The best copywriting and rewriting exchanges, content for selling and buying texts. What are content exchanges, what are they and why are they needed Rating on a content exchange selling articles

Copywriting exchange site - the largest writing service SEO copywriting.

Only the best authors work on the copywriting exchange site. You can order SEO texts from the exchange's top copywriters. Get unique articles to fill your site with quality content. We will ensure the security of the transaction when ordering copywriting texts.!

  • General issues
  • Instructions

    Our exchange is the guarantor of the transaction between the customer and the contractor when ordering unique content. We have a lot of performers working on our site, and all of them have their own prices, depending on the reputation of the performer, the complexity of the order, the amount of work and many other factors.

    If you have no idea about prices, you can create an order without specifying a price, then many performers will respond to it and offer their own price for completing work on the order. You will only have to choose the artist with the optimal cost of work, while focusing on the number of positive reviews and the rating of the artist.

    This is excluded. Funds for the order are transferred to the contractor only at the time of acceptance of his work by the customer, i.e. you must personally confirm that the work suits you. If the contractor did not send the work on time, you can refuse it and return the funds for the order, and then choose another contractor for it.

    If you are not satisfied with the work sent by the contractor, you can send it for revision to the contractor or file a complaint with the internal Arbitration site. If your complaint is approved, the funds for the order will be returned to your account.

    The delivery time of the work is set by the customer when creating the order. The performers see the specified time and leave feedback if they manage to place an order on time. We recommend giving at least a day to complete the order. On average, a copywriter can write about 10,000 characters with spaces per day. If the order volume is more than 10,000 characters, you should give more time to complete.

    Yes, you can purchase ready-made texts in the Articles Store. There you will find articles on various topics and at an affordable price. You can also buy up-to-date news in our News Store.

    When choosing an artist, you can focus on:

    • Artist rating. A high rating indicates a great experience of the contractor on our service and a significant number of well-executed orders. Performers with a high rating perform the work efficiently and on time.
    • Reviews in his profile, a positive or negative assessment of other customers.
    • Artist profile. It usually describes the work experience and the topics preferred by the performer, and may also contain links to the work performed.
  1. One order can be given only to one performer. You can divide one large order into several smaller ones and give them to different contractors.

  2. Ordering text copywriting is easy and convenient. The process looks like this:

    • Publication of the order. This can be done even with a zero balance. You can choose a fixed order price or wait for bids from contractors.
    • Artist choice. Many will leave feedback on your order, signaling their readiness to work, you just have to choose the right contractor. You will be prompted to replenish the balance by the amount of the order if you do not have funds in your account.
    • Getting the finished text. The contractor sends you the work through the service. If you are satisfied with the work, then you accept it and the funds are credited to the contractor, but if the work does not suit you, you can return it for revision to the contractor or file a complaint with the Arbitration. In case of violation of the deadline for submitting the work (deadline), you have the right to refuse the contractor, in which case the funds will be returned to your account.

Making money by writing articles is much more profitable than, for example, or.

So here copywriting exchanges, content or articles, this is just the place where you can turn your writing gift (the main thing is that you have it) into real money.

List - top, best copywriting and rewriting exchanges for beginners:

Earnings on content exchanges are not limited to writing articles for sale, you can also earn money by rewriting.

Rewriting is a rewriting, rewriting of an existing text, but in your own words. Of course, rewriting articles is easier than writing them from scratch, do not forget about that moment if the topic of the ordered article is not familiar to you, you will have to spend some time getting to know it.

Another way to make money on content exchanges is paid comments on forums and blogs, usually 100-200 characters each.

But, nevertheless, writing unique, interesting articles will allow you to earn much more (about $ 5 per 1000 characters) than rewriting or paid comments on forums and blogs.

Earnings on writing and selling articles on the exchanges of articles (content) allows you to get a good income. Experienced writers can earn from articles from $500 per month.
True, for this you need to work daily in order to create a positive reputation among customers.

Content exchange Copylancer (KopiLancer) - with the most expensive payment for articles

A popular copywriting exchange with instant withdrawal of money to wallets of payment systems: WebMoney, Qiwi, to a bank card or mobile phone balance.

Copylancer is excellent for selling and buying articles, one of the best article stores where you can buy SEO-optimized selling text for your website.

Customers appreciate Copilancer for the opportunity of excellent quality at an affordable price, and performers for the high average price of 100 rubles per 1000 characters.


Advego Exchange of copywriting, content, articles

, one of the first copywriting exchanges that beginners learn about when they start looking for real Internet earnings, so there is a lot of competition among performers and it will be difficult for a novice author to get an order.

The customer of articles on Advego will appreciate the low prices for services: copywriting and translations (price from 25 rubles per 1000 characters) and rewriting (price from 15 rubles per 1000 characters).

Also, the resource is known for its program Advego Plagiatus (Advego Plagiatus) for checking the uniqueness of the text.

Registration of a performer on the Advego website is free and free.

On the Advego article exchange, there is a great opportunity not only to earn real money, but also to communicate on forums and blogs, learn from those who have achieved success and share their knowledge.


QComment - exchange of comments, reviews and social promotion

- combines two of the easiest ways to make money on the Internet without investments: actions in popular social networks (VKontakte, classmates) plus writing comments and reviews.

In terms of functionality, QComment does not differ from the characteristic boxes (although there are much more ways to earn money and types of tasks on the boxes).

However, the prices for tasks in QComment are usually twice as high as in regular boxes.
This is a big plus for beginners.

eText Content Exchange (ETXT)

The ETXT.RU website is a copywriting exchange where you can buy or sell an article.
On the Internet, mostly positive.
If we compare the ratio of negative reviews to good ones, then Etxt surpasses all other content exchanges in this regard.

Many advise this resource to beginners, because, unlike other services, all conditions for an easy start and quick career growth are created here.


Content exchange TEXT

TEXT.RU is an excellent exchange for, albeit not very large, but stable earnings on the Internet.
This exchange provides a huge number of orders, on any subject.
You can choose the one closest to you.
Money for completed orders is credited for a small commission and instantly.
The money earned by selling articles can be withdrawn to your Qiwi or WebMoney wallet.
Withdrawals are made instantly, without delay.


ContentMonster content exchange - unique content for your website

ContentMonster (ContentMonstr) - an adequate exchange of articles, an excellent source of unique content for customers, a stable source of income for performers, rapid growth in rating, easy to work, a small amount of deposit / withdrawal of money, a clear interface, error checking.


Content exchange SMART-COPYWRITING

SMART-COPYWRITING is a relatively new Internet service in the field of copywriting and rewriting. In general, a good exchange of articles for beginner copywriters.


Exchange of copywriting, content TextSale (TextSale), the best article store where you can buy ready-made articles cheaply

Website (exchange of articles) - In my opinion, the optimal exchange of articles for a beginner, this is one of the best places for easy money making by selling ready-made articles and texts.
Customers love TextSail for the opportunity to buy cheap ready-made articles for the site, in the resource article store, there are texts on almost any topic.


Workzilla and Kwork - freelance exchanges for beginners, remote work (vacancies) on the Internet for everyone.

Freelance exchange of remote work, the service allows the contractor and the customer to quickly find each other to perform simple tasks: design, site assistance, translation, advertising, information search, working with texts, writing articles, rewriting, copywriting, editing.

A new, not typical freelance exchange, the Russian analogue of fiverr, all tasks cost 500 rubles.
On Quark, you can quickly earn 500 - 1000 rubles a day, for 2-3 hours of work, without investment and deceit.

Hello, dear colleagues and readers. How much do you think you can earn on the content exchange? Some people easily make 500-1000 rubles in copywriting or rewriting in a few hours, while others hardly write an article and get much less. For beginners, experience comes with time, as does income growth. You just need to believe in yourself and improve your professional skills in order to get more money.

Immediately provide reference material about what and what he does.

Today we’ll talk about copywriting exchanges and making money on articles on the Internet will be just around the corner. How many projects do you know? I have compiled a whole list of exchanges for you, among which beginners and professional copywriters can find a lot of work. Let's watch.

15 exchanges for copywriters:

I also prepared especially for beginners.
I often come across the same question - which exchanges are the best for beginners in the field of making money online on texts? There is no universal answer here, everyone chooses individually. For example, I would first pay attention to Etxt, Advego and Contenthub. The ability will come in handy. If there is no such desire, then you can work in narrow topics.

Now let's take a closer look at the projects from the list.

Etxt is one of the largest copywriting exchanges on the internet. This is evidenced by the frequent updating of the order feed and the huge number of registered users - customers and contractors.

It's been a while since the screenshot was taken and the article was published, so don't be surprised if you see the numbers go up.

A decent amount of work for beginners and professionals is one of the main distinguishing features of the exchange. Naturally, the level of earnings can vary significantly.

The site has a tender system. In simple terms, several performers can apply for one order. The employer makes his own choice. The exceptions are individual orders and those that are configured to automatically accept an application that meets certain parameters.


  • Fulfilling orders, selling ready-made unique texts are the two main ways to earn money. In the first case, the price is set by the customer, in the second - by the author.
  • The minimum cost of 1 thousand characters is 5 rubles. Recommendation - good authors should immediately pay attention to prices from 20-30 or more.
  • Income can be increased by selling unique photographs. Their cost is determined by the author himself.
  • Withdrawal from 250 rubles to Webmoney (WM) is carried out within 5 working days with a commission of 0.8 percent. Earn this amount and more is possible during the day.
  • Replenishment is also available via WM. You can also do this through other payment systems, details in your personal account. Why replenish? Information for customers or copywriters who advertise their services in paid ways.

Job prospects

First you need to completely fill your profile with interesting and useful information when you register. Not everyone does this, so you can significantly increase your competitiveness and start focusing not on penny orders, but on more attractive ones.

The chances of getting expensive orders increase significantly with the passage. Also, it will not be superfluous to improve the level of skill in regular and SEO copywriting, rewriting, after passing the test. All results will be seen by customers.

A good reputation as a copywriter is the main “element” on the way to increasing income. This point is best understood from the beginning.

Text is a content exchange with a long history. Surely, it is already familiar to many who need to check the uniqueness, spelling in the text or the level of its optimization.

Along with the copywriting and rewriting exchange, there are article and news stores - a distinctive advantage of the project. What are the differences? In some, work is done to order, and in the second, you can sell or buy ready-made articles.


  • Writing articles to order or selling ready-made versions in stores are the main ways to make a profit.
  • 10-60 rubles for 1000 characters of text is the normal cost for an order. There are more and less.
  • A minimum of 100 rubles is required for withdrawal. It can be done on WMR, QIWI or make a cashless payment if you represent an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. Depending on the selected method, the commission can range from 0 to 5%.
  • The same systems are suitable for replenishment, plus among the options are Yandex Money, Alfa Bank, Sberbank, as well as Visa and MasterCard cards. Information in case you decide to use paid features or are a customer.

Job prospects

As with any serious project, the reputation of a copywriter can seriously affect income. You need to start taking care of her from the very beginning and at least fill in information about yourself first.

In addition to the options described above, the site can be recommended to other people as part of an affiliate program. You can earn money on this. How many? This already largely depends on you and the activity of your referrals (invited by your recommendation of users).


Advego is a large content exchange on the Internet. It is one of the first projects that I learned about when I first seriously thought about making money online. Judging by the information field in the "basement" (lower part of the site), the resource has existed since 2008.

If you pay attention to the counter, I see that there were almost 30 thousand visitors today, and it's still far from the end of the day. Naturally, among the visitors there are people who want to make money on creating content and purchase it.


  • Income is calculated in c.u.
  • The average cost of copywriting is about $2. Rewriting is easier to do and, accordingly, it is cheaper by about 2 times. Translation is about 1.5 times more expensive.
  • The exchange commission is 10 percent. For example, if an order for 100 USD is completed, the commission will be 10.
  • The conclusion, based on the currency of accrual of earnings, can be made on WMZ. It is also possible to make it on WMR or Qiwi wallet. You will need to collect at least 5 c.u.

Job prospects

At will and opportunities, you can increase income by participating in an affiliate program. Along with the implementation of classic orders, you can take part in the work of the article store. There, copywriters add unique content for sale, setting the desired price.

In general, the exchange has many services and opportunities for working and developing your financial potential. It makes sense to take the time to get to know them.


Copylancer is a Russian-language exchange of copywriting and ready-made articles. It has been working for a long time and managed to gain popularity among authors and employers.


  • About 30-70 rubles for 1000 signs, depending on the level of skill obtained.
  • 20% — project commission from the total amount of the order.
  • Money for work is withdrawn to WM. Transfers are made on business days.
  • From 120 rubles will be required for withdrawal.

Job prospects

The amount of income largely depends on the skill of the copywriter. There is something to strive for.

Employers and authors can participate in the affiliate program of the project. From each invited referral, you can get 40% of the system commission in the first year, 20 and 10% in the second and third, respectively.

text sale

TextSale is a promising content exchange. A huge number of finished articles for sale is one of its advantages. To open access to orders, you will need at least 1 star, indicating the quality of work. As an alternative - this access can be paid.


  • You need to collect 200 rubles to withdraw funds to a WM wallet.
  • 90% - the author's earnings after the sale of the article.
  • The rating of the author can significantly affect earnings.

Job prospects

Lifetime affiliate deductions in the amount of 2.5% of the referral's sales or purchases are an attractive competitive advantage of the project. Who has not yet earned in this way, I will say that a referral is a person who has followed a personal link issued on the exchange and registered.

Quality content is always in demand. You can prove to the employer that yours is one due to a high reputation. It develops over time.


ContentMonster is a highly specialized content exchange. Many professionals and just authors with a good style are well aware of it.

The system seriously controls the quality of texts. Therefore, not all beginners will be able to access. To start fulfilling orders, you will need to undergo testing, which will be verified by an expert.


  • Income is accrued in MR and MZ - the internal currency. These are the equivalents of rubles and dollars.
  • 60 rubles - the average cost of 1000 characters of written copywriting, 30 - the minimum.
  • 20% - exchange commission from the order value. Withheld only from copywriters.
  • 150 MR or 5 MZ is needed to withdraw money to WMR, WMZ. It is usually done within 3 working days after the application is submitted.

Job prospects

Not a few authors strive to get on this project. One of the reasons for this is obvious - you can make a very decent income. To increase income, you need to initially take care of the formation of a positive rating.

25% of the system commission for the financial activity of the customer invited as part of the affiliate program can be received for life. This is a huge plus. If the author has registered using the referral link, then the partner is entitled to 30 rubles if the invited person has successfully passed the test and submitted at least 3 orders.


TextBroker is a highly specialized and very serious bureau of professional copywriters. Their wages are high here.

The only thing is that beginners without experience cannot get here. To get started, you will need to confirm your professionalism. For example, show a good rating on your accounts in copywriting exchanges, customer reviews, portfolio. There is one exception - I'll talk about it later.

Typically, about 500 copywriters work on a project. To be among them is a great achievement. It's worth the effort. Look at the picture below.


  • 100-1000 rubles - the cost of one thousand characters.
  • $20 is the minimum payout.
  • To receive money, a wallet in the Webmoney system will be useful.

The intra-system dollar exchange rate at the time of writing is 50 rubles.

Job prospects

Now for the exception. There is a second way to get on the project - at the invitation of the customer. There is a nuance here - a copywriter invited in this way will be able to fulfill only his orders and will not be able to take others. Therefore, it is better to prove professionalism so that this restriction does not exist.


GodsOfContent is a serious project where some people can buy high quality articles and others can sell them. Earnings here are more suitable for experienced copywriters. You will need to pass a test to get a job.

To be honest, it surprises me a little when I find out that some professionals in their field or experienced freelancers do not know about GodsOfContent. In fact, you can make decent money there.


  • Writing informational, selling and other types of texts on order is the main type of work.
  • About $ 1.5-10 for every thousand characters without copywriting or rewriting gaps can be received by authors.

Job prospects

Attractive income figures? I think it is certain. As usual, the professional reputation of the “masters of the pen” is extremely important for the growth of profits and prospects.

55-70 percent of the service income can be earned by attracting active customers. To get this opportunity, you will need to register as a customer.


Contenthub is a copywriting exchange with ample opportunities for earning. Informative and intuitive interface greatly facilitates the first acquaintance and work with the project as a whole. It makes sense to pay attention to both experienced users and beginners.


  • Writing articles to order, working as a proofreader are the key areas for receiving remuneration for work.
  • To expand your job prospects, you need to pass a test.
  • Available orders can usually be taken immediately.
  • Payouts to Webmoney. Minimum - 100 WMR.

Job prospects

Along with the above, the expansion of financial horizons is facilitated by the existence of an investment fund. Investments are accepted from 100 rubles.

3% is the size of the partner's remuneration. It is calculated from the amount of money withdrawn by the invited copywriter, which he earned on direct orders received from the system.


Miratext is a reputable content exchange for websites. Here you can get money for unique copywriting, rewriting, articles in foreign languages. It is also worth highlighting press releases, analytical and selling texts. Another interesting nuance is that poems and fairy tales can also be in demand.


  • In the profile settings, you can specify WMR, Qiwi and Yandex wallets.
  • There is no minimum withdrawal amount. Payment is usually made within 1 business day.
  • There is a bonus program under which MiraCupcakes can be credited to the author. They can be changed, for example, to increase the balance on the account in other systems, promotional codes.

Job prospects

Successful completion of test tasks will be useful on the path of financial development. Where without an assessment of professionalism? After all, high-quality articles are worth good money.

There is a referral program. If you attract a customer, you will earn 75, 50 and 25% of the system's profit, which was received as a result of his activity in the first, second and subsequent months, respectively.


TurboText is one of the most popular content exchanges in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. You can work within the framework of copywriting, rewriting, translations and some other areas. Testing is provided for authors.


  • Fulfill orders, sell content in the store - ways to earn income.
  • Payouts to WMR from 50 rubles. They take place on Mondays.
  • Around 70 rubles is the average price of copywriting, 49 - rewriting, 98 - translations from a foreign language.

Job prospects

Up to 30% of the commission system received from the attracted referral is charged to the partner. There is a nuance - if the invited person is the customer, then up to 30 percent, and if the performer, then 5%.


SniperContent is a copywriting exchange with a narrow professional focus. A distinctive plus is that customers can not only purchase texts here, but also receive services for their placement on websites.


  • Only 20 rubles are needed for payment. It is carried out on WMR within 3 days (working).
  • 10% of the performers' earnings - project commissions.

Job prospects

In view of the foregoing and, given the relatively low competition among copywriters on the site, the project should be looked at by beginners. It is not worth postponing the "acquaintance" as such working conditions may also appeal to professionals.

25% of the system income resulting from the activity of invited users can be earned by participating in the affiliate program.


Textovik is a "young" and promising copywriting exchange. In the news of the project at the beginning of last year, I see information that it was launched in beta mode.

Despite the small age, I note the good activity of users on its pages - I see the regular addition of orders on the exchange itself and new articles in the store. If I were newbies, I would definitely take a closer look at the site. The current rates, I think, will also please professional authors very much.


  • There is a store of ready-made articles and orders for writing specific texts.
  • Access to orders depends on the status. There are 3 of them - a beginner, an experienced user, a professional. The first have access to orders of 5-50 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces, the second - 50-100, the third - from 100.
  • Funds are withdrawn to Webmoney.

Job prospects

Even as a beginner, the pay can be quite decent. Of course, for its growth, you will need to successfully pass the test and maintain your own reputation at the proper level.

My Publication

My-Publication is a very interesting exchange for copywriters with a lot of opportunities for professional development. I note that the budgets of various projects may not be small.


  • Both one-time orders and vacancies for permanent cooperation are received in the event feed on the exchange.
  • With the growth of the author's intrasystem reputation, among other things, the chances of obtaining more expensive works increase.

Job prospects

Looking for more expensive one-time jobs, earning a rating is, of course, good and leads to development in professional and financial terms. There is something to strive for. If you want to cooperate on an ongoing basis, then you can look at the relevant vacancies.


NeoText is a good exchange with attractive pay for authors who create quality texts. The project has been on the content market for a long time and is characterized on the positive side.


  • Articles are sold through the store at the desired prices or created to order according to the terms of reference from the employer.
  • 1000 characters cost from 0.4 to 4.6 dollars, depending on the level of the copywriter. It is assigned automatically based on customer ratings for finished work.
  • Withdrawal from 7 dollars to WMZ. Deadline - up to 3 business days.

Job prospects

Accessing orders over $4 for standard text is a great goal. If you do everything right and write popular texts, then you can get a good profit for selling them in the store.

The first steps in making money on stock exchanges

The competition among copywriters is great. It can be difficult for aspiring authors to land attractive jobs in the beginning.

Walking through the expanses of various content exchanges, I notice the same shortcomings in individual authors. Because of them, many good orders simply do not go to beginners, leaving for other people. Guess what it's about?

Especially for beginners to make money on stock exchanges, I recorded a short video. In it, I will talk about individual nuances, first steps and typical mistakes that reduce the chances of getting more money.

What can you say about the information in general? After all, there is where to turn around and something to think about.

If you seriously decide to make money normally by creating texts, then the question will still arise about. In principle, you can learn all your life, but you should start by studying quality lessons.

Finally, I’ll open another interesting nuance - can you already imagine how much copywriters earn in numbers? Additional information about this is contained.

Thank you for your attention. I wish you success and, perhaps most importantly, simple human happiness. Until communication.

Where does a novice author come with no work experience? That's right, to the copywriting exchange! No matter how they scold exchanges, they are almost the only option for beginners. No one will take you to a well-paid position if you know about network texts only by hearsay. Exchanges do not require a CV and portfolio. Can work there and a schoolboy, and a pensioner, and a housewife on maternity leave.

If you are just starting your journey in copywriting, we advise you not to rush headlong into big business, but first work on such resources. They will get off to a good start. You will find out what topics are relevant, fill your hand, learn communicate with customers and get used to deadlines. In the future, it’s up to you to decide how to build a career, but for now, it’s enough to choose a suitable exchange, register an account on it, take the text to work and enjoy the first successes.

What income can you expect?

Profit at a distance always depends only on your efforts. Exchanges are no exception. The harder you work, the higher the pay will be. Each exchange is based on a rating system: at first, the participant earns little, and then his income gradually becomes more and more. The main thing is to be active and conscientiously follow the TOR.

The problem with exchanges is that there are price ceiling. If an independent author increases the cost at his own discretion and over time can receive fabulous fees, then on an average exchange it is unrealistic to earn more than 200-300 rubles per 1000 characters. At the same time, you need to start with 20-35 rubles for the same volume and go to increase for many months. Not everyone has the patience.

Good news: it is really possible to accelerate your growth if you choose a suitable site. For experienced copywriters, it is no secret that some exchanges encourage authoring potential, while others are trying in every possible way to please customers and maintain financial stagnation. Therefore, you need to find a place that suits your level and will bring at least minimal, but benefit.

TOP 10 best copywriting exchanges

To make it easier for you to navigate, we decided to compile the TOP 10 best copywriting exchanges in descending order. Let's see which one is worth practicing your writing skills on.

10. Text Sale.

Judging by the first impression, this exchange has much more disadvantages than advantages. After reading the reviews about it, we made several conclusions.

A big problem TextSale is a supermarket system with no alternative. A novice author cannot choose an order. In return, he is invited to write an article on any topic, put it in the public domain and wait until it is bought. This is convenient for customers, but complicates the work of performers. There is no guarantee that the article will not be lost among others, of which there may be hundreds a day. It turns out that people work in vain.

Advertising their services also does not save. On TextSale, you can get a place for an ad on the main page for 50 rubles per day, but many people use it. Therefore, your sign will most likely not be noticed.

The biggest disadvantage of TextSale emerges from this - dumping. Here he just rolls over. If you have a few good articles, don't even try to sell them right off the bat for a decent price. You will have to artificially knock down the cost so that at least someone pays attention to them. And if you already find a customer who will be ready to cooperate with you bypassing the exchange commission, you may be banned.

But TextSale also has its advantages. It is popular, you can try your hand at it and it does not require special skills. For very "green" beginners - great, for more or less experienced guys - already undignified.

9. Advego.

Many started with the famous Advego, and it still causes pleasant nostalgia among most copywriters, but objectively the exchange is not ideal. It is similar to TextSale in many ways. They were created at about the same time and they have almost identical advantages and disadvantages. You can't say anything new, except that Advego has good ones, as well as great loyalty to personal work with customers. But if the client suddenly complains, you will instantly fly into the ban.


The Etxt exchange combines a content store and free orders. It seems to be more pleasant than its predecessors, but its weak link is the price. Sometimes there are suggestions. 5 rubles per 1000 characters. Another drawback is the rigid rating system, which is given a lot of attention. Customers from there will always prefer a person with a large number of “stars” under a nickname to a nameless newcomer.

But Etxt also has strengths. Copywriters who worked there say that the administration treats the performers favorably. Although the principle of "the customer is always right" applies to all cheap exchanges, moderators from Etxt will not turn a blind eye to a clear injustice. Also a clear plus is a cozy interface. It seems to be a trifle, but if you are going to work on the site every day, it is important that its design is not an eyesore.

Is it possible to earn a lot on Etxt? Hardly. Treat this resource as a launching pad and use it for experience. Over time, you will want to find a more profitable place.

7. Copylancer.

There are conflicting opinions about "Copilancer". Most of the complaints come down to modest prices and harsh requirements of the administration. The first immediately catches the eye. Order rates for low and high levels do not differ much. Relatively speaking, the cost of a text for beginners is 30 rubles per thousand characters, for old-timers - 60. Does it make sense to strive to get to the top?

A free order cannot be taken into work immediately. You need to leave a request, and the client will decide whether to transfer it to you or not. Leave applications for 10 texts - there may either be no response, or 9 out of 10. This, in fact, chains the copywriter to the chair and forces him constantly monitor the site so as not to suddenly earn a delay.

However, the "Copilancer" has serious advantages. One of them is arbitration. If for some reason the customer did not like your work, you can complain to the administration and she will judge you. They say that adequate people sit in the moderators of "Copilancer".

6. Turbotext.

Far from the worst option for beginners. One might even say optimal. You will definitely not be left out of work: there are several dozen free orders on the stock exchange. Topics are varied and interesting: law, design, cooking, construction, beauty and health, product descriptions. Thanks to TurboText, you can collect a solid portfolio and decide on the direction of further work.

To get to TurboText, you need to write a simple test task on the proposed topic. Often these topics involve philosophical questions such as: "Do you believe in life after death?". The test is evaluated on a five-point scale. If you pass it to the top five, you will open all the possibilities of the exchange. No - you will be content with cheaper orders and microtasks.

For beginners, there are orders for 60 and even 80 rubles per 1000 characters. Darkens everything 20% commission, but characters are counted with spaces. So, this flaw is slightly compensated.


But this exchange already has more pluses than minuses. And it's not just a convenient service for checking texts. supports mutually beneficial cooperation between customers and contractors. Prices per thousand characters are not extortionate. They depend on the rating, which is earned in multiple ways: well-executed orders, participation in competitions, answers to quizzes, etc. People who worked there say that you can get 20,000 rubles a month, working 3-4 hours a day. day. Not bad!

To successfully linger on, you need follow the rating. Make a mistake - 2000 points can be withdrawn from you and you will return to penny orders again.

4 Monika.

The first thing that attracts attention is tasteful interface. It does not look like "hello from zero", the options are clear, all the most important is highlighted in bright color. It can be seen that the designers did their best.

"Monica" invites the new participant to choose one topic with which he will work for the next couple of months. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. On the one hand, you can pump well in a complex topic (say, IT or medicine), on the other hand, there is no diversity. If you don't want to get hung up on one, it's better to combine Monica with another exchange or custom orders.

It is also important that "Monica" rejects negligent workers. This means that you will have few competitors. No bloody struggle for a single order and a minimum of dumping.

And now we come to the top three...

3. Miratext.

Bronze goes to the glorious Miratext exchange. If you don't have any work experience but are really good at writing, this is the place for you. They always welcome good employees and are ready to appreciate their efforts.

On Miratext you need pass the required exam consisting of a test and a written assignment. When you pass it, you will notice that the technical requirements on the exchange are mostly adequate, without a “sheet” of requirements. Customers go towards copywriters, not forcing the latter to spend several hours adjusting “nausea” or “wateriness”.

This is not to say that the exchange is perfect in every respect. If you are planning a big career, sooner or later you will become crowded within Miratext. But as first steps it is more than suitable.

2. Smart copywriting.

The second place in our TOP-10 is rightfully earned by the Smart Copywriting exchange. It justifies its name: smart people who can work effectively and sell their services are welcome there.

Smart Copywriting is not like an exchange in the traditional sense. It's more of a site that hosts jobs for copywriters. Many proposals are designed for long-term cooperation (for example, write 50 texts for an online store). Under most of them is the contract price. This is very good for independent authors who know the value of their work.

The only small minus is the rating system where seats are bought. This can influence the decision of the customer, who prefers mediocrity with a high position to a talented newcomer. But, fortunately, people often come to the exchange who look at real skills, and not at numbers.

1. TextBroker.

And the famous copywriting agency TextBroker becomes the first in our ranking. It is at least head and shoulders above all other exchanges. TextBroker is not just a temporary shelter, but a full-time job with good pay. Many authors stay there for several years, simultaneously fulfilling individual orders and working for other studios.

To get into TextBroker, you need to have a good background. At a minimum, you must have some strong lyrics. When registering, the administrator will ask you for examples of articles or the name of an account on some other exchange. There is no need to pass the test task - you will be accepted (or not accepted) immediately after the test.

When entering TextBroker, remember that this place is not for everyone. There are no need for empty accounts. Inactive users are banned, as well as those who overdue orders. Therefore, you will have to periodically appear at the bureau, even if you are busy with other orders.

However, the difficulties are worth it. Local old-timers not only earn from 300 to 700 rubles per 1000 characters, but also receive powerful support. TextBroker administrators know literally every member by sight. If a copywriter succeeds in any subject, he is helped to find other paying clients. Become a valuable asset and you will forget what unemployment is.


Each of the exchanges is good and bad in its own way. When choosing, try to focus on your own strengths, and not on other people's value judgments. Don't be discouraged if you failed to pass the test in a closed copywriting community. Perhaps you need to improve skills on an easier resource. And, of course, value yourself. If you see that you are being treated unfairly, find another place to work.

Copywriting, rewriting and SEO copywriting exchanges are becoming more and more popular with freelancers every day. After all, life does not stand still, and working on the Internet today is a sought-after business. People are not surprised if another acquaintance becomes a freelancer. If you want to switch to working on the Internet, you should take a closer look at several sites of copywriting exchanges - it’s easier to start with them for a person who wants to devote himself to intellectual work, and not like and repost for a penny. Copywriting on the Internet is a popular area of ​​remote work.

8 best copywriting and rewriting exchanges

Work on the copywriting exchange should be carried out on 2-3 useful resources, so you should not pounce on sites one by one. Let's look at the best copywriting exchanges for making money.

Copywriting exchangeEtxt with high pay for beginners

In 2019, the Etxt copywriting exchange is popular among copywriters. It and

It’s understandable: a lot of orders accumulate here every day, and prices are not limited in any way - write 5 rubles per thousand characters or 200 rubles. The exchange has a clear interface, so you don’t have to spend a lot of time trying to figure it out, and if something remains unclear, you are invited to contact the feedback - they promptly answer questions.

To get started on the site, it is advisable to pass a literacy test, if you answer 7 out of 10 questions correctly, tasks from 25 rubles per 1000 characters will be available. To take on expensive tasks, you need to pass qualification tests and get stars. This is also the best exchange for ordering articles.

Copywriting and rewriting exchange Advego

Once the Advego copywriting exchange headed the top copywriting exchanges, but in 2019 it is no longer so popular. This was due to the fact that the prices for tasks do not increase. You can earn here both in rubles and in dollars. You can also earn money by completing simple tasks, for example, subscribe to social networks, leave comments, and so on. Just like on Etxt, it is allowed to sell articles. Therefore, the exchange criteria are almost the same, it is impossible to single out the one on which articles are sold faster.

Exchange of rewriting and copywriting Text

Most often, people come to this site to check the text for uniqueness. In addition, this a rewriting exchange that allows you to increase earnings on copywriting and rewriting, there are many tasks, prices are not limited. To get the job, you need to prove to the customer the benefits offered. Rating plays a role - it is awarded for completing tasks and filling out a profile, passing a resource knowledge test, adding materials to a portfolio and posting articles.

Well-known article exchange TextSale

This resource differs from those listed above in that there are no tasks in the public domain.
To find customers, you need to pay the amount. The site is convenient for selling content. The Textsale exchange is suitable for those authors who prefer to write on their favorite topics, to be free-floating, and not to adapt to the requirements of the customer. You can earn a lot here if you post a lot of articles. But it is better to use this Internet resource as an additional one and complete tasks on other sites.

TurboText is a convenient exchange for copywriters

To get started here on writing articles, authors take a 15 literacy test
questions, write a test article-essay with a size of 1000 characters. After successfully passing the essay (for grade 4 or 5), orders up to 60 rubles are available. After completing several orders (on average 30), the level of the copywriter rises, the cost of orders also increases accordingly. There is also an opportunity to perform mini-tasks, these are the same comments, registrations, likes.

Freelance Exchange ContentMonster

Registration takes place in several stages: phone verification, literacy test and
writing an essay on your favorite topic. In general, it takes about 40 minutes, in addition, you need to wait for the administrator to check the essay.

Everything is the same as on previous exchanges - you submit an application, it is approved, the task must be completed, and payment must be received. There are 5 "steps of the career ladder" on the stock exchange, from beginner to master. The higher the level, the more tasks are available, the prices also increase.

CopyLancer - exchange for ordering content

Here you can both write your own articles for sale, as well as
and fulfill orders. At first, the earnings will be small, since the rating is low and some amount will be spent on checking the text by the editor. But with due diligence, the transition to a new level happens very quickly, and it will be possible to earn much more. The exchange is ideal for selling content.

Miratext is a website for buying/selling high quality content

If we consider new copywriting exchanges, Miratext should be noted. Get there the most difficult of all the sites listed above, but the fee for the tasks justifies all the difficulties. This is where the best writers are. First you need to pass a literacy test, then a test for knowledge of the rules of the exchange, and the third point is writing an article on a given topic. After being admitted to orders, a copywriter can take orders from 40 rubles per 1000 characters. At first, editors will charge 7 rubles per 1,000 characters for checking texts. There are not so many tasks on the exchange, but the pay is decent.

These resources are the best copywriting and rewriting exchanges in 2019. Each of them deserves attention.

Feedback on copywriting exchanges

As for me, I prefer Etxt and Turbotext, despite the bad reviews about the latter. The ranking of the best copywriting exchanges in 2019 also guarantees a stable income on Etxt. There is only one conclusion - this is a convenient service with a diverse set of orders, to find a task to your liking. The Turbotext exchange is interesting because there is no need to wait for the approval of the application - choose any task and complete it. There is a tender - offer a price for completing the task. Miratext did not like the fact that there are too few tasks, and if profitable orders come across, then another copywriter can quickly take him to work. If you make money by writing articles on free topics for sale, then it is better to consider two exchanges - Etxt, Textsale or Advego. Without exaggeration, these are the best article exchanges.

A comparison of exchanges showed that each of them has distinctive features, attractive and repulsive sides, and it is up to the copywriter to choose which site to work on. If you are interested in a copywriting exchange, reviews on sites will help you decide whether to work, tell you the pros and cons.
The projects described above are the best content exchanges. There are less popular article exchanges. For example, ContentMonster and CopyLancer. There are significantly fewer orders here than on Advego or Etxt, but you can do it if you wish.