The most cost-effective services. The best and unusual business ideas from around the world

Many people eventually come to the conclusion that working for someone else is not only tiring, but also does not bring the desired benefits. Therefore, more and more people are thinking about how to open their own business. There may be a lot of options, but you need to choose the one that will really be the most profitable.

What is the most profitable business today?

You need to know by what criteria you can evaluate the financial attractiveness of a business. There are several of them:
    1. Quick payback. The invested funds must be returned as quickly as possible.2. Demand. The services provided or products produced must be the most attractive and in demand for the population.3. Affordable price of raw materials.4. Efficiency of resources spent. For example, if the profit is only a few hundred dollars a month, then it hardly makes sense to bother with such a thing. In other words, investments must be commensurate with the profit received.
So which activity should you choose? Read and decide for yourself.

Profitable types of small businesses

First of all, construction. This is the business that everyone will always need. However, it is worth noting that competition in this area is quite high. However, you can find your niche: sell building materials, assemble a construction team and fulfill turnkey orders. This business is attractive because it does not require too much investment. Even if you are an intermediary, you can make good money. In order for a business to be more effective and generate the desired income, you need to understand it. 1) Trading food products is always profitable. True, there is a lot of competition here too. However, everyone also always needs products. People buy semi-finished products; on any street you can find a cafe or pizzeria. 2) It is also cost-effective to provide services to the population. People are always ready to pay for them, as long as everything is done efficiently and with high professionalism. Read on to find out which services are most in demand among the population. 3) The sphere of beauty and health is quite relevant. You can hardly find a girl who doesn't want to be attractive and healthy. People are willing to pay a lot of money for this. This includes beauty salons, hairdressers, sports clubs, and massage services. Such a business will require a lot of attention. Here it is important to select highly qualified, polite employees, as well as to choose the right location of the establishment. 4) Internet business is also profitable. It is hardly possible to do without high technology. Moreover, they are constantly evolving. By the way, big money is made on the Internet. What can be discovered in this area? For example, an online store. Although the competition is also quite big. However, you can find a free niche in which you can build your own income-generating business. Popular and in demand services include the following:

    1. Legal. They are needed not only by enterprises, but also by individuals.2. Consulting or advice from professionals in the fields of business and marketing.3. Real estate.4. Accounting/auditing.5. Medical services.6. Lending.7. Insurance services.8. Cleaning.9. Tutoring.10. Repair and construction services.11. Computer.12. Car service and gas station.13. Insurance.

What and in what area is it profitable to work now?

It is profitable to do, first of all, what suits the majority of the population. For example, online stores, food delivery, car service, car wash, trading activities in food and household goods. 1. It is profitable to engage in audit services. Any opening enterprise needs them. Thanks to such services, you can calculate the approximate income from a business project, calculate possible risks, and understand how to minimize them. 2. Manual therapy. Oddly enough, this method of treatment can often help, which is why more and more people are using it. 3. It is profitable to run a special clinic (dentistry, ultrasound, cardiac centers). True, opening and maintaining such establishments requires a lot of money. But the cost of servicing them for customers is considerable. Despite the high cost, people turn to such establishments where they receive the services they need. Accordingly, such a business pays off relatively quickly. 4. It is also profitable to engage in accounting activities, since such services are always needed by everyone. 5. Private dental offices are becoming increasingly popular. After all, it is very convenient when you can come to an appointment at a pre-agreed time and receive quality services. Moreover, patients simply receive aesthetic pleasure, since all actions are painless and comfortable. That's why people will pay money for them. 6. Lawyer or notary activity is very profitable nowadays. Everyone periodically needs to draw up powers of attorney and transactions. Therefore, such activities will always be needed and there will also be clients in them. 7. A profitable area is microcredit. Often people urgently need a small amount of funds, which banks are unlikely to agree to issue. Therefore, many people turn to microfinance companies for help. 8. It is profitable to engage in optics, especially if the field of activity is the selection of glasses and delivery to order. Not everyone wants to wait in line to see a doctor. 9. Real estate valuation has also become popular recently. Often, private individuals resort to the help of such specialists during a purchase/sale transaction. 10. Individuals often turn to insurance agencies to insure vehicles, property, and health. 11. It is also profitable to own your own gas station. Regardless of the cost of gasoline, motorists will still fill their cars with fuel. This business will always be relevant.

Profitable business at home

It is quite possible to have a highly profitable business at home. For example, go into production. It is easy to organize in an apartment or house. What to produce? Toys, sweets, baking. But this is not the only opportunity. You can also provide services to the population in the field of electrical and plumbing. To do this, you will need knowledge in a specific field, experience, and the necessary tools. At home, you can organize a tailoring or clothing repair shop. Investments are required here, since the work will require purchasing the appropriate equipment. Skills and experience in this activity are also required. You can only work in your own area. To find clients, you should post advertisements near nearby houses. You can start making fish food. This business is quite profitable. In this case, you will not need to keep the fish themselves, but you just need to find a reservoir where there is live food. You will need a freezer to store finished products. You can read food recipes on the Internet. You can make accessories and furniture for pets, which is very popular. It will be necessary to purchase special sewing accessories and materials, depending on the area of ​​activity. Ideas and sketches can be taken from the Internet. Making candles will also bring a solid income. You can work in a garage where you can install a special machine. Maximum profit will be received during holidays. It is profitable to produce handmade products. For example, boxes. People are willing to pay a lot of money for such products. Boxes can be made from different materials. At the same time, special attention should be paid to their decoration. The production of picture frames can be very profitable, since the final product is always in demand. Moreover, the demand for such products is growing every year. You can make stained glass windows with your own hands. Competition in this area is not yet too high, but the demand is great. After all, decorative glazing is stylish, beautiful, rich. If you have knowledge related to computer technology, then why not go into this business? You can repair such equipment, install programs, fight viruses, even teach computer science.

Highly profitable business in a small town

There can be many options, ranging from providing services to the public to selling something. The only thing is that you should do an analysis first, since in small towns not all goods and services will be in demand. You can start growing vegetables, fruits, and plants. True, this work should be classified as seasonal. It is profitable to engage in such a business if you have your own summer cottage. People are willing to pay a lot of money for natural products. The main costs will be associated with the purchase of seeds, landscaping, and purchasing equipment. The products can even be sold to stores. Only for this you will need to register the organization and obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor. You can also engage in livestock farming if there are conditions for this outside the city. It cannot be said that this business is simple, as it requires strength, diligence, and knowledge. In addition, you will need financial investments to purchase food and pay for veterinarian services. If you breed cats and dogs, then it is advisable to participate in exhibitions, which will also require financial investments. In fact, there are many options. The main thing is to focus on the basic needs of people. Everything related to them will be in demand. For example, you can open a private kindergarten. There are never enough of them. Or open a dental office. Everyone needs qualified help. You can open a language school for children. In small towns, minor repairs to household problems are in demand. Cleaning, laundry, cooking, and dog walking services are also necessary. Everyone needs taxis, funeral services, grocery stores, and hairdressers.

In general, trading food products is profitable, since people have always been and will always need them. It is simply impossible to do without them. There will be special demand for bread, cereals, vegetables, and fruits. Moreover, if there are not so many funds to open a business, you can start your activity by opening a stall. If you have enough funds, then you can start opening a store or restaurant. It is only important to decide on the supplier. He must be good and conscientious, supplying high-quality goods at a reasonable price. Trading building materials is also profitable, since someone is constantly building or repairing something. Products from Chinese manufacturers are especially popular in this area. Medicines also bring good income, since people do not want to save on their own health. The demand for medicines will never decrease. But to increase the number of customers, the pharmacy should have not only expensive drugs, but also budget ones. Clothes and shoes are always necessary and in demand. Trading personal hygiene items, cosmetics, and perfumes is also profitable, since these categories of goods are necessary for people. Auto parts are profitable business. Every car owner takes care of his vehicle, so the demand for auto parts is always high. At the same time, do not forget about consumables, such as automobile oils and special liquids. Trade in ritual goods brings in a good income. From time immemorial, people not only are born, but also die. Sales of goods for children are growing, because every parent wants to give their child all the best and necessary. Toys, clothing, essential goods for children - all this is relevant and important. Sales of alcoholic beverages are very high. This business is profitable and profitable. However, in order to trade such goods, special permits are required.

The most profitable business is working on the Internet

This work is only for yourself. You can open your own business, for example, an online store. You can create your own blog, promote it and make money from advertising. Or another option is to create a website, fill it with interesting content, achieve high traffic and also make money from advertising. By creating a channel on YouTube and filling it with content, you can also make a profit. There are many other activities that can be successfully carried out via the Internet - promotion of services, goods, promotion of other people's sites, groups, portals, forums. Writing articles can also be done via the Internet. And for this you do not need to have a philological education. Even an average knowledge of Russian will do. It is important that there is a desire. In social networks, you can become a content manager, moderator, or earn money through affiliate programs. You can also work as an editor. This activity is similar to copywriting, but a deep knowledge of the language is required. Online consultations can be carried out on accounting, law, and medicine. Special knowledge and skills in selected areas are required. You will also need a website, blog or page. There are many options.

The fair half of humanity can start a business related to their own hobbies. For example, design activities. You can make toys, jewelry, sew clothes, and much more. Women can also start freelancing. True, for this you need to have some skills: write competently and beautifully, program, take photographs. You can start distributing cosmetics; now this is a very popular and promising direction. Culinary activity, why not micro-business? You can prepare baked goods, jams, marmalades, and sweets. Moreover, you can organize cooking classes for several people right in your kitchen. You don't have to be a chef, though. You can be a self-taught person who knows how to cook well and shares his knowledge with others. To work, you will need the necessary kitchen equipment so that there is enough for all participants. You should also consider that there is enough space on the stove for everyone and buy groceries. You can organize a beauty salon. That is, do manicures, pedicures, provide hairdressing services, tattoos, eyelash extensions, or conduct training courses. In order to engage in such activities, you must have special skills. Experience is also necessary. For business you will need professional tools. However, it is not necessary to open a salon itself. These same services can be provided privately. The main thing is to have a portfolio. Attracting clients won't be that difficult. You can disseminate information on social networks. You can also perform sugaring (sugar hair removal) at home. For this activity you need to have a special couch and professional tools. Experience in this field is very important. If you have experience in the beauty field, then you can start conducting training courses, which is very profitable. Women can also organize a business related to braids. It requires virtually no costs. The main thing is experience and skills. In addition, it is worth constantly developing, studying new items. An option for a specific women’s business is to rent clothes if the wardrobe is full of things. Moreover, there are practically no costs. It is unlikely that you will be able to earn too much from this business, but you will have constant additional income. You can also organize your own confectionery shop at home. This type of business is quite profitable, the main thing is to find consumers. At the same time, you can choose what to cook yourself. At first, the assortment should not be too large. Alternatively, you can cook to order. You can even make custom wedding cakes and cakes for other occasions. The handmade trend is interesting: creating something with your own hands. Most popular destinations

1. Making handmade soap. This business is highly profitable and pays off quickly. Such products are often purchased as gifts for loved ones. In addition, demand is growing all the time. But it's not that simple. You need to purchase special equipment and ingredients. 2. Aromatic bath bombs. Production technology is important in this business. And before you sell, you should try the product yourself. This activity is time-consuming. Patience is also required. 3. Jewelry made from polymer clay is a popular trend, as it is always nice to have something exclusive. In this matter, two things are important - imagination and sleight of hand. And if you have drawing skills, then this is an additional advantage. You will also need to purchase special tools. 4. Accessories for weddings. Individuality is the main advantage here. Such items may include bonbonnieres, ring boxes, locks, glasses, and bottles. 5. Making sweet bouquets from candies is also suitable for women. Talent and a sense of style are important here. The final work should be beautiful and elegant. You can come up with compositions yourself or search on the Internet. 6. Something that may suit women is organizing joint purchases. This business requires organizational skills. What will you need to do? Purchase goods at wholesale prices and transfer them to consumers. No skills are needed for this activity. Activity and desire are important. 7. Embroidery is also a popular business. At the same time, it is worth mastering a wide variety of techniques. Embroidered paintings, portraits, accessories, and clothing are very popular. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to start a profitable business completely without investments during a crisis, since even temporary expenses are also investments. But let’s consider business options where investments are minimal. You can focus on a person’s daily needs for food and do things related to food, because they will always eat, and accordingly buy food products as well. The main thing is to choose the right location for the outlet. It should be highly accessible. You can, for example, conduct training via Skype (psychology, foreign languages, whatever). This is a real business without investment. Or start tutoring, having the necessary knowledge. Or do work for students. They are always in demand. The only thing you need is deep knowledge in your chosen field. You can also start teaching music. But this requires professional skills and knowledge. You can give lessons in playing instruments, teach singing. Another option is to provide translator services. But you need to know the language and know special terminology. You can translate anything, from articles to documents. There is no investment, only good knowledge is needed. Design activities are also very profitable. But not only special knowledge and skills are required, but also artistic taste, a sense of style, and the ability to draw. Skills in working with graphic editors are desirable. You can draw anything: banners, posters, brochures, logos, business cards. Create sketches of clothes and accessories. Or simply process photographs. If you have an accounting education, then you can take up accounting activities. In addition to education itself, knowledge of current legislation is also necessary in order to perform the job efficiently. You also need to be proficient in relevant programs, for example, 1 C. Without investment, you can also work as a call center operator from home. The main functions that will need to be performed are accepting orders, complaints, and consulting. The main thing for this activity is a good voice and competent speech. Women at home can work as nannies. In this case, no licenses or permits are needed. It is advisable to have recommendations.

The best small business ideas with quick payback

Cleaning activities. You can provide cleaning services for houses and surrounding areas, for example, washing windows. You can work without involving partners in your activities. The main thing is to correctly assess your own capabilities and advertise accordingly. If the work is done efficiently, clients will appear on their own. This activity does not require any additional knowledge or skills. The main thing is to do your work diligently and be attentive to the details, then the invested funds will pay off fairly quickly. Opening an oxygen bar means doing business with a quick payback. It cannot be said that there is too much demand for such a product. But the profits are coming in steadily. You can not only open such a bar, but also sell oxygen cocktails. How quickly a business will pay off depends on its location. It is advisable to open an outlet in a crowded place. The business of providing accounting services also pays off quickly. At the same time, investments in it are minimal. Recently, many companies do not hire accountants on a permanent basis, but turn to independent specialists.

TOP most successful business projects in the world

The most successful business projects in the world, making up the TOP 10, are as follows: 1. Chocolate butter (Michel Ferrero family). These people made chocolate part of breakfast. Today this family is the leading chocolate manufacturer in all of Europe. They own such famous brands as Ferrero Rocher, Nutella, Tic Tac and Kinder Eggs. 2. Installing automatic lockers along highways (Brad Hughes). Today the company occupies a leading position in the volume of services they provide. 3. A simple polo shirt with a horse tag stuck on it (Ralph Lauren). This man became the founder of the Polo company. 4. Selling books online (Jeff Bizos). This man became the founder of the legendary online store Amazon. 5. Binny's Teddy Bears (Ty Warner). They are now produced in limited editions and are a valuable item for collectors. 6. Sale of energy drinks based on sugar and caffeine - Red Bull. The drink is rich in vitamin B and is intended for athletes and partygoers. 7. Production of shoes with a moisture-protective membrane (small holes in the sole). These shoes eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat. 8. Creating a powerful vacuum cleaner with supersonic suction speed (James Dyson). 9. Sale of sweet chewing candies of various shapes (Hans and Paul Reigel). 10. A coffee shop on every corner in the city (Howard Schultz). As you can see, the list of profitable business ideas is quite long. And, believe me, these are not all possible options. There are many more of them. Everyone can find a profitable and interesting business for themselves.

On our website we publish fresh business ideas (current new items), or already operating profitable niches, unique super-topics that are gaining popularity, advantageous offers for those who do not know what kind of business to open (small, small, mini, large or international) , how to start your own business, which ideas are profitable and interesting for business in a small or large city. This section will help you find good ideas (simple and successful) for your business.

What is a business idea?

This is an idea that can be used to build a new company or a new line of activity in an existing business. It is usually used to create goods or services that can be sold for money. There are several methods for creating and testing business ideas. The ability to transform into a viable business must be supported by a feasible and well-written business plan, which can then be sold for a certain amount to interested investors or companies before the idea itself is implemented. It can also be sold by concluding a contract for its sale with the manager, or other methods of compensation can be used.

An idea applied at the right time, when demand for the goods or services mentioned in it is expected to increase, can lead to the creation of a highly profitable business or the growth of an existing one. In an increasingly competitive environment in many industries, innovative business ideas began to appear aimed at creating goods/services for which there is currently no demand at all. They are aimed at creating demand by offering the market completely new products.

How to come up with a new idea? Generation techniques

As a rule, a successful business idea is generated either by experts in a particular industry or by newcomers who come from other fields and are not burdened by the traditions and cliches of the chosen industry. That is, the latter can come, for example, from the financial sector to the fashion industry.

For generation, you can use a structural analysis of existing industries, markets, business models, and processes. Usually analytical notes are written, SWOT analysis, variants of PEST analysis, or Porter's Five Forces Analysis are carried out. Brainstorming techniques are often used.

The most profitable business in Russia is in the area that the entrepreneur has a passion for. In other words, you need to do only what you love. However, this business must still be profitable and generate some income. Therefore, before determining the field of activity where to organize a profitable business, you need to first select the most popular industries.

What kind of business is considered profitable?

In the modern market, the most numerous are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. After all, it is in them that any subject can begin to function quickly, independently and without significant investments.

The main criteria for the “level of profitability” of a business are:

  • The speed of return of funds invested in the business. In this case we are talking about the operating cycle. For example, from purchasing a product to receiving money (in fact) from its sale, a minimum period of time should be spent.
  • Demand. A profitable business can only be carried out among an accessible target audience that is potentially interested in certain services.
  • Cost of materials and raw materials. Both profit and profit depend on it.
  • Profitability. This indicator is closely related to the previous two. Thus, profits will increase simultaneously with sales volume.
  • Capital productivity. This indicator characterizes the effectiveness of investments and their proportionality with the profit received.

Opening a profitable business is very easy

When organizing your own business, it is advisable for a novice entrepreneur to be interested in the political and economic situation in the country. This is the only way to determine the most profitable business in Russia today. It is necessary for yourself to identify the main indicators for each desired type of activity and monitor the expected results for them.

As a simple example, the article examines trade in basic necessities. This activity can be classified as a profitable small business. An analysis of its effectiveness was carried out according to the five criteria given above.

  • The speed of cash turnover is quite high. For example, a store purchased bread and milk, which will be sold out over the next few days.
  • The demand for the same bread, matches and soap will always be, regardless of whether there is an economic boom or a crisis or war.
  • Low cost of goods with a huge selection of suppliers, while the markup is set independently by the seller.
  • There is a direct relationship, expressed as follows: big leads to high profits.
  • High business efficiency due to good sales and inelasticity of demand.

The following types of activities can be classified as profitable businesses: beauty and entertainment industry, catering, wholesale trade, repair services, tourism and advertising business, installation and subsequent maintenance of equipment, Internet commerce, logistics, transport and educational services.

Deciding on a specific direction of activity

It is necessary to take into account the fact that, given some instability and the transitional state of the economic situation, it is not enough to identify the most profitable business in Russia, based only on standard economic parameters. We must also remember about bureaucratic and political obstacles, high competition and peculiarities of mentality in some areas, as well as the underdevelopment of certain types of activities. Therefore, every aspiring entrepreneur needs to decide what he is willing to face in order to achieve effective work. There is no need to give up those niches that may at first glance seem unpromising and crowded, but using special tools to organize the most profitable business in Russia.

Main types of successful business

  • Advertising business. Many people trade and understand that advertising is the engine of their activities. Despite the competition, there will always be demand. Advertising agencies make up a fairly large segment of the service industry. At the same time, they continue to actively develop in the future. Therefore, advertising activities can be considered as a profitable business.
  • Trade. Today it is quite difficult to break into the market with daily consumption goods. However, there is an alternative to it - online stores. This is a very profitable business in Moscow, gradually gaining momentum.

Opening a business in Moscow

The capital is a city of enormous opportunity, in which every citizen is trying to take his place. Businessmen are no exception. Let's consider the main types of activities that make up the category of “profitable business” in Moscow.

Providing small loans

In the first place is the implementation of activities in the field of small lending. Today, many offices have opened that issue small amounts of money at high interest rates. Thanks to such a high percentage, businessmen receive income. This type of activity is considered profitable, despite minor investments at the initial stage.

Grocery stores and food outlets

The second place may be taken by the sale of food products. Despite the large number of such retail outlets in the capital, they are often located near residential buildings and therefore are quite in demand. At the starting stage, small financial resources are needed to pay for renting premises, purchasing goods, paying salaries to employees and for expenses associated with obtaining various trade permits.

Placing fast food stalls can be considered as a profitable business when such stalls are located, for example, on the forecourt. This is due to significant costs of renting or purchasing premises, which can be repaid due to the high turnover of the cost of services, due to the large number of arrivals (departures).

Sale of medicines, perfumes and personal care products

This type of business is in third place in terms of benefits. The opening of at least one pharmacy in one of the central districts will provide its organizer with a significant income, which can be comparable to the profit of several similar institutions, but in a residential area.

The profitability of a business selling personal care products and perfumes is associated with the constant need for hygiene products for every person. The return on investment for this type of activity in Moscow is much higher than in other cities. A positive point is the relatively low costs associated with purchasing products and paying for rent.

Public ground transport services

The profitability of this business is guaranteed due to the annual increase in travel tariff rates. At the same time, the costs of paying taxes, paying employee salaries, gasoline and servicing rolling stock often remain at the same level.


And finally, last on the list of profitable types of business is the provision of medical services. Among the advantages of this type of activity are the following: a small staff, a small rented premises and

“Big Gay Ice Cream”

Now it is a developed chain of cafes, although back in 2009 the activity began with a small van selling ice cream and shakes. The essence of the idea is very simple, but effective. BGIC offers original and amazingly delicious combinations of ice cream toppings: key lime curd, vanilla cookie crumble, pumpkin jam. Another secret of popularity is the original and memorable names of sweets.


This is an unusual coffee shop. Its creators and visitors are fans of the band Queen. In the hall there are photographs of Freddie Mercury and other musicians of the group. From time to time, one of the group's compositions is played in the coffee shop. At this moment, the first customer in line receives the ordered drink for free. The slogan of this promotion is: “When Queen plays, Freddie pays!”

Booty's Street Food

The owners of this restaurant in Louisiana spent a long time traveling around the world and studying the peculiarities of national cuisines. They have selected, learned how to cook and offer their visitors the most popular, classic dishes from street food trucks around the world. But this is not enough for restless businessmen. The highlight of the restaurant was a hidden art gallery located in the restroom.

"Carousel Bar"

In the center of this huge bar is a real working carousel. This is an old carousel. They don't ride on it. The carousel features huge photographs of the most interesting and popular places in the historical Royal Street. Visitors sit around the carousel and watch a breathtaking spectacle of successive pictures of local attractions. Also, the bar offers a huge number of original cocktails.

"Crock Spot"

Translated, the food truck chain's name means "Egg Slut." The choice of the brand name turned out to be very successful; it is funny and instantly memorable. But the main feature of the business is that all dishes are prepared using eggs. There are also amazingly delicious signature recipes. It turned out that many people are willing to pay for it. The network is extremely popular and continues to expand, opening new locations.

Forbes Island

This restaurant is located on the water in San Francisco Harbor. In addition to the magnificent and rare views from the windows and terrace of the restaurant on the water, visitors are offered exquisite dishes. There are banquet halls and special menus for various holidays. The restaurant is a huge success and is often booked for special events.


This is a social network for travelers. When going on vacation, users have the opportunity to receive useful advice from experienced travelers who know the most interesting places on the chosen route. On the Internet you can find out what modes of transport are best to get there, about the best hotels and other features of the route.

This is a mobile application. It gives additional motivation to people who decide to start playing sports. If you visit the gym regularly, pleasant bonuses in cash will be credited to your account, and absentees will be fined. It turns out that those who skip training pay people who managed to force themselves to work out.

"Honor & Folly"

This is a vintage hotel, decorated in the spirit of an inn from the beginning of the last century. The style is perfect, and this attracts many guests. An additional marketing feature is the hotel's regular cooking classes from local chefs.

"Hot Doug's"

This is a well-known chain of eateries in Chicago, which became famous for its original hot dogs. For example, the menu includes rattlesnake sausages. Branded recipes for sauces and appetizers also attract customers.

This is one of the best and most famous burger joints in Boston. Customers love this place because of the delicious food, but the main reason for its huge popularity is the themed menus that change every week.

This is a bar in Los Angeles that offers unique drinks to its customers. Traditional Thai tapioca ball tea is supplemented with liquor. Signature alcoholic cocktails with boba are very popular, and the establishment has no shortage of customers.

This is a restaurant in New York. The specialty of the establishment is its constantly changing chefs. Restaurant visitors have the opportunity to taste the dishes of culinary stars. Also, here they give the opportunity to prove themselves to unknown newcomers. After a week of work, many new stars appeared in LTO.


This is a trading platform on the Internet. Its users have the opportunity to order the production of any items seen in real life or on social networks. Another part of the users are masters of various fields who carry out these orders.


This is a van that makes and sells incredibly delicious and creative pulled pork sandwiches. The van itself is also noteworthy; it looks like a large metal pig. The business operates in Seattle.

“Miso & Ale”

This is a family pub in Honolulu. The owners offer visitors traditional Hawaiian cuisine made only from local and seasonal ingredients. Unique recipes, exemplary service, freshness and ecological purity of products have made the pub one of the most beloved establishments in the city and an attraction for tourists.

Chain of stores in New York. The best tailors work here, making custom-made men's suits. You can place your order online, but you must come to the salon to try it on. The network offers several hundred varieties of fabrics and many models of suits, which can be selected using a special computer program with visualization. Cutters take many different measurements and work using innovative sewing technology. As a result, the client receives a suit that perfectly suits his figure.

“Pangea Pal”

This is an online service for travelers. When going to an unfamiliar city, users of the service find people who live there. Having met one or more local residents, the traveler arranges a personal meeting or receives valuable advice on visiting the most interesting sights, choosing a hotel or places to shop.

A Houston couple bought an old bus, restored it and created an original photo booth. The service is in great demand at various celebrations and parties. Clients order a mobile photo booth very often, because after pre-booking it arrives at the appointed time directly to the place of the celebration.

“Restaurant Jezebel”

This is an upscale restaurant in Austin. Visitors are not offered a standard menu, but are asked about their taste preferences and, based on the information received, a unique gourmet dinner is prepared. Here you can try rare wines, treat yourself to an elegant cigar and receive excellent service.


This is an online store with a very original concept. Customers pay $10, but don't know what they'll get in return until they receive their order. It can be anything - from a piano to household items or a funny hat. Despite the stupidity of the idea, the service has many fans. People are attracted to the pleasant and exciting anticipation and surprise they experience when receiving their purchase.

“The Beer Dabbler Store”

This is a specialized beer-themed store. Here you can buy barrels, original glasses, equipment for selling beer and clothing with the logos of the most famous breweries. The store's assortment includes art and beer-themed souvenirs. Also, customers are offered new items, for example, beer soap or stylish candles in shaped beer bottles.

“The Best Fish Taco in Ensenada”

This is the best place in Los Angeles, serving the most delicious fish taco in the city. Having chosen a narrow specialization, the owner of the buffet has achieved perfection in his field. The local tacos are truly the best in town. The entertainment program of this establishment is also noteworthy. Comedy nights are organized here. The country's best comedians perform on a small buffet stage.

"The Big Board"

At first glance, this is an ordinary bar, of which there are many in Washington. But the establishment has developed a unique beer pricing system. Its value changes depending on demand, just like on a financial exchange. There is a huge board hanging on the wall of the bar, not all types of beer are listed and changes in its price are made in real time. The bar also offers burgers with 1005 natural ingredients.

“The Boring Store”

Translated, the name means “Shop of Boring Things.” Chicago regulars and residents know that the sign directly contradicts the store's actual offerings. Here they sell everything that super-agents might need. The trick worked, there is no end to tourists and local buyers. In fact, the store was created to generate funding for a non-profit training center for aspiring writers located in the same building.

This is an online store that specializes in selling a wide variety of things for people who are passionate about advanced technologies. Among the store's customers are programmers, students, technical specialists, people who create and are passionate about various areas of Internet culture. In addition to things that are advanced and necessary for the creation of new inventions, the store’s assortment includes various trinkets, for example, Minecraft-themed souvenirs.

The idea of ​​this business is to create unique custom perfumes. The company has its own fragrance recipes and invites customers to create new compositions. Everyone has the opportunity to be trained in the basics of creating perfumes. Special courses are held here for students planning to work in the perfume industry.

“Zombie Apocalypse Store”

This is a store in Las Vegas. The assortment of this store consists of everything that may be useful for survival if a zombie apocalypse occurs. Here you can purchase weapons effective against zombies, protective equipment, food supplies and many other things that will come in handy with the collapse of the existing order of things and social structure. Needless to say, the store is extremely popular among tourists, fans of the science fiction genre, and people who organize or plan to attend themed parties?

“Unclaimed Baggage Center”

This store sells items from lost and unclaimed luggage. A certain percentage of travel bags and suitcases never find their owners. After the airline has taken measures to find the owners of the luggage, forgotten and lost items are sent to a special storage facility. The clause in the contract between the airline and the passenger comes into force, according to which, after a specified time, the baggage is opened and the items are sent for sale.

These products make up the store's assortment. They are cleaned, processed and sold to everyone at a low price.

Currently, such sectors of the economy as large and small businesses are developing rapidly. It is difficult to imagine the life of Russians without cafes, restaurants, shops and cinemas. Most of these establishments belong to individual entrepreneurs and bring them a lot of income. Small business is very popular today. It includes many different areas and industries in which you can invest. The most common and profitable are the following: trade, service and entertainment, farming, online business, and so on.

You can open a successful business without investing a lot of money. currently in Russia, namely in Moscow? It is impossible to give a definite answer. Let's take a closer look at the most profitable business in Moscow. Moscow is the largest metropolis, where all areas of entrepreneurship are developed and there is very strong competition. Due to all this, the question arises of which ones are the most promising and are in great demand here.

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Main directions, documents for starting a business

Business in Moscow is not an easy matter.

The main ideas of entrepreneurship are as follows: a good idea might be to open your own store in Moscow, a cafe, or a restaurant.

A very profitable business in trading movable and immovable property. Having your own small beauty salon, including a hairdresser, will also be beneficial. Since Moscow is a very large city, the capital of our country, due to this it can become very relevant. In a big city there is always a shortage of natural and healthy products, and agriculture can solve all these problems.

Whatever business is organized, first of all, a new entrepreneur needs to register with the local tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option is the most optimal, since in this case you can save some money, and the number of papers to fill out will be less. It is necessary to keep in mind the fact that when registering as an individual entrepreneur, it will be possible to provide services only to individuals. To open your own business, you need to collect the necessary documents, namely the conclusion of the fire and sanitary-epidemiological services, local territorial property management.

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Opening your own store

You can start a business by creating your own store. It could be a grocery store, a clothing store, a jewelry store, a department store, or a large shopping center. The most profitable and profitable option is a grocery store. These establishments are in constant demand, so they bring regular profits to their owners. This is a very profitable business. The most important point in it is the creation of your business plan, which will clearly describe all further work. It should include: choosing a location, purchasing equipment, collecting the necessary documentation, determining a pricing policy, organizing operating hours, and so on.

The first step is to register with the Federal Tax Service. Then rent a room. Building a store from scratch is not recommended because it will require a lot of money. Obtaining permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service is of great importance. Grocery stores are public catering establishments, and they are closely monitored by the sanitary service. This is carried out in the form of preventive and ongoing sanitary supervision. During it, the compliance of the technological process and construction with regulatory documentation is determined. Planned events are held every 3 years.

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Purchase of equipment

What store can operate without equipment? Of course, there is no way without this. You will need: refrigeration equipment, display cases, shelving, food storage containers, cash registers, microwave ovens and similar equipment. But before this, you need to install all the necessary means of communication, namely electricity, heating, water supply, sewerage and waste disposal systems, air conditioning. Storage conditions for products, especially perishable ones, are of great importance.

To create a profitable business, you need to hire service personnel. The staff of the store should include a manager, a personnel manager, cashiers, a cleaner, a security guard, and a loader. All personnel must wear special clothing. Since food industry workers belong to a decreed group, they are required to check the availability of personal medical records, the frequency of medical examinations and tests. To do this, you need to decide on its location. The most profitable option is to locate it in central areas with busy traffic.

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Opening a farm

What business, besides shops, cafes and restaurants, is most profitable in Moscow? Your own farm outside the city can bring profit. There are very, very many options here. You can breed large and small cattle, poultry, rabbits, and pigs. In addition, growing agricultural crops (cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries) is popular. Beekeeping and reproduction with subsequent sale of flowers can bring great profits. The first thing you need to do is decide on the direction. Among other things, you can breed animals for several purposes: for selling young animals, for meat and other raw materials.

First you need to determine the scale of the farm and the number of livestock if you plan to breed it. All further work, expenses and profits will depend on this. If you raise cattle, you don’t need to build a farm from scratch; you just need to find an abandoned farm and rent the land. To buy livestock you will need a lot of money. One cow costs from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. A large amount of money will be spent on food and equipment. It will be necessary to purchase equipment for feeding feed, dispensers, and devices for removing and removing manure. In addition, you will need your own transport to sell products. You can sell meat, milk and other products both at the market and deliver them to nearby retail outlets and restaurants. But you need to know that purchase prices are often low. A large farm will require several workers: milkmaids, livestock specialist, manager, butcher, cleaner and, of course, a veterinarian. Animals require certain living conditions.