How to make money on water. Selling water for bottling is a business that pays for itself in record time Water business

The modern world is in great need of environmentally friendly sources of drinking water. Business on the water is most promising in large cities, where the population needs to be close to nature. The organization of a business on the water begins with a search for a source from where products will come for further sale.

When drawing up a plan, it is necessary to lay the costs of the source. There are many options for obtaining life-giving moisture: a well, a lake or a water pipe. After the source is found, it is necessary to analyze it for the content of harmful substances, trace elements. This step is mandatory, because it will be impossible to conduct business without an appropriate conclusion.

Required documents for starting a business

A prerequisite is familiarization with a number of acts and laws related to the organization of business, including those related to water.

A businessman must obtain the following documents authorizing the start of employment and the production of water:

  • sanitary conclusion giving permission for drilling operations;
  • permission or resolution of local authorities, which gives the right to open production or build a plant where water will be bottled;
  • a license for the right to use land resources, including permitting water extraction.

It is important to remember that if a novice businessman is not yet registered with the Tax Inspectorate, he needs to register his business in accordance with the rules and laws of the Russian Federation.

How to extract and purify water

Any water extracted from the bowels or taken from the lake requires purification. An enterprise must necessarily have equipment for business that will help in solving two important issues for success in business:

  • how best to get raw materials
  • how to most effectively clean it so that the consumer receives the highest quality product.

The answer to the first of the questions posed is simple - the use of a well, best of all artesian, guarantees a constant volume of water in industrial quantities. A lake or river can also be a source of valuable liquid.

The second question directly affects the elements of equipment themselves. Extraction of water to the surface is facilitated by special submersible pumps, which can vary in power depending on the depth of the source in which water is to be pumped out. On an industrial scale, there will be a lot of water, enough for more than one pool, that's for sure. Such an amount cannot be pumped out immediately into containers, otherwise there will not be enough space in the enterprise. Water must flow into the pipeline, which must be laid from the place of production to the place of production.

As soon as the water has got into those same containers, which should be of considerable size, if the business is planned to be put on a grand scale, it must go through a purification process.

Water purification is not carried out immediately, but goes through several technologically diverse stages. Coarse or mechanical cleaning - it is at this stage that large mechanical particles and impurities are extracted from the future drinking, but still technical water.

Any water, even the purest at first glance, contains natural microorganisms that can have a harmful effect on the human body. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out the third cleaning stage, namely disinfection. One of the most modern methods today is ozonation and disinfection by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Only after passing chemical quality control, water enters specialized tanks, called storage tanks.

The next step is the direct bottling of ready-made drinking water. This requires the presence of a specially equipped line, in most cases, the direct participation of a person is not needed here.

The final stage is hermetic sealing and sending the finished product to the warehouse.

Business Equipment

There are various specialized We need the following:

  • ozone generator;
  • Air Dryer;
  • injection pump;
  • various quality control sensors
  • borehole pump;
  • coarse filter;
  • fine filter;
  • blowing equipment;
  • sterile steel water tanks;
  • automatic filling machine for ready-to-use products;
  • semiautomatic device for tight closing of plastic containers;
  • labeling machine.

If we are talking about an automated line for the production of water, then the following parts of it, called blocks, are distinguished:

  • block of deep purification and disinfection of water;
  • water softener unit;
  • saturation block;
  • tare filling unit.

The financial part of the "water" business

It is very important to know the costs that will have to be incurred before the business will pay off and make a profit.

It is planned to purchase a plot of land for the construction of premises, focusing on current price indicators, we find that the land will cost an average of about 500 thousand rubles.

Direct production will cost 70-75 million rubles. Additional equipment will require about 50 million more. Installation work will take another 4 million rubles. Funds that will immediately need to be put into circulation, and other necessary expenses, will draw out another 6 million rubles.

The total amount of investments including all taxes will require about 130 million rubles.

Payback periods depend on turnover, but on average they range from 4 years.

Among the customers to whom water will be sold should be retail outlets - shops, supermarkets, tents. The office sector, since it is office workers, according to statistics, who use at least 1 liter of water daily, respectively, the delivery and sale of water to such institutions will become one of the most profitable business items on the water.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:

from 200 000 ₽ (vending)


from 270 000 - 375 000 ₽

Net profit:

from 100 000 ₽

Payback period:

Every year the demand for drinking water increases. Therefore, business on the water is relevant and promising. We will look at how to make money out of water: from the simplest ideas to large-scale production.

Drinking tap water is not possible in many regions. This problem is especially acute for residents of large cities, where drinking running water is harmful to health. Installed filters do not solve the problem, because they only purify water, but do not make it useful for the human body. The only way out is bottled water from natural sources, artesian wells.

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Therefore, the Russians have long stopped drinking untreated running water, having felt the difference. Ordering water has become commonplace in almost all offices and businesses, and many families order water at home. After all, human health depends on the quality of water, and people do not save on health. The cost of bottled water is acceptable, and this product is in great demand. So the business on the water is a relevant and profitable business.

Every year the need for clean drinking water increases, and the number of consumers increases. Every third family in a big city has a bottled water cooler in their apartment. According to experts, about 65 million bottled water is sold in Moscow alone a year.

RBC experts predict that the annual growth of the drinking water market will be about 15-16%. At the moment, bottled water already accounts for 2/3 of the non-alcoholic products market. The service direction for the delivery of water in bottles of 5 and 19 liters to offices and private apartments is also developing at a faster pace. The growth of this market segment is 20-30% per year.

It is expected that the market will slow down its growth only by 2020, but this will require increasing the production capacity of water by 3-4 times. Therefore, there is still time to find your niche and enter the market.

But it should be taken into account that the competition in the drinking water market is already quite high. A novice in this business will have to fight for his clients. A simple price reduction will not solve the issue of competition: prices are already low, and there is no point in working at a loss. Therefore, if you decide to implement this idea, you will need a business plan to plan all stages of enterprise development: from determining the business format to methods of promotion in the market.

There are different ways to make money on the water. You can only engage in the extraction of water from a well, only cleaning, or only the delivery of water of other brands. There is also an option to open a point of sale of water for bottling or a water pavilion. There are a lot of options - it all depends on the structure of the market and the available capital. The minimum cost for opening such a business will be 200 thousand rubles - this amount will be enough to organize a water delivery company or open a kiosk. If you want to establish a full cycle of water production - from extraction to delivery of products - then get ready for more significant costs.

Let's try to figure out how much a business on the water costs and what it will take. Let's start with the simplest format, which will require minimal investment.

Sale of drinking water through vending machines

Selling drinking water through vending machines is an interesting and relatively new idea. People are used to buying hot drinks and snacks in vending machines, then why not sell drinking water for bottling? Vending allows you to reduce the cost of 1 liter of water by 4 times. Therefore, with the help of such a system, you can reduce prices and attract buyers. In addition, for a competitive market, this option seems to be one of the most suitable. According to experts, this niche is free in 80% of Russian cities.

How the system works

The machine has a water tank. The buyer brings the container with him, makes the necessary amount of money, substitutes a bottle and draws water. Everything is simple. Water vending machines have an anti-vandal housing, a tank with a supply of water, a filling system for consumer containers, as well as a cash and card payment system.

By means of a billing system for remote access, you can monitor the operation of the machine. The data reflects the history of collections, the amount accumulated in the machine. Through this system, it is possible to block the machine, monitor the temperature in the machine and receive information about the state of the equipment.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The range of machines is quite wide. They differ in design and performance (from 750 to 3000 liters / day). The machines can function stably at temperatures from -30 to +35 °C. Finding a manufacturer and purchasing equipment is not difficult. The average cost of one vending machine is 180 thousand rubles.

Maintaining the device is easy if you do everything on time. Basically, the service consists in replacing the cartridge once every six months and replacing the sterilizer (once a year).

What are the features of vending trade in water

The income of a vending machine significantly depends on a good location.

Places for installing vending machines with water:

    in the courtyards of residential complexes;

    in crowded places from stops to residential buildings;

    at the points of "exit" from the road to the sleeping area;

    in actively visited shops, shopping centers, markets;

    in the hallways of apartment buildings.

The number of installed devices must be correlated with the number of potential buyers: approximately one machine per five high-rise buildings. You need to make sure that there is always water in the machine, otherwise you will lose some of your customers.

Despite the fact that the main advertising engine is the successful location of devices, it is necessary to consider other options for promotion. For example, you can distribute leaflets, place advertisements in elevators and on bulletin boards, leave promotional leaflets in mailboxes, and brightly decorate the machine itself so that it attracts the attention of passers-by.

Advantages and disadvantages of selling water through a vending machine



    there is no need to hire employees, the business can be run independently;

    vending business does not require a lot of labor. It is enough to devote several hours a week to servicing the devices;

    the minimum amount of investment;

    high profitability;

    quick payback;

    low level of costs;

    the machine works around the clock;

    a vending machine for the sale of water takes no more than 1 sq.m, which means that rent will be cheap;

    simple business organization

    the machine cannot be filled with containers, and people can forget to take a bottle with them. This will prevent you from making a purchase;

    there is a risk of vandalism, which can lead to equipment repair costs

How much can you earn selling water through vending machines

According to statistics, about 10 families will use the services of one device every day, purchasing about 250 liters of water per month. That is, in a month the machine is able to sell 10 * 250 * 30 = 75,000 liters. With an average price of 5 rubles. per liter, the revenue of one device will be: 75,000 * 5 \u003d 375,000 rubles. And if you open a whole network of vending machines in the city, you can earn many times more.

Such a business can pay off within 3-4 months. This time is enough for potential consumers to notice the devices, get used to them and appreciate the convenience of their use.

Water kiosk or pavilion

A more complex version of the drinking water trade is the opening of a water pavilion. The water pavilion is usually located in shopping centers or in free-standing kiosks in the parking area of ​​shopping centers.

Documents for opening a water pavilion:

  • documents confirming the status of a legal entity. individuals or individual entrepreneurs;

  • documents for a piece of land where a kiosk will be installed, or a room where a pavilion will be opened;

    approval of the type of object, layout of the object, permission to install a kiosk or pavilion in the department of urban planning architecture;

    sanitary passport of the object of trade, confirming compliance with all sanitary standards and ensuring the implementation of all preventive measures (disinfection, deratization, disinsection);

    sanitary and epidemiological documentation, including conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor;

    other documents (contracts for the removal of solid waste, technical waste, etc.).

What equipment is needed for a water kiosk

The kiosk for the sale of drinking water for bottling consists of a metal frame and a concrete base. It must be installed on a horizontal sand bed at least 200 mm thick. The outer shell, made of RAL-coated galvanized sheet, gives the kiosk an attractive appearance. You can place ads on it to attract additional attention. The stall is insulated and protected from moisture. Commercial stained-glass windows are equipped with metal shutters.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The kiosk for the sale of water consists of the kiosk itself and a container installed on it. The capacity is 5 cu. m. Filling the tank with water is carried out through a pipe system through a technological door provided in the wall of the kiosk. A high pressure pump is used to supply liquids (usually not included in the equipment and purchased separately).

Water is sold to consumers through the dispensing window. To install such a kiosk, you will need approval from the owner of the land and 6 sq.m. free area. To date, there are several manufacturers from which you can purchase such equipment. The average cost of a kiosk for the sale of drinking water is 300 thousand rubles. The average volume of sales through such a kiosk is 1.1 tons of water per day.

When choosing equipment, it is important to ensure that the manufacturer provides appropriate quality certificates for all materials that come into contact with potable water. In addition to the kiosk building, you need to purchase a container for water. 5 liter plastic bottles. The average cost of a container is 120 rubles / piece. Service life - up to 1 year.

Where to find a drinking water supplier

To open a kiosk for bottling drinking water, you need to find a supplier of quality products. The market offers a wide range of drinking water producers. Before concluding a cooperation agreement, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the quality of water and relevant certificates, the conditions for delivering water to the point of sale, additional conditions for cooperation, as well as feedback from entrepreneurs and consumers.

Starting investments in opening a water kiosk:

  • registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur - 20 thousand rubles;

  • rent of premises (area 7 sq.m.) - 12 thousand rubles;

    equipment (kiosk, pump, plastic containers) - 350 thousand rubles;

    purchase of the first batch of goods - 50 thousand rubles.

    wages for salespeople for the first month of work (2 salespeople working in shifts) - 35 thousand rubles.

In total, according to estimates, the entrepreneur will need about 470 thousand rubles to open a pavilion for bottling drinking water.

What costs should be taken into account when planning

This business, like any other, has its pitfalls. For a water bottling kiosk, there are many costs that are not obvious at first glance, but eat up a significant share of the budget. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan and budgeting, it is recommended to take into account the following costs:

    transportation costs for the delivery of equipment. Some equipment manufacturers do not include the cost of its delivery in the general price tag. It is necessary to discuss this moment with the manufacturer before signing the contract and choose cooperation with those who are geographically located closer in order to minimize transport costs. Their value can be significant and depends on the mileage, the amount of equipment supplied and other factors;

    transport costs for the delivery of water. You should also consider how water will be delivered from the manufacturer to the point of sale. For this, water carriers are used. The cost of such a car is 5 million rubles. If you organize a mini-business selling drinking water, there is no need to purchase an expensive car, but you should immediately find out from the manufacturer: at whose expense and under what conditions is water delivered to the point of sale. There is a possibility that you will be responsible for some of the shipping costs.

    equipment maintenance costs, incl. sanitation of water storage tanks. The frequency of sanitizing is established by the Production Control Program. According to the norms, it is necessary to wash the kiosks once every two months. This is enough to keep the water in the tank clean and safe. The tank is treated in a non-contact way using a special CIP cleaning device designed for internal cleaning of pipe tanks without the need for disassembly. The cost of such equipment is 140 thousand rubles. You can also contact cleaning companies that provide industrial sanitation services. The cost of services can be clarified by sending an application on the website of the cleaning company.

    kiosk installation and landscaping around the kiosk. In order to install a kiosk, it is necessary to carry out work on pouring the foundation. The cost of installation will be, on average, 15 thousand rubles, including the cost of landscaping the adjacent territory.

    connection to the mains. Since electricity is required to operate the kiosk, you should budget for the cost of connecting to the power grid. These expenses will amount to approximately 10 thousand rubles.

How much can a water kiosk earn

The cost of 1 liter of water in a kiosk is slightly higher than in a vending machine. On average, 5 liters of water will cost the buyer 50 rubles. Based on the fact that such a kiosk can sell up to 1000 liters of water per day, the monthly revenue of 1 kiosk will be about 200 * 50 * 30 = 300 (thousand rubles). Given the cost of drinking water and all additional costs, the business will pay off within a year.

Advantages and disadvantages of selling water for bottling at a kiosk

Delivery of drinking water

One of the most common businesses on the water can be considered the delivery of bottled drinking water. The potential of this direction is very high, because this type of service is used by both individuals and companies. Water delivery is a simple business. It does not require a license, no special knowledge, no specific equipment. But you should be prepared for a large amount of initial investment, because the main equipment for delivery services is a car.

What you need to start a water delivery business

    Thus, it is advisable to open your own production of drinking water if there is a good water source, funds for the purchase of an automated line and established distribution channels that will allow you to quickly sell products. The table shows the pros and cons of such a business, allowing you to weigh all the pros and cons.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a business for the extraction and sale of drinking water

  • 3. Conclusion

Among the millions ways of earning one of the easiest and most profitable - drinking water delivery. The water selling business appeared not so long ago in Russia, so the competition is not too tough.

1. Water Delivery Business - Where to Start

First, let's find out how relevant the drinking water business is.

Every person needs to drink. If in the private sector we solve the issue of drinking water, say, by opening our own well in the yard, then residents of large cities are forced to pay for clean water.

And if there is a demand - organize an offer!

2. What You Need to Start a Drinking Water Business - 3 Easy Steps

Step #1. First, decide on the supplier and the lease of storage space.

Step #2. Calculate the possible volumes to understand how large areas you need.

Step #3. No licenses are required, but you should still make sure that the water supplier has all the necessary paperwork, including from the SES, to guarantee the quality of the water.

But how to organize a business for the delivery of clean drinking water, if at first there is not enough budget for renting a warehouse, etc.?

In this case, you can start with small volumes and start with delivery to offices:

  1. Spread ads with your phone number,
  2. Go around several large office companies,
  3. Offer your services.

So you can save on the office, which you can do without for small sales.

3. Conclusion

Now you know the basic principles of the drinking water sale/delivery business.

Of the additional conditions for starting a new business, you will need to resolve the issue of purchasing returnable packaging from a supplier.

In the future, it will be possible to simply change the bottles to full ones, paying only the cost of the water itself.

Minimum investment and high profitability are the two main advantages of a business on the water!

Despite the huge growth in the number of bottled drinking water companies, experts predict further market growth. There are two ways to build a business on water. The most costly and reliable is the development of your own source, bottling and selling water to customers. Less expensive - intermediary services.

The market is capacious only in large cities. Here, the organization of production on a full cycle is really justified. In smaller cities, it is worthwhile to first form a brand image by selling bottled water at retail, and only over time organize deliveries to offices, develop your own source.

Business registration

Any business format selling bottled drinking water must be officially registered. If small deliveries are planned to offices or apartments, you can limit yourself to an individual entrepreneur. Registration will take no more than five days and will require only 800 rubles. state duty. But the attitude of the population towards private entrepreneurship is not always trusting, so it is better to register an LLC. This will allow you to expand your business over time without any problems.

Looking for a source

If you decide to do a full cycle of drinking water production, first of all you need to find a source from which you will extract water for purification. Not only a well is suitable, but also an ordinary city water supply. To drill a well, you will have to allocate funds and contact specialized companies. But before the work on drilling begins, its project must be coordinated with Geocenter-Moscow and RCGSEN. Then you need to obtain a license to use the well and a drilling permit.

The cost of such works depends on their urgency and the depth of the water-bearing layer. The cost of one linear meter - from 950 rubles. For urgent work, it increases to 1750 rubles. You can calculate the cost based on data on the location of water-bearing layers. For example, in the Moscow region, they flow at a depth of 20-100 m in the southern part and 50-200 m in other regions.

Before starting the operation of a well, it is necessary to analyze the water that will be extracted from it. In the capital, such studies are carried out by the Academy of Public Utilities. Pamfilova. An analysis of the intake for 30 characteristics will cost $ 60. You will be given a conclusion with the characteristics of the water, on the basis of which you can select cleaning equipment.

Issuance of permits

Before the sale of drinking water from the source is established, the following permits must be obtained:

  • hygienic conclusion of SES for water;
  • hygienic conclusion of SES for production;
  • Gosstandart certification for production (for Moscow - VNIIstandart);
  • license for the sale of drinking water of the Licensing Department (for Moscow).

The last document is issued for three years. To receive it, you need to pay two bills: the very fact of considering documents, which is three minimum wages (minimum wages), then another 10 minimum wages when submitting a package of documents. All licensing issues can be resolved by special law firms for $250-300.

Water extraction equipment

The first type of equipment will be needed to service the well itself. A caisson, engineering communications, and a pump are installed above its mouth. The price of this equipment depends on the manufacturer and ranges from 400 to 4 thousand dollars. If the well is made in an open area, it is necessary to close it with a special metal structure.

As already mentioned, the type of treatment complex depends on the microbiological and chemical characteristics of the water, and is selected individually for each well. But the minimum set includes the following:

  • filling machine;
  • containers for the accumulation of purified water;
  • water purification plant.

Arrangement of production will require 0.15-1 million rubles. depending on the manufacturer, principle of operation, intensity of work and other characteristics. Domestic installations are significantly inferior to foreign ones in terms of convenience and design.

Bottling equipment

For bottling drinking water, it is necessary to purchase equipment for the disinfection of containers, the actual bottling and capping. The cost of equipment also varies greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer and averages 26.5 thousand dollars. Another 10% of the cost of this equipment must be added to the cost part - this is how much its installation will cost.

Typically, this equipment includes:

  1. Sorption plant for post-treatment of tap water. Its average productivity is 5 tons/day. It costs $200 a year to maintain.
  2. Manual washing of bottles with disinfection, which can process up to 60 bottles per hour. It costs about $3,000. An automatic unit costs $25,000.
  3. Accumulative tanks from food stainless steel. 12 liter containers cost about 15 thousand dollars.

Related equipment

If you decide at first to concentrate only on the delivery of drinking water, opening a company will cost you 10-100 thousand dollars, taking into account the costs of organizing the work of the office.

One of the important costly parts will be the purchase of polycarbonate 19-liter bottles, in which water can be stored for up to six months. They cost at least 150 rubles. thing. But they can be rented from a water supply company. The life of the bottles is up to 40 times, after which they must be changed.

When delivering drinking water to a client, he needs to install a cooler that fits any bottle. They are of two types:

  • desktop - $ 110-130;
  • floor - 170-190 dollars.

It can be sold to a client or rented out for $12-15/month and a deposit of $60 is paid. When purchasing, pay attention to the fact that the device is connected to the network without adapters. Coolers need to be processed every six months, and plastic parts should also be changed frequently. Easier to maintain and more popular among the population pumps that are installed on the bottle.

We enter the market

The sale of drinking bottled water can be organized through your own delivery service or through intermediaries. But even if you decide to go the first way, at the initial stages of business development you will have to resort to the services of intermediaries. But the formation of a client base should be dealt with already at the stage of well development. The advantage of your own well is that you can negotiate the supply of drinking water to food plants.

When working with suppliers, you need to decide how your water will be delivered - under the supplier's brand or under yours. You can first supply water under the name of the supplier, and then eventually buy it out along with the accumulated client base, forming a full cycle work.

Delivery of drinking water can be organized on your own fleet of cars or on rented cars. Perhaps attracting drivers with their own car. You can start with five cars. To rent a Gazelle-type van, you will have to pay about 160 rubles. in an hour. A driver with his own car will cost $700 per month including fuel and lubricants.

Return on investment

The payback period depends on the prices of a particular region. For example, in the capital, a liter costs from 6 rubles. from leading companies. In addition, the return of funds depends on how much was invested in production, its capacity and turnover. It is cost-effective to produce 3-20 thousand bottles per month. Considering that the dealer's markup is $1-2 per bottle, the water delivery company will return its investment in a year.

Cleaning vending machines

Today, there are special water purification machines on the market that operate on a reverse osmosis system. Outwardly, they look like soda vending machines that were used 50 years ago. The difference lies in the fact that today it accepts not only coins, but also banknotes and dispenses from 2 to 20 liters of water. The principle of operation is the same: the client substitutes his container, pays for the required volume and receives his purified drinking water.

To install such a machine, you only need a square meter of area. You can install it in any place where it is possible to connect to the water supply. The device can work both indoors (gas station, shop, supermarket) and outdoors. The latter option will be cheaper since there is no rent. When bottling 300 l. per day, buying a machine will pay off in a year.

To install it, you need to get approval from the Housing Office, Vodokanal. The conclusion of the SES is issued by the supplier. Passing all the licensing stages will require about 5 thousand dollars.

Business nuances

On average, offices purchase 10 liters of drinking water per person per month. This means that from one office for 50 people you can earn an income of $2,000 per month on just one water. To this cost must be added the rental of equipment for the storage and collection of water by customers. This is another 2 thousand dollars a year.

The advantages of a business are that it has no seasonality - drinking water is always needed. But with high competition, it is important to keep the quality of water at a high level. Service is important:

  • Fast shipping;
  • free use of the cooler;
  • fast connection with operators;
  • polite communication.

You need to understand that the success of your bottled water business depends on competent marketing.

The drinking water market is undergoing more and more changes every year. People are increasingly refusing to drink tap water, preferring to purify water through special filters or buying bottled water. But neither one nor the other does not solve the problem with clean water. Therefore, a demand for a new type of service appeared on the market: the sale of water for bottling. Why is this happening? Is the new activity profitable? New entrepreneurs need to find answers to these and many other questions. After all, perhaps this service sector can become an important and profitable business.

Analysis of the water market today

Before you start planning a water bottling business, you need to carefully study the existing market. And the situation here is like this. The choice of drinking water is represented by only two sources: you can buy a special filter and purify water at home, you can buy bottled drinking water from drinking water production plants. There are more than enough disadvantages of such services.

Relatively cheap is the method of water purification using a filter. Conditional, because the filter itself requires constant replacement and has a fairly short service life, otherwise the water will not be purified, but on the contrary, the reverse process will occur. In addition, the best home filters do not cope with 100% water purification and fall short of the quality level.

When it comes to buying bottled water, price comes first. Such water becomes more expensive due to the fact that 90 percent of the cost of a bottle of water is the cost of packaging. Due to such overpayments, not every family can afford to buy water for drinking, and even more so for cooking or washing dishes. And again, the quality is dubious, which depends not on the water itself, which can be different, but on storage conditions, compliance with all necessary standards and deadlines for implementation. Under the wrong conditions, high temperature, direct sunlight, exceeding the expiration date, a plastic bottle begins to release toxins that poison the water, making it unusable.

As you can see, there is an acute shortage of high-quality inexpensive water on the market, which can be an excellent start to a profitable business.

How to set up a business selling water for bottling?

There are two schemes by which you can arrange the sale of water for bottling:

  1. Sell ​​water through specialized kiosks, bringing water from artesian wells. Suitable for small towns with a slight distance from the source of clean water.
  2. To sell water through vending machines that are connected to the city water supply with water purification by reverse osmosis. Suitable for all settlements, including millionaire cities such as Moscow.

The second option with vending trade is more versatile and can bring more profitability with less money and time spent on organizing a business, so a novice entrepreneur should pay attention to it.

What is vending and how does it work?

A vending machine for selling water is similar to a coffee machine familiar to everyone. It is installed in the most crowded places and is connected to the city water supply system. The functionality with which it is equipped allows you to achieve water purification up to the level of 1 category, premium class. The buyer comes with his container, inserts it into a special hole, lowers the money and gets clean water. The cost of such water is 10 kopecks. But the retail price is 2 rubles per liter and above. It is easy to calculate that the profitability of the business is more than high.

Advantages of a vending machine compared to selling water through kiosks:

  • Minimum space requirement.

To install a vending machine, you need only 1 sq. m. area, so it is convenient to place it absolutely anywhere, and the cost of rent will be minimal.

Important. The most successful places to place water vending machines are grocery stores, supermarkets, parking lots, gas stations, in the yards of residential areas.

  • There is no expense item to pay the salary of the water seller.

The machine accepts money and dispenses water itself.

  • Round-the-clock work without days off.

The device does not need breaks in work, it does not need to be closed or opened.

  • Only one engineer is needed to maintain 15 machines, which greatly reduces the cost of water.

The composition of water, which is obtained as a result of purification in a vending machine using the reverse osmosis method, practically does not differ in its characteristics from the melt water of ancient glaciers and is considered the most environmentally friendly and beneficial for the human body.

Business Financial Performance

The cost of one vending machine, which sells water for bottling, is about 250 thousand rubles.

Business setup costs:

  • purchase and installation of 10 vending machines - 2.5 million rubles.
  • Monthly expenses:
  • rent of space for automatic machines - 20 thousand rubles;
  • engineer's salary - 30 thousand rubles;
  • payment of utility bills (water supply, electricity) - 2 thousand rubles;
  • taxes and other unforeseen expenses - 2 thousand rubles.

The total amount of expenses: 54 thousand rubles.

Revenue from the sale of water (400 liters per day, 12,000 liters per month, at a price of 2 rubles per 1 liter) - 24 thousand per month * 10 machines = 240 thousand rubles.

Business payback period: 1-1.5 years.

Business profitability: 200 percent.

As you can see, the business of selling water to the population is more than profitable, and not only for the entrepreneur because of the high profitability, but also for the people themselves, who get an alternative opportunity to buy high-quality water at a very low price. This business has excellent prospects for development in the coming years. Therefore, entrepreneurs who are still looking for their niche in business should quickly occupy it in the field of drinking water trade.