Specialization “Hotel and tourist business. Profession: hotel and tourism management The role of hotel services in tourism

* Calculations use average data for Russia

The global tourism market is growing by 5% annually. What other areas of tourism business exist besides the organization of travel agencies, hotels and hostels? In this compilation, we've rounded up 25 alternative tourism and seasonal entertainment business ideas and complemented them with business start-up guides and business plans.

In Europe, the share of farm income from the reception of vacationers reaches 40%. In Russia, agritourism is not yet so developed, but this area has development prospects. If you have your own country plot in an area that boasts beautiful natural landscapes, you can turn it into an agroestate and host guests from the city who are tired of the charms of civilization.

Zipline is an extreme attraction, the essence of which is downhill on a steel rope. The main difficulty of this business in tourism lies in the selection of a place (usually a hilly and picturesque area is chosen), installation of a line (there are practically no companies offering such services) and solving bureaucratic issues. On the other hand, due to the fact that the descent time is from 25 to 60 seconds, the zipline has a high capacity, and the cost of a ticket for one descent can vary from 350 to 1500 rubles.

The package business in tourism is rapidly losing ground. More and more tourists choose independent travel. However, the process of planning such trips is quite laborious, so today there are more and more personal travel services that allow customers to indicate their interests in a few clicks (gastronomic tourism, educational destination, entertainment, etc.), choose route cities and attractions, which they will visit, as well as modes of transportation and budget. It remains for the entrepreneur to combine all these key points into one unique route.

Corn mazes are a popular entertainment in America and Europe, which has not yet reached our country: this niche in Russia is completely free. On the corn fields, networks of passages are laid and quests are compiled for passing by cheerful companies, families and work teams. The corn maze can not only be an interesting seasonal entertainment business, but also become a center of attraction for tourists from other regions.

City walking tours allow sightseers to delve deeper into the history of the streets, explore objects and imagine themselves as participants in past events. An interesting direction in this tourism business is to conduct excursions with thematic mini-performances. You can launch such a project for less than 50 thousand rubles.

An order of magnitude higher will be the costs of organizing your own tour desk with the organization of excursions in the region and the purchase of a sightseeing bus. For this business idea, about 5.85 million rubles will be needed, and the initial investment will be repaid for about 17 months of work.

Zorbing is an extreme type of attraction. The idea of ​​the business is to descend a person in a transparent ball (zorb) from a hill or cross a body of water inside this ball. Zorbing is another type of tourism business that is not practically represented in our country and is waiting for its pioneers.

The organization of trips is a direction with an extremely wide range of formats. Hiking can be educational or include sports and recreational activities, there are skiing, mountain, water trips, circular and linear routes, long tours and weekend tours. The main advantage of the hiking business is that they can bring together different groups of people. There are fishing, hunting, photo tours, tours for businessmen and so on. As a rule, this business is seasonal.

Abroad, such a type of educational leisure as survival courses is popular. Classes are divided into theoretical and practical parts, the last of which takes place in natural conditions. Course participants are taught first aid, how to build a shelter, make a fire, get water and food away from civilization. You can establish such a business for a former military, firefighter or rescuer. In large cities, for a two-day survival course, the leaders receive from 5-6 thousand rubles. from a person.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Mother nature is increasingly seen by entrepreneurs as a huge room for business training. The idea of ​​business tourism is that for six-figure sums, company owners and ordinary managers are taken on extreme tours, taught to work together and reach mountain peaks, drawing parallels with business development. In between ascents, a business coach informs business tourists about the concepts of the "Blue and Scarlet Oceans", conducts metaphorical business games and helps to build their "Value Curve" or "Success Map".

The construction of a guest house is a rather expensive project, however, compared to a hotel, it has a number of advantages: the land does not need to be converted into a commercial one, a star rating is not needed, a restaurant is not required, highly qualified personnel are not required. The risks involved in setting up a guest house are minimal, and the market is stable enough to generate a generally passive income.

The growing popularity of domestic destinations in tourism makes such a type of business as the organization of private paid beaches relevant. It is attractive with the opportunity to organize a whole range of paid services, including guarded parking, rental of sports equipment, gazebos and barbecues, entrance to the beach, sale of barbecue, soft drinks and other things.

Backpacks have become one of the most popular wearable accessories that are popular not only among schoolchildren and tourists, but also among ordinary citizens. To open your online store, you will need about 425 thousand rubles, which, with the right approach, can pay off in three months of work.

Off-road tours (jeep tours) are a business in demand in all difficult areas: in mountainous areas, in deserts, in forests and endless fields. There is practically no competition in this area in our country, so your main concern will be issues with the selection of a vehicle, organizing an interesting route and advertising. There are many options for earning here: you can organize tours in your own cars, rent them out or rent an equipped track - for holding competitions among owners of jeeps, ATVs, etc.

There are still ideas of earning money “out of thin air” in the business world. One such idea is the production and / or sale of inflatable loungers (bivans). To bring them into working condition, a person only needs to make a couple of strokes and fill the parachute fabric with air. The accessory is very popular among tourists and outdoor enthusiasts. Sales of lamzacs can be organized through a one-pager or social networks.

How to get tourists to buy old and torn rubber slippers? In Kenya, they found the answer to this question: local artisans create rubber souvenirs with a national flavor from flip-flops lost by holidaymakers. You don’t have to go far for material - torn slippers are washed ashore by the sea.

Residents of seaside resorts are well aware that a cool souvenir can be made from anything. Even the most ordinary pebble stones can be sold for a lot of money if presented to the buyer in an unusual form. So, for example, does the Italian artist Ernestina Gallina. On round pebbles with acrylic paints, she draws amazingly beautiful fairy tales and animals.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Old decommissioned buses can be used as unique hotels. Moreover, you can get down to business on a grand scale, as one Chinese entrepreneur did, buying several dozen old buses on the cheap and creating theme houses from them with the design of famous cartoons. The idea may be of interest to owners of suburban areas and recreation centers.

Car tents are a whole business segment with a fairly wide offer and choice of manufacturers. Tents can be installed on the roof of a car and on the side, be soft or with hard floors and a roof. There are even special hammocks on the roofs for those who like to look at the starry sky. Considering that the number of independent tourists is constantly growing, the business of selling such tents has good prospects.

In foreign countries, bicycle tours are a separate and full-fledged direction in the tourism industry. There are two directions here - you can organize tours from scratch, focusing on lovers who have neither bicycles nor experience in cycling, or already experienced cyclists. If in the first case it is necessary to take care of all aspects, including the purchase of bicycles and equipment, then in the second case, the task is only in organizational moments: laying the route, solving issues with accommodation, paperwork, and so on. Abroad, there are separate areas of cycling tours, for example, cycling tours for girls.

A balloon flight is an unusual and expensive experience, for which the owner of a balloon can receive up to 30 thousand rubles for one flight. You can earn money by organizing group and individual flights, selling gift certificates, as well as selling the advertising surface of the balloon to advertisers.

Snow tubing is a type of entertainment that has replaced the usual sledding. Tubes are called inflatable round “cheesecakes”, and snow tubing tracks can be opened both in winter resorts and as a seasonal entertainment in ordinary cities. There are two business options here: you can rent tubes, or you can organize a professional track with a lift and a track.

Water transport rental is a broad line of business with a large type of watercraft. You can arrange rental of jet skis, catamarans, rowing boats, cheesecakes, bananas, wakeboards, boats, parachutes, flyboards and much more. Investments are directly related to the selected type of watercraft. If cheesecakes and catamarans cost from 8-20 thousand rubles, respectively, then, for example, flyboards and jet skis will cost from 200-350 thousand rubles.

The business of organizing water excursions is most relevant for tourist regions where people come for summer holidays. As with any business, you can work for quantity, simply by taking short river trips or taking people to remote secluded beaches, or for quality, that is, with tour guides and catering.

The Chocolate Museum is more than just a museum. In them, visitors can not only gain knowledge about their favorite delicacy, but also attend master classes in making chocolate, as well as go through a tasting and make a purchase of finished products. The advantage of this format: a wide target audience, several sources of income, a large number of visitors with children, which increases the average bill from visiting the institution.

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The tourism industry is a set of enterprises, institutions and organizations of material production and non-production spheres that ensure the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of a tourist product, the development and use of tourist resources and the creation of a material base for tourism. The tourism industry includes many components and is a complex intersectoral economic complex. One of the most important components of tourism is the hotel industry, since accommodation is the basis for the formation of any tourist product in almost any type of tourism. The hotel industry, as an integral element of the tourism industry, not only contributes to the implementation of the above functions of tourism, but also creates the prerequisites for their development and enrichment. The development of hotel enterprises largely determines the availability of a tourist resource, which is especially important for certain categories of the population, such as people with disabilities, pensioners, youth, low-income families, etc. The hotel industry as a type of economic activity includes the provision of hotel services and the organization of short-term accommodation in hotels, campsites, motels, school and student residences, guest houses, etc.

The development of modern types of tourism leads to an increase in the diversity of collective accommodation facilities, primarily hotels, which leads to the emergence of various approaches to the structuring and segmentation of the hotel industry, according to which different groups of accommodation facilities are distinguished.

Rice. 1.

The share of all accommodation facilities accounts for up to 65% of persons employed in the tourism sector, and about 68% of all tourism receipts. The emergence of new accommodation facilities significantly increases the attractiveness of the tourist destination and increases the flow of tourists. Such psychological aspects of tourism as a high assessment of the organization of the stay of tourists in a particular country, the overall satisfaction with the trip, depend on the quality of the service for the provision of accommodation services.

As shown in Figure 1, accommodation facilities are divided into two large blocks: collective and individual.

Hotels have their own characteristics, such as:

  • · consist of numbers, the number of which exceeds a certain minimum (usually 5 or more numbers), have a single management;
  • provide a variety of hotel services, the list of which is not limited to daily bed making, room and bathroom cleaning;
  • · grouped into classes and categories in accordance with the services provided, the equipment available and the standards of the country;
  • · not included in the category of specialized institutions (camps, shelters, etc.).

In parallel with the concept of "hotel", the concept of "hotel" is increasingly used, which is usually called a hotel enterprise of a higher level, providing a wide range and high quality of services, creating increased comfort and an atmosphere of hospitality.

The hotel business is one of the fastest growing industries, accounting for about 6% of global GNP and about 5% of all tax revenues. The development of the hotel business stimulates the development of other areas: transport, trade, construction, agriculture, production of consumer goods, services, etc. On average, for every 10 tourists living in a hotel, there are about three direct jobs, and two jobs indirectly related to the service (employees of travel agencies, transport companies, etc.). The global hotel stock is about 17-18 million beds, and this figure is constantly growing. The hotel business attracts entrepreneurs for many reasons: a relatively small start-up investment, a growing demand for tourist services, a high level of profitability and, accordingly, an average payback period. Over the past 3 years, thanks to the increasing flow of tourists, the global hotel business is experiencing real growth - hotel occupancy and accommodation prices have increased markedly, hotel companies have expanded their presence around the world. The Russian hotel industry is also growing rapidly, which is underdeveloped by world standards.

At the moment there are 263 thousand hotel rooms in Russia. 37,000 of them are in Moscow, another 18,000 are in St. Petersburg, and 208,000 are in other regions of Russia. At the same time, the modern hotel market in the Russian regions is 80% formed by reconstructed hotels of the old Soviet construction and needs new hotels equipped in accordance with modern requirements. The most popular are 3-star hotels, economy class hotels, hostels and hotels that fall into the category of others, which also includes mini-hotels.

The main part of the market is made up of consumers from Russia. Nevertheless, the share of foreigners accounts for just over 11%, which cannot be ignored. It should also be noted that out of the entire hotel market, customers prefer nominal hotels. The market share of hotels in comparison with other similar accommodation facilities is about 90%.

The hotel business is experiencing a lot of problems in Russia at the moment: the underdevelopment of hotel chains, the lack of hotels in the middle price category, the lack of qualified specialists, shortcomings in legislation, etc. However, this is gradually being overcome, companies are developing, adopting experience from Western partners, who, in their turn, come to the Russian market, and the level of services and customer satisfaction are growing.

The main segments of the hotel sector are: chain hotels, mini-hotels, apart-hotels, boutique hotels, hostels, condo hotels, departmental hotels, motels, airport hotels, service apartments.

The industrial nature of the hotel business contributes to the efficiency and development of the national economy, because due to the increase in the popularity of the economy, the state budget is growing; the employment of the population increases; improving the standard of living of the local population; there is a new impetus to the development of folk crafts.

Table 1 Tourism in the Russian economy

Table 2 Share of hotel business in tourism in Russia

Cost prices

Cost per visit, euro

Expenses per day, euro

Total, million euro

Prepayment (except tour packages)


External transport

The shops

local transport

Other expenses

From table 2 we can see that accommodation services make up a significant part, about 24%, of all tourism revenues. Tourists spend more only on buying goods in stores.

Increasingly, one can come across the opinion of experts that the hotel business is one of the most attractive and profitable in terms of investment, along with the business in the field of Internet and IT technologies.

Thus, the hotel business is one of the main components of the development of both domestic and foreign tourism, the quality of the service of which depends on such psychological aspects of tourism as travel satisfaction and a high assessment of the organization of tourists' stay in a particular country. There are many approaches to the segmentation and classification of hotels, some of which do not fully characterize the modern hotel market or contradict each other, therefore, for the further development of the hotel business, its new types and forms, it is necessary to improve the legislative framework, taking into account the specifics of the functioning of all forms of the hotel business.

1) The role of tourism in the economic development of the country, region (on a specific example).

2) Regional tourist center, its structure and analysis.

3) The world market of tourist services.

4) Russian tourist market.

6) Personnel management in the tourism industry (tourist enterprises, hotels)

7) Characteristics of a large tourist center (at the student's choice).

8) Ecology and tourism activities.

9) Prospects for the development of ecological tourism.

11) Psychological aspects of work in the socio-cultural sphere (tourism).

12) Scientific and technological progress and tourism.

13) Serving tourists in a hotel company.

14) Modern hotel complex.

15) Formation of the policy of inbound tourism in the region.

16) Improving the quality of service for tourists.

17) The impact of social processes on the development of tourism (domestic, inbound, outbound).

18) Image policy of the enterprise of the social and cultural sphere and tourism.

20) Technology for the development of a specialized tour.

21) Development of the concept of tourism development in the region.

22) State support for the development of tourism.

23) State regulation of tourism activities in the Russian Federation.

24) Marketing research information in tourism.

25) Socio-economic aspects of tourism activities.

26) Social tourism.

27) Economic management in tourism.

28) Stages of development of the tourist center.

29) Children's tourism in the Russian Federation.

30) Excursion services in tourism.

31) The role of interstate and public organizations in the development of tourism.

32) Innovations in the socio-cultural sphere and tourism.

33) World market of tourist services.

34) Prospects for the development of domestic tourism in the Russian Federation.

35) Modern understanding of the role of tourism and the concept of its development.

36) Prospects for the development of business tourism in Russia.

37) Development of an investment program for a guest house.

38) Features of excursion management on the example of the Kaliningrad region.

39) The introduction of advanced technologies in the work of the hotel enterprise.

41) Prospects for the development of agritourism in Russia.

42) Development of a business plan for a modern hotel complex.

43) Development of instruments to support tourism business at the municipal level (on the example of the city information and tourist center).

44) Development of an investment project for a guest house

Note: All topics of graduation projects must be considered on the examples of specific enterprises.

Annex D

Kaliningrad branch

Department of Management

Allow for protection:

Head Department of Management


"____" ___________ 20 ___

Graduation project

Development of an enterprise development strategy

(on the example of Sea Star LLC)

Specialty: 080507 - "Management of the organization"

Specialization: __________________________________

Scientific adviser ____________

Standard controller: _________________

Admit to the outside

peer review


20 ___


Annex D

Autonomous non-profit organization

Academy of Higher Professional Education

"International University in Moscow"

Kaliningrad branch

Department of Management

Allow for protection:

Head Department of Management


"____" ___________ 20 ___

for the preparation of a student's graduation project

group student _____________________________________________

Full Name_______________

(head of the graduation project, his academic degree, academic title, position)

Deadline for the graduation project: from ____________ 20___. to _____________ 20__

1. Place of undergraduate practice _____________________

2. Theme of the graduation project _______________________________________



3. Summary of the graduation project:




4. Basic literature and initial data for the work:


5. Calendar schedule for the graduation project:

No. p / p Name of the stages of the graduation project Deadline Manager's signature
Writing and presenting 1 chapter
Writing and Presenting Chapter 2
Submission of materials for Chapter 3
Writing and Presenting Chapter 3
Writing an introduction and conclusion. Presentation of the graduation project as a whole
6. Elimination of comments and registration of the graduation project
7. Passage of normative control. Delivery of the graduation project to the department
8. Preparation of illustrative material
9. Preparing the text of the report and holding a defense rehearsal

Head of the graduation project ___________ "___" __________ 20___

Topic approved: Protocol No. _____ dated ______________________ 20___

6. The task was received by ___________________ "_____" ______________ 20___

(student's signature)

7. Graduation project completed "_____" ____________ 20___

I consider it possible to admit a student _____________________________

To the defense of the graduation project in the State Attestation Commission. Supervisor ___________________________________________

(manager's signature)

Annex E

Content execution example

(the topic of the work is “Development of an enterprise development strategy (on the example of Morskaya Zvezda LLC)

Introduction 4

1. Theoretical aspects of developing an enterprise development strategy

1.1. The concept of an enterprise development strategy 7

1.2. Types of enterprise development strategies 12

1.3. Stages of strategy implementation 25

1.4 Evaluating the effectiveness of strategies 30

2. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of Morskaya Zvezda LLC

for 2008-2010

2.1. General characteristics of Morskaya Zvezda LLC 34

2.2. Analysis of the financial condition of Morskaya Zvezda LLC 45

2.2.1. General assessment of the structure of assets and their sources 45

2.2.2. Balance sheet liquidity analysis 46

2.2.3. Analysis of the solvency of the enterprise 51

2.2.4. Bankruptcy Prediction Analysis 55

2.2.5. Analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise 56

2.3. Analysis of the financial results of Morskaya Zvezda LLC 62

2.3.1. Business Analysis 62

2.3.2. Analysis of the level and dynamics of financial results by

reporting data 67

2.3.3. Profitability analysis 69

2.4. Strategic analysis of the activities of Morskaya Zvezda LLC 72

3. Development of a development strategy for the enterprise Morskaya Zvezda LLC

3.1. Main directions for strategy development

enterprise development 76

3.2. Development of measures to implement the strategy

Sea Star LLC 81

3.3. Economic evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed

company development strategy Morskaya Zvezda LLC 84

Conclusion 95

List of sources used 95

Appendix A Balance sheet of Morskaya Zvezda LLC

for 2010 99

Appendix B Profit and loss statement of Morskaya Zvezda LLC

for 2010 103

Annex G

An example of the implementation of the list of used sources

List of sources used

1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part 1. art.140; Part 2. st.861,862

2. Balabanov I.T. Analysis and planning of a financial business entity. Tutorial. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2005. - 123 p.

3. Bykadarov V.L., Alekseev P.D. Financial and economic condition of the enterprise. - M.: PRIOR, 2003.- 158 p.

4. Veretennikova O.B., Maidanik V.I. Development of the financial strategy of the enterprise. Methodical instructions. - Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Ural State Economic University, 2005. - 211p.

5. Ivanov A.N. Analysis of the solvency of the enterprise.//Money and credit. - 2004. - N6. - P.4-8.

6. Irwin D. Financial control: TRANS. from English / ed. I.I. Eliseeva. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2005. - 256 p.

7. Kovalev V.V. Introduction to financial management. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2006. - 321 p.

Since the 2000s, in Russia, as well as in a number of Western countries, the number of companies engaged in the service sector has increased and continues to increase. According to official Russian statistics, in recent years the number of hotels in Russia has increased by a third. In most of Russia, there is a consistent lack of business and luxury hotels. There are also few budget hotels and hotels now, and the level of service is traditionally low.

Classification of hotels in Russia

Large hotels, hotels and hostels are always classified according to the international system of established standards - by the number of stars at the institution. In Russia, this gradation is also relevant. In some of the eastern countries, there is another system - points. In Russia, stars are assigned to hotels based on the number of points scored, in accordance with the approved standards:

  • Without stars - assumes minimal functionality - a sleeping place, hot water, heating and one toilet, the room area is 9 m².
  • One star is an inexpensive accommodation option with extremely modest service and cleaning.
  • Two stars - low-budget category, provides daily cleaning.
  • Three stars is a mid-range hotel, rooms are cleaned daily and include a separate bathroom, TV and personal refrigerator, there are additional services, laundry, gym, single and double rooms.
  • Four stars - here the requirements are similar to three stars, but linen is changed daily, there is air conditioning and individual body and hair care products for every day, the cost of such rooms is higher, but the service is much better.
  • The five stars of the Suite are design, exclusive services, large rooms, premium interiors and a restaurant.

Advantages and disadvantages of the hotel business

Among the advantages are:

  • high demand for services;
  • liquidity of the business and the ability to quickly sell it if necessary;
  • government support at all levels of small business;
  • good source of income;
  • expanding the range of services offered.

Among the serious shortcomings that prevent the opening of hotels are the following aspects:

  • uneven profit, lack of sales at the end of the tourist season;
  • high initial costs for renting premises, hiring staff and implementing a business plan;
  • a serious shortage of qualified personnel at the initial stage;
  • bureaucratic problems with the collection of papers and high taxes.

The hotel business scares off many entrepreneurs at the initial stage due to the high cost, as well as the need to obtain initial investments, but those who have invested and started running the hotel business have a stable high income.