Business in Belarus: experts have compiled the TOP of profitable business ideas. Business ideas from scratch in Belarus: overview, features and recommendations

Opening a business in any country has a number of specific nuances that every person who wants to do business should take into account. In the previous publication, we discussed in detail, in this article, let's talk about what business is profitable to do in Belarus.

Let's start with the fact that Belarus is a country that is quite loyal to small business, in every way encourages people who want to organize their own business. Therefore, we can say with confidence that opening your own business in Belarus is profitable and promising.

But be that as it may, there are a number of nuances that every beginner should know. First of all, it is worth understanding such a thing as entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is an activity that is legally registered, carried out by a person personally with the aim of making a profit at his own peril and risk.

From this, we can conclude that no one guarantees you success. This is not a job for the owner, where you receive your salary every month. In this case, everything depends on your entrepreneurial qualities, desire, pragmatism, hard work and endurance. Success or failure depends only on you.

What kind of business to do in Belarus. Choosing a niche

No one can give you an answer to the question of which business is profitable in Belarus, and which business is unpromising. Success depends solely on the right idea and your business skills. In fact, there are a large number that need to be implemented.

First of all, think about what you would like to do, what you like, what kind of work you are ready to do with pleasure and love, devoting all your free time to it. Believe me, it is very important to find your favorite business, which you like, and even make a profit. Not every person gets this chance, so if you suddenly have such an opportunity, boldly and without a doubt, take advantage of it.

What is worth knowing about competition in Belarus?

When opening your business in Belarus, take into account the fact that the product or service that you are going to sell must be not only in demand, but also uncompetitive. It is not easy to find such a sphere, but it is quite possible with a competent approach.

Competitors are people who offer a similar product or service to the consumer. You have to look for clever ways around, such as foolishly placing your bakery store next to a competitor, or inflating prices for a similar product. You need to think through every nuance and find the most profitable option for yourself.

Ideas for business from scratch in Belarus

Construction. This area will always flourish. Every year more and more new premises appear, people need repairmen in residential apartments. And if demand does not fall, then finding a job in this area will not be difficult.

You can start your business in construction both by providing repair and design services, and by opening a company specializing in the sale of building materials.

Trade in Belarus

In the field of trade, anyone can work, which is what many residents of Belarus do. In this country, the production of high-quality knitwear, which is famous throughout the world, has been established.

Agriculture as an idea for business in Belarus

Agriculture is a profitable business in this country. The state even establishes special benefits for those wishing to work in this area. Opening your own farm will provide you with a good and fast income. Especially with modern technology, manual labor is reduced to a minimum.

Business registration in the Republic of Belarus

Any activity is considered illegal if it is not registered in the appropriate manner. There are two options for the substantive legal form: a legal entity and individual entrepreneurship.

Individual entrepreneurship (IP) is a more simplified form of activity that will not take you much time, you can quickly register as an individual entrepreneur, even without owning a room.

The sole proprietor bears full responsibility for his business. It is also liquidated legally at the request of this person.

A law firm - this registration is more complex and expensive than an individual entrepreneur. But the plus is that it is possible to team up with a companion. But this business will already require the presence of premises to determine the legal address, staff, including the position of an accountant.

A legal entity terminates its activities only in the event of bankruptcy.

Business mistakes

Business plan. Many beginners are dismissive of this nuance. But in vain, because a clear and well-written business plan will ensure you quick success.


At the initial stage, many aspiring entrepreneurs overestimate the importance of advertising. You should not invest a lot of money, it is better to take care of the quality of your product or service. Otherwise, you will just waste your money and disappoint your customers.

Choosing the Right Niche

The main thing is not what you like, but what is in demand among the population. Choose the right area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity, and boldly move in the chosen direction.


If there is little money to start a business, try at the initial stage to do without assistants in order to save money. Remember that everyone needs to pay wages, and this significantly hits the pocket, especially beginners. Proper distribution of money is the path to success and wealth.

After analyzing all the nuances, you can make an appropriate conclusion for yourself about what kind of business it is profitable to do in Belarus. We also recommend reading about the discovery. I wish you a quick profit.

What to do if you want to open a business in Belarus. Step by step guide for future entrepreneurs

If the time has come in your life when you desperately want to take action, the desire is worth realizing. Moreover, there are no special barriers for this. To become an individual entrepreneur in Belarus, you will need a simple package of documents and 20 minutes of free time. How much money is needed for registration, what types of activities require a license, what taxes will you have to pay and how to behave if the business does not go? The answers to these questions are in our text.

Also on September 19, 2017, Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 337 “On regulation of the activities of individuals” was published. It expands the list of economic activities that citizens have the right to engage in without registering as individual entrepreneurs.

If the activity you need is not found in this list, for its systematic implementation you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur or create a legal entity. And here the most interesting begins.

How to apply

There are two most popular ways: bring documents in person or use the Internet.


- Currently, the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur is very simple,- comments lawyer Sergei Zikratsky. - It is enough to fill out an application, pay a fee, take a passport and a photo and go to the executive committee. The application form was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Justice No. 8 of 01/16/2009 and, as a rule, is available on the websites of the executive committees, for example.

It is necessary to open an IP in the executive committee at the place of registration. In the capital, individual entrepreneurs do this in the Registration and Licensing Department of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

Payment of duty

The fee for registering an individual entrepreneur is 0.5 base unit (now it is 11 rubles 50 kopecks). Details for its payment must be specified in the executive committee. For the capital, the current details can be found on the website of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

An important point: according to the Tax Code, the Registration and Licensing Department of the Minsk City Executive Committee or another registering body cannot accept a receipt without the original blue seal of the bank with the signature of its employee. Now the issue of introducing payment of duties through the ERIP is being discussed. However, it is still unclear how quickly it will be resolved.

Possible mistakes

When filling out the required application, you are unlikely to make any fatal mistakes. Basically, these are blots made by carelessness: I forgot to indicate the passport number or something else. If you are not sure, you can go for a consultation, during which experts will chew on how to fill out the forms. To deal with the application, a prepared person will spend a maximum of 10 minutes.

- Filling out the application should not cause any particular difficulties, except, perhaps, for determining the type of activity that is planned to be carried out, Zikratsky notes. - Types of activities are determined in accordance with OKRB 005-2011 "Types of economic activity". You can familiarize yourself with the classifier and instructions for its use.

Registration certificate

The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur in the presence of the collected package of documents takes no more than 20 minutes. A proper certificate of state registration in accordance with the law is issued the next day. At the same time, in the registration authority in Minsk, an IP certificate is issued at the time of its registration.

- Thus, the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur is not at all complicated and takes no more than a few days,- concludes the lawyer.

What to do after registering an IP

When you have a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur in your hands, you can make a seal. Although it is optional for IP.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur with the tax authorities, the Social Security Fund, Belgosstrakh, and statistical authorities is not your headache. This will be done by the board. A new-found individual entrepreneur can receive notifications of registration with state bodies five working days after registration. To do this, you will need to look at the same executive committee that registered it. You don't have to pay anything.

- However, you still have to go to the tax office, the lawyer warns. - The legislation requires that each individual entrepreneur keep a book of records of inspections and a book of comments and suggestions. The book of comments and suggestions is sold through the trading network of the Belblankvyd publishing house, which has kiosks in many IMNS. The book of checks can also be bought at the publishing house, but it must be additionally registered with the inspectorate. To do this, you need to enter the completed book in the "One Window" in your IMNS.

To open a bank account, now only an application for opening an account and a copy of the IP registration certificate (without notarization) are required. It is also worth taking your passport and seal with you (if it was made).

When going through the state registration procedure, you yourself have the right to initiate in the application for state registration the sending to the bank of the information necessary for opening a bank account. In this case, when opening a bank account, you no longer need to provide a copy of the IP registration certificate.

Registration in the Commercial Register

This is only necessary for those individual entrepreneurs who plan to trade. If you have such intentions, you must register in the Commercial Register. The procedure is free. The completed application should be submitted to the trade department of the executive committee (district administration) at the place of its registration.

Forms of applications for registration in the trade register and instructions for filling them out are available on the website of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus (MART).

Registration in the Register of Household Services

- When providing household services (for example, hairdressing, shoe repair, service stations), registration in the register of household services is mandatory. It's also free. A complete list of services, the provision of which requires registration in the register, application forms and the procedure for filling it out are available on the MART website, Zikratsky notes.

Cash acceptance

When receiving cash, in the vast majority of cases, "IPs" must use cash registers (KSA). True, there are exceptions. The list of cases when you can do without KSA is established by the Decree of the National Bank and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 924/16 of 07/06/2011. This resolution and other regulatory documents on cash acceptance are available on the website of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties.

In our country, only those KSA models that are listed in a special register can be used. Companies that specialize in the sale and maintenance of cash equipment will be able to choose the right model, help with its registration with the IMNS, and carry out further maintenance.

Obtaining licenses

If you want to open a pawnshop, provide legal services, or operate a taxi, you need a license. The list of such activities is constantly being reduced. Its full version was established by decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 450 of 09/01/2010.


The most interesting.

When carrying out certain types of activities (for example, hairdressing services, transportation, cleaning and cleaning of premises, and some others), individual entrepreneurs pay a single tax.

- The types of activities in the implementation of which individual entrepreneurs pay a single tax are established by Article 296 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus. I draw your attention to the fact that the payment of a single tax is the responsibility of an individual entrepreneur, Zikratsky says. - If its type of activity is among those established by Article 296 of the Tax Code and at the same time services are provided to individuals, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay a single tax and cannot apply a different taxation system.

If the type of activity does not oblige to pay a single tax, an individual entrepreneur can independently choose a taxation system.

- In this case, an individual entrepreneur has the right to either pay income tax in the amount of 16% exclusively on income (revenue minus documented expenses), or apply a simplified taxation system and pay 5% of all revenue (or 3% of revenue plus VAT). I draw your attention to the fact that the simplified system of taxation of individual entrepreneurs may not apply to all types of activities. There are also revenue limits. These questions are best studied in advance.

To apply the simplified taxation system, you must submit an application to the Tax Inspectorate at the place of your registration.

- This must be done no later than 20 working days from the date of registration. The application form was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Republic of Belarus No. 42 of December 24, 2014. This form, as well as other documents required by entrepreneurs, is on the website of the Ministry of Taxes and Dues of the Republic of Belarus, sums up the lawyer.

What to look out for

There is a decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 40 dated 16.01.2009 “On the social protection fund of the population of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection”. According to him, a person who has become an entrepreneur, regardless of whether he carries out activities or not, must pay a contribution to the Social Security Fund. If he has a main place of work and the employer pays a contribution for him, there are no questions to the individual entrepreneur. If an individual is an individual entrepreneur and does not work anywhere, the fee must be paid from the moment of registration.

Modeling the situation in case of business failure. When everything is so deplorable, the IP should immediately begin the procedure for terminating activities. Until it is started, the contribution to the Social Security Fund continues to accrue. This occurs before the commencement of the termination procedure. If you have retired, the debt will be collected from your pension contributions.

Being in the process of liquidation (termination of activities), you will not be able to act as the founder of a new enterprise.

If you decide to withdraw from the founders and even properly notified your partners, but they did not make the appropriate changes to the statutory documents, you will still continue to be listed as a founder in the USR database.

Let's imagine that the business did not go. The process of terminating the activities of an IP takes at least two months (from the date of publication of the publication), taking into account the absence of accounts payable.

The procedure is simple: pay for the placement of an announcement about the termination of business activities in the journal "Justice of Belarus" (the cost of the announcement is 9 rubles) and write a corresponding application to the registration authority. Two months from the date of publication of the publication is the time during which creditors can file a claim.

- In accordance with the changes in the regulation on the procedure for the liquidation of business entities, which will come into force in September 2017, the executive committee itself will notify the “Justice of Belarus” about the start of the liquidation procedure, Zikratsky says. - Therefore, the entrepreneur will have less worries and expenses at the stage of termination of activities.

Business ideas are concepts that help you start your own business. The main thing is to choose the right business idea. At the same time, you need to rely only on your own strength and give preference only to those ideas that are closer to you personally. Perhaps there are some skills, abilities or appropriate special education.

What are business ideas?

Business ideas are a way to earn money and start your own business. Their feature is availability. Since such business ideas are designed for a wide range of people and involve a minimum of investment.
Meanwhile, the success of this or that undertaking depends on several conditions. They are universal and fair to any type of business:

  • Availability of own funds. Don't count on loans. It is advisable to do without loans at all. Indeed, at the initial stage it is completely unclear how profitable the business will be. Therefore, if you have to take a loan, then its size should be within the power of the borrower. Otherwise, a business, instead of a stable income, can simply lead to disaster;
  • It is necessary to take into account the demand for a particular business. At the same time, greater demand means greater competition. New businesses will have a hard time in a busy market. At the same time, the sale of well-known goods or the provision of popular services will find their client and this will make it possible to get on their feet. And unique, little-known offers are good because the level of competition will be low or not at all. This is good, but you have to try to find your target audience;
  • Legal arrangement. You should not choose an activity that will require complex design. As a rule, this is also associated with serious tax deductions;
  • Room rental. If there is limited funds, then you should choose a business that does not require a large room. Ideally, it is best to make do with your own space. There are many options that can be organized either completely without a room or on your own personal plot.

Popular business ideas 2017 with minimal investment

Business ideas 2017 with minimal investment, these are profitable and promising concepts that do not involve large-scale investments. Among them, the most famous are:

  • business ideas with minimal investment this is dropshipping. Such a business means trading on the Internet the goods of the manufacturer and receiving the difference in profits as their own income. To do this, you can rent an online store and pay very modest funds for rent;
  • tire fitting. This type of business does not require a long process. It always has a large number of customers and is in demand regardless of the season. In addition, equipment can be purchased used. And for the first time, you can get by on your own and one hired worker;
  • greenhouse business. This is another interesting option. You can make greenhouses with your own hands and arrange heating in them. For this, improvised materials will suffice. There is no need to hire employees, because all the work at the initial stage can be done independently. In addition, the greenhouse business can be engaged even without any registration. This will help save a lot of money and withstand the difficult period of formation;
  • rearing poultry. Chickens, turkeys, geese and other poultry are very unpretentious and do not need large rooms. Such a business can be started in a garage or in a personal plot. At the same time, poultry meat is always in demand on the market;
  • production of souvenirs. Despite the increase in the tourist flow to Belarus, the market for souvenirs is not sufficiently developed. Therefore, it is an accessible niche with great growth prospects;
  • small cafe or restaurant. This option will be good for those who have a culinary education or cook well. Catering outlets with inexpensive homemade food are always popular. Such a business can bring good profits and develop steadily;
  • sewing workshop. Tailoring and repair of clothes is always profitable. And if you sew children's things and hand them over for sale, then you can grow up to your own store in one year. After all, high-quality domestic things are always interesting to consumers;
  • internet shop. You can trade on the Internet with the same goods as in a regular store. At the same time, online trading does not need its own warehouse premises, trading floors and large staff. Therefore, such a business is economical and profitable;
  • flower trade. Flower shops are a stable and promising business. Bouquets, seedlings and other related products are invariably in demand;
  • if there is a passion for photography and the appropriate equipment, then such a passion can easily be turned into a flourishing business and shoot weddings, weddings, anniversaries, christenings, and so on.

IMPORTANT. For photo and video services, you can not even register as an individual entrepreneur for the first time, this will save money. And if you have your own equipment, you can practically do without investments.
Such business ideas with minimal investment will allow you to get on your feet in a short time and develop your own business.

small business business ideas

Small business ideas on the Internet have many advantages. So, such business ideas for small businesses do not need their own employees. Calls can be received by a universal call center. In addition, such business ideas for small businesses do not require their own warehouse or office space.
Data You can start implementing from the comfort of your own home.

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If you only ask yourself the question: “What kind of business can you do?”, It means that you are not yet ripe to become an entrepreneur.

Your business is not yet in development or planning, it is still a dream.

But dreaming about business is not bad either. In your dreams, you can come up with what will later become a successful business.

In order to start a business, you need to start from what you do best or what you have the ability to do.

If you like to build something, develop this area and start a business. You don't have to take on something you don't know anything about.

Every day we come across new business ideas on the street, in the press and we understand that it is so simple and at the same time so brilliant.

Someone came up with a great business and began to develop it, and you missed such a great opportunity.

In other respects, there can be a million successful and unique business ideas, but yours should be special, and only you yourself know what and how you want to develop.

If you can’t come up with your own business right away, then turn to the Internet.

There are a huge number of articles about new business ideas. After reading them, you can choose one for yourself or create your own on the basis of some.

Before starting a business, everything must be clearly thought out, weighed.

Write to yourself on a piece of paper how you imagine all this, you can create something like a business plan. Next, discuss all your assumptions with loved ones.

When choosing such a business, it is necessary to take into account not only profit and development, but also the possible risk of business failure.

After all, any of the activities requires huge efforts, financial costs and a lot of time.

What to choose to start a business in Belarus

According to experts, most of all medium and small enterprises are engaged in such an area as trade. Next comes industrial production and in third place is construction. Let's take a look at each type of business.

Such processes as repair and construction will be eternal. Increasingly, old houses are being demolished and new ones are being built. And in a new house or even an apartment, it is necessary to make repairs.

Technology allows you to expand the possibilities and already familiar, old wallpapers do not look fashionable. There will always be demand and work in this area.

So it’s not for nothing that this area is in the top three most popular business ideas.

Business ideas in Belarus in the field of industry

No process or business can do without industry. After all, all equipment, materials and raw materials are manufactured by industrial giants.

It is not necessary to take on something large-scale, you can produce a product that will become an alternative, but at the same time its market demand must be high.

The most ancient and popular occupation on the market is considered to be such a type of entrepreneurial activity as trade.

In order for a business in the field of trade to become successful, it is necessary to find one for which there is a demand and which is not so much on the market. That's the whole scheme.

If you are lucky with the manufacturer, then by properly organizing your trade, you will become a successful businessman. But you also need to be mindful of progress.

Your business should not stand still and just go on as usual. Advertise, promote and improve - that's the key to success.

When you start a new business, the state takes your side and provides support in every possible way. But you should not relax at the initial stage. It is necessary to weigh everything, carefully read the contracts and study loan documents.

A good option would be to attend some specialized courses before starting a business, read literature and get acquainted with the experiences of businessmen who were able to become successful.

It is important to know not only all the correct steps, but also the mistakes that should be avoided. You will have to deal with creditors, bankers, tax inspectors and other officials. And it’s worth preparing for such a serious conversation in advance.

You also need to remember that you are entering the serious world of business, and it is worth coming to the interview in a solid suit. Not regular jeans.

Generally accepted principles in business in Belarus

It does not matter where you are going to start your own business. It can be Belarus, Sweden or an Internet startup.

Each type of business has its own standard operating principles and you need to follow them.. These are the product, the customers, the team, the business model, and the finances.

Common mistakes new entrepreneurs make

Typical business mistakes are not specific to one country, they are the same for doing business in general.

So, let's take a look at them one by one:

  1. Consumers. If you have not analyzed the market for demand, but simply idealized the possibilities of your sales, then get ready for failure. Before starting a business, you need to calculate the market capacity of your product. And remember that not one marketing move, including an advertising campaign, will save you from failure. If there is a client, then it must be attracted. And if there is no potential buyer, then nothing will help you;
  2. Product. If you're going to make or sell a product that solves a missing problem, it will never pay off. You can't sell refrigerators in the north and heaters in the south. Sell ​​what is really in demand. The need for your service or product must be clearly visible on the market, otherwise your business will turn into a loss without starting to make a profit.
  3. Creation of a team. If your case involves the creation of a team. Then you must become an authority and in no case transfer your duties to someone else. After your mechanism is set up and you see the future, only then can you create a special department that will deal with clients, an advertising manager and a receivables group. And at the initial stage, everything must be personally controlled, otherwise the entire pyramid of employees will fall apart at the first slack.
  4. financial question. Every business, no matter how big or small, needs capital investment. Calculate which of the investments will be reasonable and calculate the required amount of credit. It is also necessary to draw up some kind of payment plan in order not to suddenly become bankrupt and a debtor. If you invest a small amount, then your business runs the risk of not starting. But too much invested money will lead to the fact that you can relax and start spending it on those components that will not generate income.

Also, from the very beginning, calculate what expenses you will have, and from what sources the profit will come. After all, any type of business provides, first of all, income, and then pleasure from work.

  • Your business model. A certain business model, in other words, a business plan, must be clearly spelled out. Even if you are going to consult with a specialist about its correct creation, first try to prescribe each of the points of your business yourself. You must write down the actual costs and possible profits, evaluate the market, competitors, and also do not forget an additional plan of action if you fail. In this way, you will be better versed in all aspects of the business. In addition, do not forget that a business should not stand still and it is impossible to constantly act according to the same model. It is necessary to constantly come up with some changes to increase profits.

If you still have not decided where to start your business, then look around. Perhaps you have a very good job and the salary suits you. If not, then write a plan of action forward by the pen.

On our website, we publish fresh business ideas (recent news), or already working profitable niches, unique super-themes that are gaining popularity, great deals for those who do not know what kind of business to open (small, small, mini, large or international) how to start a business, which of the ideas are cost-effective, interesting for business in a small or large city. This section will help you find good ideas (simple and successful) for your business.

What is a business idea?

This is an idea that can be used to build a new company or a new line of business in an existing business. It is usually used to create goods or services that can be sold for money. There are several methods for generating and testing business ideas. The ability to transform into a viable business must be supported by a feasible and well-written business plan, which can then be sold for a certain amount to interested investors or companies themselves before the idea itself is realized. It can also be sold by concluding a contract for its implementation with the manager, or other methods of compensation can be used.

An idea, applied at the right time, when the demand for the goods or services mentioned in it is expected to grow, can lead to the creation of a highly profitable business or the growth of an existing one. In the conditions of increasing high competition in many industries, innovative business ideas began to appear aimed at creating goods / services, for which there is currently no demand at all. They are aimed at creating demand by offering absolutely new products to the market.

How to come up with a new idea? Generation techniques

As a rule, a successful idea for a business is generated either by experts in a particular industry or by newcomers who come from other areas and are not burdened with the traditions and clichés of the chosen industry. That is, the latter can come, for example, from the financial sector to the fashion industry.

For generation, you can use a structural analysis of existing industries, markets, business models, processes. Typically, policy briefs are written, a SWOT analysis, variations of a PEST analysis, or Porter's Five Forces Analysis are conducted. Brainstorming is often used.