How to open a profitable clothing showroom: a fashion business from scratch. How to calculate a business plan for a clothes showroom from scratch: instructions and recommendations for starting a business, how to find suppliers and what are the features of a business

In the age of high technology and smart gadgets, each person has become lazy and thoughtful to varying degrees. Now no one can be surprised by expensive devices and beautiful things. However, not everyone knows where they can be purchased without risk at the price they correspond to. If you have experience in acquiring those in online stores, and you want to not only make money on it, but also develop in the field of communication and sales practically without leaving your home, this article will be useful for reading and will answer the questions: How to open a show room your business and make good money on it?

What is a showroom?

This is a small clothing store, a corner with mirrors and a fitting room at home. Its popularity is only gaining momentum, while in America, where the name came from, showrooms have been used for a very long time. Such a store appeals mainly to those who are afraid to order clothes via the Internet, doubting that they will receive it in the wrong size. In addition, the Russian Post is far from often pleased with its operational work in terms of deliveries. An additional plus of a home store is that the seller does not need to pay for the rent of the premises, as is the case in ordinary boutiques or markets.

Of course, there will be an extra charge on things, but it includes a whole list of possible pluses:

  • No queues;
  • The hospitality of the seller and the home environment;
  • Tea and coffee with sweets as a probable bonus;
  • The opportunity to order interesting and unique things that are not found in ordinary stores in the city.

How to open a showroom from scratch? Where to begin?

The first thing to start with the opening of the showroom is drawing up a business plan, with a description of all the key points.

Next, you need to decide for yourself what exactly you will sell. Will it be just clothes, or more shoes and accessories. Next, you need to find reliable suppliers, to which such concepts as "guarantee", "quality" and "affordable price" will be inextricably linked with the shortest possible delivery time. The standard of waiting for goods, if ordered from Korea or China, is from two weeks to a month. Do not rush to open a showroom with only 10-15 items, save up as many as you can by ordering from different sources. Another thing is if you want to sell expensive and exclusive fur products - in this case, you can get by with 8-10 copies at the initial stage.

When ordering, try to choose clothes for which you can make the maximum margin. These should not be things for mass consumption, they should look expensive and stylish so that the buyer does not feel sorry for giving money. If you do not have a suitable room at home equipped with a fitting room, mirrors and good light, you can work via the Internet for some time, taking orders and delivering to the buyer's house. In the same place, you can give a person to try on a thing, be sure to give advice on caring for fabric and accessories, and with a high probability, sell it. When the profit from the showroom business, from sales, is regular, you can equip a room for a showroom at home, or rent a commercial space. For the latter, it is necessary to issue an IP, choosing UTII taxation.

Things to consider before opening a showroom:

  1. They will not know about you right away, because advertising is needed. Advertising can be active (calls, direct contact with a potential buyer) and passive (word of mouth, announcements);
  2. If you already have a popular store in your city, you will have to work hard to lure customers or just be competitive. To do this, you need a feature, something that is not available in similar showrooms, for example, you can rent things, carry out visage, make-up, take pictures of customers in new outfits. At a minimum, the coffee or tea with sweets you offer should be more expensive than buyers usually buy for their home. So you show how much you value each client;
  3. If you want to sell a complete set of clothes - dresses, underwear, shoes and hats, try to keep everything compatible and replaceable;
  4. Buyers buy things at their own risk, selling at home, provide them with a guarantee on the goods in the form of a purchase receipt. But try not to let the customer want to return the item. Blank checks are sold at any stationery store;
  5. The more start-up capital you have at the beginning of your career, the more money you will get back from your business later. Think about how solvent people are in your city, in your area. Go to the State Statistics website. Based on the answer, feel free to choose the price category and availability of your product - from inexpensive Chinese to luxury brand;
  6. Be as sociable and friendly as possible, be able to combine and select things, understand the color scheme and listen to the wishes of customers;
  7. Consider the schedule and mode of operation of the showroom. How it will be possible to get into it - from the street, by appointment or invitation;
  8. Not only demand creates supply. As in the case of the most popular and running phones from Apple, supply creates demand. Until the devices began to be created and actively promoted, no one knew how necessary they were for consumers. Therefore, feel free to experiment with images, do not be afraid to order something that has not previously appeared on the shelves of your city. Perhaps it is you who will become the owner of a popular studio in the future, visiting which, each buyer will discover something new, be satisfied and recommend you to friends. Good luck!

How much can you earn in the showroom. Experience



The question is relevant for everyone, because everyone wants estimate potential profit before its opening

The answer to this question depends on many factors:

  • your activity
  • number of specialists employed in the project
  • start-up capital
  • competent advertising and promotion
  • potential for expansion

With an active approach and good sales, the profit from the showroom can be significant, this will allow, if there is a desire to transfer part of the business to real life, for example, by opening a “regular store” in parallel.

From personal experience taken from communication with my acquaintances in Rostov-on-Don, who sell women's dresses and cosmetics in this way, the profit from the show room is 300-500,000 rubles per month. The showroom reached such a financial result in 4 years. This business is located in an ordinary two-room apartment and the total cost of goods and promotion amounted to approximately 1,500,000 rubles (the amount of costs in installments during 2013 2018

According to friends, if there were more significant investments initially and with more active promotion, the results over the years could be doubled or tripled.

Therefore, if you are planning a large volume right away, you may need getting a business loan.

Read more: How to open a barbershop from scratch

  • 3. How to design a showroom
  • The idea of ​​creating a showroom - video

Showroom- one of the most popular trends of our time. And this is not only a profitable business, it is also prestige, an opportunity to demonstrate the most high-tech innovations, elite goods, and to move in the upper strata of society. If you are active, sociable, want to climb to the very top of the social pyramid, you should try yourself in this area.

And our site will help you. We'll tellwhat is showroom, what start-up capital is needed, how and where to choose a room, what kind of decoration is needed, what goods and products are best presented, and most importantly, how to attract customers.

We will also introduce you to a promising showroom option for. You can’t touch the product through the network, but thanks to your showroom, a person will have such an opportunity. And if everything is done correctly, a high income will be guaranteed.

Learn the rules and subtleties of organizing a successful showroom, and very soon the most influential people in the city will shake hands with you.

1. Where does the name showroom come from and what is it

Literally, this is the English translation of our term "showroom". Accordingly, initially such halls were intended to demonstrate clothing models, or were a place for business meetings between designers and manufacturers with wholesale buyers and customers, or buyers from large trading companies or stores. In such showrooms, there were no direct retail sales, but it was here that major deals were made. They were used not only to display clothes, but also to present cars, accessories, furniture and so on.

In modern conditions, the idea of ​​what a showroom is has changed a bit. Most often, they order goods from the catalogs of well-known companies, which are then delivered to the customer. Sometimes a collection of a well-known brand is delivered to the showroom for trying on and selling goods to selected buyers. Therefore, it is almost impossible for an ordinary “man from the street” to get into the showroom; this institution has turned into a kind of “closed club” for the elite.

The owner's profit in this case directly depends on his methods of reaching the target group, in which this type of goods is in demand - trendy, exclusive and expensive.

2. What is needed to open a showroom

To open a showroom / showroom, you need a minimum of material investments:

  • room;
  • Start-up capital;
  • Social connections.

An example of a showroom in an apartment

You can even start a business in your own apartment. The need for capital can also vary widely depending on the structure of the job. You can travel abroad on your own and buy goods, and then offer them to customers, or you can conclude an agreement with several "shuttle traders" who will leave their goods for sale. You can also go the traditional way for the West - to conclude an agreement with a specific manufacturer and rely on buyers from large shopping centers or groups.

As for social connections, that is, acquaintances with "party people" or "elite", for whom the purchase of exclusive things is not only a hobby, but also an obligation, this is one of the main conditions for this type of entrepreneurship.

Recently, another definition of a showroom has appeared. With the development of online commerce, showrooms began to open at online stores. This is a place where the customer can inspect the selected product (clothes, appliances, electronics, and so on) before buying.

3. How to design a showroom

The design of the premises for a particular type of business can be very diverse and depends on the strategy of work. In the general case, it is necessary to focus on the expected scope of work, the status of the company and its customers, the quantity of the proposed product and its diversity.

In the simplest case, this is just a room in your own or rented apartment. But this design method is only suitable if you expect to work with a very narrow circle of acquaintances who easily come to you for a cup of tea. Or, for example, with those customers who only inspect and pick up pre-orders.

If it is assumed that people will come to the showroom on the recommendation and choose a product, then it is necessary to allocate space for storing and demonstrating the product, equip a place for trying on or inspecting (in the case of equipment, connection and performance testing). In this case, you need to choose a design style, draperies, mirrors, furnish the room with stylish accessories.

4. How to register a business - taxation of showrooms

Registration methods are also very diverse. The main advantage that a showroom provides to a budding entrepreneur is that it is a place in which (officially) trade does not take place .

Thanks to the fact that he does not count as a store (which means that the entrance for ordinary buyers and strangers inside is limited), often it is simply an unregistered boutique or small shop. And the work in it is carried out without registration and payment of taxes. ()

Now you know what a showroom is, we gave the most detailed answer to the question “what is a showroom”, and also gave examples of how you can make money on it.

5. How to effectively develop a business

Undoubtedly, a showroom, like any other type of business, requires a lot of effort and knowledge for effective development. According to statistics, most start-up entrepreneurs who start their own business fail, and only a fraction of businessmen succeed the first time. Perhaps you should be ready for serious challenges and obstacles at the first stage, or maybe you will be able to grow the business without any problems the first time. Be that as it may, success from the start is only possible if you are well prepared for the case. Read a few books from successful entrepreneurs - publications with the secrets of success will definitely help you.

Download this free PDF book

10 Secrets Rich People Keep Silent About

To flourish your business, you will need to learn how to effectively attract customers and launch your own website. Nowadays, the Internet allows you to effectively bring customers not only to online platforms, but also to offline businesses. Watch the video of Andrey Merkulov, a specialist, on how to do it effectively.

Showrooms came to us from abroad a couple of years ago and are just now gaining popularity among connoisseurs of exclusive and designer fashion, captivating with their special approach to customers. It does not sell clothes from the mass market, there are no queues at the checkout or in the fitting room, things do not lie randomly on the shelves. The showrooms have a homely atmosphere and smiling sellers, comfortable sofas and coffee, an atmospheric interior and pleasant music, and clothes are in a single copy and in the original design.

The business idea is to open a showroom in a city with a population of 500,000 or more. The business plan discloses the concept of the project, material costs, provides a list of the necessary equipment and personnel, as well as an example of calculating revenue, profit and profitability. A business plan can be used as a working tool for opening a showroom, attracting additional investments, analyzing the expenses and income of an enterprise, and possible risks.

This type of business will generate income for the entrepreneur from the sale of designer clothes made by beginners, talented craftsmen, whose collections are not yet taken to boutiques, branded stores. Monthly it is planned to make sales of 780 thousand rubles or more, 698 thousand rubles will go to the expenditure side, the rest is profit. Part of the profit at first will go to cover their own start-up investments, which will amount to 814 thousand rubles. The payback period for the project is 10 months.

To implement the conceived business idea, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. This is enough to conclude contracts with designers, to carry out transactions with private individuals. To apply to the tax authority, you will need to submit an application, a copy of the TIN and passport, a receipt for payment of state duty.

Before launching the project, you will need to decide on the format of the showroom, product line, target audience, study the needs of potential customers, the advantages and disadvantages of competitors, and opportunities for promotion. Upcoming steps for the entrepreneur: collecting documents and registering a business, developing a name and style for the showroom, establishing contacts with designers, finding a suitable room and decorating it, launching an advertising campaign, purchasing furniture, hiring staff.

Market analysis

In Europe and the USA, a showroom is considered to be a space for showing a new collection of clothes from a branded manufacturer, usually here potential buyers only get acquainted with the product, but do not buy it. In the future, they can order the model they like according to their size. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to get into such an exhibition hall: it is available only to a select number of people by appointment or invitations. The target audience of the project: women from 20 to 45 years old with an income above average, who take care of themselves, go to beauty salons, sports clubs, spas, and beauticians.

In Russia, the showroom is often understood in a completely different way. In some cases, this may indeed be a studio with products from a major manufacturer or supplier. But mostly this is a place to showcase and sell things from little-known designers. Single copies from one or several masters can be sold here, tailoring of the models you like can be carried out.

Such a business is not very common, because it requires an understanding of fashion and trends, a sense of taste and acquaintance with designers, fashion designers, an elite unit of society. With this approach, the showroom often advertises itself through word of mouth, but for this it is necessary to enlist the support of people respected in the field of fashion and art, opinion leaders, bloggers.

Showroom benefits:

  • Clothing presented in a piece in the original version.
  • A special approach to each client - selection of a suitable image, visits by appointment, individual approach, coffee / tea.
  • Unusual atmosphere: stylish design, pleasant music and aroma.
  • The ability to pick up a complete set of clothes: dress, suit, accessories, shoes, to create a complete image.
  • Home delivery service for multiple purchases.

Possible risks when opening a showroom:

  • Rising prices for fabrics and light industry products. In this case, you will have to raise prices for goods or reduce business costs.
  • Entry into the market of a direct competitor. It is necessary to develop a unique offer, to stand out from competitors, to select a unique collection of clothes, to build loyal relationships with customers.
  • Falling demand for exclusive designer clothes in favor of the mass segment. To reduce the risk, you need to constantly monitor fashion and trends, conduct a survey, attend shows and exhibitions.
  • Seasonal decline in goods. It can be prevented by a well-thought-out advertising campaign, promotions, sales.
  • Rent increase. It is better to consider several possible options for the showroom in advance and have them in stock.
  • Incorrect evaluation of the goods: too low or high prices. It is necessary to study the material possibilities and requests of the target audience.
  • Incorrect layout of clothes and illiterate use of space. It is necessary to study the behavior of potential buyers and the rules for arranging things in advance.
  • Wrong staff. It is better to take people with experience and draw up detailed instructions for customer service. At first, you can control them with the help of mystery shoppers.


The planned showroom will operate according to the following model: the space will display collections of emerging talented designers for retail, all items can be tried on and bought immediately, or some models of clothes can be ordered to your measurements and with individual details for a higher price. Some items in the showroom will offer to rent for a fee. Such things can be ordered online by selecting them in the catalog on social networks, or you can come and pick them up in the space after trying them on.

Additional services for a separate cost: delivery of goods to your home, professional photo session in a new image in the showroom space, professional makeup before the photo session.

It will be possible to get into the showroom only by appointment: so that each client is served by a stylist consultant individually, within 1-1.5 hours. During this time, the client will be able to look at all the proposed models, try on the things they like, order custom-made outfits if desired, drink coffee / tea or pose for a photographer.

The showroom will provide its current customers with the services of an online stylist who will be able to advise the buyer through social networks or WhatsApp. The functions of such an assistant, whose role is played by the stylist himself, include: assistance in choosing the right outfit, advice on caring for things, advice on choosing accessories or shoes.

Several times a month, the showroom will host paid master classes and meetings with designers and experts in the fashion industry: acquaintance with trends in clothing and makeup, advice on style and wardrobe selection, master classes on makeup and hair. Guests will receive treats, the opportunity to participate in the drawing of a certificate for a purchase or an outdoor photo session.

The showroom will occupy a room on the first floor of a new building in the area of ​​houses with business and elite class apartments, the area of ​​​​the premises is 80-100 square meters. meters. Loft-style decoration: white brick walls, light-colored ceiling and floor, purple and silver interior details (sofa, coffee table, lamps, fitting room, mirror, curtains, framed photos, vases, sculpture). There will be several zones in the space: along the perimeter of the hall there will be metal showcases with clothes hangers, in the center there will be a sofa with a table where you can drink coffee, in the corner there will be a fitting room. One part of the wall will be framed for photo shoots. In the case of meetings and master classes, things will move a little closer to the wall, and chairs for 10-15 listeners will be placed in the center.

One of the windows will be a showcase of the showroom, where the best items from the collection will be located. The glass will show the advantages of the showroom, a poster of events, a link to social networks with full catalogs of things, contacts for recording in the showroom.

Purchase of equipment

Item Quantity Spending, rub.
Rack for things 7 24 thousand
Fitting room (bracket, curtains, hooks) 1 6 thousand
Mirror 2 6 thousand
Sofa 1 10 thousand
Coffee table 1 5 thousand
Shelf 6 3 thousand
Hanger 70 3 thousand
Dummy 2 30 thousand
Cash register or terminal 1 10 thousand
Reception desk 1 40 thousand
Safe 1 10 thousand
folding chair 15 15 thousand
Steamer 1 5 thousand
Interior details 33 thousand
Total 200 thousand rubles

Marketing plan

When promoting the showroom, the entrepreneur will face the following tasks: creating a positive reputation for the enterprise; distinguishing it from competitors due to prestige, service, product quality, provision of additional services; informing potential customers about the goods and services provided, supporting customer feedback, analyzing and maintaining fashion trends.

It is planned to apply the following PR-technologies:

  • Branding or creating a recognizable emotional image of the company.
  • Creation of a favorable image with a client-oriented character.
  • Building relationships with the media in the field of fashion.
  • Promotion in social networks "VKontakte" and "Instagram".
  • Holding special events: holidays, meetings, master classes, competitions, presentations, fashion shows, creative evenings.

It is necessary to make a bright opening of the showroom with the participation of bloggers, photographers, famous people in the field of fashion, opinion leaders, organize refreshments and performances by artists / musicians.

In the future, it is planned to hold fashion shows with performance once every 1-2 months, to which the media, bloggers, special guests, and designers will be invited. At the first stage, it is not planned to create a massive website, one business card page with photos of collections, events and contacts is enough, social networks will be actively used, but in the future, with successful promotion, a catalog of things, a description of services, announcements and photos of events, articles about fashion will appear on the site. .

Social networks will post posts with up-to-date information about events and master classes, photos of models in showroom outfits. To involve the audience, polls will be conducted on the best image, the trend of the season, the studio's new products will be demonstrated, guests will be invited and meetings will be held on issues relevant to modern fashion. In addition, photos of showroom visitors and photo reports from events will be posted, quizzes and contests with gifts will be held, joint promotions with designers and partners, live broadcasts with designers and stylists will be held.

Another way to promote the showroom is cooperation with bloggers who, in exchange for fashion shooting in studio clothes, an exclusive interview with the designer, clothing rental, and a fee, will make an article/video about the showroom. The best advertising for the studio is word of mouth. Loyal attitude of customers can be earned by quality service, original and constantly updated collection of clothes, interesting and useful events.

organizational plan

To implement the project, it will be necessary to hire two stylist consultants who will work in the showroom in 2/2 shifts from 11:00 to 22:00 and receive up to 9 customers daily. Requirements: education in the field of design, art, management, skills and experience in sales, knowledge of the fashion industry, knowledge and understanding of products, sociability, competent speech, creativity, responsibility, initiative, courtesy. Responsibilities: receiving, steaming and displaying goods, individual customer service, consulting on fashion trends, assistance in creating an image and style, fulfilling the sales plan, working in social networks, participating in the life of the store. Consultants will receive a standard salary and a percentage of sales.

From time to time, a photographer will be involved to shoot clients and events, new arrivals of clothes in the showroom and models in clothes, and create illustrations for posts. Requirements for a photographer: the ability to shoot indoors, staging and subject photography, the presence of your own camera and other devices (the equipment must be of high quality and modern so that the pictures are bright and juicy), interest in the fashion industry. The entrepreneur himself will deal with accounting, promotion of the studio, establishing relationships with designers, stylists, experts, marketing strategy, cooperation with the media, bloggers, communities in social networks, organizing events.

Staff members:

Production plan

The showroom will be open daily from 11:00 to 22:00. You can get into it only by appointment, by calling or writing on social networks. A stylist consultant takes one client in 1-1.5 hours. During this time, she manages to look at the clothes, try on the outfits she likes and pose for the photographer when pre-ordering the shooting (this is specified when recording). The client can purchase things or rent some things, as well as order home delivery of things during the day.

To replenish the showroom with outfits, the entrepreneur buys them in advance from 5-9 novice designers. At the same time, clothes should be for women aged 20-45 in different colors and styles.

Starting costs

Monthly expenses

With a monthly income of 780 thousand rubles and an expense of 684 thousand rubles, the USN tax of 15% will amount to 14.4 thousand rubles. Thus, the total monthly expenses will be 698.4 thousand rubles. Coming out in a year 8.38 million rubles.

Financial plan

During the month, the showroom will be visited by 210,330 people, purchases, on average, will be made by every second or third, that is, 120 customers. The average purchase receipt for each of them will be approximately 6.5 thousand rubles. For a month it will give revenue in 780 thousand rubles, in a year - 9.36 million rubles.

Variable costs of the project: 814 thousand rubles.

Fixed costs of the project: 698.4 thousand rubles / month, or 8.38 million rubles / year.

The break-even point for the first year of operation is the sum of the product of revenue and fixed costs, which are divided by the difference between revenue and variable costs:

(9.36 million x 8.38 million) / (9.36 million - 0.814 million) = 9.2 million rubles.

Profit per month: 780 thousand rubles - 698.4 thousand rubles = 81 ,6 thousand rubles.

Profit for the year: 81.6 thousand rubles x 12 = 979.2 thousand rubles.

Profitability\u003d profit / revenue x 100% \u003d 81.6 thousand / 780 thousand x 100% \u003d 10,4 %.

Payback\u003d starting investment / profit for the year \u003d 814 thousand / 979.2 thousand \u003d 10 months.

Yield \u003d profit / starting investment x 12 / 1 x 100% \u003d 120%.


Today, the idea of ​​opening a showroom in a large city with a population of 500,000 or more looks promising: more and more people are following themselves and fashion, striving to stand out from the rest with their individual and original appearance. The showroom has an attractive elitism, plays the role of a kind of closed club where the stylist serves only you, there are no queues, shopping is combined with communication and leisure, there is access to private events and meetings with famous people in the fashion industry.

The opening of the showroom will require 814 thousand rubles, the funds will be spent on renovating the premises, buying furniture and a batch of clothes. Here it is very important to choose collections from talented designers, whose clothes are distinguished by quality, exclusivity, uniqueness, and establish long-term relationships with them. In the first months, you will have to invest a lot of effort and money in promoting the enterprise with the help of attractive events, but this will help you gain a pool of 120 clients every month. With an average check of 6.5 thousand rubles, the showroom's revenue will be 780 thousand rubles, and the profit will be 81.6 thousand rubles. The investment will pay off in 10 months.

Further, the project will increase profits by attracting new customers and increasing the loyalty of current ones through advertising on social networks, cooperation with bloggers, organizing fashion shows, meetings with designers and fashion events. The efficiency of the business will be assessed by the company's turnover from 1 sq. meters of premises, the size of the average check, the flow of customers. The business plan of the showroom with calculations as a whole showed that such a business is worth opening if you understand the fashion industry and want to develop in it.

The demand for clothing is at a high level. It is needed by people of all ages and social statuses. However, during the period of prevailing factory production, it is quite difficult to find exclusive and inexpensive clothes.

Here the showrooms come to the aid of the consumer.

What it is?

A showroom is a place where clothing is displayed. Shows are aimed at attracting wholesale buyers. The showroom exhibits exclusive clothing, presented in one copy.

This a place that allows novice designers to find their customers. A home store can also act as a showroom.

Unlike a boutique, clothing in a showroom is sold at a reduced price. Tax-free trade is carried out on the territory of the institution. For this reason, the cost of production is significantly reduced.

The product is presented in one copy, which makes it exclusive.

Which direction do you prefer?

Having decided to open a showroom, an entrepreneur must decide where to start, that is, choose a concept.


  • Studios. Samples of factory samples or goods of large manufacturers are exhibited. Clients are wholesale buyers
  • Studio. Serves as a showroom for designers who have not yet had time to gain recognition. Allows them to find their buyer. Clothing can be made to order. Clients are people of all ages.
  • The room in which product samples of several designers. Retail sale of finished goods. Clients are people of all ages.
  • boutique at home. The sale of goods purchased abroad or in an online store is carried out. Sale is carried out with a small margin. Clients are predominantly young people under 35 years old.

It is easier to cooperate with wholesale buyers. The showroom will present samples of products that are present in mass production. The owner of the establishment will have to conclude contracts with suppliers of goods. Finding clients for such a showroom is more difficult.

If an entrepreneur plans to create a showroom aimed at selling goods to retail customers, he must understand that these people are looking for an exclusive product.

To make a profit, the owner of the establishment will have to organize the supply of products from abroad or conclude a contract with the designer. An entrepreneur can sell goods purchased in an online store.

Products are sold at a small margin.

Particular attention should be paid to the name of the showroom. It should reflect the concept of the institution. For example, if it is planned to sell branded European clothing, then the name “Rococo” or “Passage” should be used.

Features of the legal side

Having decided to open a showroom from scratch, an entrepreneur must decide on the form of ownership. For the type of business, registration as an individual entrepreneur or opening an LLC is suitable.

The final choice should be made based on the planned size of the business and the availability of partners.

For IP a smaller package of documents is required. To register as a sole trader,the registration authority will need to provide:

  • Statement;
  • Copy of TIN;
  • Copy of passport;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

To open an LLC the list of documents is much wider. The list includes:

  • Statement;
  • The decision to establish an LLC;
  • Charter of LLC;
  • Receipt of payment of state duty;
  • Application for the transition to the selected taxation system;
  • A letter of guarantee from the owner of the legal address or documents confirming its ownership by one of the founders.

It is much easier to open an individual entrepreneur, but the entrepreneur is responsible for business matters with all his property. In the event of a debt to creditors, liability from an individual is not removed, even if a business reorganization procedure is underway.

More funds are needed to set up an LLC. The company must have an authorized capital, the minimum amount of which is 10,000 rubles. However, an LLC can have multiple founders. The created organization will be a legal entity.

The owner of an LLC is liable only for the amount of money or property that he has invested as authorized capital. The final choice of the form of ownership should be carried out by the owner of the showroom, based on the goals pursued.


The entrepreneur will have to purchase a cash register. Its cost starts from 10,000 rubles. When buying a device, a contract for its maintenance must be concluded.

Cash register needs to be registered. To complete the procedure for the entrepreneur need to provide documents:

  • Statement;
  • Technical passport of the cash register;
  • Agreement on the maintenance of the cash register;
  • Applicant's passport;
  • Documents confirming the purchase of a cash register;
  • The lease agreement or documents confirming that the premises where the cash register will be located are owned by the applicant;
  • Cashier's journal;
  • A copy of the financial statements for the last period.

When opening a showroom, an entrepreneur often refuses to register any form of ownership, arguing that no one will know about the activities of a small home store.

Ignoring the law is fraught with high fines. Better not to take unnecessary risks.

Supplier search

Having decided on the form of ownership, the entrepreneur must start looking for a supplier. His choice should be based on the concept of the institution.

IN a list of popular places where clothes for the showroom can be purchased, includes:

  • outlets. These are original markets organized in the form of a shopping center. Here you can find branded clothing sold at great discounts. The advantage of outlets is that the buyer can purchase goods in a batch of any size.
  • ready-to-wear factory. The product is sold in bulk. The advantage of collaboration is the ability to work from directories.
  • Factories that make clothes to order. An entrepreneur can order an exclusive collection here. However, the business owner must understand fashion and clearly understand what will be in demand at the moment.
  • Warehouse. The product can be purchased at a high discount. The entrepreneur can independently choose the goods for the showroom.
  • Online shopping. The product can be purchased at a low price, for example, by ordering it from China. A businessman can choose exclusive products from the existing catalog.

If you plan to cooperate with novice designers, then you can get to know them when visiting clothing exhibitions.

Selection of premises and equipment

Having decided on the supplier, the entrepreneur should think about choosing the right premises. It should be a bright, spacious room, made in the same style.

The size of the premises depends on the turnover of the premises. The optimal area is considered to be 100-150 square meters. m. The showroom can be located in a studio apartment, located in a separate building or be opened on the basis of a shopping center.

Having decided on the premises, it is necessary to carry out repairs in it. A memorable design is especially important if the specialization is narrow, for example, when opening a showroom for wedding dresses or children's clothing. Recommendations for design can be found on thematic forums.

The showroom should make a positive impression on customers:

  • The atmosphere plays a special role.
  • The establishment must be kept clean.
  • The room should smell good.
  • At the time of work, you need to turn on calm music.
  • Mannequins should be placed in the room, demonstrating the best examples of clothing.

A separate room should be allocated for storing clothes.. If not, then you should purchase a sufficient number of shelves and hangers. They should be placed along the walls.

If you plan to demonstrate clothes to potential buyers, you will need to purchase a number of comfortable chairs.

How to create the right atmosphere to increase the efficiency of the showroom, see the video:

If you plan to sell goods at retail, then you should think about the presence of fitting rooms and mirrors. It is necessary to organize at least 2 places where customers can try on the clothes they like.


For the normal functioning of the show room, 1-2 sellers will be required. They must be able to present the clothing sold in a favorable light, know the range of goods available.

When choosing staff attention should be paid to the following qualities:

  • Ability to find a common language with potential buyers;
  • Presentable appearance;
  • Ability to work efficiently.

Recruitment can be carried out through bulletin boards or with the help of a special agency.

The establishment needs an administrator. His responsibilities include monitoring the work of the showroom and resolving disputes that arise when working with clients.

At first, the administrator's duties can be performed by the owner of the institution.

Marketing component

Having decided to open a showroom, a businessman should think about organizing an advertising company. If the establishment is located in a separate room, showcases should be installed. They need to exhibit mannequins with the best samples of clothing or new arrivals. A bright sign should be placed in front of the entrance.

You can attract customers with the help of discounts and organizing sales. Their implementation will help sell stale goods and allow potential buyers to learn about the store.

Franchise work

An entrepreneur can organize a franchise business.

In this case, the company chosen for cooperation will assist the businessman with the opening of a showroom and will supply goods at a significant discount. However, the business owner will have to give part of the profits to the company with which he cooperates.

Opening a franchise business will significantly save on the stage of organizing a business. However, in the future, the businessman will have to give the company a significant part of his earnings, which can be very unprofitable.

Drawing up a business plan

Having decided to open a business on their own, an entrepreneur must be prepared for the costs. The entrepreneur will need about 1 million rubles to create a showroom.

Showroom opening costs (average):

A set of necessary equipment

One of the important cost items is the purchase of equipment. About 200 thousand rubles will have to be spent on its acquisition.

To start a business you need:

  • Cash register - 1 pc. = 10,000 rubles;
  • Showcases - 1 pc. = 35,000 rubles;
  • Shelving - 10 pcs. = 30,000 rubles;
  • Shelves - 20 pcs. = 40,000 rubles;
  • Mannequins - 5 pcs. = 75,000 rubles;
  • Mirrors - 3 pcs. = 9,000 rubles.

Showroom profitability

For the salary and rent of premises to a businessman you have to spend about 200 thousand rubles a month.

A showroom usually has up to 200 regular customers. Each of them makes purchases in the amount of 15 to 45 thousand rubles every month.

Monthly profit can reach up to 500 thousand rubles. The business is able to pay off in 6-12 months from the moment of opening. The institution will begin to bring a stable profit in 1.5 - 2 years.


Opening a showroom is one of the promising types of business. With the right approach, the level of profitability can reach 300%. At the same time, the business is associated with a high level of risk. There is a chance that you will not be able to attract customers.

If you create a business on your own, then the level of profit will be much higher. However, the organization of a franchise establishment will avoid mistakes at first. Business can pay off faster.

The entrepreneur must make the final choice independently, based on the specific situation. A business is able to bring a high level of profit at minimal cost.