New equipment for small businesses. Mini factories for small businesses: areas of production, examples with descriptions, advantages of use It can produce

Few consider the business associated with factories to be real. First impression: a huge territory, a workshop with bulky equipment, a lot of workers. A novice entrepreneur can start his own production if he pays attention to mini-factories for small businesses.

Large enterprises are not always profitable. The mini-factory also functions fully, but differs in size.

Main advantages

  • efficiency (the use of unique technologies gives good results);
  • the opportunity to take advantage of government programs for small businesses (grants, subsidies);
  • efficiency (low cost of equipment, fewer employees);
  • mobility (easily assembled and disassembled, occupies a small area, can be moved to another place);
  • the ability to produce exclusive products (they are more popular, the price is higher compared to mass production);
  • low investments and use of utility rooms;
  • expansion of production in the future (by purchasing additional modules);
  • It is enough to have the status of an individual entrepreneur.

You can buy the equipment necessary for a mini-factory in Russia or another country after a preliminary market study. When purchasing equipment abroad, it is more convenient to use the services of an intermediary company. She will complete the paperwork, arrange delivery and assembly.

The most profitable ones are enterprises that produce high-quality products from available raw materials.

Groups of mini-factories for small businesses

Conventionally, mini-factories are divided into groups by industry:

  • construction production (producing concrete, brick, building mixtures, ceramic or paving slabs, finishing materials);
  • food industry (food processing);
  • container and processing production (recyclables and waste);
  • light industry (textiles, household goods).

When choosing a profile, you should produce products that are in demand.

Brick mini-factory: price and consumables

Brick is a popular and frequently used building material. It is used by private developers and construction companies; the popularity of brick guarantees that the business of its production will become interesting and profitable.

This option does not provide for treatment facilities; any premises are suitable for production. A machine for making bricks and molds is required. From consumables:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • dyes.

Cost of a brick mini-factory (producing facing bricks, paving slabs using non-firing technology) 2280 thousand rubles., productivity 300 bricks per hour.

Investments pay off in 1 – 3 years. Profitability is about 20%.

Mini-plant for the production of compound feed

When using it, you can create feed with different characteristics (depending on the raw materials used). In the production of mixed feed the following are used:

  • cake, straw, hay;
  • grain crops (corn, oats, barley);
  • legumes;
  • starch raw materials (molasses, hydrol);
  • chalk, salt;
  • chemical raw materials (antibiotics, vitamins, urea);
  • microadditives (protein, vitamins).

Opening this business does not require significant expenses, the investment pays off quickly.

Mini-plant for the production of foam blocks: price and necessary materials

Foam blocks are a universal material for individual and industrial construction. A mini-factory for the production of foam blocks allows you to produce products in a small room. The cost of such a mini-plant is from 105 to 283 thousand rubles, the capacity is 10-30 m3 per shift.

Additionally, a foam generator (28 thousand rubles), a compressor (38 thousand rubles), a peristaltic pump (58 thousand rubles), and molds for blocks (30 thousand rubles) are required.

The cost of 1 m3 of foam blocks is 3 thousand rubles. Consumables:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • aluminum powder;
  • foam concentrate.

Income from 1 m3 of foam blocks - 2460 rubles, monthly 665 thousand rubles. (net profit 220 thousand rubles). The return on investment is six months. It is more expedient to produce products in large volumes (this will require powerful equipment, the output of finished products will increase 4 times).

For efficient operation of a mini-plant, the following is required:

  • raw material sorting line;
  • pneumatic modules collecting selected material;
  • crushing machine;
  • pressing machine;
  • magnet.

Purchase of a mini-plant for waste processing requires significant initial investment.

Mini-factories for small businesses from China: prices and main advantages

China offers a choice of mini-factories for all types of production. Such equipment is in demand, successfully competes with analogues from other countries, and is technologically advanced and portable. In China, you can purchase equipment and components that are cheaper than analogues produced in other countries.

A brick mini-factory from China has advantages:

  • the price is 10 times lower with the same performance;
  • 2-5 workers are enough;
  • payback period 1 – 2 years.

The cost of the brick mini-factory QMY 4-30 is 315,750 rubles, productivity is 2,400 bricks per shift (24 thousand rubles). Monthly income will be up to 200 thousand rubles, payback 6 – 12 months.

The Chinese concrete mini-plant allows you to produce high-quality concrete (if necessary, directly at the construction site). It can be mobile (on a platform) or installed on the ground.

The cost of a concrete mini-plant from China is 332,174 rubles, monthly income is 160 thousand rubles, return on investment is 1 - 1.5 years.

The 9FH-500 mini-feed mill can be purchased for 195.5 thousand rubles, productivity 1.5 t/hour. Allows the production of animal feed of various compositions.

Mini-factories for small businesses from China: prices and advantages.

Mini-factories for small businesses from China for the production of dairy products will become profitable in any region. They can produce:

  • yoghurts and kefir;
  • sour cream and cottage cheese of various fat contents;
  • cream;
  • pasteurized milk.

According to Chinese manufacturers, the equipment is characterized by ease of assembly, a small number of maintenance personnel (2 people are enough), and a quick payback period (3 months).

and step-by-step instructions for making purchases on Chinese sites are contained in the link.

A mini waste recycling plant allows you to open a business regardless of the locality. Distinctive features of production:

  • ensures fire safety;
  • does not pollute the environment in the process of activity;
  • guarantees the appearance of odors associated with disposal.

To quickly start a business or expand an existing one, it is enough to purchase a ready-made compact mini-plant. It is focused on the production of small quantities of products and does not require large production areas and resource consumption.

You can find out how a mini-plant for recycling car tires works in practice in the following video:

Today there are various ways to earn money. You can work in a highly specialized organization or for a private entrepreneur. Or you can organize your own business - mini-production of any products. The payback of this type of activity depends on many factors.

Production in a garage

Every person who has a garage space at their disposal tries to use it to organize their own business. Production can be of different scales. It all depends on the skills of the novice businessman and his investments.

Today you can produce the following products in your garage:

  • metal structures;
  • Construction Materials;
  • various manufacturing and industrial goods.

Some businessmen manage to create a mini-alcohol plant for the production of alcohol.

Note. Illegal conduct of such activities threatens the entrepreneur with administrative punishment. Therefore, it is better to register everything.

Distillery at home

Initially, it is necessary to determine for what purposes the products will be produced. These could be the following areas:

  • pharmaceuticals;
  • production of alcoholic products;
  • chemical industry;
  • Perfumes and cosmetics.

It is also necessary to select raw materials for the production of alcohol. As a rule, the following agricultural crops are used in the technological process:

  • corn;
  • potato;
  • sugar beets;
  • fruits.

It is necessary to choose a supplier of high-quality raw materials so that the products comply with all established standards (GOSTs).

Necessary equipment:

  • distillation plant;
  • mash tank;
  • alcohol meters;
  • separators;
  • refrigeration units;
  • thermoelectric heaters.

Today, the search for specialized equipment is easier. There are a huge number of enterprises producing it. You just need to choose the seller who has the optimal price for the product.

Manufacturing metal structures in a garage

Small business - production of metal products in a utility room or garage. An aspiring entrepreneur must be able to:

  • weld structural elements using various types of welding;
  • process seams;
  • correctly measure the dimensions of the product;
  • quality coloring of finished products.

The installation of metal structures is carried out by the entrepreneur himself or by hired workers. Despite this, knowledge of how structures can be secured to any foundation is necessary.

At the initial stage of setting up production, you will need the following equipment:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder with additional attachments;
  • clamps;
  • table for cutting and welding structural elements;
  • vice.

Don’t forget about the auxiliary tools: hammer, angle, tape measure, building level and others.

Note. You can measure the parameters of the future design yourself.

Today entrepreneurs produce the following products:

  • gates (entrance and garage);
  • gates;
  • gratings;
  • doors;
  • fencing of varying complexity;
  • flights of stairs;
  • decorative elements.

The following raw materials are used for production: metal pipes, angles, steel sheets, wire.

It is worth considering that the simple design of metal structures will not surprise anyone these days. Therefore, in the creation of certain products you need to use them. They can be purchased ready-made or produced independently. To do this, you will need forges for heating the metal, special molds, a sledgehammer, tongs and other tools.

Ideas for mini-production of building materials

This type of activity is familiar to almost everyone today. The following materials can be crafted in the garage:

  • foam block;
  • aerated concrete;
  • curbs;
  • paving slabs;
  • concrete rings;
  • hatch covers;
  • grape columns;
  • and much more.

That is, almost all small structures created on the basis of concrete mortar or natural clay.

Raw materials for production:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • clay;
  • additional components.

The latter include hardeners, which allow the concrete solution to harden much faster. As well as substances that improve the quality of concrete mortar.

To equip a mini-workshop for this production, you will need the following:

  • concrete mixer;
  • forms for giving parameters to the product;
  • auxiliary tools;
  • vibration table, which you can assemble yourself;
  • a regular table for laying out tools and forms.

The natural hardening process of the concrete solution can last from one to three days. If you put a small chamber in the garage that will be heated, you will get the finished product faster. Forms with concrete mortar are placed in this chamber, where they remain until the material dries completely.

It would be useful to organize not only a mini-workshop, but also a small warehouse for storing finished products. In private households there will be no problems with this issue.

Manufacturing of hardware

Garage production of fasteners is becoming increasingly popular. You can make bolts, nuts, studs and much more. To do this, you need to install a lathe with various attachments, as well as additional equipment and tables. Such production can be put on line if the scale of the garage space allows.

Manufacturing of wire products

Ideas for mini-production from wire in the garage are quite varied. Despite this, nails and chain-link mesh are quite often made. This requires special machines. This type of production is different in that it does not need to be put into production. You can carry out one-time orders.

Plastic recycling

You can open this business in your garage without investing large sums. As a rule, capital for creation is limited to 50,000 rubles. It is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

  • extruder;
  • press compressor;
  • shredder;
  • injector.

The machines are assembled and adjusted independently. You can ask for help from a specialist in this field.

The main advantage of this mini-production idea is the availability of raw materials. Plastic waste is used in production: bottles, pallets and much more. All this can be recycled and create real masterpieces and stunning decorative elements:

  • flower pots;
  • and other.

A prerequisite for this type of production is the imagination of the entrepreneur. They develop such a business with the help of friends and acquaintances.

Manufacturing of joinery products

Wood products have gained particular popularity today. All this is thanks to its quality indicators. The products last a long time and also have an attractive appearance. But it’s quite difficult to find a good craftsman who would make products to order.

There is a lot of competition in this business, and you will initially have to earn a reputation. What can be produced from wood:

  • interior and entrance doors;
  • tables and chairs;
  • cabinets and chests of drawers;
  • wardrobes and beds;
  • shelves and stands.

The range of products does not end there. It all depends on the imagination and abilities of the businessman, because you will have to start production yourself in order to save a little at the initial stage of development.

For production you will need the following:

  • machines: lathe, sawing, grinding;
  • jointer;
  • table;
  • auxiliary tools.

If the products will be painted, it is necessary to allocate a separate room for the work.

They lure buyers with original design and quality of work. The more unusual the product, the more interest and delight it will cause.

Manufacturing of consumer goods

No matter what happens in a person’s life, he will provide himself with everything he needs. The group of consumer goods includes the following:

  • products;
  • shoes;
  • cloth;
  • household chemicals.

The types of production of each product differ significantly from each other.

Making products at home

Consumer goods have been sold in past centuries. Only previously the sales market was limited to neighbors and relatives. Now such home mini-production is developing on an industrial scale.

If the size of the landholding allows, you can grow vegetables, fruits, and agricultural crops. At the moment, the state purchases finished products of these types for the purpose of processing or resale.

Note. Quite often, a farmer works at a loss. This factor is due to the rather large initial financial investments and their incorrect distribution.

It is for this reason that it is necessary to first calculate all the costs of operating the business and draw up a business plan planning the payback of the project. You can do this yourself, but it is better to involve a specialist.

The ideas for mini-production of consumer goods do not end there. Dairy products can be produced. It is worth considering that keeping livestock is not necessary. It is enough to find a permanent supplier of quality raw materials.

Milk can be processed and products made from it only with the help of special equipment. Since such goods are considered perishable and belong to the first risk group for infection with harmful bacteria. The technological process must be followed.

Advice. This type of activity must be registered, and a license must be obtained for the production of products.

Sewing shoes and clothes

Perhaps this is the most common type of home production. It requires little investment, since all work is done directly at home in a separate room, and the equipment is not too expensive. It is better to start by repairing products, earning a reputation for yourself. There is quite a lot of competition in this area. Over time, you can develop your production and move to large volumes and sales of finished products.

Mini bakery at home

Any housewife who can bake real culinary masterpieces dreams of opening her own production. You need to start small: bake buns or pies. Then you can move on to more complex products: cakes, pastries and other sweets. It won’t hurt to show your imagination. The more interesting the design and taste of the product, the more customers will become regulars.

To bake products you will need a high-quality oven. Preferably one that runs on electricity. Ovens of this type have several heating elements located at the top, bottom and sides of the oven chamber.

Small business is the production of any product at home. Over time, you can move to a new level, which involves additional capital investments, and produce products on an industrial scale.

When organizing your own production, you should not neglect product quality. It is also necessary to find suppliers of raw materials in advance and organize a sales market. Without proper sales of products, further development and increase in business profitability are impossible.

Mini factories for small businesses – 5 advantages + features of running such production + 6 examples + 9 best mini factories.

People who decide to start private entrepreneurship face certain problems at the initial stage. Which field of activity should I choose? Where can I buy suitable equipment? How to save money?

Mini factories for small businesses– a good solution for young businessmen, which simplifies the search for answers to the questions raised above.

Why is it worth purchasing a plant in mini format?

Before you start your own manufacturing business, you need to pay attention to all the pros and cons of such activities.

The advantages of buying a mini plant for business include the following factors:


    Small in size compared to full-fledged plants, this equipment is easy to assemble, install and transport.

    Some mini factories are equipped with wheels, which allows you to quickly move them from one point to another.

    Small dimensions.

    This feature allows you not only to save on renting land and premises, but also, if necessary, to change the location of the mini-factory without special expenses.

    Low cash costs to start a business.

    Thanks to the small size of the mini plant, it becomes possible to save not only on territory, but also on electricity. In addition, maintenance of such equipment does not cause any special problems.


    This is probably the main factor that indicates the benefits of such a business.

    Relatively small economic costs make it possible to create an effective enterprise that is capable of full competition in the chosen field of activity.

As for the disadvantages of mini factories for small businesses, there are not many of them. They are mainly due to the fact that the equipment. This makes it difficult to purchase the necessary parts in the event of a malfunction.

But if you take the choice of a mini plant seriously, you can choose equipment that will serve you for a long time. In addition, recently many Russian enterprises have appeared that specialize in the manufacture of such equipment.

Features of doing business using mini factories

Compared to large factories, starting a business using such equipment is much easier. But here too there are some nuances and peculiarities.

No. 1. Choosing a niche.

To begin with, as in any business, you need to decide in which area of ​​production you are going to work. It is advisable that the chosen activity is close and understandable to you.

Competitiveness and demand in the region play an important role when choosing a business direction. It is best to occupy a niche that has great prospects, but has not yet gained popularity among private entrepreneurs.

Time plays a big role. The faster you start manufacturing a unique product in your region, the greater your chances of taking a leading position in this area of ​​production.

No. 2. Business plan.

Clear and competent drafting of your own business is a very important factor in entrepreneurial activity.

For your business to be successful, you need to work on the following main points:

  • Calculate all expected expenses, from the purchase of a mini plant to the cost of packaging the finished product.
  • Methods of delivering products to the consumer, transportation costs.
  • Search for a sales market.
  • Location of mini-format plant, search for employees.

    Rural areas are most often used, since the cost of land is low, and the level of wages for workers is much lower than in large metropolitan areas.

No. 3. Preparation of necessary documents.

The main advantage of opening a mini-format plant is that to start a business it will be enough to register as an Individual Entrepreneur. To do this, you should study the corresponding section of the Federal Tax Service website:

Otherwise, everything happens according to the standard scheme: obtaining permission to open a mini-plant from various municipalities; inspections of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.

The speed of processing documents and obtaining permission from local authorities is positively influenced by the fact that your business is associated with social significance for the area. For example, a mini waste processing plant will receive government approval. In this case, there will even be a good chance to receive financial support from the state for business development.

Mini factories for small businesses - an overview of the best options

Today there are many ideas for developing small businesses in Russia using mini factories. This popularity is due, first of all, to the need to make small financial investments in business development.

Many investors are also attracted by the quick payback of the mini plant.

Taking into account the above reasons, we can identify several areas of production that are of great interest to Russian entrepreneurs:


    The most popular area of ​​activity in our country, which contributes to the emergence of a wide variety of mini factories. There are separate units for the production of concrete, bricks, consumable building materials, etc.

    Also has a wide range of activities. You can purchase mini factories of different directions:

    • meat processing;
    • production of dairy products;
    • production of confectionery and bakery products;
    • juice production, etc.
  1. Garbage recycling.

    This field of activity, against the backdrop of global concern about the state of the environment, is gaining great popularity in the Russian Federation. A significant advantage of such a business is approval from the authorities, which gives a chance to count on subsidies from the state.

    Light industry.

    It is quite profitable to open a mini-factory for the production of textile and knitwear products (clothing, shoes), household goods, cosmetics, etc.

Whatever production area you choose, the main thing is to have knowledge in this area, analyze the competitive ability and demand for the product. This will significantly improve the efficiency of your enterprise.

Let's look at a few examples that use mini-format plants for small businesses.

Example No. 1. Brick production.

The cost of such equipment ranges from 1 million rubles and more. It is worth noting that the costs of producing bricks are quite high. Buying one piece of equipment is not enough here - you will need different equipment. Also, the purchase of raw materials takes a considerable amount of money.

For example, to make 1,000 bricks you will need about 800 kg of cement, 300 liters of water and more than 3,000 kg of basic raw materials. The power of equipment for such a business is usually very high, which also requires high costs for electricity.

As we can see, a mini brick production plant requires considerable material costs. However, the “financial return” from such an enterprise is very good. Many aspiring entrepreneurs subsequently expanded their business, which brought even greater profits.

Example No. 2. Production of compound feed.

It would be advisable to open such an enterprise in rural areas, closer to farmers’ pastures. This way, you will quickly gain a clientele and save on delivery of goods.

This equipment processes and crushes grain (corn, wheat, barley, etc.). The quality of the product largely depends on the size of the crusher sieve. You can use a garage or barn as a room. No heating required.

Due to its favorable location (near grain fields), most of the raw materials can be obtained from local farmers and agricultural enterprises.

Example No. 3. Concrete production.

To organize such a mini plant, you will need a concrete mixer, with which you can obtain a high-quality product. This option is most likely perfect for large construction companies that service large projects. This can significantly simplify the organization’s work and allow you to save money (you won’t have to use the services of third-party companies).

The mini-format concrete production plant is often made mobile so that it can be moved from one construction site to another. Transportation can be carried out using a tug or tractor.

To buy such equipment, you do not have to be the owner of a construction organization. It can also be purchased by a private entrepreneur in order to rent it out to the same construction companies.

Example No. 4. Production of foam blocks.

Foam block is a very popular material in construction. The equipment for their production is somewhat reminiscent of concrete mixers. However, the mixture is mixed in such a way that peculiar bubbles are formed in the finished material. This is done using a foam generator.

The main part of the costs for the production of foam blocks will be the purchase of cement. Before opening such a business, be sure to find a cement supplier who works on favorable terms.

The production of foam blocks attracts many entrepreneurs because it does not require the use of any special technologies. The business is quite simple and straightforward.

Example No. 5. Milk processing.

The milk processing business is more complex than previous examples. It is a whole complex, which consists of several stages of production. Accordingly, several pieces of equipment will be needed to create a full-fledged mini plant.

Depending on the cost of equipment, such a complex can process from 250 kg to 25 tons of milk in 24 hours. As a result, you can get a variety of dairy products (cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese, sour cream, etc.)

When opening such a business, you must clearly understand how much raw material you will have. This determines how much money you will spend on purchasing equipment.

To launch such production, small workshops are usually organized.

Example No. 6. Garbage recycling.

This type of activity is very popular in Europe. The reason for this is the growing population in these countries, which leads to an increase in the amount of waste produced. In addition, the ecological condition of the Earth is becoming worse, which forces us to come up with new ways to dispose of household waste.

Since this area of ​​business receives increased attention from the state and is related to the environment, it has some difficulties in processing documents. The bureaucratic process can drag on for several months. It is necessary to obtain a license from the Ministry of Environment, permission from sanitary and fire services, and much more.

The cost of opening such an enterprise can be several million dollars. However, you can limit yourself to a business that specializes in recycling one type of waste. For example, let's say you want to start recycling plastic.

To do this you will need:

  • sorting unit;
  • conveyor;
  • press;
  • storage space.

You can improve your business and buy additional melting furnaces. This solution will significantly increase your income, since you will not only sort the garbage, but also recycle it.

The following video will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of mini-production.

Review of the best business ideas for starting your own mini-business.

Rating of the best mini factories for small businesses

If you decide to create a small business based on the use of a mini plant, then you need to study in detail the characteristics and capabilities of the equipment.

Recently, China has become the leader in the production of such equipment. This is not surprising, because the quality of the equipment is at a fairly high level, and the pricing policy is very attractive for Russian entrepreneurs.

Many people think that small business is a very risky investment and event in general. However, for a professional in his field, mini-production in the field of small business can become a profitable business that combines his favorite hobby.

As practice shows all over the world, it is a small manufacturing business that not only turns out to be the most viable, but over time can dynamically grow and develop. Take Steve Jobs, who assembled the first batch of computers in his garage. This room, by the way, is very often used by beginning entrepreneurs. We will touch on it later in the article. However, probably all huge corporations and giant companies once started small.

The relevance of mini-productions does not decrease. Let's look at what are the best business ideas for organizing small industries that exist today. We will also calculate approximate financial planning at the start for an entrepreneur.

Which business idea should you choose and where to start?

For a mini production for a small business to be successful, already at the planning stage it must have:

  • original idea;
  • knowledge of how to implement it;
  • cash.

As in any business, it all starts with the idea of ​​a mini production. One will finally decide to fulfill his old dream. The other just wants to earn more. But, one way or another, an entrepreneur has a greater chance of success if he takes on a business whose essence is clear to him.

In addition, personal property will help, which can be used for the site where mini-production is carried out. Then rental costs will be saved. Therefore, novice entrepreneurs often choose mini-production ideas that are easy to implement using their home. When deciding on a business, they also analyze the regional market in those places where they plan to sell the product. It is also important to calculate the degree of demand for the future product.
An entrepreneur must have deep knowledge and skills to implement his business idea. Mini production without a good theoretical and practical basis is doomed to failure. After all, you will have to hire staff who understand all the intricacies much better than him. And this is a considerable additional financial investment.

Without start-up capital it is impossible to start a business. Mini production costs money. Since this is a rather thorny issue for beginning entrepreneurs, we will choose those options that can be implemented with the least investment. At the same time, mini-production ideas should certainly be promising. Without this they are useless.

Why do business ideas for small businesses have a future?
Having chosen a mini-production, the entrepreneur first usually is both the owner and the worker in one person. Therefore, he knows well what is needed for the functioning and development of his enterprise. Thanks to this, he is able to:

  • respond quickly to changes;
  • focus on the most promising areas;
  • even change location if the need arises.

An entrepreneur is completely free in his actions, therefore he is capable of rapid changes, which is impossible to implement in large companies. This mobility helps increase income.

At the same time, of course, mini production also has disadvantages. First of all, this concerns risks. An entrepreneur can go bankrupt, from which an employee is completely protected. But if you do business wisely, analyze and predict the market, you can achieve excellent results.

The best ideas for mini production at home and in the garage

So, if you don’t have to spend money on renting a room, you can save a lot of money. You can organize an excellent mini-production for a small business right in the garage. It can be equipped for a regular auto repair shop or for many other business projects. Beginning entrepreneurs are finding new ideas for mini-production in a garage. We've already published a list of 40 different ideas for making in your garage. Let's list some of them:

  • furniture manufacturing (for example, assembling cabinets, reupholstering upholstered elements, sewing covers, painting, producing frameless or garden furniture);
  • souvenirs and home decor (for example, magnets, bookends, jewelry, soaps, ceramics, bells, baskets, pillows, mirrors, blinds, etc.);
  • products for animals (cages, beds, nail sharpeners);
  • children's products (kites, sandboxes, toys);
  • construction and renovation (mini-production of stained glass countertops, shop windows, hand stamping, forging, printing on tiles);
  • fashion accessories (bags, belts, printing on footballs, posters, key chains, airbrushing).

Let's take a closer look at how to organize a mini production for a small business.

Top best mini-productions for small businesses

Food products spoil, and therefore many nuances have to be taken into account both in their production and marketing. However, their production can be highly profitable with sufficient depth in the topic. But, we will look at how you can open a mini-production at home, mainly for non-food products.

Cladding and building materials are quite in demand today. You can, for example, open a tile production workshop. The roadway is usually repaired by large companies. But sidewalks, from the production of materials to installation, are given to small businesses. Wholesale sales allow you to get up to 50% of net profit, and in retail sales the figure increases to 80-90%.

Another relevant mini-production for small businesses is the production of pet food. It is highly not recommended for “our little brothers” to sit on dry food alone. And some foreign popular foods have long earned themselves a “bad reputation.” But the doors are opening for domestic producers who are ready to create natural food for animals.

Many studies have shown that the demand for this type of product is stable regardless of the economic situation and remains relevant all year round. Investments in this business are minimal. It all starts with organizing a mini-workshop for a small business. The equipment you will need here is virtually the same as for making cutlets. The recipes are not secret. Veterinary institutes will easily provide a whole variety of them. The only thing you will have to spend money on is massive advertising for the final sale of the product.

If you look at other business ideas, mini production of leather accessories offers excellent opportunities for entrepreneurs. The demand for belts is only growing. But the cost of materials is very low. And if you manage to make a truly cool thing, then its price can jump significantly.

The raw materials and equipment necessary for mini-production at home according to the chosen business idea will cost only 20,000 rubles. Net profit starts at 100%. Compared to foreign products, the price can be several times lower, while remaining profitable for the manufacturer.

Many people's favorite home decor or gift items open up countless creative business opportunities. All the most creative ideas can find application here. And, most importantly, the products can be easily manufactured in a mini-workshop for small businesses. Souvenirs can be from:

  • acrylic (for example, refrigerator magnets);
  • metal, followed by the application of enamel or inlay;
  • stone (but this will require a considerable amount of patience);
  • glass (images on it and laser art design are especially popular today);
  • wood (it is best to set up a mini production - as a custom business).

Mini production business plan

Any entrepreneur knows that planning is an important component to guarantee the success of a project. A business started without a detailed calculation of expenses and income, market analysis, risks, and so on will most likely end unsuccessfully and very quickly.
Therefore, in order for mini production for a small business to function and make a profit, a business plan is drawn up, an essential part of which is a financial plan.

It includes the amount of necessary investments, costs of raw materials, mini equipment for home production of business ideas, calculation of profits and forecast of product sales volumes, payback of the project. If investment funds were attracted from outside, then a detailed plan for their return must be drawn up.
We must try to make as realistic a calculation as possible, taking into account the risks. Then mini production for small businesses at home has every chance of successful existence.

For example, the purchase and installation of equipment and materials for the production of plastic windows costs about 500,000 rubles. 10 windows are produced per shift, and 22 shifts are produced per month. Thus, it is realistic to produce 220 standard windows per month. The wholesale price of the product is 4,000 rubles. It turns out that the monthly revenue will be 880,000 rubles. All equipment will pay for itself in six months. The profitability of the enterprise is 15%.

Moreover, if the work is carried out in two shifts, self-sufficiency can be 3 months. But we also need to take into account the great competition in this market. Therefore, to reach it, you may have to reduce the price.

1. Mini brick factory - Yufeng DMYF500

Country of origin: China, company JUNAN YUFENG MOLD FACTORY. A new DMYF500 plant (pictured above) with a capacity of 800-900 bricks per eight-hour shift will cost you $9,000. A used version can be found for 6-7 thousand dollars. The line weight is 2500 kg, cement and water are used as raw materials. Clay can also be used as a raw material.

To make a thousand units, approximately 775 kg of cement and 300 liters of water will be required.

Producing 27,000 bricks per month, the company earns about $8,300 in wholesale sales, and the net profit will be approximately $4,000 per month.

A ready-made mini plant with a production volume of 10,000 units per hour will cost $19,000. But the profit from it starts at $10,000 per month. Example - JZK40/40-3.0 from Yingfeng Machinery Co., Ltd.

2. Mini-plant for the production of concrete - RBU-1G-10B

Inexpensive machines like this one are produced in Russia at the ZZBO LLC company. This model is designed to produce 10 cubic meters of concrete per hour and costs $11,000. Power – 10.5 kW. Suitable for producing various types of concrete (silicate, gypsum, cement, polymer cement), this is important for expanding the sales market.

Mini concrete production plants require premises with an area of ​​250-300 square meters. It is best to open such an enterprise on the outskirts of the city or even outside the city. The main thing is to provide access to the building for trucks for loading raw materials (cement compounds, gypsum, lime, etc.) and finished products for sale.

The industrial workshop produces 2300-2400 cubic meters per month. m of concrete costing $35-40 per cubic meter. The cost of one cubic meter of production is about $21-22. After deducting rent, utilities and wages, we get a net profit of around 30-32 thousand dollars per month.

3. Mini-brewery - BlonderBeer 300 L

Optimal equipment for small businesses from the Slovak company Techimpex. Produces 300 liters of beer per day (restaurant-type brewery), the maximum number of varieties is 4-5. This volume is suitable for a small company supplying the product to cafes and draft beer stores. Ideally, you can open your own brewery store and sell beer at market rather than wholesale prices. The cost of the line is around $10,000.

Nuances of the organization

In addition to the set of equipment, you will need to separately purchase fermentation tanks (tskt - cylindrical-conical tank), since aging and fermentation last 10-25 days. In order to maintain the required production volumes daily, you will have to spend money on purchasing 10-15 centrifuges per 200 liters (costs from $8,000).

The microbrewery's revenue reaches $7,000 per month, net profit is $3,500-4,000.

Other profitable options

Where else can you buy a mini-brewery at a good price? The companies ZIP Technologies Ltd (Hungary), Impiantinox S.r.l (Italy), Miass Machine-Building Plant (Russia), BeerFactory (importer of Chinese brands).

From China It’s realistic to order a more productive device at a good price. For example, a line from GEONETconsult Ltd producing 150 liters per hour (1200 liters per day) will cost around $20,000.

4. Mini-factory for the production of toilet paper - XY-TQ-1575B

This is equipment for the production of full cycle toilet paper at a speed of 150-200 meters of paper per minute of the Chinese brand China-line. Price – $16,000. The kit includes a tray for raw materials, rollers for moving paper, an embossing unit, perforation, block rolling, cutting and packaging machines. Power – up to 10 kW. Dimensions – 6.2X2.75X1.8 m.

Such a line requires a room of about 150 square meters. m with sewerage and exhaust hood. Water consumption – from 3 cubic meters per day. The raw material is waste paper. Thanks to this, the idea of ​​producing toilet paper is equated to socially significant projects, and the entrepreneur can count on subsidies from the state.

One ton of raw materials allows you to obtain up to 9 thousand rolls of finished products. The processing rate for raw materials is 1-2 tons per day.

You can actually earn $10,000 or more per month selling toilet paper.

5. Mini feed mill - 9FH-500

Chinese mini-factories for small businesses are best suited for the production of compound feed. For example, a 9FH-500 machine from the supplier Argentum Amur will cost only $2,000. Its productivity is 1500 kg of feed per hour, power is 4-7.5 kW. Weight is 370 kg, and dimensions are 1.44 x 1.04 x 2.3 m. This will allow you to install the machine in a small room (70-80 sq. m along with a warehouse for raw materials, products and utility rooms), saving on rent. Such a plant does not require heating.

9FH-500 is suitable for crushing feed grains (rye, corn, wheat, barley, etc.) and processing sawdust, bran, husks, straw, hay. As a result, we get complete feed for birds and livestock.

Such a machine produces 350 tons of feed per month and allows receive from $9000 net income.

6. Mini-plant for the production of gas silicate blocks - “Premium Brick Plus”

This is the official importer of Chinese machine tools – LINYI WANTE MACHINERY brand. Line power - 250 kW. Productivity – 50,000-70,000 cubic meters. m per year. Such a mini plant for a business producing gas silicate blocks will cost 13 thousand dollars. The required area of ​​the production workshop is 3000 sq. m. m. Therefore, it is worth placing outside the city in order to reduce rental costs. Net profit – from $6000.

7. Mini-factory for the production of canned fish - NPO "MINIPLANT"

A line from a Russian manufacturer, including a cutting machine, a dispenser and a device for sealing canned food. The price of this configuration is around 11 thousand dollars. It produces 800 cans per hour and requires an area of ​​​​about 90 square meters for the workshop itself. Such a machine must be serviced by 2-3 workers.

Even this will allow us to produce approximately 192 thousand cans per month. It is profitable for a small enterprise to produce a product in the middle price segment: tomato sprat, sardines in oil, sprats. Monthly net profit – from 10 thousand dollars.

8. Mini textile plant - Hengyu Hja-610

To produce textiles even in small volumes, you will need serious equipment, the cost of this machine is 16,000 &, supplier from China. Power – 4.5 kW, dimensions: 4.1×2.1×2.5 meters. Productivity is about 50 meters of fabric per day. It is profitable to produce linen, cotton, and knitted fabrics. You can earn about 6-7 thousand dollars a month from textiles.

9. Mini-plant for the production of milk and dairy products – GEONETconsult

This is produced in Korea and China, and can be purchased through sales offices in Russia. The cost of a set with a capacity of 300 liters per hour is $22,000. It is used to process milk to make kefir, sour cream, yogurt, and cottage cheese. Power – 39 kW.

For a small enterprise, mobile dairies from the Kolaks company are perfect; production volume starts from 500 liters per day. Cost – from $13,000. Modular complexes are fully equipped and consist of ready-made module workshops; they also have areas for warehouses, bathrooms, and utility rooms.

How much can you earn from milk processing? Monthly revenue is approximately $30 thousand, net income is about $14,000-15,000.

10. Mini-plant for the production of paper and wet wipes - A419 LYHIA, model WN-C840

Country of origin: China. Such machines for small businesses produce about 3000 pieces/min, their price is around 20 thousand dollars. The advantage of such equipment is that it produces dry and wet self-stretching wipes. This significantly expands the sales market. Power – 20 kW, dimensions – 4.5x1.9x1.85 meters, weight 2300 kg. For an industrial workshop, an area of ​​20 square meters is sufficient, the rest of the space is allocated for storage and utility rooms.

The kit includes machines for unwinding paper base, embossing, cutting, folding, packaging and packaging of finished products.

By producing 40 million napkins per month (or 400,000 packages), you earn approximately $60,000, net profit - about 30 thousand.

The nuances of small business in the industrial sector

The cheapest way to order mini factories for small businesses is from China. When purchasing equipment abroad, you can contact intermediary companies that will take over the process of paperwork, delivery and installation.

By the time of purchase, you must have an industrial workshop ready and the necessary communications installed. The average cost of commissioning work for mini-factories is $1500-2000. Buy machines with a warranty period of one to two years or more.

How you can save on your purchase:

  • Buying used machines is 20-25% cheaper;
  • Search various companies for new products that have recently been launched for sale. The first batch may be cheaper. Or, conversely, you may come across a sale of older equipment.

Opening a small production facility is profitable if you have found potential buyers in advance.

For example, a concrete plant can offer goods to construction companies in its city (in the absence of competition, it is cheaper for them than ordering from another city).

If there are a large number of wholesale warehouses, essential goods, etc. Planning should start with searching for markets; if you find a niche without local competitors, you can get high and stable profits.