How to open an internet marketing agency? Contextual advertising agency as your business Customer feedback.

Do not want to engage in sales, and production is not for you? Ask how the advertising business works. Perhaps this way of earning is suitable for you.

♦ Capital investments – 700,000 rubles
♦ Payback - up to 1 year

There is an erroneous opinion that creative people will never be able to open a profitable business, and vice versa, entrepreneurs, completely devoid of imagination, will never launch a creative startup, preferring the old proven methods.

However, there is a field of activity that combines creativity and business, which suits both "physicists" and "lyricists", which is quite easy to start from scratch.

If you do not want to engage in buying and selling, and production is not for you, then ask how to open an advertising agency.

Perhaps this creative and interesting way to make money will suit you.

Advertising business: what is it and how to open it

  • distributes outdoor advertising;
  • promotes the product in the media;
  • conducts PR campaigns, including political ones;
  • advertises its client on the Internet;
  • conducts SMS marketing.

This is what most advertising agencies do.

Domestic businessmen who want to open an advertising business often focus on one thing.

They think for a long time where to start, and in the end they start promoting their client on the Internet (the most promising and inexpensive way of advertising) or organize a PR agency promoting the latest brand, politician or star.

On the one hand, opening a narrow-profile agency is profitable, because you do not need to hire a large staff or rent a giant office.

On the other hand, there is a risk that you will not be able to build a client base, because few people who need advertising will enter into contracts with several agencies to market their product in different ways.

How should an advertising agency work if I decide to open one?

Advertising business owners have two options:

  1. Engage in the promotion of one client in various ways.
  2. Form a base of many clients of varying profitability.

The first option is not very popular in our country, except that we are talking about a political PR campaign (often advertising agencies are created by a specific politician to promote themselves).

But abroad, manufacturing giants prefer that PR people focus only on advertising their brand, not spraying on others.

That is why companies such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi and others know where to start conquering the market of another country: by opening a branch of an advertising agency in this state.

The main thing for you is to start building a client base, and then you will find your bearings: you will be able to catch a big fish, you will only be engaged in its promotion, if not, you can make good money on small clients, the main thing is that you have:

  • advertising space (contracts with the media, websites, etc.);
  • personnel who are able to create impeccable and creative PR products;
  • structures (banners, cubes, etc.);
  • normal technical equipment;
  • partnerships with, which will quickly and efficiently print the products you have created in large quantities.

Without what it is impossible to open an advertising agency?


    You must be a creative person with a rich imagination.
    If you are a hopeless "physicist", then you will not be able to control the actions of your subordinates.

    Stress resistance.

    In the advertising business, there are different instances.
    Sometimes products have to be redone several times until you please the client.
    Moreover, the customer will not always express his dissatisfaction politely and tolerantly.
    Among entrepreneurs, there are different instances and you need to learn how to find a common language with everyone.

    Be a good psychologist.

    Again, you have to deal with different clients.
    Some will come to you with ready-made ideas, expecting only their high-quality implementation in promotional products, and someone will contact you with the wording “I want this, I don’t know what” and you must quickly assess the client in order to understand what exactly needs to be offered to him.


    You will have to communicate a lot with people, and if you start to blush in the company of strangers, then it makes sense to think about opening not an advertising agency, but something else.
    Communication is indispensable in this business.

    Be a good manager.

    The advertising business is still a business.
    If you gush with ideas, but are unable to organize the work of staff, calculate income, and guess to cut costs where possible, then your agency will quickly burn out.

Of course, the lack of these qualities should not necessarily prevent you from opening an advertising agency.

You can hire people who will have all the necessary qualities for the advertising business.

But still, it is better if the boss sets an example for his subordinates and is well versed in the business he is engaged in, which cannot be said about many unsuccessful businessmen.

If you decide to open an advertising agency from scratch, then you may want to take the advice of professionals who know how to start your business in order to build up a client base as quickly as possible and get the first profit:

  1. Come up with a creative name for your business.
    Customers will pay attention to the name of your company.
    They will understand: if you are not able to come up with an interesting name for your company, then how can you come up with a creative and effective advertising campaign for them.
    The name of the agency should be short, memorable, and easy to match with the products you will be using to promote your business.
  2. Do not rush the day after you decide to open an advertising agency, trying to catch the "big fish".
    Work with small companies doing small orders for them.
    So you will gain experience and learn to better understand the customer.
  3. When offering your services to potential clients, talk about your uniqueness.
    It is impossible, when calling customers, to say the same thing to everyone on the phone: “Hello. Manya's name is Ivan Ivanovich.
    I have decided to open an advertising agency and offer you my services.” Tell me what makes you different from your competitors.
  4. Be sure to study your competitors: the advertising campaigns they ran, their pricing policy, what their customers were especially happy and dissatisfied with (if possible), etc.
    This will help you avoid common mistakes at work.
  5. Do not forget that the advertising business also needs to be advertised.

How to advertise an advertising agency that you have decided to open?

The most effective ways to promote a new agency are:

    Phone calls.

    You take a directory of enterprises in your city and start methodically calling them, informing them that a unique advertising agency has finally opened in your city that can conduct an effective and original PR campaign from scratch.

    You need to get the email addresses of enterprises in your city and send them letters with a proposal for cooperation.
    Work on the text of the letter in order to hook the client from the first lines, otherwise your message will end up in the basket even before reading.

    Mass media.

    Banners, cubes, bulletin boards, etc.
    The main thing is that your ad is interesting and attracts attention.

    Don't underestimate their power to spread the information you need.

    Word of mouth radio.

    One happy client will tell another happy client about a great advertising agency that has opened, and you'll quickly build a client base.

Having a website immediately suggests that you are a serious company that you can do business with.

How to open an advertising agency: calendar perspectives

Launching a startup like advertising business, does not require a long preparatory process.

If you decide to open an agency, then you need to take care of the standard steps: registration, finding a suitable office space, recruiting staff, purchasing equipment, and finding clients.

If you quickly implement all of the above and get smart assistants, you can launch a startup from scratch in 5 months, in extreme cases - in six months.

Office search and repair
Purchase of equipment
Search for the first clients

How to open an advertising agency: the main stages of launching a startup

We have already talked about what needs to be done to open an advertising agency.

And now let's take a closer look at all the stages of launching a startup.


Choose one of the appropriate forms for opening an agency: IP, LLC, CJSC.

The simplest in terms of registration is the first form - IP, but the other two will require cooperation with a qualified lawyer, because it is quite difficult to deal with all the nuances of the procedure on your own.

Choose a form of taxation that will not ruin you at the beginning of the launch of an advertising business, for example, UTII.


However, you should not climb to the remote outskirts, since it is unlikely that any of the businessmen will want to travel so far to get acquainted with samples of your products.

If you still decide to save on rent and open an agency too far from the center, then be sure to take care of creating a website to make it easier for your customers to get to know you.

Do not invest too much money in the renovation of the rented premises.

You are not a restaurant, so you should not amaze with the interior.

Neutral-colored walls can be decorated with samples of the most successful products made by your agency.

But the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which you will work depends on how large an advertising agency you decide to open.

If you are targeting a modest business, then at first you can rent 1-2 rooms for an office in one of the office buildings for several employees to work.

Serious agencies need offices with a total area of ​​at least 50-60 square meters.


The number of employees you need to hire depends on how big of an advertising agency you decide to open.

To start a small agency, you definitely need to hire:

  • two designers, one of whom will be engaged in the manufacture of a creative product, and the other will perform technical work: layout, etc.;
  • a manager whose main task is to attract new customers;
  • cleaning lady - without her, you will drown in the mud.

You will perform the functions of the head of an advertising agency: negotiate with clients, conclude contracts, attach advertising in the media, etc.

If you can handle the bookkeeping on your own, then save on the position of an accountant. Otherwise, you will have to hire an accountant or conclude an agreement with an outsourcing company.

And you can’t do without a programmer, since your main equipment is computers. He can be hired part-time.

QtySalary (in rubles)Total (in rubles)
Total: 74 000 rub.
Designers (technical and creative)2 20 000 40 000
Manager1 15 000 15 000
Cleaning woman1 9 000 9 000
part-time programmer1 10 000 10 000


Advertising agency equipment is expensive.

You will definitely need computers, and designers need powerful machines for work, which are very expensive, printing and office equipment, furniture, stationery and more.

The main expenses for office equipment will be as follows:

Item of expensesQtyCost (in rubles)Amount (in rubles)
Total: RUB 500,000
Computers or laptops
4 40 000 160 000
Laser printer
1 10 000 10 000
1 10 000 10 000
1 30 000 30 000
Large format printing press
1 100 000 100 000
Cutting plotter
1 70 000 70 000
Telephone sets
2 1 000 2 000
4 4 000 16 000
Visitor chairs and office chairs
8 2 000 16 000
Plumbing for the bathroom
10 000 10 000
Other 76 000 76 000

How to open an advertising agency and how much does it cost?

People who are interested in the topic of how to open an advertising agency are worried about the question “How much money will have to be invested in starting this startup?”.

Those who hoped for minimal spending will be disappointed.

As you can see, you need a decent capital investment in order to open an advertising agency.

If you were unable to collect the required amount on your own, then it makes sense to think about attracting a partner who would take on part of the costs.

After all, you expect not only one-time, but also monthly investments:

We offer you to watch a video about what you need,

If you open an advertising agency, how quickly will the costs pay off?

Another way is personal visits of the head or manager to organizations that need advertising.

You set the prices for your services yourself, focusing on the price level and financial capabilities of the inhabitants of your region.

You can work in the lower, middle or higher price category.

  • script - 10–20,000 rubles;
  • company logo - 20–30,000 rubles;
  • banner layout - 5–8,000 rubles;
  • layout in the media - 10–15,000 rubles;
  • original layout for a corporate publication - 20–30,000 rubles;
  • souvenir products - from 1,000 rubles;
  • a full-fledged PR campaign - from 100,000 rubles. etc.

In addition to orders from clients, you will receive a percentage of advertising in the media (this should be done only after agreement with the client).

A good income is 400–500,000 rubles per month.

It is very realistic to have such an income if you manage to acquire at least ten regular customers, do not ignore small orders and constantly work to expand your customer base.

The main thing is that the income of your business should not be lower than 200,000 rubles per month (after all, this is the amount your monthly expenses make up), otherwise you will work at a loss, which means the meaning open an advertising agency is lost.

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Internet marketing is a rather young direction, and for many it is still incomprehensible and mysterious. We managed to talk with one of the founders of an Internet marketing agency in Omsk and find out what “promotion on the Internet” is, whether it is in demand, and whether there is money in this niche. The peculiarity of the interview is that it will not be about Moscow or St. Petersburg, as everyone is used to, but about an ordinary city in Russia, albeit with a population of over a million people.

We pass the word to the author

Hello, tell us a little about yourself. Where did you study? Where did they work? With what baggage of knowledge and experience did you approach the moment of opening your own business?

Yes, hello. It is very pleasant that my person deserves the attention of such an authoritative resource. Let's go in order. My name is Ivan. Today I am 23 years old, and when I first started my business path, I was just under 20. I graduated from the Omsk State University of Communications (OmGUPS) with a degree in marketing. In parallel with the "point", he received an education in absentia at the same university with a degree in "English language translator". I did not manage to work anywhere in the course of my studies, except for a part-time job as a loader and taxi driver in the 1st year. And when would I have had time if I took up “my own” in the 4th year?

What motivated you to start the business? How did this idea come to mind? Moreover, at such a young age, when you want to walk, and not work with your head in a stuffy office?

Let's make a reservation right away that I am one of the founders of the agency. There are three of us who decided to open a business together. All had different reasons. Speaking specifically about me, I simply did not have enough money. I traveled by bus from home to university and back, had lunch every day in the cafeteria and bought a pack of cigarettes. All. My "pocket" money was enough for just that. And I wanted, as you yourself said, to walk. And it's good to walk. My friend, and now also a partner, was expelled from the university for a summer internship that was not completed, although there were only “five” in the “record” at the end of 3 courses. The third one is older than us. By that time, he had already received a higher education, but he did not work officially anywhere - he took work on freelance exchanges and lived off it. And so it happened that at one point all three decided to do something that would bring stability and money.

The only thing, please do not ask if I know that you can’t do business with friends. I know, but that's what rules are for, to be broken. We have not regretted and have not quarreled.

You know, maybe we would have considered the options, but we had too little experience and knowledge, so we decided to do what we are best at. We didn't have much of a choice. The freelance partner is a programmer by training. Discharged - computer science, the creation of computer programs for various purposes. Well, I'm a marketer, a "promoter". To be honest, I was the only one who didn’t care, because they taught me to sell anything. As a result, we have gathered a small team, where one can create websites, the other - programs and applications, and the third - to look for clients for these services. In addition, we had the strongest trump card up our sleeve: the mother of one of us was engaged in the design of individual entrepreneurs, LLCs and other things, so she did everything quickly and correctly for us.

Was there a business plan? Or did you decide to start first, and then figure it out?

You have hit the mark". We decided to “roll in” along the way. We found an office for 15 "squares", bought 3 tables, 3 chairs, took inexpensive computers for office work, brought a kettle, microwave, dishes, a hanger from home. Here is such a "collective farm" start, and no hint of luxury. In total, we spent about 100 thousand rubles, which we had for three. Our first clients were regular customers of the freelancer. While he was working, earning at least the rent of an office, we thought out a plan of action to the smallest detail.

And what did you think?

Well, firstly, we realized that our knowledge is great, but any company in the industry can offer the creation of sites and applications, which means that we need something special. Initially, we wanted to work only in the local market, but, looking ahead, I will say that we abandoned this idea. So, as a marketer, I carefully studied the Omsk market and realized that there is not a single company in the city that can do everything from the arsenal of Internet marketing. Some make good sites, but they do not have search engine promotion, which means that the client needs to go to others. Others set up any advertising, but they cannot make a website for a client that they would later advertise. So the idea came that we can position ourselves as the first integrated Internet marketing agency in the city. Well, then came the understanding that for the implementation of this, versatile specialists are needed. It was easy to find them, but there was no point, because there were no orders. And we decided that if we find an order, we will give it to specialists on freelance exchanges and make money on the “cheat” of the agency.

And how did you find clients?

I probably wouldn't be doing cold calls now, but at the time it seemed like a great idea. I, considering myself the smartest, opened 2GIS and started calling everyone: hairdressers, saunas, hotels, car services, etc. Realizing that two of my colleagues had too much free time, I wrote a common script and told everyone to call, indicating a plan for the number of calls for each. We called and said directly: “if you need it, we will make a website for you and set up advertising, and this should bring you customers.” Surprisingly, I found the first client on the second day. The female director said she was interested and ready to meet. I was very worried, but I was able to agree on the creation of a website for her cosmetology in the amount of 60 thousand rubles. We agreed that she would pay 20,000 for 3 months. This is how we earned money to rent an office for the coming months. We didn't even talk about salary, we just wanted to survive as a company. As a result, in 2 months of calls we were able to find two clients to create a website and three clients to advertise. This is a very modest result for three callers in a city of a million people, to be honest. Advertising brought 18 thousand rubles of monthly income, but we did not have our own specialist (we gave the work to a freelancer), so we only had 9 thousand left of them. Sites brought a little more. This brought us 6-9 thousand rubles as a salary. Six months later, we hired our first employee, an Internet advertising specialist, and the four of us worked for a year, raising money for further expansion.

Your staff consisted of 4 people. How did you distribute responsibilities?

As I said, we decided to provide all the services that you can think of in the field of promotion on the Internet. It is important to understand that we have constantly attracted specialists from freelance sites. It's very beneficial! We sometimes do this even now. Just imagine: a person does not need to pay a salary, there is a job - contacted him and paid how much, how much it costs. So, everyone oversaw their direction and negotiated with freelancers if there was not enough time or skill to do everything on their own. One made websites, the other - programs and applications, the third - advertising, the fourth - was responsible for new customers and worked to retain existing ones. But over time, of course, the staff has expanded and we try to use the services of freelancers less.

Why? Let down?

It is important to understand that it is unprofitable for freelancers to let down a customer, because then they will lose money and rating, and will also receive negative feedback. Others will see all this and will not want to contact a freelancer. So no, they didn't disappoint. It was just that the moment came when there were already more clients, and it was more profitable to pay an employee 25,000 rubles a month and load him with work than to give a freelancer 200 rubles for every hour. It's only a matter of mathematics here - freelancers are profitable only when there is no way to load a specialist on a salary. Well, a little more in control, because when you see a person, it is easier to check the work than if he works remotely.

What does your state look like now?

There are 3 departments: development, advertising, sales of services. In addition to the three creators, 8 more people work: 3 people for creating sites and applications, 3 for advertising, 2 "salespeople". Well, there is also an accountant who is not on the staff, but works under a contract from an accounting agency.

At the very beginning of the conversation, you said that you wanted to create a stable and profitable company. Did it work for 3 years?

Profitable succeeded, but stable - not quite. This is where the competition is very high. There are many agencies and freelancers who are always looking to pick a client. You gape - there is no more client. Therefore, profitability here is achieved only by constant work to find new customers, and we can only dream of stability. At one point, you can lose all customers. And long-term contracts in this area are not signed - somehow it is not accepted. Clients always believe that they can find better conditions.

Another question. You said that you wanted to work only in the local market, but then you changed your mind. Why?

Two moments. Firstly, the sphere is such that geography does not matter, because websites and advertising are the same even in Omsk, even in Moscow. Secondly, when you run an advertising campaign for a client in one niche, you cannot work with other companies in the region in the same niche. you compete with yourself, and nowhere you achieve a result.

I would like to, but it doesn't make sense. Competitors are pressing, customers learn to do many things on their own. To continue earning, you need to do your own projects. For example, make your own websites and sell advertising space there. Or create complex "packages" of services that allow you to "raise" any business from scratch. While we think about it, we look closely. Obviously, if we continue to do what we have been doing, then the collapse is a matter of time. And no amount of "salespeople" will save in a situation where competition is at an outrageous level.

Are you saying that this direction is dying?

In no case! It's just that everyone is used to standard services, and every company can already offer it. The client chooses those who do it cheaper, because The quality of work is about the same for everyone, to be honest. The market needs something new and innovative. And the direction will never lose its relevance, because people will always sell something and need advertising.

What would you do differently if you could go back in time?

I would not change anything globally. But it is worth recognizing that some things really would be better done a little differently. Firstly, we started with a budget of 100,000 rubles, and it was not enough for an advertising specialist. If we had money for an advertiser (for his salary), it would be easier. Therefore, I would have accumulated not 100,000, but at least 200,000. Moreover, the three of us would have done it pretty quickly if we had set a goal. Secondly, perhaps, I would first learn how to call correctly, and then I would do it. Now I already understand that in the first 3 months, when we called the 2GIS database, many customers were lost due to the inability to speak and sell. I'm willing to bet that now our two "salesmen" would definitely squeeze more out of this, moreover, several times over. Thirdly, there was no need to focus only on your city, because in this industry geography almost does not matter.

Imagine that you were approached by a person who is also going to open the same business. What "narrow" advice could you give him?

I would recommend him not to create sites at the initial stage, but to concentrate on advertising. You can make good money on sites, but one-time. And advertising brings income steadily every month. Like it or not, advertising will still bring more. I would also advise using bonuses from partners. For example, the contextual advertising service Elama, which we used in the first year of operation, returned 6 percent of the total advertising budget, which is about 5-7 thousand rubles every month. And Callibri call tracking gave us bonus minutes for our clients to whom we recommended their service. This is about 2-3 thousand per month. These amounts seem ridiculous, but at the initial stage, no company will refuse them. And so, I will recommend creativity, because there are already enough typical Internet marketing agencies.

Thanks for the chat, Ivan! We wish you and your company continued success!

Thank you for talking! I hope it was interesting! Good luck with your publication!


Online advertising is a young niche. But this ad is growing very fast. There aren't many growing markets right now, such as contextual advertising markets. Therefore, it is still possible to quickly grow from zero to high turnover. An example of a contextual advertising agency is iConText.

You can search their website and see what they do. For example, a company provides services for auditing the quality of a site, conducting advertising campaigns.

We go to their website and see what they have. Immediately catches the eye is a beautiful site, well-designed. You can immediately see the phone number and a description of the main services.

The agency offers to buy contextual advertising, provides services for search engine optimization (site audit), consulting. The team is engaged in media planning, preparation of an advertising company, advertising in search engines using the advertising networks of Yandex, Google, Bugan. The agency also works with social networks. It also says on their website that they have some kind of R-Broker system that can reduce the cost of a targeted transition.

Currently, there are many regional advertising agencies. But for the most part, they can professionally drain the advertising budget. The future will be for those companies that can make such advertising that will bring profit to the customer. Regional agencies have not yet grown to this level.

Internet marketing is an extremely interesting direction in itself. There are various areas here: search engine optimization, contextual advertising, social media advertising, banner advertising, pay-per-action advertising, copywriting, consulting, auditing. There are so many interesting destinations to choose from.
Since the advertising market is growing rapidly, it can be assumed that this market is very promising in the future.

Have you heard of successful advertising campaigns? Do you want to create your own advertising agency? Not so simple. Every year, the advertising market in Russia increases by a third: many young companies offer services, but only a few occupy leading positions.

Successful firms include teams of professionals who provide a quality, unique, informative and creative product to the customer. Forget about mediation right now if the advertising business has been beckoning you for years.

Such "temporary" part-time jobs shorten the life of the agency to 1-2 years. This article contains an exhaustive answer to the question that interests many: “How to open an advertising agency from scratch?”.

There are many examples and ready-made business plans in the public domain that have become successful starting points for companies. But it is best to draw up an individual plan for a startup. The business plan of an advertising agency must be designed for at least 5 years.

  • production plan (premises, equipment, machinery);
  • description of the enterprise, company, range of services;
  • main development goals, direction of activity and detailed growth program;
  • financial side (amount of investments, costs for specific positions, expected profits, profitability);
  • time frame for the return of funds, self-sufficiency, profit;

It also takes into account the amount of financial injections. The rate of return on business depends on their size. On average, the first profit is tangible after 3-12 months.

Start-up capital

On average, you need 500-600 thousand rubles to open an advertising agency:

  • 100 thousand - repair and rental of premises;
  • 250 thousand - equipment and office equipment;
  • 100-200 thousand - (depending on the number of employees);
  • 50 thousand - advertising campaign.

Registration of entrepreneurial activity

Takes several weeks. You decide which form of registration will be the most practical:

If there is only one founder, then it is financially and legally more profitable. LLC and JSC are intended for establishment by several persons.

Work space

No one will force you to buy or rent an office space. You can work online from anywhere in the world. But there is no more fruitful work than live communication with colleagues.

Renting or buying office space- it all depends on financial capabilities. Do not forget that, most likely, you will have to redo the repair in the room and purchase equipment for work.

Arrange comfortable workplaces for employees and purchase comfortable chairs for customers.

From office equipment you will need:

  • powerful computers;
  • printers and scanners;
  • corporate mobile devices.

Does not fit equipped kitchenette, air conditioning.

Customer Feedback

Create a website where the client can get acquainted with your activities in detail, view your portfolio, leave a message or comment.

Get an email, several phone numbers, a Skype account so that the customer can communicate with you in any way possible. Openness and live communication inspire confidence in the company.


The team of employees is the most valuable capital of your business. At the same time, the number of participants in a startup project is unlimited. It is most effective to assemble a team of 5-7 highly specialized specialists: a creative manager, a graphic designer, an account manager, and assistants.

To attract worthy personnel, you need appropriate promising working conditions:

  • a system of bonuses and bonuses for the volume and quality of work performed;
  • motivation.

The latter must be both tangible and intangible. In addition to high wages and career growth, for good work results, offer:

  • extra days off, vacation;
  • Personal Area;
  • business trip and so on.

To solve financial issues, it is better to hire an economist at least for the first time. Experts can help you save significant amounts of capital .

You have to give credit to freelancers. Pick up a couple of talented guys on the network and from time to time entrust interesting projects in case of emergency, creative stagnation, and also for the purpose of effective distribution of responsibilities.

How to survive in tough competition and stay afloat: customer base

A quality product will never go unnoticed. But even if your team can even sell meat to a vegetarian, don't expect rich and lavish customers. You need to look for them yourself.

This job falls not only on the account manager. Good connections and cooperation with worthy partner companies that specialize in printing, printing, and advertising are extremely important. This will help to handle orders mobilely and provide a quality product.

Pitfalls of the advertising business

  • The dull face of the company. As a shoemaker goes without shoes, advertising agencies are often left without a bright, creative name. If you are claiming to be a creative pedestal, then first of all take care of a non-standard name and flashy logo. Would you yourself trust advertisers whose name does not evoke any emotions?
  • Openness to cooperation and desire to work for results at any time of the day. Worthy clients will brighten up your portfolio and improve your reputation in the eyes of a potential customer. But to refuse small or budgetary tasks is contraindicated. Clients are all-seeing, and pickiness will scare away the most persistent customer. Offer all possible help and even a little more at any time, so that your interlocutor feels protected and feels that low sales are in the past.
  • Lack of unique services. Many companies become successful thanks to small but very useful services. For example, 1000 flyers or business cards as a gift when ordering from 50,000 rubles, recommendations from experts on improving the logo, slogan, brand. The client will be interested and will definitely return next time.
  • Lack of contact information in public sources. Local media, directories, forums will fit to disseminate information about the company.
  • Improvement and continuous learning. The business environment is changing daily. Dynamics are not always stable, because in order to remain in a leading position in the market, it is necessary to adapt. Development and new knowledge will come in handy. If your team does not have an incentive to polish talent, then the campaign is a failure in advance.

Business Profitability

It largely depends on the specific region, the formed price segment and the demand for services.

On average, the company makes a profit of 20 to 40% of the cost of the order. The most expensive projects are the development of the organization's style and logo - from 40 to 70 thousand rubles. After the project has paid off, the business can bring from 250,000 rubles a month.