How to promote a beauty salon in a residential area: practical recommendations and step-by-step instructions. How to promote a beauty salon in a residential area Promotion of a beauty salon methods

Any enterprise that provides services needs customers, including a beauty salon. It doesn't matter what services a company offers if people don't know about it. Do not neglect advertising and other methods of attracting customers, of which there are a lot in modern society. How to promote a beauty salon? Very simple. It is enough to follow certain rules.


A beauty salon cannot exist without clients, and if people do not show interest in it, then very soon this enterprise will be declared bankrupt. The director must think over the development strategy before starting work.

How to spin up from scratch? There is nothing complicated in this, and it does not require large expenses either. First you need to decide on the audience that will visit the salon. Which customers will become regular visitors.

It is also very important where the beauty salon is located. It can be a center, elite or Depending on this, it is possible to determine the further work of the enterprise.

It is desirable that the salon has a twist. His services must be original. If there are, then it is likely that customers will travel from other areas as well.

Promotion of a beauty salon via the Internet

How to promote a new one via the Internet? Very simple. To get started, just use social networks and launch an action. For example, advertising on a page in some network will offer a haircut at a big discount or a manicure for half the price. This method works great only at the initial stage and practically does not require any costs.

The next stage will already require small financial investments. Opening your own website will help to quickly promote a beauty salon. It is necessary to place detailed information about the services provided, it is also desirable to post a price list, photos of the masters and their work. A very effective method is the photo report "before" and "after".

It is worth noting that when developing a site, it is advisable to use the services of professionals who already know what a certain group of visitors wants to see.

The importance of flyers

How to promote a beauty salon in a residential area with simple leaflets? This method of advertising is inexpensive and very effective, but only if it is in a certain place.

When ordering flyers, special attention should be paid to their design. It is important that they are very bright, colorful and interesting. Flyers that are boring and tasteless can backfire and discourage potential customers from visiting a beauty salon.

It is best to order the development and production of leaflets from a printing house. Specialists will competently develop a design, coordinate it, and only after that they will put it into print.

Ready-made flyers are best distributed in places where there is a very large crowd of people. It can be shopping centers or large entertainment complexes. You can also arrange them in mailboxes, but you should not make this type of advertising too intrusive.

Don't forget word of mouth

Recently, word of mouth has become the most popular way of promotion. How to promote a beauty salon in a crisis? This method of advertising will help, because it:

  • practically free;
  • attracts only active customers;
  • positively affects the reputation of the institution.

These are just the main advantages of "word of mouth".

This type of advertising spreads very quickly from a satisfied customer to a potential one. This means that, having come to the salon, a new client is already preparing for a positive result in advance, and if his expectations are justified, he will in any case advise him to his friends and acquaintances.

It is on the basis of "word of mouth" that most of the regular is formed. Visitors always come in a good mood, and this has a very good effect on the reputation and atmosphere in the beauty salon.

Customer Incentives

How to promote a beauty salon in a business center? Stimulating a potential customer base will help a lot with this.

If such an enterprise is located in some center, then you can organize the so-called sampling, that is, part of the procedure is free of charge, and if the client likes it, then he will have to pay extra for the rest.

Also incentive methods include bonuses, promotions and coupons. Especially for a business center, coupons are good, upon presentation of which some kind of discount is provided. The coupon not only serves as a source of a profitable offer, but also informs potential customers about the procedures carried out in the salon. Bonuses can be offered in the form of free treatments subject to regular attendance.

It should be noted that the salon in the business center almost never has a permanent base, but there are always a lot of casual visitors. Therefore, attracting customers at this location should occur constantly. It is also worth paying attention to the quality of procedures. It is important that the specialists working in the salon are true professionals.

The main mistakes that are made when opening a beauty salon

It is not enough just to answer the question of how to promote a beauty salon. It is also important to analyze the main mistakes that are made when opening an enterprise, as well as take measures to prevent them. So, there are only seven main mistakes, namely:

  • mistakes in business planning;
  • mistakes at the initial stages of work;
  • errors in management that arise due to the inexperience or lack of education of the director;
  • advertising errors (lack of flow of new customers);
  • errors when working with an existing client base;
  • mistakes in hiring new employees that spoil the reputation of the salon;
  • business development mistakes. Constant change of strategy and plans.

Any "miss" must be corrected. Before answering the question of how to promote a beauty salon, you need to think about possible mistakes that can lead to bankruptcy at any stage.

The Importance of Marketing Research

Marketing research is a very important stage in the life of any enterprise that earns on the provision of services. However, well-conducted research is usually very expensive and sometimes it is simply not justified for a small business.

How to promote a beauty salon and at the same time spend a minimum of money? Is it possible to save on marketing research? Here are some questions that aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in.

Of course, you can save money, but only the director of the salon should remember the responsibility and the risk of possible ruin. Most often, entrepreneurs choose one of two options:

  1. Marketing research is not carried out at all. Business is going with the flow. It's completely free, and some salons succeed anyway.
  2. Marketing research is replaced by peer review. A good expert can easily point out to an entrepreneur the strengths and weaknesses of his business. Of course, this is not a full-fledged study, but in the absence of extra funds, peer review can also help.

If the business is at risk

Sometimes, to save a fading beauty salon, it is not enough just to conduct marketing research or an advertising campaign. Sometimes the director decides to completely change the concept.

When one concept is replaced by another, it will be a completely new beauty salon. Sometimes it is useful to make repairs and even change the name and sign. Such actions will greatly help if the beauty salon has not a very good reputation, for example, due to unskilled employees.

Also, if the situation is not too neglected, it is good to gradually introduce new services, setting an attractive price for them. In this way, you can improve the situation and stand out from other competitors.

“To get to us for a haircut,” explains the general director of the Kuafeur E.S. beauty salon. Svetlana Davydova, - you need to call the administrator on the 20th of the current month and sign up for the next one. True, it will not be easy to get through, she warns.

For regular customers of Kuafer, a small hairdressing salon in a residential area of ​​Moscow, this date is prudently marked on the calendar. And therefore, the very next day, the masters of “Kuafer” have the whole next month of work scheduled, especially for two directors - the general and the executive. Sisters Svetlana Davydova and Evgenia Arsentieva are the most popular masters in their own hairdressing salon.

Own cooperative

“Sometimes it seems to me that I have cut my whole life and everyone - mom, dad, sister,” Svetlana laughs. - Zhenya and I actually grew up in a hairdressing salon where our grandmother worked. I remember my first haircut well: I cut my father’s temple on one side, and on the other side there was a shaggy tank.

After college - in the late 1980s - Sveta and Zhenya got a job in one of the first cooperative beauty salons in Moscow. But a few years later, having gone to study in Europe, the sisters began to dream of their own hairdressing salon, where they could cut, dye and treat their hair the way they themselves consider it right.

It was all back in the 1990s, one of the clients helped the sisters with the premises: they rented a room of 35 square meters. m in the building of the Law Academy on the Garden Ring. Then the three of them (the sisters invited a colleague from the salon to become co-owners) chipped in $400 each for equipment - three hairdressing chairs, one sink and mirrors, made repairs on their own and opened Kuafeur. Work began immediately according to the schedule of full recording - 10 people a day. All the clients from the salon where the sisters worked as hired craftsmen followed them to the new Kuafeur.

“It was a great time,” Svetlana and Evgenia recall. - We were young and lived not by a business plan, but by hopes. The country has changed and so has our life. Imagine, we started working back in the Soviet Union, where we knew only iron curlers, and here so many new things appeared! We bought the first Italian beauty chair. It all seemed incredible!”

But even more incredible was the bookkeeping. More precisely, its absence. Svetlana says that they didn’t have a cash register, at the end of the working day money was lying on the windowsill, which no one counted - there was no time, “some kind of receipts” served as checks. At first, there was not even an accountant, Svetlana prepared and handed over the first balance sheet herself.

Two years later, the premises in the center of Moscow attracted richer and more influential tenants. The girls had to move out literally overnight and take out all the equipment. For the next nine months, the salon masters worked at home, but the team did not break up. The new premises were rented in the prestigious Moscow Tekstilshchiki, but the clients did not care where to go for a beautiful haircut. “One client and I will soon celebrate the 30th anniversary of our acquaintance,” says Svetlana. - This is more than we live with our husbands. In general, customers are our main capital, you cannot measure it with money. How many times have they helped us?

Prestigious business in an unprestigious area

When it became clear that the salon needed its own, and not rented, space for business development, one of the clients lent money to the sisters to buy 130 sq. m. m of non-residential area on the first floor of a residential building in Tekstilshchiki. “We still have photographs of how everything looked here in 2000,” Evgenia recalls. - Horror. Water up to the knee. The risers had to be changed up to the third floor.” Six years later, working seven days a week, the sisters paid their creditor the full amount with interest. By that time, the two of them remained the mistresses of "Kuafer" - the third partner did not dare to take risks even at the stage of buying premises in a residential area of ​​​​Moscow.

Having solved the "housing" issue, Svetlana and Evgenia took up the personnel. They advertised in the Afisha magazine (one of the clients of the salon worked there), invited talented students from the college where they themselves taught, and launched word of mouth. And the first "call" turned out to be the most successful: 70% of the current employees of "Kuafer" - and there are 16 people in total - have been working in the salon since the early 2000s.

“We approached the matter of recruiting in a scientific way,” says Svetlana. - One client made us psychological tests, according to which we selected people. To be a good hairdresser, it is not enough to cut your hair well, you have to be a good person. And when the team began to grow and there were some frictions between people, we went for another piece of advice to a specialist.” Help was provided, of course, by another client of the salon.

“I had to pay crazy money for those times - $ 100 for 45 minutes of a lecture on personnel policy,” Svetlana continues. “We didn’t even suspect then that if the company’s staff exceeds 12 people, it is necessary to change the management methodology. In the end, we chose the scheme of the Italian mafia: everyone got married, crossed themselves and became, in fact, a big family.”

And the financial statements of this "family" were prudently entrusted to an audit company. For ten years, Kuaffer has been an absolutely official company with “white” accounting and an evenly growing turnover: in 2010 they earned 10.6 million rubles, in 2011 - 11.2 million rubles. Kuaffer pays employees a decent salary and provides a full social package. Few Moscow salons can boast of this. The sisters regularly come up with a new interior design and make repairs. They joke: at least something must change in the salon if the masters and clients are still the same.

However, over the past two years, Kuafer has acquired another 500 new clients in addition to the 2,500 people in the database. Largely thanks to the new website. Is it time to think about expanding your own business? The sisters are sure that even if they have to move again, this will not affect the flow of customers.

You have opened your own beauty salon: you have invested a lot in it, made a cool design renovation and even thought out bonuses for regular customers. One problem - they are not in a hurry to visit the salon.

How to fix it? Proper promotion of the salon will help you. Don't worry, we'll show you how. Read the article to find out how to attract clients to the beauty salon and make them come back.

Be on the lookout

Perhaps no one knows about your salon corny. Did you run an advertising campaign before opening? Either way, it's time to do it again.

Find reliable partners to advertise each other on mutual terms. Who could it be? Fitness centers and cosmetics stores.

Separately, we should talk about how to promote a beauty salon on the Internet.

Website and contextual advertising

Every good beauty salon should have its own website. Believe me, with the right approach, it is the site that will bring you half of the customers.

To create a new website or improve an existing one, seek the help of professionals. Hire a team of designers, programmers, and internet marketers. These people will make sure that the interface is nice and convenient, and the site itself is in the first lines of search results.

Social media

Create your own groups in VK and FB and create an account on Instagram. Regularly update information about salon services. Carry on a dialogue with visitors, offer them bonuses for subscribing to a page or for asking a question.

Be Profitable

Motivate your customers to visit the salon. Conduct regular promotions, introduce a flexible system of discounts.

The psychology of the female consumer is simple: if it is profitable, then it is necessary. That is, it is not necessary to introduce a discount on the most popular procedure. Offer half price keratin hair straightening and you'd be surprised how many women need it right now.

Be heard

Get your salon discussed. Action is good, but it's not enough. Any thematic event will work much cooler. Give your customers not only benefits, but also a pleasant pastime.

Arrange a master class. Call a professional makeup artist who will tell clients about the secrets of perfect makeup.

In a month, hold a hairdressing forum. Invite both masters and clients. Young hairdressers will be able to compete in professionalism and originality, and the clients themselves will help them in this.

In another month, arrange a meeting with a professional beautician who will give a lecture on skin care.

Create a pleasant atmosphere and make sure your clients are having fun. Believe me, in a couple of months the whole city will be talking about your salon.

Be at hand

To ensure that your actions and events do not go unnoticed, you need an effective notification method.

A great help in this will be your own mobile application. Firstly, customers will always be aware of promotions and special offers. Secondly, you will be known as a fashionable salon that keeps up with the times. The application will allow customers to save their time. With its help, registration for the service will be carried out in just a few clicks.

Be grateful

Don't forget to say "thank you" to your customers. Better - in the form of bonuses. Give them souvenirs, make discount cards, or simply offer every tenth visit - at the expense of the institution. Customers will appreciate your generosity and tell their friends about it.

Beauty salon promotion: results

To attract customers to the beauty salon, we recommend:

  • Run an advertising campaign
  • Develop special offers
  • Work on an action plan
  • Create your own application
  • Implement a loyalty program

Now you know the secrets of promoting a beauty salon. Apply them by opening your own business or buying a beauty salon as a ready-made business in Moscow. We advise you to promote the capital salon using all of the above methods, since the competition is too high.

Today in the beauty salon "Lady Molodost" you need to sign up at least 2 weeks in advance. But more recently, Oksana Kochegaru, a hairdresser and his mistress, had to reduce her staff and could not hire cool craftsmen. But she did not give up and found her recipe for a successful business.

Attention, for the anonymity of the user and his service, the text is anonymized and the names/names have been changed.

Often it seemed to me that I cut literally everyone and all my life - first dolls, then parents and girlfriends. I spent most of my childhood in a hairdressing salon where my grandmother worked, and seeing this endless stream of clients, I always dreamed that I would have such a salon.

After college, my grandmother attached me to her hairdressing salon.

But often I cut my hair at home in order to gain clients. Experienced colleagues said that "word of mouth" is the best advertisement for the master.

I worked almost seven days a week, because. I had a goal - to open my own beauty salon. Two years of hard work, and I was able to rent a small room for two chairs, but with an eye on the manicure room.

It’s not that they didn’t exist at all, but their number did not cover basic expenses: rent, taxes, advertising, etc. There were 3-4 regular customers per day. Many of them did not want to go to the salon, because. I had to raise prices, and this difference turned out to be fundamental for them.

Things improved a little during graduation and May weddings, but then there was a lull again - during the season of holidays and summer cottages, people were in no hurry to do their hair. The opening of the manicure room remained a beautiful project, because at this stage it was necessary to save the hairdresser.

We used all the offline advertising methods available to us - flyers, newspaper ads, flyers, discounts, refer-a-friend promotions, etc. But the investments in these activities were more than the results.

And then I remembered social media. At the very beginning of my hairdressing career, I created a group where I collected information from the beauty industry and shared it with others. And even then she called her Lady Youth. But I didn’t develop it, probably, I was waiting for the right moment.

Understanding nothing in SMM promotion, I decided to study this issue in my spare time. But there was a problem - either I'm studying promotion in the hope of getting a constant stream of clients in n-amount of time, or I'm cutting my hair now to pay rent and taxes.

I had two options: hire an SMM manager or complete promotion courses. In the first case, my monthly expenses increased by 40,000 rubles, in the second, I once paid 30,000 for the course and did the work of the SMM manager myself, saving 20 thousand per month, but still spending time promoting the group. To be honest, this kind of work tired me a little, because. daily routine activities that had to be carried out systematically were like death. Plus, I lost money again.

One day, trying to find the right solution, I saw a short video on Youtube that tells about the SocSpider service, which can promote any small business, including a beauty salon. At first I did not believe that for just a small amount you can get good results.

The main thing is to decide

In the end, I didn’t risk anything by going to the service’s website and reading about its work. True, the decision to connect the promotion service was not taken immediately. I doubted which network to start with - Vkontakte or Instagram. In the first one, after all, there are 90 million visitors a day, and the second one seems to be specially created for such a “visual” business as a beauty salon. Again, it was necessary to choose from three proposed tariffs - Light, Standard, VIP, which differed in price and, accordingly, in the results of promotion.

After consulting with the moderators of the service and reading the reviews, I still chose the Standard tariff and ordered the promotion of Vkontakte and Instagram. Literally a month later I saw with my own eyes how much the topic of beauty is in demand on the network!

It's no secret that women of all ages are happy not only to discuss, but also share successful and even unsuccessful haircuts, styling, make-ups, creative manicures. Therefore, the posts created in my group were actively liked and reposted. Especially popular were the "selfies" taken at the barbershop before and after the haircut. And it became a feature of my group on Instagram.

But, of course, the main activity has developed, thanks to the skillful work of the service.

I only set tasks, and the robots carried them out in a disciplined manner. Although to call them robots, I can’t turn my tongue 🙂 The pages specially created and registered for my business could not be distinguished from the pages of real people: realistic photos, regular posts, contacts, studies, family, hobbies and work.

But they worked exactly like robots - without sleep and rest, without complaints about the routine of actions, just about the result. After two weeks of the service, we have increased the number of calls, and with it the number of orders.

After two months, my masters stopped being bored and did not even have time to serve all the clients. Women began to bring children and husbands, so the opening of the men's hall was not a whim, but an urgent need.

For the first time in six months of work, I had a light at the end of the tunnel. And I understood that skill and professionalism are only half the battle, the main thing is competent promotion. In my case, word of mouth lost out to SocSpider. Although this is not surprising. People now communicate more on social networks than in person.

What have I achieved and what are my plans

  1. You can make an appointment with the master at least two weeks in advance, and this is not during the holidays and the wedding season.
  2. The income was increased 10 times, so now we are looking for a new, more spacious room in order to install 3 chairs each in the men's and women's rooms, separately make a children's room, a nail studio, a solarium, make-up and a beauty parlor. For promotion, we will use SocSpider on the VIP tariff, because the price of such beauty services is higher, so more coverage is needed.

    Be sure to add Facebook and Mamba, perhaps LovePlanet.

  3. Cool masters want to work for me, who know that in our “Lady of Youth” there is no need to run after clients.
  • Love your business and trust professionals. If you're on a budget, trust SocSpider.
  • Choosing from three tariffs, connect "Standard" immediately. "Light" is more interesting for the purpose of experimenting and seeing what the service can do. But in order not to waste time and get the result - this is the "Standard".
  • Don't advertise on the second day. Considered spam and banned. Optimal after 10 days, so be patient.
  • Don't stop promoting after a couple of months. Even if you forgot to pay for the package or there was no money, you can do it within 20 days after the date of the last connection.

I just received an offer to open a similar salon in a neighboring city with the prospect of a whole network of beauty salons. Most likely, I will agree, because the SocSpider service does not care in which region to promote business.

We remind you that you can send your stories about using the service to us at

How much does it cost to open a beauty salon and how profitable is it

Undoubtedly, all women live in pursuit of perfection. Media shows new ways to fight excess body hair or cellulite, thereby attracting customers to beauty salons. Some bring a fairly high income, while others do not withstand competition and “burn out”. So what needs to be done to not only keep the business viable, but also to succeed in the service industry for a beautiful appearance.

A beauty salon will bring great profits if, first of all, it is properly invested in it and the scope of services offered is well thought out. In the beginning, you need to reckon with the means for renting a room and its fixtures, as well as buying the necessary devices and cosmetics. Later, it is only enough to convince clients with the quality of their work that it is your office, if not the cheapest, then probably the best. It is possible, however, to start small, from a few services, and gradually expand the range of offers. In this article, we will hold an open day in a beauty salon. Let's learn some behind the scenes secrets of this business.

How to open your own beauty salon and how to start a business

First, everyone has the first and very important one - “I want to open a beauty salon, where to start?”. Irina Karpovich applied the correct sequence for expanding cosmetic services. This is a story about a business how to open a beauty salon from scratch. Her beauty studio was a direct result of her love for beautiful nails. “I have always loved to have well-groomed, neat nails. Any girl will understand me, because when your hands are in order, you feel more confident. Later, I began to learn the basics of manicure and gel coating. In the end, due to the persuasion of a friend from the premises at the house, she decided to make a beauty salon. She graduated from the courses of a manicure and pedicure master, attracted another professional to work. And this is how my salon has been operating since January.

How to promote a beauty salon - 6 effective types of advertising that can double your income.

In this area, every second random visitor becomes a regular customer - with the right approach to him and advertising.

Unfortunately, many businessmen use this method to speed up beauty salon promotion as advertisements in the media - in newspapers, magazines.

The problem lies in the following - in this way you can make yourself felt, offer a discount, but in no way keep the client.

In order for people to constantly visit the beauty salon, completely different methods of promotion are recommended, which you will learn about below.

Does a beauty salon need a website?

Any self-respecting company will not develop a business without creating a website for itself.

Without it, it is impossible to find out either the address, or the phone number of the manager, or any other information.

For a modern consumer, just a beautiful outdoor sign will not be enough to decide to visit you.

He needs information that should be on the site.

At first, a person thinks, “Can I afford this service in this salon?”

He will want to go online, find out more about the masters and, of course, prices.

He may also be interested in reviews.

The site is not a method of promoting a beauty salon, but it is a support for all subsequent actions, for example, for ordering flyers.

If there is a specialist with international experience in the salon, indicate this on your resource.

1. Promotion of a beauty salon with the help of SEO optimization

Let's talk about the site.

The basic solution on how to promote a beauty salon with its help is SEO optimization.

This is a whole range of activities aimed at increasing the position of the site in the issuance of the necessary key queries.

Serves for the following purposes:

  • improves certain technical (qualitative) indicators of the site,
  • allows you to promote the salon according to specific customer requests,
  • increase "authority" in the eyes of visitors.

With this setting method, the promotion of a beauty salon begins.

To organize a competent SEO promotion, you will need a lot of capital - from 50,000 rubles.

2. Contextual advertising for a beauty salon

How can a beauty salon be promoted if you do not have a large amount of money to promote?

And it will entail much lower costs - from 20,000 rubles.

  • text,
  • banner.

The budget for this method of promotion can be adjusted and, for example, order this service, mainly on the eve of the holidays.

Instead of "cheap hairdresser" it is better to use "budget haircut".

The likelihood that you will be found on the Internet will be much higher.

The competition is quite high and if you use the so-called high-frequency requests, your salon may get lost among the more popular and "authoritative" ones.

Another example for comparison: "hairdressers in city N" - about 14,000 requests and "hair lamination in city N" - 200 requests.

3. What is an online catalog?

If you enter “beauty salon of the city N” in Google or Yandex, the search engine will display information from the catalogs of all and similar establishments in the city.

If you are not registered there, it will be very difficult to find your salon online.

4. Promotion of a beauty salon through cooperation with partners

Interesting fact:
Among the most unusual salon procedures, one can single out a procedure originally from Mexico. In order to restore the skin of the body to its former elasticity and attractiveness, cactus and agave juice are used. Pieces of cactus are laid out on the surface of the body, and then everything is poured with juice. This mixture improves blood circulation and reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Any successful businessman has connections with partners and cooperates with other companies and resources.

If only because it is very profitable: for example, to purchase consumables for a beauty salon at a significant discount.

The following cooperation opportunities will help to promote the beauty salon faster:

    Coupon sites.

    These platforms have a large audience.

    The bottom line is this: you provide a discount on some service for a large number of people.

    In this situation, the profit does not increase, but more people learn about you.

    Women's Portals.

    There are many websites and magazines for women where you can place banner ads.

    There are also bases of salons in a particular region, where you should also register.

    Companies operating in related fields.

    How do you look at, for example, to exchange an audience with a wedding dress salon?

    Here, very profitable cooperation can turn out, and it will be much cheaper for the client to purchase a dress and hairdresser's services in a comprehensive package.

5. How to promote a beauty salon through PR promotion?

It is important to know that the quality of information plays an important role in attracting people.

If the marketing plan matches the consumer's desires, and he gets the information he needs, he shows a lot of interest in you and is ready to place an order.

With the help of the following actions, you can attract potential customers:

    There are various types of forums: parental, regional, women's.

    There are a lot of questions that people are waiting for an answer to for a long time.

    Try to analyze what forum visitors are interested in, provide them with information, consult.

    The more people you help, the more they will tell others about your salon.

    The site of a beauty salon should have a mandatory section "Reviews".

    If you have just opened and buyers have not written anything about you yet, use services such as irecommend.

    There you need to create a page for your company so that people can freely post their wishes and criticism.

    "Own feature."

    Invite clients to share stories about how a new haircut has changed their lives—whether they successfully interviewed or met their future husband.

    Real life stories influence readers much more than dry advertising that you have hairdressers with international experience.

    With the advent of their own forum, they will not refuse to receive additional information, and will also tell their friends that you can talk to a consultant by phone for free and sign up for a haircut.


    All works of the masters of the salon must be photographed.

    The more photos posted on the site, the better.

6. Advertising for a beauty salon in social networks

It is difficult to imagine modern business without Internet marketing, namely, without social networks.

In the field of beauty, SMM is more effective than in any other industry, because women love to discuss hairstyles, share their experiences, recommend this or that master to their friends, and talk about makeup secrets.

    VK/Facebook group.

    Let users create posts, discuss, comment, like and repost.

    Beauty is a visual sphere, so an account in will only be a plus, because there you can upload selfies, bows, and before/after photos.

    No need to constantly post only about your services.

    Dilute the content with interesting events from the world of make-up or fashion.

    The more photos the better.

    For example, a photo essay from a fashion show in Milan or an article on the topic “The hottest trends in nail polish in 2017”.

    Let your clients evaluate the work of masters.

    So you can understand what they like more and what works are more in demand.

    Accounts of other beauty salons.

    Despite the fact that they are your direct competitors, the audiences are different everywhere.

    Add hairdressers from other salons as friends, communicate with their owners - this expands your horizons and the possibility of beneficial mutual cooperation.

The video provides detailed instructions for promoting a beauty salon on Instagram:

Common advertising mistakes to avoid

Today, in any kiosk you can buy many magazines dedicated to the field of beauty.

It does not attract new customers in any way and salon owners simply lose money on it.

It is important to remember two basic rules for the effective impact of advertising:

    If this is a photo essay from an exhibition where the masters received awards, let them write about it in some magazine only once.

    Another time, offer a discount on the eve of the holidays, and then get people interested in a new master from Italy.

    There are many platforms where they can find out about your salon.

Internet marketing is the most effective way to promote.

Traditional methods of promotion, such as handing out flyers at a shopping center or banner advertising, have almost no effect.

beauty salon promotion largely depends on how you run an advertising company.

Never promise what you can't offer yet!

And always pay attention to negative reviews - they should never be ignored.

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