Top sales. Best-selling products in Russia: statistics

To understand which product is most in demand in Russia, experts conduct various marketing studies. This is necessary in order to regulate the market and optimize the ratio of domestic and imported products. Now many different things are imported from other countries, mainly from China. This is due to the low cost of such goods. There are many difficulties standing in the way of active entry and popularization of domestic producers among the population, the main one of which is the legislative framework. Recently, the government has been supporting small and medium-sized businesses so that new enterprises emerge and certain industries develop, and special projects are being developed. They are aimed at satisfying the demand of the population and producing the most popular goods in Russia. It is this type of product that will be discussed further.

Hot products

The ranking of the most popular goods in Russia is determined by the popularity of certain types of products. Most often these are essential goods and fashionable items. In general, we can say that this is an object that meets the primary needs of a person. If we consider the domestic market, then our people, of course, are in demand for food products, household chemicals, cosmetics and hygiene products, textiles, household appliances and electronics. A separate category, included in the top of the most popular goods in Russia, is products for the youngest part of the population - for children.

Grain and flour products

When asked what product is most in demand in Russia, the first thing that comes to mind is: Among them, you can highlight the main element, without which not a single meal in a Russian home is complete - bread. It is not for nothing that it is given a special place in the diet of every person, because it saved us in the most hungry years. Perhaps this is why bread plays such an important role. Of course, it is one of the most popular products.

We should not forget the group of grain and flour products as a whole. Most Russians always have flour in their home. The meal is most often accompanied by another product in this category - cereals. Not all countries can boast of such variety and choice, but Russian residents actively include cereals in their diet.

This group of products includes another popular product - various types of pasta. This is a cheap product that is accessible to the majority of the population. Various bakery products are also in great demand on the domestic market.

Livestock products

This category is the most popular and best-selling products in Russia. Livestock products are taken into account in a certain ratio when calculating the consumer basket, since such goods are needed to ensure a healthy diet. This commodity group, in turn, is divided into three large categories:

  1. Eggs and egg products. They contain highly digestible protein, a rich vitamin and mineral complex of elements such as A, D, E, B, essential amino acids, as well as choline and lecithin. Even though eggs are a source of huge amounts of cholesterol, the norm for their consumption is 292 eggs per year.
  2. Meat and products made from it. The nutritional value of this product is due to complete proteins. Meat contains a lot of water and proteins, as well as extractives, nitrogenous substances and lipids. Meat products that are in demand among the population include offal, semi-finished products, sausages, smoked meats and canned food.
  3. Fish and products made from it. The consumption rate of this product is more than forty kilograms per person per year. This category is represented by a large variety and choice. It includes the fish itself of various processing methods (live, chilled, frozen, salted, pickled, dried and smoked), caviar products, culinary products and semi-finished products, canned food and preserves.

But in the sale of these products, despite all their advantage in the form of popularity, there is one catch. This is compliance with storage conditions. People involved in the sale of such products must certainly remember and comply with them.

Fruit and vegetable products

This category also includes the most popular imported goods in Russia. This is especially true for fruit and vegetable products. She is simply a storehouse of vitamins. But more than fifty percent of this commodity group consists of foreign fruits and vegetables. They are mainly imported from warm southern countries such as Turkey, Georgia, Spain, Ecuador, Colombia and Greece.


Another popular group on the domestic market is dairy products. Among Russians, preference is given to milk. It comes in varying degrees of purification and heat treatment, percentage of fat content and level of additives. Products based on it include cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheeses and butter. The latter is presented in a large assortment. It can vary in the amount of fat, salt, moisture and sugar.

A separate place can be allocated for fermented milk products. These include all milk-based products with the addition of special bacteria. These are kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream and even cheese. All of them are of great benefit to the human body and are sometimes used for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

It is impossible not to mention the product, which is one of the most popular goods in Russia. It is specific and very clearly characterizes the domestic market - this is condensed milk. It is a product of evaporated milk with added sugar. Condensed milk is actively used in confectionery products, and for many people it replaces the usual beet derivative.

Household chemicals

This type of product also falls into the category of the most popular goods in Russia. Nowadays, probably not a single person can imagine his life without the components of this commodity group. The rapid development of the chemical industry in this direction back in the nineties led to the fact that the range of these products has become very extensive. This group includes the following components:

  • adhesives;
  • abrasive products;
  • paint and varnish products;
  • mineral fertilizers;
  • pest control products;
  • detergents.

The latter are represented by a huge variety of products that are used by humans everywhere. People use them to care for dishes, bathtubs, sinks, toilets, clothes, furniture, floors, etc.

In Russia, the most popular company producing detergents is the American Procter & Gamble. Under his brand, such powders as “Myth”, “Tide” and “Ariel” are produced and sold on the domestic market. More than seventy companies test their products on Russians, but the most popular are Procter&Gamble, Henkel KGaA, Reclitt Benckiser, as well as the domestic Nafis Cosmetics.

Cosmetics and personal care products

This category belongs to the most popular goods in Russia, because without it the life of a modern person is impossible. If we classify the countless number of personal hygiene products, we can combine them into three large groups:

  1. Medical and hygiene products. This includes skin, hair and oral care products.
  2. Decorative cosmetics. Its main purpose is that it emphasizes the natural beauty of a person and hides minor flaws.
  3. Perfumery. It is represented by a large assortment. This includes eau de toilette, perfume, fragrant waters, and the perfume itself. It is perfume that is the most popular product on the Russian market on the eve of the New Year or the Eighth of March. Perfumery also occupies a leading position in sales in the Internet space. This is due to the fact that it is more profitable to purchase such products in this way. Regarding perfumes, there is also such a feature as consistency of choice: many people prefer one scent and, having ordered it on the site, they are confident that their choice is correct.

Among all cosmetic and hygiene products, anti-aging creams, shower gels, soaps, deodorants and antiperspirants are in demand among Russians.

If we determine the most popular brands, we can highlight brands such as “Black Pearl”, “Clean Line”, Avon, Nivea, Garnier, Maybelline, Oriflame.

Electronics and gadgets

In the age of information technology, almost everyone uses electrical products in their lives. Due to the fact that time and science do not stand still, their range is constantly updated. Some once popular models are being replaced by others. Over the past fifteen years, several generations of gadgets have changed. People also always want to be in trend and have the latest innovations, so the demand for electrical products is very high. This also applies to the domestic market. These devices are designed to facilitate the daily responsibilities that fall on a person’s shoulders. Among the most popular brands that produce almost the entire range of equipment are LG, Lenovo, Samsung, Apple, Phillips and Acer.


The most popular Chinese goods in Russia are predominantly this group. People are attracted by cheapness, which is due to low cost. This is due to the fact that many of the world's giants in this industry locate their branches in China, where labor wages are not so high.

Many people prefer to choose household appliances in person, because this makes it possible to at least visually assess their quality. But this in no way affects the popularity of online stores selling this type of product.

At the moment, the demand for small household appliances has noticeably increased in the household products market. These include irons, blenders, juicers, and meat grinders. Products intended for beauty and body care have a significant share. This includes hair dryers, razors, and epilators. The popularity of this segment of household appliances is explained by the possibility of presenting it as a good gift.

Clothes and accessories

This category mainly represents the most popular goods in Russia from Moldova, Turkey and China. Leadership in sales of clothing and accessories is due to their intended purpose, that is, the protection of the skin. The second factor determining the popularity of these products is the desire of a person to express his individuality.

Finding your target audience in this area is not so difficult. It doesn’t matter at all how sales will be made - whether it’s a real store or online portals. Twenty percent of the total number of Russian residents purchase clothing and accessories through electronic resources.


Toys are the most popular goods in Russia from China. They have a fairly long life cycle, as they are relevant for people of different age categories.

Depending on the intended purpose of a given product, it can have a completely different audience. These can be both small children and wealthy adults. The latter often collect handmade toys. That is, the sale of this product can be designed for a heterogeneous market segment, which indicates good business opportunities.


This product of the chemical industry cannot but be popular, since it, like the previous ones, is designed to satisfy human vital needs. In this case, it is the need to be healthy. The target audience for medicines is very rich. This is evidenced by the huge number of pharmacies located literally at every step.

The modern market is oversaturated with various goods and services, so many novice entrepreneurs find it difficult to choose a line of activity. If you want your business to bring good profits, you need to find an idea that will be in demand in any economic conditions. We will tell you in this article what is in demand among the population in 2019.

In-demand products

First, let's talk about goods that are in great demand among the population. First of all, this is, of course, food:

  • Meat and sausages;
  • Fish;
  • Dairy products;
  • Cereals;
  • Pasta;
  • Vegetables and stuff.

Household chemicals and personal hygiene items should also be mentioned separately. Such products are in high demand among the population even in conditions of economic instability. It never disappears from the market basket, which is why many experienced experts recommend that beginners open their own business in the food industry.

Regardless of income, people continue to buy:

  • Washing powder;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Detergents and cleaning products;
  • Shampoos;
  • Soap;
  • Cosmetics, etc.

When thinking about what product is in great demand among the population during a crisis, we should also mention alcohol:

  • Vodka;
  • Cognac;
  • Wine;
  • Beer;
  • Ready-made alcoholic cocktails.

Such a product attracts the attention of buyers, not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. Don't forget about tobacco products. Despite the fact that recently the state has been actively fighting smoking, many citizens regularly buy cigarettes, thereby bringing huge profits to tobacco manufacturers.

The production or sale of seasonal goods can bring enormous success to a small enterprise:

  1. Chilled juices;
  2. Ice cream;
  3. Hot drinks;
  4. Fuel briquettes;
  5. Seasonal clothes, etc.

When forming your own business model, pay attention to “impulse demand” goods. Many consumers do not perceive small things like candy, chewing gum or small chocolate bars as a purchase. But from the sale of such goods, which are in great demand among the population, you can make a good profit.

What is profitable to sell?

If you are planning to open a store, you first need to find out. The most important thing is to correctly determine what is currently in demand among the population. In this case, the business will flourish and bring excellent profits. So, let's try to figure out what sells well during a crisis:
  1. Equipment and electronics - phones, laptops, tablets, video cameras. This . Such a business will require you to have certain knowledge and significant financial investments;
  2. Products. If you open a grocery store in a good location, it will bring in a decent profit all year round. To increase the profitability of your enterprise, you can create a household chemicals department in your store;
  3. Shoes and clothing. Buy inexpensive, high-quality goods in bulk and sell them at retail at attractive prices. You can also offer consumers luxury products, but they are rarely purchased in small quantities;
  4. Stationery. Such a product is in great demand among the population at the beginning of the school year;
  5. Sporting goods. Many modern people are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, so recently the demand for various sports equipment, clothing and exercise equipment has begun to grow. If you are interested in what products are in great demand during a crisis, be sure to pay attention to this market segment;
  6. Fabrics and accessories. During the crisis, many citizens sew their own clothes, so the demand for high-quality inexpensive fabrics, threads, needles, buttons, etc. begins to grow;
  7. Flowers. People celebrate weddings, anniversaries and other special occasions in all economic conditions. As you know, the best gift for any occasion is flowers. The cost of bouquets is sometimes several times higher than their cost, so such a business brings a decent profit;
  8. Kids toys. Parents try not to deny their kids anything, so the demand for children's products remains consistently high even during a crisis. In addition to toys, the assortment can include strollers, cribs, clothes, diapers and hygiene items.
  9. We figured out which products are in demand during the crisis. Now let's talk about what services will be in demand in conditions of economic instability.

    Most popular services

    To determine what services are in demand among people in your region, you need to carefully analyze the market. This will allow you to assess the level of competition, as well as determine the profitability of the business and its approximate payback period. At first, you can provide services yourself, without hiring employees. Once you have formed your own client base, you can hire qualified staff.

    The most popular services in demand by the population:

  • Minor repairs (husband for an hour). This business idea is perfect for beginners who are looking for... The "husband for an hour" agency offers clients a wide range of services - repair of household appliances, installation of plumbing fixtures, replacement of electrical wiring, sockets and switches. Before you begin, you need to complete paperwork, purchase tools, and place advertisements in local media. Such activities will bring monthly 30–50 thousand rubles of net income;
  • Freight transportation. This is a fairly popular area of ​​activity, since recently both legal entities and individuals have begun to use the services of transport companies;
  • Service and repair of household appliances. If you hire qualified specialists and conduct an effective advertising campaign, you can earn 50–60 thousand rubles monthly. To increase your revenue to 100–150 thousand rubles, you need to constantly promote your business and expand the range of services;
  • Hairdresser, cosmetologist. According to experts, this is a fairly promising type of commercial activity that can bring excellent profits. In order to open a small beauty salon, you will need approximately 300 thousand rubles. If the location of the establishment is successfully chosen, monthly revenue can reach 100 thousand rubles. The success of such a business also largely depends on the intensity of promotion and professionalism of the craftsmen;
  • Shoe repair. Such a business will require minimal financial investments from you - for paperwork, purchasing tools and raw materials. If you work independently, without hiring employees, you can earn 40–50 thousand rubles a month;
  • Organization of festive events. Services for weddings, birthdays, corporate parties and other celebrations are in greatest demand in large cities. If you provide an effective advertising campaign, the business will generate 50–150 thousand rubles of net income per month;
  • Funeral services. If you include the production and installation of monuments in the list of services, you can earn up to 200 thousand rubles per month;
  • Delivery of environmentally friendly products to your home. This business idea is perfect for rural residents who do not know. Many modern people care about their health, so they try to eat only natural, environmentally friendly food. If you organize regular delivery of fresh vegetables, milk, meat and other products to your regular customers, such a business will bring in 50-80 thousand rubles of net profit every month.
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Profitable niches for trading: pilaf via the Internet, knives, optics and much more.


Since the establishment of commodity-money relations, trade has been one of the most profitable types of business. However, during a crisis, the question of what is profitable to trade becomes especially relevant. Which product will definitely be in demand: already known and “promoted” or innovative? Low or high price category? Domestic or imported?

To understand which product to choose for promotion, you should analyze the market situation in various segments, its development prospects, evaluate sales channels and the level of competition.

Market situation

Nowadays, citizens' incomes are declining, and this entails a decrease in their purchasing power. According to Rosstat, in 2015, real disposable income of Russians fell by 4%, and in the 1st quarter of 2016 - by another 3.9%.

According to Romir research, approximately 70% of our compatriots in 2015-2016. began to save up to 10% on the essentials: groceries, clothing, shoes, and other non-food items of daily demand.

Sociologists distinguish four types of buyers depending on their chosen cost-saving strategy (see Table 1).

Table 1. “Portraits” of buyers

Buyer type




Men over 45 living in large cities

Refusal from expensive brands (21%), transition to cheaper ones (31%)


High income people

They make a list of proposed purchases (29%) and always follow it

"Bargain Hunter"

Women 35-44 years old, low-income citizens, residents of small towns (100-500 thousand population)

They purchase goods mainly through promotions (19%)


Residents of small settlements, people with low incomes

They stock up on food for future use (16%), go shopping less often to keep their budget under control (22%)

Similar trends are observed in online sales (see Fig. 1).

*Data is presented excluding online orders of prepared food, tickets, digital goods, and wholesale purchases

In 2015, according to Vedomosti, they grew by only 3% taking into account inflation (excluding - by 16%). This is 2.5 times less than in 2014 (8% taking into account inflation). In the average online store, the receipt “grew” by 8% and amounted to 4,050 rubles, the number of orders also increased by 8% (increase to 160 million)

According to Data Insight statistics, buyer interest has shifted from electronics and household appliances to budget products: inexpensive clothing and consumer goods. At the same time, the share of premium brands and expensive goods has decreased. The leaders are sporting goods, products for animals and children's assortment.

Summary: The market situation makes us think about creating a fairly wide assortment designed for an audience interested in saving money. At the same time, the quality must be acceptable, since competition in the low and medium segments has been and remains high. The sales strategy should be focused on different categories of citizens and take into account their preferred methods of saving.

What do buyers want?

Let's look at what products are profitable to trade today, using the example of successful startups and the most popular franchises (according to Forbes 2016).

Food products: pilaf via the Internet

Food products are classified as essential. Even in times of austerity, buyers will never exclude them from their shopping basket. This means you can take your place in this niche. This is exactly what the young entrepreneur Ilkhom Ismailov did. In 2014, he opened an online Uzbek food store,

Start-up capital - 1 million rubles from their own savings - was spent on furnishing the kitchen and creating a website for accepting orders.

At first, the entrepreneur and his partners sold only pilaf, but in 2015 they expanded the range and began offering sweets, salads, manti, and baked goods: sales increased by 88%. The revenue of the online store in the period from January to April 2016 increased by 2 times compared to the same period last year.

Our immediate plans include creating a franchise (there are already about 200 requests from potential franchisees) and opening a business offline: “We understand that we need to go offline,” says Ilkhom Ismailov. — In summer, people try to spend more time outdoors, in parks. We have to be where our client is.”

At the end of 2015, I. Ismailov became the winner of the “Young Billionaire School”, held annually by Forbes, and his project was recognized as one of the most promising.

Cooking at home: knives for amateur cooks

During the crisis, people began to visit cafes and restaurants less, but at the same time they still want to eat tasty and beautiful food. Entrepreneur Alexey Yakovlev noticed this trend and entered into an agreement with the largest manufacturer of steel and ceramic knives, Samura Cutlery. By promoting the products of this company in the middle price category, you can interest amateur cooks in them. The idea has justified itself: today the Samura franchise (TOP 5 in the Forbes rating of 2016) operates 250 points of sale (23 opened in 2015).

The initial investment is 250,000 rubles: it involves the cost of equipping a retail outlet and purchasing a starting batch of knives. The franchisee's revenue is 3.75 million rubles, profit - 2 million rubles (knives are sold at a 160% premium).

Good vision at a price

The demand for health products is consistently high. This explains the success of Icraft Optics, a federal retail chain of stores that sell ready-made glasses and make them to order (it has its own lens turning workshop). Franchise TOP-12 Forbes rating. Currently there are 130 of its own and 350 franchise points (120 opened in 2015).

Geography of business - more than 100 cities. There are no royalties or lump sum fees. For the start-up fee (1.4 million rubles), franchisees receive retail, lighting, medical equipment and a basic batch of goods.

The franchisor offers partners the opportunity to make up to 300% of the retail markup and, as a bonus, gives 50% compensation for advertising costs.

Revenue - 6 million rubles, franchisee profit - 3 million rubles.

For children's creativity

Most parents consider investing in the younger generation to be paramount and most profitable, therefore, among everything that is now profitable to trade, goods for children occupy one of the first places. Let's look at them in more detail.

If we talk about the offline format, the franchise for selling creative kits “Orange Elephant” is successfully promoting (TOP 15 in the Forbes rating): 10 of its own and 422 franchise points. Franchisors have their own production in China of kits for drawing, modeling, design, and decoration. Today it is one of the most recognizable and rapidly growing chains of goods for children, represented in 61 cities in Russia, as well as in the CIS, Europe, Asia, and South Africa. In 2015, 85 new Orange Elephant locations opened.

Initial investment - 250 thousand rubles. Estimated revenue - 7.5 million rubles, profit - 1.9 million rubles.

What is profitable to sell online?

Today, almost anyone can create their own online store. But not everyone knows what to fill it with. The editors of Segodnya invited experts to clarify this issue. Here are some of the categories they recommend for promotion and their marketing features that are worth paying attention to (see Table 2).

Table 2. What is profitable to trade on the Internet?

What to pay attention to

  • high demand (seasonal holidays, birthdays, memorable dates, etc.)
  • you can sell goods of your own production with a markup of up to 300%
  • high competition, including with large online platforms and retail souvenir stores
  • seasonality (high season - from May to August, peak - before the holidays)
  • the ability to order delivery of the most popular items - food and filler, which usually have a large volume, so it can be inconvenient to pick them up from the supermarket
  • a good solution for those who do not have a pet store near their home
  • products with a long shelf life, so they are ordered at a significant interval: you will have to engage in active promotion
  • during a crisis, many switch to feeding animals by-products

Hobby items (diamond mosaic, felting wool, paints, brushes, decoupage paper) and collecting items (stamps, coins, antiques)

  • enthusiastic people are a grateful audience: they will always find funds for their hobby
  • It is not profitable to maintain an offline store on this topic, since the goods are not essential, but in the online version it is profitable (less overhead costs, lower price, higher demand)
  • Many people hesitate to purchase collectible goods via the Internet due to the risk of counterfeits
  • goods are not cheap, so demand for them during a crisis will be limited

Goods for recreation and tourism

  • More and more people are focusing on active and country holidays
  • delivery of large and bulky goods to the apartment is attractive
  • difficult to find suppliers (China does not suit everyone)
  • a lot of imports - currency risks
  • seasonal demand
  • many competitors

But not everything depends on the popularity of a particular product. In order for trading to be successful, professionals recommend selling what you yourself are well versed in. If the seller is an expert in his product, the buyer trusts him and quickly becomes a regular, recommending him to his friends. This must be taken into account when choosing your trading niche.

The key point in doing business in the resale of Chinese goods is understanding the essence. It is not even the buying and selling pattern that is important here. It’s quite simple - you find a product, buy it at cost, sell it in your hometown via the Internet or newspapers. The essence of the product is important. If a housewife sells a screwdriver, then they are unlikely to believe her and trust her purchase. Just like a plumber will sell hot rollers. Trust between seller and buyer should be the basis of any sale.

The second point of such sales. Price. Many buyers know about the existence of Chinese online stores. But, they also understand that the wait for this product can last 2-3 months. Therefore, they are looking for an alternative - to buy here and now, but cheaper than in the store. Choosing a price is also a rather delicate matter. The inner worm of greed asks to set the selling price 10-20 times higher than the purchase price. But the law of the market says that sometimes it is easier to make a profit on the turnover of funds than on selling these goods at high prices. What price to put on a Chinese product is up to you. But, in any case, you should remember a simple truth - if it doesn’t sell, then you need to change it. Fortunately, changing the selling price is quite simple. You are not a store.

By the way, a question of conscience - is resale of goods from China a fraud? Again, this is your conscience and your deal with it. For example, one of my friends simply sells goods purchased in China that did not suit him. And he buys a lot of things and often. So it makes a good profit in addition to the main income. And we’ll already think about starting a large legal business.

In the meantime, you consider and think about your own capabilities. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular Chinese products by number of purchases per month. Do you know what I mean? If they sell well, then the demand for them is very high. Such goods are easy to resell in your city. In the list I will indicate the selling price for it in China. Its resale price is usually +20%...400% of the purchase price. Statistics were kindly provided by the Aliexpress trading platform.

  1. Cable cutters - $1.71,
  2. Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro smartphone – $159.99,

Today, the TOP popularity among entrepreneurial projects for beginners is an online store. A scheme that seems ideal for those who want to make money, which features a free template found in, the best-selling product and cash flow from grateful customers pouring into the businessman’s pocket, is advertised and discussed everywhere. Many people are trying to start working on it. However, for all its apparent benefits, it does not give the effect that it promises.

But trading through a virtual platform has many advantages:

  • you can get by with minimal starting capital;
  • there is no need to solve problems with a “real” retail outlet, that is, to look for and rent premises, obtain various permits for it, repair it and register it;
  • an online store does not require hiring numerous qualified personnel;
  • here you can apply the approach of independently implementing the idea, which will give a start to the entire project and save money;
  • when using the online platform, there is no need to purchase goods and store them in a warehouse;
  • market coverage is not limited to a certain area and a specific number of consumers who can physically visit the store; the format allows you to expand the boundaries and time frame of work.

Statistics also confirm the prospects of this direction.

Internet commerce in numbers: development dynamics

Many studies conducted by both international analytical organizations and domestic ones show a sharp increase in the share of online commerce. This surge began in 2009 and was catalyzed by the 2008 global economic crisis. This was facilitated not only by the fact that declining income levels forced people to look for options to save money when shopping (as you know, online stores offer lower prices compared to “real” stores), but also by the fact that many companies transferred all or part of their retail operations into virtual space, and this allowed them to save on consumables. The latter, in turn, made it possible to offer competitive prices to the end consumer. That is, an online store is a profitable “vicious circle” where both the buyer and the seller have advantages. Statistics only confirm this:

  • over the past five years, the pace of development of online commerce has significantly exceeded the growth rate of global trade;
  • Sales volumes of goods using remote access are projected to reach 2.36 trillion in 2017. dollars;
  • The number of people using the Internet to make purchases is growing steadily, exceeding 1.321 million in 2016.

Similar trends are also observed in Russia. Despite the fact that the share of i/m in the total retail volume in the Russian Federation is very small (they account for only about 5% of all retail sales), it is constantly increasing. And this growth is very noticeable, annually it amounts to almost 25%. That is, according to forecasts, by 2025 it could account for almost 10% of the entire market, and this is incredible progress. Several factors contribute to the popularization of e-commerce:

  • competitive prices;
  • ease of use;
  • expanding the buyer’s capabilities in terms of using various payment systems;
  • related services and their improvement.

However, if everything is so rosy, why aren’t all of us “raising millions” in e-commerce yet? To the question whether it is possible with the help of i/m, one can only give a clear answer - no. And not because to launch an i/m you need serious start-up capital, but because this concept is sometimes perceived one-sidedly. Without investing time and effort, no project can be realized.

On the other hand, with a competent approach and investment of your own time, effort, and, albeit a small, but still significant amount of money, this is a promising direction in retail.

Brief overview of online trading in Russia

Domestic statistics confirm the high pace of development of e-commerce. In 2013 alone (compared to 2012), the number of i/m increased by 20%. Unfortunately, there are no statistical data to date, but forecasts from past years suggested a sharp positive trend. On the other hand, there is no information about those projects that were closed or “quietly died.”

Today, almost a third of the population of our country already has experience of shopping on the Internet, more than half use the Internet and are not against “using” it to purchase goods.

Cash payments are the leading form of payment in RuNet, followed by cards, then offline payments and the use of electronic payment systems such as Yandex.Money.

In terms of product structure, the Russian online market differs significantly from the global one. Cardinally - in the position of e-books, discs, music, films and other products with copyright. If in other countries it is seriously protected by law and the consumer is forced to pay for this kind of product, then we can get it for free. Copyright control in the Russian Federation is not reliable enough, so much is in the public domain.

TOP best-selling products on the Internet in Russia

Between experts and statistical calculations obtained through consumer surveys, positions on the issue of constructing a rating diverge. It is worth analyzing several positions of the best-selling products online and finding out who is right.

Electronics and technology

It’s worth noting right away that there are big differences within this niche. You can select large and small household appliances, as well as electronic devices. Overall, this group accounts for almost half of all sales (44%) on the Internet. Because both the advantages and disadvantages are similar, several subtypes of goods can be combined here. In various studies, they are given several first ranking positions.

Small household appliances, which can include kitchen appliances, irons, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, electric shavers and the like, are very popular. The share of these products in the total number of purchases through e-mail is almost 15%.

There is also a great demand online for small electronics, which include smartphones, mobile phones, players, and cameras. There are also computers and components for them.

Large household appliances, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, hoods, etc. are also in demand. In total, they account for almost 8% of purchases.

Demand is determined by several factors:

  • the price on the Internet is always cheaper than in stationary retail outlets;
  • the opportunity for relaxed shopping without effort;
  • you can choose the best model based on the provided descriptions, technical characteristics, photos, reviews.

Product niche for the seller and its advantages:

  • high margin allows you to do work more efficiently, that is, you can earn more money from one operation, spending less effort on it;
  • justification of the ratio of delivery costs to the purchase price - the consumer more easily agrees to purchase.

Disadvantages of the niche for i/m:

  • high competition, often too much, which simply will not allow a newcomer to break into it;
  • massive currency risks - even with a time difference of several days from the moment of purchase and payment by the end buyer, you can lose a significant amount due to the difference in rates;
  • potential dangers of models becoming obsolete and a sharp decline in demand for them;
  • the need to keep prices low, which is often problematic for small companies;
  • the need for deep knowledge of the topic, a kind of “advancedness”, when you can cover any technical detail in detail for the client;
  • the risk of product returns, the need to deal with after-sales service and similar issues;
  • cooperation with delivery services that guarantee the safety and integrity of goods in transit.

Clothes and shoes

According to statistics, this product niche in online trading occupies about 13% of the sales structure. The main contingent of buyers are women of different ages. A business offering this type of product must adhere to several rules in order to attract a client:

  • high quality of goods and a well-known brand manufacturer;
  • convenient store navigation;
  • excellent photos with correct color rendition and detailed descriptions of each model;
  • services for delivery of several models, fitting “on the spot”.

Many today offer their partners exactly these terms of cooperation. By doing this, they not only expand their sales markets, but also help them develop and increase sales volumes.

Advice: if you decide to start selling products from this group, create not just a beautiful showcase, but also give your customers maximum opportunities. Only by providing the client with a guarantee that he will be able to try on the model he likes in the photo, find out whether he is comfortable in it, whether it fits well on his figure or leg, and return the one that does not fit, will you have a chance to return again. This will be your significant competitive advantage in the market.

Disadvantages of the niche:

  • seasonality of the product;
  • the transience of fashion trends;
  • the need to obtain high-quality photos from the manufacturer or supplier;
  • the complexity of organizational aspects in the activities of i/m (synchronous work with professional delivery services is required, additional agreements with suppliers on the return of unpurchased models when several are sent to the buyer for trying on);
  • often it is necessary to buy back goods for a certain minimum amount, and this can lead to “deposits” in the warehouse if the products are in little demand;
  • You need to have taste, an understanding of fashion trends, and a feel for the market.

Advice: if you decide to focus on this product niche, then pay attention to the high demand that exists in small towns and rural areas, deprived of large shopping centers and retail chains offering high-quality and fashionable clothing. Expensive items, winter boots and jackets, sheepskin coats, demi-season shoes and outerwear go well here. Since there are few “real-life” offers, buyers are using the Internet, especially since confidence in the format has increased in recent years.

Auto parts

These products account for almost 10% of total electronic sales. By the way, over the past few years the group has shown positive growth dynamics, displacing children's products. Niche Features:

  • There is a long line of items that are difficult to obtain. Here we are not even talking about “original” parts for imported or vintage cars, for which the demand is not very high, but about those things that are used everywhere, for example, sun screens for the rear window. It’s much easier for a motorist to find such a product in an online store and not have to travel to all the auto shops and markets in the city.
  • Narrow specialization. By using this approach when forming an assortment, you can count not only on a constant flow of interested customers, but also on optimizing advertising costs.
  • Small dimensions and weight of many auto parts, which makes delivery easier and cheaper.
  • In most cases, there is no need for servicing. If this is required, then many manufacturers have an extensive network of centers where the warranty card issued in your i/m will be accepted.

Cosmetics and perfumes

According to various studies, this group is ranked 6th and 8th in the TOP 10 best-selling products via the Internet. However, there is a nuance here - every unknown brand of product arouses suspicion among a potential buyer. It is better to form your showcase from branded products that are well known to consumers and are also widely represented on the market. That is, by offering a lower price than stationary retail outlets and boutiques, you give your client the opportunity to purchase a perfume or cosmetic product at a profit. The scheme works approximately like this:

  • the consumer has already tried the cream, lipstick, hair mask, wants to buy it again and gets an interesting price from you;
  • or he found an item in the i/m that was attractive to him, went to the store, smelled/used a sample and purchased it online, saving on the purchase.

In the necessary conditions and/m working in this niche:

  • excellent display window design, photos, competent descriptions;
  • compliance with product sales deadlines;
  • proper storage of cosmetics if they pass through a warehouse;
  • mandatory updating of the assortment, constant replenishment of new products and trendy products.

Home goods and furniture

There are also some differences in expert opinions on this position. Some put it in 4th place and give almost 6% of the online market. Some believe that furniture is not included in the TOP 10 at all due to the fact that buyers prefer personal tactile acquaintance with the item that they are going to purchase. The ideal combination for this type of sales is the presence of an exhibition center and an online store where you can place an order at a cheaper price.

With the household goods subgroup, everything is a little simpler. Their choice does not have to be associated with the need to visually and “live” assess the dimensions. That is why small pieces of furniture and many goods for the home and garden are ordered online.

Particularly worth noting are the interior items from the exclusive category. A handmade picture frame, a wall mosaic panel, a vintage dressing table - all these things are very expensive, but they will almost always find their buyer. Even in times of crisis, no one cancels anniversaries, celebrations, or gifts. And such exclusive things are the best present, and they are usually chosen on the Internet. In addition, competition in this segment is low.

Advice: if you are attracted to the niche of exclusive interior items, then you should initially start looking for suppliers of such products. It is from this point that you need to start your project.

Products for children and toys

This group is given 4% of the online market and 5th place in the TOP, although, most likely, such an assessment is subjective. The figures are based on surveys of Internet users, where the cross-section of the target audience was not fully taken into account. Young parents, busy with household chores and caring for the baby, will prefer to order the necessary goods on the Internet and will not waste precious time on shopping trips. Online shopping not only saves time and money, but also effort. Therefore, goods for children are increasingly being purchased in i/m, and the market share of this niche is only growing. Moreover, the age of parents is precisely within the limits that coincide with the indicator of the most active Internet users.

Nuances important for the i/m niche:

  • high quality of goods;
  • mandatory certification of each unit of production;
  • compliance with established sanitary standards of the goods themselves, the conditions of their storage and delivery, packaging, etc.;
  • the possibility of returning some items for various reasons;
  • convenience and versatility of payment and receipt of goods.

CDs and books

Experts give only 2% to this product niche. The lack of copyright protection in our country makes much of this category available without payment. Although the situation is slowly changing, and there are fewer and fewer free services for downloading music and books. Perhaps in the future such goods will begin to be purchased more actively.

It is also worth considering that in the regions and areas remote from the center there is a “book hunger” and there is still a steady demand for paper media.

In addition, special scientific and technical literature, educational materials, and children's books are actively purchased. By choosing a direction of this nature for your business, you can get a steady flow of buyers.

It is also worth noting that the profit on book products is quite high, and all the difficulties in organizing delivery are absent. This product is small-sized, light in weight, does not require special packaging (a fairly thick cardboard box of suitable size) or service. And returns in this category are extremely rare, the only reason being damage during transportation, which is easily avoided.

Other and its features

Almost 4% of the online market is occupied by the “other” category, under which many products are hidden that are successfully sold and are in constant demand. For many beginning entrepreneurs looking for their niche, this is of great interest, because the originality of the product can attract a potential consumer, and the competition will be extremely low.

If you are not very attracted to the opportunity, but want to try yourself in online trading, then pay attention to the following product groups:

  • Author's jewelry and costume jewelry. By concluding a cooperation agreement with craftsmen, you can sell their products. The conditions for receiving income can be different - either a trade margin, or a buyout at a wholesale price, or a format.
  • Souvenirs and gifts. There are also interesting things here that are original, handmade, folk crafts, and artisans. They are unique and always in demand. These are not widely used products, so the approach to their implementation must be original, just like advertising campaigns. Finding such products in reality takes a lot of time, so potential buyers prefer to look for them on the Internet.
  • Stylish leather goods, belts, wallets, bags, handmade purses. Finding them within walking distance is problematic, but buying them on the Internet is convenient. No fittings are required here; you can choose an item based on the photo. The popularity of the product is at a high level, and those with such products only need a well-constructed advertising campaign.
  • Goods for pets. Litter litter, food, leashes, dog clothing, collars and much more. The Internet is more convenient for buyers of this type of product due to several criteria: lower prices, free delivery to the door (you don’t have to “lug” heavy bags, because you often have to purchase packages of several kilograms at once), there is not always a specialized store nearby with the required product , and it’s inconvenient to travel halfway across town to get the necessary food.
  • Collectibles and hobbies. A huge separate topic with an incredibly large number of possible positions. Here it is necessary to understand that trading in this product group requires from the owner and his staff passion for the subject of sale, deep knowledge of the subject and complete dedication. Among the disadvantages of the niche is a limited number of buyers, but this can develop into an advantage if the seller proves himself on the positive side and has constant repeat requests. One of the indisputable advantages is that a passionate person will pay for his hobby in a crisis situation, that is, this factor will not greatly affect the profitability of the online store.
  • Goods for tourism and recreation. This niche slightly overlaps with the previous one; people’s passion also plays an important role here, although many of the goods on the market are imported, which means there are currency risks. On the other hand, outdoor recreation is increasingly gaining popularity, and the demand for the product niche is increasing.
  • Intimate products and goods from sex shops. Anonymity is highly valued in this category. Agree, it is much easier for a client to hide behind an email and a nickname than to go into a real boutique and choose something “strawberry”. Such a product will always find its buyer, because sex toys and intimate products are already an integral attribute of our lives. And they will always pay for pleasure. And this is already a significant prospect for development.
  • When choosing a product range, rely on your knowledge. It is impossible to successfully sell tablets or auto parts without completely understanding what is written in the technical data sheet, or without any idea of ​​how one router model differs from another.
  • When deciding on a niche, consider your preferences. Any failure, routine work, or fatigue can only be overcome if you really love the product you offer your customers. Otherwise, your project will certainly be doomed to failure.
  • Focus on creating an accompanying service that can make any purchase in your store as convenient as possible for the buyer. Only then can you count on positive feedback and customer return.
  • The future of e-commerce does not only belong to capitals and megalopolises. The format is slowly moving to the regions, capturing small towns and rural areas. Give the customer from there what he needs that he cannot buy in nearby stores. This way you can conquer this market.