Report on the check of the system "Antiplagiat.VUZ. Checking texts (dissertations, diplomas, research projects) for "anti-plagiarism" with the issuance of an official Opinion on originality. Report on the check for plagiarism

General Provisions

1.1. The regulations for checking the texts of graduate qualification works for the amount of borrowing have been developed in order to establish the procedure for checking the amount of borrowing of the texts of graduate qualification works (WQP) of students of bachelor's programs, specialty programs and master's programs (hereinafter referred to as students) at the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian state professional Pedagogical University "(hereinafter referred to as the University, or RGPPU) and identifying unauthorized borrowings.

1.2. Verification of FQP texts for the amount of borrowing is carried out in accordance with the requirement of paragraph 38 of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist programs and master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 636 dated June 29, 2015.

1.3. Checking the FQP texts for the amount of borrowing is carried out in order to control the degree of independence and improve the quality of students' FQP performance, as well as to increase their level of self-discipline and compliance with intellectual property rights.

1.4. Unauthorized borrowing (plagiarism) is understood as the non-independent performance of written work, that is, the use of someone else's text published on paper or electronic media, without reference to the source or in the presence of links, when the volume and nature of borrowing casts doubt on the independence of the work as a whole or what - either from its sections or parts.

Types of plagiarism are recognized as:

Verbatim reproduction of someone else's text;

Paraphrase - reproduction of someone else's text with the replacement of words and expressions without changing the content of the borrowed text.

1.5. Lawful borrowing means the use in the text of the names of institutions, state authorities and local governments; references to regulatory legal acts; texts of laws; lists of references; repetitions, including frequently recurring set expressions and legal terms; citing text, excerpts from documents for their analysis.

1.6. Verification of FQP texts for the amount of borrowing at the university is carried out using the "Antiplagiat.VUZ" system ( Registration of users of the system and management of access rights is carried out by specialists of the department for the development of information networks and technical support (hereinafter referred to as the department of RISiTS) of the Department for Information Development and Information Educational Technologies (UIRiOT) of the RSUPU.

1.7. The reports of the "Antiplagiat.VUZ" system are the information basis for making decisions by the heads of the issuing departments on the admission of FQP to public protection and evaluation of FQP by the heads and members of state examination commissions (SEC).


2.1. Not later than a week before the preliminary defense of the FQP, students submit to the head of the FQP an electronic version of the FQP text in Microsoft Office Word format in one file.

2.2. The head of the FQP, no later than within three working days from the moment the student submits the file with the text of the FQP, checks the text of the FQP for the amount of borrowings using the Antiplagiat.VUZ system.

2.3. The result of checking the text of the WRC is recorded in the Certificate on the results of checking the text of the final qualifying work for the amount of borrowings (see Appendix) and signed by the head of the WRC.

The procedure for admitting FQPs to public protection after verification USING the "Antiplagiat.VUZ" system

3.1. A student is allowed to preliminary defense and public defense of the FQP at the State Electoral Commission if there is at least 50% of the original text for bachelor's and specialist's works and at least 60% for master's works.

3.2. If there is a smaller volume of the original text, the FQP is sent to the student for revision while maintaining the previously approved topic and after that it is re-checked no later than 10 days before the start of the GEC's work on the defense of the FQP.

3.3. After a second check in the case of unacceptable volumes of the borrowed text of the FQP in the current academic year, the defense is not allowed.

3.4. The head of the department, upon written submission from the head of the FQP, has the right to admit the FQP with a smaller share of the original text to the defense if the analysis of the verification report using the Antiplagiat.VUZ system confirms the independence of the FQP.

3.5. A certificate on the results of checking the text of the final qualifying work for the amount of borrowings is transferred to the State Electoral Commission for the defense of the WRC along with a set of other documents, and the results of the check are taken into account when issuing the final grade for the defense of the WRC.

Document storage procedure

4.1. The original of the Certificate on the results of checking the text of the final qualifying work for the amount of borrowings is stored together with the FQP in the manner prescribed by the regulatory documents of the university.

Vice-rector for informatization _____________ A.A. Karasik



Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution
higher education

"Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University"



In accordance with the RSPPU Regulations for checking the texts of final qualifying works for the amount of borrowing, approved by the rector ___________ No. __________ and on the basis of the requirements of clause 38 "The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist programs and master's programs", approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 29, 2015 No. 636, using the Antiplagiat.VUZ system (, a check was carried out for the amount of borrowing of the student's FQP text

Course, groups __________

(surname, name, patronymic in full)

on the topic of "______________________________________________________________________


(topic of final qualifying work)

According to the results of the check, the share of the original text of the work is _______%.

A printout of the Antiplagiat.VUZ system check report is attached.

The check was performed by:

head of the WRC

_________________________________ ______________ ____________________

position, department signature Full name

"____" ____________ 20___

Antiplagiat.VUZ system check report

Dear user!

Please note that the Antiplagiat system answers the question of whether this or

other piece of text borrowed or not. The answer to the question is whether borrowed

the fragment is exactly plagiarized, and not a legitimate quote, the system leaves at your discretion.

It is also important to note that the system finds the source of borrowing, but does not determine

whether it is the primary source.

Document information:

Source file name:

Name of the company:

Document type:

Document name:

Check date:

Search modules:



Readability index:

Unknown words:

Max. word length:

Big words:

Original blocks:

Borrowed blocks:

Borrowing from "white" sources:

Final score for originality:

Many students don't know how make a certificate for anti-plagiarism on one's own. We will tell you and show you with examples the entire procedure for creating this help. To get help anti-plagiarism, you need to do everything as shown below.

2. To download the help report from the free version of you need to select "Print version" in the opened window "File" - "Print" - Microsoft Print to PDF printing tool and your help report will be saved in PDF format.

Sample report on the check

The anti-plagiarism system, after checking your work, issues verification report report.

This report will contain all the information: originality in%, borrowings%, citations%, date of verification (for example: 04/04/2017), sources.

Let's decipher each value separately.

1. Originality Is the percentage of the original text in your work. The higher it is, the better. In each university, according to the requirements, it can be different. But more than 65% of the originality of the text is recommended.

2. Borrowing- this is the percentage of the text in the work that you borrowed from any sources. In simple terms, what you took and copied into your work. The lower the percentage of borrowing, the better.

3. Citations- this is the direct use of text from some source, i.e. transmission of the author's thoughts without distortion.

4. Date Is the day, month and year when the system was checked for work. (For example, 04/04/2017).

5. Sources- these are the sources where the system found matches with your text. Here, too, the fewer the better.

Sample report on the check Antiplagiat.UZ

In the paid version of Antiplagiat.UZ, you can download a report with the full content of the sources. The figure shows an arrow on the button, by clicking on which you can save the report. It will be in the format

How difficult it is these days to bring a term paper or essay to the desired percentage of uniqueness in Antiplagiat.UZ or ETXT. Students spend hours "sweating" over their texts in order to somehow raise the originality and successfully pass the work. Okay, if the "teacher" requires 60-70% - this can still be achieved, although you will have to spend enough time, and it depends where the material was taken from. What if the instructor set the requirement at 90%? This is the guard, friends!

How to deal with this outrage and defeat the unfortunate anti-plagiarism? Who invented all this and what is it for? - such questions "are born" in thousands of students in their heads, when once again Antiplagiat shows 30-40% of uniqueness.

Remember that there is an anti-plagiarism anti-plagiarism for every anti-plagiarism! :)

Let's go directly to the topic of the question and figure it out, how to cheat anti-plagiarism when checking a term paper, diploma or essay in 2019-2020. - all this is quite realistic to do and get by with "little blood".

Struggle for uniqueness

It is necessary to include the internal reserves of vocabulary and start "creating". Each sentence in the text will need to be rearranged. We replace other people's thoughts with our own, we select synonyms. We leave only quotations and definitions from the original text. We create practically a new job, change the structure. Yes, the work is painstaking, but the uniqueness can be increased a lot. In this way, you can practically make an author's work from a downloaded term paper or diploma. The main thing is that the text in the work should have meaning and be formatted correctly.

It will take a lot of time and effort

The teacher can check the work for rewriting and find out where the material came from

If we approach the processing of the text "headlong", then this method is one of the best

It differs from the first recommendation in that we mainly use synonyms and use intelligence to a lesser extent. If in the complete rewriting of the text you have to use your own thoughts and knowledge in the subject of the work, then for superficial rewriting it is common to apply:

- substitution with synonyms

- the use of introductory elements, turns

- rearrangement of phrases, words

- changing the structure of text, paragraphs and sentences

It's easy to name this way to defeat anti-plagiarism programs, because they (programs) "grow wiser" every year and calculate rewriting quite well. In order not to get caught when checking, it is necessary to use in combination the listed methods of uniqueizing coursework and other work. For example, only the rearrangement of phrases will be immediately detected when checking for plagiarism in or Content-Watch, while in Advego the revised text will be highlighted in blue.

Below is a screenshot from the ETXT program, where you can see that the rewrite is already checking too.

This recommendation can work well if the work already has at least 30-40% uniqueness and you need to reach 70-80 - this is a very real opportunity to increase originality. Even a weak C grade student can outwit anti-plagiarism in this way. But patience and willpower will be required in any case.

That's how easy it used to be to pass term papers and essays ..! I replaced Russian letters in words with English ones and now you are 100% unique. Now that doesn't work anymore. The freebie is over :) It is getting harder and harder to cheat anti-plagiarism for free.

The method of diluting sentences with epithets, introductory words and phrases also does not work (and in educational work, the abundance of introductory words does not always look appropriate).

The selection of synonyms is quite a good method, but it is hardly applicable with a large number of scientific and professional terms. And, of course, if it is stupid to use auto-change, the teacher will laugh at the "delusional" text.

Let's summarize what no need waste time:

Substitution of Cyrillic letters for Latin ones

Adding introductory words

Synonymizing in large quantities

Burn the topic! Insert formulas, tables with pictures - anti-plagiarism programs will not notice them. Normal teachers themselves recommend this method, since it is impossible to make formulas unique! The main thing is not to overuse this feature.

In the markup of the MS WORD page, you can set automatic word wrap. How can this help in anti-plagiarism deception? Very simple. If you paste a document or copy a text with automatic word hyphenation enabled in, then the system will perceive some words as unique, because the words will be partially truncated.

Note: this method can increase the uniqueness by no more than 2-7 percent. If you do not have enough to pass the anti-plagiarism check, you can try this method.

To enable this option, you need to perform certain actions in ms word (screenshot below):

The essence of this method to bypass anti-plagiarism is that you need to search for material in English, Ukrainian or another language, then translate the material into Russian. The resulting material in Russian will need to be corrected in order to give the text the correct format. This option is free to cheat anti-plagiarism, but it is difficult to call it free, because the loss of time for translation and proofreading is also a kind of payment. And it is not known how the plagiarism check will behave, because it may happen that you find the work you need, and after the translation of the text it will be borrowed from another source in Russian. Each student chooses the method that suits him best.

We are talking about scientific works that were not indexed by search engines. You can be "figured out" if the examiner was already familiar with this work. But if you copy and paste carefully and smash the texts with your personal thoughts, then the result can be very good.

Where to find non-indexed texts? It can be:

Foreign sites

Translation of foreign works and articles

Dissertations from paid catalogs

Not yet digitized material taken from the library

Note: the Antiplagiat.UZ system can also check texts not only in Yandex and Google, but also against closed sources. Keep this in mind, and try to find a way to pre-check your work using closed sources as well.

If you do not have time to independently correct the downloaded coursework, diplomas, abstracts, then you can use the services of our service.

The system increases the uniqueness of the work in a technical way (at the level of the document code).

The text in the document does not change (visually), but when checked against, the university or in the ETXT program, the uniqueness will meet your requirements.

For example, you can upload a downloaded finished work with a 5% uniqueness to the system. To raise the uniqueness to the desired value, for example, up to 80-100%, you must:

1. Upload the file with the finished work to our system

2. Select the desired processing system and specify the percentage

3. Wait for online processing of your text

4. Check the processed document and successfully submit the work to the educational institution.

An example of checking a thesis that was processed in our service (screenshot below):

The picture shows that using our service you can cheat anti-plagiarism online and to increase the uniqueness of any educational work up to 80-100%, without wasting your precious time on "dancing with a tambourine" around a term paper or thesis.

We wish you successful studies and easy passage of anti-plagiarism!

Good day!

What is plagiarism? Usually, this term is understood as non-unique information that they are trying to pass off as their own, while violating copyright law. Antiplagiarism - this refers to various services to combat non-unique information, which can check the text for its uniqueness. Actually, these services will be discussed in this article.

Remembering my student years, when some of our teachers checked the course papers for uniqueness, I can conclude that the article will be useful to everyone whose work will also be checked for plagiarism. At the very least, it is better to check your work yourself and correct it in advance than to retake it 2-3 times.

So, let's begin…

In general, you can check the text for uniqueness in several ways: using special programs; using sites that provide such services. Let's consider both options sequentially.

Programs for checking text for uniqueness

1) Advego Plagiatus

One of the best and fastest programs (in my opinion) for checking any text for uniqueness. Why is she attractive:


After checking, non-unique areas are highlighted and can be easily and quickly corrected;

It works very quickly.

To check the text, just copy it into the window with the program and press the check button. For example, I checked out the introduction of this article. The result is 94% uniqueness, not bad enough (the program found some frequently occurring phrases on other sites). By the way, sites where the same pieces of text were found are displayed in the lower window of the program.

2) Etxt Antiplagiat

An analogue of Advego Plagiatus, however, the text check takes longer and is checked more thoroughly. Usually, in this program, the percentage of uniqueness of the text is lower than in many other services.

Using it is just as simple: first you need to copy the text into the window, then click the check button. After a dozen or two seconds, the program will give the result. By the way, in my case, the program returned the same 94% ...

About online services anti-plagiarism

There are actually dozens of similar services (sites) (if not hundreds). They all work with different test parameters, with different capabilities and conditions. Some services will check 5-10 texts for you for free, the rest of the texts only for an extra charge ...

In general, I tried to collect the most interesting services that are used by most of the auditors.

Service is not bad enough, it works quickly. I checked the text in just 10-15 seconds. You do not need to register to check on the site (convenient). When typing, it also shows its length (number of characters). After verification, it will show the uniqueness of the text and the addresses where it found copies. What is also very convenient is the ability to ignore some site when checking (useful when you are checking information that you have posted on your site, has anyone copied it ?!).

To start work on this service, you need to register (you can use to enter registration in any social network: VKontakte, classmates, Twitter, etc.).

You can check either a simple text file (by uploading it to the site), or simply by copying the text into the window. Quite convenient. The check is fast enough. For each text that you uploaded to the site, a report will be provided, it looks like this (see the picture below).


A fairly well-known resource on the network. Allows you not only to check your article for uniqueness, but also to find the sites on which it is published (in addition, you can specify sites that do not need to be taken into account when checking, for example, the one from which the text was copied 🙂).

Verification, by the way, is very simple and fast. You do not need to register, but you also don’t need to wait beyond the information content of the service. After checking, a simple window appears: it shows the percentage of uniqueness of the text, as well as a list of site addresses where your text is present. In general, it is convenient.

Free online text checker, no need to register. It works very quickly, after checking it provides a report with the percentage of uniqueness, the number of characters with and without problems.

A very solid plagiarism checker service. Works with search engines Yahoo and Google (the latter is available after registration). This has its pros and cons ...

As for the verification itself, there are several options here: verification of simple text (which is most relevant for many), verification of a page on the Internet (for example, your portal, blog), and verification of a finished text file (see the screenshot below, red arrows) ...

After checking, the service gives out a percentage of uniqueness and a list of resources where certain sentences from your text were found. Among the shortcomings: the service thinks about large texts for quite a long time (on the one hand, it is good - it checks the resource qualitatively, on the other - if you have a lot of texts, I'm afraid it won't suit you ...).

That's all. If you know more interesting services and programs for checking for plagiarism, I will be very grateful. All the best!