Business plan for breeding chinchillas. Chinchilla breeding - a business in the production of unique fur Is breeding chinchillas profitable?

The article provides detailed step-by-step instructions for opening a small mini-farm for breeding chinchillas. Also, current information is given on the sale of chinchilla products, the choice of breeding animals and the necessary equipment.


The chinchilla business primarily involves the production of highly valuable and unique fur, which is many times more expensive than the well-known mink, arctic fox, sable and rabbit furs.

Due to the fact that chinchilla breeding as an industry has just begun to develop in the CIS countries and Russia, the demand for high-quality breeding material greatly exceeds supply. And high demand and lack of supply is the key to the success of any business.

What is the relevance of the business idea for breeding chinchillas?

  • Complete lack of competition and these are not empty words. It is a well-known fact that 90% of all fur ateliers and large stores sell imported chinchilla fur products.
  • Broad market prospects, because every fur salon that respects its image simply cannot imagine the absence of chinchilla fur coats on store shelves.
  • Extremely high profitability of production, expressed in the low cost of production and the receipt of excess profits from its sale. For example, several tens of rubles are spent on growing one male chinchilla, and the final cost of such animals at 2 months of age varies from 3 to 15 thousand rubles.
  • Chinchilla business can be done by anyone. After all, it does not require expensive equipment, special education, or large investments. All that is needed is a small room, the presence of cage batteries and good breeding material.

Where to begin?

Let's start with the organizational and legal forms of doing business, or more precisely, with their complete absence at the initial, two-year stage of development. The fact is that the model of doing business with chinchillas proposed below implies a gradual increase in the production of both fur and sold breeding stock. The purpose of this approach is to minimize capital investments and all kinds of risks, as well as gaining practical experience in chinchilla breeding.

That is, the owner of a mini-farm it is not necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur or a peasant farm. It is enough to formalize a similar type of activity as a private household plot (personal subsidiary plot). And, as you know, regardless of the volume of production, private household plots are not taxed at all. With only one amendment: the owner of a private household plot is not such if he owns or leases more than 2 hectares of agricultural land.

When the chinchilla farm reaches or approaches a given level of production, its owner must:

  • The first is to register your business as an individual entrepreneur. This is the easiest and easiest way to legalize doing business, which in the future will allow you to avoid all sorts of paperwork when selling fur raw materials.
  • The second is to choose a special taxation regime - ESHN. An enterprise on a single agricultural tax has a number of tax benefits: refusal to pay income tax, property tax and VAT. The tax rate is only 6% and is calculated according to the formula: income - expenses * 6%. If in the previous period of time (10 years), any years were unprofitable, then the data from these periods can be entered in the current calculation of the taxable base. As a result, the final amount of the tax is significantly reduced or even will be equal to zero.

The OKVED code for a chinchilla farm is 01.25.2. It implies the breeding of any fur-bearing animals on a farm.

IMPORTANT: For breeding chinchillas and selling products, additional permits and licenses are not required.

The Moneymaker Factory recommends keeping tax records using the My Business online accounting, this will save money, since with its help you can keep records on your own without accepting a full-time accountant.

Organization of production

Required Equipment

To complete a chinchilla farm and reach its full performance, you need the following equipment:

Name of equipment

Purpose of equipment

Cost in rub. for 1 piece

Required number of pcs.

Total cost in rubles

Rational feeding

Rational drinking

Maintaining exercise

Heating mini-farm

Cooling mini-farm

Total: 290,920 rubles.

The lighting of the chinchilla farm is carried out with conventional incandescent lamps: 1 lamp with a power of 60 W per 10 m² of floor. Heating in winter is better to use electric, as electrical appliances are able to lower the level of humidity. In addition to heating, the room for chinchillas, in the warm season, also needs to be cooled. For this purpose, conventional household air conditioners are excellent.


Chinchilla is an animal whose value is determined by the quality of the fur. Accordingly, the cages where the animals are kept are subject to high requirements:

  • The first is the landing area, which should not be less than 0.3 m² per individual.
  • The second is a feed and water supply system based on hopper feeders and automatic drinkers.
  • The third is the obligatory presence of a sand bath in each cage to keep the chinchilla's fur clean.
  • Fourth - strictly sustained dimensions of the cells in height. Otherwise, the animals may be injured.

As a result, six rows of cells can be placed in one 18m² uterine block, three rows on each side, forming two common cell batteries.

The floor and walls of the cage are made of ordinary galvanized mesh, with a section of 1.5x2cm. In front of the wall, feeders and drinkers are installed, as well as a door for unhindered access to the cage. A small metal shelf is mounted to the back of the wall at a height of 20-25 cm, a width of 10-15 cm, where chinchillas spend most of their time.

For the period when the female is whelping, a nesting wooden box is placed in the cage. To maintain sanitation at the proper level, a tray is placed under each cage, filled with sawdust and cleaned at least once a week. The height of the cage should not be more than 40-45 cm.

Note. It is unacceptable to use any elements of a cage made of wood. After all, chinchillas belong to the mouse family and in a matter of days are able to gnaw through any wooden structures.

Selection and preparation of premises

Despite the fact that chinchillas in their natural habitat are able to survive and reproduce at an external air temperature of +-40 ° C, the room for their maintenance must meet strict standards:

  • The air temperature is in the range of 18-20°C.
  • Relative air humidity - 55-60%.
  • The absence of drafts and an increase in air temperature above the indicated limits.
  • Direct sunlight is undesirable.
  • To comply with sanitary standards and to avoid stressful situations, the farm premises should be located separately from other buildings.

There are no other special requirements for the premises for chinchillas. From which it follows that any building can be equipped under a chinchilla farm, the main thing is that it has appropriate thermal insulation. For the construction of a new premises, the entrepreneur does not require significant investments. For example, a block for 100 chinchilla breeding stock occupies only 18m² in area, and can be built from any wall materials: brick, blocks, wood, composite building materials.

Purchase and selection of breeding stock

Quality chinchilla breeding stock is a key factor in successful chinchilla breeding. Such animals, especially males, are expensive, but they invariably pay for themselves, as they retain their reproductive functions for 15-18 years.

To understand how important it is to acquire good breeding material, let's look at history. In 1954, the first auction for the sale of chinchilla fur was held in New York, which shocked the key players in this industry. More than half of the skins were not in demand due to poor quality and non-standard fur color. As a result, the market collapsed, prices fell sharply, and only in Canada about 4.5 thousand farms declared themselves bankrupt. But at that time, only a pair of chinchillas cost fabulous money, from 3 to 5 thousand dollars.

It is impossible to describe all the characteristics of the choice of thoroughbred animals in this article. Firstly, there are about 12 mutations in the standard color of chinchillas alone. Plus, 10 combinative forms are added to them. But the best and most demanded of them is the standard color and the so-called "black velvet".

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of chinchillas for a tribe, it is better to contact breeders who contain at least 500-600 breeding stock. It is in such farms that systematic work is carried out to improve the gene pool of animals.

Feeding and breeding chinchillas

However, in feeding chinchillas, some nuances must be taken into account:

  • Due to the lack of direct sunlight, chinchillas are prone to beriberi and suffer from a lack of group D vitamins in the body. Therefore, animals must be given dried fruits, vegetables, dried herbs, vitamin hay, fish and meat and bone meal.
  • In order to avoid contamination of the fur, all roughage: branches, brooms and hay, are given in strictly limited quantities, placing them in bunker feeders.
  • Since the front incisors grow all the time in chinchillas, small logs of trees that do not contain tannins in the wood are placed in the cells to grind them down.
  • In chinchilla breeding there are no clear norms for feeding, because the weight of different types of adult chinchillas ranges from 300 to 800 grams. Therefore, feeding rates are calculated based on the live weight of a particular age group of animals.

Chinchillas as a business are absolutely not subject to the crisis of overproduction, at least another 40-50 years, and all because of the characteristics of reproduction. The fact is that a female chinchilla is able to bring no more than 3 litters per year, 1-4 puppies in each. Sexual maturity of the male and female occurs at the age of 3-5 months, but before the age of 10 months it is better not to let them in mating.

Adult chinchillas are kept in cages both in pairs (monogamous) and in small families (polygamous). Monogamous content justifies itself when serious breeding work is carried out. That is, each pair of chinchillas living separately in a cage has high pedigree and productive qualities, giving no less valuable offspring. In other cases, polygamous keeping of chinchillas is practiced, where for 4-5 females there is one highly productive male.

Note. In the case of aggressive behavior of the female towards the male during pregnancy or whelping, it is better to put the latter in another cage or put a mesh partition between them.

Organization and development of a chinchilla mini-farm

Business ideas with little investment, such as chinchilla breeding, require a slow and systematic development. Therefore, it is better to start with a small mother block for 108 chinchilla places. For this purpose, a standard 3x6m room is excellent, in which two three-tiered rows of cell batteries are installed. In the future, in one battery there will be a breeding stock - 40 females and 10 males, in another battery - young animals grown for skin or live sale.

In order to initially rid yourself of all sorts of risks, including the purchase of an illiquid breeding herd, mass mortality of animals, etc., it is better to purchase only 12 animals - 10 females and 2 males. It is this number of chinchillas that is quite enough to form a breeding core and bring it up to 50 individuals.

If one calendar year is taken into account, then 10 females and 2 males can give up to 70-80 young animals, half of which will be females. Thus, by breeding selection and culling, by the end of the second year of operation of the mini-farm, it is possible without any problems, and most importantly, without high costs, to bring the breeding stock to 50 chinchillas.

At the same time, the entrepreneur, who has been increasing the number of chinchillas all this time, will not be left behind. The fact is that now the situation in domestic chinchilla breeding is very similar to the situation in the USA and Canada for the period of the 20-50s of the last century. When the market for live chinchillas repeatedly prevailed over the market for fur raw materials. And doing all these two years to increase the breeding stock, you can sell up to 100 individuals "culling", recouping not only all costs, but also making excellent money on it.

As a result, when such a mini-farm reaches full production capacity, its owner will receive up to 300 heads of young chinchillas per year. But what to do with them, read on.

Sales of finished products

As mentioned above, the chinchilla breeding market is more biased towards the sale of live goods than fur and fur products. Therefore, here the sale of products can be divided into several areas:

  1. Sale of culled animals. This method is suitable for any chinchilla farm, regardless of the volume of production. Since in the course of breeding work, "culling" is a common occurrence. The main customers are pet stores, bird markets or exotic animal lovers. However, the word "culling" should not be understood as sick and weak chinchillas. Culled animals are those animals that, for various reasons, unsuitable for breeding or obtaining quality fur.
  2. Realization of breeding animals. Breeding chinchillas are much more expensive than culled ones, and two directions of production are divided here: either the farm owner sells surplus breeding material, or purposefully grows breeding chinchillas for subsequent sale. The main clients are novice chinchilla breeders or farms experiencing an acute shortage of breeding material.
  3. Fur Implementation. This level can be reached with a mini-farm productivity of at least 300-350 male chinchillas per year. Since the skins of males are mainly used for the production of fur products from chinchillas, the skins of females are also used, but this is already a secondary and cheaper raw material. The main clients are large fur ateliers in million-plus cities.
  4. Sale of fur at large auctions. The fact is that until now, large fur auctions are in dire need of chinchilla fur. For example, for the period 2010-2012, the need for chinchilla fur at the Copenhagen auction was 500 thousand skins, while the auction could only offer 300 thousand skins. But to reach this level, it is required to produce at least 5 thousand skins per year of the highest quality.

Feasibility study for opening a chinchilla farm

Capital investment:

  • Construction of the uterine block or its re-equipment: 50 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of fully equipped cages for 108 chinchillas: 236 thousand rubles.
  • Breeding young: 120 thousand rubles.
  • Additional equipment (baths, drinkers, heaters, air conditioning): 54 thousand rubles.
  • Total: 460 000 rubles.

Revenue calculation:

  • Production of chinchillas per year: 300 pcs.
  • The average price for a chinchilla or skin: 5000 rubles.
  • Revenue for the year: 1,500,000 rubles.

Cost calculation and general expenses:

  • Feed consumption for 10 polygamous families (4:1): 300 kg of feed - 6000 rubles.
  • Feed consumption per 300 livestock units up to 6 months of age: 900 kg of feed - 18,000 rubles.
  • Electricity consumption per year: 9 thousand kW / h - 18,000 rubles.
  • The cost of one skin or chinchilla: 140 rubles.
  • In total, the production of 300 young chinchillas requires: 42,000 rubles.

Profit calculation:

Profit = 1,500,000 rubles. - 42,000 rubles. = 1,458,000 rubles.

Chinchilla fur is one of the most sought after and prestigious materials in the global fashion fur industry. But these are not all the advantages of these animals. Their dietary meat is recommended for the treatment of tuberculosis, sclerosis. It has been proven that its properties have a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with oncological diseases.

Not everyone knows about the uniqueness of chinchillas. Even the ancient Indians noticed that these fur-bearing animals live in areas of deposits of gold or precious stones. Therefore, if it is customary to take a dog to hunt, a pig to search for truffles, then treasure hunters use chinchilla for their work.

Many treasure hunters today have changed their status to entrepreneurs and receive a high income from breeding these animals at home.

Breeding chinchillas as a business at home

Breeding chinchillas at home is a promising area that is just beginning to develop in our country.

Advice: according to experts, there will never be high competition in this business. This is due to the increased demand for fur and the long breeding period of the chinchilla.

The profitability of this type of business is explained by the following factors:

  • lack of competing organizations;
  • high demand for fur in the world market;
  • relatively small financial costs for organizing a business;
  • high prices for fur, the possibility of selling meat;
  • quick payback of the project (with proper planning, start-up costs pay off in 18 months);
  • animal care is simple and does not require much labor.

Today it is fashionable to choose exotic animals as pets. Therefore, the business on or chinchillas receives new sales channels - pet stores that are happy to take animals for sale.

Business registration

Chinchillas are undemanding animals, so they are easy to breed at home. With small volumes at the start, you can not register a business. The fact is that the breeding season in animals at home is quite long. Therefore, paying taxes while waiting for offspring is inappropriate.

After the promotion of the business, when looking for distribution channels and when selling products, private firms will need to register. To do this, you must select one of the legal forms:

  • peasant farming (KFK);
  • individual entrepreneur;
  • limited liability company.

LLC is suitable for a large farm. Beginners are advised to draw up, which will make it possible to sell not only animals, but also related products - skins, meat, and even finished fur products.

To register a farm, the following package of documents is required:

  • application in the form P21002;
  • an agreement on the creation of a farm, certified by a notary (if the number of applicants is two or more people);
  • a copy of the passport of each founder of the farm;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles).

Sometimes additional documents may be required, such as .

Room equipment

The main product when breeding chinchillas at home is fur, but some manage to establish meat distribution channels. The quality of the skins largely depends on the conditions of detention.

Despite the fact that these animals are undemanding and unpretentious, they can breed even at a temperature of + 40ºС, when breeding them at home, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • humidity level in the room - 55-60%;
  • permissible temperature - + 18-21ºС;
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • lack of drafts, sharp fluctuations in temperature.

Many entrepreneurs who did not know and chose to try the chinchilla business at the initial stage raised animals in their own house or even in an apartment. But when expanding the business, it is necessary to build and equip a separate room for animals. The main condition in it is thermal insulation. A big plus is that the animals do not require a lot of space. To keep 100 individuals, a room of 18-20 m² is enough.

To breed chinchillas at home, it is enough to purchase the following set of equipment:

  1. cells;
  2. automatic drinkers;
  3. bunker feeders;
  4. devices for heating the premises in winter (the best option for this is the purchase of convectors);
  5. bathing suits;
  6. air conditioner;
  7. low power lamps for lighting.

In the cage you need to install bathing - containers with sand so that the animals can clean the skins. It is better to buy automatic feeders and drinkers for the constant provision of animals with food.

The height of the cage should be 40-45 centimeters, the landing area should be 30 cm² per individual. For the production of cages, it is recommended to use a galvanized mesh with cells measuring 2 x 1.5 centimeters.

Advice: you can not put chinchillas in wooden cages, as the animal will quickly gnaw through partitions of any thickness.

In a room of 18-20 m², 6 sections can be placed in 2 rows. Doors are installed on the front wall to get the animals, change water and add food, as well as a drinking bowl and a feeder. On the back wall is installed a "bed" with a width of 10-15 centimeters at a height of up to 20 centimeters. To ensure cleanliness, stands with wooden sawdust are installed under the cages, which need to be changed every 5-7 days (as they get dirty).

Feed base preparation

Chinchillas are herbivorous rodents. As a rule, when breeding at home, they are fed with compound feed. The feed base can be divided into several types:

  • concentrated feed - grains (wheat, corn, millet) and legumes (lentils, beans, peas);
  • dried herbs;
  • hay.

An adult should eat at least 25 grams of food per day. For catering, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. taste habits are formed in these animals immediately after birth, so new food is introduced gradually and with caution;
  2. in addition to the usual food, animals need to be given vitamins to strengthen immunity. For breeding chinchillas at home, specialized vitamin preparations intended for ferrets are suitable;
  3. be sure to give food in the evening, as animals are awake at night;
  4. water should be boiled or filtered.

Features of caring for chinchillas at home

A big advantage when breeding chinchillas at home is simplicity. For the maintenance of 20 families in the first stage, as with, one person is suitable.

Every day, such animals need to be fed, change the water in the drinking bowl and sand in the bathing room, monitor the cleanliness of the cells, observe the temperature regime, and ventilate the room.

Features of breeding chinchillas at home:

  1. puberty occurs from 6-7 months;
  2. females carry the fetus for 106-114 days;
  3. the ability to breed lasts about 12-15 years;
  4. the life span of these animals is about 17-18 years;
  5. the cub is weaned from its mother at the age of 2 months with a weight gain of 200 grams;
  6. the newborn animal has teeth and sees well (unlike nutria);
  7. begin to give food to babies on the fifth day after birth;
  8. the growth and development of young animals lasts up to 12-13 months and ends after weight gain of 450-500 grams;
  9. the animals mate at night;
  10. during pregnancy, the weight of the female increases by 40-50 grams.

According to experts, even with the rapid development of this business, the crisis of overproduction will not threaten this area for another 100-200 years. The reason lies in reproductive traits. During the year, the female can give birth 2-3 times for 1-4 cubs when breeding at home.

Chinchilla families can be both monogamous and polygamous. If breeding is planned and individuals are of high productive qualities, have good pedigree qualities, they should be placed together in one cage (female plus male). In another case, one male is kept in a cage with four females.

financial calculation

If, when searching for an answer to the question “?” you decide to breed chinchillas at home, you need to draw up a financial plan. According to experts, it is better for beginners to start with 20 families. Such an amount does not require large investments and equipment of a large room. Working on a small farm will provide an opportunity to calculate the profitability of the project and realistically assess your strengths.

Approximate starting costs for breeding chinchillas at home:

  1. purchase of young animals (20 families consist of 80 chinchillas, each of which costs about $50) - $4,000;
  2. preparation of the premises, installation of cages, purchase of equipment - about 4 thousand dollars;
  3. food costs (each individual eats about 20 kg of food per year) - $ 820

In practice, to organize a mini-farm for 20 families, expenses of 7-10 thousand dollars are needed. Let's form a family of one male and 3-4 females, each of which produces offspring 2-3 times a year, 1-4 cubs. On average, each female gives 6 cubs per year. Therefore, in one year on a small farm, you can get 360 animals. If you sell them for $50, the income will be $18,000 and will fully cover the start-up costs.

Sales channels

It is possible to achieve a quick payback of the project by establishing a competent marketing policy. Ways of implementation when breeding chinchillas at home:

  1. sale of animals for pet stores or as an exotic animal;
  2. sale of skins at fur auctions. This option is suitable for large farms, since enterprises with a large turnover (from 5 thousand skins) take part in such an event;
  3. sale of young animals for divorce;
  4. sale of meat;
  5. sale of fur in the studio and specialized organizations.

Chinchilla meat - price

Do not forget about the dietary and healing properties of the meat of this animal. Naturally, when selling skins, there is a question about selling meat. It has been proven that it helps with sclerosis, tuberculosis, and oncological diseases.

The meat is quite suitable for food, it resembles a rabbit in taste and nutritional value. Today it is not in high demand, so the prices are low - 250-400 rubles per kilogram.

Chinchilla breeding as a business - reviews

My parents breed chinchillas at home, for this they allocated a small outbuilding. This case has certain nuances that are worth considering. For example - the temperature regime, which should be within +18 - + 24ºС. Recently, the heater was not turned on in time, the temperature dropped to +14 ºС, so 6 out of 40 animals died. Although care is simple, you won’t go on vacation either - you need to feed, clean the cages, etc. every day. A big minus is the lack of skinning technology, and only expensive restaurants with exotic cuisine (at a low price) take meat, so parents raise them as pets and sell them via the Internet. Despite this, I want to leave a positive review - they eat very little, the cost of food is insignificant. They need small cages, there is no need to buy a large breeding room. The meat is tasty and tender, they say, and also good for health.

I always wanted to organize my own business, but without competition. After reading reviews and advice on the Internet, I settled on a chinchilla - care is simple, start-up costs are low. I have no regrets, because in a year and a half I paid back all the expenses and went to zero. But I recommend starting only for those who are really ready to devote themselves to these cute little animals. Start with a small amount to learn how to breed at home. Today I sell these animals in Russia and neighboring countries. Basically, my clients are young farmers who buy young animals for breeding. Sometimes they take it for home keeping as a beloved pet.

If your chinchillas do not get sick, do not die, quickly become pregnant and give birth to young of beautiful colors of the desired sex, if you yourself know how to build cages, if you do not spend money on buying new individuals, then quickly pay back the investment (in 1-1.5 years). But without the above nuances can not do, unfortunately. Any financial waste, illness, elementary unwillingness of the female to mate, unsuccessful childbirth will nullify all efforts. Think about it - are you ready for the challenges? If such problems do not scare you and you are ready to try, everything will work out. Think carefully about each step, think about ways to implement it already at the start, and your business will be doomed to success.

The lack of competition in the chinchilla fur production market, ease of care and maintenance, low start-up costs make this business in demand and promising. But those who want to organize a business for breeding chinchillas at home should take into account all the pitfalls and subtleties. The animals need to be looked after regularly, to prevent drafts and temperature fluctuations. Also, not at the start, you need to take care of distribution channels.

Starting a chinchilla breeding business has many advantages due to the excellent characteristics of these unique animals imported from the Chilean Andes.

The natural features of the climate in those parts are such that they forced the animal to adapt to the cold weather. A distinctive feature of their wool is the growth of 80 hairs up to 3 centimeters high from one bulb. Such fur effectively prevents the penetration of cold air, which makes it extremely popular.

How to make money on it?

There are several ways to make a profit from animal breeding:

  • sale as exotic pets;
  • sale of young individuals for breeding;
  • proceeds from the sale of skins.

The breeding process is not too complicated, the chinchilla does not have a pungent odor, since the animal does not have sweat glands. The wool cover does not fall out, which allows you to keep pets at home. Animals eat dry food, they are unpretentious and not voracious in food, as they do not eat more than 100 grams of nutrient mixture per day.

Registration of an individual enterprise

The organization of entrepreneurial activity begins with the execution of documents giving the legal right to conduct business. The most profitable option is to register a personal subsidiary farm (LPS). However, this is possible only if the property has two hectares of land, from which the corresponding tax is paid. The advantage is the exemption from all other types of taxes.

If there is no land plot, then (IP) is required. For these purposes, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents:

  • - the entrepreneur puts his signature under the document, which sets out the request to register him in the register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - a copy of the document;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

A citizen is obliged to personally appear at the registration organization, having these documents with him. The official issues a receipt confirming the acceptance of the documentation package for registration and appoints the issue of the certificate.

Choosing a tax scheme

It is required to choose the optimal taxation scheme in order to reduce the financial burden on a fledgling business. It is recommended to choose single agricultural tax scheme (USHT), implying the payment of the following contributions:

  • ESHN - 6%;
  • off-budget social transfers;
  • Income tax is paid by employees.

In practice, the scheme for calculating the ESHN looks like this: (profit - investment) × 6%. Profit will be the proceeds received from the sale of products. Investments are capital and operating costs associated with doing business.

Arrangement of premises and purchase of equipment

The determining factor is compliance with the rules for keeping animals. It is required to equip the premises in accordance with the prescribed standards. Ambient temperature should be within +18…+20°C at air humidity not more than 60%. Drafts are unacceptable, animals should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

The area of ​​the premises does not exceed 18m 2 (per 100 chinchillas). It should be a separate building, built of wood, brick or wall blocks, thermal insulation is required.

You also need to purchase the following equipment:

  • cells- polygamous keeping of individuals is provided, the design consists of 2 compartments connected by a transition, it is possible to arrange autonomous boxes;
  • bunker feeders– galvanized steel structures that ensure rational consumption of feed are attached to the cage, feed is supplied through a slot in the area of ​​the cage battery;
  • automatic drinker- steel galvanized tank, the structure of which consists of connecting tubes that ensure a continuous supply of liquid;
  • converter- heats the farm, helps to eliminate excess moisture, evenly distributes warm air, controlled remotely;
  • air conditioner- necessary for effective cooling of the farm, sterilization of the premises, direction of air flows;
  • baths- flip design that allows you to bathe animals in the sand, so that the fur is kept clean. The product is made of plastic and galvanized steel, it holds up to 1 kg of sand.

The lighting system is equipped with standard incandescent lamps. Electrical appliances are also recommended for heating, as they help to reduce the level of humidity.

Breeding and feeding

For each individual, 0.3 m² of free space is provided. Cells are installed in two tiers and are divided into blocks. The main building is adapted for 40 females and 10 males. The secondary enclosure is set aside for rearing young animals, which will be sold live or slaughtered for the purpose of obtaining skins.

However, initially should start with the acquisition of 10 females and 2 males. This number of animals is enough to form a herd of 50 individuals.

The initial herd can produce 80 individuals within 365 days. By culling, selecting the best animals, it is possible to form a breeding backbone in two seasons - 50 chinchillas (female / male ratio - 2/1).

Every year, the female will give three litters, each of which has 2-4 puppies. The animals will be sexually mature at 5 months, but they are recommended to mate no earlier than one year of age.

Placing animals in cages can be monogamous (couples) and polygamous (family). They should be kept monogamous during the first 2 years, when the core of the herd is formed, active breeding work is carried out. A couple living together will produce quality offspring. After that, it is required to resettle the animals by 5 pieces in one cage, where 4 females and 1 male will live.

Puppies born weigh 250 grams. It is required to transplant them from their mother 60 days after birth, when the lactation period ends. They finally grow by the 15th month, the maximum weight rarely exceeds 600 grams. Some individuals are able to grow up to 3 years.

The mating process takes place at night, pregnancy is confirmed by a change in the mass of the female, which gains 50 grams every 2 weeks. It is advisable to remove the bath from the cage 10 days before the appearance of the puppies, remove the male from there. Childbirth will begin at 6 o'clock in the morning, it can last several hours.

It is required to provide a complete diet containing 4 main food groups:

  • staple food- water, hay, compound feed containing nutrients in the following ratio: fiber 21%, protein 17%, fat 6%. It is recommended to feed the animals with cereal grasses, legumes, bird buckwheat and meadow buckwheat;
  • additional bait- fodder green plants, hercules, fruits, wheat grain (sprouted);
  • goodies- dried fruits, alfalfa (rings), nuts;
  • vitamin complexes- groups B (B1, B2, B6, B12), E, ​​C are required to be added to food in powder form, liquid vitamins are mixed into the drink. Useful substances that have a fatty base are given with the help of syringes.

Chinchillas are not recommended to be exposed to ultraviolet light, however, due to lack of sunlight, they experience a lack of vitamin D. Therefore, special emphasis should be placed on the inclusion of meat and bone meal, dried greens, dried vegetables and fruits in the diet. Such a filling of the diet will eliminate the deficiency of vitamins.

It is necessary to pay attention to hygiene issues in the process of feeding. It is required to take into account that roughage (hay, branches) can lead to pollution and damage to wool. It is recommended to lay these feeds in bunkers strictly dosing.

Chinchillas are rodents, so they constantly grow incisors. In order for them to grind evenly, it is advisable to place wooden blocks in the cage with the animals. It is required to ensure that the wood does not contain tannins.

It is quite acceptable to breed animals at home, for example, in a city apartment, since they do not emit a strong smell. However, you should strictly comply with the requirements for the room in which the pets will live.

The initial herd (10 females and 2 males) will fit on an area of ​​3×6 meters, the cages can be placed in several tiers, their design prevents spillage of food. Subsequently, they will have to expand, picking up a more spacious room, but this will happen only after two years, when it will be possible to reach commercial sales volumes.

Efficient sales of products

The profitability of the enterprise directly depends on the effective implementation. There are four distribution channels for products:

  1. Culled pets- in the first two years, when breeding work is carried out, defective chinchillas should be disposed of in order to achieve the purity of the breed. Pet stores will buy such animals, you can arrange sales through bird markets, post an ad in order to interest fans of exotic pets.
  2. Tribal animals- when the herd is formed, it is possible to sell animals suitable for breeding work. You can sell them to identical breeding farms.
  3. fur of the beast- when the productivity reaches 300 males in 365 days, you can trade in skins. The product will be purchased by specialized studios and factories, mainly in metropolitan areas.
  4. Sale of fur at auctions– you will need to travel abroad, for example, to Denmark, where such events are held. However, wholesale purchases take place there, farms producing up to 5,000 skins per year can participate in the auction.

Investments and income

The efficiency of the enterprise will depend on the proper distribution of investment funds. The following costs must be considered:

  • arrangement of a separate uterine block - 50,000 rubles;
  • equipment - drinkers, baths, heating and air conditioning systems - 55,000;
  • cages - 240,000 rubles;
  • young animals for breeding - 120,000 (10 females and 2 males).

The payback of the enterprise should be expected not earlier than in three years, when the breeding herd (50 heads) will produce 300 puppies per season. The price of one skin is 5000, so you can earn 1,500,000 rubles a year. The cost of feeding the main livestock (50 individuals) will be 6000 (300 kg of feed per year).

Young animals can be sold starting from six months, before that they will have to be fed, having spent 900 kg of feed (for 300 individuals per year), which will cost 18,000 rubles. Thus, it will be necessary to spend 24,000 annually on breeding the indicated number of animals. The proceeds will be 1,476,000, the UAT tax (87,120) must be subtracted from this amount, as a result, the entrepreneur will earn per year approximately 1,389,000 rubles.

Breeding chinchillas is a fairly profitable business. However, it is worth being patient, it is necessary to carry out competent breeding work for two years, content with a small return. After that, production should be increased by expanding the premises and increasing the breeding stock. It is required to use all channels for the sale of products, to conclude contracts for the sale of goods in large quantities. This approach will allow you to get more profit at minimal cost.

Chinchilla business video

On the video - a detailed description of the chinchilla farm for breeding animals:

  • Technology of breeding chinchillas for fur
  • Chinchilla nutrition
  • Maintenance and care
  • Step by step plan to start a business
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • How to choose equipment
  • What OKVED must be specified for breeding chinchillas for fur
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for breeding chinchillas for fur
  • Do I need permission to open

Many people know that chinchilla fur is very expensive, but you rarely see real chinchilla farms today. Experts say that this is due to the difficulties in breeding animals in captivity. Obtaining high-quality expensive fur is the result of painstaking breeding work and daily care of animals. We will talk about how to breed chinchillas below. Before you start planning a business related to these animals, you need to understand the features of their biology and the elements of technology on which the health of animals depends, and, consequently, the quality of the outer cover. Chinchilla fur is valued for having a hair structure and a unique color.

Rodents of this class in nature are of two types: long-tailed and short-tailed. In appearance, they resemble small rabbits. The closest known relative of the chinchilla is the guinea pig, but it eats and breeds a little differently. For those farmers who are interested in the question of how many years chinchillas live in captivity, let us explain that there were cases when they lived to be 25 years old. On average, this time does not exceed 15 years. Young animals and older animals practically do not differ in appearance. Animal breeders are advised to determine the age by the paws of animals. In young individuals, the skin is not yet coarsened. The average weight of an animal, if it is healthy and eats well, is from 500 to 900 grams, depending on the breed and gene pool. However, this information is useful, rather, for reference, because the goal of an entrepreneur is usually to grow chinchillas for the sake of valuable fur. Sometimes small livestock contain animals for sale for fun. They live well in city apartments, as family favorites, for several years.

Technology of breeding chinchillas for fur

Chinchilla breeding technology is distinguished by two methods of reproduction: paired and polygamous.

  1. Pair breeding consists in the selection of a female and a male according to the quality of the fur and color. Individuals from the same hereditary branch can be in a pair, but not closer than three generations later. How many puppies can a female bring? Usually she gives birth to up to 6 young individuals, 2 times a year. The ideal age combination is when the male is several years older than the female, or they are the same age.
  2. Polygamous reproduction involves the fertilization of several females by one male. When calculating how much it will cost to keep animals, this method will be more economical, as it will reduce feed consumption and improve the quality of offspring over the years.

In addition to the above recommendations, there are a number of conditions that allow you to get high-quality chinchilla fur. One of them is the state of the microclimate of the farm. It should be well ventilated, with a constant air temperature. How much should the temperature be? It is optimal not to exceed 25 degrees, and not fall below 16. Chinchillas live better in dry air, so the humidity parameter should not exceed 60%. Animals are also harmful to direct sunlight. In general, you can use any utility room where it is possible to maintain the required temperature all year round. The animals do not tolerate frost well, and in the winter months they can even observe drowsiness and inactivity.

Chinchilla nutrition

Now let's figure out what a chinchilla eats in captivity. It is a herbivore that feeds on grass and hay. This must be taken into account, as well as the natural predilections of animals. In nature, they live in the highlands, where food is scarce, but it is saturated with useful substances. By the same principle, chinchilla eats in cages. Concentrated feeds, which must be in the daily diet of animals, include legumes and grains, cake, bran, spent grains. One animal eats about 25 g per day. Its main diet consists of the following components:

  • Green food that the animal eats with pleasure. It can be spinach, horse sorrel, nettle, dandelion, burdock, and other meadow herbs.
  • Hay that the chinchilla eats all year round. Lack of it in the diet can even lead to the death of the animal.
  • Additional nutrition in the form of willow leaves, birch, aspen bark and needles, root crops and seeds of cultivated plants.

Chinchillas are usually kept in cages. They should be spacious and provide easy care and keeping the space clean. Cells can be of several types, depending on the size and material. First of all, the size of the "houses" depends on the number of animals that are planned to be settled in them. To facilitate cleaning, they make a retractable tray made of metal or plastic. 1-2 animals live in cages measuring 60x80x80 cm. The most important parameter for a chinchilla is height.

A new cage inside is equipped with shelves for movement and a place where the animal eats. At the same time, parts that are too small for animals to swallow should not be used. Cells can be made at home. Plastic, fiberboard, chipboard and resinous wood species cannot be used as materials. Boards for cages should not be affected by rot or fungus, then they will reliably serve for many years.

Inspection of individuals should be carried out daily, especially pregnant or giving birth females, young animals need special attention. If the animal eats little and refuses to drink, then this can be considered the first signs of the disease. From time to time the animals are weighed.

Animal waste and the remains of what the animal eats must be cleaned daily. Pallets are wiped with a rag without detergents, as they are harmful to animals. Once every few days you need to wash the feeder, drinker, bath. Cleaning should be done in silence so that the animals are not frightened. In order for the wool to be of excellent quality, chinchillas are satisfied with bathing in fine sand.

As mentioned above, the animal eats little, but the food must be rich in nutrients. In general, the cost of maintenance, maintenance and care does not require large material resources. This business requires more labor and knowledge, which makes it acceptable for the majority of the population in rural areas and private households.

Step by step plan to start a business

Market analysis and business plan development is the basis of any activity. After that, you can proceed to the realization of dreams in life:
acquisition of breeding breeds;
purchase of feed;
search for sales markets, etc.

How much can you earn

If we talk about making money on chinchilla fur, then it will depend on the quality of the fur and livestock. The average cost of a quality chinchilla skin is about $300. Lower quality, about twice the price. In cases where 4 males and 12 females are kept, the annual profit ranges from 500,000 rubles to 1 million.

How much money do you need to start a business

The cost of one individual is in the range of 6 to 9 thousand rubles. If you purchase 16 pieces, you will need from 96,000 to 144,000 rubles. It will also require financial costs for the purchase of animal feed, equipment. In total, if you do not rent premises, you can invest in an amount equal to 150,000 rubles.

How to choose equipment

Cells act as the main equipment. In addition, they will need to be equipped with drinkers and feeders. The cost of the cage is in the range from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles. You can make your own to save money.

What OKVED must be specified for breeding chinchillas for fur

01.49.2 - breeding of other fur-bearing animals on the territory of the farm. It is this OKVED 2 code that will need to be reflected in the documents that are submitted for registration.

What documents are needed to open

The list of documents for breeding chinchillas for fur will depend on the chosen form of ownership, as well as its maintenance. In this case, it is necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur or open a peasant farm.

What taxation system to choose for breeding chinchillas for fur

When choosing a system that will be used for paying taxes, we focus on the single agricultural tax. If this is not reflected, then the Federal Tax Service will determine the total for paying taxes. The first allows you to pay taxes in a preferential regime.

Do I need permission to open

To breed chinchillas with the subsequent sale of fur, you will need to obtain a special license that gives you the right to engage in the cultivation of rodents. In addition, in order to legally sell the skins of animals, you need a special permit from the veterinary service.