How much do McDonald's employees earn per hour. how much does mcdonalds make how much does mcdonalds make per day

Today McDonald's is the world's largest chain of fast food cafes. It was founded in America in 1940 by brothers Mick and Dick McDonald. In Russia, restaurants of this brand began to appear after the collapse of the USSR.

McDonald's is known in the world not only for its quality products, but also for its very strict management policy. These fast food establishments recruit young and energetic people who are able to quickly serve large flows of guests.

In the McDonald's network, it is customary to receive for the amount of time worked. This is an American wage practice that the Russians quickly liked, that is, there is no fixed wage per month.

This is very convenient, because for many job seekers the main criterion is a floating schedule or part-time work.

The salary also depends on the position held. It should be noted right away that before a person is allowed to the checkout, he undergoes training (paid). Initially, the applicant has to work as a cleaner and a kitchen worker, and only after acquiring these skills is he allowed into the hall to the visitors.

Initially, the trainee's salary does not exceed 15,000 RUB. At this rate, a person can work from 1 to 4 months. After passing the probationary period, the salary rises by another 2000-3000 RUB.

On average, an ordinary employee receives about 120 RUB per hour. But keep in mind that the hourly rate also depends on the city in which the restaurant is located. The more developed and larger the city, the higher the hourly rate will be. Night shifts are paid higher. So, an hour of work at night costs about 150 RUB.

According to the regulations, night work is paid 40% more than day work.

The minimum hourly rate is 115 RUB during the day.

Salaries by city

In more developed cities, such as St. Petersburg and Moscow, wages at McDonald's are higher due to higher turnover. In large regions and cities, fast food restaurants are in great demand.

Table: hourly wage rate in large cities of Russia

Average hourly wage at night (expressed in RUB)Average wage per hour during the day (expressed in RUB)
Rostov-on-Don172 130
Moscow252 180
Saint Petersburg238 170
Novosibirsk175 125
Ekaterinburg175 125

A junior restaurant manager in Moscow receives an average of 22,000 to 25,000 RUB per month. The salary of the director depends directly on the revenue of the restaurant. Typically, the salary of a director starts from 40,000 RUB.

In St. Petersburg, an ordinary employee (cashier) receives within 20,000 RUB, and managers (assistant managers, directors) from 37,000 to 40,000 RUB.

In the smallest cities of the Russian Federation, ordinary McDonald's employees earn from 12,000 to 18,000 RUB per month.

Career ladder

McDonald's is famous for its career growth opportunities. Many employees became shift supervisors or directors within 2-3 years after employment.

The career ladder in this chain of fast food restaurants looks like this:

  1. Intern.
  2. Ordinary employee.
  3. Instructor.
  4. Shift leader.
  5. Second Assistant Director.
  6. Director's assistant.
  7. Director.

Basic rules of conduct at work

When working at McDonald's, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Speed ​​and efficiency regardless of the number of clients.
  2. The presence of natural makeup in girls.
  3. Well-groomed hands.
  4. Wearing a uniform.

It is strictly forbidden to appear at the workplace with loose hair or carry a mobile phone.

Advantages and disadvantages of working at McDonald's

The benefits include the ability to quickly build a career. Also an important role is played by the official registration and provision of a social package. It is illegal to get a job at McDonald's. The pluses also include a good and friendly team, the ability to plan a schedule and meals.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out a rigid management system. Every step of the worker is constantly monitored. Ordinary employees have a lot of prohibitions: you can’t take a tip, communicate for a long time with visitors outside the workplace, the monotony of the work process, it’s forbidden to talk and discuss personal matters at work.

The management system has a strict system of fines. You can get a fine for slowness, leaving the workplace, going outside the restaurant during working hours without the permission of the director or manager.

What is it like to work at McDonald's, look at the video.

Comparative characteristics

In McDonald's home country of America, the minimum hourly rate is 7.25 USD. Often, only interns receive such a salary. Ordinary employees work for 9.90 USD per hour.

According to the new legislation, from 2021, all employees of catering restaurants will receive a minimum of 15 USD per hour.

In Ukraine, at McDonald's, with a 40-hour work week, you can earn about 800-1000 UAN. An hour of work in this country at McDonald's costs at least 20 UAN.

Salary at KFC and Burger King

KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is an international chain of fast food restaurants that specializes in chicken dishes. Burger King Corporation is an American burger restaurant chain.

According to official data, the salary of ordinary employees at McDonald's in 2019 is 32,000 rubles (in our country). This amount is received by those who work a full eight-hour day shift for 40 hours of the working week. Most of the company's staff work on a flexible schedule and their earnings are based on the amount of time worked.

In 2018, the rates for experienced cashiers and other employees of the hall reached 150-180 rubles per hour. The remuneration of interns was 115-120.

Night shifts are paid by the company above. The increase to the base amount will be more noticeable by 20-30%.

Information about profits and wages by McDonald's Corporation is not openly disclosed and is a trade secret. In the cities of Russia, the salary of cafe employees is different, since the established hourly rates have a different equivalent:

City Bid
Moscow 180-190
Saint Petersburg 165-170
Rostov-on-Don 140-150
Novosibirsk 130-140
Ekaterinburg 125-130

In small towns, McDonald's team members can earn as little as 12,000-17,000 rubles a month. In metropolitan areas, these same positions will earn large sums from 25,000 to 30,000.

Managerial positions mean higher salary. In large settlements, the salary of a manager in a restaurant reaches 35,000-55,000. An assistant director receives at least 60-80 thousand, and the director of an institution approximately 110,000-120,000.

Salary level at McDonald's abroad

Abroad, the salary of McDonald's employees is more democratic and varies depending on the position and age. In the US, the average rate is $9.9 per hour. Night shifts in America, as elsewhere, are paid at a double rate. In Europe, the hourly wages of the average employee are as follows:

What does salary depend on?

McDonald's pays salaries twice a month. Based on the results of the certification, which takes place every six months, all team members are issued bonuses.

If a person shows interest, works quickly and without errors, then his base rate can be increased.

In general, the level of income is affected by:

  • district, city size, institution attendance;
  • number of hours worked and shift;
  • job title;
  • age.

The company's policy regarding pay and time spent on it by underage employees is strict.

Students and teenagers, even in the position of janitor, work a maximum of four hours a day.

Boosting labor and prospects

Working at McDonald's can bring in good money. The planned increase begins immediately after the internship and the completion of the probationary period. After official employment, employees have the prospect of career growth from a cash register employee to a manager in just a year.

Each subsequent position will bring a salary increase of 15-20%.

After two years, the most successful employees can sit in the chair of the deputy director.

The steps in the career ladder in the McDonald's restaurant chain look like this:

  • trainee;
  • ordinary employee of the hall;
  • mentor;
  • manager;
  • director's assistant;
  • director.

The corporation conducts the program "manager-trainee". This vacancy is intended for specialized graduates of institutes and young professionals with the prospect of training and obtaining the position of Assistant Director in less than a year. The selection of applicants is carried out on a competitive basis.

McDonald's is a company that has acquired so many myths during its existence that you will not find a person who would not believe in a couple. And these myths concern not only the food that is served there for consumption, but also employment. To debunk these myths, you need to turn to the people who worked there. Let's start to deal with the working conditions in the company, as well as what the salary is at McDonald's in Moscow.

A little about the company

McDonalds is an American company that specializes in the creation and management of fast food restaurants. In other words, fast food. And the first myth is that this company is the most popular at the moment. Nothing like this. However, first place or second - what's the difference. Yes, McDonald's is in close proximity to the first location.

This company operates on a franchise system. This is a type of relationship between market entities in which a company gives the right to open its own business under its trademark and for a lot of money. In this case, the business plan of the company that provides these services is used. This is a very popular form of licensing for the reason that the business does not start from scratch. However, it is not so profitable, since you have to pay money. However, if there is a turnover (as in the case of McDonald's), then why not pay?

McDonald's was founded in 1940. This was done by the McDonald brothers, which everyone knows. In 1948, it was the McDuck known to us who was the first in the world to formulate the concept of fast food, after which they began to sell it not only in stationary establishments, but simply on the street. As for the management of this company, almost all the shares are now in free circulation just because the services in this company are provided on the franchising positions.

A little about work

Working at McDonald's is prestigious and profitable. That's what the employees say. Is it really so? In principle, there is no single answer to this question. At the same time, it is important to take into account that in a large number of McDonald's fast foods there is simply a colossal staff turnover. Only thanks to such PR of employment there services are provided. This objective indicator seems to tell us that the conditions there are not very good.

However, it still depends on the person who got a job there. One can like everything, and he is able to impress everyone with his incredible endurance. And the other will be dissatisfied with the fact that he works as a manager, and not a director. In this aspect, everything is relative. The opinions about the restaurant itself also differ.

Some people, for example, praise the work in this institution, and, importantly, the salary at McDonald's, according to them, is also at a fairly high level. Others call the work there terrible. After all, working conditions are very different from institution to institution. Let's take a closer look at the reviews of employees, and you yourself draw a conclusion.

Positive feedback from employees

Some people say that there is no better job for a university student. This is the most convenient opportunity to combine work with study and at the same time earn quite good money for a student. People who give positive reviews quite often work at McDonald's throughout their years of study at a higher educational institution. And they don't regret it for a second. For this category of people, this is an excellent school of life, where you need to work even when there are no visitors.

Be sure to say that you need to clean something, wash and so on. And by the way, it's a myth that McDonald's has bad food. Workers consider it quite normal and tasty. So it's a great job, albeit a pretty hard one, according to those who enjoy working here.

Negative feedback from employees

The second category says something completely different about working in this company. However, we already see from what was said earlier that work in this institution cannot be called sweet. Therefore, only hardworking people can work. So what are the reviews given by other people?

Such people once thought that working at McDonald's was something elitist. And all my life I dreamed of working there. And it turned out that getting into this institution is easy. At the same time, they do not recommend anyone to be there, as they consider this place a real hell. At McDonald's, the employees are versatile. Today it will be necessary to fry cutlets, and tomorrow - to wash toilets. Or maybe such a rotation throughout the day. No time to rest. Therefore, former employees are only glad that they left this institution. And no one is recommended to eat there.

Salary at McDonald's

It's time to answer the main question. So what is the salary at McDonald's? It all depends on the region. The salary at McDonald's in Moscow is about 45 thousand rubles, which is a lot for students, but some would like more. But at the same time, one should not forget that it is not the amount of money that creates wealth, but the ability to manage it. The salary at McDonald's per hour is about 150 rubles. Everything depends on the city.


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McDonald's may share personal information within the McDonald's family. The McDonald's family is McDonald's Corporation, our licensees, our divisions and affiliates. Of course, such information will only be used by the McDonald's family in accordance with this policy. From time to time, with your permission, we will send you marketing information, such as information about discount coupons, new products, etc. If you indicate that you do not want to receive such materials, we will not send them to you.

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McDonald's does not sell, transfer or disclose personal information to third parties outside of the McDonald's family. However, with your permission, we will occasionally send marketing information on behalf of one of our business partners about their products and services that may be of interest to you. You may be asked if you would like to receive marketing materials from McDonald's business partners. If you indicate that you wish to receive such materials, McDonald's will not share information about your personal data with these partners, but will send a postal item or E-Mail on behalf of the partners.

McDonald's reserves the right to use or disclose any information to comply with any law, regulation or legal request, to protect the integrity of the site, to comply with your requests, and to cooperate with any law enforcement or public safety investigation. .

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McDonald's is very sensitive to privacy issues. We are proud of our long-term commitment to our visitors. We are especially careful in any communication with one of the categories of visitors that we especially appreciate - children.

On our websites, we offer things like games and coloring pages that do not require the child to provide any personal information. We collect only limited information about personal data from children under 12 years of age (for example, their email addresses) to respond to their on-line inquiries. For example, we may get a child's email address to send them a screen saver, but we immediately delete the email address from our system. Alternatively, we may obtain the child's email address so that we can enter their details to participate in the prize draw. We may also ask the child to provide the parent's email address so that we can notify or obtain consent. Without the consent of a parent or guardian, we will not collect more detailed information from a child under the age of 12, such as mailing address, telephone number. McDonald's will not require a child to provide more personal information than is reasonably necessary for on-line operation as a condition of the child's online operation. Personal information collected from children is used exclusively by McDonald's and other organizations that provide technical, executive or other services to McDonald's. These organizations may provide services such as improving our site, fulfilling requests, or administering sweepstakes. Information about personal data is not sold or transferred to third parties.


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All McDonald's Sites operated by the McDonald's Corporation will adhere to this privacy policy. Some Policies may change depending on local laws or circumstances unique to such countries. However, in all cases, the sites operated by McDonald's Corporation will comply with the obligations to our visitors set out in this policy regarding the collection, use and dissemination of personal information.

Franchisee Sites

Probably the widest chain of fast food restaurants, McDonald's, accepts everyone who wants to start working. It doesn't matter the level of education. The main thing is the desire to work, youthful enthusiasm and vigor.

Revenue in Russia

McDonald's management does not disclose the salaries of its employees, especially since the hourly rate in different cities differs significantly.

Working conditions mean 8th hourly workday with staggered days off. Total per month 168 hours.

Overtime is not welcome, but may load with additional responsibilities.

In Moscow, workers are paid according to 180 rubles/hour($2.91), in St. Petersburg - 170 ($2.75). For comparison, the hourly rate in the US is $11 or 662 rubles per hour. At the initial stage and in cities of district significance, the remuneration of employees does not exceed 120 rub. ($1,94).

In the regional offices of Makov, they receive a salary of up to 24000 rub. ($383) per month. Average earnings in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 29000 ($469), but for these cities they introduce special surcharges in the form of bonuses and the 13th salary, accrued in installments twice a year. For work at night, they are paid 30% of earnings.

The rate is increased by 3 – 5%.

During the trial period, which lasts 2 weeks, the employee is charged 110 rubles per hour. After passing the certification, the salary is increased to 117 rubles per hour.

In most branches, meals are provided free of charge.

Working 40 hours a week, employees earn $450 a month.

Managers receive 55000 – 60000 rub. ($890 - 971), and directors - from 111 thousand ($1779). The waiter in Voronezh is paid 12505 rub. ($202), cashier - 9423 ($152), cleaner - 10670 ($173), and to the manager - 28636 ($463).

Average salary in large cities of the country (in rubles):

  • Rostov-on-Don - 24822 ($402);
  • Yekaterinburg - 23,000 ($372);
  • Samara - 23000;
  • Nizhny Novgorod - 20 - 24 thousand ($ 324 - 328);
  • Kazan - 20,000 ($324);
  • Novosibirsk - 18 - 22 thousand ($ 231 - 356).

In cities with a small population, professionals earn up to 18 thousand rubles.

Depending on the position held, employees receive:

  • cashier - 17588 ($285);
  • cashier in the trading floor -17818 ($288);
  • Senior Grocery Seller – 14,250 ($231);
  • cashier in a restaurant - 21230 ($344);
  • seller-cashier - 27308 ($442);
  • waiter - 15066 ($244);
  • cook - 16089 ($260);
  • bartender - 12000 ($194);
  • assistant cook - 13526 ($219);
  • line operator B - 12403 ($201);
  • auxiliary worker - 18170 ($294);
  • receiver - 15,000 ($243);
  • manager - 28340 ($458);
  • assistant manager - 25,000 ($404);
  • cleaner - 15978 ($258);
  • janitor - 12104 ($196);
  • director's assistant - 38670 ($626);
  • trainee manager – 22,000 ($356).

How to become an employee?

To apply for a job at McDonald's, you must complete special questionnaire in one of the restaurants of the chain or on the website. After some time, the candidate will be called and invited for an interview, which takes place in two stages.

The first step is an interview with a manager.

After his approval of the candidacy of the applicant, the conversation will be continued by the director of the restaurant in which the application was submitted.

A full medical examination is carried out at the expense of the employer, when applying for a job, they provide a medical book. Final stage - the signing of documents and agreements. After that, the person becomes a member of the restaurant team.

Education trainees pass in the course of work. They become familiar with the functions of the equipment and the cash register.

The whole process is divided into several stations:

  • cashiers are required to smile at customers, be polite and helpful;
  • kitchen employees have instant thinking and great hand speed, they know the technology of preparing fast food dishes;
  • work in the hall is intended for people with disabilities and for those who cannot cope with other operations;
  • you can work in a warehouse, in a makkafe or cook breakfast.

Young workers quickly pass all levels and work where they like best.

Work for teenagers

By hiring young people under the age of 18, the company takes on a great responsibility. Getting hired at McDonald's if you're only 16 years old is quite difficult.

They take only the most persistent and purposeful, with good health and a head on their shoulders.

In this case, according to the law, certain conditions must be met:

  1. The working day should be shortened - you can work only 4 hours a day or 17 hours a week.
  2. Work should not interfere with studies at school or lyceum.
  3. Does not affect the psyche of a teenager.
  4. Compliance with safety regulations.
  5. Corresponds to the level of knowledge.

Minors are prohibited from:

  • work night shifts and weekends;
  • process the allotted time.

They are trusted uncomplicated work in the trading floor - clear tables, take orders, communicate with customers. Their earnings - from 10,000 rubles. ($162).

Earnings of colleagues in other countries


In many cities of the country, the hourly rate in MAC corresponds to 41.8 UAH($1.59). Coming out in a month 6900 UAH($263) when working during the day and 8970 ($342) for night shifts.

In the largest settlements - Kyiv, Lvov, Odessa, employees fast food pay 49.5 UAH/hour($1.89). Monthly income - 8170 ($312), and for work at night - 10620 ($405).

Those who wish to increase their income level can work overtime, weekends and holidays, when the tariff increases significantly.

Depending on the duties performed, employees receive a salary (in thousand UAH):

  • loader - 4 ($153);
  • cashier - up to 15 ($572);
  • cashier of the Central Committee - 5 ($191);
  • kitchen worker - from 6 to 20 ($ 229 - 763);
  • mechanic - 8 - 10 ($ 305 - 381);
  • waiter - 3 - 7.5 ($ 114 - 286);
  • seller-cashier - 3 - 8;
  • senior cashier - up to 7 ($267);
  • cleaning lady - 3 - 5 ($ 114 - 191);
  • restaurant crew member - from 3 to 12 ($458).

In small towns of the country, workers are paid from 20 rubles/hour($0.76). With a five-day working week, their wages do not exceed $200 .


The average income of Mac employees in Minsk corresponds to 816 b.r.($409), of which 674 - salary and 142 - premium. payroll accountant receives 1600 b.r.($802), IT Manager - 4400 ($2206), and CBR - 815 b.r.

In America, a law has been passed according to which, in 2018, fast food workers in New York will be paid at least $15/hour, and from 2021 - the same tariff will be throughout the country. To date, the minimum rate is $8.5/hour. For night shift work, employees earn $20/hour. Starting salary in a chain of restaurants - $1600/month.


Many come to McDonald's for work experience and career advancement. You can climb up the system very quickly. You need a sense of purpose, communication skills and a desire to learn.

There are many standards to be aware of and adhere to.

The ability to extinguish conflicts is a great advantage of an employee, which will certainly be noticed by superiors.

A career goes through certain steps:

  1. Member of the restaurant team, hostess, junior instructor.
  2. Senior Instructor.
  3. Trainee manager.
  4. Manager.
  5. Director's assistant.
  6. Restaurant director.

At each new level, they give out another uniform, therefore, the position of a specialist is determined by regular visitors by appearance.

A successful career starts with:

  • trainee manager;
  • an employee preparing the restaurant for opening;
  • personnel officer;
  • engineer technician.

The trainee manager undergoes a special training course for 240 days. For work, candidates with higher or incomplete higher education are selected.


A chain of fast food restaurants in Moscow is hiring:

  1. kitchen workers, salary 40824 rubles. ($660);
  2. HR specialist in Sosnovy Bor, salary - 30,000 ($485);
  3. handyman, salary 24,000 ($388).

Employees work in accelerated pace, beginners have to train to achieve the speed of movements of colleagues. A stable salary, a friendly team, team solidarity and the possibility of rapid career growth make this company the most attractive employer to start your career.

How much do McDonald's employees earn per hour

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