Dropshipping suppliers everything for the wedding. Dropshipping from A to Z: suppliers in Russia, what it is, how to trade

Hello dear friends!

How many of you consider trading via the Internet feasible for yourself? And in general - do you think that doing an online store is easy? There are no such?

And who is sure that for this type of activity it is necessary to organize a warehouse, order and deliver goods, and solve problems with unsold balances? I think most of them are.

Well, I should disappoint conservatives in a good way: the modern model of Internet commerce makes it much easier for a businessman and not bother with unnecessary actions. If you know what dropshipping is in sales, then you understand what I'm talking about now, but if you don't understand, then read on.

1. Dropshipping - Introduction

The dropshipping system originated on burgnet websites (they were the first to launch online stores, so the idea did not come out of nowhere). On English-language resources you can find a huge number of intermediary resources. They have well-designed websites, excellent product photos, and a developed loyalty program. But the owners of these sites do not have the goods as such. But there are a lot of profitable offers for the buyer. And all because dropshippers know how to rush in time and conclude an agreement with one or more suppliers or manufacturers of goods.

The terms of the contract (to summarize) are as follows:

  • The dropshipper undertakes to find a sufficient number of buyers for the manufacturer (supplier);
  • The supplier (manufacturer) undertakes to provide the customer with quality goods in the required quantity in time;
  • As a result of a successful transaction, the dropshipper receives a reward in the form of a commission (margin);
  • The dropshipper determines the difference between the price from the supplier and the price displayed on its website on its own, focusing on consumer demand and the average market value.

But no expert will argue that it is very easy to trade without having a product in stock.

2. What you need to work on the dropshipping scheme

Without a website or other similar platform, sales are impossible. You need to make a "showcase": a multi-page online store or a one-pager.

A single page is suitable for one unique product, a store for selling a large assortment. Another option, if there are already several products, is to make several landing pages. Each one is for a specific type of product.

Goods for one-pagers (dropshipping) are better to take from any big suppliers, but it is better to turn to CPA networks. For example:

  • ad1.ru
  • cityads.ru
  • admitad.ru

Without a reliable supplier, the idea of ​​dropshipping is meaningless. Where to find a supplier is a very important issue, the solution of which depends on the successful start and further development of the business.

It is important that the supplier is responsible, makes contact, and shows loyalty to the dropshipper as a promising intermediary. By choosing a partner according to these criteria, you can ensure a decent income for yourself, a quality product for buyers, and the required number of regular customers for the supplier. Your intelligibility will prove beneficial to all participants in the scheme.

3. How much can you earn from dropshipping

The commission for intermediaries ranges from 1 to 1000 percent, depending on how much the dropshipper has the talent to sell goods at a high price.

I have to somewhat disappoint those who have not yet fully understood what dropshipping is in sales. Dropshipping suppliers usually work with more than just one store, which means that dozens or even hundreds of people can sell the same product. This suggests that there is a price ceiling in dproshipping - and it is worth sticking to. You should not make a markup too high, otherwise customers will run to competitors.

Dropshipping competitors can only be beaten by lowering the price. Even with a 10% margin, you can earn more than 100 if you activate customer acquisition and increase the number of sales.

For example, you find a wholesale supplier who sells goods for 100 rubles apiece and agree that you will bring him ten real buyers per day who will order goods at retail, but at a wholesale price. And at the same time, set a low percentage of margin (10-15%) - on your website, the product costs 115 rubles.

Your competitor also finds this supplier, but does not talk about anything like that with him: how many buyers there will be. And he puts his margin - 50% (the price on the site is 150 rubles per unit). In this case, of course, you will get more customers. People are always looking for the cheapest product, so you can be sure that even with the lowest interest rate, you will not be left without income.

4. Where can I find a reliable supplier of goods?

Companies from China and Europe offer work on favorable terms for a dropshipper. And if you set yourself the goal of finding a conscientious partner, you need to contact them directly. The option is not very working, since not every distributor will agree to direct deliveries due to your lack of necessary recommendations and feedback on the work. Companies, especially Western European ones, value their reputation very much and will not contact an unfamiliar and inexperienced intermediary. They are afraid of fraud and unfair partnership like fire.

5. How to find a dropshipping supplier for an online store in Russia

Usually, the owners of Internet markets in our country use the services of wholesalers from China. If you also look to the east with hope, then look also carefully. Chinese "quality" has already been tested by many on themselves, so they do not really trust a beautiful picture. Find partners who are ready to guarantee the quality of the goods, sign an agreement where quality is placed in a separate clause. If possible, do not cooperate with clothing suppliers - this type of product from Chinese manufacturers is recognized as the lowest quality. If desired, you can find a partner who will provide buyers with more or less decent dresses. But there are only a few of them in China.

There are other negative aspects of dropshipping with Chinese suppliers:

  • long delivery period - from three weeks to one and a half months;
  • payment method - prepayment, without the possibility of paying in cash upon receipt;
  • a limited number of postal and courier services that deliver from China.

If you are not afraid of all of the above, I advise you to start looking for suppliers on Aliexpress or Taobao.

5.1. Dropshipping suppliers in Russia

A competent buyer cannot be interested in the influx of low-quality Chinese goods. Apparently, this is why many domestic dropshippers began to master the American Amazon. Still would! There you can find up to 6,000,000 potential customers! In a day!

Despite tough competition from foreign suppliers, I'm just sure that we have conscientious manufacturers who are ready to cooperate. And they are not worse, but much better than foreign ones.

Let's say you are a resident of the capital, you started to try dropshipping. Suppliers in Moscow interest you more than others. Do not rush to be disappointed if you do not find the capital. On the periphery, people also know how to work, create high-quality goods, and they are many times more conscientious.

In order not to flip through dozens of pages in the search, I advise you to pay attention to the catalogs of Russian manufacturers and suppliers for working on the dropshipping system:

  • postavshhiki.ru;
  • dropshopping.ru;
  • aplix.ru;
  • ulmart.ru
  • russia-dropshipping.ru;
  • optlist.ru;
  • suppliers.rf;
  • za-optom.com (this catalog contains dropshipping suppliers from Ukraine, and China is also here, where can you get away from it?);
  • optomproduct.ru.

But if you want to limit the geography of delivery, you can easily find a dropshipping supplier for an online store in Moscow from the capital or the Moscow region in the catalogs.

Dropshipping- this is a way to work without your own warehouse, when the goods are directly sent from the supplier to the buyer.

This partnership system is very developed in Europe. And it's really very convenient!

No investment is required from you. You can start your business right now without leaving your computer.

All you need is a platform on the Internet to place goods and attract customers. It can be either an online store site or a page on a social network.

Dropshipping is a very profitable system of cooperation!

Example: Do you want to sell swimwear? An excellent product that is always in demand and has a high margin.

But there is one thing! One swimsuit model is presented in 8 sizes x 50 models (after all, your customers need an assortment in order to choose a model according to their taste) x 2000 rubles (approximate wholesale price). Total: for the initial purchase of swimwear for your store, you need 800,000 rubles.

With home clothes a little easier, but you still need a decent amount for the purchase.

Example: 5 sizes * 1800 rubles (approximate wholesale price) * 50 = 450,000 rubles.

Also keep in mind that the warehouse periodically needs to be replenished by purchasing the missing sizes. Again, this is a big expense.

Working on the dropshipping system, it is not necessary to have a multi-million dollar warehouse with goods. You just need to have an online store, an online showcase or a group on a social network with goods where your customers will place orders. Our company will send orders to your customers, and you will receive your difference between the wholesale and retail prices.

You only buy the product your customer needs. Agree, it is very convenient!

How to work on the Dropshipping system?

There are several options for dropshipping. The most popular - with prepayment and without prepayment.

Dropshipping Prepaid:

  1. Send this order and payment to us.
  2. The buyer receives the order and sends the payment directly to you.

Dropshipping without prepayment:

  1. You receive an order from a buyer.
  2. Send this order to us without paying for it.
  3. We send the goods directly to your buyer (we send you a track number).
  4. The buyer receives the order and sends the payment to us.
  5. You receive your reward.

Any of the options include:

  1. Sending goods directly to your customer
  2. Free product packaging
  3. Ability to use your promotional materials

What you need to work according to this scheme:

  1. Agreement with us
  2. Active account on the wholesale website (www.site)

As you can see, everything is quite simple. To get started, register on our website to see the basic wholesale prices.

Dropshipping (from the English dropshipping - direct delivery) is a business method that does not require serious investments and risks from an online store.

Dropshipping cooperation between an online store and a supplier looks something like this:

1. An online store uploads goods from a dropshipping supplier to its website and sets its own price.
2. The buyer pays this price to the store.
3. The store transfers payment for the goods without its extra charge to the supplier, and also indicates where to send the goods.
4. The supplier sends the goods directly to the buyer.

Dropshipping is beneficial for everyone

The supplier or manufacturer receives channels for the sale of goods and does not waste time looking for buyers.

An online intermediary store may not purchase wholesale consignments of goods and may not risk money. He does not need to rent a warehouse, deal with packaging and delivery.

The buyer purchases the goods at a better price, because the online store does not need to rent a warehouse and pay a salary to the courier. This means that he can afford to sell goods cheaper. Most dropshipping offers for Moscow.

Why is it so hard to find dropshipping sites?

The advantages of dropshipping have been appreciated by tens of thousands of beginners and not only Russian entrepreneurs. It is not surprising that there are more people who want to do business on the Internet without investments than offers from dropshipping suppliers of online stores.

The leaders of wholesale and dropshipping deliveries from China, such as AliExpress.com, Alibaba.com, Dealextreme.com, are ready to work with small stores, but not all small stores are ready to understand the English interface, comprehend the complex system of giant sites and wait for weeks, or even months, for delivery from the other end of the continent.

And then the search for dropshipping in Russia begins. What thorns you have to go through in search of a good supplier, Valentina, the owner of a clothing store, told us:

There are thousands of wholesale suppliers on the network, but only a few offer work on the dropshipping system. Not all domestic manufacturers are ready to send goods one by one. And those who are ready are not always suitable: some have prices up to the ceiling, some do not inspire confidence, and those who answer letters every other time or it is not at all clear whether they work or not.

Another entrepreneur Andrei says:

I'm in the business of selling sports shoes and I'm constantly looking for dropshipping sneaker suppliers. You can spend weeks or even months searching. You sit, sort through the sites, and out of a hundred you find only 2-3 suitable ones. Most of all in Russia, dropshipping is clothing suppliers, and if you need shoes, electronics or something else, it will be more difficult. Now I have found my trusted partners. I want to warn novice entrepreneurs against one thing - do not buy base stores with dropshipping. I came across databases of thousands of sites. It took a month to check them all. 10-20% turned out to be workers. They could be found for free, only much faster.

Someone is trying to sell the base for 120-150 rubles. Don't trust these ads.

To make it easier to find dropshipping companies, we have collected trusted Russian sites and sorted them by topic.

List of Russian dropshipping sites

Dropshipping Clothing Suppliers

SuperOpt sells watches, wallets and clutches, health and beauty products, teleshop products, home and garden products, electronics, jewelry and accessories, auto products, children's products, New Year's products, packaging and cases and other goods from China.

http://optzlatoust.ru - wholesale online store of unusual gifts OptZlatoust offers its customers a wide range of goods, including their own production. Sending goods daily by the largest transport companies. Wholesale prices begin to operate when ordering from 10 items and from 100 thousand rubles.

OptZlatoust sells various accessories, interior goods, souvenirs, dishes, weapons and religious goods using the dropshipping model.

About the dropshipping market and solutions for it

This is the most up-to-date list of dropshipping suppliers as of early 2017. The market is only developing, so new companies appear every day. You need to constantly look for suitable dropshippers and think about expanding the range. So don't limit yourself to this list.

By the way, the owners of online stores on the Shopconstructor platform have all the opportunities to work on the dropshipping system. An example of a store that works this way is below.

You need to select dropshipping partners with whom it is profitable for you to work, unload the goods selected from them into the store and form an assortment that will be in demand by your customers.

In the administrative part of the store, you set your prices, track new orders and transfer them to the dropshipping company. Thus, you have a convenient tool for online trading. A full-fledged online store with the ability to trade without investments - that's cool!

Get Ready online store selling intimate goods with direct shipping from the supplier is very easy on the Openmall platform. With the help of Openmol, you can get a cheap ready-made online store with goods from suppliers in Russia, Ukraine, the CIS, and China. The advantage of your site over competitors may be that on one site you will have a selection of goods from several suppliers and manufacturers from different parts of the world. You can get an online store and connect all the presented suppliers to one site. Or choose only one or more providers. Below is a description of each supplier and examples of their catalog.

1st option). We offer a choice of connecting several suppliers and manufacturers of goods from Russia - which are distinguished by a good assortment of goods and delivery in Russia. The supplier has more than 5,000 products in categories such as: Underwear, Club dresses, Role-playing costumes, BDSM, sex toys and much more.

The cost of creating an online store on the Openmall platform with the connection of one supplier in total 75$ 150$. If you already have a site on the Openmall platform, you can additionally connect this supplier to existing suppliers and significantly increase the range of your store. You can also add your product in parallel and successfully sell it in the same store. You can combine catalogs of several suppliers on one site.

We can offer a large selection of suppliers to connect, so you can name the website of your supplier and we will connect it. (you can combine several on one site). Here are some providers:

  • Ds (catalog from 6000 thousand items, wholesale prices, gives 90% cheaper than retail, you can work under a contract);
  • Supplier of happiness (more than 14 thousand items of goods, wholesale prices, gives 90% cheaper than retail, you can work under a contract);
  • Sexshop24 (a large catalog and information about the product, you can work according to the "transition" scheme);
  • Uslada-shop (this one has a good directory with parameters, you can work according to the "transition" scheme);
  • Intimshop (discount from retail, you can work according to the "transition" scheme);

After connecting the supplier, you will be able to sell such goods as: Underwear (Combinations, Corsets, Bodysuits, Sets, Mesh suits, Briefs, Stockings, Tights), Club dresses, Intimate goods (Accessories, Role-playing suits for men and women, Intimate dresses).

DS Supplier Benefits:

  • Efficiency- fast order processing. Parcels will go on the road even on the day of the order. Agree, receiving orders in a few days is better than expecting a month and a half, or even more. And also, being able to place an order without prepayment inspires confidence in the online store. Now the service of your online store will be able to offer such conditions for customers. DSopt guarantees maximum responsiveness for your business.
  • Range- Quality brands. official production. We work only with high-quality products, with reliable manufacturers and popular brands. Therefore, quality assurance is not empty words. All products have declarations of conformity. All products are located in Russia and are delivered as quickly as possible.
  • Profit— DS carries out mutual settlements with partners upon completed applications. After receiving payment from your buyer (in the case of cash on delivery), you will immediately receive your profit from the supplier. DS does not freeze your funds for any period of time.
  • Dropshipping– the supplier is fully working on dropshipping both retail and wholesale. Thus, you do not need working capital to open a store, you do not need to search for and purchase goods, maintain a warehouse, or deliver orders. Since all this is done by the supplier himself.

2nd option). Supplier of intimate goods from Ukraine with delivery to all CIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and other CIS countries and the world.). The supplier has a large assortment of goods (intimate goods, bdsm, clothing, jewelry, etc.). More than 6000 items of goods.

The supplier pays a commission of 20% of all purchases, a convenient dropshipping scheme with delivery to any country. This provider can be connected as an addition to others or only it separately. Connection cost - 45$ (the cost of monthly maintenance from the second month to $ 25 per month)

Vendor directory example -

Take advantage of the opportunity to earn more.

3rd option). If you want to expand the niche for the sale of intimate goods, then in addition to the store we can connect suppliers of erotic goods from China - you can connect more than a million items with auto-updating the assortment. An example of a catalog of intimate goods from China - - the cost of connecting such a catalog is total 35$

Thus - for only $75 + $45 + $35- You can create a store with a mega large selection of products in the category of intimate goods from suppliers in Europe, China and the CIS. You will be much better than your competitors - as you will have a huge catalog of intimate products and everything in one place - on one site. Additionally, you can add your own products or from your suppliers, if you have any.

Our team is ready to provide any additional services to improve the store in the future. More than a thousand design templates are also available for installation. If you already have an online store, then we can additionally connect our system to it and significantly expand your store.

Hurry up, the offer is very profitable! All questions can be directed to our support team.

What will you get after ordering the service:

  • ready online store on the Openmall platform on any of your domains and with your logo, as well as with all the features of the platform for the full-fledged acceptance of orders, payments and customer service;
  • product auto-update- all products of the DS supplier will be already uploaded to your site, which will be automatically updated;
  • automatic processing of orders by the supplier- you can easily transfer all orders of your new store to the supplier through a special admin panel;
  • full technical support and maintenance Your project by our managers, assistance in any matters;
  • you will have the opportunity to additionally add any of your product into the system and simultaneously sell it on your website or connect additionally other Openmall suppliers;

How will your store operate?

There are two workflows to choose from:

Scheme No. 1. The item is on your site. Visitors to your site choose the right products in your store, place an order. In the admin panel of the site you will see all the orders of your customers and these orders can be easily transferred to your supplier, the supplier sends to the client and you return the difference between the wholesale and retail prices. The supplier sends the goods to your customer with your price on your behalf. And after the supplier has received the cash on delivery, he immediately sends you your earnings.

Scheme No. 2. You will have a website with a supplier's product catalog. When you click on a product, the customer goes to the supplier's website and places an order there. And after that the supplier returns you 10-30% of the order.

Store profitability.

In the site settings in just a couple of clicks you can set any markup for all items in the store. The recommended margin is 20-40%. If you bring at least 3-5 clients a day, the average client check is $50 (earnings $10-20), then this month you will reach a net profit of $300-600 per month and this with investments of only $45 (promotional price until the end of the month).

How to order and connect the catalog.

1) If you are not yet registered in the Openmall service - register using the link- and log in to your account.

2) There will be a button at the top right "Top up account"- replenish your account in the amount of $45 or more (depending on the selected providers) . (If there are difficulties with replenishing the account - )

3) Notify our managers in any convenient way your login in system. (skype: open_mall, email: info@openmall.info)