What to buy online in the fall. The most popular product in Russia this year - Ready lists

Some products become bestsellers as soon as they appear in the store. More than half of the new products do not find much interest among the buyer and quickly disappear from the shelf. And only a few remain true bestsellers for a long time,

These products are so popular that they have an impact on people, society and even culture. Best-selling products were innovative and even considered revolutionary when they were introduced. Experts creating a list of legendary productsanalyzed a huge number of product categories that cause the greatest demand among different groups of the population, with record sales volumes or high circulation, as well as consumer loyalty.

No. 1 - "Rubik's Cube"

Sales: 400 million

Manufacturer: Seven Towns Ltd.

Hungarian sculptor and architecture teacher Erné Rubik invented the first prototype of the Magic Cube in 1974 in Budapest. In 1980, the American company Seven Towns bought the rights to the toy and began producing the Rubik's Cube. The puzzle soon became an incredible international sensation. Amazing bright colors, an affordable price and a fairly high level of difficulty make the Rubik's Cube a best-selling product for many years.

No. 2. iPhone

Sales: 290 million

Manufacturer: Apple

In just 5 years, 290 million iPhones were purchased, making it the most popular smartphone model in the world. Apple's iPhone is a best-selling product among the leading electronics retailers in the United States, such as Verizon, AT&T and Sprint. Apple made a profit of about $190 billion on the iPhone. Today, 6 iPhone models have already been released: the original version, 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S and 5 .

No. 3. "Harry Potter"

Sales (paper copies): 470 million

Produced by: Scholastic (USA publisher)

American publishers Scholastic Corporation released the first volume of the Harry Potter serialized novel in the 1990s. called "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". The book immediately becamesensational, the total profit from sales of all the bestselling novels amounted to $8.1 billion. The adventure chronicle of a young wizard helped the English writer Joanna Rowling become one of the highest paid authors in the world. The latest installment in the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows series is recognized as the most popular book in the history of publishing. In the first 24 hours, 11 million books were sold.

Sales: 120 million

Production: Epic Records

The thirtieth anniversary of the release of Michael Jackson's famous album "Thriller" was celebratedthis November. One of the first discs to be promoted using video clips on the MTV channel. "Thriller" is the best-selling album of all time in just one year. For this disc, Michael received 8 Grammy awards from the American Recording Academy in 1984. 7 songs on the album were published in the top ten hits according to Billboard magazine.

No. 5. "Mario"

Sales: 275 million

Manufacturer: Nintendo

The character Mario first appeared in 1981 in the top-rated TV series Donkey Kong. Since then, the Italian plumber has appeared in dozens of products, each of which has sold more than 1 million copies. Meanwhile, the game “Super Mario” is considered one of the most popular: the number of sales is 275 million copies.

No. 6. iPad

Sales: 81 million

Manufacturer: Apple

April 2010 Apple releases its first iPad, which instantly became a bestseller. The iPad also became the first commercially successful tablet PC. Not long ago, an American company began producing the third generation of iPad. Over the course of two years, 81 million tablets from Apple were sold. To put this figure into perspective, it took Apple 24 years to sell the same number of regular computers.

No. 7. "Star Wars"

Box office: $4.74 billion

Production: 20th Century Fox

In 2009, the science fiction film Avatar directed by James Cameron was recognized as the highest-grossing film in the history of American film distribution. But when adjusted for inflation, 1939's Gone with the Wind continues to be the highest-grossing film, according to Box Office Mojo. On the other hand, taking into account the category of "serials", nothing can compare with George Lucas' masterpiece "Star Wars". The film was first released in 1977 and grossed $1.5 billion. Over five films, the box office gross of the series amounted to $4.74 billion.

No. 8. Toyota Corolla

Sales: 41 million

Manufacturer: Toyota

The Corolla car has been on the market for forty years, and during that time 11 models of the most popular brand have rolled off the assembly line. From that momentToyota on average sells 1 Corolla car every 40 seconds. This was the first brand that a Japanese manufacturer decided to assemble in the United States. Today, the latest Corolla consumes 7.1 liters of gasoline per 100 km, and its base price is $16,140.

No. 9. Lipitor

Sales: $126 billion

Manufacturer: Pfizer

Lipitor is used to lower cholesterol and fat levels in the blood. The drug was invented by Warner-Lambert, which was later bought by Pfizer. Lipitor received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration in 1997. Although Lipitor is not the only drug in its category, the drug's ability to effectively lower cholesterol makes it one of the most popular among many patients. and doctors. Pfizer's patent to exclusively manufacture Lipitor ended last year. Since 1997, the drug's total sales profit has reached $126 billion, which is almost 26% of the pharmaceutical giant's total revenues.

No. 10. PlayStation

Sales: more than 310 million

Manufacturer: Sony

The first PlayStation model was released in 1995. 5 years later, the Japanese electronics manufacturer opened sales of the second generation console - PlayStation 2 (PS2), which became the best-selling model of game consoles in all history. By 2011, sales had increased to 150 million PS2s. In 2006, the newest model (PS3) appeared on the market, but itwas no longer so successful. Despite this, over the entire production period of various models of the PlayStation series, more than 310 million game consoles were sold.

Winter is a wonderful time when weather conditions open up a huge number of opportunities to have a good rest. And for many entrepreneurs, the snow season is a time of active work aimed at making a profit. What can you do in winter if your goal is to earn money? Let's discuss the most popular and sought-after business ideas.

Business in winter - ideas

Ideas for business activities in winter are based on climatic conditions - people associate winter with snow, frost, New Year's holidays and entertainment: you can ride down the slides, ride a snowmobile, admire sculptures in an ice town, etc. For all types of business, you need to draw up documents to conduct activities - you can register as a legal entity (for example, an LLC) or an individual entrepreneur (IP). To create a limited liability company, you need to take care of the package. Let's consider the most interesting options for generating income through a seasonal winter business.

Many people are waiting for the air temperature outside the window to drop below zero and the long-awaited snow to fall so that they can go on the slides. Snowtubing is a unique and very fun sport that involves riding on an inflatable tube, which is placed in a protective case with a reinforced bottom. People say it’s a cheesecake or an inflatable sled. Today, such entertainment is very popular, as both adults and children love it. Snow tubing can be single or double; they are often tied with ropes and rolled down the slides like a train.

If we consider cheesecakes as a seasonal business in winter, then you should think about three options:

  1. Sale of snow tubing. To trade cheesecakes, it is important to find a good supplier. You will also need premises, and if you want to sell only snow tubing, then you should think about remote sales of goods, since at first it will be problematic to recoup the rent of the store and the costs of the seller. Remote trading is possible through an online store, bulletin boards and groups on social networks. If you already have a business or plans to sell other sports equipment (besides cheesecakes), then the option of opening a retail outlet will be much more profitable and interesting, since people are used to choosing “with their eyes and hands.” Of course, everyone wants to personally evaluate the size of the cheesecake and its quality, since today there are a lot of Chinese fakes on the market, because no one will be pleased to start going down the hill on a cheesecake and arrive on a piece of rag. In order for your business to be successful, think over a strategy - decide on the question why consumers should come to you? It is possible to attract people with a large assortment, additional services, an extended warranty on goods and good service. There is a great option with the offer to apply an exclusive design to the cheesecakes at the buyer’s request (or your inflatable sled will glow in the dark). That is, it is important to make sure that people on the slides ask your customers where they got such wonderful snow tubing?
  2. Inflatable sled rental. Cheesecakes themselves are not an expensive or scarce commodity, so most citizens who often like to go downhill buy their own personal inflatable sleds. If you know a place where people go down the slides en masse, but getting there is problematic, then it makes sense to open a cheesecake rental shop there, because not everyone owns a car, and arriving by bus with a bulky cheesecake is not an easy task, and even in a car several snow tubing required for a large company will not fit. Even if the group came to ride with one cheesecake, then as a result of a long wait for friends to go up the hill with equipment, they will want to rent another means of transportation in the snow.
  3. Organizing cheesecake slides. Slide riding is a rather traumatic sport, and due to its growing popularity and the fact that outdoor recreation provokes the consumption of alcoholic beverages, more and more people are turning to doctors for help after an unsuccessful descent. Understanding this, many strive for civilized downhill skating. And this is exactly the niche where you can really make good money in a short winter period. How can entrepreneurs help ordinary vacationers? How to organize a civilized slide ride? In fact, there are a lot of options:
    • Preparation of the route - clearing trees, leveling the route with an excavator, organizing dizzying and exciting, but safe slopes.
    • Creation and maintenance of snow cover - removal of excess ice, renewal and addition of snow (in our unstable winters, artificial snow is possible). Moreover, you should not immediately buy complex and expensive equipment; for the first time, it will do.
    • A funicular is a device for lifting cheesecakes up the mountain, and sometimes even people on them. Since the saying “if you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled” does not suit everyone.
    • Cheesecake rental place - usually equipment is rented by the hour or for the whole day with a deposit.
    • Organization of infrastructure - rest areas (for example, benches), cafes, toilets, medical care, locker rooms, etc. If a cafe is too complicated for you, then at least you can provide one where vacationers can buy hot tea, coffee and sweets. Undoubtedly, everyone understands that active recreation in nature stimulates appetite, so it is easy to earn additional income through the sale of drinks and chocolates.

This option is a full-fledged business that will require a lot of effort and initial investment, but will subsequently bring significant profits.

In frosty and cold weather, people especially want a fairy-tale atmosphere and wonders, which can be found by visiting an ice town, where there are usually well-known literary and cartoon characters, ice houses and slides, as well as many other fantasy and interesting elements.

Most often, their main visitors are children accompanied by their parents. On holidays and weekends, the average family’s time is aimed at entertaining their beloved children, so, as a rule, there are no problems with the audience. Consequently, the profit will be tempting. The creation of an ice town involves several stages:

  • Preparation and execution of documents - registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, conclusion of a land lease agreement. The difficulty is that it is important to locate the town in a suitable location, for example in a city park. This means you will need permission from the administration to use the land.
  • Purchase of metal structures, ice and snow - the ice town project standardly includes not only ice figures, but also various attractions, such as labyrinths and slides. It is worth considering that a lot of materials will be required. You can fill the skating rink, which will attract even more visitors.
  • The choice of theme and the decorating process - you can create an ice town with some kind of history, for example, embody the idea of ​​“Alice in Wonderland”. It is important to choose sculptors and artists wisely, since the success of your business largely depends on their work. Sites with good illumination look very interesting.
  • Maintenance of the ice town - ice is a fragile material, so the condition of the sculptures and attractions will have to be constantly monitored. It is also important to ensure the security of the facility.
  • Organization of additional entertainment - you can put up tents where balloons, souvenirs, pastries and sweets, as well as tea and coffee will be sold. Children's themed programs are always popular, which means it is worth inviting animators who will entertain little visitors.

Important: an ice town is a rather expensive business, but this business is relevant in winter like no other. Everyone dreams of being in a fairy tale: both adults and children. Therefore, income will not take long to arrive.

What could be better than taking a windy ride on a snowmobile in the snowy winter? Of course, many people dream of such active recreation, but not everyone has the opportunity to purchase equipment. In this regard, snowmobile rental is very popular - both individuals and small companies who want to unwind, as well as corporate clients who organize mass skiing for employees as part of the idea of ​​​​team-building, resort to it.

What do you need to open a rental office?

  • Registration of activities.
  • Purchase of equipment and its registration.
  • Rent of premises in which equipment will be stored.
  • Preparation of the route.
  • Staffing. Most likely, at least three people will be required - an administrator, an instructor, a mechanic.

Important: To drive a snowmobile, category A1 license is required, therefore, consumers of the service must have them, otherwise they will have to pay a fine. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to imagine that traffic police officers will scour fields and forests in the hope of catching a disenfranchised driver, but anything can happen in life. But the ID is also needed to ensure security.

Towing services

In recent years, Russian winters have been pleasing with the amount of snow and frosts. But both are fraught with difficulties for motorists. An emergency can happen to anyone, and incidents where the car does not start due to cold or unexpectedly gets stuck in the snow are probably familiar to all drivers. What to do? It’s good if you manage to cope on your own and dig up your own vehicle, but this is not always feasible. Then it becomes necessary for someone to “pull” the car by towing. Typically, a flexible coupling in the form of a special cable is used for this. And here the problem arises - who will help? Many car enthusiasts would be happy to contact a company that provides towing services. To organize such a business, you will need a car with a powerful engine and all-wheel drive, as well as a hitch device. You can also rent a tow truck to move damaged vehicles. Social networks, bulletin boards, and radio are suitable for advertising. Most often, entrepreneurs place advertising information directly on the car. The advantage of this activity is that it can easily become additional if your main work schedule allows you to be away for some time.

Removing snow and icicles

This service is very popular in those regions where a lot of snow usually falls during the winter. Not all people and organizations have the time and energy to independently clean the area around their home or remove icicles from the roof of a house.

Some find it much easier to pay money for such work. The advantage of the business is that practically no special training or knowledge is required - anyone can do the cleaning. However, you will need special equipment and tools:

  • Snowblower.
  • Shovels, crowbars, scrapers, hammers.
  • Stairs.
  • Equipment for insurance.
  • Barrier tapes, etc.

As clients, you can consider not only individuals, but also schools, cultural and healthcare institutions, large companies, small offices, etc. It is very important to think through an advertising campaign - in addition to the standard set, it is worth thinking about “old-fashioned” methods (for example, distributing leaflets to organizations, sticking advertisements on poles in private sectors, etc.).

Organization of holidays

Winter is a magical time, loved by everyone for its large number of holidays. The entertainment industry is in demand during the New Year period more than ever. A business aimed at organizing holidays and various events can bring a lot of income in a short time. As a rule, the customers are kindergartens, schools, cafes, shopping centers, organizations and ordinary people who want to please their child or friends. If you want to put people in a festive mood and provide entertainment, then you will need the following:

  • Registration of permits, search for premises and its rental, if you are planning not only outdoor events. Most likely, you will need to make repairs and purchase equipment. For example, tables, chairs, children's entertainment systems, laptop, TV, music system.
  • Masquerade costumes and attributes - for starters, you can purchase several outfits that play on the most popular themes: Father Frost and Snow Maiden, minions, princesses, cartoon and computer game characters, etc.
  • Scenarios - sometimes customers themselves don’t know what they want, so your task will be to offer different ideas for holding a holiday, and for this it is important to prepare options for selection.
  • Recruiting and training staff - organizing and holding holidays requires the participation of several people, since even animators most often work in pairs. Consider inviting a sound engineer, since high-quality musical accompaniment will make you stand out from the sea of ​​similar companies.
  • Advertising - usually holiday agencies create a website on the Internet and groups on social networks. You can advertise your services using leaflets and booklets distributed in shopping centers.

Warming up frozen cars

In those regions where the thermometer drops below minus 10-15 degrees, motorists often encounter the problem of frozen cars. What should I do? Go to work by bus and humbly wait for it to get warmer? This passive option is not suitable for everyone, so car heating services will most likely be in steady demand during frosty weather. Such a business is not very expensive, but it will still require a number of investments from the organizer - you will have to purchase equipment:

  • Heat gun.
  • Powerful converter.
  • Corrugation.
  • Fire blankets.

Transport is also needed on which the businessman will get to customers along with the equipment.

Sleigh ride with horses

An ancient Russian winter sport in the form of horse-drawn sleigh rides will delight both adults and children. Usually in demand is riding along the most beautiful city streets and in suburban forest areas. Many modern people want to find themselves at least for a short time in a fairy tale or imagine that they find themselves in the distant past.

Winter business ideas like these are best implemented when you have experience working with horses. If you own a horse, then the material investment will be small - buying a beautiful and practical sleigh.

What to sell in winter?

Many people think that a good product will always find its buyer, but the question arises - how to decide which product attracts a potential consumer? Before setting up a business, analyze the market supply and demand in your region. Some people believe that entrepreneurial activity is profitable only in regions with a large population, but business in a small town in winter is quite realistic and profitable, you just have to choose the right direction. If your soul gravitates towards trading, then think about what sells well in winter? Let's discuss popular and unusual at first glance winter products.


What could be better than coming home from work and sitting on your sofa with a cup of aromatic tea, listening to music or watching a movie? This seductive picture can easily be disrupted by an unpleasant thing - the lack of heat in an apartment or house. Few people want to sit at home and freeze, wrapped in three blankets and frantically trying to find woolen socks in the closet. Therefore, any average family strives to have a heater that can be used in an unforeseen situation, when, for example, the batteries are turned off or it becomes too frosty outside. Heaters are also often required for use in warehouses, cottages, public places, garages, etc.

If you decide to sell heaters in winter, then it is very important to choose the assortment wisely. Currently, the market is full of new products - for example, infrared heaters, which are placed in the ceiling area, are gaining popularity, allowing significant space savings.

Fireplaces and stoves

Today, many residents of country houses and cottages do not want to be limited only to steam or gas heating and dream of a fireplace where they can sit on frosty winter evenings, watching the fire. Trading fireplaces involves installing them, and this is quite difficult - which means you will have to undergo a long training beforehand.

It won’t be difficult to make money selling fireplaces and stoves in winter, since the demand for them is now constantly growing, because they are not only a source of heat, but also an interior element that creates a unique atmosphere of comfort and tranquility in the house. Such a business most often brings significant income, but the complexity of the work is great. You will also have to purchase specialized equipment and tools.

Important: the installation of fireplaces and stoves is associated with increased danger, therefore, it will be necessary to study the advising GOSTs and other documents in order to carry out work in accordance with them.

Greens and vegetables

In winter, the lack of vitamins is especially acute, and the New Year holidays call for traditional feasts with a variety of dishes. However, few people like to eat a salad made from plastic-tasting tomatoes and cucumbers that taste the same. Fresh vegetables and herbs lying on store windows attract the eye... but are they tasty? The niche for growing vegetables is currently relatively free, and prices for green onions and lettuce in winter are quite high, so profits will not be long in coming. To organize a business you will need a heated greenhouse, knowledge, planting material, etc. The advantage of this business is that in the summer it can be easily continued and constantly expanded, covering new horizons.

Winter equipment

A well-known Russian proverb says that the sleigh should be prepared in the summer, but most people do exactly the opposite. Typically, stores with sports products are open year-round, but in winter the demand for such goods skyrockets. It’s easiest for businessmen who already have a retail outlet, since in winter they can expand their product range by adding:

  • Winter transport - sleds, skis, skates, snow scooters, cheesecakes, snowboards, ice skates, etc.
  • Winter equipment - ski outerwear, shoes, thermal underwear, hats, gloves, etc.
  • Related products - glasses, ski waxes, repair kits for transport and more.

New Year's accessories

Already at the beginning of December, many people begin to think about creating a festive atmosphere at home and buying gifts. Trading New Year's accessories in winter is extremely profitable, since the markup on them starts from 100%. The range of thematic products is huge, so it is better to choose the main direction around which your business will develop. Typically, the population most often buys the following products:

  • Artificial spruce and pine trees;
  • Fairy lights;
  • Christmas tree toys and decorations (tinsel);
  • Souvenirs, especially with the symbol of the year;
  • Postcards, gift wrappings and boxes;
  • Dishes, tablecloths, towels, potholders, napkins and much more with a New Year's theme.

It is more profitable to open not an online store, but a retail outlet, so that people have the opportunity to see the product and choose. Many businessmen, not wanting to deal with a full-fledged store, rent a small “island” in a shopping center, thereby saving significantly on the premises. As a rule, traffic in shopping centers during the pre-holiday period is very high, which means there will be a lot of buyers.

What to do in the village in winter?

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that in the summer, if possible, it is customary to go to the countryside, but in the winter it is no less interesting if you organize leisure time. What to do at home in winter if you are a villager? To come up with and implement a business aimed at entertaining city dwellers who miss nature and active outdoor recreation. Let's discuss two interesting options - ecotourism and fishing.


This beautiful word is used to describe travel through natural beauty. Most often, ecotourism does not involve the use of technology in the form of a car - if only a hike, then on foot or using environmentally friendly transport. There are a number of events that attract fans of winter nature tourism:

  • Horseback riding through a forest or field - you will need to competently develop an exciting route and get a guide who will accompany the vacationers. An instructor is also required to teach the basics of horse riding.
  • Skiing in the forest - it is very important to have a good track, which will require constant care.
  • Hiking to explore protected areas - you can create a short excursion program that reveals the essence of the historical events that took place in this area.
  • Ice fishing, hunting - deep down in the soul of every person sleeps a primitive hunter, so such outdoor activities are always popular.
  • Organizing quests - walks through the snowy forest, when people are invited to take part in the game and solve riddles, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Typically, ecotourism involves stops with making a fire, cooking porridge in a pot and other interesting village activities.

If you decide to create such a business, you should take care of the natural area. It is quite difficult to find a suitable place that attracts with its beauty and untouched civilization. A recreation center for tourists is also needed. A tent camp would be suitable in the summer, but this option is unacceptable for the winter, so several wooden houses will have to be built. It is worth carefully approaching the selection of personnel - you need an instructor, a medical worker, a guide, a hunter... Equipping with all the necessary equipment will play an important role in the success of the business.

Paid fishing

The majority of the male population appreciates and loves good fishing. However, the actual catch does not always correspond to dreams and hopes. Especially in winter. This is why paid fishing is now becoming in demand, as it practically guarantees fishermen that they will not return home without fish.

To organize a business based on paid fishing, significant investments and preparation will be required:

  • Creating an artificial pond - for this you must first buy a plot of land and obtain the appropriate permits for the construction of a reservoir. You can, of course, rent a pond, but where is the guarantee that after the expiration of the contract the owner will not decide to terminate it, essentially appropriating your work and your clients?
  • Infrastructure development - convenient access to the pond, parking, cafe, recreation room, etc.
  • Breeding fish and fattening it - if you understand the issue, then stocking can be done on your own, otherwise you should invite a specialist. The choice of fish that will live in the reservoir is very important - it is worth paying attention to the preferences of potential clients and the climatic features of the region. Try to ensure the availability of fish in both winter and summer.
  • Personnel selection - usually a manager, huntsman, or watchman is invited to work.

Important: business in the field of paid fishing is impossible without permission from the water management, fishing quotas and other documents from government authorities.


Starting something new is always difficult, so future businessmen are concerned about many questions. Let's answer the most common ones.

How much can you earn during the winter?

It is impossible to say for sure, since profit depends on the direction of activity you have chosen, on the number of clients and on the initial investment. It is assumed that some winter projects exist only for one season (for example, an ice town), while others are long-term (for example, paid fishing). At the same time, almost all types of business, despite their seasonality, require year-round attention. As an example, let’s make a simplified calculation of the profit from snow tubing rentals.

The cost of renting a cheesecake costs 100 rubles per hour; on weekends, the slide is visited by an average of 300 people a day. Inflatable sleds are rented by 30%, that is, 90 people. The average rental time for one cheesecake is 2 hours. Then the income will be equal to 18,000 rubles. in a day. On weekdays, income is half as much - 9,000 rubles per day. Income for one month will be approximately 347,000 rubles.

Expenses for one month:

  • Rent of premises (40 square meters, 600 rubles per square meter) – 24,000 rubles.
  • Staff salary (2 people, 20,000 rubles each) – 40,000 rubles.
  • Utility bills (light, water, electricity, heating, garbage removal) – 10,000 rubles.
  • Costs for maintaining inventory (10% of the cost of cheesecakes) – 15,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses (advertising, transport, etc.) – 5,000 rubles per month.

Total: 94,000 rubles. Gross profit: 347,000 – 94,000 = 253,000 rubles. Taxes – 32820 rubles. Profit - 220,180 rubles. Suppose that the activity will be carried out for 3 months, then the profit will be 660,540 rubles. Let's subtract from it the initial costs for cheesecakes (100 pieces, 1,500 rubles each) and the costs of registering a legal entity (10,000 rubles). Then during the winter season you can earn about 500,540 rubles by renting snow tubing.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a direction for business?

High profitability is ensured by a large influx of customers, so the main thing when determining the type of activity will be an analysis of consumer needs, competition and market conditions. There are a number of nuances that you should pay attention to when deciding on the direction of your business:

  • Basic knowledge - the chosen business should not be too difficult for you, since it is impossible to implement well what you do not understand anything about.
  • Benefit for consumers - a service or product must be in demand by potential customers in order for them to want to pay for it.
  • Taking into account foreign experience - sometimes, when considering foreign types of business, you can discover something that we do not yet have. Then, if you wish, adopt other people’s experience and try to become a pioneer in this area in our country.
  • Assessing competitors - by analyzing the activities of organizations engaged in the business you have chosen, it is easy to identify gaps and disadvantages in their work. Other people's mistakes will help you avoid making your own.

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Business ideas in winter have special specifics related to weather conditions, but for active businessmen this is an additional advantage. The winter season is a great time to start a business. Don’t hibernate and wait until summer; implement your plans right now, without putting it off until tomorrow. Having organized your own business, do not forget to pay taxes on time, then you will not have to face the unpleasant question of how.

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Hello! Today I would like to tell you about the seasonal New Year business, or more precisely about business on the eve of the New Year and winter holidays. This is a great time to start your own business and make decent money. Therefore, 30 business ideas for the New Year 2019 will come in handy for you! And we need to prepare now.

Even among my friends there are those who are exclusively engaged in the New Year business, with a turnover of millions and have already begun to develop in the regions. Some will say that this is all “nonsense.” But I’ll tell you that until you see all this with your own eyes and try it, you will continue to consider your business for the New Year to be unrealizable or unprofitable.

New Year's business in winter- a really great opportunity to work hard for 3-4 months and earn good money.

New Year's business - 6 advantages

There are a lot of advantages, here are a few that come to mind:

  1. Fast payback period;
  2. Fast start;
  3. Work only 3-4 months a year;
  4. The most impulsive and thoughtless purchases are made on the eve of the New Year;
  5. State enterprises and private companies are allocated decent budgets for organizing and holding New Year holidays;
  6. Participation in tender procurement (state and semi-state organizations).

TOP 30 business ideas for the New Year 2019

Business idea No. 1. Packaging sweets and corporate gifts

Minimum investment- 150,000 rubles.

Great business for the new year!

The essence of the business idea is the purchase of sweets in small wholesale quantities, their packaging in specially made packaging with a New Year's theme to order from clients or for retail sale. You can make an original surprise for adults and children from a simple set of ordinary sweets using colorful bags and boxes. The relevance of such a project is due to the popularity and versatility of confectionery gifts for the New Year.

On the eve of the holidays, many businesses, kindergartens and schools purchase sweet gifts, so you should take care of organizational issues in advance:

  • compile a list and telephone database of future clients;
  • offer your services to potential customers;
  • rent space for packaging and storage;
  • select and train personnel;
  • purchase the necessary packaging.

By thinking through all the details to the smallest detail, and carefully working out the target audience, you can get a good profit. After packaging, the profitability of each finished gift can increase to 200% of the cost of materials and sweets spent. Given the high competition, you can stand out as follows:

  • original packaging (only paper, but tin and even gift baskets);
  • a surprise in every gift (board game, coupon somewhere, “build it yourself” toy);
  • New Year's toy;
  • etc.

Business idea No. 2. Selling goods from one-page sites

Minimum investment- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to search for goods that can be purchased before the New Year and sell them through one-page sites (landing page).

To do this, you need to find a product, make a one-page website, run advertising and process orders. You need to start searching for the product now. Roman Kolesnikov is actively involved in this business, here is an article with an interview on the topic. He sells products all year round, not just before the New Year. But the essence is absolutely the same!

Business idea No. 3. Dog sled for dog owners

Minimum investment- 100,000 rubles.

Idea for those who have dogs!

The essence of this idea is to organize original dog sledding along a specific route, walks through the forest or countryside for everyone. You can also organize this event in crowded places for the New Year holidays (parks, ice towns, historical places of the city, etc.). This kind of entertainment will be popular on New Year’s days for its originality and novelty. Considering the low competition in the market for such services, this project may become promising.

Most of the stated minimum investment amount will be spent on the purchase of sleds and special equipment for animals. This idea is good for dog breeders and owners of large nurseries of malamutes, huskies or huskies. Otherwise, the cost of their acquisition will be added to the amount of expenses, which will increase expenses several times. But, to be honest, it’s not worth buying dogs specifically for this.

The main problem is the right choice of place of work that will ensure a flow of clients: country houses and recreation centers, elite villages, city amusement parks. On average, one lap of 500 meters can cost up to 1000 rubles. Therefore, an average trip of 3 kilometers will bring about 5,000 rubles. You can offer services through social networks, negotiating with employees of country hotels and original gift agencies.

Business idea No. 4. Selling garlands from China

Minimum investment amount- 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is high-quality electrical garlands in China, organizing supplies for further retail resale to customers in their city. New Year's holidays are unthinkable without colorful and bright decorations, originally designed shop windows and house windows. Therefore, garlands with an economical and practically safe LED glow principle are always popular.

Most reputable manufacturers from China are interested in finding potential intermediaries for the resale of garlands, so they offer unique conditions for selecting an assortment and transporting goods. To organize such a project you will need:

  • storage room for garlands;
  • searching and concluding contracts with small wholesale buyers;
  • advertising.

You can sell garlands through an online store or through a rented small point in a busy supermarket, near children's stores or places with high traffic. Depending on the length and complexity of the product, the trade margin can be 50-100%. Buyers should be attracted by new original models, sales of related products and home decorations.

Business idea No. 5. Rental of tubes, snowboards, snowmobiles and skis

Minimum investment- 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project is the acquisition of equipment for winter sports, the organization of a paid rental point in order to make a profit. This is a very relevant type of activity, given the weather conditions in the winter months, and the great interest of people of all ages in active recreation. Recent years have struck us with the emergence of great activity in specially organized skiing and snowboarding centers, real winter sports schools.

To implement the project, the purchase of equipment will be required, on which the bulk of the funds will be spent. Therefore, it is better to purchase skis, winter bicycles or a snowmobile in the summer months, which offer significant discounts. An equally important point for the success of the event will be the choice of location:

  • country resorts and holiday homes;
  • recreation and amusement parks.

You will need a small room to accommodate equipment and personnel. The profitability of such services depends on a good location, high-quality advertising and can be as high as 50%. On average, working with only a set of 5 pairs of skis and snowboards can give a monthly income of 70,000 rubles. By replacing the administrator, you can significantly increase profits during the New Year holidays.

Business idea No. 6. Corporate decoration of offices, storefronts, community centers

Minimum investment- up to 100,000 rubles.

The general essence of the idea is the development and implementation of individual artistic projects for decorating residential or office premises in a New Year's theme. This project is ideal for small creative workshops or individual decorators who want to increase their income during the New Year holidays. Design ideas are gaining relevance due to the desire of many entrepreneurs to stand out from competitors with corporate decor.

To implement this original business project you will need:

  • advertising in various forms (for example, a website or a group on a social network with examples of work);
  • purchasing the necessary material to create garlands, drawings and decorations.

You can start looking for clients in the fall to secure yourself orders and prepare decorative elements in advance. Services can be offered to owners of country houses, restaurant complexes, and the design of halls in large and small offices can be announced. The profitability of such a project depends entirely on the ability to sell the decorator’s services and the speed of work on a specific order. It can easily account for more than 100% of the time and materials costs.

Business idea No. 7. Sale of fireworks and pyrotechnics

Approximate investment amount- 100,000 rubles.

The project consists of small-scale purchases of specialized pyrotechnic goods and the organization of a stationary point for their retail sale to customers. Such products are very popular during the New Year holidays and allow you to make a significant profit from their sale. In a competitive environment, the idea will bring good income with a reasonable approach to pricing and assortment.

To reduce costs, attention must first of all be paid to organizing the procurement process, which begins in the summer. For a small seasonal business, it is better to purchase pyrotechnics of classes 1-3, which do not require the purchase of a special license. Fireworks that are mid-priced and easy to operate are usually more popular among consumers. Good offers can be found from the same suppliers from China.

An organized place for sales should be selected in shopping centers, which will solve problems with fire safety and special alarms. During the New Year holidays, daily sales can amount to at least 50 pyrotechnic products. If the net profit from each is 200 rubles, we can talk about an acceptable income for December - up to 300,000 rubles.

Business idea No. 8. New Year's confectionery

Minimum investment- 50,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to open a stationary outlet for the sale of sweet products, original baked goods with a New Year's theme, cakes and pastries. This project is in demand during the holidays, because more and more clients want to please their loved ones with delicious new products, and they purchase decorated cakes and pastries as gifts for friends, relatives and colleagues.

The idea can be successfully implemented in two directions:

  • production of confectionery products, receiving and issuing orders at home;
  • organization of a small sales department in the area of ​​potential buyers.

The first option is optimal for home cooks who know how to bake beautiful and tasty products and decorate them in the appropriate theme for the holiday. The main cost is the circulating amount for the purchase of products, which quickly pays off after the sale of the product. The markup on holiday cakes and pastries can reach 100%. The total amount of profit depends on the need to pay rent, transportation costs and can reach more than 100,000 rubles during the holidays. The home-based option is more economical and can provide good income, especially if there are no employees.

Business idea No. 9. New Year's baskets (champagne and sweets)

Minimum investment- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the manual production of individual gift sets for the customer in the form of a decorated basket. Such products are popular during the New Year's Eve, solving for many consumers the problem of a pleasant gift for colleagues and loved ones, helping to create the mood and festive atmosphere at home. The relevance of the business is due to low competition in this sector and the growing demand for such products among consumers.

You can gain skills in making such baskets by first taking master classes or completing design courses. To work, you will need a minimum set of materials and maximum personal time. You can offer your services through:

  • posting advertisements on the Internet;
  • negotiating sales with grocery stores;
  • working with alcohol, sweets or souvenir shops.

To receive more recommendatory reviews, it is necessary to make each product taking into account the wishes and tastes of the customer. The cost of the basket depends entirely on the contents. Earning 500-2000 rubles of net profit from each surprise basket, you can get a New Year's income of at least 5,000 - 7,000 rubles daily.

Business idea No. 10. Making New Year's bouquets from sweets and tea

Minimum investment- 5000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea is the production of original compositions from sweets and decorative materials on a New Year's theme with subsequent sale to clients. A novelty in the form of a Christmas wreath with artificial pine needles or a miniature Christmas tree decorated with candies can be an original gift for work colleagues, loved ones, or surprise children. The relevance of this project is due to the desire of many people to present inexpensive but interesting surprises.

To implement the idea, large financial investments are not required. It is necessary to purchase a certain amount of sweets, original tea, special materials for scrapbooking and decoration, which will pay for themselves immediately after the sale of sweet gifts. You can learn how to make such non-standard sweet decorations in special courses or video lessons.

It is better to offer your services by:

  • posting advertisements on websites;
  • creating your own sales team;
  • through cooperation with employees of souvenir shops and confectionery shops.

The price of such a “delicious” Christmas tree made of chocolate candies can start from 500 rubles. With a profitability of at least 50% and pre-New Year sales of such products from 10 pieces per day, you can calculate the approximate amount of income of 2000-3000 rubles.

Business idea No. 11. New Year's fruit bouquets based on a vegetable shop

Minimum investment- 5000 rubles.

The essence of the project is the production of non-standard delicious bouquets of fruits, decorated in a New Year's theme. Such original and healthy desserts will perfectly decorate the table for the New Year with family or colleagues, and will be a real gift for a children's party. Having a business selling fruits can earn you a good income during the New Year holidays.

To implement such a project, you will need to undergo preliminary training in carving courses and purchase a small set of special cutting tools. Having developed several options for such delicious products, you can offer your services:

  • owners of cafes and restaurants organizing New Year's corporate parties;
  • private clients for a family gala dinner;
  • entrepreneurs who want to congratulate their team in an unconventional way.

Beautiful bouquets of fruit and chocolate in the form of a Christmas tree, basket or wreath are in great demand in the price range from 1,500 to 4,500 rubles. One trained employee produces 3-4 similar products per shift. With a 100% markup, the daily profit on New Year's days can be 5,000 rubles.

Business idea No. 12. Selling hot drinks at public festivals

Minimum investment- 20,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project is the organization of a mobile retail outlet offering hot non-alcoholic drinks to everyone during the New Year's festivities. These small tents or vans are very popular, offering aromatic coffee, several types of tea in beautiful, convenient containers and simple ready-made snacks. Such a business will become relevant during the New Year holidays and festivities at fairs.

To implement the project, you will need to rent a compact van with fully ready-to-use equipment. It is necessary to take care of finding a place for future sale in advance. The most popular will be:

  • city ​​squares where holiday trees are installed;
  • parks and squares with winter activities;
  • Christmas markets and nativity scenes.

A new type of such business is selling drinks from a special portable backpack on the go, which requires minimal expenses.

Part of the costs must be invested in the festive decoration of the place of sale in order to attract customers with a special atmosphere. Considering the low cost of one glass of prepared drink, we can talk about a daily turnover of up to 30,000 rubles during New Year’s events.

Business idea No. 13. Making clothes and accessories with a New Year theme

Minimum investment- 5000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to create clothes or warm accessories using sewing or knitting, to offer customers beautiful and cozy products from yarn or fabric. On New Year's Day, a hat, scarf or mittens decorated with a pattern of snowflakes, Christmas trees or cheerful drawings on a holiday theme can be a good gift for loved ones. Felt boots with themed embroidery are gaining popularity among young people, and practical oven mitts and aprons are offered as gifts for housewives.

To implement the project, you need a small amount of available materials and advertising of your products. Additional income can be obtained from selling your hats or mittens to handmade stores or souvenir shops by participating in holiday fairs.

Craftsmen need to prepare in advance for the New Year holidays so that during the rush days they will have goods for sale. The price of the products offered consists of the materials spent and working time, which reaches 100% of the cost of thread or fabric. By offering mittens costing 500 rubles per pair, we can talk about a net income of 250 rubles from just one pair. The number of sales depends on the originality of New Year's items and advertising of their services.

Business idea No. 14. New Year's gift and accessories store

Minimum investment- 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project is the opening of a store offering a large assortment of goods and accessories related to the New Year theme. On the eve of the New Year, most of the population happily goes on a hike to buy new toys, souvenirs and gifts. The relevance of such a project is due to the great demand for similar products intended for design and decoration of the home.

There are two ways to implement the project:

  • an online store offering delivery to any convenient location;
  • standard sales department in a large supermarket or market.

Your assortment should be developed taking into account the tastes and wishes of customers. It may include artificial Christmas trees and all the decorations for them, souvenirs, dishes and holiday-themed table decor. The necessary goods can be purchased in advance at wholesale stores or Chinese factories of similar products. The main amount of costs falls on the rental of the trading place and its equipment, the salary of the seller and the purchase of consignments for sale. The trade margin on most New Year's products reaches 100%, so such a project can become profitable and profitable.

Business idea No. 15. New Year's photographer services

Minimum investment- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to rent a room, equip it as a photo studio and decorate it with New Year's decor for the purpose of conducting thematic photo sessions of various types. Family or children's staged photographs taken professionally are becoming increasingly popular. Some enterprises order such a service for staff in order to support corporate culture or produce a company advertising calendar.

To organize the project, it is necessary to rent a residential or specially equipped room in advance, purchase or make original decorations with New Year’s accents. You shouldn’t skimp on advertising your services, which can be posted on the Internet by handing out leaflets near entertainment or shopping centers.

Additional income can come from special photo books that are made from the photographs received. This is an excellent gift for family and a memorable souvenir with a beautiful design.

The cost of a New Year's photo session starts from 700 rubles per hour. By holding 8 such events daily, we can talk about a minimum profit during the holidays in the amount of 5000-6000 rubles per day.

Business idea No. 16. Father Frost and Snow Maiden delivered to your home

Minimum investment- 15,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to provide costumed services for the provision of festive New Year's greetings at the customer's home or office. A simple and interesting form of entertainment and giving a gift to a child is steadily popular during the holidays and winter holidays.

To organize, you only need to purchase colorful costumes and write a script for non-standard congratulations. There is no need to rent an office while working. Significant time should be devoted to self-promotion. To do this, they use posts on social networks, advertisements and leaflets. Activity should begin long before the New Year in order to ensure a customer base for all holidays.

You can increase your profits and make your idea a winning one against the backdrop of great competition by:

  • interesting non-standard program;
  • attentive attitude towards customers;
  • working with all family members.

The minimum cost of such a visit of fairy-tale characters in pairs to a home starts from 1000 rubles, depending on the region and the entertainment program. Having your own car, you can make at least 10 orders per day and save on transportation costs. A creative and responsible approach to each visit, creating a festive mood will help you find more customers thanks to recommendations from satisfied clients.

Business idea No. 17. Selling live Christmas trees

Minimum investment- from 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is the wholesale purchase of live Christmas trees from forestry enterprises, the organization of a special trading place and the sale of trees during the pre-holiday period. We already have a detailed article about. Despite the large assortment of artificial ones, natural trees with the scent of pine needles are in great demand as the main attribute of the New Year. The relevance of such a project is possible even with high competition, provided that the price range is chosen correctly.

You should begin preparing for the sales process long before the New Year and select the optimal farm that offers high-quality and inexpensive green goods. The main stages of organizing such a New Year's process:

  • obtain documentation for trading and rent a place;
  • arrange a sales point in accordance with the law;
  • conclude a preliminary agreement with the forestry enterprise.

The main attention is paid to the selection of trees in order to offer a quality product to its customers. On New Year's Eve, the level of trade margins can reach over 100%. An analysis of such projects indicates a minimum amount of net profit of over 120,000 rubles for a couple of weeks of active pre-New Year sales.

Business idea No. 18. Selling artificial Christmas trees

Minimum investment- up to 100,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the wholesale purchase of artificial Christmas trees for their subsequent sale to retail customers. Such a business can be an ideal option for beginners. The great demand for beautiful and irreplaceable attributes of a favorite holiday makes it profitable even with fairly high competition in the market.

It is better to purchase goods long before the start of the season or at the end of the previous one. This will help you purchase decent specimens at a minimal price, especially since their storage does not require special conditions or a large area. Chinese manufacturers offer a good assortment, additionally helping with delivery.

You can offer goods through an online store, or by organizing a full-fledged retail outlet in supermarkets, near bus stops and childcare centers during the New Year holidays. Artificial Christmas trees can be offered for sale in toy and souvenir stores for a certain percentage, and can be delivered to the client’s home or office.

The optimal markup level is considered to be in the range of 25-75%. With the initial cost of the simplest copies starting from 60 rubles, the estimated amount of profit can be 180,000 rubles, which is the real result in two weeks of work.

Business idea No. 19. Selling New Year's toys

Minimum investment- from 100,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the wholesale purchase of original Christmas tree decorations at bases or from suppliers for the purpose of retail sale to customers. This product is in great demand before the New Year holidays and is an integral part of the decor. In addition to home decoration, products can be offered to cafe owners, entertainment venues or educational children's centers.

Wholesale sales of Christmas tree decorations have been carried out since the beginning of September, allowing you to select inexpensive and high-quality items. Toys made in China have the lowest cost, while the highest quality products can be found from domestic manufacturers.

To implement the project on New Year's Eve, you should:

  • rent a department or several meters of retail space in a place with good traffic;
  • arrange the display using simple shelving;
  • find staff.

Considering the high competition in this sales sector, you can offer customers exclusive handmade products, edible surprises, and profitable promotions. The trade margin can be made up to 100%, which will allow you to get a good profit in 2-3 weeks of sales.

Business idea No. 20. New Year's handmade: cards, candles, toys, champagne

Minimum investment- up to 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project is the production of original and non-standard products, New Year's decorations and holiday decor for sale to interested clients. Handmade products are very popular as gifts for friends or colleagues, as well as home interior decorations. The relevance of the project depends on the combination of affordable price and practicality of such a product.

An economical option for implementing the project is to open an online store or transfer your products for resale for a certain percentage to toy and souvenir stores. This is the best option for craftsmen who do not have sales skills and want to engage only in the creative process. Your products should be produced in advance in order to have a decent assortment for the New Year holidays.

The bulk of the costs will be spent on purchasing materials for hand-made goods and renting a trading place. The selling price should include production costs for components and payment for the artist’s labor expended. A good financial effect will come from participating in New Year's fairs or holiday sales.

Business idea No. 21. Sale and rental of New Year's costumes

Minimum investment- up to 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea is the purchase of a variety of costumes, accessories and decorations for them with the subsequent offer of rental and sale for entertainment events. New Year's holidays are characterized by a great desire of adults and children to plunge into a fairy tale, trying on the role of their favorite character. What makes such a project relevant is the increasing popularity of themed corporate parties, New Year's parties and holiday photo shoots.

To organize and implement the project, you should take care in advance of purchasing a variety of costumes, which can be roughly divided into categories:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • children under 10 years of age;
  • youth and adults.

Costumes of popular characters are becoming the most in demand, so a preliminary study of the preferences and interests of each price category can give good results and significantly increase profits. All products should be divided into sales and rental. The cost of renting the latter should include subsequent dry cleaning and the cost of possible repairs. You should offer your product in a rented department of a shopping center, or on the market. The amount of profit depends on the size of the markup, which is recommended at a level of up to 100% for suits and over 100% for jewelry.

Business idea No. 22. Organization of New Year's children's parties

Minimum investment- 100,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the purchase or rental of special costumes, equipment and the organization of festive events for children on the customer’s premises. The New Year holidays significantly increase the demand for such matinees and themed events. What makes this business project competitive is its non-standard and interesting scenario, individual approach to each child and affordable price for parents.

The best option would be to organize such matinees on location. You can offer your services to educational institutions, kindergartens, and shopping malls. Good income can be obtained from cooperation with cafes and restaurants that are actively introducing the practice of festive events for children. Travel productions will require investment in costumes and equipment, script writing, and travel costs to get to the location.

With the average cost of a matinee being 300 rubles and the number of children being 20, one hour-long party can bring in 6,000 rubles in income. After deducting the costs of organizing and renting premises, it can be assumed that by holding 4-5 matinees a day, you can receive a minimum net income of over 250,000 rubles during the holidays.

Business idea No. 23. Organizing New Year's corporate events for companies

Minimum investment- 50,000 rubles.

The essence of this project is the organization of a turnkey New Year's event for employees of the customer's organization, including an entertainment program. Increasingly, company managers want to encourage their employees by giving them an interesting New Year's Eve in the office or restaurant. The relevance of such an idea depends on the pricing policy and the ability to offer an original vacation for a reasonable amount.

To implement such a project does not require large expenses. The main expenses are carnival costumes and the purchase of materials for creating paraphernalia. If it is possible to rent such suits, this way the costs are halved. Cafes and restaurants become work sites, the owners of which should offer their services. You can also rent a hall for events on certain days.

For the success of the project, you should look for customers in advance, offering videos or photo reports about your work, creating a website or group on social networks. Cooperation with a certain restaurant will help offer banquets with a menu and show program. Profit will vary depending on the number of guests and the minimum can be 20,000 rubles per event.

Business idea No. 24. New Year's taxi in your own car

Minimum investment- 5,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea is to provide taxi services using your own car during the New Year holidays, delivering passengers to their destination on the holiday night. The “sober driver” service, which is relevant on New Year’s Eve and throughout the holidays, is becoming increasingly in demand among passengers. Many taxi companies cannot boast of the quality of work of their drivers or guarantee their fresh and personable appearance.

To organize such a project you will need a personal car, a lot of free personal time and a small investment in advertising. You should offer your services in advance, distributing information and a contact number in advertisements. In paper form, you can place such leaflets in high-traffic areas where the driver plans to work on New Year's Eve: shopping and entertainment establishments.

Despite the competition, passengers prefer and choose:

  • comfortable and clean cars without the smell of nicotine;
  • a sober, courteous driver;
  • fast delivery of the machine.

The average cost of a trip depends on the route, city of work, and during the New Year holidays it increases up to 50%. Therefore, daily profit can start from 5,000 rubles with proper advertising and provision of quality services to passengers.

Business idea No. 25. Letters to children from Santa Claus

Minimum investment- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the production of individual congratulatory letters in special envelopes for children. This service is becoming increasingly popular on the eve of the New Year holidays among loving parents who want to surprise their children with original gifts and surprises. Competition in this sector is quite low due to the reluctance of many entrepreneurs to engage in such painstaking work.

To work, you will need a high-quality printer with color printing and imagination, which will help you create beautiful and colorful templates and funny congratulations for children of different ages. You can offer your services through social networks by posting advertisements on parent forums. Good profits can be made from cooperation with employees of preschool institutions, toy and souvenir stores. You can send such letters by registered mail, working with customers from any city.

With established production, such a congratulation can have a cost of 15-20 rubles, and the selling price is offered at 100 rubles. With careful and painstaking work in finding customers, you can make a profit during the holidays in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

Business idea No. 26. Renting a house or apartment for the New Year holidays

Minimum investment- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea is to organize the process of searching for clients and daily supply of apartments, country houses and cottages for the New Year holidays. This service is becoming increasingly popular among companies of all ages who want to hold a fun event in a specific setting.

There are two ways to implement such a non-standard idea:

  • offer family real estate for rent;
  • provide intermediary services.

Having a free home or a country house, you can get a decent income from renting it out to companies on a daily basis. The cost of such services during the holidays increases by 3-4 times the regular price. You should be looking for potential clients from the beginning of December, in some cases backing up the preliminary deal with an advance payment.

You can offer services by submitting advertisements on various resources, city Internet portals, posting leaflets through taxi drivers, and posting them on boards near bus stops and grocery supermarkets. When offering intermediary services, you can ask for at least 20% of each transaction, which is at least 1000 rubles.

Business idea No. 27. Decorating buildings with illuminations

Minimum investment- 5,000 rubles.

The essence of the project is to provide services for decorating residential and office buildings for the New Year holidays using garlands and decorations. Every year, such a service is becoming more and more in demand due to the desire of many entrepreneurs to attract attention to their business through originality. Owners of country houses who want to create a festive atmosphere for loved ones are also showing interest.

To implement such a project, you need a car, a small set of tools and a partner to help with the work. The purchase of garlands and components is not included in the cost of the work, but is fully paid for by the customer. You can recommend certain suppliers to him, receiving a good additional percentage from the transaction.

You should offer your services in advance, working with the following categories:

  • entertainment venues, restaurants and clubs;
  • suburban elite villages;
  • office buildings and shops.

The average cost of pure work on installing illuminations and garlands with controllers and original designs is 12,000 rubles, and takes a professional 3-4 hours with minimal financial expenses. By placing 3 such orders every day, you can easily get a net profit of more than 200,000 rubles in just one week.

Business idea No. 28. Writing scripts for New Year's holidays

Preliminary investments- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of such a business project is a proposal to write an original script for children's parties, corporate events with a New Year's theme for specific tasks and client requirements. This idea is optimal for creative people who want to earn extra income during the New Year holidays. The relevance is due to the interest of small companies in non-standard holding of a festive event, the desire to unite the team or congratulate employees with humor.

To implement the project, it is enough to place advertisements or design a one-page website that will provide feedback to future clients. Cooperation with certain groups can bring good economic benefits:

  • groups holding New Year's matinees and corporate parties;
  • business managers;
  • entertainment venues;
  • private individuals.

The minimum cost of an individual scenario starts from 1000 rubles and depends on the individual wishes of clients. Additional income can come from writing non-standard congratulations, toasts and wishes, beautiful and humorous poems. Income depends entirely on your efficiency and ability to advertise your services.

Business idea No. 29. Rent of artificial decorated Christmas trees

Minimum investment- 10,000 rubles.

The essence of the project is to purchase artificial Christmas trees, accessories and decorations in small wholesale, decorate the trees according to the customer’s wishes, and offer them for rent for the New Year holidays for a certain price. Many successful entrepreneurs and individuals want to decorate their home or office without wasting time, so they are happy to rent a fully decorated Christmas tree, which does not need to be removed or thrown away later.

To implement the project, you will need to purchase a certain number of artificial trees and decor for them. To calculate the approximate amount of costs for this, you need to start actively searching for clients long before the holiday, offering your services:

  • various enterprises, small offices;
  • children's institutions, development centers;
  • recreation centers and beauty salons.

The search for private clients can be carried out by posting advertisements on Internet portals. The cost of such a service should be 50% of the total cost of its production and vary from 250 to several thousand rubles. By offering such an original product for rent, you can earn an annual income during the holidays without much difficulty.

Business idea No. 30. Chef services at home during the New Year holidays

Minimum investment- 5,000 rubles.

The essence of the project is the provision of services for preparing a complex festive dinner or several dishes at the customer’s home. Such an interesting business can bring good income to talented housewives and novice chefs. On the eve of the New Year, many wealthy clients want to order this service, inviting friends or business partners for a holiday holiday at home. Increasingly, this service is used to organize a feast for a New Year's corporate party.

To implement this project, no special investments are required, except for equipment and special clothing; it is desirable to have a personal vehicle. The services of such a personal chef may include:

  • visiting the client’s home at a certain time;
  • purchasing the necessary products for New Year's dinner;
  • preparing festive dishes at the request of the customer;
  • Serving and cleaning assistance is available at an additional cost.

Payment for a chef's services may depend on the complexity of the menu, the volume of services required, or the number of guests at the New Year's party. A good cook can earn at least 5,000 rubles per evening, doubling the fee on the eve of a holiday, receiving additional income from preparing a variety of take-out dishes.


Now you know how to make money before the New Year and what kind of business to open in winter. I hope this collection of ideas will help you.

If you have your own ideas, write in the comments! And also ask questions!

According to experts, trade is the most promising area of ​​entrepreneurial activity, which allows even a beginner to make a good profit. But before opening a store or any other commercial enterprise, it is necessary to study the demand for a particular product. This approach will minimize risks at the stage of business formation. In this publication we will try to determine which products are in greatest demand during the crisis.

Choosing a direction of activity

Every aspiring entrepreneur must understand that the profitability of his business largely depends on the choice of field of activity. If you decide to engage in trading, first of all, take an interest in what is in demand in 2019. Experienced businessmen recommend focusing on a product that you are familiar with, so as not to waste time studying all the nuances of this business. All you need is knowledge about what product is in demand in Russia.

If we carefully analyze the market demand in the past year, we can understand that people buy food most often. For example, some citizens use mayonnaise as a dressing for dishes. This means that many consumers will have this popular product on their receipts. Mayonnaise is a product that is in great demand and the need for it is constantly growing.

Purchase statistics

According to sociological research, at the end of last year, sales of non-food products, and in particular, household appliances and electronics, increased significantly. This means that in 2019 such products will remain unclaimed, since almost every home has 2-3 TVs and several computers. In addition, consumer demand for passenger cars, construction equipment and materials is likely to decline in 2019.

If we talk about industrial equipment, there may be several options. On the one hand, the profitability of many enterprises is significantly reduced, so their owners cannot afford to invest in new equipment. But on the other hand, in a difficult economic situation, crisis production begins to flourish. This is a great time to build new plants and factories. In this business, you need to focus on equipment that can produce high-quality competitive products. But what the demand for in Russia in 2019 will definitely begin to grow is used equipment. The need for maintenance and repair services for various equipment will also increase significantly.

Enterprises that sell high-quality, inexpensive auto parts are doing well in difficult times. Many citizens refuse to buy a new car, so they have to purchase spare parts to maintain their old car in good condition. It is worth noting that in 2019, the demand for goods related to cars will be high only for the most popular items, for example, anti-freeze or oil. But car cosmetics and expensive accessories will gather dust on store shelves, waiting for better times.

In any case, the first places in the ranking of goods in demand in 2019 will be occupied by food products and budget clothing and shoes for both adults and children. The list will continue with services that allow people to save or keep their earnings. Also in the ranking of demand for goods and services in 2019, gold and jewelry will definitely be present.

Expensive or cheap?

During periods of economic instability, there will certainly be a demand for expensive goods and services. Wealthy citizens transfer their assets into foreign currency, so the fall of the ruble does not affect their well-being. In addition, rich people usually do not skimp on their habits.

The middle price segment will be less in demand, since the middle class is suffering the most from the crisis. Due to a significant reduction in income, this group of the population is switching to cheaper goods, so trading enterprises selling products at average prices will lose some of their customers. If we talk about what goods are in greatest demand, these are budget products and services, for example, cheap food, clothing, alcohol and recreation.

If you decide to start trading, study the demand for goods in 2019 and decide in which direction you will work: will you focus on meeting the needs of rich people or will you supply cheap goods. We should also not forget that there is a high level of competition in the low-price segment, so you need to create an assortment of inexpensive goods of average quality. It's time to forget about middlemen. If you want to earn good money, purchase products directly from the manufacturer. Now let’s try to figure out which product is in greatest demand in Russia. To do this, let's look at each group in more detail.


Experts unanimously say that the demand for food in Russia will only grow in 2019. All people have a need for food, regardless of the economic situation. No person will completely give up food, unless they remove something from their diet to save a little money. According to statistics, the demand for goods in 2019, the cost of which is increasing, will begin to increase rapidly. Consumers believe that in the future the price may rise even more, so they stock up on food for future use. Some entrepreneurs deliberately create a stir and thereby significantly increase their profits.


It is unlikely that anyone will be in need of new clothes, so even during a crisis, most of the population’s income is spent on buying clothes. Previously, many of our compatriots bought expensive luxury brand items. Recently, consumer interest has shifted to cheaper clothing and accessories.

Experienced entrepreneurs who constantly monitor which products are most in demand update their assortment by adding inexpensive, fast-selling products. At the peak of popularity are cheap, high-quality products from little-known brands, as well as stock and second-hand clothing.

Personal care products

When thinking about what is currently in demand in the market, it is necessary to note personal care products:

  1. Shampoos;
  2. Toothpastes and brushes;
  3. Decorative cosmetics;
  4. Deodorants and more.

This is not all that is in demand. As a rule, the attention of buyers is attracted by inexpensive products that save money, for example, shampoo + conditioner or moisturizing cream for the body and face. This must be taken into account when forming the assortment of a retail outlet.

Household products

Due to a decrease in purchasing power, many Russians have to give up entertainment. People prefer to cook food at home, so restaurants and cafes are empty. Companies that offer food delivery and takeaway are also suffering losses. For some citizens, cooking various dishes is a hobby. Such people make up about 19% of the total population of our country. In this regard, sales volumes began to increase in the market of semi-finished products and ingredients for gourmet dishes. By the way, last year the demand for bakery products decreased, but the sales volume of baking ingredients, flour and yeast, increased by 15%.

To stay afloat, retail outlet owners will have to wage fierce competition. If you want to succeed, constantly monitor the market to find out which products are in greatest demand, increase seasonal sales and optimize your costs.


Continuing the conversation about what is now in demand among people, I would like to separately mention various medications. They are considered essential goods, so sales volumes of such products do not fall even in conditions of economic instability.

It is most profitable to open a highly specialized pharmacy, for example, economy class or for selling domestic medicines. The drug business is stable and lacks any seasonality. If you determine what is in demand and manage to organize your business activities in such a way that your pharmacy stands out among competitors, consumers who are tired of a huge number of different offers will come to you.

Farm products

According to the results of sociological research, in 2016 the number of customers in chain supermarkets decreased significantly. This is due to the fact that many citizens of our country prefer shopping at the market. Here you can buy natural and truly high-quality products at affordable prices.

After the introduction of sanctions, there were fewer imported fruits, vegetables and meat in the country. They have been replaced by farm products, which are superior in quality to the same mass-produced products. Therefore, if we talk about what products are in demand in 2019, we can safely say that these are domestically produced farm products.

Alcohol and cigarettes

During a crisis, consumption of various goods decreases, cash reserves decrease and, in general, the standard of living falls. It is difficult for entrepreneurs working in the trade sector to determine which products are currently in demand. But there are products for which people do not spare money, even in a difficult economic situation. These are alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.

Scientists have provided quite interesting data - during a crisis, people visit drinking establishments more often and drink more alcoholic beverages. According to the results of studies, some citizens can save on literally everything, even on toilet paper, but not on alcoholic beverages. Consumers can buy cheap liqueur instead of expensive cognac or wine, but will not give up alcohol. Wealthy people buy high-quality alcohol. Undoubtedly, food, clothing and medicines are in the first positions on the list of goods in great demand, but alcohol is not the last place in it.

Author's works

Recently, such a direction of entrepreneurial activity as handmade has become very popular. Before doing this, you need to figure out which handmade products are in demand. The most in demand on the market:

  • Paintings. Contemporary art differs significantly from classical painting. The most popular are abstract paintings with bright geometric shapes or blurry spots. They are often found in the interiors of private houses and in the offices of reputable companies;
  • Knitted products. Pay attention to what people are in demand now and get to work. These can be original sweaters, hats, socks, bedspreads, etc.;
  • Kids toys. There are many options here. The most important thing is that the toys are made from natural, safe materials, for example, wood;
  • Women's bags. We are talking about exclusive products. If you want your products to sell quickly, use high-quality materials and original decor;
  • Clay products. Recently, pottery has become very popular. If you are interested in handmade items that are in demand, then pay attention to various souvenirs, plates, spice jars, pots or cups. Exclusive products sell very quickly, so try to do something unusual and original;
  • Bijouterie. This is an inexhaustible source of income. The range of such products is huge, and the demand for them does not fall even during a crisis. If you can find your niche in this market segment, the money will flow like a river;
  • Exclusive clothing. If you know how to sew and are wondering what kind of handicraft is in demand, start producing unique, high-quality clothing. There will always be buyers for original original models.

Focus on new fashion trends and national traditions. This will help you understand which product is currently in demand in 2019. Don’t forget that you are not just selling products to people, but part of your soul.

Stress Relief Products

Nowadays, it is difficult to find rare goods that are in great demand. But if you take a closer look at this market segment, it can include products designed to relieve stress.

Almost all residents of large cities are familiar with this chronic disease. Enterprising people are coming up with different ways to solve this problem. They offer consumers various goods and services that help relieve stress, and open anti-stress cafes and shops. This is a fairly promising area of ​​activity that allows you to earn a decent income. If you decide to get into trading and are trying to understand what products are in demand, be sure to pay attention to stress relief products.

Tourist trips

Now let's try to determine which services are in greatest demand in our country. One of the most popular activities in this area is tourism. Such a business may seem easy and quite attractive, but in fact there is a huge level of competition in this market segment. The demand for tour operator services does not exceed supply, but despite this, any entrepreneur can achieve great success here.

In essence, a tourism product is a service, but in the market it is considered a product because it can be sold far from the place of production. During the crisis, consumers abandon expensive tours to well-known foreign resorts in favor of relaxing in the lap of nature in our country. If you focus on this in your activities, your business will develop harmoniously and generate excellent income. ( 30 voted. Rating: 4.90 out of 5)

A high-margin product is a product for which there is always a consistently high demand and a small percentage of supply on the market. Each seller tries to sell products with high margins: they not only increase the average check, but also provide the largest profit. “Business.ru” has compiled a list of the highest-margin products of 2018.

Products with high margins for business in 2018

Margin, in the simplest sense of the word, is a kind of synonym for the word “profit”, that is, the difference between the cost of a product and its selling price. It is the revenue received from its sale that is the “margin”.
Therefore, the higher the “margin” received for a product, the more high-margin it is.

That is why retailers all over the world today have the most important goal - to sell high-margin goods in large volumes, thereby increasing their profits.

Today there are several types of margin: exchange, credit, banking, guarantee, maintenance, trading. In our article we will talk specifically about trading (market) margin. We all know that a trading company can stay afloat only by marking up goods, which is necessary to make a profit.

Useful documents to download:

The Business.Ru Retail program will help you calculate the marginality of not only a specific product, but also the entire store. It will also allow you to easily automate the cashier’s workplace, work with weighted goods, maintain warehouse records and sales analytics. Supports 54-FZ and EGAIS.

By “increasing” a trade markup on a product of one hundred, two hundred, and sometimes three hundred percent, each seller is chasing profit. What “stimulates” them in this process is that today in our country the maximum margin has not been established, which means that any seller or owner of a service enterprise can set any margin depending on their needs and demand for the product.

Important! If the markup on your goods is prohibitively high, then simply no one will buy such things or products.

When introducing new products to your retail store's assortment, you must use calculations to determine the optimal level of markup to achieve the desired level of margin after covering all costs.

Buyers of goods and consumers of services will never know how much money they actually overpay for goods - we can only guess about it. On average, the margin level is 20–30% of the cost of a product or service, but for different categories of goods the margin can reach 1000%. And, despite this, they are actively bought.

This, for example, is the purchase of items from world-famous brands - consumers overpay hundreds of times the cost of these goods and, of course, will continue to do so.

In general, all products can be divided into three categories:

1. Low-margin goods. These types of goods are sold everywhere, the demand for them is quite high, but due to the fact that such things can be bought on every corner, you cannot put too much of a markup on them. The purchase price of these goods is quite low, which means that a margin of more than 10-20% is not established on them. But, at the same time, such products are the best-selling, which means they will quickly “leave” from store windows.

The profitability of selling low-margin goods lies in the fact that the benefit from them can be “removed” due to their good turnover, that is, “taken” by the number of goods sold. For example, low-margin goods include household chemicals, toys, children's products, non-food products, etc. As for the service sector, the lowest level of margin is observed in the transport sector;

2. Medium-margin products. For such groups of goods, the markup is higher than for low-margin goods, and all because these are no longer everyday goods and there are significantly fewer offers on the market. This category includes household appliances; in some stores the margin is 30-40% of their cost, or, for example, building materials;

3. High-margin goods– these are goods that sell well “here and now”. They are the most coveted among retailers. These can be new items, “seasonal goods” or goods for which demand is high on certain days of the year, or goods for which demand is always consistently high, regardless of the time of year, the economic situation in the country and the income level of the population.

This may include Apple products, items of famous brands and brands, jewelry and products made of precious metals, etc. There is always a demand for such goods, which means that 100% mark-up will not scare away customers!

As for the service sector, the absolute leader here, receiving the largest margin, is public catering enterprises. And this applies to both small cafes and elite restaurants, where a cup of coffee, the cost of which is no more than 40 rubles, can be sold for 400, or even a thousand rubles.

How to choose a profitable product to sell: ideas for business

Important! The cheaper the cost of a product at which the retailer purchased it for further resale, the lower the markup on it will be, and therefore the size of the margin.

You can automate the calculation of the cost of goods and trade margins by connecting

  • add up the average cost of transportation costs spent on delivering goods to the store;
  • the average cost of servicing a client, including the salary of the seller, the cost of maintaining a trading enterprise;
  • funds invested in advertising one unit of goods, as well as other costs.

Based on these components, you will receive the amount of markup on your product, which can be set on the goods.

Today, in a difficult economic period for the country, many retailers are tormented by the question: what high-margin products should be introduced into the store’s assortment to increase the average check and obtain the greatest profit?

The online magazine “Business.ru” lists the top 10 high-margin goods that can be sold at the highest markup in 2018.

Top 10 product categories with the highest markups


Experienced retailers and catering establishment owners know firsthand that drinks are one of the highest-margin products. So, for example, the cost of a liter of high-quality plain drinking water is no more than two rubles, but today on the market the average liter bottled water costs from 30 rubles.

Imported copies can cost up to a hundred rubles or more. For example, in resort towns (on the Russian Black Sea coast or abroad), the cost of bottled water in a five-liter container can reach several hundred rubles. And still, tourists will buy drinking water at such “crazy” prices.

This is certainly beneficial for sellers - the markup on water here can reach 100, 200, or even 500 percent, and in fact its actual cost differs many times from the price presented in the store.

The same can be said about drinks in catering establishments. The price of drinks can be increased several times. Even just by adding hot tea or coffee, cocktails or refreshing drinks to your grocery store’s assortment, you can “win” a decent amount of money and get a good margin.


Let us “feel” for sellers and buyers the size of the margin in the flower business. The markup on goods here is colossal. For example, Ecuadorian roses, popular in our country, in Ecuador itself, in terms of Russian rubles, will cost 30-50 kopecks per piece, but in Russia their price today ranges from one hundred rubles per flower. Of course, the cost of a rose includes the costs of its delivery, but the markup amounts are still significant.

Selling flowers is always profitable, especially during the holidays. And, if you can competently and beautifully “introduce” the sale of flowers into the store’s assortment, then this will become a stable source of constant profit, since any flowers today are goods with a consistently high markup. The only problem lies in finding a reliable supplier who can deliver flowers at an attractive wholesale price for you.

Read more about how to open a flower shop in 2018.


Today, exclusive handmade products are wildly popular all over the world. It is very difficult to estimate their cost, which means that when selling and reselling them, the seller is free to “inflate” any price. Hand-made products include handmade dolls, hand-sewn clothes, accessories, beautifully designed interior items, original designer “things” and similar beautiful and stylish little things.

Retailers are confident that with the right approach, adding such exclusive hand-made items to the store’s product range, you can make a fortune in the shortest possible time. The margin level here is really high, demand is also high, and the supply market is still relatively calm.

This type of high-margin goods is suitable for various stores: from furniture stores to clothing stores, children's goods, accessories, etc. Handmade products are really profitable to sell to any retailer today.

You can automate the calculation of the cost of goods and trade margins by connecting

Accessories for the holiday

This category also includes goods at “unreasonably high” prices. Sellers, by increasing prices for holiday goods, are betting that people will be forced to purchase them at any cost. That is why a postcard - colored cardboard with a poem inside, the cost of which is a few rubles - can cost up to a hundred rubles in stores today, and a simple balloon filled with helium, the cost of 10 rubles, will cost 150!

That is why many retailers are introducing these high-margin products into their store assortment: cards, balloons, room decorations, “caps,” as well as wedding accessories, posters, flags and much, much more. The cost of all these goods is a pittance, but the “margin” from their sale can reach hundreds and thousands of rubles. In addition, the demand for such products is always high.


Products with high margins, the introduction of which into the store’s assortment is quite profitable today, include various jewelry, accessories, and costume jewelry. Expanding the assortment to include such related products is important for shoe or clothing stores, underwear, and even a small retail outlet.

The markup on products made of colored plastic and glass - costume jewelry - can reach three hundred percent. Sometimes the cost of simple beads or accessories from famous brands can reach the cost of gold or silver jewelry. In other words, it is through the sale of “penny” jewelry that you can get particularly large revenues in the store.

Expensive alcohol

Of course, selling alcoholic beverages today is a costly business; in addition to obtaining a license to sell alcohol, you need to comply with special trading rules, connect to the Unified State Automated Information System and solve many other related problems. But all time and material costs are more than compensated by the margin received from the sale of alcohol.

And if, for example, in an average restaurant the cost of a bottle of good wine is at least tripled, then even in a grocery store, if you “increase” the markup by 100%, you will get a good profit. For elite alcohol and rare wines, this is far from the limit - alcohol has been and remains the highest-margin product and brings net constant profit to those involved in its retail sale.

Have you opened a store, delivered goods, kept records and are thinking about automating its work? Pay attention to the commodity accounting program Business.Ru Retail. It will allow you to easily automate the cashier’s workplace, work with weighted goods, maintain warehouse records and sales analytics. It also supports 54-FZ and EGAIS.

Loose tea and coffee

It’s an amazing fact, but today more and more retail enterprises choose loose tea and coffee to sell related high-margin goods. All people love good tea and quality coffee, and true connoisseurs are ready to pay a tidy sum for their elite varieties.

For example, by purchasing teas directly from China and selling them in your store with a 300% increase in cost, you can definitely get significant benefits.

This high-margin product has long established itself, and today the most popular varieties of elite Chinese tea can be found on the shelves not only of tea shops, but even in sports stores in the sports nutrition departments and in retail grocery stores. Such a related product will in any case increase the average check in your store.


Introducing cosmetics from well-known popular brands into the store’s product range is a priori profitable: the cost of cosmetic products, as a rule, does not exceed 20% of the market price of the goods. That is, 80% of the cost of cosmetics is its beautiful packaging, promotion and advertising costs. But women, the main buyers of cosmetics, are ready to overpay almost any money for cosmetics from their favorite brands.

The same goes for perfumes - their cost is much lower than the market value. By making high-quality cosmetics or perfumes a related product in your store, you can increase the average check and receive consistently high profits. This option for related products is also suitable for women's clothing stores, accessories, pharmacies, industrial goods stores and others.

Snacks and popcorn

The top ten products with the highest markups today certainly include such popular products as snacks, sweets, and popcorn. These options for related products are good for retail outlets located in shopping and entertainment centers. Also, these are generally really high-margin products.

For example, by opening even a small point selling chewing marmalade, which children love so much, popcorn and other snacks near a movie theater, in an amusement park, near a city water park, near children's playgrounds, you can recoup all costs in a matter of months. Just imagine: the cost of raw materials for popcorn - dry corn kernels - is ten times lower than the cost of ready-made hot popcorn!

And even the minimal costs of its production do not justify the high prices for this type of product: in cinemas the price of a box of hot popcorn can reach a thousand rubles.

The same goes for other sweets, chewing marmalade, cotton candy, ice cream - these high-margin products are always loved and desired among children, and that is why parents are ready to “spend” a tidy sum for them. By adding, for example, to the assortment of a children's goods store a stand with “related” products - candies and chewing marmalade - you will receive tangible benefits after a short time.

About other effective ways to increase sales in a grocery store

Accompanying services

It is quite a profitable business today to provide the population with services related to your business in the field of trade. You can also “inflate” prices here indefinitely, and still these types of servants will be in demand among buyers.

For example, for a clothing store - these are clothing fitting services, for a furniture store - furniture collection and delivery services, for a household appliance store - their repair, refilling cartridges, installation of software with on-site visits, for a flower shop - bouquet delivery services, decorating rooms with fresh flowers, etc.

You just have to use your imagination, come up with a high-margin related service for your business, and you can not only increase profits, but also make them stable, thereby diversifying your business and finding new ways to generate income. It is this “niche” that is recognized by marketers and retailers as the most promising and profitable.

In general, experts advise entrepreneurs in the retail sector not to be afraid to take risks and introduce high-margin products into the store’s assortment. With a competent approach, weighing all the pros and cons, analyzing the market and competitors, you can increase your profits.

But you shouldn’t think that everything is so rosy: today, even when selling high-margin goods in a store, certain difficulties may arise, which means that an entrepreneur must be able to quickly respond to all changes in demand and the market, monitor the situation and try to keep up with the demands of the population .