An agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet and television. Termination of the agreement with Rostelecom: Internet and telephony

With Rostelecom? Many people have to deal with such a question for various reasons: the provider's competitor offers more favorable conditions for the provision of services, relocation, dissatisfaction with the quality of television (Internet or telephony), etc. Whichever of the above situations arises, subscribers using the services of Rostelecom, you should be aware that the principle of termination of contractual obligations is the same. In this article, it will be discussed in detail. Also below will be some nuances that should be remembered by all users of the provider.

How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom: four simple steps

  1. We are preparing documents (a detailed list will be given below).
  2. We go to the office and write a statement. The form will be provided by a service center specialist. You can also fill it out in advance by downloading a sample from the official website of the provider. You should avoid third-party web resources, as they may not contain the actual layout of the document.
  3. We carry out the return of equipment. This item is relevant in cases where a set-top box, router or other equipment was rented. If the subscriber uses his own set-top box, for example, or purchased (including by installments) it from Rostelecom, then go to the point below.
  4. We pay the received invoice. The document for payment will be received in the first days of the next month. For those who use communication services from the operator in question, they know that the charge for communication services provided, for example, in the current month, will be made in the first days of the next month.

Who can terminate the contract?

Only the person whose data was used to conclude the contract can terminate the contract with Rostelecom on the phone (as well as on the Internet and TV). Such cases are not excluded when:

  • the subscriber does not have the opportunity to contact the provider's salon due to employment / remoteness from the place of residence;
  • the subscriber died.

In the first case, you can send documents by mail. In order not to lose the originals during the transfer, copies should be made. It can take a long time to wait for a response when submitting an application in this way, so it is not recommended to use it. It is safer to visit the office and draw up an application in person.

For those subscribers who are interested in how to terminate the contract with Rostelecom without contacting the company's branch, it will be pleasant news that you can send your relative or friend instead of yourself. In this case, you must first issue a power of attorney (it can be a "general" power of attorney to perform any actions or a power of attorney to terminate the contract for communication services) with a notary.

If a subscriber who has entered into an agreement with Rostelecom has died, then his relatives also have the right to contact the provider's service center and write a statement. What documents you will need to take with you will be described below.

List of documents required to close the contract

On a personal visit to the office:

  • original passport;
  • a copy of the communication services agreement (if it is absent, then you can do without it, since the second copy is in the provider's archive);
  • equipment acceptance certificate (such a document is issued every time a subscriber purchases equipment or leases it from a provider when concluding a service agreement);
  • equipment listed in the act (this item is mandatory for those subscribers who previously rented a TV set-top box and / or router).

The equipment must be returned in any case if the contract specifies its lease. Failure to return will result in the continued being charged a higher monthly fee than previously charged, although the provider will no longer provide services.

How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet or another service if the subscriber who entered into the agreement died?

Relatives, having a death certificate in their hands, can go to the service salon and write a statement. You will need to have an identity document with you. If the contract includes "equipment for rent", then it will be necessary to return it. The presence of other documents will be a "plus".

When contacting a proxy service center, you must have a complete package of documentation plus a power of attorney to perform operations.

Where to go with the documents?

Not every salon with a Rostelecom sign above the entrance should be contacted for such a complex procedure as termination of an agreement. Where to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom, you can look at the provider's website or check the toll-free number of the support line. Most often, such actions are performed at service centers. At sales offices and information desks, this operation will be refused. Rostelecom has combined salons in which it is possible to conclude an agreement, obtain information on it, and also terminate it.

Return of equipment

The Rostelecom company provides its clients with the opportunity to use the company's equipment (arrange it for rent) and buy it out (immediately or by installments). In the first case, when a TV set-top box or router is taken for temporary use, upon termination of the contract, they will need to be returned. The operability of the equipment will be carried out by a specialist of the company upon delivery of documentation and equipment.

It is possible that the equipment is purchased by the client. Payment for it can be made one-time (in full) or monthly (in installments).

The type of equipment purchase is specified in the contract. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully familiarize yourself with its content, so as not to get an unpleasant surprise later.

In what case the termination of the contract can be refused

Often, subscribers who want to stop using the services of the provider we are considering have to face a number of difficulties when closing a personal account. Many complain that they are denied termination, citing a debt. Indeed, the only reason a service center specialist can refuse to accept an application is the presence of debt. The absence of payment for the previous period is not considered a debt (after the invoice is issued, the receipt of funds until the 25th day of the month is permissible).

Other nuances

  • As mentioned earlier, the home Internet contract with Rostelecom can be terminated only if there is no debt on the account. Therefore, it is recommended to pay it off immediately and only then go to the department to terminate the contract.
  • In case of early termination of the contract, it is possible to recalculate for communication services for those users who connected to the provider during the promotional period. The use of the recalculation mechanism in this or that case should be clarified with the company's specialists.
  • After termination of the contract, it will be necessary to pay the accrual for the previous period. The invoice for payment will be received in paper or electronic form at the beginning of the next month.
  • If you want to refuse one service of the company and continue to use the second (with a complex connection), you should also contact the communication salon and write a corresponding statement.

How to find out if there is a debt?

Before contacting the office of the company and writing an application for termination of the contract, you should make sure that there is no debt on your personal account. This can be done by phone, by calling the company's hotline or viewed in your personal account (on the official website or in the mobile application). Also, during a personal visit to the provider's office, you can find out if there is a debt. Only after that it will be possible to receive a form for filling out an application for termination of the contract. By the way, most of the company's branches have ATMs and special payment terminals, using which you can not only pay your existing debt, but also make a monthly payment on your personal account for any of the services used under the agreement.


In this article, we examined how to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom for television, telephony and Internet services. Regardless of what service is used, the way to disable it is the same - you need to contact the service provider's salon. This also applies to situations when it is necessary to terminate the contract with Rostelecom for a home phone.

You can also send an application by mail, but in this case you cannot be sure that it reached the addressee and was considered by him. To perform such serious operations, it is recommended to contact Rostelecom's salons.

When you made a decision to connect to the Internet, telephone or television from the company, then a corresponding contract for the provision of the service was concluded with you. If suddenly, for some reason, you decide to turn off any service, then you need to write a statement to terminate the contract. In this article, we will look at the procedure and a list of required documents.

Application for termination of the agreement with Rostelecom

First of all, we need to fill it out. Open it in a text editor and you will see the following page:

As you can see, we need the number of the contract concluded with you, as well as data about the employee, in whose name you will have to write the application. Naturally, you do not know the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee, so you will have to call the nearest branch of the company and clarify who to write the application to. After that, carefully read your agreement, as it describes the terms of termination of the agreement. If you have rented any equipment or paid in installments, you will need to pay the full cost. The amount of time that has passed since the conclusion of the contract is also very important. If it is less than a year, then look in the contract for information on the amount of compensation upon termination of the contract.

Termination of the Internet agreement Rostelecom

Termination of an Internet agreement, most often, occurs due to a discrepancy between the actual Internet speed stated in the agreement. Many users mistakenly believe that the provider is obliged to provide the Internet always at the maximum speed, although the maximum possible speed is indicated in the contract and this does not mean that it will be. Typically, speed drops occur during peak hours, when most people return from work and sit down at their computers and laptops. Technical failures on the line of a superior provider are also possible.

So, you've decided to connect to a different provider. If you have a router or modem that was given to you along with the contract, then we look at what conditions it was handed over to you. If you do not have an item to sell it to you in installments, then it will be enough for you to return it. If such an item is present and the amount of its value has not yet been redeemed, then you will need to pay its full cost.

Termination of the contract for

Interactive television has become a part of our daily life. Not only is the quality from a conventional antenna several times worse, but the range of additional services is quite extensive. You can watch TV on multiple TVs at the expense or even on computers, laptops, tablets and phones at the expense of the extra. To watch television, Rostelecom needs a set-top box and a video sender. Their cost is very significant and, most often, they are purchased in installments for 36 months. If this period has not yet passed since the conclusion of the contract, then most likely you will need to fully redeem this equipment upon termination of the contract. If you rented the set-top box, then it will be enough to pay the expenses for the current month of providing this service.

Termination of the Rostelecom telephone agreement

With the advent of cellular and affordable mobile phones, the demand for home landline phones has declined. Many people think that these expenses are useless and decide to turn off the Rostelecom phone. Before you complete the application, you should call technical support and inform about your intentions. It is possible that the manager of the company will call you back and offer the so-called "economical" one, which will allow you to keep the phone in the apartment and reduce family expenses on it. If you are still firmly convinced of the desire to disable it, then you should check the availability of your account and.

List of required documents to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom

When you filled out a sample application, you need to prepare the following list of documents:

  1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  2. certificate of ownership of the apartment and its photocopy
  3. apartment sale and purchase agreement and its photocopy
  4. the contract itself for the provision of the service (Internet, television, telephone)

With all this, you need to come to the office of Rostelecom. in your city you can find on our website. Before you go to one or another branch, call there and ask whether they accept applications for termination of the contract, as this can be done not in every representative office.

Do not forget about the possibility of temporary disconnection of the service during your departure or vacation, as this will save you time and you can easily resume using the services you are used to. If the attempt to terminate you was refused, then you must indicate the reason for the refusal. If it is in the text of the contract you signed, then you will have to fulfill this condition. If it is not there, then you can write a certified letter addressed to the leadership of your city and state there in detail the essence of your situation.

Do not think that if you simply stopped paying for a particular service of Rostelecom, then the contract with you is automatically terminated and you no longer have to pay anything. This attitude will lead to the fact that your debt will be transferred to the collection service, and they will already begin to persistently remind you of the need to pay. It is the laziness of clients that leads to conflict situations, so save your own time and nerves.

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Until the contract with Rostelecom is canceled, you should carefully study it. The reasons for termination are different. We will tell you what documents you need to collect for this, and what is the algorithm of actions.

There are situations when further use of the company's products is impossible or impractical. Termination of an existing contract can be implemented without penalties and mutual legal claims.

The package of documents issued at the conclusion of the transaction includes an agreement. It is he who contains comprehensive information on the correct termination of the contract, the settlement of financial issues, the rights and obligations of the client.

The document will allow you to act correctly and tell you how you can terminate the contract with Rostelecom without negative consequences for the client. The confirmation of the intention is the declaration of its cancellation.

Possible reasons for refusing services

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the client, on his own initiative, can terminate the contract if the conditions for its implementation are not met. Among the most common reasons are the following.

  1. Inconsistency of the actual parameters of Internet access to the declared ones. The documents regulate the guaranteed and maximum data transfer rate. This characteristic sometimes changes due to objective factors (peak hours are characterized by a decrease in speed). Technical failures on the provider's line are also likely.

If such signs are recorded, it is realistic to terminate the contract with Rostelecom under the terms of the contract. To achieve the goal, you should decide what to do with the modem (router). When buying equipment in installments, you will have to pay the cost of the equipment in full. The rented routers are returned to the company until the contract is canceled.

  1. The quality of services does not suit the client. To resolve the issue, you should look at the map of offices open to visit. The claim is made with the indication of specific reasons for the default.
  2. Constant communication problems. This includes periodic drops in speed, lack of network connectivity, and other recurring problems. Customers who rent out the rented equipment must make sure that it is in good working order.
  3. Changes in tariffs and other terms of the agreement. If the provider, without agreeing with the client, raises the payment, reduces the Internet speed or introduces other adjustments, then the client has the right to terminate the contract.
  4. Another provider offers a better option.
  5. Change of residence, address of the rented premises, and so on.

How to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom and return the equipment

Regardless of the reason that led to the termination of the contractual relationship with the company, you should pay off the debt for the services already rendered, as well as prepare the rented equipment for delivery to the provider.

A sample application form for termination of the agreement is downloaded on the official website or filled out directly at the company's representative office. If it is not possible to visit the office in person, it is allowed to send a ready-made application by mail.

Termination of the agreement with Rostelecom can be performed by power of attorney. For this, a document of the approved form is drawn up. It should include a clause about what actions are allowed.

It is allowed to submit an application for termination of the agreement online (through the payer's personal account).

If the subscriber has died, the provision of supporting documents of death and full repayment of the debt are required to cancel the agreement. The application for termination of the contract itself is filled in by a relative (heir) of the deceased subscriber.

The procedure for returning equipment depends on the terms of the contract. If it is indicated that the set-top box or router is redeemed by installments, then the subscriber needs to pay off the debt to Rostelecom.

If the equipment is leased, all available technical documentation should be collected and handed over to the company manager. After that, you can draw up an application to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom.

What documents are needed to terminate the contract

Regardless of whether the client came to the office in person or chose another option to terminate relations with the company, a package of documents is required. It must be remembered that the subscriber, according to contractual obligations, must pay the cost of services on the appointed date. Cancellation of the contract is not possible until the debt is repaid.

After the application is drawn up, you need to prepare the following package of papers:

  • documents proving your identity (passport, temporary ID);
  • certificate of ownership of real estate (plus a photocopy);
  • certificate of acceptance / transfer of equipment for rent;
  • contract.

A package of finished documents and rented equipment are handed over to the provider.

How to terminate the contract if there is no way to go to the office

In addition to a personal visit to a company representative office, there are other ways. The client chooses the one that he considers the most acceptable:

  • fill out an application through the Subscriber's Personal Account;
  • terminate the contract through a proxy (to represent interests by power of attorney, you can authorize a relative, acquaintance, and so on);
  • send the completed application form to the mailing address of Rostelecom.

When choosing remote options, it is important to take care of the return of equipment and payment of debts under the contract in advance.

Do I need to return the equipment (set-top box, router)

Termination of the agreement with Rostelecom will accelerate if the client carefully studies the terms of the agreement in advance. The equipment is not returned if an installment plan was issued with subsequent redemption. It is important to make sure that the cost of the equipment has been paid in full. If the router was issued on a lease basis, it must be handed over to the provider.

How to redeem equipment Rostelecom

To determine the conditions under which the equipment is bought out, you should carefully study the contract. For each subscriber, the company offers individual options for selling routers.

There is a corresponding clause in the contract. It is in it that the conditions are spelled out. After the phrase "purchase and sale" the form of transferring the equipment to the subscriber is indicated. If "Deferral or installment payment" is entered, it means that the client is satisfied with the cost of the goods and the procedure for transferring them into ownership.

It is important to pay attention to the form of payment. Upon termination of the agreement, the subscriber is charged with immediately paying the debt for the cost of the equipment or issuing an installment plan.

Do I need to terminate the contract when moving

One of the most common situations is a change of place of residence. Is it necessary in this case to refuse telephony or Internet services? For such clients, there is a special offer from Rostelecom, the essence of which is that termination of the contract in the event of a change of address is not required.

To determine whether there are technical possibilities for reconfiguring the connected services already at a new address, you need to make a call to the hotline. If the answer is positive, the subscriber can order and receive a “Moving” certificate. After moving to a new home, you need to visit the regional office of the company and activate the option.

Is it possible to terminate the contract for only one of the services without stopping to use the rest

Landline telephones are now used by far fewer people than before. The need for them has decreased. The question arises of how to terminate the contract, for example, on a home phone, but not give up the Internet and television.

This option of revising contractual obligations is possible. After receiving an application to terminate the agreement for a certain type of service, the company's specialist contacts the subscriber. He may offer an economy option with number retention and a new rate.

Agreeing to the proposed conditions, you will not need to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet and television. The manager makes adjustments to the current conditions and gives new ones to the hands of the subscriber.

How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom if the agreement was not concluded for you

There are situations in which the property is rented out, or the tenant signs a contract for himself and subsequently moves out. In such cases, Rostelecom suggests contacting the sales office.

Termination of the contract by the owner of the leased premises

It is allowed to close the contract with the company in such a situation. To do this, you must provide a package of documents:

  • the passport;
  • ownership of real estate.

Termination of the contract by the subscriber's heir

After the death of the subscriber, the contract should be reissued to a new person or terminated. In the first case, a birth or marriage certificate, a passport, a certificate of inheritance and a certificate from a notary are presented. Upon termination of the contract, you must provide a passport and death certificate.

Are there penalties for early termination of the contract?

There are no fines as such. However, in situations where the termination of the current agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet or other services is initiated during the validity of the promotional period or promotion, the payment may be recalculated. This condition must be spelled out in the contract and the conditions for joining the action. If paid on time, the contract can be closed. If payment is not made, then termination of the contract with Rostelecom becomes impossible.

Possible problems

The chances of getting a refusal to close the contract is high if the payment for the maintenance and provision of services was not received in a timely manner, which led to the emergence of debt. Repayment of obligations to Rostelecom is possible by receiving and paying an invoice in the office, in the Personal Account or in the VLSI system, where the subscriber can find out the current balance and the amount of debt.

Problems with the delivery of equipment

Almost all subscribers receive equipment upon service activation. It is provided in such forms.

  1. Royalty free rent. It implies the free use of devices for personal purposes. In the event of termination of the contract, all complete equipment must be returned. The specialist carefully examines the equipment, checks the completeness of the complete set, serviceability. If a breakdown is found, a reimbursement cost is assigned.
  2. Rent with monthly payment. It is offered to subscribers in situations when expensive equipment is required to provide the service.
  3. Installment plan. It assumes that the cost of the equipment is paid by the subscriber within a certain period. As a result, the equipment becomes the full property of the client.

Everything is spelled out in the contract. Please keep these rules in mind when filing a termination request.

If the contract is lost

If there is a loss of the client's copy of the agreement, you should call the company's call center. The operator can easily draw up a copy based on information from the database.


If there are outstanding financial obligations, a refusal to terminate the contract with Rostelecom is likely. Before accepting the application, the specialist checks the presence / absence of debt on the personal account and only after that accepts the application.

Regardless of the reason for the termination of the contract - moving to a new address or disconnecting a certain type of service - changes are made only after the debt has been fully repaid. You can find out the amount of debt in your Personal Account or check with the manager.

If the user wants to switch to another provider, leave for another region or country, then it is necessary to write a refusal of services and close the contract with the company so that unforeseen situations do not arise. In this case, you need to prepare a passport and one document to choose from from the following list:

  • temporary certificate (confirmation of the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • military ID;
  • a certificate stating the refugee status;
  • residence permit on the territory of Russia;
  • other documents that could confirm the identity of a visitor from another country and a stateless person.

It is important to remember that the document must not violate the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation and comply with regulatory provisions. For people who are not a subscriber, but represent the interests of another person, the following documents must be prepared in order to refuse services:

  • a certified power of attorney from an Online client;
  • passport or other identity document;
  • copy of the document.

How to terminate the contract without contacting the office?

There are situations when a person cannot independently come to the Online office and write a refusal from Internet services, digital television and close the telephone line. In such a situation, an authorized person who will represent the interests of the subscriber can refuse services. You can contact support and email your application to your regional office.

The manager will advise on all important issues and advise how to refuse services. Direct heirs can terminate the contract with OnLime. To do this, you must prepare the following documents:

  • passport or other document that confirms the identity of the heir;
  • temporary certificate of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • temporary residence permit;
  • a certificate that confirms the existence of temporary asylum;
  • residence permit on the territory of the Russian Federation.

If a person wants to reissue the contract for himself, then it is necessary to bring a document that confirms the degree of relationship with the subscriber. This may be a marriage certificate. In order to terminate the contract with OnLime, the client may need to hand over the equipment, if a lease has been issued for it.

When connecting to the Internet, television or telephone communication between the consumer and Rostelecom, an appropriate service agreement is concluded, the content of which spells out the terms of these legal relations. It is not uncommon for one of the representatives of the specified contractual relationship to terminate further cooperation and initiate the process of terminating the contract. Often the consumer wishes to cancel the contract. For this, an appropriate application is drawn up, in the content of which the desire to terminate the contract is indicated.

If a client wishes to terminate further cooperation with Rostelecom, the client may encounter some difficulties, due to the fact that the company has recently put forward its own conditions, which complicate the process of terminating the contract.

It's important to know...

Reasons for terminating the agreement with Rostelecom

In order to prematurely terminate the contract with Rostelecom, the user of telephone communication, Internet or television must provide compelling reasons for terminating the contract.

Legal grounds for termination of the contract:

  • Internet speed does not correspond to that specified in the content of the concluded contract with Rostelecom;
  • If the quality of telephone communication is worse than that specified in the contract;
  • The quality of television provided by Rostelecom does not correspond to that specified in the content of the contract;
  • Frequent breakdowns or problems occur that are resolved over a long period of time;
  • The tariff differs from that which is spelled out in the content of the signed document;
  • Rostelecom's competitors offer more favorable conditions that the consumer wishes to take advantage of.

Procedure for terminating an agreement with Rostelecom

According to the article under the number, every citizen has the right to refuse the services provided. He has the right to do this at any time. The main condition for terminating the agreement is the existence of legal grounds and the absence of debts to the company for the work already done. If necessary, the subscriber is obliged to compensate the monetary losses incurred by the service provider. In addition, the consumer must adhere to a certain order of actions, which is regulated by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Procedure for terminating an agreement with Rostelecom:

  1. Based on the information provided, the first thing to do in order for the contract to be canceled without problems is to pay off existing debts. Next, you need to collect a certain package of documents;
  2. After the necessary documents have been collected, the initiator of the termination is required to go to the Rostelecom office and fill out an application. The appeal is drawn up on a special form, which the client must receive from the specialist of the service center. It is required to note that it is possible to draw up the submitted application in advance. To do this, the initiator of the termination of the agreement with Rostelecom needs to go to the official website of the company and download the application form. It is recommended to avoid third-party web resources, as they may have not up-to-date application forms;
  3. At the next stage, the consumer is obliged to return the equipment to Rostelecom employees, which was transferred at the conclusion of the contract. The presented step is relevant in situations where a router, set-top box or other equipment is leased from a company. If the client uses his own equipment or purchased it from Rostelecom, then it is necessary to proceed to the next stage;
  4. Payment of the invoice received from the company.

Only the person whose data is specified in the content of the contract has the right to initiate the process of terminating the agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet, television or telephone communications.

However, the following situations are not uncommon:

  • The subscriber does not have the opportunity to personally contact the company with a request to terminate further cooperation. The reason for this may be the employment of the consumer or the fact that he lives far from the branch of Rostelecom;
  • Death of the subscriber.

In the first situation, it is possible to send documents using postal services. In order not to lose the originals of documents during shipment, it is recommended to make copies certified by a notary office. However, in the presented situation, the initiator of the termination of the agreement with Rostelecom will need to wait longer for a response. Based on the specified information, if the consumer has the opportunity to personally bring documents to the branch of the company, then it is recommended to do just that.

Another way to terminate the agreement with Rostelecom is to engage a third party. To do this, the subscriber must first issue a power of attorney for an attorney. The document must be certified by a notary office.

If the consumer who has entered into an agreement with Rostelecom has died, then in order to initiate the process of terminating the contract in this case, the subscriber's relatives must contact the company's branch with an application and the necessary package of documents.

If the contract is lost

In the presented case, the user of the Internet, television or telephone should contact the office of the company with which the contract was concluded and report its loss. The issue is easy to solve, since Rostelecom employees have the opportunity to find the concluded agreement in the company's database. This is done using the client's passport data. After that, the contract is printed and handed over to the client. If there is a copy of the agreement and grounds for terminating the contract, the subscriber has the right to submit an application for termination.

If the contract is concluded for a third party

The procedure for terminating the agreement concluded with Rostelecom for the Internet, television or home telephone should take place with the personal participation of both parties to the contractual relationship. This means that the person whose data is included in the content of the contract must personally apply to the company with a request to initiate the termination of the contract. If the represented participant in legal relations is not able to personally go to the Rostelecom office, then he must issue a power of attorney in the name of the consumer, having assured it in a notary office.

In addition to the power of attorney issued in the name of the attorney, he must have with him a copy of the passport of the person whose data is written in the content of the contract, as well as his passport. The list of the rest of the documentation does not differ from the package of documents that are required to be provided to Rostelecom employees in a standard situation.
It is important to note that the person who is sent to the Rostelecom office with the intention of initiating the termination of the contract will have to pay off the debt, if any, and not the person whose data is specified in the contract. Based on this, it is recommended to pay off all debts in advance and check that the equipment provided by the company upon signing the contract is paid.

To home phone

To refuse home telephone services, a client who has entered into an agreement with Rostelecom is obliged to take a standard service document and go to the company's office.

If the contract cannot be found, since it was concluded long ago, then you should remember in whose name it was issued. Only the person with whom Rostelecom has entered into a service document has the right to initiate the termination process. On his behalf, it is required to issue an application for disconnecting a home phone. If the person represented for some reason cannot do this personally, then it is possible to draw up a written power of attorney for another person, which will initiate the procedure for terminating the contract with Rostelecom. The document must be certified by a notary. Duplicates of both passports - the authorized person and the owner of the contract - are attached to the application.

On the internet

In case of termination of the contract with Rostelecom on the Internet, the procedure is similar to that which was spelled out in the previous paragraph. Before going to the company's office with a statement about the termination of further cooperation, the initiator of the termination is required to pay off all debts to Rostelecom, if any. Otherwise, penalties will be imposed, which must be paid additionally.

On the Internet and cable TV

In a situation where an agreement with Rostelecom was drawn up for the provision of cable television and the Internet, the procedure for terminating the contract is more complicated.
When concluding a contract, in addition to a package of Internet services, Rostelecom employees offer the consumer to rent equipment from them, which is fully compatible with the provider's transmission lines. In addition, the company's employees impose a fine for early termination of the contract, which is equal to 500 rubles. For the use of the leased equipment, it is required to pay a rent or fully redeem it - this depends on the conditions specified in the content of the agreement.

In the presented case, there may be a fraudulent scheme, which is why the client is advised to carefully read the document before signing!

The content of the standard agreement for the use of the equipment by the consumer states that the subscriber has the right to sell it to Rostelecom until its full cost has been repaid. However, it is not profitable for the employees of the company to accept the equipment, even if it is in good working order. To do this, they refer to an internal order that does not allow them to terminate the contract on terms favorable to the client.

What should a subscriber do in order not to buy out the equipment upon termination of the contract?

  1. First, you need to file a formal claim, which is sent to the CEO of Rostelecom. The complaint must be compiled in 2 copies, one of which remains with the subscriber. On the specified document, the client should receive the signature of an authorized person of the company, which confirms that the second copy has been received;
  2. In the text of the complaint, special attention is paid to the fact that the employee of Rostelecom refuses to accept the equipment, referring to an internal order of the company and that this contradicts the rights of the consumer;
  3. The period of time during which Rostelecom employees must consider the claim is indicated. After the expiration of the allotted period, the subscriber has the right to apply to the court to protect his interests;
  4. At the end, the date of drawing up the claim is noted, and the subscriber's signature is also put.

Often, after these actions, the employee of the company changes his point of view and agrees to terminate the contract after the leased equipment is handed over. It is required to hand over the equipment in order not to pay rent for it in the future.

Required documents for termination of the contract

When contacting the Rostelecom office with a request to terminate the agreement, the subscriber must have a certain package of documents with him.

Documentation list:

  • The original passport of the initiator of the termination;
  • A copy of the communication services contract concluded with Rostelecom (if there is no agreement, then it is possible to do without it. This is due to the fact that another copy is in the company's archives);
  • An act confirming that the subscriber has received equipment for rent from the provider (acceptance certificate). The submitted document is issued to the client when he purchases equipment from Rostelecom or leases it;
  • Documents for the equipment, which is prescribed in the act (this item is mandatory for those customers who, when concluding contracts, received a set-top box or routers for rent from the provider);
  • Power of attorney certified by a notary. The submitted document is required if the interests of the subscriber are represented by another person.

Upon termination of the contract, the equipment must be returned to Rostelecom if the content of the contract indicates that it was leased to the subscriber. Its non-refund will lead to the fact that the client will continue to receive monthly bills, the size of which will be larger than the previous ones, although the company will no longer provide services.