Expired bakery business. How to open a profitable bread shop How to open a bread shop



On approval of the rules for retail trade in bread and bakery products

1. Approve and put into effect the attached Rules for the Retail Trade of Bread and Bakery Products.

2. The Ministries of Trade of the Union Republics, the Centrosoyuz, and the Glavurs (Urs) of the Ministries of the USSR, to ensure that the enterprises engaged in the trade in bread and bakery products are approved by the Rules, to organize their study and the steady implementation by all employees of these enterprises.

3. Consider as invalid the Order of the Ministry of Trade of the USSR dated September 15, 1967 N 145 and the Rules for the Retail Trade of Bread and Bread Products in the City Trade Network approved by this Order.


Rules for the retail sale of bread and bakery products

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Rules apply to all retailers selling bread and bakery products.

1.2. The sale of bread and bakery products in the city and cooperative trade network is carried out in specialized and branded bakery and bakery confectionery stores, bakery departments of grocery stores and supermarkets, in consumer cooperation stores selling everyday goods, bread and food tents, auto shops and from vending machines *.
* In the future, specialized and branded bakery and bakery shops, bakery departments of grocery stores and supermarkets, consumer cooperation stores selling consumer goods, bread and food tents, pavilions, auto shops and vending machines selling bread and bakery products, for brevity, trade enterprises are referred to bread.

In places permitted by the trade authorities and the boards of consumer cooperation organizations in agreement with the local sanitary and epidemiological station, piece bread and bakery products can also be sold from carts, trays, baskets and by delivery to customers' homes, construction sites, industrial enterprises, institutions and organizations .

1.3. Employees of enterprises selling bread are guided by these Rules, the Rules for the operation of the store, the Special Conditions for the Delivery of Bakery Products, the Sanitary Rules for Food Stores and amendments to them in terms of sanitary requirements for stores selling bread and bakery products by the self-service method, GOSTs, OSTs, PCT, technical conditions and instructions on the features of the acceptance of consumer goods delivered in containers-equipment, instructions from trade management bodies and higher organizations of consumer cooperation. The specified documentation should be at each enterprise selling bread, managers are obliged to organize its study by all employees.

1.4. In specialized and branded bakery shops and departments of other shops, except for bread, bakery and confectionery products *, packaged sugar, jam, marmalade, jam, honey, coffee, cocoa, milk, flour products of own production can be sold.
* The concept of "bread and bakery products" includes: rye and wheat bread of all kinds, bread from a mixture of varietal flour, piece bakery products, fancy products, fried and baked pies, donuts, national breads, dietary products, lamb and crackers ( crackers, straws, crispbread); the concept of "confectionery" includes: caramel, sweets, toffee, dragee, halva, chocolate, chocolate products, flour products (cookies, waffles, cakes, rolls, muffins, etc.), fruit and berry products (marmalade, marshmallow, etc. .).

1.5. When selling sugar and confectionery, tea, coffee and other goods, you must be guided by the Rules for the retail trade of these goods.

2. Acceptance and storage

2.1. Delivery of bread and bakery products is carried out according to the orders of organizations and enterprises for the trade in bread in accordance with the concluded agreements in the quantity, assortment and terms determined by the schedule agreed between the trading and baking enterprises (organizations) and approved by the executive committee of the Council of People's Deputies.

2.2. The delivery schedule should ensure uninterrupted trade in bread and bakery products in accordance with the assortment list during the entire time the enterprise for the sale of bread is open. For these purposes, it should provide for repeated deliveries during the day, especially small-piece bakery and fancy products.

2.3. An organization or enterprise selling bread keeps records of orders for each delivery in a form that provides for entries: serial number, date and time of the order, content of the order transferred and accepted by the bakery (bakery), names of the persons who transferred and accepted the order, as well as the actual order fulfillment by quantity and assortment.

2.4. Delivery of bread and bakery products is carried out by road and horse-drawn vehicles with special bodies in containers, equipment containers or special trays.

In exceptional cases, with the permission of the local authorities of trade and sanitary supervision, for a period not exceeding 10 days, it is allowed to transport bread and bakery products by non-specialized vehicles equipped with shelves or equipped with baskets and boxes that are covered with a clean tarpaulin or blanket.

2.5. For the acceptance of bread and bakery products, it is necessary to arrange unloading platforms, ramps or windows (manholes) directly adjacent to the pantries equipped with racks for trays.

Unloading platforms, ramps or windows (hatches) must be with canopies to protect products from the effects of precipitation during unloading and acceptance.

2.6. Acceptance of bread and bakery products is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Instructions of the State Arbitration under the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the acceptance of industrial and technical products and consumer goods in terms of quantity and quality, as well as the Special Conditions for the Delivery of Bakery Products.

2.7. When delivering bread and bakery products at night and in the absence of a person responsible for quality acceptance, acceptance in terms of quantity and weight is carried out simultaneously with receipt, and in terms of quality, it can be carried out before the opening of the enterprise.

The administration of an enterprise selling bread should take measures to introduce the method of accepting bread and bakery products at night without the participation of employees of the enterprise. In this case, the quality, weight and quantity of products are checked before the opening of the enterprise by the person responsible for acceptance.

2.8. An enterprise selling bread must accept bakery products with aging after leaving the oven no later than the deadlines established by the Special Conditions for the Delivery of Bakery Products; products with expired exposure periods are not accepted for sale in the distribution network.

2.9. The number of non-standard products rejected during acceptance and sale and returned to the manufacturer should be recorded in the reject log.

2.10. An organization or enterprise selling bread, as needed, but at least once a month, is obliged to check the quality of supplied bread and bakery products in terms of physical and chemical indicators (humidity, acidity, porosity, swelling, fat and sugar content) in the laboratories of health authorities in accordance with concluded contracts or in a trade organization. Sampling and their research should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOSTs.

The selection of samples for sending for analysis, as well as the results of the analysis, are reported to the supplier of the products.

2.11. At enterprises selling bread, stocks of bread and bakery products must be stored in clean, dry, well-ventilated and heated rooms at a uniform temperature of at least 6 degrees C.

Premises for storage of bread and bakery products must be equipped with storage boxes, have tables for cutting bread.

Bread and bakery products in the back rooms of bread trade enterprises are stored in closed cabinets, stationary or mobile racks and container equipment.

To better preserve freshness, bread and bakery products should be covered with covers, blankets or polymer films approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

Crackers and lamb products are stored separately from bread and bakery products in boxes or bags (bagel products), stacked on racks or in cabinets, as well as packed - in container-equipment.

2.12. It is not allowed to store bread and bakery products in bulk, close to the walls of the room, in containers stored on the floor without undercarriages, or on racks located at a distance of less than 35 cm from the floor in the utility room and less than 60 cm - in the sales area.

It is forbidden to store bread and bakery products together with goods that have a sharp and strong smell (fish, herring, tobacco products, soap, perfumes, etc.).

2.13. The density and method of laying bread and bakery products must ensure the safety of the presentation of the products. For these purposes, lay:

pan bread - in one or two rows on the side or bottom crust;

hearth bread and bakery products (loaves, challahs, rolls, etc.) - in one row on the bottom or side crust with a slope towards the side or back wall of the tray;

small-piece bakery products weighing up to 200 g inclusive and rich products - on the lower crust in one or two rows, and products with decoration on the upper crust - in one row;

national products (chebureks, flat cakes, Armenian and Georgian bread) - in one row on the lower or side crust before cooling and in three to five rows after cooling.

Lavash Armenian thin tandoor is stored in a suspended state, one piece before cooling and laid on the bottom crust up to 8-10 rows - after cooling.

It is not allowed to transfer bread and bakery products from trays to carts, boxes or baskets in bulk.

2.14. In the case of delivery of bread and bakery products by non-specialized transport, in accordance with clause 2.4 of these Rules, it is allowed to store them in the same boxes or baskets in which they arrived from the bakery; at the same time, the products must be packed in a container in one row in a vertical position, without excessive density, causing deformation or loss of presentation.

2.15. Closed containers for storing bread must be ventilated daily for 1-2 hours and washed at least once every 7 days with warm water and soap and wiped with a 1% solution of acetic acid, and then dried.

Bedspreads and covers made of polymer films must be ventilated and dried daily, preventing their contamination.

In areas with a hot climate, where there is a risk of potato disease of bread, it is possible to store bread in closed containers and covered with polymer films only in the cold season.

2.16. Bread trade enterprises selling cakes and pastries must have refrigeration equipment.

3. Preparation of bread and bakery products for sale

3.1. At the workplaces of sellers, and in self-service stores in cabinets, slides and other equipment designed for self-selection of goods by buyers, bread and bakery products must be placed before the start of trade in sufficient quantities and in an assortment not less than that provided by the assortment list.

Bread and bakery products entering self-service stores in equipment containers are sold directly from it; installation of packaging equipment should provide customers with access to products from one side only.

Bagel, cracker and confectionery products are served in the trading floor of self-service stores packaged and packed in bags made of paper or polymer films authorized by the USSR Ministry of Health.

3.2. In show-windows of counters samples of all kinds of bread and bakery products available for sale with labels of the prices of the established sample are laid out. In self-service stores, price tags are attached to equipment that displays bread and baked goods.

Dietary bakery products are placed on separate racks; in addition to price tags, annotations on their use are posted.

4. Sale of bread and bakery products

4.1. The sale of bread and bakery products is carried out in compliance with the current norms for selling them in one hand.

4.2. At an enterprise selling bread and bakery products, during the working hours established for it, bread and bakery products must be on sale in the assortment provided for the enterprise by the assortment list. It is allowed no more than two hours before the end of work to reduce the range of products available for sale: bread - up to two items, bakery and fancy products (together) - up to three items.

4.3. Bread and bakery products may be on sale at a bread trading enterprise after leaving the oven for no more than:

36 hours - bread from rye and rye-wheat wholemeal and rye flour, as well as from a mixture of wheat and rye flour;

24 hours - bread from wheat-rye and wheat wholemeal flour, bread and bakery products weighing more than 200 g from high-quality wheat, rye flour;

16 hours - small-piece products weighing 200 g or less (including bagels);

after these terms, the sale of bread and bakery products is prohibited; they are subject to withdrawal from the trading floor and are returned to the supplier as stale.

4.4. In self-service stores for the selection of bread and bakery products by buyers, there must be metal tongs, spoons, spatulas at the rate of at least two pieces for each linear meter of equipment on which bread and bakery products are placed, and neatly cut strips of clean paper placed in a special box.

4.5. At the request of buyers, piece bread and bakery products weighing 0.4 kg or more (except for packaged products) may be cut into 2-4 equal parts and sold without weighing.

4.6. To cut bread, lever and manual bread-cutting knives are used, the blades of which must be constantly and well sharpened to reduce the number of crumbs, fast and even cutting.

4.7. The sale of bread and bakery products that do not meet the requirements of applicable standards, specifications, as well as with signs of damage from improper storage, is prohibited.

In the event of the sale of low-quality bread and bakery products, employees of the enterprise selling bread are obliged, at the request of the buyer, to unconditionally exchange them for good-quality ones or return the money; poor-quality bread and bakery products returned by the buyer are considered sanitary defects.

4.8. The pieces of bread and crumbs remaining after the sale are collected in special boxes with lids and used at the direction of the higher trade organization.

Products subjected to accidental contamination during the sale, falling on the floor, etc., as well as bread crumbs formed during the cutting and storage of bread, are collected separately in special metal or polymer containers marked "sanitary reject" and given to livestock feed according to instructions from a superior trade organization.

4.9. If during the storage or sale of signs of a disease of bread and bakery products with potato disease in accordance with the Instructions for the Prevention of Potato Bread Disease approved by the USSR Ministry of Health (dated January 12, 1983 N 2658-83), such products must be immediately removed from the utility room and trading floor and in the prescribed manner sent to feed livestock or destroyed.

4.10. Shelves, cabinets, trays, container equipment, in which bread and bakery products with potato disease were stored, are thoroughly washed with soapy water and then with hot water.

5. Sanitary requirements

5.1. Employees of enterprises selling bread must have white sanitary clothing for work during unloading, laying out, slicing and selling, and dark overalls for cleaning work.

5.2. All employees of grain trading enterprises who are in direct contact with the products are required to undergo a medical examination and examination for bacillus carriers within the established time limits in accordance with the Instructions for conducting mandatory preventive examinations approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

Employees who do not pass a medical examination in a timely manner are not allowed to work.

5.3. Metal equipment for selecting bread and bakery products (tongs, spoons, spatulas) daily after work, and if necessary (falling on the floor, dirt, etc.) and during the working day, thoroughly washed with hot water and wiped dry.

5.4. Bread trade enterprises must have a sanitary register of the established form, in which the results of sanitary inspections, instructions and proposals of the sanitary and epidemiological service bodies are recorded.

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The business of selling baked goods and bread is one of the most accessible and uncomplicated activities in terms of organization. In the town where I live, you can find a dozen small pavilions specializing in the sale of fresh bread and bakery products. Bread and pastries are always bought, regardless of the economic situation in the country. On the contrary, when money is scarce, people start saving and consuming more inexpensive products, such as bakery products.

What are such pavilions and how to organize this business? Read on.

Land plot

The first thing to do is to select a land plot for placing a pavilion with an area of ​​10 - 15 square meters. m. next to bus stops in the sleeping areas of the city. People come home from work, get off at the bus stop and go straight to the pavilion. This is the most convenient place.

To rent a land plot, you should contact the local administration, or rather, the city property management committee. Present them with a plan (roughly on a piece of paper) where you want to place the pavilion, write an application, submit a package of documents (they will tell you exactly which one). Next, you will have to go through a competitive selection for the right to conclude a lease agreement, which is the main difficulty in obtaining a land plot.

Premises - trade pavilion

After a certain time we get the right to the site. The rent will be small: state land in rent is cheaper than private land. Next, you need to find the manufacturer of the pavilion. In every major city there are companies specializing in the production of kiosks, change houses and trade pavilions. A modular, pre-fabricated pavilion in the size of 4.0 x 2.5 x 2.8 will cost no more than 200 thousand rubles, including delivery and installation. Moreover, you will not even need to invest in design and arrangement. You can immediately purchase a ready-made turnkey bread pavilion. The sign "Bread Pavilion" will already be built into it, there will be racks, electrical wiring and so on inside.

After delivery and installation of the pavilion, you need to connect to the power grid, conclude some contracts (a contract for the removal of garbage and solid waste) and notify the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor and Pozhnadzor about the start of your activity (specialists will have to come to you and see the readiness and compliance of your facility with safety requirements ).

Business registration

Even at the stage of searching for a land plot, it is necessary to register a business. The optimal form in this case is the usual individual entrepreneurship. An "IP" is opened in just 5 working days, requires a minimum package of documents and costs only 800 rubles. duties. When filling out an application for registration, you should indicate the OKVED code 52.24 - "Retail trade in bread, bakery and confectionery products."

As a taxation system, the best option is UTII - a single tax on imputed income. With UTII, you pay a fixed tax, regardless of how much you earn. For a small pavilion, depending on the region, the payment per month will be about 5-10 thousand rubles. Another advantage of UTII is that you are relieved of the obligation to install a cash register. The only drawback of UTII is that it can not be applied in all regions (for example, Moscow).

We create a range of products

There will be no problems with the supply of products. There are plenty of bakeries and mini-bakeries wishing to sell their products in every city. In most cases, you don't even need to search for everyone. As soon as you open, the managers of these enterprises will find you.

In order not to invest heavily in the assortment, you can take part of the products for sale. Although investments here and so big are not needed. Bakery products, for the most part, are an inexpensive commodity. The average check in such stores barely exceeds 50 rubles. Earn bread pavilions exclusively on turnover. That is, suppliers can come to you even several times a day, so that the products are always fresh and warm.

In addition to bread and pastries, to increase the average check, you can include confectionery products in the assortment: cakes, cookies, sweets, as well as tea and coffee. It will take no more than 50 thousand rubles to create an assortment of goods.

Hiring sellers

The decisive stage is the hiring of sellers. Sales in a small pavilion will be handled by only two salespeople who will work one by one, in a 2-by-2 shift schedule, which is an ideal work scheme. The payment system for sellers is piecework-bonus, that is, a small salary + a percentage of daily earnings (5-7%). This increases motivation, and your employees will try to sell more goods.

The ideal portrait of a bread pavilion seller: a woman from 30 to 50 years old, talkative and smiling. It doesn’t even need to be proven how much the store’s revenue can differ, depending on who is behind the counter. Treat the search for experienced sellers very carefully.

And do not forget to have a medical book for each seller that allows you to sell food. We are strict with this, and there is no need for extra fines for a novice outlet!

Consider the order of opening the bread pavilion:

  • land search,
  • business registration,
  • conclusion of a lease agreement,
  • purchase, delivery and installation of the pavilion,
  • conclusion of contracts, supply of electricity,
  • search for suppliers of goods,
  • hire sellers,
  • pavilion opening.

I wish you successful starts!

If you are thinking about how to open a bread kiosk, then you understand that its location in a residential area of ​​​​the city or anywhere with high traffic can be an excellent type of business even for a novice entrepreneur. By relying on a high turnover, over time, you can achieve much more favorable conditions for cooperation with suppliers, mini-bakeries and bakeries.

What do you need to work?

So, if you are seriously thinking about how to open a bread stall, then you should know that this will require the following:

Permission for this occupation from several departments of the local administration;

Commercial equipment, namely wooden trays, racks and a cash register;

Stationary kiosk, it can be new or used;

Arrangements with suppliers of bakery products;

One or two product sellers.

Preparation process

Before you open a bread kiosk or tent, you need to find out from the local administration where you have the right to locate an outlet in accordance with existing rules. In some cities, the place for the location of such outlets is very limited, so you have to proceed not from your own wishes, but from the requirements of the authorities. When you choose a specific location, you will need to coordinate it with the department of architecture and urban planning, and then get permission from the department of trade.

Speaking about how to open a bread kiosk, a very important point should be touched upon - the place of trade itself. It is worth evaluating the offers of companies engaged in the manufacture of such structures in the city or in its environs. This way you will have at least some idea of ​​how much you will spend on the kiosk itself.

If it is possible to order a new one, then it is worth doing, otherwise you can agree on the purchase of an already used stall with the owner, who is liquidating his own outlet. All costs associated with dismantling and transportation will most likely fall on you.


If you decide to open a bread shop, you should understand that you will need to equip it with everything you need. The equipment in this case can be the simplest - a few racks and wooden trays. In addition, you will need to install a fire alarm.

You need to purchase a cash register and register it with the tax office, provided that you already have the status of an individual entrepreneur, and also conclude an agreement for its maintenance. Your ready-to-work outlet must be accepted by the permitting authorities. Here we are talking about Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspection.

Further actions

When you already have all the necessary documents, you can collect a database of all possible suppliers of bakery and confectionery products with whom you can potentially cooperate in your region. When compiling a business plan for a bakery store, it should be borne in mind that many manufacturers do not work directly with retail outlets, but carry out wholesale sales to companies that then deliver the goods themselves.

It will be more convenient for you to work with wholesalers. Despite the fact that they make an additional markup on the goods, you do not need to organize the delivery of bread from the bakery or from the factory, which makes life much easier.

You will need a seller in a bread kiosk (or several). It must be reliable in every respect. It's best if he has references from several of his past employers. A polite and honest seller is a guarantee that your outlet will prosper in the future. It is better to change several implementers in order to find a worthy one than to constantly suffer losses from the fact that the first one who comes across will unfairly perform their duties.

Doing business

You need to think carefully about how your store will operate. It can be just a point of sale where bread and related products will be sold, or a place where not only sales, but also production is carried out, that is, combined with a small bakery. In the first option, the main problem is to sell a sufficient volume of products and control demand, since bread is a perishable commodity. However, the organization of such a business requires lower costs.

In the second case, production can be controlled, and fresh bread, which is produced directly in front of customers, costs significantly more. But in this case, we are talking about more significant costs.

In this case, we are talking about the first option. Its cost may vary depending on the locality in which the enterprise is organized, as well as on other factors, for example, the premises to be used.


If we talk about how to open a bread shop, then it is worth saying that this business is associated with a number of expenses. The main ones are:

Renting retail space will cost at least 50 thousand rubles a month;

The cost of equipment will be about 25 thousand;

For a thousand units of purchased goods, you will need to pay about 30 thousand rubles;

The average staff salary per person is 8 thousand rubles;

Coordination of various documents will cost 20 thousand;

Registration of an individual enterprise will amount to 20 thousand or more.

Your income will depend on the location of the open store. It is best placed near residential areas of the city or transport stops in the busiest area. Since the state controls the margins on this type of product very strictly, the main profit will depend solely on sales volume.

Bakery modern format

If we talk about how to open a bread tent, then it’s worth saying that you can make a completely unique business in your city. It can be a bakery where customers will find a huge range of fresh produce. This will attract more and more customers. The bakery does not offer only bakery products, there is also a variety of pastries, cakes, cakes, gingerbread, cookies, and sometimes handmade sweets.

All products are of extra-class, they are oriented even to the most demanding consumers. The main product here is bread, which is in high demand, because it is a product of the highest quality. You can also think about opening your own bakery along with a bakery, even if it is small.

It is quite realistic to create a point of sale, offering the buyer products of a level with which he is not yet familiar. Ideally, you should organize your own workshop and several points of sale, where only your product will be.

Bread business: profitable or not?

Organizing such an enterprise, you will encounter several nuances. To equip the workshop, an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 20-50 square meters will be required.

All the necessary equipment will cost about two million rubles. It will take a lot of time and money to develop our own technology and create an original assortment.

From a business point of view, it is inefficient to produce only five to eight types of products in such a workshop, because its opening requires quite large costs, which may not pay off. At first, you will have to somehow do without a technological workshop.

Pitfalls of business

The Russian habit of saving on everything, even when opening high-class establishments, can play a very cruel joke. You can give an example from life. The chic shop window is simply replete with mouth-watering pastries. And to the question “Do you bake yourself?” the seller begins to tell that the baking process takes place here, and semi-finished products come from Germany.

By European standards, the sale of such products is considered fast food for the poor. However, for modern Russia, this is already an achievement. For decades, bread cost a penny, and it was bought for nothing for livestock. It is worth noting that this product will always be bought, you just have to choose the right place.

Now, when the buyer meets beautiful pastries on the shelves of the supermarket, even if they were frozen, he is gradually getting used to innovations. Every day, such a person looks askance at new products, but prefers to buy what is already familiar to him, only allowing himself some liberties for the holiday. And you will face these prejudices if you decide to open a mini-bakery with a bakery.

A bakery as a business is an opportunity to realize your wildest ideas, so the question arises, how to open your own production, is it profitable or not to bake and sell bread on your own?

The production of bread and bakery products is a process that will always find its consumer. How many famous sayings are dedicated to this hearty and tasty product! People living in the former Soviet Union eat absolutely everything with bread - it’s tastier and more satisfying.

Fresh bread in a big city today is quite difficult to find. Most people are accustomed to purchasing this product in supermarkets, where its quality does not always meet the necessary requirements. It is not worth talking about the variety of pastries in such stores - you are unlikely to find a fresh, still warm bun that you can please your family with.

A bakery can be found in almost every major city and even a small village. Large enterprises cover a vast territory, therefore it is much more difficult for them to comply with all the preferences of their consumers - here there is an emphasis on mass production and providing all categories of citizens with bread that is in demand.

At the same time, the profitability is obvious - private production and coverage of a smaller number of people will help satisfy the needs of almost everyone, while giving the consumer the right to choose from a sufficiently large assortment. Your own bakery can be a real gift for both a small village and a large city, where people have long missed fresh pastries.

Relevance and prospects

A bakery is a multifaceted process that requires detailed market research and good advertising. If the quality of your product is high, and the location of the store is convenient, the consumer himself will make a good advertisement - information will be passed from mouth to mouth, and a casual passer-by will not be able to pass by.

Mini-manufacturing is profitable because it is much easier for him to adapt to the immediate desires of customers and rebuild his equipment. Bread baking can be just the beginning of a big business - the store doesn't have to be limited to just this product.

The key to successful trading will be the assortment. Every person wants to pamper themselves not only with simple bread, suitable for any dish, but also with original pastries, dietary products and confectionery. In this case, the amount of baked product will depend on demand.

The bread business will be successful if you choose the right premises not only for cooking, but also for selling the product, provide it with the necessary equipment and raw materials, and, of course, find a baker who can be considered a master of his craft.

A creative approach does not hurt - experiment, add something of your own to production, and very soon your brand will become recognizable, and the production of products will reach a new level.

As a sample, you can download for free.

Starting capital and documents

The bread baking business requires an initial investment - you will have to fork out for renting a room, purchasing equipment, and salaries of employees. All costs will depend on the scale of production you are planning. For a small bakery, three hundred thousand rubles can often be enough, but with increased volumes, the amount can grow several times.

At the initial stage, it is important to understand the calculations regarding the opening of production. A home business will require a much smaller amount than a full-fledged bakery. Costs for the year will consist of the following categories:

You can register as a sole proprietor and open your own business on simplified terms, or you can expand your opportunities and create a limited liability company. Planning and spending are not much different, but each type has its own characteristics:

  1. An individual entrepreneur is legally responsible for the activities of the enterprise, and in the event of high costs and low profitability, the baking business will suffer serious financial losses. If the business is profitable, the project justifies itself.
  2. Registration of a person as an individual entrepreneur takes place without the intervention of lawyers in a short time, and a limited liability company involves the services of a lawyer.
  3. as an individual entrepreneur is much cheaper at the stage of registration and registration of a legal entity.
  4. It is much easier to bake yeast-free bread and any other products and sell it with registration as an LLC. So you can easily change the field of activity, practically without limiting your capabilities.
  5. Bakery products produced under the registration of an LLC will receive greater interest from partners.

So it is much easier for a businessman to deal with registration and, if desired, liquidate a business.


It is important to collect the following papers:

  • Documents confirming the examination and establishing compliance with sanitary standards.
  • Certificate of Conformity allowing trade in bakery products of own production.
  • Documents received from the fire inspectorate on the fire safety of premises.
  • Permits for the supply and sale of raw materials, products, bread machines, large production equipment.

It is necessary to collect a package of documents immediately after paying the rent, as this will reduce the time before the opening of the project and allow you to realize your ideas as soon as possible.

Choice of direction

In order to determine the type of activity and correctly calculate your strength, you must first take care of the direction in which your company will operate.

Today, a mini-bakery is the best option, if only because large enterprises have long occupied the niche of such trade. If there are small costs, you can take the business to a larger level, but for this you need to develop a project in detail.

If there is a large-scale production of a product in the city, and your plans include baking an analogue, it is unlikely that you will quickly make a good profit and be able to steal a client. In this case, you will have to reduce the cost of the project, reduce the cost of goods and wages for employees.

One of the popular destinations is a mini-bakery that makes unique products that are very different from those produced by a large brand. For example, pastries do not have to be sweet - many use cheese, garlic, and even meat products.

The best option would be to combine a bakery with a cafe or a fast food restaurant, where customers can not only buy fresh buns, but also enjoy them in a cozy atmosphere. At the same time, the menu should include a full-fledged lunch for all categories of consumers, including young children. Do not forget about dietary products.


Starting even a mini-bakery from scratch is quite difficult, since it is from scratch that you have to do absolutely everything - look for a room that is suitable in size, make repairs in it, carry out the necessary communications and connect equipment.

It is unprofitable to arrange a small production in a large room - if you have a lot of unused space left, you will simply spend extra money on rent. The room must be suitable in size and type.

At the same time, it is worth thinking about domestic places where employees can spend their personal time at lunch, as well as a locker room and a bathroom in which all communications for washing hands and cleaning hair will be carried out.

From a small room, you can make a sale through a small window or mini-hallway - this way you save space, but you can perform all the functions of the organization, comfortably serving customers. The project with small ovens does not require a lot of space, but bread from the Russian oven and bread from the tandoor require separate rooms for making products.

Quality equipment, just like a good room, is the key to the success of your organization. You can buy it gradually as needed and possible, or you can buy everything at once. The project of a small bakery involves the following positions:

Position name approximate cost
1. Bake 800 000 rubles
2. dough mixer 280 000 rubles
3. Flour sifter 20 000 rubles
4. pastry table 4000 rubles
5. electric mixer 4000 rubles
6. Dough proofing equipment 55 000 rubles
7. Dough rolling machine 40 000 rubles
8. Hood 20 000 rubles
9. Blender 3000 rubles
10. electric stove 20 000 rubles
Total: 1246000 rubles

It is not recommended to purchase low-quality equipment, as it endangers not only the product, but also fire safety. In addition to the above, you will have to purchase additional furniture, showcases and cash registers for the sale of products.

Video: how to open a bakery - step by step instructions.


The employees of the bakery and the adjacent store are people who will provide the consumer with a tasty and high-quality product, as well as politely serve at the time of purchase. At the same time, each employee should know his job well so that there are no misunderstandings in the future. Pay attention to education, work experience and the presence of a health book.

Note! Specialists are not allowed to work without a valid sanitary book.

Among the key employees that should be in every bakery, the following positions should be present:

  1. Production technologist.
  2. Cleaning woman.
  3. Accountant.
  4. Bakers.
  5. Loader.
  6. Packer (optional).
  7. Driver.
  8. Salesman.

The payback directly depends on both the production technology and the type of product manufactured by a particular enterprise. At the same time, you should not save on advertising and equipment - these are the factors that guarantee you a profit in a short time. Payback calculation must be done in advance in order not to lose money, for this it is recommended to hire a qualified specialist.

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We have already described the different types of goods that can be traded either in the market or in the store, but today we will talk about the most sought-after product - bread. It is bread that people buy every day, and no matter what crisis occurs in the country, bread will always be bought, since this is the basis of the diet of most citizens. In this article, we will look at how to build a business selling bread, and what points should be taken into account in the first place.

Trade Format

Trade in bread and bakery products involves several types of activities.

- opening a full-fledged store selling bread. This is the most expensive business option, but at the same time, if you find the right place, it can be a very profitable investment for an aspiring entrepreneur.

- trade in the market. A bread stall can make a good profit in food markets, so usually such profitable places are occupied, but at the same time, you can try to look.

- street trade in bread from the car. Another way to sell these products, which does not involve large investments.

As you can see, there are many formats for making money on bread, you can choose the one that will be beneficial for you, they all have the right to life and work great in many cities.

Search for premises (kiosk) and purchase of equipment

As with starting any business, you will first need to find a place to trade. This is a very important point. The main task is the rental area in the passable place. People buy bread on their way home, or when they go shopping at the market. No one will look for your store inside the streets or in the depths of the grocery market.

The selection of a place for sales is the main factor in the success of a business in the bread trade. If you are not sure about the prospects of the selected rental option, then you should look for more.

Now, let's look at what you need to have to trade in bread. This, of course, is commercial equipment. To store products, you will need to purchase special wooden racks, a trade stand and organize a workplace for the seller. In fact, the investment in the equipment of the bakery is not very large, since the goods will simply be placed on the shelves.

Rules for the trade in bread

Before you open a bread shop, you need to complete all the necessary documents.

1. You must be registered as an individual entrepreneur.

2. Select the required OKVED for bread trade:

  • for Russia, this is OKVED 52.24 - Retail trade in bread, bakery and confectionery products.
  • for Ukraine it is 47.24 Retail sale of bakery products, flour and sugar confectionery products in specialized stores.

3. Have on hand all the quality certificates for the products. They must be provided by the manufacturer.

4. If trade is carried out indoors, then you need to obtain permission from the SES and the fire service. Often these issues are decided by the landlord himself, but if these documents are not available, then you will need to issue them.

5. Design a buyer's corner.

Assortment and search for manufacturers

In fact, to begin with, you need to decide whether you will work with different bread producers, or whether you will sell the products of one particular factory.

Regardless of your choice, you must form an assortment of bakery products:

  • white, gray and black bread;
  • Borodinsky;
  • with cereals and other additives;
  • loaves;
  • buns with various fillings;
  • braids, bagels and more.

Also, keep in mind that you need to provide people with a choice of both sliced ​​​​bread or loaf, and not sliced. There are buyers for whom this is fundamentally important.

The business of selling bread and bakery products does not have difficulty finding suppliers. Each city has its own producers, but at the same time, due to the developed transport links, bread is delivered to most cities even hundreds of kilometers from the place of its production. You need to choose the most delicious and high-quality bread and agree with suppliers on daily delivery.

How much do you need to start?

In fact, when opening a bread kiosk or a small store, the investments will not be too large, since the goods are purchased daily and the batch is limited at first, then the novice entrepreneur who has collected a small amount to start can pull the investment. We present the main items of expenditure.

  • Room rental (kiosk) – $180 – $240
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salary to the seller - $ 200
  • The initial purchase of goods - depends on the volume of sales.
  • Purchase of equipment - $500 - $700
  • Signboard and promotional items - $150.

How much can you earn?

In fact, it is difficult to predict the level of earnings when drawing up a business plan for a bread outlet, but still you can estimate the required volume of products that need to be sold in order to work in plus.

The average markup on bakery products is 10% - 40%.

Consider the fact that bread is a socially important product and often the markup on this product is controlled by the state and the relevant inspection bodies. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor these norms so as not to get a fine.

Conclusions. The grain business is a profitable business area, which has a number of specific restrictions that do not depend on the businessman himself, we are talking about the margin limit. At the same time, there is a constant demand for this product and minimal risks of losing money. Opening a bread shop or not is up to you.

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