This year is traditionally considered the date of birth of the Internet. International internet day

The Internet is a worldwide information computer network. It helps you find the information you need, communicate with friends, and makes it possible to pay for goods and services. A holiday in Russia is dedicated to him.

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history of the holiday

In 1998, during a meeting of IT Infoart Stars (Kh. Arushanov), Sovintel (I. Semenyuk) and USP Compulink (D. Altukhov), a proposal was made to celebrate the Internet Day in Russia annually and to conduct a “census population of the Russian-speaking Internet ”. Many IT companies supported this idea. On September 30, 1998, the first celebration with the participation of 200 people took place in the President-Hotel Group of Companies. From that moment on, the annual celebration of the event began.

Some Russians consider April 7 to be Runet Day - the day of registration and appearance of the RU domain record.

Holiday traditions

Initially, the holiday was celebrated with wide celebrations, with a large competitive program and online broadcasts. During online events, IT companies from other cities of Russia, the former CIS countries, as well as France, Germany, and Thailand joined Moscow firms. Now the events are more relaxed. On this day, greeting cards are distributed on the network, poems are heard on blogs and forums.

The number of Internet users in Russia at the end of 2015 was 84 million people aged 16 and over.

The computer age began on September 2, 1969, when a single wire tried to cover a distance of 640 kilometers between California and Stanford Universities.

At the origins

The origins, as in most cases, are the military. It was they who developed the foremother of the World Wide Web - the NORAD network of radar nodes, which detected potentially dangerous objects for the United States, such as missiles and bombers. The development had many weaknesses and, in the end, the military, from the master's shoulder, gave way to civilian scientists.

After an unsuccessful attempt in September, Los Angeles and Stanford got back in touch. On October 29, 1969 at 21.00, the first 3 characters passed from one university to another, and on October 30 a stable connection was established. The first mail program appeared in 1971. Users began to exchange emails, read newsletters.

How the cobweb spun

Almost 20 years after the events described, the Internet Relay Chat company has developed a protocol thanks to which it became possible to communicate on the network in real time. In 1989, the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee at one of the conferences voiced the concept of the World Wide Web. A year later, the first connection using a telephone line took place, and in 1991 the Internet became available to everyone. On May 17 of the same year, a single standard was presented - WWW (World Wide Web).

Tim Berners-Lee developed the HTML language and the HTTP protocol. It was he who created the world's first website, where he detailed the principle of the Internet, told what servers and browsers are for.

Under the auspices of the saints

In 1998, the Pope himself, John Paul II, announced that the network was worthy of attention and instituted World Internet Day. Unofficially, there is also a patron saint - Isidore of Seville, a Spanish bishop, one of the first encyclopedists who made a significant contribution to medieval history.

In Russia, Internet Day is celebrated on September 30. A holiday appeared thanks to IT Infoart Stars, which sent out a mailing list to various organizations with just two suggestions:
1. To approve September 30 as the day of the Internet.
2. Conduct a census of Russian-speaking web users.

The holiday does not have a wide scope, it is celebrated in narrow IT circles. In recent years, he has become more famous, as the demand for obtaining professions in the IT field is growing. Young people take an active part in popularizing Internet Day in the country.

On the thirtieth September in Russia relatively recently began to celebrate the Day of the Internet. But the date quickly fell in love and gained popularity, since by now there is practically not a single person in the Russian Federation who does not know how to use a PC or at least does not have access to the Global Network on his mobile device. At the international level, they tried to authorize the date about three times, but all attempts were unsuccessful.

history of the holiday

The history of this date in Russia is interesting and rather unusual. It all started with the fact that the IT Infoart Stars company from the capital sent messages to organizations and firms. The messages invited addressees to support the initiative on several points. The first point was the date.

It was proposed to make September 30th the Russian Internet Day. The next item concerned the frequency of the celebration. The initiative group focused on creating an annual celebration. Plus, the initiator of the formation of such a festive date insisted on the so-called population census in the Russian-speaking part of the world web space.

Today the Internet has become an integral part of the life of Russians. According to recent studies, the number of people in our country using the Internet every day is about 80 million, and this number is increasing every year. The leader in Internet penetration is Moscow, where more than 70% of residents use the network. In second place are St. Petersburg and the Republic of Karelia, where the share of Internet users among the population is about 60%.

The Internet today occupies such a huge part of our life that Internet Day in Russia can truly be called an almost national holiday. Only so far no one knows how to celebrate this holiday. Do you have any ideas?

Internet Day in Russia: the right holiday

Modern man cannot imagine life without Of the Internet ... Today's adolescents do not believe that 20 years ago their parents could not even dream of keeping in touch with the whole world with the help of a computer: to learn news not from television programs in accordance with a strict broadcasting schedule, but at any second - simply by opening a news agency feed; communicate with friends abroad via Skype - while not only hearing their voice, but also seeing them "live"; study remotely, instantly receive huge amounts of information on work; chat with a friend in ICQ and tell the whole world about your beloved, with the help of Live Journal. And then there is VKonetkte, Facebook, Twitter, and the notorious Odnoklassniki ...

Perhaps no one needs to be convinced that Internet today is our everything. How can a tutu not remember the famous phrase of the cameraman Rudolph from the film “Television will turn the life of all mankind upside down. There will be nothing: no cinema, no theater, no books, no newspapers - one continuous television. " Only in accordance with the current situation, it needs to be rewritten somewhat so that it sounds like this: “ Internet will turn the life of all mankind. Nothing will happen: no cinema, no theater, no books, no newspapers - one continuous Internet ". And this phrase does not seem to be a naive exaggeration. Judge for yourself: today we are pumping movies from Of the Internet almost before the official premieres, the most advanced directors put theatrical performances on the Web, e-books contain so many works that cannot be placed in any of the largest bookcases ... And newspapers openly shout that they are being ousted from one side news agencies, and on the other - the so-called "people's journalism", because today almost every blogger feels like a separate mass media. And often it is they, these "self-made" journalists, who report events faster and more informative than their colleagues - "real" correspondents ... One can argue about the quality of the materials, but they certainly cannot be denied promptness!

But today we are not talking about that. Today we are talking about Internet Day in Russia , which anyone who spends at least a few hours a day on the web can consider their holiday ... We interviewed residents of Nizhny Novgorod to find out how they plan to celebrate this day. After talking with journalists, programmers, museum workers, security guards, teachers, students and schoolchildren, we got a very unexpected result. First, almost no one knows about this. holiday how Internet Day in Russia ... Although for the first time Internet Day in Russia celebrated on September 30, 1998, when IT Infoart Stars sent out a proposal to colleagues to set this date Happy internet and to conduct a census of the "population of the Runet". Today, this fact is included in all encyclopedias - including the most popular and most visited Russian encyclopedia, which is written by users on the Internet themselves - in Wikipedia. Back in 1998, there were only one million users in Russia, today there are about 77 million. That is, 53% of the population of our country uses the World Wide Web today. Still in doubt about what is worth celebrating Internet Day in Russia ?

How to celebrate Internet Day in Russia

Now about the ideas - how can you mark this celebration ... The majority of those surveyed by us, agreeing that Internet Day in Russia should not go unnoticed, came to a paradoxical conclusion: to mark this celebration need, completely abandoning this day from Of the Internet ... Just in order to feel what it is like to suddenly be left without ICQ, social networks, torrent ...

Dmitry, economist:“On this day, I propose not to turn on the computer at all. Yves phone in Internet don't go out. And in general - read paper books and watch TV for the latest news. I doubt, however, that I can bear it until evening. But what kind of holiday there will be when I still go online - real Internet Day in Russia!»

Mikhail, museum worker:“I recently went on a business trip. Three days on trains and cars. Didn't even have time to look into Internet... I almost died, listening exclusively to all kinds of "road" radio. At home, he rushed to the computer as to his best friend. It turned out to be a very useful experience - to sit a little without Of the Internet... But one such day of "excommunication", I think, is quite enough. Isn't there a way to celebrate internet day- without Of the Internet

Dmitry, student: "And I propose to play a hooligan on this day: send letters to Roskomnadzor listing all the most famous information sites, indicating that they contain inappropriate information ... I agree, not the smartest joke, but on to the topic."

Alena, teacher:"I'm in Internet Day in Russia"I will go underground": I will log in to all social networks, but they will not reply to any messages, as if I am not there. And I will subscribe “disappeared in The Internet»».

Be that as it may, such a "network abstinence" in the evening, for sure, will give one result: its participants will be convinced of how many opportunities it gives us Internet and after work on September 30, mentally or aloud, congratulate themselves and friends on Happy Internet Day in Russia and going online, they will send emoticons, greetings and kind words to all those who use this miracle of science and technology and are so used to it that they can no longer imagine a life in which there is no Of the Internet !

... He knows everything, a sensible one will give advice

Your friend is electronic Internet.

Websites, forums, distant friends.

There are no boundaries, we are all one family! ..

Internet. It is impossible to imagine our life today without this greatest invention. He is with us always and everywhere - at work and at home, in the phone, in the laptop, in the navigator and in the tablet. And quite deservedly, attempts have been made more than once to introduce a date for the celebration of Internet Day. But none of the dates has become completely traditional. For example, in Ukraine this day is celebrated on December 14, and in Russia on September 30. Officially April 4 is considered to be the International Day of the Internet..

The history of the holiday

It may seem strange, but much of the credit in the history of the holiday belongs to the church. This happened after the World Catholic Church in 1998 officially recognized the Internet as a storehouse of human knowledge.

Pope John Paul II gave sanction and approved the date of the holiday - April 4. He considered the invention of the World Wide Web a godly cause. The choice of the date was not accidental: numbers 4.04. are similar to the popular 404 error (“Page not found”).

Internet Day falls on the day Saint Isidore of Seville died. He was the patron saint of students and pupils, as well as the author of the first known encyclopedia in history "Etymologiae". It was he who first used cross-references in his creations, which are somewhat remotely reminiscent of modern hyperlinks that are currently used on the Web.

In 1999, several candidates were selected and presented for the role of patron of the Internet- Saint Pedro
Regaldo, Saint Tecla, Saint Isidore. The Vatican and the Catholic Church took a long time to choose between the proposed candidates. And in 2000, the choice was made in favor of Saint Isidore. He became a temporary patron of the World Wide Web.

In 2002, with the blessing of the Catholic Church, a website was opened where everyone could vote for a candidate worthy, in his opinion, for the role of the patron of the Internet. After voting, all the proposed options were to go to the Vatican for consideration and approval. As a result, Saint Isidore was recognized as the official patron saint of the Internet.

Traditions of Celebrating International Internet Day

Internet Day is another reminder of how rapidly "parallel reality" is growing and developing. On this day, traditionally, all users of the World Wide Web exchange postcards, poems and congratulations in all possible ways - in various forums, blogs, and social networks.

As it turned out, there is even a Portal for communication with the God of the Internet, through which you can leave your wishes, requests and suggestions. There you can also ease your soul and tell your stories. And most importantly, on the day of the Internet Day, all users have a place to send their official congratulations.

Friendly Internet-related Holidays

In addition to celebrating Internet Day, there are many similar holidays.

1. On the last Sunday of January, the opposite holiday to Internet Day is celebrated - International Day WITHOUT Internet. This celebration was organized by enthusiasts from all over the world.

2. The first Tuesday in February is World Safer Internet Day.

8. The purpose of the first webcam was to track the stock of coffee in the coffee maker.

There are many such dates related to the Internet, and it's great that almost every day a user who turns on a computer or other IT equipment has a reason to celebrate something.