit is beaten. Good lighting Beautiful scenery and bare shoulders
With a boat, new horizons of a photo shoot open up in the summer Another provocation for men Pets are a whole warehouse of ideas for a photo shoot in the summer
Pets - a loose concept The horse is just cool Let's move on to the problem of proper nutrition :)
Apples are a healthy food and good props for photo shoots Strawberries are known to symbolize sexuality. Glamorous look. Deep shadows under the eyes can be hidden with glasses
Lush hair backlit by the sun creates a halo effect Wave your head Jump to health
Play the image of an Indian It's good on the street, lying on a chic sofa in the shade, reading your favorite book In extreme cases, you can read on the grass
There are many cool props in the village Stairs can be in the room. The rule of thirds. The mirror, like a reflector, creates contour light Is it hard to find such a dandelion?
Girl with a bouquet of dandelions, contour light Remember main function dandelions On that ladder that was before, you can climb to the roof and get a cool photo
You can climb higher Arm yourself with a watering can and a swing The dream of Ostap Bender: a beauty and the 12th chair with treasures :)
Don't confuse salt with sugar The image of a homeless girl who spends the night and lives on the street :)
Cool bike for photo shoots Spyglass as props A simple but interesting look. Photographed against the light.
Take a photo in a convertible Such a background can be found, for example, in the botanical garden
Original pose and hair color Origami rule With a kite you can make a whole photo session
There are very beautiful places in the forest A hat can also be a good addition to the image. Flowers in the hair look very impressive
We have already blown dandelions, now let's play with freshly cut grass The girl's face is well highlighted Interesting costume and wonderful background
Interesting photos are obtained even in some abandoned and dilapidated premises She went through copper pipes!
Summer is the time to change windows. Can be supplemented with old ideas for a photo shoot in the summer Always remember balloons Fool around in a cafe
Do you have such a beautiful umbrella? When you wallow in the grass, remember something pleasant and go crazy It is good to fly a kite in the field
If you catch the right mood, photos will be obtained everywhere Specially made props - paper wings interesting hairstyle
Another image Don't Forget the Hay

Man is an integral part of nature. But scientific and technological progress, plants, factories, cars gradually made the human environment unsuitable for life. Therefore, people strive for nature to cleanse the lungs, calm the shattered nervous system, relax and unwind. And most of the outdoorsmen take photographs, which later, when the weather does not allow getting out of the city, remind of wonderful days.

But before you start the long-awaited outdoor photography, you should decide in what positions the models will be. If there is a lot of lush green grass in the resting place, then photos where the model lies on her stomach or on her side will be effective. A person sitting in a lotus position looks very provocatively and playfully. If the picture is a family one, then all of the above poses can be combined without problems. And the photo will turn out cheerful and cheerful.

If the models do not accept extravagant poses, then you can choose any standing position for a photo shoot. By the way, if the model is not just standing, but moving, then the pictures are very impressive and dynamic. The graceful dynamics of the movement of the model and the hair developing in the wind, for example, fascinate.

You can try to take a photo in the jump. According to experienced photographers, it is the jump that can reveal the inner world of a person, his true emotions, and therefore the jump is considered to be one of the most successful angles for a photo in nature. Be sure to use various tools at hand when photographing: beautiful fabric, umbrella, furniture, etc. All these items add variety to the shooting, and the photos are lighter, more interesting and sensual. If you didn’t have various improvised means at hand, then you can use everything that nature has: fallen leaves, flowers, tree branches.

What is good about a standing pose, that the emphasis can be placed on the scenery. For example, river floods or sprawling trees. In the frame of the model, a secondary role is assigned, and most of the frame (70 percent) is occupied by nature. And the model, which is placed on the side or in the center, takes up only 30 percent of the space. Or even less.

To achieve ease, the model should be installed near an object on which it can lean. For example, on a rock or a tree. In this case, you should cross your legs, put one hand on your thigh, and relax the other. In spring and summer, pictures with flowers, grass and other greenery are obtained with high quality. For example, the model can sit down in a field, taking the grass under her, and take a bouquet of wild flowers in her hands. As an option - a wreath of wildflowers on the head.

Photo session in nature

Friends, a few decades ago, we could not even imagine that you can easily get a camera out of your back pocket and capture the first step of a child, a tender kiss of newlyweds, a joint trip to unknown countries. Now it is an accessible reality.

Photography is a great way to make time stop and leave emotions forever. And, whatever you say, the most colorful, “delicious” photo shoots are obtained on the street, no matter what time of the year they take place. The variety of ideas for street photo shoots depends only on your imagination, I, as a photographer, will fulfill the most daring wishes.

Ideas for a photo shoot in nature

Original ideas for a photo shoot in nature can be realized at any time of the year. Someone prefers the lush, juicy green leaves of a summer forest, someone prefers the golden spills of spikelets of young wheat. One loves the blue of the lake, the other loves the cloudless sky and sunbeams on the winter snow. A photo shoot will always turn out to be memorable, and the pictures - bewitching, we just need to discuss the image of the model in advance, select and prepare the location for the shooting, think about the choice of costumes and makeup.

Here are just a few ideas for outdoor photography:

Ideas for a winter photo shoot in nature

I invite lovers of winter stories to organize both individual and group shootings. In winter, scenes built on contrasts are very bright. In clothes, it is better to give preference to the choice of calm colors, pure, transparent tones, similar to the natural colors of nature at this time. At the same time, red, red shades are suitable as contrasting ones. So in the hands of the model there can be a basket of ripe, red apples, fiery clusters of mountain ash, and a mop of red hair can be knocked out from under the cap.

Collective photos in this style look no less colorful. The company can put on cozy felt boots, colorful knitted hats, scarves and just make a snowman together, go sledding, catch falling snowflakes with their mouths, while I do my job professionally. Such a relaxed photo shoot will capture the most sincere emotions and keep pleasant memories forever.

Ideas for unusual children's photos in nature

Are you happy parents and do not fully believe your happiness?

You should not wait until the baby is one or two years old to create his first unique pictures. Photo sessions can be arranged from the first days of life. I will create unusual story photos even when the child is sleeping peacefully. For such photo shoots, sometimes it is enough to decorate a small cradle with a baby under a head of cabbage and an unusual plot is provided.

With older kids, you can experiment like on a playground surrounded by peers. Photographing children in nature is always a pleasure! You can make a photo session separately in a cloud of soap bubbles, with a bouquet of dandelions in your hand, or just standing in an autumn puddle.

Your baby will not get tired of shooting, the process will be unobtrusive, built in a playful way, because the main thing in working with children is delicacy.

And if you want really amazing photos with your children, then Vammy and I will jointly come up with a fabulous plot for a photo shoot in nature and capture an incredible fairy tale story in the pictures, the main character of which will be your child!

Ideas using auto and motorcycle technology

A photo shoot in nature with cars or motorcycles is always popular due to the availability of the organization - you can use your own transport or rent a car. At the same time, the general stylistic direction is set by the outfits of the models, accessories, and the design of the transport used. A company of trendy dudes will look great in a retro car, a gangster party will end with a photo shoot in a stylish convertible, and a couple in rustic outfits will ride along the countryside in a motorcycle with a trailer.

Thematic photo shoot in nature

Residents of megacities try to spend every free minute outside the city. People go to summer cottages or recreation areas at any time of the year. In summer they bathe in turbulent rivers or quiet ponds, in winter they ride on cheesecakes. Spring and autumn are the time for walks in the forest, arranging flower arrangements, bouquets of yellow leaves.

Thematic photo shoots in nature are very popular and are more dynamic than shooting indoors. I will help you choose a storyline in accordance with the season and your lifestyle: in winter - funny Games and fun, sledding, swimming in snowdrifts; in the spring - a picnic, songs with a guitar by the fire; in summer - beach holidays, volleyball; in autumn - walks in the park, forest, hiking for berries.

In spring, nature, like a young girl, comes to life, wakes up from sleep. The sweet smell of the first buds appears in the air, the last snowdrifts melt, turning into murmuring streams. Is this not a reason for a themed spring photo shoot? And nature helps us in this, suggesting spring images, throwing up ideas for filming.

With the onset of golden autumn, it's time to think about how great it would be to capture yourself during this magnificent time of the year. I will conduct a wonderful autumn photo shoot for you in nature in the most magnificent landscapes of St. Petersburg, Pushkin and Pavlovsk. Let's figure out together what your theme of the photo shoot will be!

Makeup for a photo shoot in nature

Makeup for a photo shoot against the backdrop of nature must be carefully selected for the image being created. It is important that the make-up is done correctly and accurately, this will give the face naturalness and freshness. The skin of the face must be prepared in advance by visiting a beautician a couple of weeks before filming. Tonal products should be used with a matting effect, pay more attention to the make-up of the eyes, eyebrows and lips. With the right selection of cosmetics, make-up will last the entire photo shoot without correction. Together we will discuss not only the plot of the future photo shoot, but also the appropriate outfits and, of course, makeup.

The cost of a photo shoot in nature

The cost of street photography is 5000 rubles per hour. Additional time 1000 rubles per hour. Check out the prices

Order a photo shoot in nature: +7 -911 237-02-25

Photographer: Natalia Rodionova

Nature as decoration is always good choice for a photo shoot. Shooting in the open air makes it possible not only to realize the most daring ideas, but also to relax, enjoy the beauty of the surrounding world and recharge with positive energy for several days ahead. Such a photo shoot is a great opportunity for experimentation. You can try to shoot in different images at any time of the year and weather. If you think through the details to the smallest detail, you will get a lot of positive impressions and amazing photos.

Images for a photo shoot in nature

It will turn out well in a photo - this is a whole art associated with many tricks and secrets. Not in vain professional models specially trained for this.

As a rule, the most difficult part is choosing a pose. Of course, if a professional photographer shoots, this problem simply does not exist for you. He will always tell you how to stand up, lie down and in which direction to turn your head. If a non-professional acts as a photographer in your photo session, then try to think about the choice of poses in advance.

The key to good photos is practice. Look at the photo shoots made by professionals and try to replicate the model's poses. First, practice at home in front of a mirror, in which angles you look the most advantageous, ask your loved one or girlfriend to take a picture of you at home. In this way, you will get rid of stiffness in front of the camera, and you will already have a certain idea in which poses you look best.

Here are a few options for successful poses, they are elementary, but spectacular.

Facial expression plays an important role, here you can’t do without practice at the mirror. Practice smiling correctly, choose a good head tilt and gaze direction.

Makeup for a photo shoot in nature

In order for the photo shoot to be successful, you need perfect makeup. So, here are a few tips that will help you look perfect at a photo shoot:

  • In the 72 hours before your shoot, try to eliminate alcohol, red meat, caffeine, and spicy foods from your diet. These foods can make the skin oilier and cause facial puffiness.
  • Take care of your eyebrows in advance, they must be of the correct shape and look well-groomed.
  • Get a manicure. Even the best photo can be ruined by peeling nail polish.
  • If you dye your hair, be sure to make sure that the hair color is uniform. The regrown roots in the photo will be very noticeable.
  • On the night before shooting, go to bed early and do not drink water at night so that there are no swelling and bags under the eyes in the morning.
  • If you are making your own make-up, take a magnifying mirror. Remember, professional cameras capture all the little things and facial defects.
  • Makeup for a photo shoot should be brighter and richer than usual.
  • Try to achieve the perfect face tone. In the process of shooting, always keep powder on hand to remove oily sheen from time to time.
  • Choose matte eyeshadows, in the photo they look more advantageous than mother-of-pearl.
  • It is better for owners of dark skin to abandon pink, purple and burgundy shades in makeup, but for blondes with fair skin, on the contrary, they are very suitable.

Ideas for a photo shoot in nature: seasons

Of course, shooting in the warm season, on bright and sunny days, brings the most comfort and joy. Do not reject rainy and frosty weather, dawns, night and twilight, it is at this time that you can take unique and unusual photos.

Autumn photo shoots

  • Photos during the period of golden autumn are bright and delight the eye with unique melancholy and longing for fading nature. These can be romantic shots with a touch of sadness. It is not for nothing that many poets loved this time of year. "It's a sad time! Eye charm!
  • Love stories against the backdrop of autumn nature are very touching and sincere, styles such as grunge, retro, hippie, classic, fantasy, beauty, naturel.
  • In a photo session against the background of bright nature, contrasting tones should prevail in clothes, because black, white, blue, purple, green and any other, the main thing is that it does not merge with red and yellow foliage. Prints and patterns on clothes look great. The most advantageous options would be a cage, a strip and a coarse knit. Do not forget about accessories and bright makeup.

  • Be sure to bring various props with you, as a bright umbrella, a warm blanket, a scarf, a book, a mug, apples, etc., depending on what image you want to embody.
  • Do not miss the opportunity to take pictures on a rainy day, such weather will come in handy for the implementation of ideas in the style of erotic romance or retro drama. Nature itself dictates creepy and nostalgic ideas.

Winter photo shoots

  • At this time of the year, especially in snowy weather, they look advantageous atmospheric styles. Photos will turn out incredibly beautiful in gothic, dark, duck fashion, fantasy styles. Winter is the best suited for gloomy, mysterious plots: witches, vampires and other fairy-tale characters. Winter is a period of spleen and sadness, bright colors against the background of frozen nature look especially bewitching. Classics will also fit wonderfully into the winter atmosphere: high hairstyles, strict makeup and natural furs. If you manage to get to the village, where log huts are still preserved, you can make a photo session in the style of Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas".
  • Makeup for a winter photo shoot should be thought out to the smallest detail. Perfectly even skin tone, well-defined eyes and eyebrows, bright lips.

  • On sunny and fine winter days, you can go for a photo shoot with the whole family and play snowballs, make a snowman, ride down an ice slide. Or grab New Year's paraphernalia, champagne, cocoa, sausages and warm blankets, light a fire and arrange a small family holiday. Such photos are very positive and cheerful.

Spring photo shoots

  • For a spring photo shoot, by the way, it’s perfect light beauty styles, naturel, classic. You can play the role of a spring girl against the backdrop of awakening nature. Photos near flowering trees are always beautiful if you beat the plot in an original way and create a unique composition. Spring is considered the most romantic time of the year, and is a wonderful backdrop for various love stories.
  • The spring image should be light, muted tones, delicate colors and paints, airy textures. Makeup should echo the palette of shades of nature. The best colors are light lilac, soft pink, green. On the hair, it is recommended not to make tricky hairstyles, but to leave them loose.

  • The main task of the spring photo shoot is to convey the beauty of nature. Therefore, the model should look neutral, without drawing attention to itself.

Summer photo sessions

  • There are so many ideas for a photo shoot in the summer that one may not even be enough. In addition to beautiful photos, you will also soak up the warm sun and get a lot of positive emotions. For shooting, it is better to choose the second half of the day, when the sun is not shining so brightly, then the photo will have a softer light. Since summer is a bright time, then the clothes should be appropriate.

  • The seashore, ponds, flowering fields, forests, lawns, haylofts, parks are great places for shooting in the summer. For the embodiment of various themes, historical directions of cosplay, hippies, grunge, etc. are suitable.

A stylish wedding photo shoot in nature is the best decoration for your family photo album. In our article we will tell you how to choose appropriate place for a photo shoot, what props to take with you, what poses are the most successful. We have collected the brightest and most original ideas that will help make your wedding photos simply unforgettable. Happy pictures!

Park, square, garden, forest

Emerald green foliage, bright colors of flowers, fruits, berries, which are full of landscapes in summer and autumn, will become a beautiful background that sets off the whiteness of the bride's dress and veil.

In the spring, the ideal places for shooting a wedding are blooming orchards, because what can more emphasize the elegance and innocence of a wedding image than the first blooming flowers of a cherry or apricot orchard?

Sea coast, beach

The azure sea, the bottomless southern blue sky will serve as an excellent backdrop for wedding photos. For a photo shoot, you can take a few pictures on the coast, or you can rent a boat or a boat.

Such photos are sensual and successful if taken at sunset. The last rays of the sun, reflected in the water, give the pictures a special charm.

It’s great if an abandoned bay or a deserted uninhabited beach is found for a photo shoot. In this case, you can not only catch good moments without being distracted by other vacationers, but also enjoy each other's company.

If the newlyweds are creative and incendiary, they will surely enjoy a perky photo shoot, during which you can fool around a little, run along the beach or splash water on each other.

River, pond or lake

The flow of water symbolizes eternity. Therefore, wedding photography by the reservoir is so relevant. The embankment of a river or lake will be a good location for a wedding photo shoot.

The quiet expanse of a lake, the clear course of a stream or river will be the perfect backdrop for wedding shots. If it is not possible to take wedding shots near the sea or ocean, a photo by the river or a forest pond hidden in the green wilderness will give tenderness and reverence to the photo session.

Field, meadow

The shots taken in the meadow, in the field, on the hayfield will give wedding photos a special charm and uniqueness. These pictures are different family photo album, featuring studio photography or images of the metropolis.

It is good if ethnic notes are present in the image of the bride. The dress, which is distinguished by a special chic, will be a little out of place against the backdrop of a gentle and cozy landscape of a wheat field.

Wild flowers woven into the hair or a wreath of flowers and spikelets can divert attention from pomp and splendor.

Mountains, rocks, hills

If the surroundings are rich in such types of landscape, then you must definitely capture it as a background for wedding photos. American photographer Jay Philbrick invited the newlyweds to take a wedding photo on a rock ledge at a height of 200 meters for an impressive shot.

But you can do without such an extreme. After all, even the rocks and hills in the background will add romance and mystery to the pictures. A majestic plateau with mountains in the distance, shrouded in haze, is one of the most successful landscapes for a wedding photo shoot in nature.

As a rule, a wedding photo shoot in nature is planned in a dry and warm season. The ideal season for it is summer, late spring or early autumn. You need to carefully study the weather forecast so that rain or other unfavorable weather did not upset the expectations of the young.

But if an error crept into the plans or the weather failed, which can also happen even in summer, props and accessories will save the wedding photo shoot in nature. With a few tricks and the use of wedding props that are easy to find in any store, a romantic and measured photo shoot will turn into an incendiary one. And the resulting shots will capture her brightest moments.

Props, decor, accessories: attributes of a wedding photo shoot in nature

An experienced wedding photographer will usually have their own prop box. But each wedding, along with the wishes for a photo session, is individual and unique. Therefore, you need to stock up on props and accessories in advance, first of all, having thought over the general concept of the celebration and, accordingly, the theme of the photo shoot.

Props for photography in nature can be bought on specialized sites:

Or do it yourself, following the algorithm of actions presented on the links:

But you can find interesting and unique accessories by looking carefully in the country, in the closet or in the attic. Sometimes the most incredible and bright photos are obtained through the use of things that have long been marked for scrap. Such things can create a unique decoration for your photo shoot.

Shooting in rainy weather

Rain and sleet is a common occurrence in autumn. But such a whim of nature can catch the newlyweds at any time of the year. Therefore, it is worth having such a variant of wedding props in the wings. These accessories will not let the newlyweds get wet and cold, and even have the power to set a cheerful rhythm for the wedding even in a dull rainy hour.

Umbrellas. An umbrella will not only protect you from raindrops, but will also become a bright accent on the photo. It is better if these accessories are of variegated colors: red, raspberry, bright green. This will help create an advantageous contrast with the dull picture of the surrounding autumn nature. Colorful umbrellas can be handed out to guests.

Newlyweds in love can easily hide under one large umbrella. Or take two umbrellas of the same color.

For a photo in which one bride poses, you can use a vintage umbrella.

Rubber boots. Rubber shoes have long ceased to be associated exclusively with field work. Rubber boots are an integral part of a stylish autumn look. Even bridal fashion queen Vera Wang used rubber boots as shoes for her models at one of the shows.

Such shoes will become a bright accent on all wedding photos. Especially if the newlyweds or bridesmaids wear boots of the same color. Frames in them will enliven any photo album.

Raincoats. With capes, no rain is terrible. And the use of colorful and colorful raincoats as wedding accessories will decorate the frame.

Photo shoot in sunny weather

For a wedding photo shoot in a warm and dry season, you can use many accessories that can successfully fit into the frame. The main thing is that they are harmoniously combined with general concept weddings.

Wedding picnic in nature. For interesting shots an old grandmother's retro service, which has been gathering dust in oblivion for a long time, will come in handy. Fresh fruits, berries, sweets, a piece of wedding cake in the frame will give the photo session a feeling of coziness and warmth. And an authentic samovar will become an original attribute and decorate the picture.

You can use glasses and a bottle of wine, because it’s not a sin to make a toast at an impromptu table for love and happiness.

Transport. Take a ride on a retro convertible, moped, bicycle or even a scooter or roller skates. It is worth putting a bouquet of flowers in the basket of a scooter or a pleasure bike - such photos breathe romance.

In addition, the car that was used for the wedding photo shoot will serve as a stylish vehicle for the newly-married couple at the wedding.

Floral motifs. The floral theme in decorating a wedding ceremony is a classic decor option that will never go out of style. Flowers are a topical decoration for the arch at a symbolic wedding ceremony. With the help of compositions made of fresh flowers, it is easy to give photo frames a special sensuality.

For a photo, you should use both armfuls of flowers and modest bouquets, or just a scattering of flower petals. A wreath or flowers woven into the hair will make the image of the bride romantic and tender.

Original photo session. If gravity and pomposity are not in the rules of the newlyweds, then the wedding photo shoot needs to be made fun and full of enthusiasm. To do this, you will need inflated balloons, kites, signs with funny and meaningful inscriptions, masks, decorative mustaches and glasses.

Props can be used as a background (lanterns, candles, plates with inscriptions and characteristics of lovers) or perform actions with them: fly a kite, sky lanterns, balloons.

wild nature– in itself a great decoration for a photo. However, you can additionally do. Against the background of it, you can take pictures not only of the bride and groom, but also of guests.

Wedding photos in the snow

Falling snowflakes, snowdrifts, shimmering white snow will not only not spoil the frame, but will become good background for wedding photos. The purity of the snow will be symbolic and will emphasize the theme of eternal and sincere love that is relevant at the wedding.

In addition, bright and colorful accessories look very advantageous against such a background. Thanks to the skillful play of the background and props, a wedding photo shoot in the snowy nature can become a real one. winter fairy tale. Suitable accessories for outdoor photography, if everything is covered with snow around, are associated with holidays, entertainment and fun, which winter is so rich in:

  • Russian trio. To the horse harness and harness you need to attach multi-colored ribbons, flowers, bells. A trio of horses in a harness has long been an attribute of a wedding. Now a trip on the “troika bird” will not only remind you of old traditions, but will also set the mood for the whole wedding. And the photos taken during this will decorate the photo album.
  • Sled. Against the backdrop of a winter landscape, it will be interesting to look like ordinary sleds on which a young couple is fooling around, as well as wooden retro sleds. In this version, wedding photos can be styled antique.
  • Samovar, tea service, bagels. In order not to freeze in the winter frost, you must not forget about hot tea. If you approach tea drinking with creativity, these moments are easy to make good photo frames. A brightly colored Khokhloma-style samovar, a tea set, bagels and buns will complement the photo session.
  • Pouring apples, red berries of viburnum or rowan. On a winter background that is cold and devoid of bright colors, the catchy colors of ripe fruits and berries will look particularly advantageous. Apples with red bulk sides, rowan berries, viburnums, oranges, pomegranates will shade the whiteness of the snow in the photo and will attract the eye. Next to such accessories, you can photograph wedding symbols: rings, boutonniere, garter or shoe of the bride.
  • Elements of outerwear. Winter is not an easy time for outdoor photo shoots, primarily because of the cold. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the participants in the shooting do not freeze. But in order for modern outerwear did not spoil the frame, it needs to be slightly covered or stylized. For this, colorful scarves, blankets, mittens, knitted downy shawls, fur capes, a fur coat, and a muff are useful. And any clothes decorated in this way will not miss the winter cold.

Beautiful poses and angles for a wedding photo shoot in nature

The wedding event is one of the most important days in the life of the newlyweds. So the excitement is understandable. But for good shots, you need to relax and behave naturally. It is enough to enjoy the presence of each other and enjoy this day. In this case, a dexterous cameraman will be able to capture for the frame an expression of joy, tenderness, happiness and love in the eyes of the newly-made spouses.

We have already talked about how to pose for a photographer correctly and look natural at the same time in the article:.

And a few tricky secrets will help make the photo especially successful:

  • Photo from above. Portrait photography is an essential part of any photo album. This angle makes the face expressive and clear. This photo can be either single or paired. The main thing in it is a close-up, which will help capture the intimacy, soulfulness of the moment.
  • Half a turn. The photo is taken from behind. This position symbolizes farewell to single life and readiness for quick changes associated with the change social status. A little trick: a similar angle visually lengthens, slims the silhouette.
  • "Married". A positive microclimate in the house, when the husband is a real protection, support and support, is popularly called "located behind a stone wall." This can also be displayed in wedding photos. For such a picture, the groom demonstrates his back, near which the airy image of the bride hides, as if from bad weather.
  • kisses. For successful photos, do not be gently shy and behave stiffly. Really sensual shots are obtained during a kiss. It can be like a moment of tenderness, a timid youthful kiss. This is the manifestation of true passion. Such photos, even after many years, are able to recall youth and cause a flurry of emotions even among a married couple with experience.
  • The sweetness of the moment. In a wedding photo session, it is customary to take such photos, showing the pre-wedding preparations and the further course of the wedding day. The farewell of the bride with her bridesmaids, the first seconds in a wedding dress, the meeting with the groom, the moment when the father of the bride passes her hand to her future husband are some of those important moments that you should definitely capture.

Several Yet original ideas for a photo shoot on video:

Wedding photography in nature is an opportunity to get a beautiful love story, because the natural manifestations of love of the newlyweds will provide tenderness, romance and beauty of the frame without unnecessary frills. Having shown a little patience, adding the skill of a cameraman and the tenderness of a couple in love, photography will turn into a real fairy tale that a bride could dream of.