What product to resell. Is it legal to resell goods from China (Taobao, Aliexpress, etc.) in Russia

Many buyers, having figured out how to buy on Aliexpress and seeing how simple and profitable it is, sooner or later think about reselling goods from Aliexpress.

Prices for goods in China and the CIS differ significantly, and due to the difference in the cost of purchase and sale, you can make good money.

And if you use cashback service ePN, you can return up to 15% of the order value from purchases.

Selling goods is a fairly simple and profitable way to make money. In order to get your first money, you don’t need a lot of capital. You can start small, and then grow up little by little.

The first thing I put up for sale was sportswear , ordered for my wife. No, I didn't sell it. I took a photo of it and put it up for sale on OLX. Having received several calls about this ad and realizing that people were interested in this item, a batch of such bottles was ordered in different colors for sale.

The second item was the Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 phone, which I ordered for myself. Having received it, I posted an ad, received a call and... sold it 🙂, tempted by a fairly good margin of 850 UAH (about 30 dollars). Then I ordered a few more phones + glasses + cases and off we went, we gradually expanded the range of goods sold and increased our turnover. And now we are developing further.

What is great about resale with Aliexpress:

  • initial minimum investment;
  • you can do purchasing and selling yourself, without involving anyone else;
  • you do not need to have warehouse premises and buy commercial equipment;
  • you don’t even need to pay money for ads – there are plenty of free platforms where you can publish an ad;
  • this activity does not interfere with your main job;
  • extra profit is great;
  • your small business can grow over time and become your main activity.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • you always need to monitor the demand for the product; if no one needs it, you won’t be able to sell it;
  • growing competition - quite a lot of people are trying to make money this way;
  • in order to sell the product faster, your competitors begin to reduce the price, and accordingly you have to reduce the price yourself, deliberately underestimating your profit;
  • you will have to accept that some things will remain unsold;
  • etc

2 years later, since we started reselling with Aliexpress, I can say one thing - I’m glad that we got involved in this at the time and were able to change our lives for the better. They left the jobs they hated and became freer.

When choosing a product for sale, you need to decide whether this item will be relevant at the moment. For example, if you decide to buy and sell an item that was popular 2-3 years ago, but now no one needs it, you will quickly become disillusioned with the trade and be left with a bunch of unsold goods.

You need to calculate what estimated profit you can get from the sale. To do this, “monitor” competitors’ prices and prices on Aliexpress, delivery costs (if they are paid) and other possible expenses. Having such data, you can easily calculate the possible profit and understand whether it will be profitable to sell this particular product.

It is important to choose the right type of product to sell:

  • for example, you decided to sell phones; in this niche, competitors have already reduced the possible profit to a minimum. It’s stupid to spend 100-200 dollars on the purchase of one phone, wait 2-4 weeks for the package and receive 5-10 dollars. (At least this is the case in Ukraine). For example, it’s better to use these 100 dollars to buy mobile accessories (glasses, cases, bumpers) - and earn another 100 dollars from it, even if it takes longer to sell, but it’s more profitable;
  • if, for example, your choice is to focus on selling clothes, then you will be faced with the fact that you will have to purchase clothes of various sizes, or be content with just one or two. Even if you decide to buy and sell clothes of a specific size, you will be faced with the fact that when ordering, for example, size M, you will receive size S. You need to know that Chinese sizes vary greatly - both up and down;

Even when ordering the same things from the same store several weeks apart, you risk receiving products of worse quality (poorly stitched seams, completely different fabric, etc.) than the previous package. There are quite a lot of defective products among clothes - be prepared for this.

  • Therefore, when choosing products for resale, you need to think about what is best to choose for sales: universal, popular and with the highest possible margin.

First of all, choose items that will allow you to get a high profit and that are not expensive. For example: household goods, jewelry (an excellent option), various sporting goods, inexpensive gadgets and accessories (fitness bracelets, headphones, mp3 players, cases, protective glasses, etc.).

Customs clearance of goods from Aliexpress

It is necessary to take into account that the country in which you live has its own import rules:

  • not all goods can be imported into the country - you need to search and study the list of goods prohibited for shipment to your country;
  • there is a duty-free limit amount, exceeding which you will have to pay a fee;
  • There is also such a thing as a commercial party. This means that if you have ordered many items of the same type, the customs officer may consider that they were purchased for resale and you will be asked to pay tax. This issue needs to be studied separately for each country - there are many different nuances.

At the very beginning of your journey, while you are testing the waters, you are unlikely to exceed the limit or order a large batch. But in the future, this issue will have to be approached more seriously.

It’s difficult to suggest anything here. You can order 100 glasses for a phone and it won’t be considered a commercial lot, but you can buy 5 phones and pay tax.

Certificate for goods from Aliexpress

If you are going to resell products from Aliexpress through groups on social networks, message boards, various sites and platforms (Slando, Avito, OLX, Prom.ua, etc.), then certification of your product is not required.

If you have a store that can be visited by various regulatory authorities, then you should take care of a certificate for the products you sell.

For certification, you should look for a company that can help you with this issue. In order to find such companies, use Google or Yandex search and enter the phrase “Certification of goods from China” into the search bar.

Having found the right company, you will need to provide the documents they need, a list of which you can find on the website of such a company.

How to resell goods without investment

If you have no money at all, but have many acquaintances and friends, then you can try yourself as an intermediary. You can also offer intermediary services on social networks, message boards and forums.

The idea is that you receive full advance payment with your premium for the item. And you order it from Aliexpress to your address or directly to the customer’s address. But still, it would be better to receive the parcel yourself, inspect the ordered item and, making sure that everything is fine, send it to the buyer.

But the problem is that people are afraid of being deceived and do not want to trust their money for an item that they do not see, and especially for which they need to wait about a month. The buyer is ready to immediately pay, albeit more, for an item that he can see and touch.

Therefore, even if you meet people who are ready to pay the purchase price and wait a certain period of time, there will be few of them. And such income cannot be called permanent.

Therefore, try to collect some money to purchase goods and start trading.

Today, the resale of goods as a business is of interest to an increasing number of novice entrepreneurs for a number of good reasons. Firstly, large investments and start-up capital are not required, secondly, you do not need to have special knowledge, thirdly, the payback period of the project is short enough to quickly return the invested funds and move to a new level. What can be resold and which countries are most suitable for long-term partnerships?

What is profitable to resell in Russia

From a profitability point of view and taking into account the current realities of the economic crisis, preference
is given to inexpensive but high-quality products from China.

This country produces a wide variety of goods in huge quantities - from copies of world brands to cars and household appliances. The opinion that Chinese products are consumer goods has become a thing of the past. On the contrary, Eastern manufacturers are successfully mastering high-tech techniques for manufacturing goods, posing great competition to Westerners.

Resale business with China without investment brings good income to the owners, if, of course, you know the market conditions and the current demand for the range. You need to start by choosing a segment of activity. The most popular and profitable areas include:

You can choose almost everything, but it’s up to you to decide what is profitable to resell. The main question is the amount of starting capital that you can spend on settlements with suppliers for the purchase of the first batch. If funds allow, also consider niches such as the sale of cars and large household appliances.

Where to buy goods for resale

So, the direction of work has been chosen. The next step is to decide on the suppliers from whom you
start purchasing products. At the same time, the purchase price of goods purchased for resale is an important, but not the only component of finding a reliable intermediary. Check the terms of payment and delivery, because transportation costs, especially for large-sized products, can reach significant amounts.

You can search for products:

  1. At intermediary sites.
  2. From direct representative suppliers.
  3. Personally through business tours.

Let's take a closer look at the first method, which is optimal for beginning entrepreneurs.

Internet platforms

There are many Chinese intermediaries who take care of the shipping costs for goods.
for resale. For beginners, it is safest to start with this method of purchasing products in order to learn all the important nuances. To begin with, it would be a good idea if you order a small trial batch, and then, after making sure of the quality, you can arrange larger deliveries.

Some of the best Chinese online sites with free shipping include:

  • Aliexpress– the most popular project, which is an analogue of Amazon. I have gained many customers thanks to reliable work - the goods are paid only after the client is convinced of the quality. At first, you can purchase at the minimum weight and cost, together with other buyers. To sell, attract customers from social networks or through your own online store.
  • ChinaBuye– the store has been operating since 2006 and is distinguished by a wide selection of assortment: from toys for children to expensive equipment. There is a free delivery service (15-30 days) and a variety of payment methods - WebMoney, Western Union and classic bank transfers.
  • Taobao is a well-known online market where you can buy whatever your heart desires. Official stores of famous brands are open here. The price of many goods is up to 10 times lower than in Russian stores. The disadvantage of this site is that the site exists exclusively in Chinese and ordering will require the help of intermediaries.

Sales of goods for resale - main methods

We figured out what and where to buy. Now let's talk about whether it is profitable to resell purchased products. There are many options, the result will depend on the available trading opportunities.

How to make money by reselling goods:

  • Through online stores– creating a website is not difficult, but domain promotion requires a lot of free time and certain cash injections. Relatively inexpensive marketing methods are advertising through social networks through the use of internal communities-user groups. Establish yourself as a reliable and accessible seller and clients will flock to you.
  • Through thrift stores(second-hand goods and stocks) - selling products as used. The sales scheme in this case is based on the principle of a commission agreement, but earnings on resale will certainly be less than when trading a new assortment.
  • Through online auctions– Ebay example. All you need to do is register on the site, after which a target audience of buyers around the world will be brought to your attention. Provision is made for the sale of products “to order” on an advance payment basis.

Reselling goods as a business – is it legal?

The legality of Chinese business worries any businessman. Can resale of things/goods be considered entrepreneurship? Of course, this segment of work relates to trading activities. Features and differences in sizes - wholesale or retail. Wholesale involves the sale of products in large quantities to legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. Retail means interaction with individuals.

To legally purchase products and goods for resale, you will need to register under
chosen legal form. And then build legal work in an official way with paying taxes, concluding contracts with suppliers, going through customs clearance upon import and issuing quality certificates for all goods imported into the Russian Federation. In principle, in short, this is all that is needed to systematically make a profit and not break the law.

If you want to earn a little extra money by reselling goods from Aliexpress, I think you won’t go to register a company. Small earnings on the Internet, as a rule, are irregular in nature, and the name of such “entrepreneurs” is legion. No one is calling for breaking the law, but regulatory authorities have not yet learned how to “catch the hand” of such businessmen.

Aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering: what can they resell to make a really good profit? Before entering into trade relations with Chinese manufacturers, determine your marketing strategy:

  1. Don’t try to buy “everything at once.” Practice shows that highly specialized products give more returns, especially if you choose the right direction.
  2. Develop “tasty” offers to attract and retain customers - use all sorts of tricks: promotions and bonuses, lucrative discounts for first customers, gifts for large purchases, for holidays, etc.
  3. If you do not yet have your own store, and your work is carried out on the principle of “word of mouth”, value each client and set the best prices. Remember, the main thing is a successful start!
  4. Form a positive opinion about the product and provide a guarantee. Dispel stereotypes about the low quality and fragility of Chinese goods.
  5. Realistically assess your capabilities - it’s better to start small and move on to more than vice versa. “Small things” are also in good demand, the purchase price is low, and the markup reaches 300-400%.

Now you have become familiar with the theoretical foundations of reselling goods as a business - where to start and how to succeed. As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated here, but doing something like this Anyone can do activities and earn good money. All that remains is to start.

And for particularly cautious entrepreneurs, there are intermediary dropshipping services, the main principle of which is the direct delivery of products from the supplier to the client. The search for the desired product is carried out by the dropshipper, and the payment is made by the customer. A huge advantage of this method of trading is that there is no need to rent warehouse space or invest your own funds. Evaluate all the pros and cons of the described methods of doing business with China, and choose the one that suits you! Success and stable income!

In real life, many companies are built on a simple principle: buy cheaper, sell more. They have already concluded contracts with suppliers and established sales.

Anyone can earn according to the same scheme. Moreover, you don’t need huge investments to start, everything depends on the product, and you can develop gradually.

Making money by reselling goods on the Internet is not a new idea, but its relevance continues. More and more directions for this matter are emerging.

Here you can create an online store quickly and easily. After regular registration, you will receive a 2-week trial period. The admin panel looks like this:

The interface is simple and clear, everything is done so that sellers do not go deep into website construction. After 2 weeks, you will have to pay from 999 rubles per month. Considering the benefits of the system, the money is not big, because it has a number of advantages:

  • a mobile version of the store is automatically created;
  • Telephony with dialogue recording is available;
  • you can change the design at your discretion in the simple constructor;
  • landing pages are created in one click;
  • all popular services are connected (for example, Yandex.Metrica).

Of course, you can use other platforms as well. Unfortunately, none of the free options are suitable for beginners. Either you simply won’t be able to create an online store, or this will require a serious amount of knowledge.

  1. Notice boards

A simplified option, but it also helps to find clients. You'll have to work with your hands and add announcements to a ton of boards. It has special functionality for sellers. Create your own store there and get the following features:

  • personal page with automatic loading of advertisements;
  • a lot of options for editing your page;
  • monthly reports and detailed statistics;
  • the ability to indicate any details and contact information;
  • your personal manager will answer any questions;
  • mobile version of the store;
  • 24/7 support.

The interface is also designed so that even a beginner can quickly figure it out. You can choose from different tariffs with ad packages:

Basically, you'll get a simple website to make money by reselling where you can refer people or even get traffic from boards. The only downsides worth noting are the constant control by Avito and the need to follow their rules.

  1. Auctions

This option is more suitable for exclusive and rare goods. It is unlikely that you will be able to auction off ordinary clothes or some cosmetics, although if the price is attractive, then anything is possible.

In addition, there are world auctions; in America, for example, they can pay more for your products. There are many online auctions open, and the most popular of them are and.

Please note that the cost is not fixed and it must be really attractive. You need to choose only well-known auctions; on young sites, trading is too sluggish. In addition, high-quality auctions ensure the security of transactions.

  1. Social media

The last option is used by many speculators. The easiest way is to open a group on social networks and add your products there. Now even large companies use this; VKontakte has already installed a special function:

In a few simple steps you can create your own showcase. If you are hearing about this for the first time, read the article -. The method works, however, it is difficult to attract many buyers through the community. We'll have to actively promote it.

A platform for presenting the assortment will be required in any case. Even if you have only one type of product, detailed information with all the characteristics and other data should be provided somewhere. Decide for yourself what is best to use.

Suppliers for making money on resales

Products for further sale at a premium can be purchased on any website (or even in real life). Obviously, you need to look for the best deals and take into account additional costs. Perhaps the supplier arranges delivery for an additional fee.

Ideally, you need to build a model of making money on resales without your direct participation.

As mentioned above, you will only find buyers, receive payment and data to send, and then transfer it to another company. In this case, a minimum of actions are performed, no investments or organization of a warehouse are needed.

This scheme is called dropshipping, it is very common in the bourgeoisie, but here too it is gradually gaining momentum.

You don’t even have to notify the store about the cooperation, because you will place orders to different addresses, like an ordinary customer. Shop anywhere, for example, through these major projects:

  1. – a serious resource with a large assortment and high-quality support. Orders are placed on the day they are received, they are even ready to provide goods for sale (without payment).
  2. – a Chinese online store also with a huge selection of products. Parcels do not arrive quickly, but the prices there are pleasantly pleasing. There are toys, clothing, small electronics, accessories and more.
  3. – in addition to a large assortment, they help you open your own online store. Large service, many products with detailed descriptions and even calculations. It is convenient to set the markup percentage to obtain the necessary data.

There are more than enough similar projects on the Internet, but you have to find your theme. Those. “dig up” a store, manufacturer, supplier with certain trendy products, competitive prices and fast delivery (ideally).

10 tips for those who decide to make money on resale

Not everyone succeeds in building a resale business on the Internet. Why? Because there are many people who want it, and there are not stupid people around us. If you can buy it cheaper somewhere, then why is it worth using your offer?

Convincing a buyer to conclude a deal is not easy, but if you are focused on success, you will definitely These recommendations will come in handy:

  • you need to attract large audiences of buyers to earn a solid income, it’s unlikely to be possible without;
  • When starting a business, you need to take into account seasonality. It makes no sense to sell skis in the summer, a rough example, but it fully describes an important rule;
  • if you set a higher price, there must be an explanation for this. In the product description, you will have to explain to the buyer why he is overpaying;
  • put your first profit into circulation, order advertising, with a small budget you can actually buy it in social groups. networks (on the website);
  • A decent amount is collected from markups much faster when the assortment is wide and constantly updated;
  • follow current changes in the selected market, what’s new, what’s losing interest, etc.;
  • Don’t be scattered with too many types of products at once, it’s better to concentrate on one thing, besides, this will allow you to correctly evaluate your approach and statistics;
  • The delivery of goods is of great importance. When placing it on any storefront, try to give a detailed description, upload more high-quality photos, publish reviews;
  • the more payment options you offer, the less often you will have to deal with refusals on the client’s side due to inconvenient transfer of funds;
  • When raising prices, it is important to stay within reason. If the cost is too high, no one will agree to buy;
  • collect more statistics, test different tricks, analyze your activities, build your own online resale strategy;
  • no one trusts online sellers, so you need to offer some kind of guarantee and possible returns.

There are really a lot of subtleties in this business, which is why not everyone has yet started reselling goods via the Internet.

But this opens up broad prospects, because in the future it will be possible to even open a real store and continue to increase income.

The most common scheme in this type of business is making money from reselling cars. Everyone knows that there are resellers who buy cars at a bargain price and immediately sell them for a little more.

The same applies to any other valuables, even if they cost less than 1,000 rubles.

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There are several hotel business areas that are highly popular among newcomers. The sphere of resale of goods has not lost its relevance for many years, since novice entrepreneurs do not need to invest large capital in the development of their own business. The task of a novice businessman is to purchase commercial products from the manufacturer at a wholesale price and subsequent sale in small batches. The markup on goods is a direct source of income in this area of ​​​​business. Reselling goods as a business has its own subtleties and nuances. In this article we will look at all the advantages and disadvantages of this area of ​​business activity.

Reselling goods is one of the most profitable types of business

Market monitoring

Many young people are unable to understand the word “shortage” of products in the market. In modern supermarkets you can find any product that will satisfy the needs of every consumer. It’s hard to imagine that just twenty years ago the market situation was completely different, and resale was the only way to make big money. Most entrepreneurs traveled to neighboring countries to purchase imported goods for subsequent sale at an inflated cost.

Today, domestic manufacturers produce high-quality products that adequately compete with imported goods. But, despite this, many domestic businessmen run successful businesses selling goods from foreign countries. Those who are interested in this type of business activity often ask the question: how to make money by reselling goods? Today, entrepreneurs use two main methods of resale:

  1. Purchasing goods for the purpose of further sale at an increased cost.
  2. Acquisition of goods for the purpose of their improvement and further sale.

It should also be noted that some entrepreneurs are aimed at wholesale sales. Other businessmen prefer to trade single goods. As a rule, people involved in this line of business prefer to personally cooperate with enterprises involved in the production of commercial products.

Consumer demand analysis

The area of ​​entrepreneurship under consideration consists of many separate areas. Each of these areas has its own characteristics. Those who are interested in the maximum income received from one transaction are recommended to turn their attention to the real estate sector. The real estate market has a number of differences. This is where prices rise and fall most often. It is from this circumstance that you can make good money.

In order to make money on the resale of real estate, you will need to constantly study all market changes. The task of an entrepreneur is to constantly adjust his activities. It should be noted that real estate is in high demand even in an unstable economic situation in the country. This means that the right approach to the organizational issue will allow you to run a profitable business even in times of crisis. Of course, this area implies the presence of large capital, which will be invested in the purchase of an apartment or land.

This business does not require large investments and special knowledge

Many people think that this activity is only available to those businessmen who have a reliable “financial cushion”. In fact, this statement is not entirely true. At the first stages, without having your own capital, you can act as an intermediary who will look for services from various clients for customers (persons selling real estate).

What can you resell at a profit? If you have start-up capital and knowledge in the field of motor transport, you can organize a car resale business. It is important to note that having knowledge in this area is one of the keys to the success of an enterprise. A novice entrepreneur must be able to determine the “real” cost of a vehicle. In the absence of such knowledge, your company should have an auto mechanic who will take on the role of an appraiser. Otherwise, this type of activity may bring only losses. As practice shows, this type of entrepreneurship has high profitability and stability.

Another profitable niche is the sale of goods purchased in foreign online stores.. Today, this area has become widespread. It is important to note that you will not be able to earn a high income through this activity.

Despite this, resale of goods from online stores and auctions can significantly improve your financial condition. Most often, this type of entrepreneurship is chosen by young women and students. The main requirement for an entrepreneur is to find reliable suppliers who will supply quality goods at a low cost.

When considering the topic of what is profitable to resell, we should mention children's clothing. These products are in high demand among consumers. According to experts involved in consumer market analysis, children's clothing is one of the most stable sources of income. You can purchase clothes at various online auctions and trading platforms. Many large foreign stores often hold special promotions and provide high discounts on their products. Reselling products purchased at a promotion can allow you to make a profit that is several times greater than the entire cost of its acquisition.

Selling products purchased on Aliexpress

Many successful entrepreneurs have long “left” the Western market due to unstable foreign exchange rates. Such businessmen prefer to cooperate with suppliers from China due to the low cost of their products. It should be noted that, despite the low cost, Chinese products can compete with their Western counterparts.

The main operating principle is as follows: you buy products from the manufacturer at a low price and sell them at your own markup

Among the goods that are in demand among consumers are various interior elements, bedding, clothing, soft toys and smart electronics. Recently, smart watches and electronic cigarettes from Chinese manufacturers have become very popular. Today, the vast majority of products sold around the world are manufactured in China. Thanks to the Aliexpress website and its analogues, many domestic entrepreneurs have the opportunity to purchase goods at the lowest cost.

It should be noted that this business does not require investment of your own capital, since the purchase of goods will be carried out at the expense of the final buyer. In order to start your own business, you will need to create your own personal website or page on social networks, where various products will be posted. Next, you will need to find a supplier who can provide high-quality products. Such a resale business is carried out according to the scheme below:

  1. The seller posts a photo and a brief description of the product in his store.
  2. Indicates your cost of the product, taking into account the manufacturer’s price and percentage markup.
  3. After receiving the request, an advance payment is taken from the buyer, at the expense of which the goods are purchased.
  4. The paid product can be sent to both the “intermediary” and the end client.

This scheme is called “dropshipping”. The entrepreneur's income lies in the price difference between the cost of the product and the price presented in the store.

Pros and cons of resale

Earning money from resale allows you to get a stable source of income without starting investments. Despite this obvious advantage, this business has several significant disadvantages. Before focusing on the disadvantages of such an activity, it is worth highlighting its advantages. This area of ​​entrepreneurship does not require a novice businessman to purchase expensive equipment, rent an office and search for employees. The main task in this matter is to find cheap and high-quality products.

Thanks to the ability to independently control the final cost of goods, the seller has the opportunity to change his price depending on the market situation. This area of ​​entrepreneurship has high mobility. It doesn’t take much time to open or close a business . It is important to note that work in this area requires registration as an individual entrepreneur. Otherwise, regulatory authorities may impose penalties on the entrepreneur.

Among the significant disadvantages of this area, we should highlight the high level of competition and responsibility for the quality of the products offered. It should also be said that the level of inflation greatly affects the level of sales revenue. However, the main disadvantage of this activity is the constant need to increase the base of potential clients.

Reselling goods as a business, with the right approach, can make you a wealthy person

What beginners need to know

When considering what to resell to make money, you should pay attention to several important nuances. The level of revenue and consumer demand depend on the choice of product range. This means that before starting work in this direction, you should carefully study all the needs of consumers. In order to start a successful business, you will need to correctly draw up a strategy for promoting your future company. Experts do not recommend purchasing large quantities of goods in order to be able to change the main direction of activity at any time. As practice shows, highly specialized products that are not on the market in a given region bring high profits.

The development of various promotions aimed at attracting customers will create an initial customer base. It is best to use various discount coupons and other bonuses for buyers. To attract customers, you will need to use various thematic resources, groups on social networks, trading platforms and other specialized sites. In some cases, you can increase the number of sales by advertising in print publications and placing advertisements on information boards.

An individual approach to each customer will allow you to earn a positive reputation, which is one of the keys to business success.

You should also remember that due to the high level of competition in this area, you should not inflate the price of goods too high. It is important to understand that there can always be competing companies that have the opportunity to offer customers more favorable conditions.

In conclusion, it should be noted that newcomers to the resale industry are advised to choose niches with stable consumer demand and low levels of competition. The area of ​​business activity under consideration does not require the presence of a real store to sell existing products. You can sell goods through social networks, specialized online platforms and your own online store. This method of selling goods will significantly reduce the cost of organizing a business.

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Buy and sell is a popular and centuries-tested scheme for making a profit. Today the technique is supplemented with new possibilities. The more actively the reseller uses them, the greater the benefit he can receive. They resell anything: from game keys to apartment keys... along with the apartment.

A smartphone is often enough to conduct business. To understand how to make money by reselling goods, you don’t need to buy an online training course or attend seminars. You just need to try it once, experienced resellers advise. Did not work out? Try again. With another product.

In the resale business, as in any other business, water does not flow under a lying stone, and experiments are often required. Although it’s better to start by following proven schemes. You can do without a business plan, but you will need start-up capital.

What kind of resale can you make money on?

This question worries all novice resellers. What kind of resale can you make money on? This list is topped by products presented by large e-commerce companies. Electronic equipment, clothing, stationery and much more are available for resale.

A more complex way of making money through resale is the auto business, which promises profits much higher than the amount from the sale of watches or action cameras. A completely different level, investment, in real estate resales.

Conditional earnings instructions

How to make money by reselling things? Large trading platforms have long been promoted on the Internet, offering various products for literally pennies. It would seem that only the lazy do not use them. This is why business experts so easily answer the question of how to make money by reselling things. Reselling items from these sites makes a profit. Why? Because many people do not want to wait for delivery and are ready to overpay the reseller in order to receive the item immediately and with confirmation that they did not buy a pig in a poke.

For those who want to start a mini-business through the resale of goods, there are tried and tested instructions:

  1. Accumulate capital - the amount you invest in purchasing a product. Minimum 50-100$.
  2. Analyze the online market. Look for popular and advertised products, including those that are not sold in your region, but are in demand. Or it will be in demand soon. To help - ratings of orders by popularity on online shopping sites or social networking groups about trends.
  3. Selecting the seller offering the minimum price for the product. By monitoring online trading platforms, you can compare prices, find products on sale or with wholesale discounts.
  4. Sale of goods. For example, through social networks.

Products that are easy to sell

For a successful business, it is important to understand what you can make money from reselling in your city. The list may be large, but the top ten most popular products include:

  • action cameras;
  • car accessories;
  • bags, wallets, purses;
  • Puer tea;
  • cosmetics;
  • inexpensive phones;
  • watch;
  • sports supplies;
  • Kids' things;
  • photo, audio equipment and headsets.

How to properly present a resale product?

When thinking about how to make money on the resale of goods, you should take into account the directions of sales. The most common platform for reselling items and goods is groups and communities on social networks. As a rule, successful trading is carried out on well-promoted pages. It is also important to correctly tell customers about the product. There are several simple rules:

  1. A bright text title and an emotional description of the product that will interest you. You can list the characteristics of the product. It’s better in your own words, not in the wording of the instructions. When composing a text, avoid cliches, try to show restraint and taste. End the text with an unobtrusive appeal.
  2. Photos are of good quality. It is advisable to take the photographs yourself rather than download them. Take pictures of the item from different angles, do not forget about the details of the product.
  3. Offer a bonus. It may not be related to the product being sold. For example, when you buy a watch, you give a silicone bracelet.

When a product is not bought at the offered price, periodically reduce it. If you cannot sell the product at a premium, they will still buy it at the original price.

Another important tip on how to make money by reselling things: provide the opportunity to try on clothes and have your purchase delivered.

Car resale

Many people believe that car resellers are liars. They sell junk, giving it a little more representative appearance and cleverly hiding technical problems. You can work like this for some time, but then word of mouth will still bring the unscrupulous reseller to light. Therefore, if you want to resell cars, remember, this is a business. If you follow its rules and respect the interests of the client, the profit will be good and constant.

How to become a car reseller?

How to make money by reselling cars? Sales experience will be useful. But you need to improve your communication skills and creating an interesting product presentation. It is important to develop business decisiveness and speed of decision making. If you think for a long time, you may miss a good option when buying a car. You will need a good knowledge of the automotive market and car valuation schemes for purchase and sale.

It's best to start by reselling models that you are familiar with. However, you don’t need to stop at one brand; let there be several from the same segment, for example, mass market.

Valuation of a car for subsequent resale

When evaluating a car, it is important to consider the integrity of the body, mileage, interior condition and appearance.

In order not to make a mistake in assessing the cost of a car, beginners are advised to contact resellers as a client. Analyze what the reseller took into account when determining the cost of the car. Please note how the price will change depending on the urgency conditions. Analyze car sales sites, study the presentation of offers, observe under what conditions a buyer was found faster for a car.

Where does car resale begin?

The scheme of a car resale business can be represented as follows.

Starting capital is the amount that will be used to buy a car.

Defining a strategy that depends on which models you will work with:

  • mass auto;
  • domestic cars;
  • premium cars;
  • cars on credit or with collateral;
  • have been in accidents.

Formation of a thoughtful checklist.

An effective checklist and car reselling business starts with searching for options online, in newspaper classifieds and car markets. Take the time to legally check the cleanliness of the car and diagnose it. Only then proceed to the evaluation of the car and start bargaining.